, this is the power of spics
>>3701205This thread has been commandeered by the Black Trial. Do not resist sinner
I heard if you go to layer 1000 in mabel's fun house you get a gold star next your name! Try it for yourself!
Well i've finally finished BS1It was...easier than I expected? When the first battle with Helldrake happened i thought the whole thing of the game would be pretty much trying to 'time' your moves with the counter, but it pretty much became irrelevant. Every battle was finished in a few moves, whether it was me or the enemy that died. By the end i pretty much just used the Broken Shackle + Greatsword + Victoria Loyalty combo to one-shot nearly every single boss in the game in max difficultyI'm gonna be honest, I figured out that Leaf was doing something fucky the moment she was the only one whose ending didn't go horribly wrong. But I didn't expect her to be Mary Sue. Can I just say the final 'fairy tales' were kind of a letdown though? You spend all this time collecting all the bosses, you finally get into the room, you go 'OH SHIT' when you see the books...and then you just have to go to poseidon hotel and spam the room button to kill them one after the other. That's so...anticlimatic. I feel like this part could have been handled better. Make it more..unique? You know that game, Sally Face? I feel like they handled that scene a lot better with you just going through the apartments one by one and killing people.Well, in the end, I guess i'll probably get a rest, then maybe play BS2?
>>3701308Also, I really, really liked this particular art. Not many people can get the DERANGED EVIL LAUGH face right. But this one truly does. Baphy does a similar one, but it doesn't really work, we haven't known her since the start so it just kinda feels meh.
Replaying BS2.I clearly remember being able to cancel Alice selection in the prologue but for some reason game does not respond to Esc, X or anything. Do I need to do something specific like finding at least one tip about it in the pervious cycle?
>>3701332Did you ever beat the game? Cuz knowing how to do that is integral to actually beating itYou gotta do a number of steps like gathering all the memory flames, talk to Red a certain number of times at a bonfire, and achieve an ending in a previous cycle among other things
>>3701334Yeah thanks.For some reason I thought its also one of the 'checkboxes' of a of the redhood/memory run that I did on the second cycle after getting gears of madness. So I thought my controls are fucked or I perviously did something obscure in my first run. Its been really a while since I played.Like I had to check exact way to get to Dorothy because I forgot that topright door has different outcome when you turn back twice.
need dodo's dodos
>>3701308The Hotel kind of relies on the player being so repulsed by the actions that they start filling in the blanks in their head. The girls are so trusting towards the player that they're unable to fight back (save for the few powerful beings). In a way the murders you're committing now are no different fun the murders you've been committing throughout the whole game. The juxtaposition between first using the hotel as a place for bonding to later using it as a place for murder also works wonders. Structurally, the murders are great.There's only so much you can do with a mostly silent protag. Grimm's characterisation (and one of the first reveals of his name) is confined to just pic rel and the ending C neck squeeze, other than that he's just a vessel for the player's actions. Which I find fitting considering that the entirety of BS1 is just Mary Sue's play. He's way more active in BS2, which you might enjoy.Also, if you haven't uninstalled BS1 yet and still have a post-ending C save, go rewatch Leaf's heroine ending.
>>3701381who?also 3Dew
>>3701308>It was...easier than I expected?If you're decent at RPGs you'll probably find that to be the case for both BS1 and BS2. DLC 3 is the hardest BS2 ever gets and it's still not that challenging if you understand the combat system.
>>3701381I would generally be more fine with girls on xitter playing BS if they didn't act retarded about it.they usually make a show of "hehehe im a girl playing a porn game for boys" like thissaying this as a femanon btw, would never post shit like this for likes and retweetswhy can't girls just talk about it normally
>>3701381I don't trust any Tomoko looking-ass motherfucker to not be mentally ill, or some kind of crossdressing faggot.
>>3701432Literally her first xitter post is her in tomoko cosplay>>3701419Not really she did act that for saya no uta of all things but not for blacksoulsAlso if you are asian or black or native please marry me
>>3701308Maybe you want to go through RHW first. It's short enough and easy enough for an interlude.
Haven't checked in for a while, how's the progress on Dead Red Hood?
>>3701582Trust me, you'll know when it comes out or is about to.
>>3701582>Dead Red Hood>progressLMAO
>>3701582I don't really care since it isn't the girl I wanted. I'll just wait until 2050 for BS3
>>3701582I've been scrolling for the past 20 minutes on EMMM's twitter and all I see is retweeted fanarts and no comments about DRH, so I assume that is still the latest article/update written about it. It's from September 8, 2023 so like 1 year and a half ago or something.
when do we start AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA posting like the mount and bladefags or the starcraftfags?
>>3701648Ideally anyone inclined to do that would an hero before reaching that point.
>>3701659I want to become cool like HIM.
>>3701659SO, HERE I AM
>>3701381She's a retarded libtard grifter lol that whore should gtfo
>>3701419>saying this as a femanon btwYou know the rules.
Done with my short break from making BS art. I got a new wip in the works fellow Grimmanons.
>>3701915CutePlease draw me mabel hanging out with outis from limbus company
>>3701419>saying this as a femanon btwHey. Hey. You can't say something like that and not show some proof.
Finally got to Mabel/her endless(?) rooms.Is there a checklist of character interactions in Chaos Dungeon? I feel conflicted about grinding it blindly.
>>3702040>character interactions>Chaos DungeonYou're there to open gold chests, grab flying books, read shit in a library, read boss chalices, and for the lore dump after beating the Old King around 180-200 floors deep. Aside from that you're basically just interacting with Mabel when you see her, and she doesn't have all that much to say. I think there's a few unique bosses that can appear after the Old King too, but they're RNG.
Can someone tell me where I can get more Lamp Spark? I have one but I don't remember how I got it.
I wish i had a gf who liked blacksoulsThe only female i have ever seen anywhere near blacksouls was a foreigner student at my uni who had mabel as her wallpaperShe was from china and kind of scary...
>>3702216DLC 3
>>3702128So I will just grind trough until old king before starting next DLC, thanks.
Primordial Cunny [spoiler/]
>>3702270But I'm already playing the DLC3
>>3702427Yes, and you find up to 4 of them there in the Nursing Graveyard. They're required for progression.
>>3702427What the fuck actually happened to Dorothy? Was Grimm guilttripping or did she break right as she saw him? Or she is just constantly broken and drunk in abandoned ruins of Empire?
Fuck leaf
>>3702471Rif doesn't wear panties.
>>3702458>What the fuck actually happened to Dorothy?Effectively "dead". If the existing lore on fairy tales and what we see in BS2 is any indication, she's probably in some kind of pocket dimension due to lacking a physical body/being unable to leave her book or something akin to that. The end of DLC 3 also hits us with the classic cryptic line from Hatta:>But fairy tales don't die. They'll live on, in a place you know not.
>>3702452Oh, I should have thought of that. Thank you, anon.>>3702458I don't have the courage to open spoilers before finishing the entire game, sorry champ.
>>3702458>>3702474100 SEN, enough said.
>>3702520100 SEN is just as real as 0 SEN is, just a different kind of real.
How do I save this bitch?
>>3702555The same way you save everyone else.
>>3702557When I got to her, she was dead alone, while the other characters hadn't been affected by the madness yet.
>>3702562I think entering her shop updates the world state. If your other covenants are dead afterwards, that'd probably be why.
>spamming my friend art for months>he says that he's finally giving BS1 a chance againmission accomplished
>>3702571He's gonna drop it 2 hours in.
>>3702572probablyhe wants to jump straight into BS2, that's the main problem currently
>>3702574Honestly, you might just be better off letting him act like a dodo and go straight to 2 if you want him to get interested in it. Feel free to call him a faggot if he does so though.
>>3702565The problem is exactly that all the other covenants are alive while only she's dead. I don't know if it's related but I couldn't find griffy on the bridge in this playthrough for some reason.>>3702571Based.
>>3702582>The problem is exactly that all the other covenants are alive while only she's dead.If it's the whole mercury poisoning incident, that should be a madness one, unless I'm missing some obscure trigger from progressing Griffy's questline or something. Griffy disappears from the bridge based on your progress, if you don't get to her by the start of the cycle you'll miss her for it. Go check your candles in the Library Dream just to make sure.
>>3702587Actually, I think you were right when you said that the game updates when I go to her house. When I returned to the library I just came across Node saying that Alice was kidnapped. I had just started an NG+ so I don't even know if this makes sense. Maybe this was triggered by my fight with the Bandersnatch?>mercury poisoning incidentI have never come across this event.>Griffy disappears from the bridge based on your progress, if you don't get to her by the start of the cycle you'll miss her for itShit, so that means that I'll have to start a new NG+ for a small slip... Again.>Go check your candles in the Library Dream just to make sureWhat do you mean by checking my candles?
>>3702594>What do you mean by checking my candles?Is he not aware?
>>3702596No, I'm not aware. I have no idea what you're talking about.
>>3702596>>3702598Oh, the candles were above the door all this time...
>>3702605>>3702598You still lack much awareness. Don't worry, post and don't be afraid.Ahaha
>>3701915>>3701999Thanks, though I got no plans for drawing PM stuff as a whole. Here’s the completed one.I thank my previous piece for giving me more art experience than I initially thought. It’s a big help.
>>3702602She's cute, but I prefer the classic Node.
>>3702618Cute maymay
>>3702618comfy maymayMy first thought after seeing this was her taking off the Mystery.
>>3702594>Shit, so that means that I'll have to start a new NG+ for a small slip... Again.If you're hunting for that fairy tale from her questline, they're not needed for endings, so don't stress out over them too much.
>>3702608>You still lack much awareness.I will work on that... Anyway, thanks for the advice. >>3702635I was actually trying to do the B ending, but I'll keep that information in mind.
>>3702680Why would he do that...?
>>3702836Griffy lost the bird bowllike hardthe rare times she pops up in discussion it's always only from Lorinafags seetheDodo/Jujubfags just ignore her
>>3701205how long is a playthrough of black souls 1 and 2 each
>>37029361 can be done in a single sitting (all endings), under 10 hours2 depends on how deep you wanna dig, completionist, all ending, all scenes, DLCs, without guide can take maybe 30-40 hours, or even 50+ if you're slow to figure things out
>>3702945>10 hourswow thats way shorter than i thoughtthanks
>>3702936BS1's about 10ish hours, more if you end up cycling a few times.BS2's comfortably in the 30-40 hour range, more if you're a lorefag or want to see hidden events.
Is it possible to get BS2 Victoria covenant without dying even once? Whats up with her fight?
>>3701311Shes so cute bros i really really need a gf like her...
>>3701648>mount and blade fagsWe need our own Romance of the Kingdoms -ritual poster
>>3702999>ritual postersPlease no.
>>3703000Does a spamming Nodefag count?
>>3703115Rent free.
>>3703115I also post node
>>3703223>>3703246We get it joul, youre a xitternigger
>>3703468kys no games
>>3703246Based nodebro>>3703442>joulI honestly don't think he's even lurking in these threads. Why are you obsessed with him?
>>3703115Waifufaggotry is a different breed of mental illness.>>3703442literally who
>>3703524why are you hereplease god, let the polish end you
Why do so many people think Alice 01 is Prickett
>>3703594Because she is.
