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Hagchads are eating good.
Don't sully 2hu with this abomination of a general
>aids is better than the plague
Don't sully this highly esteemed general with 2hu
>like a WIP
>but it insists on spending a million years in the childhood section
I swear to fucking god
Sorry senpai
Yes, aids would be better than dealing with the plague. Are you stupid or something?
Yours is nowhere near the worst if it, albeit I haven't had the motivation to replay it since its first release
The bubonic plague aka "Black Death" is still around and common, it just doesn't do anything when you're not malnourished. It's a bad flu that you get over as long as you eat and drink and rest plenty, basically covid. It killed everyone because no one had proper nutrition or clean water and that helped it stick around long enough to make plenty of new strains for reinfection the next year x20.
Yukari sex
Isn't any virus that is still around basically non-lethal? Covid was only so bad because the lab boys who made made it so, the second it was released to the population at large it started to become less and less bad as time went on. Shoot I recall a variant that killed someone within 24 hours but that never really propagated because it killed the host much too fast. A good virus does not kill the host.
I concede to that point, the black plague we have today likely is far less lethal than the original strains since the deadly strains would die out with their hosts. Ignore me.
Measles can still kill a child with ease if it isn't vaccinated. Most viruses now seem less scary only because everyone (well, mostly) is vaccinated against the worst of their effects.

Anyone tried Project Hadea? Seems to pop up a ton in rec threads.
wait what hag games got uodated
Nah yours is fine because it has actual action and character progression as opposed to wallowing in the mundane until your balls drop and stuff starts happening.
>Project Hadea
I've checked it out before, but dropped after getting like solid 15 pages of clicking Next before getting a single choice to pick.
Shit, that bad? Did these fifteen pages contain the essentials so it wouldn't happen again?
Any IF parodies yet? Like an Avatar or Hogwarts one?
ask the nogame namefag

Actually, are there any decent hag games that aren't WiP?

How is Shattered Eagle? Is it clearly still a rough WiP? Or is everything playable so far polished to a release level standard?
Also, what would you guys reccomend if I'm wanting to scratch a Medabots itch?

I've already played the lewd VN and that didn't cut it.
Nothing that I know of fits the bill.
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Mongols or bust. I hope I can be an independent pilot with rival pilot constantly plotting against me.
>book already introduced cool old honourable knight and a pair of mute Cathar heretic twins that don't have a tongue

Let me guess, no romance with either...
I'm trying it out its.. interesting, I'm a sucker for femme fatales who aren't straight out malicious but also not exactly trustworthy and the premise could be good with the stranded in space stuff, but its also has it's flaws like using the "'I think--' but you never got to hear the end of that sentence" trope way too much
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That's surprisingly the quickest romantic interlude MC can have in all of the books I've read. Just quick suggestion and, well, at least the hot mute twins are a romance option... They don't have much character yet, but I believe in their potential.

Also, MC can easily bed both the noble's fool and the pair of twins in a few pages tops. Are you quite sure you are an astronaut, MC? You have many other innate talents.
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>this is a bit much for me, I'll back out of the tent.
Imagine missing out on one of the only, it seems, CoG IF where you can engage in twin threesome.
oh there's also a legitimate bug alien dude, like not "blue human" alien like actually a giant weird bug thing that you can fuck
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Ironheart was pretty decent, actually. Author tried his best to keep to the themes and mindset of the times, mecha battles were messy, but pretty fun to figure out, characters are surprisingly good for the game of this short size that wastes the latter part on management sim, it has twin threesome, I would lay down my life for Guillaume, mecha in medieval world is an interesting concept. There's also replay value - I can't help but wonder if I could have saved the nephew, had my character known medicine.

It's very short and kind of choppy, though. And because of the way romances work MC gets insane rizz - I fucked four men and one woman in my run the second they popped up. Management sim segment was pretty useless overall and just felt like filler. Despite the fucking, still was considered a righteous man of god. The concept of medieval mechas also isn't all that explored, which is a shame.
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But Guillaume and his retinue were definitely the strongest part of the book. Every character introduced after his arc is weak and pretty flaccid writing-wise - the fact that you're shoved right into the managed sim doesn't help matters.
The sexiest archetype hands down
True Measles can kill you even if you are vaccinated. There is no vaccine against those. And funilly, in general, measles are coming back to be a threat again.
Retvrn home, wizard man...
rohan, rylan, yeah I've got a type. and that type is running on fumes and putting on playful fronts that hide their true emotions like their life depends on it (and in good cyoas it DOES)
Broomslop isn't hogwarts parody. You don't get to actually go to the school.
what the FUCK
I've told. You're father gambles away all your tuition, so instead your war veteran grandmother teaches you and the lovable cast of misfits the *based* way to do magic(military drills), so then the tournament arc comes you kick the asses of not-hogwarts representatives while knowing nothing much except the fundamentals.
I just remeber you saying that siblings get smuggled in your bag and antics ensue
Always got the feeling you were homeschooled.

I eed to go re-read Jirel of Joiry
Yeah I picked up on that a few posts down. Shows me right for not finishing reading the thread before asking questions.

