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Thoughts on the last community post? Didn't reveal much but sounds somewhat promising
All's good but I'm still malding about their decision to make all creatures one-hex sized. I hope it's not too late into the development and they can fix this. I know the game is basically done and the 'early access' release is actually a full release, but still... I won't lose hope.
>A stronger focus on making factions feel distinct. New “Faction Laws” are perk trees tied to your starting faction. So even if you conquer more castles, change the main hero and hire neutral troops, your beginner choice of faction will matter until the end.
Also this sounds really nice.
>We’ve been playing Heroes for half our lives. We wanted to see a new installment just as much as you. And as the saying goes, when you want something done right, do it yourself. At the time it didn’t seem like a new HoMM game was coming, so in 2020, we made a demo and approached Ubisoft, who in 2021 accepted our vision and gave the project a go. You can imagine how thrilled we were.
>EA set for Q2 2025
>v.1.0 planned for Q2-Q3 2026
So some ~6 years of development, one of which will be with direct player/community feedback, sounds very healthy. If they manage to fuck it up after all that, they are professionally retarded.
>spend 4 years developing a game
>estimate you need another 4 years to finish it (2026 - 2024 * 2)
>corporate overlords agree to fund development for another year
>then they are going to release the unfinished mess in EA to recoup the losses
where did they say anything about needing another 4 years? They literally said 'when we release the game in early access it's just a formality, the game will be feature-complete and can be seen as a full release'
>where did they say anything about needing another 4 years?
right there:
>v.1.0 planned for Q2-Q3 2026
two years to be feature complete, according to business people. Realistically it will take twice as much.
>'when we release the game in early access it's just a formality
lol. just lol. the fucking hutzpah. It's not 2019 anymore. We've seen enough kickstarter horror stories. REMEMBER, NO PREORDERS.
>when we release the game in early access it's just a formality
Why are they planning to release it as EA then?
>v.1.0 planned for Q2-Q3 2026
>Why are they planning to release it as EA then?
Because... they want to hear people's feedback and fix/change/overhaul the things people don't like? We're literally talking to one of the main devs on discord (the one who was on every interview so far) and he's sending us screenshots from the game with different colour presets asking for our opinion.
Even if they actually had preorders, i would absolutely preorder at least two copies.
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>Even if they actually had preorders, i would absolutely preorder at least two copies.
What causes this servile retardation in some people? If you want to play something like good old HoMM3, play HoMM3. If you want HoMM3 but slightly different there's HoMM5, especially with 5.5 mod. Why cream your pants over a promise of a game, biggest selling point of which is to be like another game?
let people have fun
>Because... they want to hear people's feedback and fix/change/overhaul the things people don't like?
So it ISN'T feature complete? If it was then they would just release as open beta, fix whatever small stuff is left according to people's opinions, then finish it up. There's no need to release as early access if everything is finished and all that's left to do is some irrelevant minor changes.
he's baiting on /vst/, pretty sad actually
>Might and Magic games (a separate franchise)
The RPGfags just can't stop losing, lol.
>What causes this servile retardation in some people?
Because I like homm and the people who are making homm oe deserve my support. It's not about 'being servile', you've a warped worldview. Brainrot.
>So it ISN'T feature complete?
It is. One doesn't contradict the other. You don't understand what 'feature complete' and 'QoL fixes' mean.
>people who are making homm oe deserve my support
why? the game isnt even out yet for what we know it could be a fucking disaster.
unless it's broken on launch - which generally means it can be refunded - people are capable of forming their own opinion on game without relying on hivemind internet opinion
>for what we know it could be a fucking disaster
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Ok but where is Paul Romero? He'd probably work on the music for extremely cheap too because he loves the series.
From the wording in the Lexiav Q&A, it sounds like it's entirely on ubishitters to manage that and the devs can't do anything about it.
It's definitely half-baked as of now, if I understood them correctly during Q&As neither the ship combat/water layer are implemented and the Underground is work in progress. Only the overworld is playable. If this is the metric by which the rest of the game should be measured, I guess there'll be a lot of other gaps in creature balance, skills, map locations etc.
The only group that is losing here is your sorry parents, I wonder what fucked up shit they had to do for God to punish them with a cretin like you
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Back to your board, tourist. Different franchise, no sci-fi here for you :^)
Because I can see that they are actual human beings, Heroes fans and from Eastern Europe. I can see what they showed us, how they talk to people, who they talk to, and what they talk about.
From this, I can conclude, that they are genuine, and not some pozzed wectoid degenerates hired by a corporation for a sole purpose of injecting the degenerate agenda into a franchise to make it more suitable for the "modern audiences".