>>3701206By porn game standards, they're all exceptional. Why would you play games without sexual content?
>>3703596Aright I'll bite Why do you believe that
>>3703607The TL;DR version is basically BS1 having 02 directly cite 01 as the original Alice and the Library having been the place (You) and 01 originally spent so much time together at, delighting in reading fairy tales above all else (something that Tea Party for Three also mentions in BS2). For what it's worth, the message from 01 that 02 plays also sounds remarkably like Prickett and her plan to crash the garden to get you out is consistent in both games.BS2 adds on to this with GG (forma de doll) directly citing 01 as her creator and saying she awaits you in Winterbell, and we know that GG was created by the White and Red Queens (Node and Prickett) due to the Chaos Dungeon directly stating as such.The only person that fits the criteria presented in BS1 and BS2 for who 01 is would be Prickett.
>>3703518>Waifufaggotry is a different breed of mental illness.?Define waifuaggotry. Because Waifuposting was always a thing here.
guh lad stalker 2 come out now but i can't play it im hope that redhood would came early to subsitube that
>>3703518BS is a waifufags game. What are you even doing here? The game is literally centered around the girls.
>>3703655>BS is a waifufags game.Not to the extent that people make it out to be, lorefaggotry was always top dog here.
>>3703655I'm here for the story. My favourite characters are Lorde, Lindamea and Jabberwock.
>>3703607Did you not play through the game?
>>3703657Then you are gay
>>3703655maybe on planet retard
>>3703670EMMM is a waifufag himself, you retarded nigger.
>>3703656>lorefaggotry was always top dog hereYeah, but this lore is focused on our favorite girls. >>3703657Faggot
>>3703697>Yeah, but this lore is focused on our favorite girls.Not unless your name is Mary, Red, or Alice.
>>3703697The girls are great, but they play second fiddle to the plot.
>>3703701Even second fiddle is giving most of them too much credit.
>>3703700All the characters at the top of the picrel are important.
>>3703707>All the characters at the top of the picrel are important.>Yeah, but this lore is focused on our favorite girls.Focus =/= Importance, but even then>3 at the top literally aren't in the game at all Abhoth, Ubbo-Sathla, Tulzscha>next tier has a few niggers that exist as BS3 bait, a random DLC 3 boss, and a fag in a bit role>Shub>implying she's anything close to a main focus of loreShe basically exists as an attachment to Mary and little else plotwise, maybe DRH will make her more of a focus.>HypnosLiterally only exists in the Chaos Dungeon with practically no information or major relevance to anything outside of a bit role in the construction of Wonderland.>AzathothExists to rape you on the moon and as a plot setup for BS3.TCO, Node, and Yog are the only ones here that have any remote claim to being a main focus of lore. Of those three, TCO's got the most focus by far, helped in large part due to being fucking Alice, one of the three main female leads of the series and by far the heroine that has the most lore about them across the series. While Node and Yog have a large impact in terms of how the plot of BS2 unfolds I'd struggle to say that most or even a large part of the lore is focused on them, rather they're usually the vehicles the game uses to give out lore about other shit.Even excluding TCO, compare everyone else to Mary Sue or even Red Hood and you should notice a big difference regarding how they're treated lorewise. Right now, BS's plot and lore revolves around these three heroines and Grimm, everyone else is playing secondary roles at best.
>>3703723>Right now, BS's plot and lore revolves around these three heroinesTwo heroines. Dogwhore is dead.
>>3703723>three main heroinesHere they are.
Starting Black Souls today, what am I in for? How long is it? Do I just consult the guide the whole time?
Is it normal for Prickett to disappear?>>3703752>Starting Black Souls today, what am I in for?Lots of rape.>How long is it?The first game must take around 2-10 hours, while BS2 takes around 10-30 (even though it's taking me more than 30 hours to finish all endings)>Do I just consult the guide the whole time?Yes.
>>370375212~ hours to get all BS1 endings30-40 to get all BS2 endingsDon't use guides on your first playthrough. Look at hints.txt in the game files on NG+Tips:>you can equip four rings>hold shift for focused movement>it's not a cutscene
I admit, im hookedWhen is the next one?
>>3703774Christmas 2022. It was a bit delayed though
>>3703785Damnit, gonna have to get my time machine
Simultaneous release with Silksong and Half Life 3, trust the plan
>>3703792If yours works could you also take a gander at the future and see when bs3 is gonna be released?Also any information if unusual_feline will be raised from the dead would be greatly appreciated.
>>3703774I will force her to marry me by throwing money at her
>>3703752Use the name "Grimm" in your character if you want to get a beginner bonus in the game. This tip helped me a lot.
>>3701907???, how?? Miranda became futa or what?
>>3703623why is he angry?
>>3703848No, a dog
>>3703723>3 heroinesYeah pretty much. I would be really surprised if DRH wont have some plot device to bring "back" Red Hood.If not - story just goes too much into "I just fuck eldritch beings" direction (sorry Sho) without her, other primary girls are not even a fairy tales at this point. My other wild guess would be a bit more mentally stable TCO.. somehow. Prickett or not decide yourself.
how would getting head from TCO feel like?
>>3703886It will fit nicely with my Alice pants.
what's gayer, banging TCO or Bill?.
>>3703936Bill. How is that even a question? I guess Mabel referred to TCO as 'he' once, but its still very different 'he'.
>>3703938 so then leaving that, if you coud bring any girl with you to a peaceful real world with no powers, not as a horrible monster but the actual character, who would you choose?, i would go with Elma or snow white.
>>3703752>Do I just consult the guide the whole time?No retard, at least not on your first run.
Snow white love.
>>3703878>I would be really surprised if DRH wont have some plot device to bring "back" Red Hood.We've already got that plot device set up in BS2, unless you mean DRH actually ending in her revival or something like that. Mabel's using Shatranj as a storage space for souls awaiting future revival by Grimm after he awakens as a Creator, and DLC 1 has Red talk to Grimm about finding the books of the heroines and trying to find a way to revive them. Given that Red's book should be in Grimm's hand after Red 20, the only real limitations for his ability to revive niggas should be getting a new vessel that can actually utilize the Power to Change, or his soul taint interfering with the actual process of creation.
>>3703992Oh fuck I forgot whole vessel plot. He is going to give powers back to Mary because there wont be time for vessel shit, and we will spend half of the game unfucking her attitude to at least "we can work with that" state, isnt it?
>>3703998In Blacksouls 3™© you find yourself in between the gardens, a post apocalyptic Wonderland, Forgotten Elysium and many others.Grimm sets out to save the world from the impending disaster foretold by Mabel in Blacksouls 2™©He received the power to change, write and create from the defeated Grand Guignol but does not know how to utilize the power.(You) rescue Leaf, that somehow survived the apocalypse in her jail cell.Leaf is the only one alive that knows how to use the powers.This is the start of an dating adventure with Leaf where you two must cooperate and battle against enemies in different gardens learning along the way.You take Leaf on dates to increase your relationship level and get Leaf to open up about the powers.Through out the game, Leaf and Grimm will grow closer together and together you defeat the powers that want war, ending the threat of waking up Aza-chan.Sleep rape scene with Aza-chan includedA major plotpoint of the game will include a choice to forgive Leaf or to betray her, leading to good and bad endings respectively.
>>3704004I will save Leaf and convert her to good with the power of Love!!!!will still have aggressive ryona sex with her, but not because I hate her, but because I find it hot
>>3704007minimal amount of kids you make with her?
We've been going to Alice all along.
>>3704098As much as my body would allow me to. Leaf is effectively immortal as a niggerman so it would eventually be my death that halted my childmaking with her. Unless I could become immortal through niggerman shenanigansOf course, once I die, I would have her kill herself since I couldn't bear her living on without me and possibly forgetting me through the sheer passage of time and, God forbid, she finds another man in the future. She would be buried with me much alike old Pharaohs who would have their slaves and wives buried with them in their tombs
>>3704105if you couldn't choose her, who would be your second choice?
>>3704119she's very cute ngl, based. I don't think there will ever be a game with so much lore including cute n funny girls which you can romance and have sex with.
>>3704119Leaf and Lorinabro? Didn't know there were people this based that still browsed here. Figured it was all Nodefags left
>>3703774What was her name?
>>3704135Tenma Maemi: she completed BS1, she didn't stream BS2 since months ago sadly..-
>>3703742Unironically when you take consideration of all the planning and execution of these three, they feel like they did most of the heavylifting that gotten us ending H.
>>3703998>Oh fuck I forgot whole vessel plot. He is going to give powers back to Mary because there wont be time for vessel shit, and we will spend half of the game unfucking her attitude to at least "we can work with that" state, isnt it?Nah, I'm almost certain that won't be the case. Mabel's gonna help with shit once the current vessel fails, and her entire plan hinges on (You) awakening as a Creator, not being the middleman cuck and giving Mary her power that doesn't even want her anymore back to her. Interacting with Mary in general is much more likely though, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we get a reversal of BS1's dynamic with Mary at bonfires.
>>3704158>they feel like they did most of the heavylifting that gotten us ending H.THIS. How am I supposed to think of Leaf and Red as "le main heroines" after all of this. Red didn't do practically anything, she just walked the path that was made for her, and Leaf was in the dungeon the whole game and did nothing. I'd gladly give the title of main heroines to Prickett, Mabel and Node instead.
>>3704163My wife is as beautiful as ever!
>>3704170nta, after watching a series of lore videos Red is boring af, Toro gives too much favoritism to her for some reason.
>>3704194>after watching a series of lore videos
>>3704195yep 7 hours of explanation on how to get from the beggining to each end, going through the characters interactions personalities etc, idk whats so good about dog semen still.
>>3704194>Red is boring afShe is literally the cancerous tumor of this game.>for some reasonShe's EMMM's waifu. Let this be a lesson to all of us. If you're a dev, never add your waifu to the games you make.
>>3704202ngl knowing she fucks the wolf and surely she does it out of camera during BS1 and 2, she lost me completely on top of the lack of great moments.
>>3704167 grooming a powerless leaf into a good girl would be peak ngl.
>>3704194>after watching a series of lore videosHang yourself.
>>3704167>>3704206imagine this you end up softening her so much you unlock a ending where you bring a human sized leaf to be your wife to the real world.
>>3704207K, if you could bring one of any of the girls to the real world to be your wife, no shennanigans involved, who would you choose? .
>>3704137Oh tenma yes
>>3704205The problem isn't even that, she's basically a boring regular human in a big niggermen story. She's insignificant but she's still given a lot of screentime for some fucking reason. Just look at how EMMM has spent almost 5 years developing a game about Red. BTW that's already more than he spent on BS 2. If EMMM wasn't so retarded, We could have gotten BS 3 and participated in an epic niggermen war by now.
>>3704212Fine, I'll bite.
>>3704215even if no shennanigans were involved, would you do all the effort to aclimatize her to the modern era?, i always liked her since i saw her when i played BS1.
>>3704205Redcucks haven't even played the game they just like the design.