Thanks though anon!
delete this
This isn't wizard101
Surely it can't actually be that
So it wasn't actually it. I remember when SquireAnon accidently leaked his trip and he had to change.
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I always forget that its a # when putting it in the name field
I write these words after a very stressful past few months, during which my mother's cancer, which I have mentioned, was only one of the issues which I had to deal with. But during that time, my love for Academagia, although unmanifested in participation in this forum, remained strong. I have faith in you people to release Y2, as I have faith in Buddhism, my skills as a writer, and my inability to walk during this lifetime.
Just read Aesemyr and it's not half bad, very story focused so far with only the lightest romantic content which I'm ok with after seeing so many works fuck around with fluff, main appeal so far though has been the cheeky, and attached younger twin brother who seems to have gotten into some shady ass shit trying to help (You) and apparently just straight up breaks and gets into some crazy shit in the AU timeline were you reject the King, and wind up being executed by his best friend, who hadn't thought that whole thing through all that well.
>almost 2 years for Chapter 2
Not looking good, chief.
I was responsible for Riqqi’s death. I can only offer peace so many times before I reach my limit. I wish the scorpion had taken out that other punk too. I am sick of the Stormraiders.
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>mfw monkey yokai akakiruchad
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>mfw antichrist demon prince
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>mfw omniscient lunargoth
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>mfw aoyusumu human
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>mfw kiitsuhakai
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>Mf w
>I was responsible for Riqqi’s death
Why do you hurt me like this anon. .
if I remember correctly they could've joined with the empress and settled someplace, at the probable cost of having to 'assimilate'. Which they didn't want. So now the world bleeds because of their pride.
Fuck them. TSD.
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>mfw romancing rat
Would (You) give up your culture and assimilate into another?
genuine down on their luck refugees would, invaders won't
If the benefits are worth it, sure.
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It's a complicated question but if I were to immerse myself into that world and put myself in their place, yes.
"Our way failed, our gods failed, time for something else."
They are one step away from total destruction. You think they would. I would.
This guy gets it
Not him and ngl, fuck the other guys.

If I was him, knowing I came from a superior culture, a people with more history and knowledge of the world than the other 3 powers combined?

Yeah, I'm going to take the path of die or conquer.

And if we're being fair, all our war seemed like it was more Vankrid's idea than the Storm Raiders. Galimar didn't even seem that intent on avenging his mother.

Actually, is it ever really explained why they're following Vankred? They seem pretty unhappy with the idea even during the start of Southern Labyrinth and by the end Galimar is ready to be done away with him.
If you look at it historically, invaders are more often the ones to assimilate into the culture present. Happened to the Franks, Happened to the Bulgars, Happened to the Manchus.
The actual refugees as opposite are communal and flock together, so they are less prone to assimilate or assimilate fully.
Fair enough, that one is certainly a good answer. Especially with a framing of a decaying world.
>If I was him, knowing I came from a superior culture, a people with more history and knowledge of the world than the other 3 powers combined?
Yea, this is the most important factor. The idea of pride is a strong one. Especially, with the elements the fantasy worlds have. Where the common memory is even stronger than irl.
Personally, I would certainly also pick the path to go out in the blaze of glory.
They could easily assimilate if MC puts in the bare minimum effort. Skill issue.
wtf anon is a glownigger?
>more shitting up the board making off topic threads all day
>more discord posting
why is this general allowed here? you've even specifically chosen the style of CYOAs that are least related to rpgs. this whole situation is weird and awful.
>you've even specifically chosen the style of CYOAs that are least related to rpgs
We're not discussing Inform parser adventures here, albeitever
Okay, bye
No one is forcing you to stay.
Whiskey-4 should be out soon. I wonder how he will fuck up the storming of Uvarov's main corpotower.
Why do you continue making posts like this? Complain in the IRC instead.
Stay where, you samefagging retard? You are pushing me out of the REST OF THE BOARD, I don't want to be in this awful general at all. I want you stay in here and stop making posts and threads outside of it.
>You are pushing me out of the REST OF THE BOARD
Makes no sense. Proof?
>I don't want to be in this awful general at all
No one if forcing you to stay.
>Makes no sense. Proof?
Every time this is thread is bumped there is a slew of off topic shitposting threads accompanying it. The board is too slow to hide shit like this, when you post in multiple threads at once you are very much signing your posts. This isn't /v/. You don't like rpgs. You don't know anything about rpgs. Stay in this thread and keep it to yourself.
>Only coworker quit
What does he work at a mom and pop shop? What job can you have where you have only one (1) singular co-worker?
So no proof? Alright then... You can leave now though, histrionic faggot.
This bait is getting too repetitive, get a new one or at least don't forget to wear your animepic next time
Still can't believe that the only twin threesome was in third crusade mecha time travelling book. Why the hell is it so rare to find such things?
You are going to regret your behavior.
Say what?
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Lmao. What the fuck.
It's just out resident Schizo
Any specialized software responsibility. You can have 500 "co-workers" but only one of them helps with your tasks.

>t. DevOps guy with only 1 co-worker
>who is quitting
Speaking of a legionary's life, actually...where the hell would i go to ask how i can save edit a fuckton of enhancement points? Can't find a single bloody place that gives the answer...

>inb4 just cheat in the character stats
It's not the damn same. Enhancement points give out stuff like cool traits. I want to play with that. I don't want to have to play the whole game to get a lot of points so i can play it for real. I already did that before. I want to skip to the good part.

