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Or is it going to be another flop and kill squeenix?
How retarded do you have to be to care about anything square enix makes? These are the worst most bottom of the barrel entry level jrpgs you can play and always have been.
i didn't play 16 and i'm not gonna play 17. series is deader than dead.
But... Lightning and eye patch...?
Sir, it has two Zelda logos as logo!
I can't say before I've played it and seen some genuine reactions and sales. I disregard the usual doomposting on /v/.

Is there any information on the game out yet?
Don't samefag OP
Square Enix is a publisher not a developer. Their games could all be shit and they'd still have revenue from non-vg sales. They're not going anywhere.
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>They're not going anywhere.
They lost 2 billion dollars in market value last year alone and there is absolutely zero doubt they will restructure the company.(again) Even their mobile games are underperforming and being shut down en masse. Almost all of their planned upcoming releases have been cancelled. Do young people even give a shit about final fantasy? Does anyone 25 or under even know what it is?
What do you even do with Final Fantasy at this point? Capcom has a similar problem with Monster Hunter at this point, where they've done pretty much everything you can do with the system. So, they either can keep making spinoffs and spiritual successors or just keep milking it every once in a while.
Also, is that the main character? Is she supposed to be a pirate? She looks more like a fashion model. My autism acts up when a character's appearance doesn't fit. You can still make a woman /fit/ and attractive like picrel.
>What do you even do with Final Fantasy at this point?
You could've asked that at any point during the last 30 years
No. Let's hope it kills squeenix
>What do you even do with Final Fantasy at this point?
Let it end.

Look, FF is dead. Some would say it died with XII, some with XIII and some with XV but everyone would agree that it´s been for a while. They fucked over their established fan base when the company switched directions, the artists that gave the IP it´s identity are long gone either working on other companies or on their way to retirement (I mean, Uematsu is like 65) and the new blood don´t know what the fuck they are doing.

For better or worse talent is just not interchangeable and all talent left them. They are not Squaresoft and at this point not even SquareEnix anymore. They are just some mid company carrying the brand name. It happens all the time. Bioware, Naughty Dog, CDPR and probably every other company out there are probably the same. Just because they were once great it doesn´t mean they´ll always be.
They should make a love letter to the ff series. A return to form. Return to the four niggas in a row turn based format. Do that but with high budget graphics and good writing. Stop making mediocre action game with "HOLD X" gameplay.

Why not just do the old ff route of starting small with a couple of niggas witchu, some banger initial conflict, then exploring the vast world, collecting new niggas to your crew, unlocking a boat, unlocking an airship, finding hidden islands in the world map. Have a good card game. Have summoners and dragoons. Kill a god at the end.
Uh, it's called final...
>Look, FF is dead. Some would say it died with XII, some with XIII and some with XV but everyone would agree that it´s been for a while.
Started dying at X, and having two MMO as main-numbered titles didn't help either.
Look, it's a.i. Lighting.
Market value isnt real money.
FF is kill. I was the most rabid FF fanboy around until FFXIII and have slowly given less of a fuck each game, lately I tried the demo for FFXVI and it's fucking awful. If that's the direction SE are headed they're dead.
>I was the most rabid FF fanboy around until FFXIII and have slowly given less of a fuck
What is that, two decades ago already? No shit you're no longer as invested
Right, it's the 20 years and not the fact they've made shit games that have now deviated into entirely different genres.
not him but i dont think saying you were into FF 20 years ago has the impact you think it does
Unless they make it anime-style, tell Sweetbaby and all other consultants to fuck off, and make the conscious effort to give it the soul and charm of their classics, then not a chance in hell.
Then what the fuck are you even discussing, fool. Final Fantasy 13, 15 and 16 have the least amount in common between themselves and the rest of the series. Nobody is thinking of those games when they talk about saving FF.
Ill never understand the boring anime sloppa fans. Every jrpgs nowadays has the same boring anime look that is the japanese equivalente of western stock photo corporate artstyle
FF should Go back to its ff1 roots, and being to life an intense globe trotting Dungeon crawling adventure. They also could try out some new, anime-inspired styles, as long as they arent the boring anime slop we see in current jrpgs.
Remember when everyone thought Agni's Philosophy was going to become Final Fantasy XVI, and instead they both become some generic sloppa?
Why would you think that trailer in pic related is gonna have a different fate?
Really depends on how you see it
No it won't kill Square Enix. They will continue to make mediocre games and be surprised that they "did not meet expectations". We are never returning to the good old days. Final Fantasy is dead. Let it go.
SquareEnix has NEVER made a complete Final Fantasy game in its entire existence, and there's no reason to think it will be different this time.
The series has been constantly going back and forth between huge wastelands with nearly zero story (12 and 15) and linear movie-games with nearly zero exploration (13 and 16), so FF17 will probably be the former.
>linear movie-games with nearly zero exploration (13 and 16)
7, 8 and 10 didn't have exploration
I don't care if it's good. I will buy it twice just to trigger westslop fanboys.
The thumbnail made me think it was Disney Channel logo lol
This with job system autism is all I want. Is that too much to ask?
i remember reading an interview somewhere that the high ranking square employees have no idea what people want out of a modern final fantasy game anymore, so they are just hand the whole project off to the next generation of square enix employees, who all grew up on the series