I decided to play Demon Souls and realized that Toro stole the fog and Meryphillia design from there
>>3704216>would you do all the effort to aclimatize her to the modern era?It'd be pretty irresponsible to not give it a shot. I get the feeling that she wouldn't really accept the current state of the world regardless though.
>>3704224i guess in this scenario the best option would be somwhere far from the big cities that have the biggest displays of depravity even without supernatural stuff, maybe somewhere in switzerland or iceland.
>>3704224i'm not sure, which would be your ideal country/place for this?
>>3704137When tenma?
>>37042381 month and a week with no BS2 Kino, ngl so far it's the only game i've seen her streaming that got me invested in her.
>>3703774>When is the next one?>>3701647
>>3704238>>3704242She dropped it. What's the point of playing with such long breaks? During this time you forget a lot of small details. She would have had a chance to completely clear BS 2 if she had played with the guide from the beginning.
what does it cost to find a gf like Leaf? even if I have to pay with my life or my sanity I'd still go for it
Finished BS1&BS2. It honestly was glorious overall and had really good moments, all while lows werent all that low. I went in expecting much worse.Got really confused about some BS2 stuff though.How to interpret scene with little sister Alice and two other Alices? I figured parrallels between ban/jub/jab and three Alices by the second cycle but I dont know what exactly game tried to tell there. Because in endings Alices shown to be different Outer Ones or whatever was that 0sen fight in base ending? Also sister Alice in Mabel flashback acted not like she was Jubjub so it kinda left me confused.I am dodo to understand Lorde as a character and considering how much I saw that bird every time BS was brought up I feel truly lost.Why Baphomet's death played as a big deal by Mary and Mabel? Cant OG just get new manifestations or whatever they do to interact with (You)? No way they are truly dying just like that, so whats the issue? Especially Yog/Mabel that apparently can "invite" herself into any Garden.Why suddenly Mary Ann and not Mary Sue? Just her role in TCO's Wonderland?We DID save Carroll and Alice souls or whatever got sucked into Gardens when a wish was done, right? Then Prickett is.. Alice as in fairytale Alice? Or does she relate to Alice in the same way "our" Grimm relates to "writer" parts of his soul?Who weird smiling face in one of the winterbell flashbacks allured to?
>>3704351>How to interpret scene with little sister Alice and two other Alices? I figured parrallels between ban/jub/jab and three Alices by the second cycle but I dont know what exactly game tried to tell there.Mynoghra, playing the roles of Jubjub and little sister Alice (older sister Alice ran away from Wonderland in an earlier cycle) fell in love with Grimm and helped him escape.>Also sister Alice in Mabel flashback acted not like she was Jubjub so it kinda left me confused.I don't recall that scene, but remember that both Jubjub and sister are roles in TCO's play. Jabberwock is perhaps the only one who's acting according to her true nature, since she was shown to not care for the rules multiple times (she was removed by TCO during her reverse rape scene for revealing too much)>I am dodo to understand Lorde as a character and considering how much I saw that bird every time BS was brought up I feel truly lost.Andre de Lorde is an IRL author who manifested himself in Wonderland through sheer autistic rage when he heard that his creation, Grand Guignol, was being used. He finds out at the end that the artificial, mechanical niggerman created from Mary Sue's power and his creation aren't the same thing at all, they merely share a name.>Why Baphomet's death played as a big deal by Mary and Mabel? Cant OG just get new manifestations or whatever they do to interact with (You)? No way they are truly dying just like that, so whats the issue? Especially Yog/Mabel that apparently can "invite" herself into any Garden.I think we might find out in the sequel, since it's going to feature "Baphomet">Why suddenly Mary Ann and not Mary Sue? Just her role in TCO's Wonderland?Have you read Alice in Wonderland? Mary Ann is an irrelevant maid character who doesn't even appear in the flesh. It makes her a part of the play and signifies her loss of power.
>>3704351Because the three alices are the three nightmaresDaughter = BandersnatchLittle Sister = Jub JubMother = JabberwockIf you read their soul descriptions (you get them from killing each of them) it explains more about themMary Ann was the White Rabbits housemaid in Alice's Adventures in WonderlandIts just clever wordplay to signify that shes no longer "The Mary Sue" of the story, instead just a lowly housemaid.Ending G did happen, as did all the other endings, but GG turned back time everytime you escaped, until H. Alice in ending G is the real AlicePrickett is just a part of TCO's mind that was broken off to interact with Lewis during "The Tea Party" and then became somewhat independent on her own.Shes the Alice that lets you out of the Wonderland at the end of H, you need her ring in your inventory for it to happen.
>>3704351>>3704358>We DID save Carroll and Alice souls or whatever got sucked into Gardens when a wish was done, right?Yes. That was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (pen name Lewis Carroll) and Alice Pleasance Hargreaves, née Liddell. The IRL characters. >Then Prickett is.. Alice as in fairytale Alice? Or does she relate to Alice in the same way "our" Grimm relates to "writer" parts of his soul?The following part is highly speculative and recreated from fragmented, incomplete information. People still argue about the exact sequence of events (was the one who was brought into TCO's Garden Lewis or Grimm?) but it'll likely be revealed in a future game.When Alice Hargreaves made a wish, The Crawling One answered and brought Charles Dodgson to her Garden. Alice Hargreaves and Charles Dodgson never met in said Garden, TCO merely created a play and cast a fragment of herself in the lead role. This fragment eventually fell in love with Lewis and her feelings eventually reached the main body. This love eventually drove TCO mad.The Alice 01 we see at the beginning of BS1 is likely this fragment, eventually recovered by TCO. She was then made to play the role of the Red Queen in TCO's play as punishment. The name Prickett comes from the IRL Mary Prickett, whom Charles Dodgson might or might not have tried to court during his contact with the Liddells. The pages from his diary at the time have been burned so we don't know what really happened, but the name does point towards Prickett/Alice 01 being his original love from the tea party.>Who weird smiling face in one of the winterbell flashbacks allured to?Jabberwock
>>3704358>>3704365>Mynoghra, playing the roles of Jubjub and little sister Alice (older sister Alice ran away from Wonderland in an earlier cycle) fell in love with Grimm and helped him escape.>Because the three alices are the three nightmaresI figured as much.What confused the hell out of me about nightmares-alice part was the fact that base ending 0sen fights and nightmare transformations were different. So while writing was on the wall with all parrallels between characters, multiple hints trough Jabber etc.. Fights made me think they are different entities after all, so final reveal both affirmed my initial suspicion and confused me at the same time.>Have you read Alice in Wonderland? Mary Ann is an irrelevant maid character who doesn't even appear in the flesh. It makes her a part of the play and signifies her loss of power.>Its just clever wordplay to signify that shes no longer "The Mary Sue" of the story, instead just a lowly housemaid.Yeah thats what I meant by "her role", was making sure I didnt miss anything.
>>3704351>How to interpret scene with little sister Alice and two other Alices? I figured parrallels between ban/jub/jab and three Alices by the second cycle but I dont know what exactly game tried to tell there. Because in endings Alices shown to be different Outer Ones or whatever was that 0sen fight in base ending? This is generally agreed here to be one of the few bits that are poorly handled by BS2. Basically, the niggermen playing the Nightmares are also playing a double role as the Alices, and they're losing themselves to the Alice roles. Jubjub in particular says fuck it and helps you escape in H while she's still clinging on to her sanity and sense of self, while Bander and Jabber seem to have completely gotten lost in the role like TCO did. Technically DLC 3 isn't showing the player anything new, it's just explained and hinted at very poorly up until that point.>I am dodo to understand Lorde as a character and considering how much I saw that bird every time BS was brought up I feel truly lost.He's not that complex of a character, he's just memed about because of his fights and his outsized personality. While we don't know how, his Grand Guignol went missing and Lorde seems to have gone out searching for it, eventually ending up where we see him in DLC 3. He thinks the GG in the game is his GG and is immensely and murderously jealous of it picking you over him to merge with to become a Creator, but it's not his GG as he finds out in his final invasion past the point of no return.>Why Baphomet's death played as a big deal by Mary and Mabel?"Baphomet" (aka Shub-Niggurath) is Mary's biological mother and one of Yog's ex-lovers, with some implications that Mary's father is Yog. For reference, the actual Baphomet was the Nameless Demon (actually named Leonard) you found on the way to getting D.1/3
>>37043752/3>Cant OG just get new manifestations or whatever they do to interact with (You)?The Power to Change seems to be the main way for niggermen to acquire other vessels like that. If they don't have any other vessels, they're seemingly just as vulnerable to true death as anyone else is.>No way they are truly dying just like that, so whats the issue?Actually, they are dying exactly like that. Niggermen seem to be immune to deaths by natural causes, but they largely don't seem to be immune to actually dying from trauma to their bodies. Kuti's entire reason for existing is probably to circumvent this fact for Cthulhu if BS adheres to Cthylla's lore. Shub isn't the only niggerman that we know got fucked over the course of the series, TCO merc'd Hypnos and Gla'aki and Mabel shoved their souls into the Chaos Dungeon, and Grimm's responsible for killing or assisting in the deaths of several niggermen.>Especially Yog/Mabel that apparently can "invite" herself into any Garden.Yog's a bit of a special case due to what they are. They've actually been trying to get rid of the Mabel role and vessel since the start of the game, for good reason too as it greatly limits what they're capable of and comes with the risk of getting lost in the role to boot. >Why suddenly Mary Ann and not Mary Sue? Just her role in TCO's Wonderland?Ironic downgrade from being the center of attention (Mary Sue) to a bit role (Mary Ann) thanks to TCO.>We DID save Carroll and Alice souls or whatever got sucked into Gardens when a wish was done, right?In G's timeline of events, yes. How this all plays out for Lewis specifically post-timeline merges remains to be seen, but Alice's soul at the least should be free to return to her body in reality.
>>37043773/3>Then Prickett is.. Alice as in fairytale Alice?No, she's the Alice from the tea party, the one that took place before BS1. Not a fairy tale, just a part of a niggerman that played the role of Alice back in the day and got very, very attached to it.>Or does she relate to Alice in the same way "our" Grimm relates to "writer" parts of his soul?If you're referring to her date dialogue, you can basically think of her as the TCO equivalent to one of the souls that make up Grimm. The main difference between TCO and Grimm seems to be that TCO is many souls in many bodies while Grimm is many souls in one body.>Who weird smiling face in one of the winterbell flashbacks allured to?Jabber, I think everyone would be very surprised if it somehow wasn't her.
>>3704375>while Bander and Jabber seem to have completely gotten lost in the role like TCO did.Jabber has her own grand keikaku in the works. She's very lucid when talking about pre-BS1 events in ending G, and she bails Mary out in ending H. I sincerely doubt she lost herself in the role.Bander is a whole different can of worms. Yibb-Tstll's title is The Patient One and said to be second only to Yog in wisdom. But Bander gets so little characterisation that it's currently unknown if EMMM is laying down thick foreshadowing for future games or if Bander genuinely has so little substance. I'll be disappointed if she doesn't get any development in BS3. The other 3 nightmares (including Lorina) have way more going for them character-wise.