I listen to this for Guillaume.
Is what you're talking about Bedabots by Tinkeringturian and Himokone? The same Tinkeringturian behind Kobold Adventure? Kobold Adventure had some good scenes.
I wish there was an Avatar or Hogwarts IF where you got to play as Aang or Neville, respectively, and got to build a harem. But maybe I'm just yappin'.
Neville would not be able to build a Harem in a million years, keep yappin buster.
This just sounds like you want a shitty weg.
Harry Potter chad sexo simulator would be dope. I'd slip a love potion into the smart nerdy chick's drink and have her use her smarts to make it permanent, then use her as my harem recruiter from there.

>this event is so common they have detectors specifically looking for it
>expelled day 1
Just because they love you doesn't mean they are under the influence of mind control. The second the smart chick realizes she is under the influence of a love potion she would not make it permanent and would probably try to get rid of it. For example, if a husband and wife loved each other very much and then one day the husband told his wife "Make me drugs so I can more easily participate in sex trafficking" she is not going to instantly do it.
Four Elements Trainer, Wands and Witches, Witch Trainer, Innocent Witches and more are two blocks down, leatherman.
Anon, love potions are not love. They are devotion-based mind control. The love part is just a name for marketing.
Childhood is thinking Harry Potter was a poor, exploited kid who finally got his just desserts. Adulthood is realizing Harry was a little niglet who got everything handed to him and Neville was the one who really had to work for everything.
Ohhh, I fell for the marketing ploy.
Maybe, maybe not.

Naw these are all gay.
I am playing with idea of threesome for my twins story. Idea is that if you pick option to actually pursue the berthroal your father set up for the sister it will introduce the another cute shota into the story. Except that he is actually more interesting in the MC than the sister.
I am still not sure about the idea though. It sounds like inflicting more pain upon myself.
>twin threesome
are the twin(k)s guys ore grils?
They are Orks so it doesn't matter.
I mean, it does sound cool and is a rare enough trope. This will ensure I will play your game.

One guy, one girl. Both are cute, for I am a bichad.
Medabots. It's a franchise. Like Pokemon but with little robots.
Reminder to always finish jerking off before actually posting whatever drivel your addled brain cooked up.
Don't worry I got ya with my wip.
Boy, you would hate playing a bisexual in most of the games that set up MC's orientation. Usually they put the switches onto the weirdest characters - like, why specifically F and M's female versions for bisexual? Why not A and N?
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So you're a fag, got it.

Yea, but what's this about a VN?
Why are you tainting Devil Survivor with your faggotry? Last I checked, my boy Abel wasn't a faggot.
His most popular ship is with Naoya.
>CYOA says it's cultivation
>it's not
>this happens twice
Why are you like this?
it's not true cultivation unless it's hesychasm
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Today I will play Aura Clash to finally see what the fuss has been about. Hopefully it will cure my inability to read.
Ah, a naysayer. What work IS cultivation?
It'll teach you to read Spanish and Portuguese if that's what you want
>You are in a dump mountain cave meditating
>There's a small water leak on top of you and the sound of it dripping is messing with your glorious meditation. You
>Move further into the cabe to stop the sound/ Search another cave to cultivate/ Break the ceiling with your bare hands and eliminate the source of the leak
Rinse and repeat for 2000 years until you come out to exterminate some rival sect with only your thumb.
Project Hadea's MC is already the most incompetent glowie I've ever seen. Imagine getting punked and thrown into a window by a single laptop bomb while you're wearing uberarmour that can ignore bullets.
Of course it had to do with fujo trash. Not even faggots try to twist characters as much as those cumbrained abominations.
>state of the art armour
>gets scratched by plexiglass

First ten pages already look promising.
This writer seems to know what's up about Israel and makeshift bombs.
Sounds based. I'll take it over childhood sections.
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>you reply flatly
wtf I didn't know Bacon made another one
yeah uhh the protagonist definitely has a predefined snarky attitude and talks quite a bit without your input. i think it was funny though that
>we are trying to send out a distress signal to the feds
>rohan asks to pretty please call her contact instead because if the feds come she is 100% dead
>next three options are picrel
>get blown up by a laptop bomb
>destroy a building or two for no reason
>sleep with a random bar woman
>get drugged and tortured

Playing as the world's least competent glowie is the only way to make MC's personality tolerable.
>he actually slept with her
Come on, that's a typical plot point for James Bond novels! Sure, now I don't have this AI mindlink, but I have a desire for revenge and indomitable human spirit. And also an alien gun.

Besides, MC's established personality ensures that's the only way this shit actually sticks with their actions. They're very annoying and I want to see them fuck up badly.
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Hey, I can beat up Rohan!
this is why i prefer otome and fujo games, the MC is almost always exclusively female and all the romances are cute twinkish boys or are absolute chads :3
I went all the way with flirting but stopping at actually fucking because my MC was too depressed about being the worst fed in the history of feds
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I thought I was the most incompetent glowie in the history of glowies and a liquid waste of everything they've poured into me, but these morons are really taking away the burger king crown of retardation from my character's head.
musky bug alien scent...
>little niglet who got everything handed to him
>being stuck in an abusive family who lock you away in the cupboard all day, and every year some batshit assholes tries to murder you is having everything now
That's more attention than most boomers give to their children though, he's lucky.
Dursleys were not even that abusive. The highest extent of their abuse is berbal abuse. Especially when you compare it to other characters in the series. Or actual, irl abusive families. Not to mention, who cares, Harry was always kind of a cumt himself.
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>called the project
>want rohan dead
>still can kiss her and get this scene

It's not even funny how hard Rohan carries this book. Nash is an obnoxious overbearing cunt who's just as incompetent as MC is and everyone else might as well be a melted blob of obnoxiously snarky assholes.
for me it's being a sincere and so tired dude that just wants his AI waifu to be ok that it causes rohan to lower the snark and be a bit more sincere too
>being constantly berated and told your parents were useless cunts, as well as locked away and having your letters burnt is ok now, just because they aren't literally sending you to the hospital
Ok boomer
I would like to be one too, but MC doesn't really mesh with it all that well. When someone starts acting like a bitch, I tend to bitch at them right back - and Rohan was the only character who hasn't triggered this response the very second my world's worst glowie met her. MC is very snarky and pretty combative as-is, so it seemed prudent to adopt just that mindset to him.

