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Im trying to come up with a big three of jrpgs for each console gen starting with the nes.

for nes dragon quest 3 is the obvious pick but i dont know what else would be included. snes is easy as thats chrono trigger, ff6 and secrets of mana (and if you dont consider that an rpg then earthbound) ps1 id say is probably ff7, chrono cross and xenogears and ps2 maybe ff10, dragon quest 8 and persona 3? after that i cant think of anything tho.
>nes dragon quest 3
dragon quest 3 was never on the nes :)
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Everything you like is bad. These "whats the best X" threads are pointless and you make at least 1 every day. Just go play games.
Famicom top 3:
Megaten 2
not a classic rpg but guardian Legend and Gemfire are both fucking amazing

Sega genesis
Phantasy Star IV
I hate that Its undeniable that 7 is the final fantasy thats in the ps1's list because i much prefer 9
NES: Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior 3, Earthbound Zero
SNES: Final Fantasy 4, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6
PSX: Final Fantasy 7, Xenogears, endless argument tossup here, but I'll go with Lunar 2

I went with an Xbox instead of a PS2, so there weren't any RPGs for me to play, but i intend to get around to playing FFX at some point before I die, because I hear it's the GOAT as far as FF combat goes
Chrono Trigger, Seiken Densetsu3, Final Fantasy 6 with Mario RPG at a very close forth place.
Arc the Lad 2 ( came to the USA late, but was groundbreaking in Japan), FF7, XenoGears
FFX, Kingdom Hearts 2, DQ8
mmm, mario rpg had a cool plot and pushed the SNES to its absolute limit to the point where i think it's the one game that's STILL not emulatable, but the gameplay was absolutely faceroll, and princess peach was bat fuck insane op

if i had to give a fourth place medal, i'd give it to terranigma
I am well aware, but it pushed the boundries of what a JRPG could be and opened the gates to further deviations from the standard formula.
when i was in my 20s and my little brother was in preschool, mario was his absolute favorite thing, and he loved mario rpg, but when he wanted me to play it a second time in a row, i was like hell no, watch me play final fantasy if you want to see another rpg

the only part of that game that really put any threat on you was culex, and you had to jump through a lot of hoops to figure out how to get there

if mallow didn't become completely fucking useless and geno didn't become completely fucking useless aside from the 1 frame trick 9999 on geno whirl, i think the game would have been fine, but it became pretty clear the optimal party combo was just mario/peach/bowser to me as soon as i had them all
The ‘goat’ of Final Fantasy combat is like wanting to play the best game boy fps.
faceball was legit though, so your whole analogy falls apart
I know it was babby's first rpg (it was my first), but still. Every rpg prior had been in a somewhat serious, it paved the way for later stranger rpgs and for many platformers to cross over into the rpg territory.
>3rd gen
Dragon Quest 3, Metal Max, Phantasy Star
>4th gen
Romancing SaGa 2, Lunar, Shin Megami Tensei 2
>5th gen
Suikoden 2, Breath of Fire 4, Panzer Dragoon Saga
>6th gen
Shadow Hearts, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia
>7th gen
Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, Lost Odyssey
>8th/9th gen
Dragon Quest 11, SaGa: Emerald Beyond, Shin Megami Tensei 5
what about earthbound

that came way before super mario rpg did, super mario rpg was one of the absolute last games to come out on the SNES
>Final Fantasy
once you fix all the bugs in it, the game is fucking great

i prefer the psx version to the pixel remastered as far as gameplay mechanics go, because pixel remastered was a total balance pass, whereas ff1 on psx was a pure version of what they wanted final fantasy to be: dungeons and dragons, the video game
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Well there wasn't much interms of Jrpgs on the NES,I could have said Mother 1.

aesthetics, creativity, and music wise it ran circles around earthbound. It was set in the modern day sure, but it wasn't absolute crazy fantasy like Mario. That paved the way for things like megaman battle network, magic pengel, bomberman tournament, etc.
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the A E S T H E T I C behind super mario rpg was actually nothing new, they used 3d models and planed them into 2d sprites on an isometric plane, many pc games were already doing this and and donkey kong country did it on a 2d plane

we'll just have to agree to disagree

you can halfass an isometric plane by using a 2:1 pixel ratio because it's so mathematically close to the real 3d version of it that you can barely tell
I dunno. It's a great game, very influential, looks and sounds great, fun to replay. It just doesn't make the cut okay??
i personally only play this one like every 5-10 years, and now that my brother has backstabbed me and i'm never gonna see my snes again, i'm not sure if i can ever play it again, and i don't feel like it has much replay value at all

the push button for double hit mechanic is really cool, but the frame timing is way too loose imo, if the game was fucking emulatable at all, i'm sure someone would have made a romhack that nerfed them all down to a 1, maybe 2 frame trick, then the game would be pretty legit
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>after that i cant think of anything tho
PS3 is when traditional JRPGs died

Wii ps360:
>Tales of Vesperia
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Persona 5

i'd add Valkyria Chronicles, The Last Story and Dark Souls as well.
This gen had the JRPG genre evolve into other things, i'd say Dark Souls is the more iconic game in this gen but it's not that much of a JRPG as other games.

PS4 Wii u:
>Dragon Quest 11
>Metaphor Re Fantazio
>Yakuza Like a Dragon

Persona 5 was very iconic of the ps4 gen, but it came out on ps3 so i put it there.

PS5 Switch:
>Xenoblade 2
>Triangle Strategy

It's hard to choose the games for 8th and 9th gen because there is SO much overlapping. I didnt count remakes like trials of mana o ff7r.
i mean without that one you dont get the rest of the franchise that continues to this day. undeniable legacy there.
i think with a bugfix patch on a rom, it completely stands the test of time

the original version just has so many fucking insane bugs that all ended up benefiting the fighter somehow when he was already the most overpowered class in the first place

it's basically dungeons and dragons: the video game

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