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Seems like an interesting game. What do you think anons?
fuck off
Holy shit, this is amazing. I knew a third game was coming, but the teasers made it sound like it would be some experimental Obra Dinn style game, a nice surprise to learn its a Disco-Elysium-Em-Up. Really hope they won't try to be more accessible to newcomers and instead jump full-tilt to the depths of Secret Histories lore. Like buddy, if you don't know who the Tide or the Wheel are, or that Kittling Ripe is a Name of the Velvet or that the game takes place in none of the 5 histories, nor reality, you'd better be lost because I want to know more about the Snow and the Chandler, not to re-learn the basics about such simple figures as the Door-in-the-Eye.
go change your buttplug, nerd
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The first paragraph on the store page is pretentious and try hard.
You come off as a shill- I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, though.
Filtered. Bet you can't even reach the Wood, let alone the Mansus.
at least you can choose your profession and the skills won't talk. that and no zany drug humour might make it bearable. not that big a fan of these guy's other games though, the card ones and the energy browser game based ones.
sure can't, i can bottom deal though.
Nah, I am just extra autistic and this series is a black hole if you want to Pepe Silvia it up. You know how boomers shill Deus Ex because they replayed it for the 50th time and heard a hobo say a line they never heard before? This is like that but for making an external document to keep track of all the lore the games shit at you and trying to theorize as to what the hell is going on.
I imagine it will be a hit or miss depending on how obscure he goes with the writing. It would be interesting if he uses the existing setting for a more personal story.
This isn't autism, more schizo.
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Book of Hours but without the tedious fucking gameplay? Sign me up. Fuck having to use an external spreadsheet to catalogue all the bollocks required to unlock the next requirement. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just the books but the furniture/consumables were hell. Never managed to finish it.

Play Black Souls and Void Stranger, they're tailor-made for autists like you.
>A disco elysium like game
>interesting game

>Play Black Souls and Void Stranger, they're tailor-made for autists like you.
Haven't heard of Void Stranger, but isn't Black Souls just a very yikes porn game with a coating of wannabe Dark Souls lore?
Interesting description. That's the first time ever they mention United States in anything more than a fleeting passing. Golden Incorporates scream Lantern lore to me, but maybe a little bit of Grail as well, which would be an odd aspect mix and perhaps an idiciation of the Chandler who has many aspects and cavors unusual aspect combos? As for star-touched USSR, it seems like Sky would be its main aspect, along with lesser Knock, Winter and Lantern ones, since the only real reference to stars in SH was Didumos with such aspects.

Chitinous cities embracing change seems to point to a rise or resurgance of the Carapice Cross, which would be a pretty major change to the setting. Meanwhile plagues of leaf and amber probably suggests a conflict between the Wood and the Mansus.
i have no idea what gibberish you are talking about to yourself, but it's carapace, not carapice
Well that's the beauty of these games. Play them for too long and all that I daid will start making perfect sense.
sounds boring. never been one for dissecting fictional LORE.
I think it will come out in 5 years time, and only then will there be shit to talk about. Dunno how AK can handle writing dialogue that's more than 3 lines in total. Or literally anything that's not a little snippet separated by downtime of "gameplay". A risky play, especially since average retard on voiceover for his RPG needs.
ur so cool...
Interesting If you are a transexual witch
Maybe ill do Shaodws over Loathing instead
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I want detective games not commie visual novels.
I'm very excited.
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Nta but the connection to Dark Souls is mostly aesthetic.
It's more based on fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland and cosmic horror
>pretentious and try hard.
I see you have never seen any of their other games, or heard about them even in passing, or ever had anything to do with their fan bases.
>Twelve years ago in the deep Cracow winter, you were hollowed out by the Worms from under the world. So you had to go away for a while. You're back, and you've brought something with you - something curled inside you - something that will open the way where others can't go.

It's a miracle - the first WW2/Cold War game where we play as a Polish person. I still remember being butthurt when none of the Commandos titles included one, even though Poland at the time had a unit that did exactly what we did in the game.
>first WW2/Cold War game where we play as a Polish person
What about Wolfenstein?
He's been retconned into """Polish American."""
Yeah, but you can ignore that. He's blonde and blue eyed and of Polish descent. The Jew shit is just tacked on after the fact for good goy points.
not a pollack, but it is shocking how few polish characters are in games where they naturally should be heavily included, like ww2 games
>hope they won't try to be more accessible to newcomers
el oh el

The change of genre will attract newfags so there's, obviously, going to be a long (heh) introduction to histories, probably more than half game and then a rushed ending with 4 or 5 super-grindy alternative endings (they're just like the other ending with one extra panel).

Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

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