Also, I really hate most of the characters. They're so... so annoyingly assholish and bland at the same time, and this Raxa thing is the worst example. No shit I don't trust you and want you dead, you're an alien that is clearly running from something and love to indirectly threaten people. I hope I can kill it eventually.
They never beat him, they always fed him, they didnt give him cancer with years of secondhand smoke in his face, they never gave him drugs to stop them from judging them for being druggies, they never "rented him out" to neighbor pedos. All they did was say mean words and prioritize their biological son, all while funding his entire childhood at the expense of any social mobility they could have made. Who gives a shit. People have no idea what abuse is. The Dursleys were good people who sacrificed for Harry's sake and vented about it.
James was an actual cunt. That one is canonical.
You really need to get over highschool, Snape. Especially considering you went and joined hitler youth, while your childhood bully went to fight him.
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Here's a not fun fact. Nash uses rohan as bait in a firefight and causes them to go through an episode due to actually seeing people get killed. and then nash gets shot a little while later and the MC goes full "nothing matters but nash" mode. and then it ends
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>mc invites project unit on board
>lance sees rohan, and so do his unit's members
>they check her ID and supposedly imprison her
>mc lies that he killed rohan
>mc blabs out her actual name, appearance and discerning signs right afterwards despite specifically lying to keep her safe

Christ almighty, that's even dumber than The Exile protagonist. I don't even have to try to play the world's least competent glowie.
what's a glowie?
This is why you call the contact, they just hire some mercs and the bug almost gets killed
Tried to play this and didn't like it, seems like the MC already has a set personality.
lurk moar
To be honest, glowies seemed like a much better option. At least you work with the feds, Rohan openly states she would carve up anyone for IVI and is obviously shady as fuck - it makes her the most interesting character, but I would not trust her for a second.
Thats exactly why I trust her, you can trust rohan to be selfish and not think ahead,but she isn't an emotionless shady syndicate, the feds try to fucking euthanize you after "rescuing" you. You can get rohan to care, you cannot get a monolith to do so
>Yale is a crucible of power, where secret societies wield arcane magic and the dead are far from silent.
Bonebros...should we shut it down?
>schizoid RO
>prologue only
>check author
>multiple abandoned prologue/chapter 1 projects
it'll never be finished
Military and feds are just too cartoonishly evil for my liking. Combine that with a gaggle of assholes on the supposed good side and you will ensure that I will side with the former out of sheer spite. MC is supposed to be born and bred into the military. He's pretty damn proud of his posting. Switch happens too quickly and doesn't feel mandated or warranted.

It just works better with Rohan's supposed cat and mouse if you have the reason to stay loyal to your side. If there's some tension, not just "hey, military is evil and you will be on the same side with me without an option to express anything about it". There's no build-up, no tension - synopsis claims you'll be playing an operative, but you're one for one chapter max.
My reasoning was simply that I don't want rohan to die, and that I thought the feds will 100% kill rohan if I call them. to it's credit you can even shout at rohan on the merc ship that you aren't on "her side" and still stick up for scytha you just didn't call them because... it's complicated
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>mfw lunarGOD kiihakaiCHAD
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Just reading the romance list gave me enough amusement, so I'll forgive it.
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Jeez, this was like reading Dawnfall all over again. Same crew of obnoxious self-righteous assholes on the supposed side of good, evil caricatures on the side of evil, baity synopsis that makes you think you'll actually stay in your position for the evil regime, boring walls of text.

But it's somehow worse! Can have disabilities and top surgery, cannot have any actual agency and can't tell Raxa to shut its twat hole the second it starts sassing me. Can have different nicknames and supposed dialogue choices, but cannot actually affect MC's personality all that much. At least MC doesn't whine as much as ones in Bacon's shit do, that would have been a drop.

Rohan is the only reason to bother with Project Hadea.

I didn't want her to die either, but I wanted that cat and mouse part. She's a rebel and a criminal, you are a man of law, you serve your country but can't shake off the fact you're constantly letting her off the hook.