>he is actually an Upg. Cretin
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Poor little baby RPGfaggot is crying because he just can't find a way back to his board, aww.
they are contractors hired by Ubishit to make new games, i will "support" them by buying their game and maybe writing a good review and some positive word of mouth if it happens to be good, why the fuck would I emotionally invest into supporting corporation which is just doing their job. You are a definition of cattle from that pic >>1837726
They made the demo before ubishit got involved, clueless retard.
>Support is "emotional investment"
Finest wectoid brainrot. A burnt consOOOmer talking about cattle, lol. You sound about as annoying as the faggots who dropped smoking and now must inform everybody that smoking is le bad.
It's not my fucking problem if you've stepped on so many rakes at this point that you see any support of a dev team that seems actually fucking genuine for once as some degenerate wectoid consoomer behaviour. Go repent for your fucking sins elsewhere.
i dont care, do you suck off every shopkeeper which provided a good product too?
>this dumb retard is back in thread.
generals sure attract all type of people
enjoy your suffering
>i dont care
I can see how you "don't care" by projecting your gay homosexual faggot fantasies and consoomer cattle experience on people who think that this game might turn out good because the devs seem like people who care about the franchise instead of the corporate diarrhea, faggot.
>all that projecting
and a cattle completely exposes his mental illness, take your meds fag

stop bickering faggots, FAQ just dropped
>What's the main storyline about?
>The game is set on the continent of Jadame, threatened by a mysterious new demonic power. The rulers of Dungeon plot to form a defensive alliance with other factions, but it's not easy, as everyone seems to hold a grudge against someone.
>Players will explore this non-linear campaign, making choices that shape the fate of the continent and its inhabitants.
sounds sexy
Noice, seems good so far.
They should've specified that they specifically plan version 1.0 for EA, not some unfinished beta. They spoke about this at Lexiav's Q&A.
>They should've specified that they specifically plan version 1.0 for EA, not some unfinished beta.
They clearly state information that makes it obvious the EA version cannot be an actual 1.0, because they plan to introduce traversal and combat at sea *and* the entire underground map layer *sometime during EA* so that is absolutely not a 1.0 a.k.a. "feature complete" version
>because they plan to introduce traversal and combat at sea *and* the entire underground map layer *sometime during EA* so that is absolutely not a 1.0 a.k.a. "feature complete" version
They also plan to introduce several new factions and support the game after the '1.0' release. The game is feature complete. The fact there's no 'underground' level or seafaring doesn't mean it's not 'feature complete'. If it lacked actual combat or creatures or magic system or something else, then sure.
>The fact there's no 'underground' level or seafaring doesn't mean it's not 'feature complete'.
You're just cherry picking which "features" count or not. They claim that HoMM 3 and 5 (and to a lesser extent 2) are the baseline they need, and then want to build on top of. In that framework, seafaring and the underground are "baseline" features. So these two missing are obviously a bit hypocritical to consider "feature complete."
> They claim that HoMM 3 and 5 (and to a lesser extent 2) are the baseline they need
No, they don't. They say they're taking their inspiration from those games.
You've just decided for the developers what counts as 'feature complete'.
yeah because the UbiSoft lore written by a ponyfucker is so much better.
Dragons are gods n shiet
I'd rather have dragon gods be written somewhere in a lore file that nobody ever reads, than the fucking cyber zombie orc punks with chainsaws and bazookas on my screen.
Fuck off.
From this new FAQ:
> the 'classic' gameplay based on the beloved mechanics of HoMM II-III.
> complete will all features you expect and more!
> Will the game feature underground and sailing? We plan to introduce both during Early Access.
Maybe your reading comprehension is lacking? The optics around Early Access are bad in general. It would have been much better had they simply released a demo instead or called it Open Beta. Asking for money before it is ready is a very big red flag nowadays, no matter whether Ubisoft pushed for/demanded it or not.

Map exploration and combat preview
Damn, the combat field is fucking tiny, like HoMM 2, if not 1, level of tiny. Skeletons crossing half field unassisted seems pretty insane. Looks like the devs don't like kiting, or could this have been some of the feedback they've already been getting from streamer/competitive fags?
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>being this narrow-minded and slop compliant
there's only one correct way on how to interact with fantasy purist retards, get blasted
holy shit I've never noticed up until now how relatively similar MM/HoMM Kastore and Meandor from AoW1 are. Striking likeness
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>Complains about a "narrow mind"
>Calls anyone else "slop compliant"
LMAO, the post-modernist deconstructivist subverting kike has exposed itself. Go try to stick your degenerate garbage elsewhere.
