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Post epic rpg moments.
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The entire climax of Skies of Arcadia.
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Critically underrated comment
Literally every frame where this guy is visible
From the thumbnail I was expecting Cats from Zero Wing
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that was some epic boss fight
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Whenever I think of Adachi I think of this. Its not "epic", but it had me going "Woah".
he got very good point, teenagers are just delusional
Well, sincere cops ARE agents of justice, but I guess the point is that not every cop will be a good person...
Plus he's delusional too. He chose to lash out at everyone because he couldn't handle life not being fair.
ive been working in prison, it really is not what it looks like but yes you are representative of certain duty and made an oath
well im not protecting Adachi per se hes a aspastic
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Sincere cops are agents of the government
I don't care what country you live in, I doubt you see its government as carrying out "justice"
>Actually fighting Magus instead of recruiting him
Actual bitchmade choice
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the first time you fly in Xenoblade X. the whole game was building up this moment.

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Xenogears has a bunch of badass moments.
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To me, the "climax" of this game is everything from when you get the last moonstone, to the end credits. It's such a ride.
For some reason this image doesn't apear in the archive, do they filter images if they contain certain words?
Wow, until this, I'd memory-holed the fact that "edgy" doesn't actually mean what people think it means these days.
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i'm flattered; you saved my screenshot.
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Yeah it used to mean something like hyped up with a lot of anxiety or something
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No idea
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Persona villains peaked with him.
The English idiom is "on edge", as in, "Sorry, I've just been on edge lately." Please don't attempt to learn English from translated weeb games, kids.
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Feel free to say "ACK!" whenever it so pleases you.
ESLs, please let this serve as a warning: don't attempt to learn English from pompous fools such as this person on a Zimbabwean pottery appraisal forum.
>trusting Google
>trusting online dictionaries after "literally: not literally, but"
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All right dude, keep on coping. I can find dictionaries all day long that confirm the accuracy of the Google definition.
>t. didn't read 1984
i always found it hard to kill magus for what he did.
There's absolutely no reason to. It should be said the Frog is badass BECAUSE he's a Frog, he should be thanking Magus for turning him into a badass sentient Frog knight instead of a boring human
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Yakuza 7 Boss Spoiler
God status?
You're looking at it the wrong way. You're thinking "cops are X". Adachi redirected it to the truth: "Any type of person can become a cop."