In the end it's just the wet fart of a resolution. Lance checks her ID, states she's not a criminal and narrative just forgets about the fact she's met him. Director seems to know her, but somehow no one relayed the info. She just drops from the narrative and pops up for a bit to scream about being used as bait, and then it's fucking Raxa's wild ride.
>mfw when I enter the Plato's academy as a sarmatian twink
I'm a man of the law but my weakness is batting pretty eyelashes and rohan knows it. You aren't wrong though and I wish we had a better Cyoa that zeroed in fully on a cat and mouse constantly shifting alliances and blueballing eachother before making off into the night with the macguffin romance.
>ethnicity: british/indian
fucking dropped
what about a schizo Catholic Danish-Jamaican tradwife?
nta, all these ros sound unhinged in their own special way and I'm all for it.
way better unironically enough
hindus are just repulsive
i don't know enough about jamaicans outside bob marley to make a judgement on them, but i assume they must be more pleasant to be around than say dominicans or haitians
I feel kind of bad for the Jolly Good author in that they spend hundreds of thousands of words writing about all of the ROs, but I just end up always sticking with Fitzie
There's always Haze. I need to do his route eventually, but I can't really figure out the build and stats to ensure he doesn't dip. Straightforward honest servant? Another burglar with the mask of serenity? Can both Jolly and Tally MCs do him?
haze isn't an RO for nobleMC
Fitzie just can't be beat, I think I'm even gonna pass up the opportunity for the maid threesome just so I can spend my full attenion on her, Cry harder starling
Really? I remember a screenshot someone posted when they acted flirty with MC and it seemed there was something between them.
>Can both Jolly and Tally MCs do him?
Jolly Goodman can have a quickie with Haze at the end of his first book if she didn't get butler'd, but she won't be ever a proper romance there.
Jolly Good MC can have a fling with Haze at their office if both parties are unattached, but I don't believe they will be an actual full RO for them
Anyway for the butler, both approaches work based on your tastes, you can be a good soul who helps them with their mental issues, or a criminally inclined partner who'll stick with them no matter what despite those issues, either way that one scene with them at night right after they rob Rory's aunt is a fucking mind field
I'm still going for that maid love triangle because I crave hilarious drama, but don't know if I would actually go for a 3some
The Ir*sh is for eternal
>set fitziecrush true
blueballing, howeverbeit
haze flirts but as far as I know thats all there is, maybe you can have a causal lay with them but as far as I know gower has already revealed all the ROs in the dev thread.
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>missing out on this
>feeding the Ir*ish
You will never be a real gentleman
He hasn't revealed Pilcrow yet, however.
anon I...
this is the best pilcrow is gonna get
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Jealous cockblock Fitzie is just too funny to resist
Marmaduke would sooner become a true gentleman than any iteration of the Jolly Goodfellow
for me its being president with fitzie as my VP and pilcrow giving me a very knowing look when I give ol fitzie a 10/10. And then she also interrupts us in the officeand cockblocks me right at the end. It's a fun "everyone knows but pretends they don't see it" thing
>thought the exile was being rewritten
>it's just being moved to twine
Is moving from choicescript to twine really that difficult? It doesn't feel like it should take that long.
It's actually a very calming experience but learning to translate certain things is harder. Spacing suddenly becomes an issue and if statements need to be closed now, the UI is no longer good so you need to customize it and for some reason no one I've seen except me has even tried using radiobuttons with the button feature to replicate CoG's "pick this option THEN click to confirm". I thought that would be so popular due to the efficiency, but I guess they all leave the back button on. I shut that shit off ASAP. Also losing CoG's *goto function is a deathknell, that shit was so cash.
no back button
>Not having Tabby be the VP so she's forced to have her desk outside your window because she legally can't be in the clubhouse
It's as if you don't want wacky hijinks to happen
Oh its just a twine port?

Guess I can go back to having nothing to read again for a while.
>Exile being moved to twine
Wow, anons weren't kidding when they said sister/mom sexo was back on the menu
Decided to give Shattered Eagle a go despite generally staying away from WiP. Is there much of a tangible benefit to not befriending the Empress? Do you get many chances to up your skills?

>sister/mom sexo was back on the menu
I don't know what exile is but now I'm intrigued.
As of the current version there is no sister or mom relationships allowed.

Also they are adoptive, not blood related btw.
They canonically underfed him, there's scenes talking about it and it's why he's stick thin when he's not at Hogwarts.
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The Dursleys were not going to get any social mobility with or without Potter. As for funding his entire childhood, they received him from their doorstep after one of the most powerful wizards dropped him off there. Even if Dumbledore was never going to kill them or harm them in any way they were probably scared about any potential repercussion they would receive by not raising him or pawning him off to someone else. If I knew of wizards that can mess with the fabric of reality with a flick of a wand I know I would raise the kid even if it was inconvenient to me. We all know the stories of witches and wizards fucking with peasants because they displeased them.
>how's the hag game?
It's pretty good, I'd say it was fairly polished. There's no jarring typos or obviously unfinished branches, or big jumps that need to be filled in. That said, it's mostly worldbuilding and politics so far. The flashback scenes are cool.

>Is there much of a tangible benefit to not befriending the Empress?
Nothing at all so far, from what I've seen. The only major difference that I'm aware of is if you're in a relationship with her, you can choose whether you're in love with her for real (the correct choice) or only pretending, it changes a couple scenes in minor ways.

>Do you get many chances to up your skills?
After character creation I think you get one per chapter. There are a couple extras in there but they come at the cost of not being able to work on your relationship with certain characters.
Have fun, I really enjoyed the WIP so far.
>they never beat him
Yeah, because they were fucking terrified he or another wizard would horrifically murder them all if they did, not because they were morally against it
Thanks for the info anon.
> it's mostly worldbuilding and politics so far
I don't mind this.
>There's no jarring typos or obviously unfinished branches
Greatest source of trepidation when it comes to playing WiP's

Going in pretty blind. Not sure who I want to romance yet. I've made good with the Prince, I feel sorry for the Emperor, I'm not involved with the Empress and I placated the senate.