Thanks anons. Its honestly cool how you begin to view things differently in retrospect as you get to know more about the game, and story isnt really shatters upon itself from that. Also >>3704381 speaking about Edith and LorinaSo were their souls actually taken by TCO, or its just a larp? There was a tablet in Lorina's castle that implied that IRL Lorina made a wish and also got sucked in, but I am unsure if I should even trust that.Grimm surprisingly does not care about about her, nor it gets acknowledged in any way, despite pretty obvious name, looks and behaviour similarities. And she becomes a shadow at 0 sen. Is it just a recreation after all? Then Edith too? But then again there weird "time lag" thing when you tell Lorina that you love her more than Alice. Same weird time lag happens when you meet Edith and I think during GG pre-event there was the same effect.
>>3704381>Jabber has her own grand keikaku in the works. [...] I sincerely doubt she lost herself in the role.I can actually buy her getting lost in the role, if nothing else I'd imagine getting decapitated and having a rotting brain for "hundreds of years" doesn't do you any favors for that shit and we haven't heard of anyone that's immune to the process of getting lost in the role yet. She's absolutely got something else in the works though, and we know that we're nearing the culmination of her long and grand plan, whatever it might be.>She's very lucid when talking about pre-BS1 events in ending GShe's also decently lucid when she's talking to you in her rape dungeon, but I still don't think she's completely faking the mental degradation either.>But Bander gets so little characterisation that it's currently unknown if EMMM is laying down thick foreshadowing for future games or if Bander genuinely has so little substance.I think she's just the unloved middle child of EMMM's nightmares. If he's got something planned for her it better be good, but right now I think what we have is basically all she's really going to get, and I can't see her suddenly becoming a major player in BS3.>and she bails Mary out in ending H.Nah, she didn't bail Mary out in H, or at least probably not personally. In H's timeline of events the Jabber vessel should probably be destroyed thanks to G, which just leaves her Alice vessel left. Mary's escape attempt in H is the same one she makes in F/G, she's just not interrupted by anyone in H unlike in those two endings, though I'm sure that whatever Jabber told Mary in her cell helped her in her escape.
>>3704385Not them.>So were their souls actually taken by TCO, or its just a larp?Edith and Leopold (better known as Sherlock/Jack in BS2) absolutely had their souls taken by TCO. Lorina's not given the same kind of direct, hard confirmation that they are, but given what's presented you'd be very, very hard pressed to reasonably assume otherwise.>Grimm surprisingly does not care about about her, nor it gets acknowledged in any way, despite pretty obvious name, looks and behaviour similarities.That's because Lewis is stuck in his insane Alicemania-mode for most of BS2, on top of just not having that same kind of inherent love or affection for her that he does for Alice. DLC 3 actually briefly addresses this topic in the VN with the First Daughter's scene.>And she becomes a shadow at 0 sen. Is it just a recreation after all? Then Edith too?No, they've just both lost their humanity. Edith went demonbeast, and while what exactly happened to Lorina is unclear she's definitely no longer human as shown by her fights.>But then again there weird "time lag" thing when you tell Lorina that you love her more than Alice. Same weird time lag happens when you meet Edith and I think during GG pre-event there was the same effect.I believe it's related to GG activating and fucking with space/time, but I don't think it's ever stated for sure so take it with a grain of salt.
Black bars, my beloved.
>>3704420Its honestly incredible how well-abided and respectful towards spoilers BS anons usually are. I guess gatekeeping does work after all, huh.
>>3704358It is funny to see the famaily tree that me and my polish friend did so many years ago lol
Ok then let's settle this, who is the best loli by far?
>>3704626Im afraid youre not going to settle anything with that question
>>3704626To love? LorinaTo rape? Oyster
>>3704646who has the strongest smell Miranda or Oyster?
>>3704656I would assume the literal oyster
>>3704656I mean i don't think Oyster is always covered in blood and grime for years, imagine her breathing smell too...
>>3704659meant for you: >>3704677
>>3703643What did she say to Sylphie?
>>3704747wonder, what would Leaf think about anime cunny posting.
>>3703643>>3704747Poor innocent sylphie....
>>3705092Pyon~ Pyon~
I wish femanons would do vocaroo as one of the girls
>>3705262There are at least 2And i know one va who loves blacksouls but isn't here
>>3705281do they lean more on the mommy-pilled or cunny-pilled side?, i mean enjoying those types of girls in the game.
>>3705281>There are at least 2I won't believe it without some evidence.
>>3705299The one im talking about is a shota/lolicon also into giant women vore...
>>3705398hmm, interesting i don't get giantess nor vore but well to each their own
Please don't talk about nonfictional females in here, thanks.
>>3705426Alice Pleasance HargreavesElizabeth BlackwellFlorence NightingaleJeanne d'Arc
>>3705426ok i'll just post art then.
>>3705426>>3705429near the end of BS1 how tall is Leaf aprox?, not the Mary Sue Goddess form or the beast form, just her leaf form during the rape.
black souls 3 will release before deltarune chapter 7
>>3705454>implying we'll even be alive for eitherDAMMIT KRIS
I want a nonfictional Leaf wife
>>3705603year of snake is upon us
>>3705603for a peaceful life one of the best partners.
>>3705603DESU, I'd go for Bill because he can do cooking.
Anyone got a download link? Been a couple of years since I played.
>>3705193>Iä! Iä!>Just one daughterWas she so infertile?!
>>3705566RARE Node
>>3705603I love my daughter(male)wife(male)!
>>3705684Anon?Your lore reps?
Why are there so many faggots in BS threads? It's disgusting.
>>3705682Here you go fren
>>3705745Node hate homosexuals?
>>3705758Faggots can't breed.
>>3705760could Node with the help of some servants fix Bill?
homo die
>>3705762I don't know. Maybe?
Does Toro know that eeny meeny miny moe is a racist counting rhyme? He does a lot of research so he probably knows. Maybe he recites the rhyme every now and then for a laugh.
>>3705777i mean stopping the troon urges, awakening his masculinity.
>>3705785It's a mental illness, even top niggermen can't fix it. Just look at TCO.
>>3704158Great now go back
>>3705787I wonder what baphomets thinks about the current state of TCO.
>>3705783>is a racist counting rhymeam i not american enough to know this?
>>3705792>>3705787The top level niggermen don't really seem to care about biological sex all that much, probably because they can literally just be whatever the fuck they want to be.
>>3705783>eeny meeny miny moe???Since when, based if trueWill try using again when i see a nigger
>>3705798Not them.>am i not american enough to know this?EENY MEENY MINY MOECATCH A NIGGERMAN BY THE TOEThat's just one variation of it, there's many others out there. This type of refrain was very popular in the states and bongistan back in the 1800-1900's IIRC.
>>3705863Please be faked.
>>3705863But that isn't even alice....
What do I do after reaching the hidden route?
>>3705883Do you mean DLC 3? It's pretty much linear.
>>3705888No, I'm talking about the endings F and G.
>>3705893Make a save at the start if you don't want to have to do all of the requirements again, otherwise it's a very short and linear run through it.
>>3705893What you mean? Get the endings, get the other endings before those letters after if you havent and then move on to final DLC?
>>3705897>Make a save at the start if you don't want to have to do all of the requirements againThis game punished me enough that I had this in mind from the beginning...>>3705898>What you mean?I got the 6 memories, the leaf ring and talked to Red Hood in 10 places, and then proceeded to the next cycle, without skipping the cutscene, but I haven't noticed anything different so far.
>>3705902I think you might have missed a step champ. You did remember to cancel out of the choice of the three Alices, right?
>>3705904I thought it was just necessary to not skip the opening cutscene. Thank you, you saved me a few hours that would have otherwise been wasted.
>>3705908hints.txt is your friend
I made some cursed artwork, have this fellow Grimmbros. I forgot my meds.
>>3705913Cute even if it's gachashit.
Someone got a good numbered tracklist of both ost?
>>3705919Just 2's.
>>3705919No. But please enjoy following
>>3705882Trans pride
>>3705957This isn't the whore I asked for.
>>3705957Node isn't THAT haggy
>>3705957Wtf I love Node now
>>3705957>>3705962Niether is outisI love her bros
>>3705957This Node would betray you after you beat Grand Guignol.
>>3705957NOOOOOO! My bnuuy wife! They turned you into a nigger!
>>3705985>Faust out of nowhereFaustbroken
>>3706020You just know its a ishmael cuck
>>3705957pale > brown
>>3701381kill yourself and delete 3dpd
>>3701419tits or gtfo
>>3705863>>3705864>>3705876I told you niggers the tertiaries would come. I told you and nobody listened to me , always saying "but mun loli rape will protect me from the mentally ill!" I told you faggots about tertiaries and tourists , I told you
>>3706171Have they bullied EMMM yet?
>>3706173just give it more time, it will happen inevitably. first they'll call characters trannies, then they spread the shit with their friends and then they'll start getting butthurt about idiotic shit and try to cancel the dev. it happened to others before and it'll happen again. and worst of all theyll make absolutely fucking garbage drawings of the games and characters
>>3705915Thanks buddy, I got a full BS piece in the making next.
>>3705913>Alice has fallen to a big holewouldn't it be Alice has fallen into a big holecute art though
>>3706188Ah shit, I've already posted it. Next time, I'll get my grammar right. Thanks as well.
>>3704443It's more niche than gatekeeping, the Void Stranger threads on /v/ were probably thread of the year candidates.
>>3706174Honestly this could be solved or at least pushed back by removing censored mode from next game. Who the fuck enables it anyway.
>>3706284no it wouldn't change anything at all
>>3706290what we actually need is more like this
I think F&H fans hate this franchise because you don't get raped by old fat men in this games.
>>3705913I also did a short follow-up, here. Again, I forgot my meds and I will now make something related to Lorina.
Is this worth playing if I am only interested in small boys
>>37064811st one has 1, and BS2 as 2 as far a s i know so nope.
>>3706419I thought that was albanian flag...
>>3706495It is now.
>>3706511>>3706419my heroes
>>3705913>>3706460Which BA girl would be most likely do "this" or has it already occurred?Disclaimer: ive never played a gacha game but i regularly jack off to doujins featuring their girls
>>3701205Imagine black souls but as a mobage. What abilities would each character have?
>>3706576no, I don't think I will.
>>3706552Arona, unironically. She’s a piece of shit through and through, and will gladly drain your pyroxenes if the opportunity presents itself
>>3706552Hmm. Now it kinda depends on if you wanna make it just like the leaf scene or add your own twist. If its former(Kniving smug bitch) then NiyaNiya might fit the description or Arona if your goal is the latter(but you gonna need to give her a lot of pyroxene like other anon said).
What would you do if you had a tiny TCO Tomar?
>>>/vg/512341265Do you think Howard is part of Grimm?Or would it be too meta?
what the fuck is up with the halfassed attempts at forcing discussion
got bored so i'm replaying this game again.any cool translated mod for BS2? I played that fluffy mod and that's basically it.
