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Which mmorpg should I play. I want to get into one of them, but which is most worthwhile in 2024?
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Ragnarok Online, specifically the official iRO server. don't get baited by all the people shilling private servers (which get shut down or reset ever few months).
iRO is easy to gear up and get playing with friends.
>baited by all the people shilling private servers
Goddamn I almost actually got baited, I'll give iRO a shot then
why do you both sound like you're just shilling for the game?
MMOs are pretty dead, aside from I guess FF14, but you don’t want to do that and I wouldn’t tell you to so that.
Just play OS runescape
MMOs are a dead genre- thankfully. But, if you're still curious, here's what I think about a few of them.
>Final Fantasy 14
Legit, outside of the erotic roleplay community, or if FF14 was the first MMO someone ever played, I don’t understand why it's so popular. There's no build variety in the classes, and the game doesn't respect your time at all in the beginning, even by MMO standards. The magic classes are horrible, too. A lot of their skills force you to stop moving. Now, I only played this game for about 30 hours, so take of that what you will.
>Star Wars The Old Republic
A bit tragic in retrospect. This is beating a dead horse, but if EA wasn't so greedy and thought ahead, SWTOR could have been one of the best Star Wars games ever made because the writing is pretty solid in a lot of scenes. So, all EA had to was take Jedi Academy, modify it, and give every class activatable skills.
>Guild Wars 2
If you only play one MMO, this should be it. Next to Wildstar, this is the peak of MMO style combat. It's fast paced, and every class has multiple build and weapon options.
>City Of Heroes/Villains
While it may not be amazing from a gameplay standpoint, the sheer build variety is amazing. I like to call it the definitive urban fantasy and sci-fi simulator because of the creativity you're allowed in character creation. The only powers the game is lacking are Dragon Ball style transformations, and fetishy/meme ones like being able to grow into a giant or shrink.
>Dungeon Fighter Online
This is one of those games where if it wasn't an MMO, it would be god tier. It is starting to show its age and needs either a sequel or a massive overhaul. Sometimes, I wonder what a 3D version would play like.
ive been thinking of getting into turtle wow since they added new stuff and have stuff like hardcore mode
>huh how is that a bad point
It's the flow. If the most powerful spells froze you in place, I wouldn't complain about it. However, I remember most of the basic spells for the magic classes I got to use forced you to wait.
i dunno
>have stuff like hardcore mode
Gimmicky bullshit that doesn't fit the game at all.
So is ragna/v a bad time?
A better question would be what do you even want from mmos, because this is an extremely lazy and unproductive OP. You will never find games you enjoy if you keep asking stupid vague questions like this.
if you ask me, psobb is the only option, all the rest of them either lived long enough to completely shittify themselves, or were shit from the start
shit combat and squareshit
shit combat and eashit
run by kikes and bungled into the ground by them, retarded furfag playerbase negates all the positive aspects of the combat that was developed by none of the people at shitnet since the game launched
>city of heroes
capeshit ncshit, who cares
run into the ground by retarded neople decisions (let's make another level cap and sunset even more content than we already sunsetted, just because) pvp has always been absolute cancer aids in that game and for no valid reason
Wait for new servers in December and play Dofus
>gamemode that specifically encourages minimizing risk as much as physically possible such as grinding on green mobs, doing gray dungeons (don't you dare say the latter is optional because this is how all HC fags play) etc. and other boring anal-retentive behavior
>can't even interact with the rest of the entire community by and large, all you can do is hog their mobs and nodes
>zero incentive besides showing how much you like to suck cock
It's trash.
Can't I just be both hardcore and not play like that? I guess I play in a way nobody else does.
your attempts to bully and strong arm the OP are totally unfounded. stop throwing your weight around to kill good threads
Nothing good about this thread. It's an off topic shitposting thread where someone asks a vague question to farm (You)s then plays nothing. OP is not going to play anything and never intended to. Keep this behavior on /r9k/, you're acting like a camwhore.

