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File: Strategy.jpg (183 KB, 1024x1024)
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>Strategy G̷̐ͅũ̸̜̜ỏ̷̥͈̎i̴̿̈́ͅd̶̠̍̆e̶̬͊
Now with AI assistance.
Better than many protags
I’m the keys on the keyboard
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Let me guess, you need more?
Nah, it just werks.
lmao he has the proportions of sigma's characters
Do you have a dream game? Are you worling on it?
Yes, and yes.
>Urban Dictionary
Worling; The act of smoking large amounts of weed.

Is that a good strategy?
>Is that a good strategy?
It’s not
>t. knower
Application of drugs are key
Yeah and one of those is a rpgmaker game, i sadly dont have any time to dev and im currently brainstorming a good schizo world / story
My current idea is
>Modern setting
>urban gunfights with "magic" too
>based on 4chan memes
>the UN has gone rougue and we are mercs sent to deal with them for money
Any schizo ideas welcome
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Finally started reowrking my overworld character art. Feels good, man
Good improvement, but I'd consider maybe simplifying the characters's faces? You really want as few lines as possible when they're shrunk down to a chibi-style representation like that. Try playing around with how they're depicted, I dunno.
1. Yes.
2. Short answer: no. I'm putting it off and finding excuses and doing busywork/'planning' around it. Basically anything to not do actual work in RPG Maker.
I'm working on mine one and it's a pain to not know how to code, to make my game slightly different mechanically than the rest.
I have 3-4 mechanics that I'm interested in, and was very happy to have found an ok implementation of one of them with 2 plugins, after a month of trial and error.
It is possible that I would end up installing 10 "core" plugins with smaller plugins of different people, just to salvage this 3-4 mechanics, I just hope they don't brick each other
>slop op
hiding thread
fuck every single one of you
>modern setting
Mix current day manhattan with something exotic like Spain or arabia
Just make fantasy guns, fuck magic
>4chan memes
That was the case in the 70s, when westerners fought un soldiers in Africa for money. It's honestly a shit setting.
Minimize the eyes
Thanks for the criticism this is a draft so it's bound to be shit at first
>Spain or Arabia
sounds like a fun mix overall, that and the modern manhattan
>fuck magic
I was thinking that the magic of this setting wasn't going to be fireballs and magic missiles, more like telekinesis and such, supernatural and paranormal instead of classic d&d type magic
>4chan memes
Like gondola or buri nice girl, maybe pepe as a amphibian monster, little dumb details
>no un
Mmh then I have to get a better driving force for the mercs mission, and human antagonistic team
Thanks anon
When I search for rpg writing guides or even genre analysis videos, everything is mostly 10 years old. 10 years!

I feel like if it was helpful and informative then people would be replicating it. So maybe this says nobody is confident in their process.
why would you take advice from somebody whose highest accolade is "i made an rpgm game that nobody played" when there are thousands of "how to write gooder" books out there by actual authors?
>supernatural and paranormal
I'll allow it
>driving force for the mercs mission
Corpo industrial spies (terrorists). Think of syndicate on snes.
Epic, thats the spirit...
Da dum tss
>spess syndicate
Ohhh nice idea, simple yet effective, and the syndicate is a great example of what i was trying to apply as enemies

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