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Blobber-Anon here came to greatly enjoy mentioned blobber. (I just love saying and writing this word)

It feels just like playing Morrowind as a dungeon crawler.

Is there an active community regarding this game? It took some hours to learn the controls I guess.

While there be more riddles and puzzles going forward from the monastery?
b l o b b
It's a very good game. But it's even more satisfying if you bring a party all the way from Wizardry 6 to Wizardry 8. Give it a try someday.
>Is there an active community regarding this game?
Try RPG Codex, they love this game. Create a thread in RPG General and they'll help you.
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>It feels just like playing Morrowind
Yeah its a casual faggot game alright
>I'm totally playing this game you guys!
yeah? well why don't you use your own screenshot instead of a one from the steam page?
I am using irl friends names for the characters.
who the fuck has 6 friends?
Just use your top 8 MySpace friends.
Blur them out and post anyways, you fake gamer boy.
Wizardry 8 is not a blobber. Also i don't understand who came up with this shitty term. I've been playing videogames since the 80s and only recently people started calling certain roleplaying games ''blobbers''.
>Will there be more riddles and puzzles going forward from the monastery?
Yes, there are more riddles and puzzels out in the world, also there are different solutions/paths to regular quests.
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never played it. Any good tips before i start?
You shouldnt play it, coomerfag zoomer who asks for advice on videogames he never played
Do a classic party.
I was hearing the term blobber over 20 years ago unless I've got senile in my old age.
make sure that you have 1 bard and one gadgeteer in yout party so you can see their unique weapons, also i personally prefer to take martials to supplement my spells like samurai gets magic, monk gets psionics, lord gets cleric spells etc.
i love it when underage faggots larp as someone that is older
I'm in my mid 30s. It's not quite 20 years old so I overshot but it's getting there.

i am 47, nobody uses the term blobber, nobody ever did, a bunch of shitters on RPGcodex using it does not mean shit
Yoo gay dude youre back!
You type like a zoomer but I'll take your word for it. You can't say a bunch of people use it but no one uses it.
I found it unreasonably annoying that all your characters look naked, with barbie doll anatomy, and none of the armor you give them changes that.
Aside from that it's pretty great.
It's one of my favourite games of all time and criminally underrated. I don't know why, I'm not sure about the timing but maybe because Morrowind was released at the same time so it flew under the radar. Or because the developer was practically bankrupt and thus no promotion or publicity. But a phenomenal game.

Also, don't forget to install wiz8fast so battles don't take half an hour.
Anyone play wizards and warriors? Similar game by Bradley.
>another nigger not actually playing the games
lame excuse
Here u go fag, notice my german language mod.
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I did
It's jank af
the team was too tiny for a 3d game IMHO, but I recon there were many other problems as well
one of which is that Bradley on his own is not such a great game designer as it turns out

I would only recommend it as a history lesson, the game itself falls short even to many earlier titles
I'd rather notice the OP is almost a week old and the shot is still the starting area
>faker outed
How many tpks do you think those crabs at the start caused over the years?
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>nearly 6 day old thread
>OP isn't even 5 minutes into the game
Please explain to me why this person shouldn't be permanently banned. Give me even a single reason why this is allowed.
That's a shame. I'm most of the way through the crypt but I've been having a great time so far minus some bullshit like having to use the bauble catcher. Maybe that was in the manual somewhere but I was stuck until I looked it up.
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Wiz8 would be a tremendous game if only it didn't have level scaling enemies. I hate that shit before I even knew what it was back in the day.
>Wiz8 would be a tremendous game if only it didn't have level scaling enemies.
>rolled back decades of building up systems mechanics
>awful braindead 3d battles
>bad level design, especially compared to the 3 games before it
It has leveling scaling?
Ewwwwwwwww... just when I considered giving it a shot

Any game that uses leveling scaling to up the difficulty goes in the trash can immediately. An unforgivable game design mechanic.
Finally reached Arnika.
no Wizardry is a faggot casual game by any stretch
You could just start calling them DRPGs but blobber came about because calling them dungeon crawlers was nonsensical as that term could be applied to many different types of games. Using blobber specifies to the reader what you're talking about.
>didn't happen
>didn't happen
>most definitely didn't happen

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