Just go play OSRS if you're too stupid to specify what you're tastes are. For someone like you there is no other option. Just mine some amethyst and shut up.
Even if you avoid playing like an overly passive shitter, you still run into the issue of not being able to interact with the main community.
cant we just talk about mmos? i think youre mad at something else that happened to you. this outburst just doesnt make sense
I would play this again but the last time I tried last year all the text is shrunk as fuck and I cant figure out how to make it normal again so I can actually play the game without headbutting my screen to see the ant-text
That 14 one sure is something. I say that coming from someone who still has friends there, things to return to on alts etc but boy, judging an MMO by the first 30 hours is youtuber territory.

I as someone who intensely dislikes the gameplay direction XIV has taken over the recent years would describe things like standing still to cast magic as an inherent part of the game and while you COULD cast instantly with a GCD cap still occurring it's one of the few things that made it intact from XI & XIV 1.0.
Anyway, XIV is all about buildup. It's a theme park MMO designed to appeal to FF fans or people looking for a fantasy story campaign. That's it, nothing too special.
Eureka pulls in some nice elements from XI. Bozja improves and builds upon that in a different way for Ivalice fans. Specific side quests and story points are the highlights along with mechanics the first few times you see 'em. Yes, there's no build variety in the classes, the game absolutely respects your time too, so much to the point that they've streamlined it and keep adding QoL to the early stuff; sometimes at the expense of the unique MMO feel.
Late game, end game is where that time respecting falls off hard but the same is true of just about any MMO.

tl;dr fuck XIV. Only play that shit if you're under 30 years old. Over 30? Maybe dislike Final Fantasy VII or X? Play XI.
>I don’t understand why it's so popular.
It's the simplicity. Everything is streamlined and it's a good thing.
FF14 is a non-autistic MMO, in an autistic genre.
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>OP is not going to play anything and never intended to
In defense of this thread & general quality: Thesy're fine. They can act as springboards for others to discover/try new shit they'd never think of. They can give a chance to see some opinions on a game that isn't centred around fanatics.
In the MMO world where tribalism exists, that matters.
We're also in an age where monetisation has changed greatly, there's big MMO's and small ones and stuff that has some real insidious F2P "addons" that constitute what would be a sub fee. The genre is now known like GAAS to invent solutions and sell you a problem. Threads like this avoid that.
These threads for MMOs are just as valuable as one of the many bioware/obsidian shitposting threads that appear regularly.
Particularly on the content that can appear in a thread. While you may have grown up with mumble+ and the communities centred around it: those aren't good places to go to do things like find out about an MMO.
They are often filled with sycophants, devotees who are tribal in nature, yes men available at a simple hello to sell you a game. They will often not tell you about reasons to avoid a game or recommend things to you based off of what you enjoy. The same goes for places like reddit or twitter, those are also filled with people more mentally deranged than I.

Do they work? Yeah.
My live service game was going to shit, other games I enjoyed were dead. Instead of going back to reinstall & play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for the 176th time until I drift into something I went looking for stuff I wanted to try. I'd never given an MMO a shot beyond a few months. I wanted a story, a rich world, those things appealed to me.
Through a series of responses and other threads I joined I whittled down games until I found something that worked, that I could try as a sampler. I saw things that'd springboard me onto other games.
Hell a thread about MMO's made me find out SAO for the dreck it is; has good games.
To surmise: If you have absolutely nothing of value to contribute then shut the fuck up.
Say something you hate about MMOs, say something you enjoy. All you managed to do was shit all over the walls and then shill runescape like it'll build character.
You're a fucking scrub.
FFXI just has nowhere to play it anymore
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Yeah, it's in a bit of a sad state.
Retail/the modern experience is a one of a kind thing. It's locked behind a game that goes on sale twice a year and a sub fee more expensive than XIV.
Trusts are great for the single player looking to experience the world and story but drop someone on Asura and they'll be inundated with spam. This is the experience for a player looking to experience the story/expansions, there's more wiki pages awaiting anyone who takes it on.
To play a more classic XI experience or 75 cap you're relegated to private servers. With that you're bringing in drama, there's a fractured community who mostly are there for endgame and it's still under development with LSB, not even all 75 content can be played.

