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>you can impregnate your female companion and have loving family with them.

why doesn't more WRPGs do this? i have only seen JRPGs do it
Why did you delete the other owlcat thread and immediately make this one? These games suck ass dude.
I didn't create those old one and thi isn't specifically a owlcat thread
complete bullshit man, kys. sick of awful threads all day then seeing the janny jump on a grenade within minutes of it being posted to save some retarded slavshit. this board is so fake and gay now.
You don't like Kibellah, she literally just came out and you probably haven't even played the DLC yet, and if you did you barely know her. You're only latching onto her because you can knock her up. It's why you're saying you can "have a loving family" with her when you're literally forced to sell off your child to a fucking cult. You probably didn't even like Arue before they edited her ending which happened THREE (3) years after WotR released
What games are we even talking about here? The only games I know with this mechanic are visual novels or JRPGMaker H-games.
BG2 with Aerie. Baby is an inventory item.
Hard pass.
Left is from WotR right if from Rogue Trader, both owlslop
There's this ancient JRPG I forget the name of where the epilogue shows the protagonist and main girl reuniting with the rest of the side-characters after years apart and they've had like five kids since then
Because even just a few lines of text of pro-natalist propaganda are physically painful for most devs.
>used goods
holy shit lmao
Because what if you play race that can't have kids with love interests race? You gonna write different slides depending if you can have kids, you gonna adopt or if you want to live childless?
Easier to just write one slide that's vague enough that you can interpret it anyway you want.
>Because what if you play race that can't have kids with love interests race?
That's not a thing in most RPGs. And if it's a thing just make the romance unavailable to begin with.
>that can't have kids with love interests race?
You do what BG2 did and say "fuck it I don't care, the canon one is a human male anyway"
what is her unedited ending?
You fags sure you want that? You do know how leftists most game devs are, right? That's just one step away from love interests rejecting you because your characters skin is too white.
They just added an extra paragraph where you have kids, if you bring the topic up during the final dlc
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>"The former demon lived in the house she built together with the Commander, far from the bustle of the city. It was there that they spent their time together in happy seclusion, when they were not busy with other matters. They had nothing to be ashamed of, and they had no secrets — and still the shy young woman sought to hide their love from prying eyes.",
>"After some time had passed, the babbling of children could be heard from Arueshalae's cozy house. With the children's arrival, the Commander and Arueshalae's happiness only grew stronger.",
Western civilzation considers the idea of "traditional" family obsolete. Nowaday it's all about genderqueer polycules, and state-subsidized single mothers.
I-It's not that old
>I-It's not that old
I just assumed that kids were inevitable with all the romances considering all the fucking they do.
I mean all of them have very active sex lives and no ones pullout game is THAT good.
Fire Emblem Awakening?
This. Arcanum had romance locked behind human/elf/halfelf with high enough beauty and inteligence stats. I hate that leftist bullshit.
Westoids only think about children when its time to groom them.
old leftists hadn't cleared their internalized patriarchal attitudes with the help of tumblr and twitter. things are better now.
>That's just one step away from love interests rejecting you because your characters skin is too white.
Just like real life!
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Mention of kyou both having kids and living happily in your cottage in the middle of nowhere
How's the Rogue Trader DLC?
Is it better than Mask of the Betrayer?
Let them, i enjoy not buying wokie shit
Stellar Glow lets you impregnate the villain.
Mana Khemia has babies ever after in Nikki's ending.
Lufia 2 you have a kid like halfway through the story.
There are plenty of others out there.
>better than Mask of the Betrayer?
Are you fucking high?
MotB is fucking garbage, so probably
>If the Emperor told you to kill me, would you do it?
>Stop doing everything in the name of the Emperor and do it in my name
This happens immediately after recruiting Kibellah and speaking to her on the bridge. There's pandering and then there's PANDERING, she's supposed to be an extreme zealot cultist, in an universe filled with zealots. She's boring.
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I did not care for WotR.
I quite liked the first half of Kingmaker.
IS there a chance I will like Roguetrader?
>announcing a report
Uhhh bro?
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Probably because pregnancies take way too long to be relevant in a game? In BG2 you sleep with Aerie and near the end of its expansion she gives birth, who knows how many months has passed between
depends on what your main gripes were about the other two. the combat & systems are completely different
Dragon Quest V
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Aselia the Spirit of Eternity Sword
People seem to like it since the new companion is decent and her story is integrated with the rest of the game

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