rumors have it this will be the first game in a while where the party size is greater than 3, and it's going to be a deeply interconnected plot with the characters like ff6, where everyone intersects with someone else for some reason, so who knows, maybe it will be good
they already did that
You don't like or play videogames
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Honestly they should just stop making these weird half-assed action hybrids that no one really likes and do something much closer to the classics between 7 and 10, the shit everyone remembers and loves. Don't come at me with 7 Remake, it's fucking FF7, it could have been anything and it would still sell.
And for the love of god fix the pacing and get someone to write good characters and plots again.
>7 and 10, the shit everyone remembers and loves
.. I'm afraid it's been 9 years
It died at II you retard
XI is more of an FF than anything even released between it and V. I'm pretty sure having two MMO's as main numbered titles helped. It helped them when they had nothing to release after XII, after XIII and until XV and it helped them when XIV 1.0 failed and subsidised that game through the end of Stormblood when it finally became profitable, with both titles continuing to subsidise development on other titles within the company.
The only thing that even holds a candle to XI & XIV's ability to farm revenue are gacha whales playing their 9th EOS bait FF gacha.
wait, you're saying FF returned to its roots?
>I, III & V
>gameplay focused, very tight story
>II, IV & VI
>story focused devolving into movie slop

I thought all you faggots kept complaining SE stopped making FFs like they used to. The way you're presenting it, they've returned to the ways of old.
What if...just ONCE...they tried making an ACTUAL final fantasy have again?
>we haven't reached rock bottom yet
Please let it die, nuSquare
I don't get what you mean.
I honestly really hope they don't screw up the remake of 9. Moguri mod is the way to play it now, but if they actually put some brains into it and fix the issues of the original we might have the definitive FF or the next best thing, and hopefully motivate them to produce more classic jrpgs.
They'd just give it the modern HD anime game slop art style and you know it
based on what i've been willing to spoil for myself on youtube, i like what i see in the remakes

ff1-ff3, square viewed them as if they were dungeons and dragons campaigns
ff4-ff6, they realized, they've escalated beyond that, and they're writing plays, and in japanese media, stopped using the word for characters, and started using the word for actors as of ff4
ff7-ff9 is when they wanted to make straight up action movies with dramatic camera angles, but they don't quite have the budget to do full voice acting yet
ffx, i know nothing about, because i bought an xbox instead of a ps2, and have deliberated avoid all spoilers about it until i finally get around to playing it, ffxi was a mistake where they didn't realize eventually something is going to go wrong in an mmorpg and you need to patch it, and ffxii would have been very fun for me because you basically program your party and i'm really good at computer programming
ffxiii was finally when they had the budget to do full voice acting and mocap, but they fucked the game up in 2 ways. the first was that it was just too fucking easy. i actually liked this game, i didn't 100% it, but i cleared a ton of postgame content, and once you get THERE, and your crystarium is fully capped, you finally have to use your brain and think about how to approach a fight, and this actually means the 6 paradigm shift slots you got aren't enough to cover every scenario, once you understand how all the hidden mechanics work
the other problem is the first few discs were basically just a straight line, and no one liked that at all, and i think most people who bitch about this game never got to pulse, when it finally feels like a proper ff game
any ff beyond that, i have not played it, so no comment
I'm tired of this "FFV is gameplay-focused" meme
>ff2, a NES game from the 80s, is a “moviegame”
It’s time to log off and take a break, anon.
all i can tell you guys, from what i've been reading on square enix press releases, is the dudes who are working on the new ff games, all grew up on ff games, so maybe they won't suck now, and if they do, it's because the japanese have no clue what the international audience wants out of an ff game, and maybe they will only sell well in japan
Growing up on FF games is definitely not a good sign. Just look at the manga nd animation industry and tv and movies
FF1 and 2 are gameplay focused
FF3 is story focused slop with shit gameplay
FF4 is story focused but good
FF5 and 6 are story focused movie slop with gameplay that would be good if the games weren't so easy.
>the japanese have no clue what the international audience wants out of an ff game
Who has a clue?
There's people saying "just go back to classics", but those classics came over 20 years ago. People born after them are adults now, and don't necessarily share the same view as boomers.
the rumors i heard is that they're going to take ff6's character roster and blow it out of the water. something like game of thrones, with multiple houses of royalty all interconnected with each other somehow. not sure if rumors are credible.
>wait, you're saying FF returned to its roots?
Yes! EXACTLY that. Congratulations, anon you finally got it!
The golden age of FF starts with 7 and ends with 10 and THAT's what they should strive to replicate.
i really don't agree. ff8's combat system was garbage, you actually want to stay level 1 and just retardly draw off things, then get 99 aura and curbstomp ultimecia. the only cool thing about ff8 is she's fucked in the head, destroying the world, not enough, she needs to blow up all of timespace. and then ff9 was an attempt to recapture the magic of ff4, and i just didn't like it, but i can see why it would appeal to someone.
FFX, i've never played it, but my friends who have, tell me it's the GOAT as far as combat system goes. a ps5 pro is not in the budget for me until next year, and ffx remastered will be the first game i buy with it, and then after that, i'm hoping there's some box set trilogy of ff7 remakes so i can get it for like $120-150 instead of $180
Just because you traded discs in the playground at school doesn't make it the golden age.
Aura is strong but
>stay level 1
>and also draw aura
You're retarded.
that's what you literally want to do. you want to do the bare minimum number of fights and draw as much spells for stats and you break the level scaling. it's a flawed game. if they ever do FF8: Remake, they need to give the whole system a pass somehow, because the junction system just doesn't work
You’re completely wrong
This is what I’m afraid of. It will be the final nail in the coffin if they put out some shit that looked like the trails or the romancing saga 2 remake.
Have you actually played through ff8 or even done a level 1 run?
i got incredibly bored playing that game, and never finished it. i owned way too many jrpgs as a minor for it to be even possible for me to play them all at once. i lent ff8 to a friend and never even asked for it back, and he lent me legend of mana and never asked for it back, so we were both happy
basically, all i did was draw a ridiclously high amount of spells in the zone around SeeD and then i was flattening the bosses like pancakes. it made no sense to actually fight them, because that would just make the game harder
Man I was about to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really wanted to.

