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I really enjoyes "cards" in Witcher 1 with naked ladies i hammer fucked in mutant love making sessions. Is there any other decent RPG for shameless coomer like myself? Any cool hot romance with spicy details? Any visual fuck horndog doggy stal mating press?
Dont judge me, im not game developer, im only victim consoomer
>RPG for shameless coomer
about 50% of games made with RPG Maker
about 1‰ of the above
Well prestent 1% then
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That's not how the math works, but anyway, you can start with those (maybe skip Fear and Hunger, it does some nasty sex stuff for shock value).
Outside or RPG Maker there's Knights of Xentar, Sengoku Rance, Kamidori Alchemy Meister. Older games but still decent.
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I liked F&H rape stuff it was based. Havent tried girl mod yet
But thank you anyway for effort post
Baldur's Gate 3
a real coomer would know the best eroge already. you are fake and gay.
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Oh shit, where did you get a HD release of this movie? SAUCE, plox?!
My adventure with porn RPGs ended with times on Newgrounds flash games, KEK
i was simply cooming to amateur viedos on momless
Found it somewhere randomly posted on /int there was more of it
Is Imoen rape mod any good or its low tier fanfic?
>i'm a retarded newfag
yeah, i could tell if your eroge experience didn't start with ryonarpg and vh, you ain't no real coomer.
Rance Games
Gothic 2 (even tough you can only f*ck one prostitute in the brothel)

And in Arcanum, you can also f*ck a sheep
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im 35 year old Polish male im on this site for 18 years. you are on slavic board, you are tolerated as long you behave yourself Pajeet. fallout 2 mods are core of this board
thank you never tried first two. mind you can fuck whores and catch STDs in Wasterandu 2
>18 years
16 of those being unable to speak english, huh? otherwise there's no way you wouldn't have picked up on a slew of eroges through tangential discussion. unless, it's just that you're posturing as ignorant because you're afraid to expose yourself to being ignored if you just list some recommended h-rpgs.
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but english i ebonics language, it doesnt matter if you use it properly. just look at pidgin
i'm not talking about your usage, i don't care if you want to larp, but rather your ability to read.
i dont play hentai games or watch anime because im not a peadophile
yet you've been on a website full of pedos for 18 years, so you would still pick up on things.
sad larp.
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well im not larping but then again i dont care if you believe me
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yeah, i wouldn't be desperate to convince people i'm retarded either
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he honest with me: are you a zoomer?
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if you don't mind bit of a rough stuff, you can also try Holy Knight Ricca
surely if you had been on this site for 18 years you would have heard about baldurs gate 3, you faggot. it was a pretty big thing back when it was released last year you know, you absolute nigger.
>newfag can only think of a mass marketed game from last year
>baldurs gate 3
thing is im not a fag i prefer puss puss of Aerie
just install mods for skyrim, all the coomer shit you could ever want
Does anyone call Black Souls a 10/10 game? Even people who endlessly suck BS2's dick admit that BS1 has a lot of flaws and is very much a beta mechanically for what he tried in 2.
Play BrownDust2, play VITA Coomer JRPGs
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modded skyrim with sexlab

nexusmods banned sexlab, and beat me if it ever got remade on versions of it after the original

anyone have the verison of this where he has lens flares for eyes, he has a red tint, and he's screaming?
>beat me if it ever got remade on versions of it after the original
It did, and there's probably more content now for sexlab on Skyrim Special Edition than the 2011 version. Every major sexlab-based mod has been ported to SE, at the very least.
yeah, i didn't mess around with sexlab much

the whole i finally decided to mess with it was to roleplay the ending of how my game glitched. i used a follower mod that gave you unlimited followers, and the shady character, cosnatch, i was using as my backpack for all my expensive items, abruptly disappeared from the game, and every possible console command couldn't get him back, i couldn't even spawn a new cosnatch for some reason, so i was like ok, me and my female character (i always play a female in elder scrolls, because the way i view it, i'm not pretending i'm a woman, i'm controlling a woman bossing her around) had so many septims they were set for life, bounced on saving the world, they went back to the tavern, fucked like rabbits on that stone bed, and then i messed around with it for a while, but i found it unfappable, i more found it hilarious
>(i always play a female in elder scrolls, because the way i view it, i'm not pretending i'm a woman, i'm controlling a woman bossing her around)
whatever helps you sleep at night

>but i found it unfappable, i more found it hilarious
the base sexlab animations can be pretty jank, it's best if you install mods that add more animations and the shit that integrates with with SoS and CBBE/BHUNP and adds physics and all that
i didn't have a powerful enough video card
i didn't see your greentext

i also want a nice ass to look at because i play in third person view and switch to first person in combat

i pretend i'm akatosh himself and i'm ordering the dragonborn around

although quite curiously the one time and only time i ever actually got around to clearing the main quest, the true dragonborn of my lore is a male khajit stealth archer
all that mental gymnastics isn't going to cover up the fact that you had your girl character get fucked by her male follower lmfao nigga u gay as hell
not really

i had a mixture of skimpy sexy armor and immersive super realistic armor, and my character was always the slut

on xbox 360, once i found the forsworn armor, i legendaried it to 85% resist, and that's what she wore
Heads will roll has literal coomer cards too
Violated Heroine
Search the nsfw tag on steam and you will gets lots of naked ladies.
What's the middle top and bottom?

Check out 'mango party" on steam a bunch of h games, some are really good like waifu fighter, or x angels.
Speaking of that one, what's the latest translated version? The one starting with 19-something is the most common, but I found another, starting with '21-', which has some different menus.
what's this scene from? looks like something from germany, but im baseing that hypothosis on the women's hair
what movie is it?
>(i always play a female in elder scrolls, because the way i view it, i'm not pretending i'm a woman, i'm controlling a woman bossing her around)
I play both, female because I'm a closet tranny, and male so I can romance ahnassi.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (at least the first one, haven't played 2) has several girls you can romance, wenches you can pay to bathe with you, as well as some incidental sex scenes.
The chick is uschi digard btw
Much appreciated.
Thanks to the anon above, I managed to find it. It's Supervixens from 1975.
Hot lady.
kangdom cum: aids deliverance 2

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