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Why is this such a step backwards from RS2?
rs2 is laser focused and gives you a very clear goal and extremely constant sense of progression. rs3 is back to the boring meandering that most of the saga franchise is loved for.
It's not. If anything, RS3 was return to form with RS2 being the outlier series never used again, loose interpretation of generations in Saga Frontier 2 notwithstanding.
Because it's not, 3 is more enjoyable to replay
>It's not.
>do thing in one game
>improve in every way in the next game
>""""return to form""""" in the third game
That's the definition of a step backwards.
RS3 is a great game, it's just hard to follow after a masterpiece.
I recommend replaying the game with Mikhail as your protagonist and using commander mode for the entire game.
Mikhail's minigame and commander mode are worth experiencing, and the game in general is more fun when you know where to go instead of wandering around blindly.
The filtered words of a coffee person.
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I wanted to try out this game, but reached this screen and decided that the game can go fuck itself.
Play the fucking remaster
SNES sprites or nothing
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i like RS2 more because even today its still very unique compared to many jrpgs but RS3 is the one i replayed twice while i don't want to touch RS2 og/remaster ever again due to horrible QoLs like how fucking annoying it is when i want to take multiple stuffs from stash and learning magic after gen skips
wish RS3 is more of RS2 without the shitty parts but its still a good game
try different emulators
i heard that because some snes emulators forcing specific resolution, menu screen texts gets fucked up like yours
it sure as hell not. maybe the quest design is borked and you have to figure out what to do but the characters you can play have widely different mini scenarios and mechanics exclusive to each (especially Thomas and Mikhail) and you have a far more diverse roster to choose from, each with their own special abilities and passives. Even the music is improved with how much of a range Itoken had with this game along with the much improved spritework. it's less buggy than RS2 as well (the amazon formation is actually fixed rather than broken as fuck)

that said, 2 had a better campaign compared to 3's "do whatever till you run into the final boss" campaign and it's a much tighter focus to what you can do there which makes the experience more structured so, there's certain things that RS2 does better than RS3
>the characters you can play have widely different mini scenarios
Don't six of the eight characters share the same scenario? Like, they all meet at the very start.
Pretty much.
Monika & Julian have an extra long intro
Mikhail has a couple army battles in the intro, Khalid has this plus the first part of the other characters' intro
Katarina has a short exclusive bit

Most of the main game is available to anyone, but Mikhail has a fairly extensive minigame. Khalid has unique access to a lame dungeon. (the business minigame is available to anyone)

I'd say there's enough novelty for 2-3 playthroughs. First time you bumble around blindly, next time you see some stuff you missed and you can optimize your team around hasten time or around commander mode, then maybe one more playthrough where you ignore optional stuff and speed through the game.
Though I've played RS3 (and RS2) way more than that.
Why the fuck did Square rename him Khalid when his name was Harid?
RS2's spritework isn't the problem so much as the tilesets. They are really bad.
I tried it today and decided I'll wait for a remake
there's a remaster
At least the army battles are interesting
Did another all-commander-mode playthrough and fought the full-power final boss. Formation techs are cool
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Definitely took a second playthrough for me to really start appreciating this game unlike the other SaGa titles. It really did feel aimless at first even compared to Minstrel Song. Great soundtrack though.
I’m with you but the SNES translation is utter dogshit, and for a game this open ended it means you’ll be relying on a guide for everything.

The remaster is also trash though, terrible uneven sprite sizes and scaling, mobile tier interface, just ruins it. For these reasons I’ve simply never gotten very far in RS3 (or RS2 for the same reasons). I’ll be trying the full on RS2 remake eventually though, hopefully on Switch 2 or Xbox or something, no interest in playing a long ass RPG at my desk or with the current blurry ass Switch graphics.
It looks... alright on the Switch. Also the 'eck (or any of the newer alternatives) is perfect for things like this.
It’s not awful on Switch, but the clips I saw are fairly blurry. Guess I’ll download the demo and give it a shot myself. Steam deck is hard to justify for me with a computer and two current consoles already sitting there.
the rs2 remake has a lot of motion blur, there's an ini fix to disable it in the pc version
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Just downloaded the demo. It's definitely not 720p, quite soft.
Playing in handheld there's no motion blur whatsoever. On the OLED it's got a distinct choppiness to it, I'm definitely not getting blur
Hooked it up to the TV and there's motion blur everywhere, why the fuck did they slather docked with motion blur and have none on handheld, fucking square enix
works on my machine

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