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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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before i even create this thread, i feel like asking a question

would it be okay if i posted about my own retro indie game rpg in development? /vr/ deleted it, there's no /gamedev/ gen in /vg/ anymore, so i don't really know where to go. /v/ moves at lightspeed and is honestly just a shitposting board at this point, so no one will notice it there

the tl;dr of this 13 goddamn post wall of text, which neo-4chan seems to refer to as pure schizo kino, is that the core mechanic of the retro atb jrpg game is that while every now and then a character rotates in and out for plot related reasons, instead of having some hub area or an airship where you rotate your characters in and out, you just keep collecting characters until your party size is some insane number, most likely 24. and because i was personal friends with tom 'zileas' cadwell growing up, the numbers guy for wc3:tft, wow, dota all stars, and lol, he taught me a lot about video game math, so i actually do know exactly how to balance this clusterfuck of an idea

whenever i get around to calibrating the difficulty of the game, i'm going to use the apm of your average starcraft player, 120, and so if you're some sort of mechanical god, the game might be easy for you, and one of the other things, is i came up with a very interesting way to use the equation x^x, to create a exp system where there are exactly 20 levels, and as a result of using this equation, there is absolutely no way to grind in the area you're at to curbstomp the next area. you just have to go to the next area and deal with whatever bs i'm throwing at you

this game is also very plot heavy, so it's going to be an 80 hour text scrolling game just like xenogears

a reponse from a mod with a capcode would be appreciated, but you never see that on 4chan anymore, so if the mods aren't ok with this, just delete this thread, and i'll go talk to /r/gamedev instead
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>no gamedev gen in /vg/
uh anon?
huh. it wasn't there when i was looking for it. i guess it must have had a gap from when it got recreated, or i just missed it somehow

i'd rather talk about it here, because you guys understand jrpg mechanics
plenty of people post their projects here and there are like two gamedev threads up right now
fuck off shill
how can i shill something that's just an excel file and map of the world so far
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>before i even create this thread, i feel like asking a question
i'm not even sure what that image reaction is supposed to mean

i went into full useless english major mode and drafted 13 fucking 4chan posts over the span of like 7 hours, and i only have a pic related for 1 of them so far. so i need to dig around and find some pics, and i'm also going in for major surgery on friday, so i think i'd rather save this wall for when i'm off the anesthesia and have time to respond to whatever insane comments i get, if anything
>another schizo ideas textwall thread
Just what /vrpg/ needed
Thx for your contribution SuckAi
i'm actually a high function autistic savant, and i don't understand how the default insult on this site went from autist to schizo out of nowhere. when it was autist, i would always say the same thing, i actually literally am autistic, so what you're saying is correct, this is just what we do, and then the other anon would be like oh, that makes sense
i also prototyped a shit ton of this text wall in rpgmaker, but i abruptly gave up on it because that program has no fucking documentation to it whatsoever. i was just wandering around code randomly until i figured out what the fuck i was looking for, and i found most of it

i completely rewrote virtually every fucking formula rpgmaker used somehow, but the editor could still parse it all correctly
Because everybody here is suddenly an autist
If everyone is autist then nobody is
Anyway either show your shovelware or stop filling 4channel with your graphomania
Hellaz detected.
The idea is good. A bit turned off by the wall of text part unless it's actually a good story which is rare. You mention Xenogears so if you're doing a classic jrpg in modern times I hope it looks at least that good. Which is hard to do since Xenogears looks pretty timeless. If you're asking for permission to start go ahead. But I don't think you're going to get very far from reading some of your other posts. Make the game first and tweak the details later imo.
i'm tempted to do it the way the proto version of this story i made in zzt was, where it was all ascii, but it would 64 bit ascii with alpha channels in 4k now, so DAMN i'm gonna need to do some procedural generation to make some interesting shit on the world map

the problem is i understand fuck all about sound. i'm going to have to look at some .nsf, mostly of VRC# chips, and force myself to figure out how the fuck famitracker works to make any music at all

and if i ever do get this deep in development, i think i'll just give elon musk his $10 and DM TobyFox himself and be like hey, my over the top boss fight, can i just use megalovania as is, because my plot twist is you think he's the absolute last boss, but no, the game just keeps going, and literally everyone dies but the female lead, so if you're not persauded, here's an early access verison with a save file leading you 2 steps before this fight, and see what he says

he's so insane he might actually say yes
i'm counting it out in my head, and i think you'll have 22 characters in this fight, unless you miss someone recruiting them, and you can go way the fuck out of your way to get the wildcard character whos skills are all useful within in africa, but are totally useless once you leave africa, then he's just a stat stick in what i call the link system, where characters top to bottom from each other all add all of their main STR/INT/DEX/SPD/ETC stats together, in ways where the plot interacts that there's two characters who will very obviously give you multiplicative stats, but there will be so many combos, someone's gonna break the game, and i'm fine with that
the biggest problem stalling me out in development on this, is that my brand new phone abruptly refuses to connect to my backup, so i don't even have any way of recovering this endless openoffice file where i was working out the stats of every fucking char, what their gear was, and running a formula that caused my computer to crank to minmax for me based on what gear they had, and i do finally recall, that a regular rocket does 1000 damage exactly, all the time, so all the early game enemies have less than 1000 hp, so he can just glass a fight, but they're like rosa's arrows on a premium, he's probably better off playing his insane evade tank style where he's just doging bullets with some sort of magnet that drags them right through his pass and they always miss, unless you get that unlucky 10% chance his evade won't work,, and covering the female lead, and if he gets hit, i designed level 1 that he takes 80 damage off his 100 base hp, so he can't get instagibbed, and the fights will give you so much currency that what i call a "science lab" instead of an item shop, where you use coldfusion and fission to create any item you've made before or picks the schematics up in a chest, except for a few key pieces of alien technology, at a 1:1 buy/sell ratio, instead of the typical 1:0.5 ratio, so i can very easily calculate exactly how strong you can possibly be

at first, you can only make one nuclear missile, but once you beat the guy you think is going to be the last boss, this guy abruptly kills everyone but the female lead and joins your team, and takes off in a way with the link system that benefits him alone, where not only does this guy have tons of nukes that deal 9999 damage, it doesn't even matter, in some fights, his stats are so high he just just wants to be like darth vader and smash through everything with his laser sword, he will actually do more dps that way, and his deal is he's just hellbent on proving he's the greatest warrior in all of history
i also did have major surgery that did have major complications, so while i'm good new, i don't feel like posting this pure schizo kino until i can clean it up a bit and i'm in the mood to do Yuji Sakai's [s4s] thing and repsond to literally every comment in his're own thread
i think this thread is autosaging, unless the catalog is glitching, so i guess the mods don't want me to do this. oh well. guess i go to r/gamedev

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