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Playing this game just makes me wanna play tales of vesperia again
First of all, Graces f is far superior in every way to Vesperia.
Secondly, at least you didn't say some overrated shit like Symphonia
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Berseria number one.
After not playing it for 3+ years I become a bit rusty, but still the glasses-gang is back!
Vesperia is ass compared to Graces.
I want to touch Sophie in 5-years-in-prison places.
Her being an oblivious retard shows you how kids can't give consent with a perfect fucking example and this is the kind of abuse you see people get convicted for on a daily basis. Neck thyself.
I used to shit on the non tp games but honestly I'm enjoying the hell out of graces. It really is nice not having to pop orange gels ever two seconds
Consent? He clearly said prison sentence, so he prefer non-consenting lolies, truly.
>Remaster sold 40K physical copies in Japan alone, no digital included
>Around 10~20K on Steam
>Betting for 30K in other countries/world wide, no digital included
So around 70~100K in the first week
Not bad all for a remaster of a Wii game, Remaster project seems like a success.
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Yeah I feel the same way. Every time I run out of CC during a combo I feel amazed that there's people out there that hate the TP system. You've got bosses that go into iron stance and just can't be killed, enemies and bosses that can't be staggered because your accuracy wasn't 19,000, and there's a huge over reliance on constantly dualizing the same piece of gear on harder difficulties.

There are ways in which the combat feels great, and there's ways in which it feels terrible.
I haven't gotten far enough for the combat to really open up but so far I find it annoying having to wait for cc to recharge. I'm still in the kids arc. My video game dad just grounded me and I snuck off with my pet human to go to the capital city.

The characters seem alright so far but this prologue with them as kids is as drawn out and tiresome as twilight town was in kh2. I just want the damn game to start already.

Also the music is complete shit. Major downgrade from abyss/vesperia. The MC is also vastly inferior to Yuri he's a complete retard...

And it's getting tiresome going back and forth and back and forth. Act 1 of vesperia is immaculately paced and you went to so many different locales it feels like a real adventure. This makes me feel like a kid who's only allowed to wander in the backyard then it's straight back home.

Mostly I just wish we had gotten another team symphonia game but that's never ever
No great tracks like the previous games


Spoken like a true Team Symphonia tourist
>Mostly I just wish we had gotten another team symphonia game but that's never ever
Symphonia is fucking garbage
tales of never had good EXCEPT for that games that Go mother fucking Shiina graces with his godly fingers, it's weird because Motoi Sakuraba is a great composer but all of his Tales of work is boring shit, while at the same time he just nonstop bangers in Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile. Yeah Graces f has shit music but most of the series isn't really better
Go Shiina was another level entirely though


>First of all, Graces f is far superior in every way to Vesperia.
Yes. Even the character moments and drama at the start of the game are pure kino compared to Vesperia's slow boring start
If you find the childhood arc of graces engrossing yet think act 1 of vesperia is slow and boring you must be from planet contrarian.
>If you find the childhood arc of graces engrossing yet think act 1 of vesperia is slow and boring you must be from planet contrarian.
Why exactly? The childhood arc has an extremely great setup and the fallout that comes from the main character's choices all the way to his lowest point, getting kicked out of his own fucking house by his brother is pure kino.
t. Go Shiina
Neither CC nor TP give you leg room to really do whatever you want until when you get enough of it in the latter portions. You're so used to endgame/NG+ where TP is not a meaningful resource that you forget the times where its arguably more restrictive than CC. Acc is useful but not the end be all stat in Graces. Artes have varying stagger durations, as do enemies have varying stagger resistances outside of their evasion stat. Stop spamming the same couple artes over and over again then you'll realize how much leg room you actually have.
Are we really pretending he doesn't compose the best music for the series
I'll give you the story hooks are interesting once they transition to adulthood but you just go back and forth from barona to lhant. The backtracking is terrible. On the other hand act 1 of vesperia throws tons of new dungeons and towns at you at a good clip.

Graces is pretty good though overall and has a good cast of characters. And the combat is really good it becomes a lot of fun once you get b artes. It's probably the third best tales game I've played.