But, you don't know what you're talking about.
>Draw around Balamb garden
You got at most tier 1 spells. Spells you can draw are dependent on enemy level. for brackets; 1-19, 20-29, 30+
If you're low level, you're not getting shit.

>Draw Aura
You can only draw that in any quantity from the literal last Seifer fight.
Else you need to wait for Ragnarok and use small yielding draw point. Doing full island long donuts for them to half replenish. Nobody does this.

Low level FF8 is easy by literal design.
It has problems, but not for any reason you listed.
NTA but I absolute love FF8 and lvoe its screw as fuck system. I also loved the way t was focused on stocking sells as resources rather than big shiny lightshows like 7. The junction system just takes some common and paitience even if you dent abuse the card game to get end game gear at the beginning

Now none of that fun will ever happen again because you got Low grade MMORPG/DMC gameplay even if they finally got it out of a tunnel with some execs wifu
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is it finally his time?
Honestly, maybe. After the launch of FFXV, Tabata's team broke off from Creative Business Unit I to form the subsidiary studio Luminous Productions. Luminous Pro was shut down about 18 months ago after Forspoken was dead on arrival, and the staff and assets were reabsorbed back into SE proper. However, they were reportedly not returned to CBUI. Instead, that staff was given to CBUII. This is an interesting development because CBUII did not previously have a development team. CBUI and III are the only branches of SE with internal development teams. CBUII, IV, and V are all design boutiques that have to outsource development. While CBUII is probably most notable these days for Team Asano, I doubt that the creators of FFXV and Forspoken are going to be given to Asano. Instead, they are likely going to be working with Yoko Taro. Finally, this year's New Year message from Yoko Taro's producer was in reference to an exciting and potentially non-Nier announcement that he hoped to make this year but likely won't be able to until 2025. If any company is crazy and dumb enough to buy into the "let Yoko Taro direct a FF game", it is certainly Square "NFTs are the future" Enix.
will they do another mmo
Probably. I don't think that it will be the next FF game, but I think that they will launch a new FF MMO around 2030 as FFXVIII. At the very least, FFXVI's development proved that CBUIII could support continued development and support of FFXIV while developing another project. After catching their breath, I fully expect for them to begin development soon if not already for a third FF MMO. The bigger question is not if they will or won't but rather if Yoshida can avoid his predecessor's mistakes when Tanaka broke up the XI team back in the mid-00s in order to develop XIV 1.0. Can Yoshida make a meaningful-ish follow-up to FFXIV 2.0+? Also, I kind of figure that this will be around the time that SE finally pulls the plugs on XI's remaining official servers. I don't think that they will want to support three whole FF MMOs simultaneously.
>XI is more of an FF than anything even released between it and V.
Kill yourself contrarian subhuman faggot.
I really wonder if it'll still be tab combat or what.
Honestly I like FFXI. I was born way too late for it but I like how much it feels like JRPG combat but online. I also like the need to group up. Thats something XIV definitely missed.
But XI has a lot of early MMO problems like mindless grinding and king stretches of just walking and not the best new player guidance
I really wonder who has consistently kept up playing XI all this time
Is it not? It gives you the most options on how to build characters. Tactically the only way 6 improved on this was how a few dungeons were multi party which was a great way to use a large cast. Hilariously this feature still seems barely used even in other games.
Too expensive to produce, and a game that costs $210+ per year to play (box price with $15 monthly subscription) is a tough sell to the new generations who have grown up with freemium games like Warframe and Genshin. Riot games is the only AAA studio interested in producing a new high production value MMO, and their game has been stuck in development hell for almost a decade. Greg Street left a couple years ago. It is doubtful whether or not it will ever release. And Square has lost its talent.
It's been dead for a long time. There's nothing to save anymore
Isn't it still the most popular JRPG
I HOPE its absolute garbage like everything since XII because if they actually fix the series and make a real rpg again Ill be forced to buy an otherwise worthless sony console.
>Or is it going to be another flop
Yep. There is ZERO hope for Final Fantasy, and I say this not from doomerism, but from simple reasoning.
The crisis of FF is due to no less than 3 nearly unfixable causes:
1) SE's corporate suits are the ones who OWN the brand, but they are mere profit machines who do not care about videogames at all, and even if they did they wouldn't be able to understand it.
2) FF's very creative minds, the same people who brought us masterpieces, have completely lost their touch and are now in full-blown senile dementia.
3) The so-called "fandom", who has absolutely no clue what made FF great in the first place, and unironically think the problem is the lack of muh turn-based
In order to fix Final Fantasy, you would need literally 3 miracles:
1) greedy corporate pigs stop being greedy corporate pigs and start caring about making good games
2) SE's creators regaining mental sanity
3) "fans" understanding what FF is really about
It simply won't happen.
FF is dead for good.
The sole and only chance for it to happen is SE going bankrupt and selling the brand to someone else.
It hasn't been a jrpg in 15 years.
>Moguri mod
AI upscale shit still looks worse than the original game.
It's going to be a flop. FF is a schizo game series. It's stuck somewhere between worshipping the best of the west, with an emphasis on music and presentation. Taken to extreme highs, it's beautiful. But then their idea of "innovation" is to remove the drive towards excellence in gameplay, and replace it with ps2 game mechanics. They will not learn. They haven't learned. They can't learn. They should have just been the eastern bethesda. Put their spin on big beautiful worlds. Instead they make idiotic trash for idiots. But they always present it as if they care about quality which is why they get hate. "Oh this game has insane music and graphics, can't wait to play!" AND IT'S SHIT AGAIN
16 confirmed the series is not for me anymore. all i want is for them to go back to make high quality jrpgs. Persona shouldn't feel more "final fantasy" that whatever ff is now
Idk just play rpg maker if you want turnbased slop
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>16 confirmed the series is not for me anymore.
You had to wait 16 to realize that?