I'm so confused right now.Apparently, there's a condition somewhere in BS1's code that doesn't let you recruit Catherine at Elixir's Cathedral properly if you have too many sins?Story time.>Be me>Replay BS1 even though I finished my latest playthrough just a month ago>Kill Patrasche while having over 300 Sins in my count>Speak to Catherine, summon Jeanne, she takes Cat to Holy Forest, usual business>Go to Holy Forest>Cat wasn't where she was supposed to be>Reload save, clean my sins, do the whole thing again>Went to Holy Forest>Now she's thereThe weird thing is that I'm checking her event at Holy Forest with RPG Maker VX Ace and I'm not seeing any Sin-based conditions for her not to be showing up.
>>3706954doesn't she kill herself near the basement door if your sin gets over 10 or something after recruitment?
>>3706954Wait Alice!?
>>3706966Oh damn, she actually does.Wow, I don't think I got to see that before. Usually I either recruit her or rape her.Truly, the Shadowmoon Blde is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
I just finished the B and G endings of the game and it was a great experience. But that was nothing compared to Dodo's H scene and her final dialogues. I'm going to sound like a normie bitch. But really It broke me when Dodo said that even if she spins around 3 times she will never forget us and that we will never forget her. Man, it had been 4 years since I cried like that.
>>3707026That dialogue really hits hard, even if it didn't necessarily bring me to tearsDodo is such a sweet heart
>>3707026Its okay everybody likes Dodo here
>>3705844>>3705863I fucking hate faggots who make shit like this
>>3707026>>3707044>>3707074I never did anything with dodo so i haven't seen it yet
>>3707083I'll just tell you to kill Jubjub Don't have any doubts about it, just Just do it
>>3706953>any cool translated mod for BS2?Not really. There's the gook assorted mod collection, but the font is broken for a huge part of it meaning a lot of the game is now completely illegible and the collection has some wild variances in quality. If you're that desperate for more BS-type shit, just play NPC Dreams instead.
>>3706910Hey Tomar if a tiny TCO smacked your wife Jaxxy's face with a baseball bat, how would you feel?
12 hour BS2 endurance stream from Tenma set for next wednesday
>>3707168Please let her to start using the guides already or we will see 0 progress in 12 hours. She's too retarded to find anything on her own.
>>3707141i dont mind desu, drop the link i'll play anything at this point
>>3707226>She's too retarded to find anything on her own.Don't we like Dodo-brains anymore?
>>3707226I think she wants to exhaust what she can figure out on her own before she looks at the guide on how to get the endings needed for DLC3.
What the fuck
>>3707355I was not even aware you can customname protagonists in FGO. The line is not edited though, right?Its uncanny as fuck then, both gears part and || not-Dorothy ||
>>3707360>>brainlag discord spoilerI guess I will go off myself. This is not something I can live trough.
>>3707360>|| ||
>>3707168Fucking finally
>>3707168Is she a fujo? Her heart rate exploded when she got to fucking Bill.
>>3707418No he finds him cuteAnd wants to fuck irl too i bet
>>3707276That's impossible with her chat spamming everything.
>>3707517She ignored chat anon
>>3707452Tenma is a woman, but she is something far, far worse than a tranny if you're Europeanan actual gypsy
>>3707571First gypsy vtuber
>>3707517She almost never reads chat in 90% of her streams and just focuses on the game, that's a common criticism of her actually.
Haven't been updated on this series since DLC3 dropped, have there been any newer content or updates? While googling stuff I happened upon "DRH", is that a new game in the making? Is it out already?As a side note, I also might want to post fanart on twitter, is there any hashtag I can use?
>>3707839DRH is still a good while away. In terms of updates, it's still the typical "oh I have to draw another 200 CGs since I feel I haven't done enough". If I had to hazard a guess, I would assume another half year before an actual release. Maybe EMMM will just announce it's dropping one day and then it'll just be out. We will most likely have to wait for an actual translation for a month or two. The normal hashtag for blacksouls is literally just #BLACKSOULS on xitter, but ignore the really unfunny and gay memes that get posted on there with increasing frequencyI feel like EMMM just isn't into making the series that much anymore, or rather he realized part way he doesn't really have that great of an idea for a game. A lot of indie devs get that way after having a game of theirs blow up
>>3707168Go back to /vt/ you faggot.
>>3707839Dead Red Hood is a Hitman-style game starring Red. It's a smaller game so the development time won't be long, it's set to release in Christmas 2022.
>>3707894Well, she didn't immediatelly pawn her v-tubing rig for smokes&booze money, so she's can be a pure-blooded one.
>>3707846>I feel like EMMM just isn't into making the series that much anymoreI also think this, also because the Japanese are weirdly autistic
>>3707846Thank you so much. I'll probably find the time to play BS2 from the start again since I forgot some of the finer details. Is the gitgud linked earlier in this thread THE link to all things Black Souls related? Are the guides there also the ideal paths? I don't mind spoilers since I've already cleared the game a few times in the past except for DLC3.
Starting Black Souls right now. Anything I should know before going in? I already know it's a gameplay heavy game, so I don't expect to be going into it for much else, but how is it as a h-game?
>>3707920>Anything I should know before going in?>shift to run>you can equip 4 rings>it's not a cutscene>don't be afraid to fuck up, NG+ is relatively quick>I already know it's a gameplay heavy game, so I don't expect to be going into it for much else, but how is it as a h-game?The porn is probably the last reason why I'd ever play the games. The art and writing is better in BS2, but as far as raw eroticism goes you'll probably be fapping to one or two scenes at best. Also, even though it takes about 8 hours to see why, BS is a plotfag series, not a gameplayfag one. Odds are you'll break BS1's difficulty curve sooner than later, and BS2's not much different in regards to how soon you can break it if you know what you're doing.
>>3707920>Anything I should know before going in?There are no unwinnable battles.>but how is it as a h-game?I really liked it, but most others generally consider the H to be subpar at best for this game.
>>3707923>BS is a plotfag series, not a gameplayfag oneI consider story to be an important part of gameplay, but I get the distinction. I'm sure I'll have fun breaking the game itself, I just won't have much motivation to do it without plot. It's what carried me through Demons Roots, I'm sure it's what will carry me through Black Souls.
>>3707927Fair warning, 90% of BS1's actual plot is in the last ~10% of the game. Luckily it's only about a 10 hour game, but if the start of the game doesn't hook you you'll probably think it's a slog.
>>3707839>Haven't been updated on this series since DLC3 dropped, have there been any newer content or updates?No, see >>3701647.
>>3707918>Is the gitgud linked earlier in this thread THE link to all things Black Souls related?I wasn't going to say anything and I'm not the Anon who posted it, but I'm very surprised someone managed to find that. I never posted it anywhere myself as far as I remember.>Are the guides there also the ideal paths?They're general notes about where or how to find important things such as fairy tales, the flames of BS2 and such.The Winterbell Scenes keywords are a lead for me to Ctrl+F in my dumps of BS2's text strings, lol.
Which one would you choose?
>>3708012imagine a ending where you bring Node with you to the real world.
>>3708015The real world is boring. I think it's better to make a new garden together.
>>3703610That the best response I've gotten on this subject and I think the part about 2 might be correct in spirit but not the first gameAlright, let me ask a more specific question Why do people think the Alice at “character creation” in the first game is Prickett >>3703663Yes
>>3707956Ina <3
>>3708038>Why do people think the Alice at “character creation” in the first game is Prickett Because the Alice you see during vessel creation in BS1 is 01.
I haven't been in these threads since early 2024. How's Red's game? Any news on BS3?
>>3708054No news. You'll hear about it on /v/ or here if there is news.
>>3708044 And that's where 01 being Prickett falls apart for me, because that is not Prickett in anyway Doesn't talk like her and doesn't act like her in any form we've seen her. Plus I doubt she'd act to Mary’s scriptNot to mention that was clearly one of Mary's Alice dolls by how she speaks
>>3708056>And that's where 01 being Prickett falls apart for me, because that is not Prickett in anyway You DO know that Prickett's entire persona in BS2 is explicitly an act, right anon? What else do you need for the game to show you to get the idea across that 01, the original Alice from the tea party, is who we currently know as Prickett in BS2?
>>3708058 The issue isn't Prickett being the Alice of the tea party it's Prickett being 01 and that 01 is the same Alice as the one in the tea party The Alice at CC is seems more like a mass produced Alice doll then anything else
>>3708054Every time someone asks, the release date is pushed back by two more weeks.
>>3708065Damn really? How's Red's game? Any news on BS3?
BS twitter memes made EMMM depressed
>>3708072Even if he stops making games forever I will be happy that I got to experience them in the first place
>>3708063>The issue isn't Prickett being the Alice of the tea party it's Prickett being 01 and that 01 is the same Alice as the one in the tea partyAnon, there is no real conflict with 01 being Prickett here. BS2 even corroborates what 02 says here about 01 in Tea Party for Three and again, GG itself cites 01 as being its creator. That isn't some flavor text that you can conveniently ignore or try to find some other explanation for, that's concretely and definitively narrowing down who 01 is to two potential candidates, and the only realistic candidate between the two of them is Prickett.Prickett is indisputably 01, and BS2 is not conveniently talking about some different 01 here either, there is only ever one 01 talked about in the series. 01 is the Alice that was killed at the start of BS1, 01 is the one that is referred to as the original Alice, 01 was present at the tea party, 01 loved reading fairy tales together with (You) at the Library that's ripped along with everyone and everything else in Wonderland from the tea party, 01 made 02 and gave 02 a personal message to play back to (You) that has 01 talk about the pain that she's putting you through (which she brings up again in BS2 to Node), 01 made GG, and it is 01 that awaits you in Winterbell. There's several NPCs outside of the Library that talk about what transpired at the tea party and about Alice getting fucked by Mary Sue too, so it's not like what 02 says about what happened at the tea party or about the original Alice only exists in isolation.You'd have to intentionally disregard what's presented in both games to a different conclusion, and if you're just going to ignore what both games state on the matter you might as well just make up your own plot at that point. You might think it's stupid or poorly presented or whatever, there's shit in BS I think is stupid too, but what the series says doesn't allow for any other reasonable interpretations of who 01 is.
So when the Black Rabbit saw the thing between Alice and Grimm, was the implication they were fucking or was there basically just one kiss between them and rabbit went "it's over bros, I need to kms"
>>3708124He saw the kiss between them in the library, and I'm pretty sure that they were fucking. If nothing else, they were in a very intimate relationship even if they weren't somehow fucking.
>>3707894>>3707909>>3708120She is my cousin and stop calling us gypsys we are romans
>>3708145nta, she dropped the game sadly she either lost interest because of the grind or it wasn't worth streaming like fotm games.
Everytime I look for more fanart I am confronted by the reality that fags like this now make up most of the vocal space about the game on xitter, and thus the visible "fandom". It's over
>>3708292Be happy that it isn't trannies and non binary folkx
>>3708292i barely see any art, most of his post are random crap.
>>3708292>Gacha... fanHoly fucking shit, this is the ultimate form of stockholm syndrome. Not even Mary Suefags have it this bad.
>>3707923>you'll probably be fapping to one or two scenes at bestYou mean to at least a dozen scenes and some of those multiple times, right?
>>3708174oh my sweet little can only wish the horrors she will unleash upon your poor little soul...