Not your franchise, tourist. Fuck off back to your board.
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>original noblebright setting that blends both high tech and high fantasy, and emphasis hero's journey
>this is somehow post-modernist deconstruction subversion??
>racial slurs
a braindead /pol/ drone that has the nerve to call others "tourists" lmao, I should have known
>it's either dragon god wankery or scifi ray guns
Nah, fuck off with your false dichotomy, especially when HoMM3 had neither.
Well, that's the point tho. HoMM3 didn't have it, and it really, REALLY upsets the RPGfaggots who think that the only other option is to have the ubishit dragon gods.
>Nooo, stop pointing fingers and laughing at my shitty eclectic cybertrash that I'm se desperate to pollute your high fantasy franchise with
Fuck. Off. Back. To. Your. Board.
There's no need to argue with them, they have no say in this. It didn't happen back then when M&M was a popular RPG franchise, it will most definitely not happen now that M&M is mostly dead and buried on the RPG side, the most popular entries in the Heroes series had no sci-fi elements, and there are no particularly popular pieces of media that feature such elements.
the moment the community stops engaging with scifi autists they lose all their power because there is literally zero support for them from the official sources since circa 2000
ignore, move on, let them wallow in their autism
True, but they're now trying to crap on people's hopium because OE has some kind of Inferno faction.
>the most popular entries in the Heroes series had no sci-fi elements
It's even better than it: NO game in the entirety of Heroes franchise from the moment of its conception to this HoMM:OE ever had any sci-fi in it.
But they just refuse to accept the simple fact that Heroes fans don't want this and have proven themselves to be opposed to it. I said this in the last thread, they are just extremely butthurt that Heroes might get something good again, while the last good M&M was in '99 and their RPG franchise is now completely dead and decomposed. So now they're so desperate for their eclectic "technofantasy", that they try to pollute Heroes with it.
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why are they showing these ugly people on the stream? nobody cares about some ugly trannies
also I just figured out why I hate the look and feel of the game, it's
>every unit takes 1 uniform hex tile no matter the size
it's like they deliberately took the soul and strategy out of a strategy game series. What in the actual fuck. And they call themselves homm fans who design a homm game they love. They're dumb fucking retards with shit opinions on game design and artstyle. They also don't have a clue about what made homm3 and 5 successful
are these recorded? It shows the stream has lasted for 40 minutes, but I can rewind it 5 minutes top
>ugly trannie
She is a female and adapted pathologic 1&2 for an English speaking audience.
>call themselves homm fans
The game is designed by a pro player.
he finished in top8 in the recent major tournament
Ok I see you don't want to back down so I will play along and pretend that 'underground levels' and 'sailing' are 'game mechanics' and are a core element of the game (I virtually never sail and very rarely use the so called underground level, but ok)
You still failed to convince me not to pre-order several copies of this game because it's basically HoMM3 with modern graphics. Got anything else to say?
>pretend that 'underground levels' and 'sailing' are 'game mechanics' and are a core element of the game
Are you serious?
>(I virtually never sail and very rarely use the so called underground level, but ok)
Personal preference does not deny reality?
>You still failed to convince me not to pre-order several copies of this game because it's basically HoMM3 with modern graphics. Got anything else to say?
Mate, you could have simply said you're an overly optimistic naive shill overdosed on hopium, and not displayed your futile attempts at denying reality, that I pointed out. I sincerely don't give a single shit, that you're hyped up to heaven, all power to you on that front, but I suggest you don't keep making a fool out of yourself like this, just when someone points out facts and observations, that slightly rain on your parade.
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Begone, zoomer.
There are million billion games like that.
So you fuck off, tourist
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I was posting here when you were swimming in your dads cumsatchel child
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>call themselves homm fans
>The game is designed by a pro player.
so a dumb minmaxing retard who doesn't get what made homm3 or 5 good, got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
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>She is a female and adapted pathologic 1&2 for an English speaking audience.
and how is that relevant to the next homm game?
If they made a polished HoMM4 remake it would be the perfect game in the genre.
>/v/igger got so assblasted he replied to the same post twice
3 and 5 communities are those 'dumb minmaxing retard's
She is a writer?
>She is a female and adapted pathologic 1&2 for an English speaking audience.
Who is she?
>a polished HoMM4
They already made it, it's called HoMM 5.
You can't polish a turd. HoMM5 is the better HoMM3.
Should've included the forge to really piss off the HoMM4 crowd.