>Persona shouldn't feel more "final fantasy" that whatever ff is now
We've now reached a point where even fucking WESTERN games feel more final fantasy than ff. Let that sink in.
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It would be a disaster to put any past notable FF staff on this title or have any producer attached to the modern FF brand (Kitase, Yoshida, Nomura, Nojima, Watanabe, Toriyama, or Hamaguchi) outside of those with decent action experience.
You could poach some people who have previously worked on SaGa, XI or XII if put in the appropriate roles but they must understand their influence should be basically nothing.

There's enough staff between all the decent AA's that could get this done.
So, there's a bit of a tragedy that's occurred in outsourcing. For all the usual cries of NieR 3 where (it exists retard) the studios have been working on other games.
Access games has been mostly abandoned by SE since DoD3, put to work on only an VIII port without assets or budget. They currently stay alive via capcom and scraps from SE with no original games published since swery left and some Cavia staff remain there.
Toylogic is the other studio that sheltered Cavia staff, they got to do replicant rema-kester and then got put to work on foamstars....
Platinum got to do a project with Saito, and his long lost brother from another mother MGR Saito, Babylon's Fall..........
Alim (voice of cards) were another SE baby, Final Fantasy EOS Gacha FFBE and Brave Frontier. They've been dead since the VoC trilogy.
Applibot are another like Alim, they did all that fantastic work on NieR 3, before SE hastily moved them onto future EoS FF VII Ever Crisis.

The final puzzle piece in the Yoko Taro infinity gauntlet is Soleil. They were known for that mega-singleA Wii U exclusive flop Devil's Third and assembled by none other than Itagaki himself. Well, when they were Valhalla. They're now Soleil. Valkyrie Elysium may as well be a spiritual successor to DoD3. They are ready, their pitch to work with Taro was that wonder AA game that released alongside 17 other SE titles that year with denuvo....

Saito can create this mega studio and rebirth of Cavia. Jack's sequel is due.
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I don't get people who say shit like that anon. You had every FF spinoff under the sun after gooch left to see the writing on the wall. 20 years of it.
The series had changed forever by the time X was due to come out. IX for as flawed as it is was the swan song of the franchise with XI, the last vestiges of Squaresoft & Final Fantasy before being absorbed.
X was the acceptance of the VI, VII & VIII Kitase style game, we got Compilation of FF VII, we got spin offs and ports, XII tried to innovate but fell under the ego of Quest.
Outside of those spin-offs to plug the gaps there were the Fabula Nova Crystalis games. XIII released rushed to the market without so much as squaring up the battle system under the many rewrites it underwent before release. Type-0/Agito the mobile portion of the game by Tabata was more FF than other titles but still didn't hit that classic mark and leaned more towards the post-VII design trends.
XIII Versus was such a disaster that in the time it was delayed Toriyama retconne XIII, made a monster battler with 2 party members written by Watanabe on his best work, released LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII and even a port of type-0/agito before Versus eventually released as XV, with a small cast size akin to III or V but in a futuristic fantasy setting requiring a flowchart of side media to follow and being branded for new fans.

Now if you were ignoring MMO's up to this point. FF probably gave you the hint somewhere around 15 years ago that even if you grew up with VII and were being pandered to, the gameplay was no longer the same.
On the MMO side we went from a faithful old style FF world in Vana'diel with deep gameplay to XIV 1.0 which was cancelled by Yoshida and turned into an FF theme park MMO for story gamers that strips out RPG elements year on year.

XVI appears more of a classic FF in tone, story & world than most of what has churned since around 2003. And it's still a fucking 1 party member action game.
>XVI appears more of a classic FF in tone, story & world than most of what has churned since around 2003. And it's still a fucking 1 party member action game.