>>3708350Let's fucking goo!!!, i would trap her into a Dungeon without doubt CUNNY HAG
>>3708174Anon, people brought her up again because there's a marathon stream next wednesday. She didn't drop it, she just spent the last 3 weeks 100%ing KH2 SPICS; Wtf is this shit???
>>3708331>>3708350It's been so long since I've played that I forget what scene the cat is making this face in
>>3708399it's all his videos combined, he's far from being the worse since he explains stuff in a serious thone without being edgy, unlike others who constantly sperg out memes to keep the attention of normgoids.
>>3708460First time friend?
>>3708410Why the fuck is some spic talking for 8 hours about this game on youtube. I swear to God this will be the end of this game
>>3708463Believe me it won't happen, he's a small content creator, a way bigger Peruvian vtuber played the game because he was paid 300 fucking dollars by it's udience, bitching and crying the whole way ignoring lore and dialogues completely rushing to the end (he's a Fear & Hunger fan), the one above atleast does the whole research and takes it seriously and respects the game.
>>3708463also it's 8 of his videos combined in 1, the normal lenght of them varies from 40 minutes to 1:30 hours, the normal videos are still up.
>>3708463There's an entire subreddit about BS and some literal who spic that basically no one knows about concerns you?Seriously?
How do i reach his level of Gigachad?
>>3708464Good, the peruvian at least knows to don't bring this game on normietube>>3708469So this greedy bastard wants to get double revenue?>>3708493I hate Spics so much it's unreal, but you know that this video WILL reach a bunch of tourists and flood the comunity
>>3708507>I hate Spics so much it's unrealYou don't say.>but you know that this video WILL reach a bunch of tourists and flood the comunityNo, that's just your paranoia speaking.I'm a spic btw. No, I'm not joking.And I've been here for several years.AND I'm not going anywhere either.Enjoy that knowledge.
>>3708516>erm, that's not happening and also I'm part of the problemkys spic. It's always beaners who are the problem just like >>3708292
>>3708525NTA but anglokikes are more likely to be trannies and faggots. It's your culture, after all.
>gacha nigger posting>vtumor discussion What’s the point of this thread?
>>3708525nta, i never got why so many other latin americasn take a franchise and proceed to bastardize it and coat it with the most tasteless nonsense memes nonstop, i don't see it happening with Black souls because the of the loli rape content, thankfully most latin americans are in the anti loli content bandwagon so it's not a problem in most cases (F&H fans have a superiority complex over Black souls for some reason, (i guess they aren't satisfied with the complete lack of scenes where your playable character participates in gay orgies with old fat men)
leaving that aside, Lorina sex.
>>3708542What else should we be doing? Theres 463 posts in this thread, theres room for a little everything here, its not all gatcha or vtumors>Helping newbs>Nodes, Bills, Leafs>Spoilers, lots of thoseWhat else do you want?
>>3708542>What’s the point of this thread?I'm posting pictures of my wife here.
>>3708548wish there was more art of her doing housewife tasks, like baking, cooking and that kind of stuff.
>>3708551>wish there was more art of her doing housewife tasksSame. I found only one drawing with a related theme.
>>3708550Was she the dumbest Liddell?
>>3708460Interesting design idea for punching dummy.
>>3708542The game has been translated for years now, unless someone comes into the series new, there isn't much to talk about these days and the thread is kinda vestigial so even if it is about vtumors, at least it's someone playing the game for the first time.
>>3709126My wife so cute
>>3709135Just as beautiful as the first day I saw her. Her looks are timeless
>>3709139I want to kiss her right on the mouth
>>3709140Dont it makes mustard gas
>>3709141No, it makes love smoke because I love her so much
smelly fairy
>>3709374I like my gran gran maymay
I like how Dorothy is a tranny so EMMM put her in the Mental Ward to get better
>>3709455so when it's Bill's turn?
>>3701206fear and hunger has porn?
>>3709499Bill is just a fag, a cute one though
>>3709501outside potions and other specific stuff, the only way to heal is letting old fat men fuck your character even if it's male (the game is made bya a Finnish faggot).
>>3709503kinda based, is it that way in the second one too?
>>3709504ugly af, you can't even fuck the girl in that game to recover your mind 0/10.
>>3709503>the only way to heal is letting old fat men fuck your charactermisleading and inaccurate, limb loss can only be healed by ritual sex, hitpoints can be restored by other means
>>3709515still no cuteness, finnish faggots have no taste.
>>3709503>>3709525Who you forget to mention is into blacked
>>3701381Depends. . . Bush or Shave?
>>3709503>the game is made bya a Finnish faggotI mean so is ULTRAKILL and that doesn't have gay sex in it that I know of
>>3709713made for rape.
>>3709716the fuck is balatro?
>>3709713made for sex.>>3709716made for cuddles.
>>3709722and sex.
>>3709725only after she begs for it, i want to see her squirming
>>3709789I just want the top panel, thank you. Preferably with a second panel of me kissing Lorina
Lorinaanon is onto something, I admit.Poor girl had a potential and was grossly underutilized.Only Edith got it worse.
>>3709880 imagine if in BS3 we are able to fix Edith and cuck Jack.
>>3709884not like Grimm doubts to cuck pumpkin-o. why would he care about a random psycho.
>>3709927would Grimm use the same cope he used with Bill when banging Doro-bro?
>>3709836Mmm bunny feet
does anyone know the artist?
>>3709982No, but have a fully-sized image.
>>3709987thank you this is one of the best fanarts i've seen.
>>3709982 >>3709987 had it with bigger resolution
You watching tenma tomorrow?Also who do you hope she will cosplay next?
>>3710002Yes, Bill or Dodo.
>>3709982>>3709987Seriously, Astlibra reference? Now I've seen everything.
>>3710002Of course. I'd love to see Jubjub but I don't think it'll be her
I finished the game a week or 2 ago but I never found an answer to this. How come the CD when down by 2 sometimes?
>>3707141>just play NPC Dreams instead.Have they finally translated it?
>>3710208what the hell
>>3710210NTA but it's almost ready.The actual translation is supposedly 100% done. The guy working on it is holding tests in his Discord for bug reports and any potential translation mistakes or grammar issues to correct.
>>3710284even Grimm knows they have to avoid getting banned in the wonderland.
>>3710310imagine the paizuri marathons
>>3710281>>3710284She never said this...
>>3710276>>3710310Too bigShe is the loli one
>>3710442She's not a loli herself just her alice form.
I'm reading Milton's biography in preparation for BS3. So far, notable highlights include the students at Milton's college being forced to speak Latin, Hebrew or Greek 24/7; failure to do so would result in corporal punishment. He was also apparently skilled in fencing and could speak Italian.
knowing how much of a boomer Grimm is, how would he react if you said to him: wow due you are based!
>>3710498I rather show you how I'm reacting to your cringey-sounding comment.Picrel.
Even more than Alice, i love Lorima.
Glad she is having fun
Snake god always gets everyone the first time. it legit freaked me out for a while, I was seeing it in the dark randomly because of my imagination
Tenma being scared of getting "pp jumpscared" by "Snake curse" made me thinkCan you swap the curse image to some other pic?Wouldnt it be funny if it was a picture of Bills asshole instead?
If you kill snake god instead of bill, do you still get cursed?
F Shisha.
>>3710573>Can you swap the curse image to some other pic?Yes.>Wouldnt it be funny if it was a picture of Bills asshole instead?No, that would be hot which is a different feeling.
>>3710574>If you kill snake god instead of bill, do you still get cursed?Yes.
I like how shes spending upwards of 10 hours on getting all the girls in the rape dungeon only for a few lines of dialogue and no endingIs she going to spend another 10 hours getting all the fairy tales for a single CG aswell?
>>3710634For god's sake, let her start using the guides. How can you play for so many hours and still never see fucking ending G?!
>>3710634You're talking about someone that slammed their skull against a wall for a week against a fucking frog.
Is she fucked on getting all girls in the dungeon? I hope she saved the bunny girl.
>>3710649I think she ignored her for too long, or maybe not.
why can't you grape Pricket?.
>>3710664Ending H wouldn't work otherwise if you raped the only girl that love you
>>3710664Same reason you can't rape Node and Mabel.
>>3710680Because they are Mary Sues?
Damn female oyster...
What's something "dumb" you did during your first run of of bs2?It took me until the Nurse boss to get dispel. I thought it weird that I didn't find it but chalked it up to being a gameplay change. Loled when I saw someone dispel rage.
>>3710680>NodeWell that's more because you can't rape the willing.
>>3709721It's a really fun card game that won like indie game of the year or something.
>>3710723I refused to accept that Omnibless isn't that good and a waste of a turn.
>>3702936Ignore the other posters they used guides, BS2 without a guide and no hints to 100% easily took me >120 hours over the span of an entire month.
ToT kuti
that tenma death into counter lifesteal revive was kino
>>3710763Literally the anime cliche/trope of>both do a single slash>one goes down to his knee, other seems fine>other then explodes into blood
>>3710639>let her start using the guidesI just finished vod 6 and she's the one that doesn't want to use a guide.>>3710757a playthrough and 100% isn't exactly the same thing.
>>3710770you're not getting ending H in 30 hours without a guide peasant. you stick to your walkthroughs
>>3710763>>3710765Timestamp so i can watch later onegai
>>3710767>>3710768Kuti love!
>>3710772Around 7h30min when shes fighting Carpenter, second phase and when hes at about 10% health
>>3710771Getting to Alice I would count as a playthrough. DLCS usually aren't counted towards a playthrough of a game but I can understand that you might disagree for blacksouls. Technically you can get the same ending by closing the game at ending G
Is Wolris or Dodo dumber?
>>3710757>Ignore the other posters they used guidesYou shouldn't assume that everyone has 2 INT like you do.
Rabbit whore!
Node hate
>>3710792I will say it. She overreacted.
>>3710777Dodo is actually pretty self-aware. Wolris is just retarded.
>>3710801Kuti had every right to flood the place as she willed, obviously she would have gotten smacked anyway but rapping her can never be thought as a moral thing to do.Node is just a hyper simp for Grimm so she will never admit the rapping is wrong obviouslyAnd she even herself admits SHE went overboard by throwing her in the pit
>>3710804>Kuti had every rightI did mean Node overdone it, yeah.Again you have to be an absolute monster to do jail Kuti, so you can consider her Evil Playtrough Node
>>3710807>Again you have to be an absolute monster to do jail Kutiyou might want to take a look at the title of the series, anon
>>3710809In my defense - I believe second game never forces you to do horrible shit to actually progress the story. Even semi-lockout cases like redhood alice arent required for G/H. You can also just sit it out during winterbell flashback door and leave in peace without touching anyone. Unless I forgot something.So its (You) who presses red options, dont blame it on poor GrimmNow that I think about it - isnt the only mandatory h-scene to reach H is the one with TCO Alice?TCO just keeps winning.
>>3710804Is that a fucking Kelly edit?
>>3710812>In my defense - I believe second game never forces you to do horrible shit to actually progress the story.Grimm's soul goes from Black to Tainted Black over the course of the game for a damn good reason, anon. Even if (You) aren't the one actively picking the horrible options in the cycles you're playing, the timeline merges and all of the cycles we've gone through before the start of the game paint a pretty clear picture that Grimm is still actively sinning in the other cycles.