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Literally the only things they should've changed are:
>keep the hero specializations
>balance the creatures a bit more
>polish the graphics, especially the town screens
>add another town or two per expansion
the game is really fun and good and with the above it would have been perfect
>3 and 5 communities are those 'dumb minmaxing retard's
peak ESL
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>why are they showing these ugly people on the stream?
And e-thot make it better? Fuck off
Nerd is not male-only
the e-thot is part of the problem mouthbreather. Read harder next time
Post tap water
>Projecting your
>gay homosexual faggot fantasies
Slave snowniggers seethe so sublimely
people thinking (((deep))) rpg plots are art are not nerds, they are the worst kind of normalfags
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mystery snow town lineup prediction
Sure you did, kid. Go play with your phone or something.
How your faggot obsession with faggot troons is?
So you gonna put it to woke list as "not recommended"?
>Nerds: Us nerds have been the butt of jokes for so long.
>Media: Here are a whole bunch of shows and movies with nerds as underdogs (mostly white and male but still)
>Nerds: Yeah, this is great!
>Media: Oh, you like that? Let's bring in more nerds that are women, black, brown, asian, fat, disabled, neurodivergent,...
>Nerds: Well, now you've gone too far! Not like this!! sToP being sO wOkE!
Your picrel in nutshell
Does every creature really only take up one tile? That's pretty retarded if true.
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what's different?
they said this is not final and something that can be improved, so we might see changes to creatures in EA, hopefully they bring 2hex creatures back
I chuckled.
>they said this is not final and something that can be improved
so why didn't they just do the correct thing that everyone wants in the first place? Why do it bad the first time on purpose and then promise to maybe fix it later?
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>Sure you did, kid. Go play with your phone or something.
beats me. We still don't know what the flow of combat will be in homm8, so maybe the 1 hex decision ties into that. From what I've seen so far I'm getting the impression it will be closer to homm2 than homm3 i.e. creatures closing in faster on ranged units, all units being more beefy on average etc.
Well, yeah, except in 8k ultra HD, with some units and the entire skill system taken from H5.

some new interview stuff. Quite thick accents so gotta focus to listen
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some "skirmish" hero spotlight, a bit of interesting insight into the new mechanics, with quite a wordy mary sue bullshit backstory.
Also Temple x Church of the Sun confirmed. I wonder if Necros will be tied to the Church of the Moon in some way.
>it's literally just homm3
5 proved that squares and 3d were fine and viable
and those town visuals...
Really, REALLY bad characterization there. Not a good start.
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LOL I'll prefer the succinctly compelling narrative by the old British guys any day. Why they call Kreegans "the Hive" anyway?
After Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Skull and No Balls, Assassin's Creed WE WUZ SAMURAI and now Star Woke Outlaw Ubisoft must be desperate enough to get money that they will allow their slave devs to atempt to make a good game.
It's also why Anno Rome looks decent.
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images that make you go
Entirety of HOMM4 expansions writing is better, that was hilariously bad at least. Here it just comes off as forced.
They confirmed Kreegans and Hive are two different and unrelated factions
*They pretended Kreegans and Hive are two different and unrelated factions
I knew that Temple archangel unit looked familiar but I haven't played homm6 at all which is why it took me so long to connect the dots
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forgot pic fugg
looks good, whens release?
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I mean, if there can be multiple human towns in the world - Knight on Enroth, Castle on Antagarich, Temple on Jadame - is it too much of a stretch for there to be different demon-themed towns too? We already know from MM8 that there exist big hives of seemingly intelligent and eusocial insects on Jadame, so it will be interesting to see how a hive like that might have succumbed to demonic influence/possession, be it Kreegans or whomever. They said they will give their "Inferno town" a twist and I'm intrigued to see how they realized it within the established lore or Enroth. Not to say they can't royally fuck everything up, because that's definitely a possibility, just that I'm willing to extend them some benefit of the doubt.
why this horrible mobile artstyle? have these fuckers not learn anything at all?? it looks souless.
>Because... they want to hear people's feedback and fix/change/overhaul the things people don't like? We're literally talking to one of the main devs on discord (the one who was on every interview so far) and he's sending us screenshots from the game with different colour presets asking for our opinion.

they can do that without releasing into EA
...did you think they weren't allowed to bugfix, balance change and otherwise update their game after releasing out of EA?
>have these fuckers not learn anything at all??
what do you mean? the art looks soulless precisely because they learned to make the game appealing to largest possible audience. Why would you a sotftware company to use any other metric than sales?