I went with the Watchman background and despite having no interest in her before playing, I think I'm going to like the crime boss.
No problem, I hope you enjoy your playthrough. I enjoyed the game a lot more than I thought I would, even beyond the hags it's one of the WIPs I'm most looking forward to now.
>I went with the Watchman background and despite having no interest in her before playing, I think I'm going to like the crime boss.
In my opinion all of the hags are extremely cute but she's definitely the one who grew on me the most, I wasn't expecting to like her at all but she's charming and pretty interesting. Even without romancing her, inviting her to the council is amusing. That said she's still not my perfect bloodthirsty wife(soon), Julia.

I played a former Legionary and, like you, I placated the senate because I'm not some retard named Quinctilius Varus.
I felt kinda sorry for the Emperor but he's such a tool it's hilarious to watch him just sit there and seethe constantly.

>he's not involved with the Empress
That's definitely one thing I'd recommend replaying and seeing once you finish your first playthrough.
I played that rome game with a serious legion guy who got involved as little as possible but then went through again with a tranny sorceress who impregnated the empress and is basically using everyone for power. Feels different. Looking forward to seeing how the end product turns out.
>tfw you can become bros with the Emperor and be forgiven for cucking him if you're good natured himbo enough
>convince him to bury the hatchet for the sake of your daughter even though you basically cucked him out of his entire family
It's pretty great.
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I like the other route
It's especially amusing because it seems his aunt used his resentment over you to try and get him to do something about it but you can change his mind in a single conversation.

Is it possible to do this without using the assassin's poison with high Subterfuge?
If you're on her romance route Julia mentions she's planning on having him "removed" in the future but nothing happens yet in-game.
wait did the game get an update?
Not that I'm aware of? I first played through it a couple weeks ago, when people were talking about it here.
I'm pretty sure you can just tell her he threatened you, and she'll handle it.
Huh, for such an obvious solution I'be never actually tried it, thanks anon.
I think I still prefer leaving him alive and on-side for now, he can die quietly of an unexpected illness later.
If you get Titus killed and are romancing Julia, she'll ask you to marry her.
Julia must go down together with the rest of matriarchy.
The matriarchy isn't going down as long as my cute daughter is Empress.
>Julia must be invested with absolute power, as should our cute daughter
Fixed that for you, anon
...oh, damn, I've made a terrible mistake. She was even hinting at that earlier, too. Time for another playthrough.
I'll admit, I was mostly leaving him alive because I want to see if his aunt will have him killed once he fails, if we don't do it first
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You also have to make her like you enough
Even more cucked than Titus
*hits pipe*
When you think about it, wouldn't having a daughter in a matriarchy be the opposite of that pasta?
Depends on how you view it. For women, it would be very cucked. For the man, it would be a success.
That's a good point. Julia really does have a hard life...
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I expanded the build description just ever so slightly. Hehehe
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>You also have to make her like you enough
Not to worry, I don't think that's going to be a problem. Thanks, anon-san.
Yeah, even without the hags (they are a selling point though) I've been pretty interested in it. Hoping it gives more Age of Decadence vibes as the story progresses. Maxing Scholarship.

Given your love for the Empress, I would recommend you give Arcadie a go if you haven't already. Like anyone with taste, I get the feeling you'll love the sister. The bodyguard is good too and a decade your senior.
what is it with this general and sisters.
Incesfaggotry becoming a normie fetish and its consequences
It has always been normalfag fetish, for as long as the world stands.
Sisters are cute
Sisters are for loving and protecting (therefore sexo)
Sister LOEV!
Also, half the time authors write the sister better than any of the explicit LIs, so they end up being best girl anyway
I remember trying that cyberpunkdreams one back when it was getting first talked about here. Is it still a shitheap?
It's made to be obnoxious, so yeah, it's shit.
Shame. Could have been interesting but I also remember it being laughably edgy. Like finding a briefcase and learning it's made from human skin or some little girl by a serial killer type shit. Or someone getting their dick cut off and another person drinking blood from the wound.
It's two or three people who refuse to shut the fuck up about it.
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>laughably edgy
It still is.
It's marginally more playable than at the very release with some QoL, but on the other hand the dev also really likes nerfing stuff for no apparent reason like selling spikes, pimping or fucking training.
I apologize but ever since watching One Turn Kill Nee San and playing Kuro 2 and reading the incest parts of Tensei shitara Dainana Ouji Datta node, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu, I have been craving more incest. I have to get this out of my system so writing is the only thing that can help me. Incest is cute. Incest is justice. Incest is wincest.
>love and protecting (therefore sexo)
you do know that there are other forms of love than romantic love...right?
Holy fucking based
>verification not required
You are an irredeemable fucking faggot, but at the very least I respect that you are writing something and have refrained from being a tripnigger.
Still can't stop kek'ing from the fact in Sanguine Sky it's the MC's sister that offers MC to run away together and go whenever MC wants to go, she will follow. Most of the LIs don't have even a fraction of her chemistry with MC.
He's talking about writing posts, not a WIP
I am literally talking about writing a WIP being the only thing that can help me get it out of my system.
They all type the same, assumed he was the one writing that shitty siscon wip.
Speak of the devil, YouTube just showed me Servant of Evil. This is clearly the sign from the heavens that I must finish this story.
Yes, you must certainly finish the story of your life at the soonest opportunity.
Sorry anon, I subscribe to Camusian Absurdism and I intend to outlive everyone else.
>consumes incest media
>is suprised when reccomended more incest media
>play Project Hadea
>Rohan is a cunt and Leanna is a dyke
Once again, the straight man gets nothing.
rohan is the only good thing about it
When I finish my twincest story, I will write my silly magical boy in a Soviet victory timeline. That one would have plenty of straight ROs.
A depressed magical girl, a cyborg KGB agent (woman), a schizophrenic journo digging too deep into these conspiracies behind the scenes (also female).
who asked
i did for one!
but only if there are blonde haired, blue-eyed twinks and having total chads as romance options
why are fujos so racist?
Let me mindbreak the (aged up I hope) magical girl
Well, she will already be mindbroken from the beginning.
>wanting literal shitskins in your fantasy novels as protagonists, the good guys, or as romance options
there are too many in real life, i want to get away from that :/
So how did the genre arrive from borderline puritan tabletop-lite for socially stunted kids, to parser adventures, to visualless novels for horny women and feminine men?
nerds didn't gatekeep hard enough
(in fact wouldn't they be the ones who would introduce women into this genre?)
Sex sells and also parasocial relationship with fake e-waifus/husbandos
Been away since like July. What titles are new and what's the update on Aura Clash? Sailing chapter still on the way?
bird cult got rewritten and now the protagonist is in an arranged marriage with astoria's aunt/uncle(chooseable)
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late stage liberalism
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You're supporting the local superheroes instead of fanboying over the celebrityshitters, right, anon?
Rohan on the route where you want to kill her and stay loyal to your corpo was the only saving grace of the entire fucking book. She's the only character that has any effort put into her.
Personally, I am more of a vigilantie kind of a guy.
Orc Kino in 10 more days.
Fields of Asphodel dropped. If you like very sugary safe shit and getting no romance resolution, this might be your thing.
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>controls fire
if he looks like pic related then i will happily throw shekels your way :3
>she can speak to dolphins
The DEEP bros...
>I am more of a vigilantie kind of a guy.
Then you'll like being one.

