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Is this game worth finishing? The ugly environments and repetitive battles are getting to me but I kind of like the characters.
Finish for Tiara
The last and perhaps only good compile heart game
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Well, it turns out I was a fucking retard.
Combat was a slog in part because I didn't know you could fast forward through animations and in part because I hadn't spent any WP and had just been lazy as fuck. Been years since I played any JRPG.
Graphics wise, it turns out the game was running off my integrated card and looked and ran like shit. I thought the graininess and 15FPS was just how the game was. It's now smooth 60fps and looks halfway decent now since I made it use my GPU and turned on "Quality" preset in Adrenalin.
My 6700XT is at 40-60% utilization on average while I'm ingame with consistent 60fps. Surprising the game is that demanding.
>Surprising the game is that demanding.
This is just a Compile Heart issue. Most of the Switch ports, including this game, are practically unplayable despite them looking like PS2 games.
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But power rangers.
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Lmfao, Fang is pist.
Ok I love this game. going to 100% it probably
I remember playing the original and stopping. Can I swap my save to the newest ADF?
You have to finish it 3 times unironically, there are 3 completely different story routes (each with different villains and allies), just google the reqs, so that you don't waste time.
Isn't it just where you pull swords from?
What order should I play them in?
And how the fuck do you hide text
Goddess > Vile God > Evil Goddess.

The first 2 can be accessed for first play through because it only requires you to pull more swords from one side than the other but the third one requires you to pull all swords before the ritual plotline, which you won't have enough fairies to do.
no compile heart game is worth your money let alone your time
I'd like to know that as well.
I dropped it twice due to unrelated circumstances (shitty keyboard controls on PC, inconvenient save menu on console.), but keep coming back to it.
It's typical CHslop where the game is so average and low budget it's actually bad.
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Tiara is adorable.
How the fuck do you hide the text bar???
You can't.
Wait, you're not playing with the dub are you?
Not him, but it's the best dub out of all Compa games. They voiced the whole game, every single line, and the actors are all famous (by now), it was a lightning in a bottle moment.
I know that, but if you're going to play an anime game, you may as well go full weeb and use the sub.
NTA, but unless the dub is actively bringing the game down you still have dubtitles anyway.
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I am alternating between the dub and Japanese. The dub is good.
But that is not the reason for my question, I want to be able to take screencaps of cutscenes and CGs without anything in the way. Seems the only way to do it is to use Stop but then you have the "Stop" in the right hand corner. Example - pic related.
Oh well. Just seems crazy you can't hide all menu elements.
It’s not fully dubbed. Some scenes are still only voiced in Japanese.
Skill issue, none of my screenshots have STOP over them. But I forgot how I did it. Maybe you just press B/Circle/cancel?
Why are girls like this?
If you're very fast you can snap the CGs when they first appear on the screen, there's a window of a second or so where there's no menu element on the screen. That's my guess as to how you did it.
Why do normalfags constantly ask permission for everything?
Haven't you grown up yet from asking your parents or teacher for permission to go to the bathroom?
>My 6700XT is at 40-60% utilization on average while I'm ingame with consistent 60fps. Surprising the game is that demanding.
As weird as it sounds, % usage does not equal actually stressing your hardware.
Look at your temps, if they are almost as chilly as idle then your GPU is not boosting at all and is barely sweating over running the game.
The "normal" way westoid games use processing power that force GPU boosting at all times but barely use 20% is actually the wrong and unoptimized way to do it because it wastes watts and increases temps for no reason.
its a more common problem than you think
i see normalfags ask all the time "should i play x? should i watch x?" etc
dunno why the fuck that is

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