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>"Me warrior, me swing sword and guard. Me mage, me do fireball. Me thief, me steal stuff."
>"Beep Boop, can you kill 5 wolves or fetch stick? Thanks, here is coin, Beep Boop"

Does this shit ever get any less comically repetitive, drab, uninspired and unrewarding after a certain point

? It feels like someone literally tried doing everything in their power to design the most generic, zero-effort classes, factions, stories and mechanics imaginable. Like, there are plenty of games that try going for something and fails, this is one of the only RPG's out of thousands I've played where everything just goes out of its way to be as mundane and unexciting as possible.

Did I fall for one giant meme by playing this?

>"It's an old game"

Morrowind in 3D is older, not to mention Planescape or Arcanum.
It's a German game.
That explains everything. Also the lack of jokes.
>Did I fall for one giant meme by playing this?
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C for effort, that's the best I can do.
>if you want to live, you have to work and pay tax
Skill issue
Who cares gramps
Nobody gives a shit about your old fart games
They are literally older than Skyrim and that's almost 15 years old fossil of a game
>Who cares
Beep boop no fuck off zoomer nigger
Either v or reddit is your place
dis kraut mad
>Did I fall for one giant meme by playing this?
No, it's a great game.

>>"Beep Boop, can you kill 5 wolves or fetch stick?
That makes sense if you look like a hobo (not joined any faction yet). If you don't then you've run into this quest later than it was intended.
It's just forklift simulator dressed up as an rpg, but with less things to do.
>That makes sense
not really
>hey stranger can you kill 5 exactly 5 wolves ill trust you if you say you did it
Can someone explain to me how the progression system in Gothic and Dragon Quest differs? Because Gothic seems like a 1:1 normalfag jrpg.
weapon progress is tied to level grind
armor progression is tied to story progressions
but fundamentally Gothic is souls-like, you can whittle down endgame bosses with starter weapon if you have little bit of skill and plenty of patience
Your problem is that you started with Gothic 2 instead of 1.
>Gothic is souls-like, you can whittle down endgame bosses with starter weapon if you have little bit of skill and plenty of patience
that's what makes it not an rpg
>weapon progress is tied to level grind
>armor progression is tied to story progressions
This is how both DQ and Gothic work.
>but fundamentally Gothic is souls-like
No, its like Dragon Quest. Its split up into acts where you have a maximal amount of gear progression that enables you to break through the ceiling to the next act and repeat the loop.
>you can whittle down endgame bosses with starter weapon if you have little bit of skill and plenty of patience
You can do this in just about any faux rpg with a badly designed ruleset.
In Dragon Quest you can use the seeds to increase stats at any time, in gothic you have to save all the stat increases towards the end for optimum usage. Huge difference.
>but fundamentally Gothic is souls-like, you can whittle down endgame bosses with starter weapon if you have little bit of skill and plenty of patience
Sort of bullshit. In G1 only crits would bypass the armor if your damage was under the threshold. Which is why enemies would go from near impossible to dead in three hits even with minor damage upgrades.
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>Morrowind in 3D is older
you're are not actually implying morrowind quests are less simple and fetchy aren't you? There's no way right?
>weapon progress is tied to level grind
>This is how both DQ and Gothic work
do dragon quest requires you to have a certain level of skill or stat to wield a weapon?
>No, its like Dragon Quest. Its split up into acts where you have a maximal amount of gear progression that enables you to break through the ceiling to the next act and repeat the loop
Not true, because you can buy the best weapons in the game since chapter one, but you can't wield them until you have the required stat. Which also can be gotten in the first few levels if you know what you're doing. There's nothing "fixed" in the sense that it is impossible to get until you reach a certain part of the game. And this is amazing progression tho, because is very hard resisting cheesing the game out when you can get the best gear in the beginning and you have no penalties for wielding it level 1. You still will have a lot of advantage and get it sooner if you metagame tho
you always do 1 damage even if dont break the armour threshold

>Not true, because you can buy the best weapons in the game since chapter one
This lists the weapons and what act they can be acquired in. Power level is clearly split into chapters.
That's Gothic 2, anon. They changed the damage formula for that game. In Gothic 1 you either deal damage above the armor, or you deal no damage at all.
>>hey stranger can you kill 5 exactly 5 wolves ill trust you if you say you did it
high trust society, a concept zoomers can't understand since they're all materialistic golems.
Did you really think he compared it to Dragon Quest for ANY other reason besides pissing you and a few others off?
So you're saying he was just coincidentally 100% correct?
Don't worry, I know he's doing it in bad faith. I've seen that same anon writing the same for at least 1 year. Always avatarfagging with a trannime pic related
Man, /vrpg/ really is the most bottom of the barrel board.
Gothic is like.. so awesome. I should play it again.
Blame zoomers
In G1 you can acquire and wield best 1h sword in the game within 1 hour of gameplay if you know what you're doing, in G2 NOTR you can acquire 2nd best sword* in the game within first hour of gameplay if you know what you're doing.
2nd best with an asterisk because it depends on your faction it's actually the best sword if you're a mage, second best for paladin or dragon hunter
There are like a million ways to break the power curve in all gothic games.

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