>>3710813Not them but yes. I think there's a few others but I don't have them saved.
>>3710817>>3710813only two i have
>>3710634I don't know and I don't care.Please keep your vtumor crap out of here.
>>3710792>>3710801>>3710804>>3710807Stupid octopus should have used her little head, before opening her filthy mouth!!
>>3710778You have never beaten bs2 without a guide
>>3710634>getting all the girls in the rape dungeonGlad she did. Didn't know that was a thing. since it's not an ending it wasn't listed anywhere I looked. Including dormouse's guide page. It's TCO getting jealous and it's dormouse because it is a reference to it being all a dream of Azathoth?
>>3710845Bad meme. Would be funny if he became a picture of Lewis Carroll or some other shit. Why do some BS memes just either miss the point of the original joke or make BS look gay?
>>3710955her reaction over the chick was funny tho, never seen her that disgusted before.
>>3710982does she also fuck dogs?
>>3710964>>3710845Funny you should mention that, I made one for a follow-up
>>3710942>You have never beaten bs2 without a guideYes, I have.
Stop posting on Limbus /vg/ general , niggersouls
>>3711115>using /vg/You fags shouldn't have bunked with us when abib was getting up your asses if you didn't want the bleedover.
>>3711011Now it's actually in line with the original joke and is also actually funny now. Good job
Ok so explain something to me about VictoriaFrom the way I understand it the Victoria you meet and have join the party in 1 isn't the real Victoria, that's the one you meet in 2. And that the one in 1, as well as Lilith and all the lust demons you see in Old Rottenburg are failed attempts to copy the original. All that I kinda get.My question is, what the fuck is the original? An outside being like Baphomet or TCO that intruded upon the world?
>>3711134>My question is, what the fuck is the original?A succubus. Invading dreams is kinda their thing.
>>3711134the replicas were all failures because Victoria herself is a wierd defective within her own species, getting the same pleasure from brutal murder that she does through sex, which is why everyone in Old Rotteburg was killed while Victoria tries to focus only on sex, they're both extremes. That's also why she killed her sisters, she sought pleasure to the point of preying on her own. Also, and this is just my headcanon, but I think she's legitimately too powerful for Mary Sue to properly copy. If you choose to fight her instead of the sex battle she's one of the strongest enemies in the base game.
God, I hate normalfags spamming "my beloved" when Red shows up on Tenma's stream. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
>>3711194 why people like the girl who literally prefers wolf cock over Grimm's?.
>>3711195She's edgy, plus it's the most popular fairy tale.
>>3711194>>3711195Wait, why is she streaming today? Doesn't she play BS once a month or something?
>>3711202she was supposed to stream 12 hours straight yesterday but hurt her neck or something and quit after 9 hours or so we're getting the rest today
>>3711194>God, I hate normalfags>watching vtubersPot, meet kettle.
>>3711202she promised 12 hours yesterday and only played 9, so she's catching up today
>>3711205Anon I want to watch someone else go through a game, so I can re-experience the same emotions that I felt during my first playthrough.
>>3711210I don't care about your parasocial needs anon.
>>3711208A promise is a promise, even in a dream.
>>3703707>Nodens>NodeHold on.....
>>3711233stop it right there anon independent thought isn't allowed we've got you surrounded just go and breed your rabbit wife
>>3711195Because EMMM actually gave her half a personality as opposed to the vast majority of the BS1 cast.t. goosefag
>>3711246you're based on the bedrock, anon.
>>3711233You really didn't know that?
>>3711194Is it really THAT weird that people care about Red after BS2?Author really goes out of his way to make her noticeable/likeable.You can miss a lot of context and interactions with characters like Node and Prickett even if you reached H.While majority of Red's interactions outside of cosplay one are mandatory to "beat" the game.
Question about cycles and GG. So I read that Grand Guignol was made after BS1. If that's the case how was Leaf able to do cycles? If Leaf was able to do cycles on her own why would wonderland, which has multiple olds ones need to make GG? If GG was part of the plan to break Grimm out then it wouldn't continue after ending g, wouldn't it?
>>3711302Isnt GG is basically power of Creator that was put into a doll so both Node and TCO-Alice-Prickett dont have full access to it, as a way to stop shit from spiraling out of even their control or something like that.
>>3711301Players can't get a grip on the actor/role thing.They latch onto roles whose actors want to eat you alive and shun roles whose actors are ready to kill themselves for you.
>>3711214>parasocial needsYou dont even know what that means
>>3711301Red is one of the blandest characters in the game(s)Alongside Node and AliceBS2 has so many memorable characters with different exaggerated personalities but people literally simp the most default skin girls just because the story includes them the most
>>3711301>Author really goes out of his way to make her noticeable/likeable.That's the problem. I don't like having a character imposed on me. I also don't like that this character attracts literal retards.
>>3711302GG is basically her powers stolen from her and placed in a device meant to replicate what she can normally do on her own
>>3711326Ah that would explain why it wouldn't like a happy ending like ending G.
>>3711301She's got an obsessed hatebase and attracts secondaries. Worst of both worlds honestly.
>>3711302>If that's the case how was Leaf able to do cycles?It's literally her own Power to Change that was split off from her and given physical form as GG.
>>3711314>Alongside NodeNIGGER, She's one of the rare characters in BS that evolves as a character, and how can you even call her bland when she's so passionate in bed? With everything else in your post I completely agree though.
>>3711314>BS2 has so many memorable characters with different exaggerated personalitiesRead: BS2 has a lot of people with one-note personalities and almost zero depth. BS1 is in the same boat. Outside of the very core cast there's hardly any actual character development or real depth.
>>3711329Canon dogfuggery is hell of a drug.
>>3711307A character whose morally good or on the side of the main character does not mean that they are interesting.Leaf, Jabberwock are interesting charactersA character who gets the most screen time does not mean they are interestingDodo has a single special scene, is one of the least important characters story wise is interesting characterThe Nurse Dog and Lingeriena only have one section/side story and are not important characters at all considering the main story.They are still both really interesting and actually provide something to think about during the game, people like to side with one usually over the other depending on their beliefs.
>>3711337>Leaf, Jabberwock are interesting charactersI'll give you Jabber, Leaf is literally just some 3DPD teenager lashing out at her parents.
>>3711331>that evolves as a characterOh she cuts off her hair at the end? Never revealing anything about her own beliefs through out the game, just simping for Grimm 24/7Is that personality? Loving Grimm? Well let me tell you, she has plenty of competition on that front already.Jubjub has way more personality, she consists of two "separate" characters and fights for you at the end too, thats also character development, shes way more interesting objectively however>>3711332>zero depthAll your daughters have some exaggerated personality, and yes, you could say they have "no depth" or not much, but what they have is UNIQUE to themLorina is not your daughter, has exaggerated personality, but also has depth because of her secret.Jabberwock is fucked up but her entire character revolves around misdirection, nobody knows what she is really about, shes a complete wildcardLeaf could be considered as a character that has no depth (when you figure her out, shes very simple) but she makes up for it through sheer charisma and her bluntnessAlice is not unique in any way, Prickett however isPrickett is more interesting because of her acting role, but the Alice part of her is completely boringHatter, March Hare and Dormouse could be considered a singular character, considering how much they interact with each otherSame with Dum & Dee, are they boring? No? Do they have character development? Actually they do. Just because its "fake" doesnt mean there was no interaction.Characters dont need character development to be good, they can have a shtick that they stick to (heh) and still be entertaining.
>>3711337Most players can't figure out that Lindamea intrudes several times before her name role in DLC3.
>>3711342>Most players can't figure out that Lindamea intrudes several times before her name role in DLC3.???
>>3711343Lindamea's signature laugh is "Kukuku", go figure.
>>3711341>Characters dont need character development to be good, they can have a shtick that they stick to (heh) and still be entertaining.I can find a character good for a quick laugh or two, but 90% of the cast in both games have the depth of a puddle. What we get about them is window dressing at best, and it doesn't usually leave a huge impression. You're right that a character doesn't need development to be a good one, but I can't honestly call most of the characters in BS good or interesting even as static characters. The world is much more interesting than most of them are.
>>3711337>LeafLeaf is just a crazy twist villain. She's entertaining sure but she doesn't say or done anything beyond being a yandere.
>>3711345>Lindamea's signature laugh is "Kukuku", go figure.>multiple instances of Jubjub in the text file>two instances of Lindamea>one instance of Dorothy>one instance of Kuti>>>Lindamea's signature laugh
>>3711350>>3711351Yet everyone is looking forward to meething the "characters that are good for a quick laugh or two" like Leaf, Lingeriena, Jabber, Jubjub, Dodo and others again in BS3People are interested especially in seeing the "crazy twist villain" that is Leaf, why? Because shes crazy and everyone loves her for that, thats her shtick and thats what makes her good as a character.She also has room for actual development if EMMM wants to go that route.However iam not at all interested in seeing more of Node, or Alice actually, in BS3Why? Because the story already did what it did with those characters, it basically consumed them.Dragging them along for a second run wouldnt do them any good maybePeople are already tired of Red, they dont care (here atleast)Atleast i can admit that with Red theres atleast something that was left "undone" so her story can continue still.
>>3711356Well call me the contrarian because I'm much more interested in seeing what the series is going to do with most of the focus characters than the rest of the riffraff.
>>3711356I rather we not see returning characters. BS2's strength was that it didn't need to rely on BS1.
>>3711352If you didn't want to spoiler that you could have at least included the Polar Bear too.
>>3711341>Oh she cuts off her hair at the end?I'm saying that she started this mess in the first place. And at the end, she's the one who helps you escape. Just because it happened off-screen doesn't invalidate the fact that it happened. She also saves a lot of characters along the way. The concept of a niggerman (and not just any niggerman, but one of the top ones, a creature with literally the blackest soul in the universe) who so desperately wants to understand human emotions is unique and interesting to me. It's not just "she's cutting off her hair anime style", she's overcoming her fucking nature and in that moment a ray of light seeps out of her blackest soul. This shit is magical and hits me the hardest. I'm sorry you're too flat-minded to understand what a great character she is.
>>3711360>BS2's strength was that it didn't need to rely on BS1.BS2 entirely relies on BS1, it's the fucking reason why everyone tells people to play 1 before 2.
>>3711361That's just a kuku, not a kukuku.
>>3711362>This shit is magical and hits me the hardest.Same. I cried like a bitch.
>>3711363Only for context for a few characters and events. The majority of the game is just your character experiencing wonderland. The even expected people not to play the first game because it's Grimm is said to have his memories altered. Leaf and Baphomet is not even a factor in BS2's main plot with Alice.
>>3711356>However iam not at all interested in seeing more of Node, or Alice actually, in BS3>Why?Because you have shitty taste?
