For me, it's Mute. >Cosmosphere DLC never ever
For me, it's the sisters.
I really just like Nagi Ryou's art style. I don't think they've done a lot recently.
Best game?
>>3599116Images that you can smell
>>3599230what does Cloche smell like?
>>3600143Like a Dive Therapy junkie.
>Rights issues.>Tsuchiya being stuck to menial jobs after the failure of his cellphone game.Ar Tonelico being stuck in limbo forever.
Polite reminder that Luca is a whore and a slut.
>The Simpsons predict Ar Tonelico 5
Is it true that Akira Tsuchiya said something about Ar Tonelico in a recent tweet?Please give me hope
>>3600538Every time. Post the pasta, I want to remember it.RIP /jp/ Gust threads.
>>3603757i don't have the pasta but here's a relevant image to tide you over
>>3603529>Is it true that Akira Tsuchiya said something about Ar Tonelico in a recent tweet?>Please give me hopeBump
>please google this for meno.
>>3600143cocaine and cocaine accessories
>>3600143Slightly corroded bronze
>>3603529>Is it true that Akira Tsuchiya said something about Ar Tonelico in a recent tweet?Please give me hopeBump x2
>>3599126I didn't realize he's the artist behind dodonpachi. Now I need to play it.
>>3600143Like low tide at a pier also as far as taste goes wet salty pennies.
>>3598068just need to fix the face and it's awlriiiiight
>>3598068That's a man
>>3615863Possibly meant to be a reyvaroid. See, the gimmick of AT3 had reyvateils that share their cosmosphere with Wills of the Planet. We see this with Saki and Finnel. But then we also have Cocona, a returning character from AT2, who was posing as a human male.Then there's Mute, who's father was Dr.Laud (Loud) from AT2 as well. Technically this "pumped" version of Mute is just song magic Dr.Laude had given her. >Laude dived into his own daughterBut Laude was also incharge of the human evolution project that aimed to create a slave race to be controlled by humans with imbedded crystals. And Laude already had crystal. The question is, who or what was he controlling. I suspect that Mute's "Cutepump" song magic was trojan horse Laude would have controlled if he were still around. Laude had gone to Metafalica to study the I.P.D. reyvateils, such as Cocona, and the structure of their Cosmosphere. The gimmick of the Reyvateils in AT2 were that they didn't have mind guardians. I mean, the mind guardians we saw weren't natural mind guardians in any case.
>>3617378I've always felt that AT3's story was incomplete. The Reyvaroid we see was using an Antibody and Gengai. Gengai just happened to be Cocona's mentor when she arrived at the 3rd tower. It felt like there should have been a greater significance attached to that. There's also suppose to be a Reyvateil's cosmosphere. But we never learn who's it belonged to. But I suspect it was Cocona, Mute, or Akane. Akane, btw, had that monkey looking Antibody, Kukuro. Which they don't explain all that well. I think. I think. I think, maybe, the reyvaoid we saw was meant to be made up of Mute's Cosmosphere, Akane's antibody familiar, and then Gengai in some scenario where they he was replacing Tatsumi (Cocona) when her true identity is exposed.
AT3 was also lacking in Teru tribe members. Jack, from AT1, appears but he's kind of useless. I mean, they could have replaced him with anyone. In retrospect, the human evolution project not factoring Teru Tribe members seems like a big oversight. Unless the Antibodies were meant to replace the Teru Tribe. It just seemed weird to me that Akane had a "familiar" and nobody really questioned it. Since familiars are kind of a Teru tribe thing. Unless Akane was meant to be part Teru as well?I mean, she's got silver hair. Plus, a katana. So she's like Ayatame.
>>3617412I wouldn't be surprised is Luphan was meant to be a gender swap version of Akane.
Looks like Ciel Nosurge english patch is coming out in a month or two. The guy responsible for it has now blocked his twitter for some reason.
>>3617933Because when they announced it this was listed in the patch notes and twitter didn't take it well.
>>3617933Shame Ciel Nosurge doesn't work on the emulator.
>>3599126I love his style too. Makes me kinda sad people dunked on his stuff in that old VN remake that he worked on, though I understand their complaint.
>>3619342I think the designs for AT are generally great, but they were a terrible choice for the remakes they were put in charge of, Langrisser especially. I don't know if Nagi has done fantasy stuff that isn't a remake of something else but from what I've seen it seems like they do a much better job with sci-fi designs than fantasy ones.But there's also something to be said for how their art hasn't really evolved at all over the last 20 years.
>>3618082The results of moving Reyvateil's Melody (An ongoing Ar Tonelico fansite) to Discord.It's funny how Aquagon (the guy in-charge for the patch) is a lore autist and purist but allows this shit.
At1 and at2 were pretty badass. Old gust was like peak jrpg times.Though the scat scene was weird AF
>>3619678>It's funny how Aquagon (the guy in-charge for the patch) is a lore autist and purist but allows this most other autists, he went tranny.
>>3622184AT3 cosmosphere is where I draw the line.
>>3625337>>3622184AT3 comes across as one of the weakest entries (weird 3d gameplay that tries to imitate Tales, reyvateils with multiple personalities instead of costumes, AT1 and AT2 crossovers that went to nowhere) and it's made worse that's supposed to be the grand finale of Ar Ciel.
>>3625408I'll argue that AT3 has the best hymmnos of the trilogy but everything from the presentation, gameplay and story (looking it from a standalone package). >AT1 and AT2 crossoversI must be living under a rock. What's this you're referring to?
>>3598068>38 posts in 34 days
>>3603757>RIP /jp/ Gust threads.Ah the good old days.
>>3626772Imo, AT3's connections to AT2 and AT1 is less than impressive given how it's supposed to be a Grand Finale.I don't expect some kind of Infinity War-style crossover where almost everyone from AT1 and AT2 appears but it's disspointing when compared to how AT2 did where Jakuri manages to both a major player in the story but also a walking connection to the previous game whether through her references or that the cameo had a proper impact to the main plot at the end of the game.Cocona was hyped to be major player in AT3 but her impact in the story was minimal. Neither is Jack and Kruche's pointless appearance. I could be wrong though since it has been a long time since I've played the game.
Marrying Cocona.
>>3627046Reminder that her brother canonically penetrated her
>>3600538>>3603757>>3603788I'm sorry, but has Luca even engaged in sexual intercourse? Oh, that’s right. She hasn't even made contact with a man outside of dive therapy. In fact, it’s only therapy involving fields for soothing. Does not having a cliche tsundere personality make you a slut? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is already finished and we know for certain she is pure? Luca has to go up against one of the sluttiest reyvateils in Ar Ciel who just happened to have a lead because she was praying on Croix's innocence. But you know what? Cloche is still a whore. Luca is the best heroine in all three games, she has the best songs. Luca has already won Croix over, she would have done it sooner if it wasn't for her tragedy with her sister throwing her for a mental loop. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Luca is proven a better waifu than any other in AT2. Cloche tries to latch on to anyone who would have shown her a different and free life. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Luca topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like a heroine because they’re canonically pure. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking idiots on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
So what's your favorite hymnos?