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Fuck me, the characters in this thing are so unbelievably fucking hideous its actually unreal

And the way they just stand in a line during cutscenes like bunch of retards, also what is this voiceacting and dialogues haha lmao

AND this placeholder interface ehh


Why cant anyone make isometric dungeon crawler with fun combat but with production value higher than your moms garage
Would sales justify cost of production values?
I liked it. Characters and dialogue are so bad that it circles back into weirdly enjoyable.
Combat was fun at least.
Even when the base game is on sale theres 15 DLCs to buy still, and in total it costs more than BG3 lol
I think it's pretty good for it's budget and scope.

As for the faces, iirc they were going to have a deeper customization but devs fucked it up and the system was unsalvageable for the release window so they just scrapped what they had and we ended up with what's in the game.
yeah that's how i felt about it too, they just needed to insert sitcom laugh track every time someone says soraks
>Fuck me, the characters in this thing are so unbelievably fucking hideous its actually unreal
well yeah its a WRPG
like it or not this game had soul
Reminder that Solasta and BG3 were in early access at the same time and BG3 copied Solasta’s “party follows the leader and chain jumps across gaps” because BG3 originally made you click each individual character and then click jump then click across the gap for every little gap. BG3 shills seethe when you bring this up.
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This is shit system though. I want to control every motherfucker, or select 2 of them and tell them to jump - I cant do that now, its either only one or all of them. Not to mention the retarded jumping back if you god forbid select someone else who hasnt jumped yet
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You can separate each party member, you idiot. They don't have to move as a group.
>decade old game
>tranny game

westoids need a wake up call it seems
Read again what I said
japan was making tranny games before it was cool
your trannies are making all your games right now
yeah, japan got to them. i still remember what bridget did to anons here and now everything is 'femboy and bussy' all over the internet and every single country connected to it. keep mocking.
Too much asked for apparently
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They're making the next Solasta in Unreal engine. Hope you faggots are ready for another super low budget crpg with shit faces/dialogue but actually decent combat.

Burn all soraks.
My body is ready.
Solasta cost almost 6m usd to make, iirc without dlc.
They had to beg for kickstarter money.

After release they added:
-all classes
-a campaign maker function

Not bad for a tiny french shitter.
Europoora is very expensive due to high meme tax
I like the concept, but ultimately don't find it worth my time. It's very wonky.
If they keep improving, solasta 2 might be better than kingmaker.
Kickstarter page says it's like 250k.after cost we have 160k. Not sure where the 6 million usd figure comes from.
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I expect Solasta 2 to have:
-improved faces
-2024 5e rules
-better graphics all around
-basically the same combat

But it won't have a campaign maker. I'd bet WotC wanted that shit stamped out so it doesn't compete with their new virtual tabletop thing. So they would allow for more official material but not allow custom campaigns.

It will be multiplayer from the start though.
>-better graphics all around
It's a must for me
>basically the same combat
Pass. Too many flaws.
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I wonder why companies choose to go for realistic artstyles when they lack the skills or resources. The game would have looked way more appealing if they went for something low poly or stylistic.
getting a game to look like Ni No Kuni takes a lot of effort and time
It's an AA game. Actually, maybe even an A game. What baffles me, they still opted for cinematic cutscenes and close ups.
That screenshot is of much higher effort graphics, dude. It is more work, not less.
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That would be a downgrade to what we got.
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>game would have looked way more appealing
Yeah. Imagine this, but party dnd crawler

Dare i say it would be cinematic, or even kino as some say
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I'm not digging it to be quite honest with you, family.
Sorry about your bad taste
Who cares, the problems lie in the 5th edition ruleset.
The game mechanics could be good, and they tried to make it good. Bless them for that, though it was a losing battle.
If you play a game for characters, dialogue or story it better be a game that was released 10 or more years ago. Nothing today has anything worth reading/listening to
I am ready. I like Solasta. It does not want to be preachy, it reads like a B-movie and the developers know it.
I only wish if they would return to their roots and make an RPG in the Endless Space universe, as they used to be Amplitude devs...
>the problems lie in the 5th edition ruleset
what problems? isn't 5e the best version?
There is no best version. They managed to fuck themselvrs differently from version to version. There is a reason why the OG DnD 1st edition has like 4 different iterations.
Pathfinder is the best version

Vanilla Dnd sucks
But Pathfinder isn't perfect either, there are lots of trap options and caster bloat. And this is just the mechanics.
Fuck no.
No one will play Solasta for anything besides the combat. Same with a sequel.
>trap options and caster bloat
These are good things you brainlet
>there are lots of trap options and caster bloat.
Not in PF2e, no.
PF2e is just a Paizo version of 4E and is just as much of a shot in the dick
It's the worst I have ever played, never tried 4th
While I agree, I love original BECMI to death and will die on that hill
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What is the best writeup or video that details all the problems with 5e?
4e was good though. Yeah people hated it because it wasn't D&D enough, but on a mechanical level it's the best-designed that D&D has ever been in its entire history.
Yeah the story and voice acting had me laughing like Two Worlds did.
They're rather endearing

As long as you treat it as "its so bad its good" and dont expect BG3 story and character wise then youre going to have fun. The gameplay itself is obviously what carries this game, and its pretty good
Nah, it just fucking sucked and that was bad. Glad you were able to cope but it was unplayable for me.
Why don't you play an MMO then? You don't play tabletop games, do you?
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You sound like a fag. The combat is easily in the upper tier of crpg combat. That is in spite of being 5e, not because of it.
Too many flaws for me. Being slow was the tipping point where I decided to quit for good.
You guys are right. Ni No Kuni was a bad example. I should have pointed towards a game like Jet Set Radio.
Yeah, Banner Saga's art is way more appealing. They could even use sprites with 3d environments.
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Love me some tits.

...that is all.
I will talk absolute trash about Solasta but will genuinely kneel that they implemented the Fly spell properly. BG3's copout is an absolute insult to the spell and the cooky shenanigans you can do.
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>trash talk Solasta
It was kino 5e combat simulator and did not pretend to be anything more.
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Soraks could be anyware
With a competent writer and a development that isn't rushed, they could do some neato shit with soraks. I'm not expecting that but the illuminati lizards is a cool thing.
Solasta is unironically my favourite cRPG since Baldur's Gate 2.
I find the jank rather charming. It's a bit of a B movie experience.
With the unfinished business mod and player campaigns, it is actually really good.
Party of 4 halfling fighters. Name them Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Banter and world-saving.
Nice idea, HOWEVER

>4 hot elf bitches
Now this is podracing
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Ladies need to eat the rations. All of them.
How is this shit with six player characters? Using the mod.

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