this lines up with what i was trying to say with the press release i was talking about a zillion posts ago

the senior square devs have no idea what the hell anyone wants out of an ff game anymore, so the new gen who grew on the classic FFs is making it. if they fuck it up, then i don't even know. the old guard is going to immediately start working on FF6 Remake, it's going to take them 20 years they said, and now that Sakaguchi's back, it's inevitable he'll be executive producer or whatever, because he was Square's main idea guy back in the day, and probably has the whole plot of ff6 self contained in his head and can expand on it even more
the only thing that doesn't line up is that i didn't read anything about it being a 1 party action game, so maybe you rotate between tons of characters

the other thing that worries me about this 20 year timeline for FF6 remakes is these guys are all workaholics and some of them are just going to abruptly drop dead, especially nobuo uematsu, who has repeatedly said to the gaming press his health is failing and he doesn't know how much longer he has to live, so without him doing some invisible hand on the music...uhh...
Uematsu isn't the only good composer left. There is still his apprentice Tsutomu Narita who
assisted with his work on the FF10 Remaster, FF14 1.0, and eventually stuck it out on his own with Granblue Fantasy. There is the Black Mages guitarists Tsutoshi Sekito who did The Last Remnant's powermetal music. I think Masashi Hamauzu and Naoshi Mizuta are still around. And then there are great non-SE musicians like Takahiro Unisgua who just left Falcom a couple years ago after having been there for 20 years.
> FF probably gave you the hint somewhere around 15 years ago that even if you grew up with VII and were being pandered to, the gameplay was no longer the same.
Hell, I grew up with 7 (then went back and emulated the SNES and NES games) and already by 10, I could tell it was over. I loved 10 and it had a great setting and story and music and characters, but it was painfully obvious they didn’t want to make video games anymore and wanted to makes movies instead. I dropped the series after that. also you’re supposed to grow out of JRPGs once you’re not a teen anymore
>also you're supposed to do the thing I did
>also you’re supposed to grow out of JRPGs
Just jrpgs, huh
You are trying too hard.
i know all this, but you know what i mean right. there's a reason the mainstream gaming press calls him the beethoven of video game music, because orchestras are still going to be playing the music of him and the composers he trained 100, maybe 1000 years from now. distant worlds finally came to my local area recently, i couldn't afford to go, then all of a sudden i get a massive limit increase on my credit card, the price of the ticket is over $300, which means i need to take an uber, because there will be no parking, and i definitely can't afford to go

i have a feeling when he dies i'm going to have a reaction like some people did when elvis died, and some people did when MJ died, and i'm just gonna have a nervous breakdown. i listen to something nobou uematsu made almost every single today, and it will just bother me forever that he's dead. today it was zozo, the town of liars
This, but unironically
Looking at art, unless this one eyed freak has utterly massive tits I dont think its saving shit.

Honestly unless it goes backwards game play style and is turned based I don't plan on playing it. I dont want live combat in FF or DQ, I want turned based. I dont want to jump and crap, I want an overworld map, levels, and to fight crappy orks and shit.
>but they don't quite have the budget to do full voice acting yet
They deffintly assuredly had the money for voice acting.
It was mainly a tech issue of cramming 10k lines of dialog on to cd-roms on a Playstation. Square Enix was pissing money back then, especially after 7. Voice acting isnt expensive, its just large. Especially for dialog heavy game like ff
>and i think most people who bitch about this game never got to pulse, when it finally feels like a proper ff game

>dude just put in 30+ hours and its gets on par with a shit tecmo rpg
>story focused movie slop
Just to be clear... plot is bad?
>FF3 is story focused slop
What story? Literally take your meds. I've played and finished it and I can't remember any story at all. Blah blah blah there's four elemental crystals and you have to save the world from the big bad, let me guess?
you're completely wrong

.mp3 and .ogg compression wasn't invented yet. they only knew how to do .wav

once it was, then yeah, it was easy
final fantasy ended with 9 i dont know what the fuck you guys have been playing because it wasnt final fantasy
>.mp3 and .ogg compression wasn't invented yet
MP3 compression is as old as the Playstation is.
i agree
like i said, ff1-3 were just d&d campaigns
ff4 was "story focused slop" but i think that's when they started heading in the right direction
but it wasn't legal to use it because of patent bullshit. basically every single mp3 was illegal, there was no such thing as a legal mp3 codec, and that's why .ogg got invented, was an open source version of it
by codec, i meant encoder

you always had to jump through hoops of fire to rip a cd and make your own .mp3s

i'm not sure how metal gear solid stores their audio, but all contemporary games from ff7's era like quake and starcraft used .wav files
>you're completely wrong
No nigga you just agreed with me, i said it was a size issue and you earlier claimed it was a cost issue. You are agreeing with name fag
>.mp3 and .ogg compression wasn't invented yet. they only knew how to do .wav
Yeah, not a cost issue glad we all agree

>once it was, then yeah, it was easy
So it was not a cost issue as you said
>ff7-ff9 is when they wanted to make straight up action movies with dramatic camera angles, but they don't quite have the budget to do full voice acting yet
Voice acting isn't remotely expensive compared to the budgets and war chests they had.
What the fuck are you on about
>they don't quite have the budget to do full voice acting yet
If low budget 80+ hour long visual novels like Utawarerumono, Aselia, and Muv-Luv could afford full voice acting then certainly the blockbuster AAA JRPG could.
You just made this up, right? There's no way that a real thing has such a dumb name. I don't believe you.
Cool photoshop bro, like I'm gonna fall for that.
squaresoft. it was squaresoft making money. square enix is a completely different, incredibly inferior corporation.
nobuo fell off HARD after ff8.
unless it's turn based it will sell as poorly as FF16 did. I know they coped by saying the sales were due to it being PS5 only, but it was just released on Steam and it's not even in the top 20 in the US for sales. The game was nothing more than a linear movie with QTEs.
Make something like Lost Odyssey, but with better graphics and faster ATB combat, and you have a winner. But they won't do it, since they bitched and whined and said "Well Atlus is doing turn based, so we'll do something different"