They're people first, even bad people, and the badge is just a facade.
Turning him into a Frog may have made him a better swordsman, but he was already better than Cyrus before his death, who was legendary among the people. The idea that he's even better than that as a Frog is mostly redundant, imo.
Besides, Frog still needs Crono and crew to help him defeat Magus in his castle. Their solo duel has Magus do less damage, which makes me think he's holding back in some way, which makes me think he was already tired and ready to give up, hoping Frog would kill him. It takes Frog denying that duel for him to realize there might still be hope.
I think the modern definition was adapted from "straight edge" people, who tend to be goth, and goth people tend to be weird, hence the straight edge became edgy.
At that point Magus just got his ass kicked when he tried to do the thing he's been preparing himself for almost all his life and lost his sister despite coming back entirely to save her. Then he insults the party and tries to bait them into a fight. It's pretty obvious he's doing a suicide by PCs.
I agree.
Huh i thought it had to do with knifes
All I know is when people are being "edgy", they are attempting to be provocative in some way, and back in the 90's, goths were certainly provocative, often considered outsiders, troublemakers, mentally unstable, into macabre imagery, etc etc, which became much more well known after Columbine and shit like NIN and Manson. Straight edge people were typically goth but didn't do drugs or drink, so it was kind of a twist on that image. You would say Marilyn Manson was being edgy as fuck when he was trying to provoke conservative america with his antichrist superstar album.
Cops are enforcers the law. Not justice. Sooner will a camel go through the eye of a needle than a judge and jury be able to tell right from wrong.
Magus/Janus... Had a hard life...
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Yeah poor child... raised into royalty, practically living in heaven and being a massive brat, while the peasants lived in a blizzarding hellscape... then his mom did some shit, he got caught in a time warp and was subsequently raised to become the king of the fiends, living in extreme comfort while playing his games with people he considered lesser than himself, often leqding to their deaths and/or extreme humiliation... just so he could summon a world ending alien just to try and kill it, knowing it was probably way too strong for him anyway and threatened to destroy the world right then and there... course they all "lucked out" so he could go back to his home and be an even bigger asshole...
Poor guy, much sympathy.
Also Magus knew Crono and his party were trying to stop the unraveling events that started/ended with Lavos, so him being the Prophet and actively trying to sabotage your mission for his own ends, when he could have just asked for help, really just shows how selfish he is as a person. All he cared about was himself and Schala, and clearly suffered from some serious mommy issues.
How? He's literally just a beta cuck that couldn't get a girl, pushed her into a TV and then thought it was fun to kill people. Just because the story line was good doesn't mean he was a good villain.
Wow dude, spoilers cmon.
>subsequently raised to become the king of the fiends
He was raised? I thought it was that he was so much of a badass ubermensch that he simply bent the fiends to his will which he thought was an effective tool to defeat Lavos until the party came along.
War of the fiends and humans was always going to happen, with or without Magus, and Magus/Ozzie would ultimately lose, which goes back to what I was saying that he was willing to summon a world ending alien, everyone is just lucky Lavos decided to wait a bit longer after eating Magus.
The thing that makes me think he was raised was that the fiends treat him like a god and chant around his statue even after his death, and Ozzie's statue would be in his place had Magus not disappeared, so i wouldn't say he bent them to his well, especially since he was just a bratty child and likely wouldn't have impressed anyone normally. More like after Ozzie found him, he noticed his magical prowess, which was probably something Janus would do to him to quickly change his mind from whatever nefarious purpose he originally had, evidenced by his initial reaction in the game to seeing Janus drop in, basically deciding to use him in the war against the humans instead...
you could say he would have no choice in this matter considering whatever magical power Janus had, but he would also be very scared in a place he didn't know anything about, Ozzie would no doubt use that in his favor.
one final thing is that if Magus comes back with Crono, you see there's very little "love" between them. Magus is a powerful tool if he can be used appropriately, but I doubt Ozzie really cared one way or the other. He was always the man in charge. Magus was a bratty, and powerful, kid that he could exploit, which Magus would be ok with because he despised weak and hopeless people, which was pretty much everyone that wasn't him.
now that i read this again, its kind of a bit confusing with how the timelines work...
in the initial timeline, Janus growing up to become Magus would result in his death from summoning Lavos, or at least you assume so since nothing is said about that particular event in the prime timeline, only that Magus has a statue in the present day and you later found out he tried to summon Lavos, so he clearly failed the first time.
and also the war with the fiends had to always happen, since in the prime timeline, the only way the fiends are friendly is if both Magus and Ozzie are gone. The one unknown is if Ozzie would have gone through with the war in the first place had Magus never shown up, but we'll never know that.
on a side note, something i always wondered about is that Frog's only initial success was saving the Queen, since Magus dies from trying to summon Lavos the first time. It's strange because Frog plays such a major part in the story, but I had always wondered why no one ever talks about the heroic frog in the modern day, but its actually because he wasn't a hero at all until the timeline gets screwed up.
I can see where Persona gets its reputation of super deep writing from. This is basically Tolstoy level. What a stunning confirmation that video games are in fact art.
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This is correct. In Ozzie's Fort, Ozzie says that Magus claimed he wanted to create a world for fiends and Magus replies that he never cared about fiends, he just wanted power. The only allegiance the fiends have to Magus is that he promised them everything they wanted (while never planning to deliver)

According to the Guardia Successor ending, Frog was able to marry Leene (somehow), which could only really happen after Magus is dead. Then in Those Who Keep the Oath, he meets Magus right before Magus summons Lavos, and we just get a mysterious caped figure on top of the castle. But I think the implication is that Frog can totally take Magus on his own as long as it's a cutscene battle.

So in the prime timeline, Magus probably gets killed by Frog right before summoning Lavos. The fiends, having no idea that Magus never intended to help them, turn him into a mythical figure who will come back with Lavos in a tow if they just keep the faith. Pretty standard sleeping king stuff. It doesn't mean they started off worshiping him or even cared about him that much, just that eventually he was able to seize power and after his death the remaining fiends started a cult around him. It does sort of imply that Ozzie was the one to start the cult, but given what a joke Ozzie is, that was probably his only option to keep power once Magus was gone.

It doesn't really say if Ozzie would've started a war against the humans if Magus wasn't there, though. There's no timeline where this is an option, but it's hard to believe a coward like Ozzie would come up with the idea of attacking the entire rest of the world if he didn't have the world's strongest mage doing the heavy lifting.
Iirc, after frog rescues the queen, he hoes into exile for not being able to protect her. Masamune was broken when cyrus was killed and glenn was turned into a frog. You need masamune to defeat magus, and it can only be reforged if brought to the modern day. So, frog couldnt have killed magus in the prime timeline.
Also im phone posting and didnt want to have to respond to all of this tonight, but i dont agree that ozzie was useless either. Only fiends can use magic, and ozzie was supposedly a decent magic user, which is why he was impressed by janua and decided to groom him to be the leader of the fiends. Without magus, ozzie is revered by the fiends just as much as magus, so he does make an impact... but like i said, it doesnt matter because they always lose in the end once magus is dead/gone.
That kid should have tried to jump us at Thronay's final boss fight and got jobbed
What game is that?
Romancing SaGa
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I don't always like what you do, Legend of Dragoon but some times when you do you do just right
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>Assault Lia
>Assault Lia
>Assault Lia
>Assault Lia
>Assault Lia
>Assault Lia

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