Let's talk about horizon's gate and the other games from the devThe best one is still Voidspire tactics, almost uninstalled HG because I hate the idea of a large fleet but been managing with 5 people and one ship so farTeam is composed ofMe, the hammer and shield warriorThe lance throwing prologue guyArcherFire + Ruin mageMonk
>>3699664>Let's talk about horizon's gateNo.
>>3699664You can tell OP has the low functioning Chris-chan type of autism
>>3699664>The lance throwing prologue guyThe correct term is "spear chucking nigger"
>>3699826>The correct term is "spear chucking nigger"Don't you dare talk about the Vault Dweller like that.
>>3699751This newfag does not fit in.
>>3699664Last year I played through Kingsvein and was so impressed by it that I decided to play backwards through the entire "series"At the end of it all, I think Kingsvein has the best level design. Obtuse secrets feel properly rewarding instead of containing a single essence gem.And has the best encounter balance of the bunch. Simplifications to the systems like removing Def and making HP the only survivability stat probably helped in designing a tight difficulty curve.Mechanics wise I just wish it kept the CT system instead of changing to be Player Phase -> Enemy PhaseI can understand why people dislike the locales though. The scenery of Graven is monotonous, especially compared to the varied locations in the other games. Horizon's Gate has a bunch more stuff going on than the rest of the titles in the series but the lack of focus means the systems aren't as well nailed down. Trade is suppose to be a huge part of the game, but the trade goods system is really rudimentary and it's almost without risk.With a couple exceptions (sunken tower, postgame dungeon) I thought level layouts were way less interesting than in Kingsvein. tho, the visual variance is certainly way better.The romance of the open seas is cool the first time you go everywhere, but return trips, which you'll be making quite a few of for trade reasons, add considerable playtime.Alvora can be skipped, it's important the dev made it as a testing ground for systems changes, most notably augmenting gear, but it really feels like a paid beta version of Horizon's Gate.content.Voidspire surprised me with how right they got it on the first attempt. After Alvora I thought this was going to be even more rudimentary and linear, but the exploration and level design is actually really good.The only thing in particular that's missing is the gear augmentation system.Some of the secrets are a little "extra" for not much reward.
>>3700294I completely agree with this sentiment. Horizons Gate, especially with mods, is an incredibly enjoyable experience. I actually find myself preferring it over Kingsvein, though to be fair, I probably haven’t given Kingsvein as much of a chance as it deserves. Perhaps it’s time for me to revisit it and see how it measures up
Is it a sin to abandon guild jobs? I just started out and didn't know you could only take on one at a time. Noticed I didn't get the chance to retake it but it was just a bring 10 goods quest.
>>3700135>Vault Dweller Who the fuck uses spears in Fallout 1?Go back to your tribe, chosen one. You're not fooling anyone.
is that fucking stardew valley
>>3706209Melee into big guns master race.
Luv voidspire'ate alvoraLuv boatSimple as.Should I get Kingsvein?
>>3706243You sayin' it's another Alvora Tactics?
Soundtrack seems cool, wishlisted for a sale.
>>3706244It's another Voidspire if every screen in Voidspire used the same purple/gray/teal color palette
>>3706703Worse level design? Or just worse visual design?
>>3706740Worse visual for sure, level design is ok but nothing super awesome. Combat wise facing has been removed but kind of replaced with a lot more positioning abilities and enviromental hazards.Over all I like it as it is more like Voidspire than anything else and that is still the best if jankiest.
>>3699664How did he get Voidspire so right?
>>3700294I had a similar experience last year, at least I played Kingsvein as my first game from the dev and then got Horizon's Gate as wellI should get around to Voidspire at some point, but I got a bit fatigued after Horizon's Gate
I've been loving Kingsvein so far, but it's also my first Rad Codex game. Yes, the color palate can be nauseating at first but I got used to it. Think I'll try Voidspire after I beat it, then Horizon's Gate
The biggest problem I have with HG is that there are so few good fights and they're behind a lot of trash ones.