I'm waiting for the shekels, then.

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There better be a not-blade bro
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Fun fact - that tiny choice
with all permutations (like being a boy dressed up as a big titty powermommy) adds up to almost 2 thousand words, and you'll see around 5-10% of them in a playthrough.
And that's not mentioning all the reactivity you get afterwards (scenes like "oh hey btw i dressed up as you when i was a kid").

I'm not going to spoil.
Biggest upside to posting screenshots is noticing all the typos right after.
Just post the link already.
Techwolf, it's like supporting small businesses you know? Gotta represent the hometeam.
I would engineer things so that Comeback ends up becoming the leader and most famous hero in the world, a role she's wholly unsuited for and would fall apart at the first global crisis.
This but make her the greatest villain.
so KaE is dead dead right?
>a role she's wholly unsuited for and would fall apart at the first global crisis
This but continue to support her from the shadows, ensuring that everything goes well despite her lack of qualifications.
She'll know that she's a fraud and live out her whole life in fear and anxiety, but everyone else will think she's the best. Only her and I know the truth, and she doesn't know that I know.
The Author is too busy writing lore and side stories to work on his "game".
There have been so many attempts to write a greek myth cog and they all suck ass.
the fag said he was done writing the lore??
>side stories
what the fuck for? it's been what, 4 years now?
Is this a plot so you can more easily gain power and prestige due to the collapse of the Alpha Wardens?
I had to double check the reply chain to see if you were talking about Aura Clash or not. CultivatorAnon loves his side stories.
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>aura spic
>frog and wojack wombo combo
Is he paying you to bring up Aura Clash when it isn't mentioned? Fucking retard.
I've written 5 in 7 months, if anything I'm woefully behind just like chapter 7
Side stories are dumb. If you want to put spotlight on a character, you might as well do it in the main story.
Did you just discover *italics* or something?
Why would you do this to not spiderman?
Wait until he finds out he can have certain words underlined.
>no legacy heroes
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I remeber when you asked this thread for hero names
Fata Morgana seeing someone dress up as her cringe Lady Mirror persona.
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>PoMA Chads
>dies while passing all checks
>jobs despite preparing a nuke
>will never be finished
He should finish the first game at the end of the Expedition with the big reveal and stat reset
I am pretty sure I have seen that pattern on the back of bus seats before.
Holy kino
>will never be finished
To his credit, Nicky is a more consistent and frequent updater than any of our guys.
>our guys
>incest guy
That's right, we can use the plural now.
Not including Zaper since he predates these threads and puts tumblrisms in his games.
I like zaper
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What did she mean by this?
What tumblrisms? Please don't include those enforced by the editorial.
I wish that StoryNexus or whatever was still a thing. I tried it like over ten years ago when I didn't know shit, but I think I could make something nice with it with the knowledge I have now
Yeah, but you can't use it to make games anymore. There was a whole editor, it's how Cyberpunk Dreams got made if I'm not mistaken
>Please don't include those enforced by the editorial
Hey man, they're in the game. Best I can do is give you some credit for not wanting to put them there.
Huh, interesting. First I have heard of storynexus truthfully. I wonder why it did? It seems to have sunless sea and fallen london under its belt and I recall those being relatively well know back then.
It was probably too costly to maintain/more trouble than it was worth. It came after Fallen London, so it was probably the editor they were already using but adapted for the masses.
why is flit such a woman?
Well if you still want to make something nice you have a few options. Twice for webbased. Unity was the engine that made Cultist simulator and that's a card driven game. CoG if you want to build that audience. You might wanna go to /agdg/ on /vg/, I am pretty sure this sort of thing is their entire schtick.
>still no good evil overlord cyoa
sigh. and miss me with that isekai shit, I just want to have fun at everyone elses expense
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Isekino is good, thoughbeit.
games where i can play as an evil faglord?
Real life and whatever game the resident faggots suggest. Probably Cyberpunkdreams
It's just a pain in the ass to build the UI and the systems from scratch. With StoryNexus you just needed to know some basic code and fill in the blanks.
It is what it is.
Anime protagonist anon...
No, it isn't.

