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Brave adventurer, it is of great importance that you cease to show sympathy toward corrupt, evil women!
I hate bimbo fantasy designs so that won't be a problem.
Why'd they go with a bucktoothed nigger for the face?
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what about evil retards?
What about orc girls?
I will never stop loving evil women
They can make me worse
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not my fault evil women are hotter
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First of all we gotta revise what we label as "evil".
I cant...
Evil girls are the best girls.
wtf is this
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No, I don't think I will
We need more RPGs where you could romance a villainess. Preferably by siding with her, none of that "fix her" bullshit.
You are more likely to get the option to join a male villain as a gay or female PC.
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I am sorry my good person, but my paladin genes can't help but want me to smite and fix every evil vagina in radius with the power of the holy cock.
my sympathy is brutally delivered by my dick
Based anons - wielding your Holy Avengers the way GOD intended.

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