To bad they botched the exploration aspect it's just the same grassy fields everywhere to the some couple places thus far.

What they did with titles is great too. Even more fun that the weapons skills from vesperia
>Acc is useful but not the end be all stat in Graces.
It is. The other stats are worthless and Accuracy is the only thing that allows you to keep enemies and bosses under control. Doesn't matter which characters you're using either, everybody in the game needs lots and lots of Accuracy and barely has uses with anything else. It's just how the game was designed to be. You really start to realize how underwhelming and low effort the entire system is when you play the game on Evil or Chaos.
You could really feel that Vesperia had a budget. The graphics were even pretty good for a early 360 game.
Long game, cutscenes, tons of voiced skits.
Incorrect. Putting aside the obvious offensive stats for a second, evasion is useful for obvious reasons and the game does weigh both defenses with the critical gauge formula.
Maybe you should brush up with this
Vesperia aged poorly. I replayed it when it was rereleased on switch. The skill system is really tedious constantly switching out weapons as skills learn at different rates, and doesn't open up until ng+. Act 3 fell really flat, and Yuri was interesting and unique for a JRPG protagonist back then, but now he's nothing all that special now, especially since they don't follow through. Also as much as I like Patty, she was obviously not intended to be there from the start and pasting her in made just made things worse, Raven is useless now since Patty just stole his lines and ideas, plus obsoletes his character in gameplay even. The new extra dungeons weren't very fun either, mostly tedious fatal strike spamming. Well that said it was one of the last of its type, an end of an era game. Can't really say modern tales of is better really, I had more fun with Vesperia's combat than berseria's or arise's atleast.
Considering it's one of the few fully realized action Jrpgs still, no I wouldn't say Vesperia has aged poorly. It has all the fixings and they're well seasoned to boot. How many modern Jrpgs even manage to have a world map?

Act 3 is way overhated. Sure it doesn't have as much story content as the other two acts, but that's because act 3 is all about the side quests. Of which there are numerous. I think Vesperia ends just as strong as it starts too with a great final dungeon.

I dunno what this shit is about Yuri as a character aging poorly. He's still one of the best jrpg protagonists and theirs not many mcs like him.

Microsoft had a brief period where they where really cool in 7th Gen. Wish they would start giving money to tri ace again the results last time where great. Star ocean 4 is still the only fully realized star ocean game where it actually feels like a Sci fi rpg.
>when the crazy hot bitch puts on her fucking nerd glasses
I hate this trope so much
Too bad, the game has no ray-ban(r) products sold as DLC.
>they don't follow through
Did you somehow miss the entire point of Yuri's arc?
I would rather have this combat system then tales of arises bullshit. Bosses with permanent iron stance that can only be busted open via shitty cinematic QTE was the worst thing I had ever played.
The combat in graces is really good. So is the title system for Stat/skill games. It's a shame the towns and dungeons suck so much. They're extremely bland.
>The MC is also vastly inferior to Yuri he's a complete retard...
That's the one part everyone will agree on, Asbel is a giant tard and brings down the game at multiple points.
>Act 3 fell really flat, and Yuri was interesting and unique for a JRPG protagonist back then, but now he's nothing all that special now, especially since they don't follow through.
I don't know why people say this when the entire point of act the end of act 2 and all of act 3 is a continuation of Yuri's character. Alexei, Duke, even Phaeroh are all being the person Yuri used to be, someone who wants to be the "solution" to everything, the opinions of everyone else in the world on the matter be damned.
She consents by having long twin-tails for grabbing.
Same but Phantasia.
Do i ever get an airplane/ship or something? It is tedious having to take multiple turtles just to revisit an area. just finished fendel and going to world's eye
I think we're at about the same spot in the game. I just finished the research lab and met pascals sister. I'm chipping away at this game slower than usual as I was sick with the flu for like a week and a half and didn't play it.

I use asbel, Hubert, cheria, and pascal. Really great team and both asbel and Hubert are a lot of fun to play as.
>Do i ever get an airplane/ship or something?
You do, and you select each area off of a menu via FFX style, also you can find special areas by inputting specific coordinates.

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