>>>3711359>Jabber is clearly being built to be a very important character, do you consider her to be part of the riffraff too?>Leaf is still also alive, she is shown at the end, right before the cutscene, shes definitely coming back>>3711360BS3 definitely can do with some returning characters, but i admit i dont think its a good idea to bring any of the daughters back, i just mentioned Dodo because of the promise she makes, which is unique.BS2 builds several up to return later, like Lingeriena>>3711362>This shit is magical and hits me the hardest. I'm sorry you're too flat-minded to understand what a great character she is.That scene did not go above my head or not have any effect on me, but its the exact same shit that happens with Prickett too at the end, its not unique to say the least. While its admirable, its also not unique.The rest of her character is just too bland for me to care about, she doesnt have a personality to me, or if she does, its just GrimmSimpMaximusHer having the blackest soul in the universe doesnt really translate in universe when shes from the moment you meet her, also constantly friendly towards basically everyone, even Leaf. So i dont get the point youre trying to get across.
>>3711368Did you forget to write the rest of your post?
>>3711367>just too bland for me>for meThat's your problem right there. Don't present your shitty opinions as facts, faggot.
>>3711367>Jabber is clearly being built to be a very important character, do you consider her to be part of the riffraff too?No, I picked up on her being more important than she seems to be way back in BS1, BS2 just added more fuel to the fire. Still can't say the same for virtually any of the covenants in BS2 or most of the girls in BS1.>Leaf is still also alive, she is shown at the end, right before the cutscene, shes definitely coming backYes, she is one of the three main heroines and a core character after all. Still the one I'm least interested in though, her most likely path to redemption is probably going to boring as fuck, though I'm sure the Leaffags will love it.
>>3711373>Yes, she is one of the three main heroines and a core character after all. Still the one I'm least interested in though, her most likely path to redemption is probably going to boring as fuck, though I'm sure the Leaffags will love it.This is why its not really productive to waifupost because what you like is not at all the same as what the other one likes.We can just shitpost honestly about our "waifyuus" instead of pretending that one is objectively better than anotherNode still sucks and is boring, lmao, niggers
>>3711370>its not unique to say the least.So you're really saying that a top niggerman who tries to understand human emotions isn't unique? But at the same time, you think a cliched tsundere like jab jab is unique? That's fucking retarded
>>3711381Nigger, she has the EXACT SAME character progression as Prickett doesYou cannot argue that that is unique at all.Jab Jab or Jubjub? Its not a typo?Both of those characters actually are unique from the others.All three of the Alice actors are unique, Bander is uninteresting, but atleast shes nowhere near the "baseline default skin girl that loves you"
>>3711360>BS2's strength was that it didn't need to rely on BS1.Don't forget to take your sedatives before posting. A lot of the shit past midgame relies on having beaten BS1, F/G especially.
>>3711375>This is why its not really productive to waifupost because what you like is not at all the same as what the other one likes.Thankfully I'm a lorefag, not a waifufag.
>>3711375>Node still sucks and is boring, lmao, niggersThe only reason your favorite green bug is still alive is because Node asked TCO not to kill her. You ungrateful nigger.
>>3711388After a point lorefagging gets as repetitive as waifufagging
>>3711390Atleast my green bug is Alive and well__________________________
>>3711391>After a point lorefagging gets as repetitive as waifufaggingWhich is why I usually don't start talking about it, and instead reply to other niggers when they ask about shit. You can't force discussion, but you can take advantage of what discussion is already there.
>>3711384Not really. Any reason to side with Red can come from BS2 itself. The game points out everything you need to know about her when you first meet her. That's like saying you need to play RDW before BS1. Granted I don't know why new players would side with Leaf other than for completion. If you're talking about for lore reasons lore isn't that important to enjoy the plot for what it is.
>>3711393We'll see. In 10 years. Probably... Top niggermen don't die that easy.
>>3711356I'm unsure of BS3. The story ended. Don't even know what dead red hood is going to be about. >>3711360>>3711363Sorta. ~90-95% of bs2 is new characters. But it is directly a sequel with the "main" lore being connected even if it's mostly leaf fucked with you and some others in her garden before getting caught. And certain characters relying on meeting them in bs1 but I guess that's why you have an option of saying you remember them or not. I'm unsure how much a new player who never played bs1 would feel about some of the characters. Like you really didn't do much with them in bs1 objectively but you may have gotten personally attached with your feelings and seeing familiar faces even if you barely knew each other in a new environment is comforting. It depends how much into lore you are. We're in a thread so we're pretty bias but for a fair chunk of people they probably just played the game casually and didn't dig too deep.>Character depth blah blahWhat are you all on about? People like a character first. They don't think about traits or depth. You don't need justification.>>3711370>>3711373With GG gone I wonder if her powers came back and that's the starting premise.
>>3711397I bet you didnt even kick the ladder the first time you met Bill
>>3711400Not like a death would matter all that much anyways, revival is possible with the Power to Change.
>>3711393mommy love~~
>>3711375Based leafchad
>>3711402>I'm unsure of BS3. The story ended.The story is anything but over if you paid attention to DLC 2/3 at all.>With GG gone I wonder if her powers came back and that's the starting premise.Not happening. Yog's entire plan is for (You) to awaken as a Creator, not act as some middleman or servant to Mary. Her power was decisively split off from her in the forming of GG, and after defeating GG Grimm obtains something from its remains, most likely the Power to Change itself.
Are we really going to fight Azathoth with Grimm replacing them as the dreamer?
>>3711412I don't think fighting Azathoth is in the cards at all, though who knows, maybe EMMM will wank the Power to Change hard enough so that's possible. More likely we're just going to be trying to prevent his awakening like BS2 already tells us.
>>3711412We are fighting Aza-chan with our dick, in her sleepIt will be like one of those classic somnophile games that were super hard to beat
>>3711412We will know soon in 2037 and only if you have 100 SEN
>>3711390>pic Node likes to hunt lower niggermen according to Lovecraftian lore. Nodens also fights with Nyarlathotep all the time, but they can never really kill each other.
>>3711397>That's like saying you need to play RDW before BS1.I don't think anyone has ever said that, or at least I hope they haven't.>If you're talking about for lore reasons lore isn't that important to enjoy the plot for what it is.Why would you play a lore/plot focused series without knowing what happened in the first part of it?
>>3711407It's a trap!
>>3711420>Why would you play a lore/plot focused series without knowing what happened in the first part of it?When people constantly say the first game in the series is pretty bad while the second game is pretty good they're going to skip the first one. It's why Red Dead Woods is never recommended. BS2 doesn't help as it doesn't bring up the important parts of BS1 until way late into the game.
>BS threads say they hate vtubers.>Only become active when a vtuber is streaming.Curious.
>>3711448>/v/(rpg) is one guy
>>3711445>When people constantly say the first game in the series is pretty bad while the second game is pretty good they're going to skip the first one.At least in the context of BS, that's pretty much always said in the same breath as "You still need to play the first game for plot reasons.". If they decide to skip to 2 after hearing that, that's on them.> It's why Red Dead Woods is never recommended.Well, RHW is both shit and relatively unimportant plotwise to the grand scheme of BS1/2, despite both games making references to it and RHW setting up a lot of the mechanics used in BS1/2. It's ultimately a far more skippable game than BS1 is unless you're trying to lorefag, and even then the game's still kinda barren.
Bill is for killing
>>3711451Bill is for this, actually.
>>3711455For suffering? Yes.
>>3711410To me the story of Grimm and red hood ended.>spoilerRewatched some of Mabel's events. Yeah the main point is to transfer you to a different vessel since the current one "can't become the king." Guess we'll eventually probably see how well bs3 turns out. Too long of a wait going to pretend story ended here for now.
If DLsite is not taking western money anymore will BS3 even be officially translated?
>>3711474Allegedly the translator for I and II got lost somewhere during the troubles in eastern europe.
>>3711194>Complains about normies>Proceeds to watch vtumor crapBased retard.
>>3711448We got multiple faggots addicted to that crap, not just one.Also it's not curious, it's honestly disgusting.
My wife.
>>3711455Its actually pretty funny how much game allows you to bully him. What did EMMM even meant by this.
>>3711578People really like to bully femboys. Especially people who love them.
>>3711566Good wife.
>>3711419Nodens is the archenemy of the chief videogame boss niggerman. One of the biggest spoilers of the game once the player has become "expert" on niggerman lore and lulled into a sense of security by siding with Node is that they are in cahoots together.
I am fucking rotting waiting for this game, If emmm released a minigame in the meantime that was literally just grimm's sprite and a bookcase to click in a 4x4 room, it'd be enough to make me lie awake in bed thinking about the implications
>>3711699 >lulled into a sense of security by siding with Node is that they are in cahoots together.Elaborate
>>3709880I hope Lorina comes back for BS3 and has a greater role a la Red.
>>3711459so Toro hates trannies?
>>3711566she's the cutest and one of my two favorites in BS1
I'm sorry Leaf i may have impregnated your dad.
>>3711870Does Mabel mention Baphomet or Leaf at all?
>>3711874 she literally says at one point after defeating the old king: ´´the black goat was my favorite´´, she misses her wife but forgives you anyway.
>>3711863Who doesn'tEven trannies hate trannies>>3711887Is mommy gone for good?Or was it just a avatar?
>>3711888as far as i know the only top niggerman who died was Leaf's sister crushed by the gears.
>>3711718Here you go.
>>3711896>Leaf's sister>top niggermanLeaf and her sister are just the Great Ones. Top niggermen are the Outer Ones. See >>3703707
>>3703707Which gods are we going to meet for the next for games?
>>3711957nta, no idea but i wish they let us breed them too.
>>3711888Shub is dead, with her soul in the Chaos Dungeon awaiting future revival.
>>3711999>with her soul in the Chaos DungeonIs she? Did I miss her somehow?Does Mabel have special dialogue options when you get her?
>>3712002nta, there's a book on the chaos dungeon which explains how she gave birth what it seems to be Grimm's son, so yeah Yog sothoth doesn't mind open relationships like red fans.
>>3712002Yes, she's in the Chaos Dungeon with her own little boss chalice. No, I don't think Mabel has anything specific to say about her outside of what she says about Shub in her Old King loredump.
>>3712008>like red fansKek nice one.
>>3712008>Yog sothoth doesn't mind open relationshipsNiggermen in general are sluts.
>>3712002What boss is she? I probably forgot about her, or forgot to read some fountain.
>>3712106>What boss is she?She appears after the Old King I think, don't quote me on that though.53045^1^Common Event^294^ボス前骸骨^^597^401^Show Text^. -The Black Goat (Depth: \V[117])53047^1^Common Event^294^ボス前骸骨^^599^101^Show Text^. . Face: none (index 0) on dim background at bottom53048^1^Common Event^294^ボス前骸骨^^600^401^Show Text^. . Spawned, the twin Great Ones inherited their mother's53049^1^Common Event^294^ボス前骸骨^^601^401^Show Text^. . will. They would create a new Garden and an organization,53050^1^Common Event^294^ボス前骸骨^^602^401^Show Text^. . and begin the hunt for black souls.
>>3712117I still find Leaf Twin "plot" absolutely random, unneeded and retarded, unless its an actual setup for some significant twist in BS3 or somehow RDH
>>3712153bringing her back and breeding her until both pass out, also i wonder if the son you made with Baphomet will appear in BS3.
>>3711115>/vg/Anon, you ARE the cancer.
>>3711115>Secondaries: The GeneralWhy would anyone want to go there?
>>3712158>sonI don't think the sex is ever specified.