We exist in an age where praying for a time machine togo back and experience it at the peak is easier than decide which of the two flawed experiences to pick. I really wish they'd run a classic era server, expand the character cap up, maybe do the promos for sub fees they said they would, drop the fee in price, go f2p or something, anything.
The servers are now part of the XIV infrastructure Yoshida upgraded for EW. You could argue it would be worth investing in it a little but SE wanted to shut the game down when XIV 1.0 launched lol and they sure as shit aren't about to give up the amount of money they rake in for the few staff left to maintain & develop content.
>which is most worthwhile in 2024?
Still WoW somehow
...is what I would say if I was transgender.
Good on the trannies for at least recognizing the only MMO worth a shit anymore
I never used to play mmos but I've recently been enjoying ESO, LOTRO, Fallout 76 and FF XIV. They each bring something unique to the table that I feel makes them worthwhile.
If I had to choose one... I'd probably go with Fallout 76. I personally feel the exploration is excellent. Walking around the wasteland, listening to the radio and icing enemies is a blast.
If I had to drop one I'd drop FF XIV since I'm mainly playing it as part of an effort to play every mainline FF. Exploration is not rewarding. Combat is boring and samey with the exception of some boss fights. Those factors combined have resulted in me just flying above everything now that I've finished ARR. Maybe things improve in Heavensward?
I like the world and writing in LOTRO (I'm a big Tolkien fan) but the combat is the worst of the games I listed and the monetization is a bit egregious. ESO's is as well, but the gameplay is quite a bit better.
I couldn't get into Guild Wars 2. I didn't like the city design, it's fantastical to a silly degree. The writing is dogshit.
I played WoW for about a half hour and between the artstyle and my general distaste for all things Warcraft and Blizzard it just wasn't for me.
>. Combat is boring and samey with the exception of some boss fights. Those factors combined have resulted in me just flying above everything now that I've finished ARR. Maybe things improve in Heavensward?
Depends on the jobs you play but kinda, and sometimes.
Heavensward level cap is where some jobs start to feel whole or at last somewhat complete, for those it does not the stick lays much farther down the line. Certain jobs like Dragoon are extremely mediocre to play before hitting 70~. So if you're say a rampant FF4fag and you heard Endwalker's the FF4 expansion then you have the first expansion as a buttonRelative to ARR, so 1st is ARR, 2nd expansion as a button, 3thrd expansion your job opens up and by the next it is complete. Each upgrade serving to make the ingredient at cap about the sa-.
Ok I can't lie about that, there's level and potency creep.
Most jobs are pretty bad at 50.
By 60 (HW cap) they get a little better, embody 1 key feature.
70, some buffs added, and some key abilities on some jobs. 70 is the minimum allowable level to enjoy Reaper (EW job) where mechanics are present and by 80 you're good.
Sage is the same but enjoyable before that. 70 is close to completion, little skills showing up, 80 and a job quest gatekeep playstyle.

Oh right, I just spent 30 minutes lecturing you on jobs. You mentioned boss fights.
Yeaaaaah, that's a slow burn. Most dungeon bosses have been reworked to be simpler for AI to complete.
Side content doesn't have that but at normal level it's not a super huge challenge but worth playing. You'll be taught mechanics beyond the baseline. HW's alliance raids scale up in difficulty nicely, same for SB for example. Dungeons too, a little harder but not much so, only really reach a peak level in ShB/EW.
Side content takes the difficulty crown but still.

XIV focuses on mechanical complexity & Simon says > user agency. Everything is a rehearsed dance until EX/Savage. Once you learn that, well..
I ran out of space but if it were not obvious this isn't a post that's purely praising how combat evolves in FFXIV.
Rather it serves as showing the good and bad, because what comes up must go down.
As you enter instanced content you are level synced and your abilities vanish, for late style jobs like RPR that means you have few options to keep you entertained until you reach say ShB/EW. Content sync outside of ultimates is kinda broken so it's not some grand arbiter of balance.
Some jobs feel worse than others at lower levels. While I did not touch MNK this expansion, in EW MNK was extremely basic to play at ARR (50) and HW (60) levels, being synced below 60 felt like a punishment. Same applies for Black Mage, the poster job for fun and Yoshida's personal fave. Anything below level 70-80 last expansion was very dull indeed; the only difference being that BLM changed rotations on the way up.