Bunch of fucking idiots is what they are. They still haven't remastered Xenogears.
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>nobuo fell off HARD after ff8.
Eh, he had his ups and downs.
Mid career peak
rest phase, couple highs
awakening from slumber almost peaked
resting, like VI only has a few high points
All high points are excelling previous slumber phases
Actual late age career peak, excels all previous peaks. Only did a little bit but that love for vocals developed fine.
lol, lmao
maybe a bit too much love for vocals, going the wrong way. These are the dark ages for Uematsu, burned out from peaking.
Alright, better than the past slumber phases at the highs
Vocals outstaying their welcome
Back on form, classics all around, still used in the game today. Soken gave up on replacing them
>XIV Vocal tracks
He's close to his peak from XI's Distant Worlds, he's mastered the vocals, now going for power singers even with ballads.
Cringe core, too much ballad love. Instrumentation keeps it above XII, barely.
>Dungeon Encounters
The old man has some fun for Ito.
Everything else is not FF.

He had such a packed career that he peaked multiple times in different ways. He jumped between styles, he has different peaks in different areas. IV > VIII he fully embraced his prog influences like he was marketing himself as a Keith Emerson backup in ELP. IX > XI he genre hops & experiments, pushes into vocal ballads doing ending themes once away from SE. Then he has the more gamey, classic stuff which he still loves doing.
Some of that stuff is a lot more reserved, in more "generic" anime style RPGs but it isn't awful. He's never quite pushed himself into the infinite void of Sakuraba's synth solos & roland GK/GR-1 wankery which is sad because that man is capable of so much more when he puts the 'tronics down.
I think Square Enix and other game devs have tried making more games like the classic Final Fantasy games and they don't really sell well
I've rarely heard people compliment turn-based combat itself. As in, people don't seem to play games for the turn-based combat.
It'll probably be mid like 16 is.
At this point, SE is so out of touch with their players that they literally thought they could lie to everyone about a FF7 remake and not lose $140M when people realized it wasn't a real remake.
>Don't come at me with 7 Remake, it's fucking FF7, it could have been anything and it would still sell.
Then why did the second one lose the company $140M and is only projected to sell a lifetime number of units equal to 1/2 the sales of the first one?
Surely it's not because it was prefaced on a lie and people who actually wanted a remake didn't buy the "sequel" after knowing it was going to be FF13 skinned as FF7.
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i feel like i'm talking to someone who wasn't even born in this era of gaming. sound effects and music were a pain in the ASS to get into your game, in order to get music, you needed it make it a midi, the pc format is .mid, the nes format is .nsf, the snes format is .spc, and the psx format is .psf, and that's all i remember

for sound effects, you either needed to record a .wav or do some sci fi magic with sine, square, and sawtooth waves. one .ogg was invented, the thing that took up most of the space of your game now takes the least

the other thing is that voice acting in english for vidya was TERRIBLE, there were very few good voice actors who wanted to deal with video games and anime, they figured it would disgrace their career, and most of it is cringe. metal gear solid was the very first time anyone took it seriously in english, and even still, a huge chunk of the cast refused to be credited (refer to pic related)

as far as ff7 went, they programmed as much of the game as possible, then started making the animated cutscenes and backgrounds, and that's why you can't go back to midgar in disc 2. they wanted to, but there was just no room on the disc. so if they had no room on the disc because of all the animation, how the hell are they going to fit voice acting? a 7 cd game, no one would have bought that shit in its era, it would have flopped. 3 was the threshold of sanity, because disc 3 is really just the final dungeon and endgame superboss content

here's my fucking replies to that one

uematsu has since admitted he's his total creative burnout and he's never gonna write a song again. that's too bad, but my gut is telling with his legacy position as Music Supervisor, i think he has a heavier hand in pixel remastered and FF7 remakes than he claims
those are all great tracks, he didnt completely go to shit, but 6-8 was the undeniable peak for me. every artist peaks, he's still a legend. but damn 9 and 10 dont sound nearly as good to me, and every FF after that isnt worth playing at all. sugiyama's fall off was a lotttt more severe, dqxi ost its actually shocking how shit it is.
>but damn 9 and 10 dont sound nearly as good to me
10 has multiple great tracks I’ll always love. Hell my wife played a song from 10 in her orchestra in school and she doesn’t play games at all
I can’t remember a single song from 9, at all
that's kind of ironic you said that, because my stepmom works for a symphony too, but i'm completely estranged from my father, so if i wasn't, i could have got a ticket to distant worlds on comp and listen to her playing my favorite music whenever they need a cello for the song
>I've rarely heard people compliment turn-based combat itself
>As in, people don't seem to play games for the turn-based combat.
I mean, it's been shit on for years. The start of the 00's until the last quarter of the 10's turn based has been a dirty word.
It's associated with random encounters, taking your turn and grinding. In the hardcore-gamerisation of the medium it was shat upon for not being skill based.
While games like Persona 5 and SMT have been praised more recently only SMT has in any way been blessed for the raw gameplay and that's mostly been negotiation/press turn. THAT particular shift started in 2013 around the time SMT IV was releasing but still turn based games were shat on. P5 is rarely praised for the core combat in any fashion.