The only time it was done well was FFT:A and even that game shat the bed with it half way through.
does she like shotas?
No, she hates them as a matter of fact. Every time she sees a shota she says "Shota? More like SHORTa!" and makes them cry.
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Originally it was on StoryNexus, yeah, but after that one died it moved to its own engine.
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when the FUCK is book 3 being finished
I love my actual demon mother in law...
Please just take your meds. Your mother in law does NOT have the power to shift reality, you are experiencing psychosis.
Her mother is a massive threat, I don't even know how to take her out. If we kill Astrid, could she simply say "It would be nice if my daughter were alive." and make it so? We don't know anything about the extent of her powers.
>kill my wife That I had to compel to temporarily hate me for her own good
why would I do that?
Well I mean you wouldn't kill your formerly loving wife but even that could be found out by her if she so ask. "Astrid, I thought you loved {user}. Why don't you tell me what happened to make you hate them all of a sudden?" and then reality bends to make her say that you compelled her to hate you and that is why she hates you now. You can't have shit around this lady.
I can have a harem in shattered eagle right
>getting the 48 year old, 51 year old, and 55 year old ROs.
At that point it would be called a retirement home.
What is she going to do if you are literally a Demon Prince?
>literally a demon prince
I'm a mage and the reincarnation of astoria thoughbiet
The power of my imagination deages everyone by 20 years

I see we are very modern in our empire. Now I can't help but think it's Judea each time I see the name.
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I really hope this will be just as interesting as loremaster route.
Im going to fucking cum at the thought it.
>empress starts coughing blood

My decision to back the legate as the owner of imperial treasury was not only historically accurate, but also correct!
Weak, I want to see blood. The blood of the political elites that ruined this city must flow down these steps.
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I can't believe I actually get to play as a power hungry shadow cardinal who's both asexual and understands that fucking the empress is a direct line to great power. Such a rarity!
I fucking love that shit as well, always nice to see it.
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I also adore the fact that playing as someone incredibly greedy is a very valid path. It's pretty funny that my lady bows her head in deference to the empress and calls her a madwoman in her head. Oh, I missed stuff like this so very so.
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Everyone knows that most successful roman emperors were always reliant on their armies. I play all sides so I always come out on top.
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Man, can't believe I missed out on this. This is pretty fucking cool!
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He acts as if I was Augusta's father and cucked him even harder than he was. Kind of funny to see this hard of a reaction.
You aren't fooling anyone, you demon bitch, now go retcon my schizophrenia so I can have a happily every after with your daughter
The goddess part of lore gives me very, very strong Three Houses lore vibes. Especially given the Typhon and the split earth.
"I wish you never ran into my daughter."
*Cuts back to the first book where you die to the Gorgon for real this time*
Game over, would you like to rate this game on a scale of 10-1?
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To be fair, you are not one to talk. However the difference is that she is not you and since she is not you she should not have that kind of power. Only (you) should be able to do something like that.
TRUE! I sure am glad I kept that sun artifact and gave that dude a fake, I'm the ONLY person that can fix everything because I alone am special and the chosen one and uhh I also want to killmyself sometimes but its whatever I just need that moon artifact I'm just gonna keep listening to that new voice in my head
>I'm just gonna keep listening to that new voice in my head
The best decision you could make that will have no negative repercussions in the slightest. After all its in your head, if its coming from your head how could it be wrong? It's yours after all, just makes sense.
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low-key getting tired of my MC being some old fat crusty dude in these wips with old hags as romance options
i want to play as a young stud that romances and fucks the crap out of these old hags, why can't they (authors) just give us the option of choosing the MC's age?
come back to infinity anon... (its the only game I can think of that has variable mc age)
Sorry anon, but minmaxers can't enjoy that one since if you pick a younger age you don't get a medal for the boat fight.
just maxmax then duh
>since if you pick a younger age you don't get a medal for the boat fight.
Only if you're bad at minmaxing, my man Cazarosta allows even a 14 year old to earn a medal on the boat
Doesn't that need soldering? Most people pick Cha / Int builds because there's a shitton of content hidden behind the two.
Hann-ahem, pardon me, Harris Powell-Smith's next game does let you pick how old your guy is.
The problem being, of course, that it's Hannah Powell-Smith, and xir brainrot is reaching increasingly terminal stages.
Can you still sleep with someone for power alone and powerplay while crushing the rebellion into the mud? Royal Affairs gave me the sufficient fix, and we're supposed to be an officer in Honour Bond.
>he participated in the boat fight
Just let the crew do their jobs jeez
>three ROs aged over 30+
>two of them are locked to various flavours of tranny
Is this what they mean by becoming a wizard...? K-K-Kowai!
Has anyone played the new bootlegger game?
Oh hey, they released a new game. Guess I will try the demo.

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