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>Roche path
>have to slum around a shitty war camp that smells like farts, and wander around a cursed battlefield filled with skeletons with dealing with that creepy incel Dethmold and asshole Henselt

>Iorveth path
>get to explore a beautiful magical dwarven city, and hand out with Phillipa and Saskia, two of the hottest girls in the series while meeting your old dwarven friends

I know Roche is a bro but it's crazy how much more fun the Iorveth path is. It's crazy they basically released the witcher 2 as 2 games in 1 though
Roche ends up begrudgingly helping you in the end if you side with Iorveth, and the Blue Stripes survive the campaign, and you can break Saskia out of the curse. It's just the better outcome for everyone involved.
Im a patriot and patriot do what has to be done, not what is pleasant or what he wishes for
I remember when I played this and it was time to make a choice at the end of chapter 1 there was no reason to side with Iorveth anymore. At the beginning of the chapter? Yes, sure. But by the end of it you have talked all the possible intel about Letho out of him and he knows about as much as you do by the end.

The only remaining question then is: To find Letho, do you employ the services of the head of Temarian intelligence or some bandit in the woods?
For the bookfags out there it's weird they made Iorveth into a separate character from Isengrim Faoiltiarna who is literally the exact same character. I like to imagine they're the same person and ignore the name thing.
iorveth is actually mentioned in the books, but only in passing. he isn't really a character. but
yeah we could've had isengrim instead of iorveth
I never finished the game, quitting right about the skeleton battlefield. Beat the shit out of Saskia though. Henselt seemed like a cool dude when he put the (((merchant))) in his place, I'm happy to root for him on the Roche path.
The books make the elves very based. They're basically 1:1 white nationalists.
>hate immigrants
>smarter than other races
>being replaced
>cities turned to shit
>technology stagnated
>rely on terrorism
One of the most touching moments in the books is when in Lady of the Lake the scoia'tael refugees encounter crippled Termerian veterans who share food with them
Does anyone know how to fix Witcher 2 constantly crashing to desktop? Its borderline unplayable. Deleting saves doesn't work, it will still crash even with zero saves. Tried scouring the internet but there seems to be no solution. Is GOG version more stable.
Their birth rate is also bad, Iorveth talks about this. Aen Elle are also basically from other universe where Germany won
i played this game more than i'm proud to admit and it's very clear that roche is the cannon path. Iorveth feels like a fever dream, escaping from your responsibilities, hell, you can even bang a succubus in this route.
I doubt anyone will know of a fix here, but you could easily just pirate the GOG version and test.
I couldn't really fix it reliably but the issues mainly happened during chapter 1/Flotsam woods area. Once a playthrough goes beyond that, they stop happening for me.

It's a shame because Flotsam is the most enjoyable part of the game otherwise.
Geralt isn't from Temeria though.
If you got it through Steam, make sure you run it from the Steam browser. I've had problems with multiple games when I tried to run them independently.
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Filthy knife-ears getting upitty again?
Plus ain't no way I wouldn't side with the temerian glowies

Maybe when I play the trilogy again tho
Henselt was based and Roche and Stripes fucking deserved it.
you forgot that Iorveth path gets completely ignored in W3. massive disappointment
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>creepy incel Dethmold

Lmao, incel? He was a gay man and he had more sex than you retard.
>Geralt of Rivia
Is from Kaedven
>Is GOG version more stable.
Is a game
developed by a company that owns GOG
released on GOG
that has a GOG exclusive content
that gives 100% of cash money to the authors if you buy it on GOG
>more stable on GOG
How would you get a such outlandish idea?
>hand out with Phillipa and Saskia, two of the hottest girls
op is a porn addict incel loser literally deciding the worth of things and stories based on the appearence of the ugly dykes in videogames, amazing.
With regards to world-building siding with Roche is basically completely pointless due to how the Witcher 3 forces the narrative. The only reason to side with Roche in the first place is if you feel some sort of loyalty towards Temeria and Foltest but it's pointless because Temeria will be occupied by Nilfgaard at the start of Witcher 3 anyway.

This means that in Roche's path Anaïs will be in Roche's custody and in Iorverth's path she will likely be in Nilfgaard's custody but neither outcomes will even be acknowledged as they both lead to Roche siding with Nilfgaard. Siding with Redania is straight up retconned.