What you see now are people who claim to be fans of titles like VII, who never showed up to play other turn based games en masse complaining post VII remake about it and & XVI. How much of that is genuine criticism, disingenuous shitposting or people not realising that being fans of 2 titles that released 23 & 27 years ago respectively without purchasing anything else in the genre and holding those 2 titles up as sacred cows has got them in the position they are in.
VII & X are cursed, they've fooled passers by into thinking that's what the franchise was, they are no more guilty than IX for rehashing without innovation but they were the popular two bookending it. Having the entirety of your progress towards gameplay innovation & experimentation going into VIII, XI, X-2 & XII then becomes funny because you look at either side and they were pooped on for not being that stagnated IV formula with 1 battle system featured tacked on and a focus on narrative & presentation above all.

Mix that in with shitposting, an inability to critique individual elements without pointing to me think this game good me think that bad and the worst genre fanbase alongside pokemon and you've got the perfect storm.
I stopped playing ff games because they stopper being TB. this faux-real time garbage they’ve replaced it with makes TB seem like a masterpiece of design by comparison.
>I stopped playing ff games because they stopper being TB
You stopped playing FF at IV?
>this faux-real time garbage they’ve replaced it with makes TB seem like a masterpiece of design by comparison.
While I think ATB is overbearing because of how prevalent it became after VI, the battle system was at least innovative on the first outing when bosses were designed around it and pushed V into being the fun game it was at max speed where gameplay balance & flow ascend to another level.
I would not say that FF I, II & III's combat seem like masterpieces of design by comparison, I & II being especially broken compared to other titles in the gnre and II gaining design credit for the progression & skill system above the nitty gritty of encounter design and mechanics.

And that's part of the problem that was described in the post you mistakenly replied to:
That inability to critique gameplay systems without context. Your comment about FF stopping being turn-based at the absolute purest relegates the FF titles to 3 games only, where usually that criticism is reserved for titles like XII, XIII, XV or the current source of that criticism we are seeing around XVI.
These people do not take the time to hash out their thoughts or add context, the brevity a hindrance more than an stalwart ally.

The follow up to commentary being focused around singular concepts in a game as good & bad in relation to FF were looking at how those other titles mentioned had innovated and most of their criticism (outside of VIII) being focused on elements not focusing around the battle systems and unique concept. Like how XII is unable to escape Matsuno or the term "MMO combat".
Tying back into those other turn based games out there, they're usually praised if they are for their combat on particular elements or mechanics and largely on things surrounding them; much like FF.
Using and abusing broad terms is what allows this to breed.
>It's associated with random encounters, taking your turn and grinding.
That might be the root problem in the design. Grinding unlimited encounters makes the combat little more than spamming the attack option from the menu.
ARPGs can get easy too, but at the very least the player needs to be awake enough to aim.
>be me
>get a PSX and ff7 for Christmas (grew up PC master race)
>then go emulate the SNES games (all good, 5 my fave)
>then go emulate the NES games (they’re OK, 2 is weird, 3 feels like a proto-5)
>play Tactics, love it
>play 8, it’s weird but fun
>play 9, it’s meh, I’d rather play the SNES games over it
>play 10, it’s fun and hits you square in the feels with the music and plot, but the beginning of hallway moviegames
>stop playing FF
>mfw I never see 13 or 15 or 16 or the remake slop or
Feels good man.
The point is that RPGs used to leave this up to the player. The player determined the difficulty by where they chose to go when. Now because everything is dictated to them by people who want to make story games for the stupidest people alive, that absence of difficulty is the baseline.
They've removed the best quality of rpgs with their absolute ignorance.
NTA but to me it always felt like a time tax to pad the game. Though, I can see the argument that it allows the player to artificially make the game harder by limiting/removing grinding.
Be that as it may, if the combat system boils down to a simple menu selection, maybe it needs some rethinking anyways.
>You stopped playing FF at IV?
>Your comment about FF stopping being turn-based at the absolute purest relegates the FF titles to 3 games only
NTA but you are a disingenuous fuck. Turn based, menu based, whatever you want to call it.
In a way, yes, simpler games and older titles where encounter design is more basic this happens, also in games that aren't balanced around glass blunderbuss' punishing a player for getting distracted.
>ARPGs can get easy too, but at the very least the player needs to be awake enough to aim.
Yeah, and usually ARPGs achieved this by simplifying mechanics and encounter/boss design to being skill checks and taking out rpg mechanics outside of gearing or building around movesets. XVI is doing that same thing that many other ARPGs do too.

Players who branched out and found what they enjoyed in RPGs can get through things like this a little better. They already know going in that the gameplay isn't going to be for them or not touch it at all.
I know I don't really like ATB so going into an ATB era game I can look at the surrounding systems for things I enjoy or focus on narrative elements, trends & tropes. Going into XV I can look at that game as a simple concept small party journey told in the style of an FF game with all the tropes, same with XVI. With XIII I can look at what it has going for it, design, story lol and gameplay lol lmao being paradigm shift & staggering.

It definitely exists on a scale. Some players enjoy those simple RPGs with simple combat design and balancing difficulty through grinding.
Some people strive to play a game like SaGa/TLR or SMT where the mechanics are more involved or the game demands more attention by disincentivising spam attack gameplay/grinding.
I recognise not everyone wants the most hardcore of skill based games but it's also near impossible to balance multiple difficulties and what one may enjoy another will hate.
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What do you think the A stands for.
I was very underwhelmed with FF16. The way I see it you go one of three ways:

>use FF7R as a base
It's kind of retarded that the real time with pause action combat of FF7R feels better as both an RPG and an action game than XVI. The same way that 1-3 were turn based and 4-9 were ATB they could use 7R's system as a base for whatever they make next. It's fun and the way ATB works encourages you to bounce around between characters and can stop things from getting boring.