You can't escape that really at endgame. Currency is locked behind roulettes so you either form a pre-made to avoid some of it or accept your fate being forced to suffer LVL 50 MNK.
At best you can do a hunt train to avoid it and endgame activities but any time you enter instanced content the sync down occurs.

Before Dawntrail there was some hope that as we moved to LVL 100 and after all the trust & duty support stuff added we may see a different syncing system given how basic things had gotten. Some sort of potency sync through scaling or more abilities available for players who had reached a higher level. However sadly entering Sastasha still leaves you with nearly no abilities of some jobs like melee.
This is one area job design could improve and I really cannot defend this desu.

tl;dr between two posts. Depends on the content innit. MSQ Andrea's will barely be impacted while those who stick around or experiment will.
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Early this year, I went back to OSRS. Bought members, and my run speed was too slow so I trained agility for 20~ levels. Dropped the game pretty quickly and won't touch it again. The magic is gone.

What made Runescape fun in 2007 is hard to explain. It's inseparable from how the internet was designed back then, when finding communities online was much harder, so most people were locked into staying wherever they landed by chance. So Runescape (and other MMOs) became a main social hub for many people. It wasn't a game, but a world with a game tacked on. Most of my friends in 07-09 just idled and chatted. Criticism about the grind of Runescape was rarer back then, because when RS functioned as a world, grinding was like having a job -- grueling and boring, but necessary if you want to move up in the world.

I think MMOs died to the extent they failed to function as worlds. And the blame belongs to devs here. "Oh, some players are getting scammed? Well, just kill player trading!!" The pattern is so obvious: Game is made with dynamic systems, players whine because they lose an interaction (just like in real life!!), but now God can intervene and remove all unfairness, until it's all one big sterile theme park, and other players in MMOs can do neither good or evil to you, or have any meaningful interaction with the world. These games now are just single player RPGs with a subscription fee. The genre really was too good for this world
I played OSRS on and off to about base 70 and the game just got stale at this point to me. I'll give the next leave a shot but otherwise I've not played it in 4 years, every time I logged in I thought "I don't feel like doing any of the things I should" and log back off.

Is there another mid-effort and low-attention game? I loved having it run on second monitor and click from time to time while watching a youtube video.
>Oh, some players are getting scammed? Well, just kill player trading
>he thinks the grand exchange removed scamming or even reduced it even a little
>he thinks it wasn't to keep the game from being entirely played in discord like UO
>he has trouble finding people to talk to in osrs of all things
Retard moment
Okay blizzdrone.
>Say something you hate about MMOs, say something you enjoy
But this is fallacious, as all MMOs obviously aren't identical, only the shit ones you play are identical. Because you're a shit eater.
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Retail WoW, GW2, and FF14 are good for what they, being action RPGs with very high character customization and provides you a high fantasy adventure to go on touring through lots of great looking environments, but they are content based games where you tour all of the content and then you are done until the next expansion. You might stick around for a bit to dabble in some PvP or whatever, but that's it.

If you want an MMO that can hold your interest year round, then you have to be looking at emulators/private servers for old games like Ragnarok Online, FF11, SWG, Air Rivals, etc. Old games where it is about the very long and difficult progression path which binds a community together. Right now I am dabbling in retail WoW rated PvP while also progressing through FF11 Horizon with my friends.
I feel like "long and difficult progression path" does not mesh well with the volatile nature of private servers.
>I feel like "long and difficult progression path" does not mesh well with the volatile nature of private servers.
It sure doesn't, one quick scan through /vm/'s XI thread will give you a small idea of just how bad it is. They're even readying up for a new faction in server drama battles.

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