Atop of that
>Roche Path
>Henselt & the Kaedweni's kill the Blue Stripes, rape Ves and conquer & sack Vergen

>Iorveth Path
>Kaedweni's are defeated and Vergen and it's people survive.
>Aedirn's royal family can survive and Stennis becomes a competent king if you spare him, unknown if he surrenders to, escapes or is killed by Nilfgaard
>Roche doesn't care that much and helps you even
>Saskia can be cured
>you get to fuck an elf girl, a succubus and a sorceress instead of just Ves who gets raped and traumatized right after
> wahhhh not muh rapeee ineed to have sex with lots of fictional characters but i don't want sloppy seconds from a raped whore :(

You're seething and coping hard because Witcher 3 made it canon that Geralt sided with Roche since he's the only one that comes back and is Geralt's BFF.
First off, siding with Iorveth does not mean you side against Roche. As I mentioned in my post Roche actually helps you out in Iorveth's path. Personally, at the end of Chapter 1, I went with the choice of Not giving Iorveth his sword & knocking him out (also meaning no anti-human massacre at Flotsam) but then rescuing him from the ship in the final quest afterwards.

Second off, both Philippa Eilhart and Zoltan from Iorveth's path are in Witcher 3. Zoltan's dialogue directly implies you fought together inside Vergen while dialogue with and about Philippa indicates you are intimately familiar with the fact she was blinded by Radovid.

This indicates, together with the fact that Mages/Witches are being actively hunted by Radovid, that the most canon path is likely Iorveth's path -> Saskia rescued.

Being on Roche's path does not influence this dialogue.

Zoltan dialogue:
>Zoltan: Almost reminds me of the days of yore, eh?
>Yeah, almost like we never left Vergen.

I do agree Roche is superior to Iorveth as a character, even if his path is not.
My girl Ves makes the decision easy.
Skanky tattoos though.
Neophyte witchers give themselves fake but official sounding titles to seem more trustworthy to clients. Geralt just happened to get knighted by the queen of Rivia much later on after already picking the name.
>play Iorveth path
>completely ruins chapter 3
Was so disappointed in this shit, glad my first playthrough was with Roche.
Haven't missed all that much. Really a weak and forgettable part of the franchise.
Roche path
>Fuck tomboy soldier chick and see all her tattoos
Your arguments are invalid.
It's by far the best one
That tomboy in raped and mindbroken in the scene after that and all the Blue Stripes are killed
Roche's path makes more sense to the overall story.
Iorveth's path is just much better.
I'm playing this game again now, trying out all the major paths. My favorite is

>Kill Henselt
>Save Anais instead of Triss, give her to Natalis
>Spare Letho (obviously)

This is the best ending by far, with the most BROche action. Fuck Triss.

Also it leads decently well into the Witcher 3, as it sets up the Witch Hunts that Radovid does (rather than the conclave being reestablished like if you save Triss which is retconed), and characters like Anais and Natalis are conveniently left in Temeria (fate unknown after Nilfgard Invades) and Henselts fate is clear instead of Henselt dying offscreen before Witcher 3 like if you spare him.
I had a run of the trilogy where I studiously ignored and rebuffed triss at every possible junction (forced against my will to fuck her while drunk at one point in w1 iirc) and then I import into w2 and there I am in bed with her, fuck. Early in w2 where you’re trying to get the rose of remembrance or whatever, I was down in some underground room with her and a bug happened where a stone wall was supposed to break to leave the room, but it didn’t trigger. So there I was, stuck in that room with Triss, forever. No esxape.
what's funny is that you get a hidden buff of 20% resistance against magic attacks if you turn down Triss's advances in the elven bath lmao
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>No mention of any taxes or tithes required
>No one else around, no one to hate you like everywhere else
>Kaedweni government doesn't seem to give a fuck about this place, for all intents and purposes it's ancap
>Plentiful fish and game
>Clean water and personal lake
>Beautiful view
>Entire fucking castle at your disposal
>Superhuman bros as neighbors
>Only threat might be some monsters you are more than prepared and equipped to handle
Why the fuck would ever want to leave this literal utopia? Geralt at least has an excuse of looking for his daughterfu, but why would those other jobbers bother traveling even, risking life hunting monsters in an exchange for shit payment? Just get an elf or sorceress gf and live out your days in peace hunting, fishing and farming. Get Geralt to invite that friendly Higher Vampire too for an additional protection. Even tho there is nothing more to steal from there anymore anyway for a second Salamandra
>Roche path
shit action moviegame and not an RPG
>Iorveth path
shit action moviegame and not an RPG
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>mom, I posted it again
Which sets her up nicely for some freaky, mad-bitch sex in Witcher 3.
Can't believe they dropped the ball there.
I love this game so much and put off playing the third for so long I'm worried I won't even like it
if you're the type of autist who's able to pick up a story and drop it midway and then revisit the middle part over and over for a decade, chances are you might be the type of autist who hates the witcher 3
i say this with no belligerence btw, my favorite of the three is witcher 1 which i've played like 10 times and i thought witcher 3 was nice. but it was a close thing. i feel lucky to have liked it, it's a lot different from the other two and i would have hated to have hated it
2 is like a jankier version of 3, and 3 is open world while 2 is linear (albeit with two paths). If you like 2 I can’t see why you wouldn’t like 3.
I played though 1 and 2 purely as appetisers to 3.
Don't regret a thing.

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