>Copy Baldur's Gate 3
Go full D&D. Implement skill checks, use the job system again, do turn based combat and really make it work. They won't do this but I'd love to see a Final Fantasy take on a western CRPG.


>Make another action game flop
This is what will happen. Somehow Yoshida played FF15 and didn't say "wow this is dogshit" and he went on to make 16. It's a shame Clive was wasted on this crap because I'm sure we're going to get another female protagonist game after this.
>Market value isnt real money.

Real money was not enough money so the pedophile coprophiliac inflation fetishist market demons decided to run it on make belief money so that they'd have easier time convincing each other that they have and/or might gain opportunities to make more money that there can ever be real money, to fuck each other and NPCs over it.

So now it's more real than real money. A sharp fluctuation in market cap is worth more than 50 million sales of anything. Sales require substantial investments, sales have production costs, sales depend on talent and reputation and effort, sales go through decision-making with groups of other pedophile coprophiliac inflation fetishist market demons before it is decided that pedophile coprophiliac inflation fetishist market demons get to take them. And then sales get taxed and taxed and taxed and taxed before they end up in your pedophile coprophiliac inflation fetishist market demon pocketses.

In comparison, a good speculative play on a market cap spike can earn you more than all those sales will across 20 years of company playing perfect. No questions asked, to rep trails behind you, no quarterly meetings on dividends, no bullshit - just dollars to more dollars.
i'm pretty sure the guy who said he stopped playing FF after FF4 is trolling, because unless he's a rare japanese person who speaks fluent english and is posting here instead of 2chan, not too many people have played FF2 or FF3 compared to the rest of them because they didn't get international releases
unless this guy is such a ridiculous zoomer that he actually did just play all the romhack translations in chronological order

you can make ATB so stupidly slow so you might as well be playing a turn based game, when i playing FF6 pixel remastered on my android, in order to not lose my goddamn mind, i needed to set the battle speed to slow (they only give 3 options now) because i'm dealing with a rare blood disorder and my nerves are shot. my desktop is totally dead, and i refuse to get a new PC until i see the min specs for windows 12, which was supposed to come out in April of this year and got pushed back to October of next year, then I need to decide between getting a midrange laptop or a ps5 pro as far as my neetbux income goes, and if i keep having problems with my car, then i can't afford anything
>It gives you the most options on how to build characters.
Sure but there's nothing in the game that actually tests your team building abilities. Options are meaningless filler if they don't actually affect anything.
i just saw you mention xenogears

it's never getting a remaster, ever, they want to pretend that game doesn't exist because of how controversial it was with how they combined every single religion as a standin somehow, and of course the big bad evil guy is the standin for the jews

also unlike uematsu, who doesn't seem to mind if his music gets pirated on youtube and has been uploading most of his symphonic music directly to youtube under a topic channel, mitsuda is insane and copyright strikes everything, so xenogears ost and its two symphonic arrangements are a game of wack a mole where it comes and goes

it's just never getting remade. it was already pretty controversial when it got made, and now in 2020 it's gonna piss someone off even harder

xenogears combat is also awful and heavily flawed. by the time you know all your martial arts combos, the actually interesting part of the combat system, by the end of the game they're worthless, and it's interesting how fei is so comically overpowered once gets xenogears, but it's not the best game design
It's going to be a cultural phenomenom
No. Square hasn’t event said if 17 is in development. From Financial Reports they’ve announced they are changing their HD release structure. 16 and 7R released too close together and 16 ended up kneecapping 7R sales.

They’re looking to follow a once a year model instead. With that in mind you won’t see FFXVII until KH4, FFVIIR-3, and probably the next DQ.
Did Lightning and Beatrix had a child? SE is so creatively bankrupt…
that's not what i was reading, but unfortunately, i can't provide a link, because i have a new device and my history got wiped

ff17 is in pre-development, they are hammering the script still. apparently they have big plans to blow ff6 out of the water, and are planning on doing some GOT style thing with a deeply interconnected plot. they know everyone is pissed off from ff16 being an action jrpg, so it wont be one. it might be the first FF in a while you finally get more than 3 characters, would feelsgoodman.jpg to have a 5 stack again
Tactics storytelling
FFX Gameplay
FFVI Worldbuilding
Mix FFV and FFVI as the core system.
Return to turn-based. It's that simple.
SaGa exists already bwo..
make the next FF like Fallout.
>Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
Hmm Dirge of Cerberus 2
nah, they need to go

they need to make it like ff4 with some actual stat and spell customization, and while i can't find a version of this song by itself from this, bring the party getting fucked to the brink of death then play this in the final battle

the same thing was going on in ff13, and i was like why are they just playing lightning's theme, when they could be playing this one? it would have made so much more sense

i found a clip of le ending that is when i think it was time to break out of the main theme of final fantasy


you think it's all fucking over, than all the heroes magically come back to life, just like they did in ff4, they should have played the main theme of final fantasy until space pope casts countdown on you, then start the final battle song
Now that Blackrcok and Sweet Baby are in control and everything has to be black and gay, NO! The abomination that was FF7Re gave us a taste of what's to come.

They were the best JRPG maker on the planet up until FF13 changed that. It's been all downhill ever since then.

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