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How many people are there here who were born in the early 90s have played the good ultima games (up to Ultima VIII)?

Underworld and Worlds of Ultima included.
not me, i was born in the early 80s, bot-kun
I'm not a robot, I am a real boy
I only liked the games designed by Steve Beeman (now transitioned into Siobhan Beeman)
I was born in the mid 80s and I haven’t played any Ultima games. I tried to play 4 once and it was simply too archaic.
Born in '91, but only bothered to play IV, VI and VII within the last 10-15 years.
i played ultima on an apple ][ when i was a smol boy, but all i did was get my ass beat and have no idea what was going on at all, so i'm not sure if that counts
I played and finished all of them without gay patches/mods and without gay exult.
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Born in 70s. Played U1, U3-U5 on a C64. Skipped U2 b/c rumor was it was ass and seem incomprehensible after U3 (which was the first one played).
Played U6-U9 on PCs. Including off-shoot like Worlds of Ultima and Ultima Underworld(s).
U7-7.5 were amazing back in 93; but they aged like ass and way simpler than I remember them being. UU was unique and fun for what it was; there wasn't much like it before. UU2 was cool bb/c it was basically U7.25 lore-wise until Serpent Isle came out.
U8 was Mario The Avatar. U9 was so fucking disappointing that it deserves all of the hate forever. I even bought the big-box collectors edition thinking it was return to form after U8.
As an oldfag, U5 is the best one of all of them.
Also, picrel is things that were promised that did not happen (U8 ending). If you played UU2, you thought you were going to get post-apocalypse Britannia for U9
Ultima V is the crack hit I took when I was like 12 whose high I have been chasing ever since. I was not born in the 90s.
Not gonna lie, the reason I never played Ultima is because I heard about the virtues thing, made me think it's forced to play a goodie two shoes.
Ultima os cringe because of Garriot's OC self inserts and friends. I only like Worlds of Ultima 2 because it's by Warren Spector.

May she Rest in Power.
I played Ultima IV on release in 1984 and I was incredibly lucky because that was my first ever RPG and blew me away. played every ultima since. U7 is the best.
as for my age I am older then Death
How do I get this game to run on a modern PC and interact with it like it's Balder Gate style?
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Born in the 70s. Played and finished all of them; admittedly I used the debug menu on 8 because that game was a fucking pathetic joke.

Shroud sucks my nuts. Yes, that's my signed U4 map. U4 for life.
I am old enough to have played Ultima 1 and 3 when they were less than 10 years old, before any JRPGs. But I never really went past that. I played a small amount of 4 but it was too esoteric for me back then and I never really gave the series the benefit of the doubt again. I might have been blown away by Ultima 7 in the early '90s but I didn't try it until a point where I wasn't impressed by click and dragging a loaf of bread around.
>a point where I wasn't impressed by click and dragging a loaf of bread around
Hell, I'm still impressed with this IRL

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