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soundtrack, cinematics and anything related to the IP legacy is done by the publisher i.e. Ubisoft so this probably extends to graphics as well, meaning the Unfrozen folks have little say in it, if at all. Also it explains some unit similarities with previous Ubi homm games as this anon noted here >>1841876. But I wonder how different the graphics would be if Unfrozen had their hands free to do whatever they wanted. Wouldn't be surprised if the end result was similar.
Heroes of might and magic always had a fairy tale or at least an old school DnD aesthetic. this modern mobile looking slop that ALL devs make today is ugly and unworthy of the Heroes series. unorinically this lookes like a Song of conquest ripoff and it shouldnt be like that...
Remember that one time when we saw a screenshot of what i think Heroes 7 would have looked like if the devs chose a different artstyle?
I barely touched VI and VII so I wouldn't know, do post it pls. Regrettably this generic MOBA knockoff style is the best we'll get for as long as the IP remains with ub*soft, and I doubt it will ever leave their hands. My hopes are that the gameplay formula will be interesting and addictive enough for me to just ignore the shit graphics.
>do post it pls
regrettably i dont have the screenshot, but it was a picture of a lake with a forest around it that was rendered in different artstyles. one of the artstyles was this godly fairy tale like aesthetic with these water color like graphics.
The devs had to choose one of them and they chose that awful aesthetic that heroes 7 has... dumbasses...
>and I doubt it will ever leave their hands
The more they fail the more motivated they are to sell it. Now, the only issue is whether anyone's willing to buy it at all, and if the buyer will turn out to be somebody even worse than ubishit.
Anyway, I'm glad to see they used some designs from 3 and 5 which is already better than the nothing that I would've normally expected to be allowed by the ubifaggots. Until somebody like Paradox or, lol, FromSoftware buys Heroes it's silly to expect any different artstyle to be allowed, so I'm just being a realist about my expectations.
Maybe if the game is as moddable as they promise, one can just stick a bunch of cool AI-generated high and dark fantasy art there and call it a day. I think we're approaching a point where even a basement dwelling nerd will be able to change the style of game models in just several clicks with the help of AI.
>unorinically this lookes like a Song of conquest ripoff
That's because it is one
It's literally Legend of Grimrock all over again
>Song of conquest
To be that it would have to have shit gameplay and like 1/6th of the amount of pixels that it has right now. And so far it looks like it has a carbon copy of H3 gameplay and quite decent image quality.
It's actually pretty dumbfounding how much of the wannabe-retro hipster retards think that "hurr durr muh pixels" is where it's at. The only guys who got it right were the ones who made Ion Maiden.
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Two more heroes revealed. Seems like the Temple will have Knight and Priest for their classes and this one will be a Scouting specialist, similar to what HotA introduced. But all that aside, what the fuck is up with these overburdened shallow purple prose backstories. Centralized authority? Lmao. Heroes 3 managed to convey more background in two sentences than this shit does in paragraphs.
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"self-improvement" my God what are they thinking with this modern bullshit. Intelligence specialist I guess?
OIrange man
that's what you get when you have a female copywriter on the team
>Seems like the Temple will have Knight and Priest for their classes
Didn't the devs state that they want to go back to the Heroes 2 style of single hero classes for towns? Or do they just suck at English so bad, that they can't express themselves clearly?
Why you threaten me with poisoning the well fallacy instead of confront my argument bitch ?
Why are you replying to me you stupid cunt? I'm the based auth right lad trying to talk some sense into this Russia hating prick. God I can't stand pontificating lefties who harp on about traditional European countries.
Why are you bloody tone policing me, you sodding leftie cunt?
Why you treat auth right tradtional Russia bros like this ? We give you cheeki breeki meme slav squat meme and wojak and you say this to me ?
Lad, the lefties and troons just hate based Slavanons because they have gifted us so many good memes over the years. Cheeki Breeki Slavsquat when we were kids and now Wojaks. Truly the unsung heroes of the ‘chans!
I don't recall them saying anything specifically about towns being limited to either a might or a magic oriented class like in homm2, only that the factions will be much more distinct and specialized in terms of gameplay which will make them feel a bit more like Heroes 2 when compared to Heroes 3. After typing this out, it dawned on me were basically getting SUCC Wars on steroids with shit moba graphics.
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the "why" schizo is just one samefagging retard, right
I get less interested with every new thing I see. I hate ubishit so much. I'd kill for those slimy frog hands to get the fuck off this ip that is so incomprehensibly better than them in every respect imaginable.
At least it looks like the more varied towns are in again to some extent - rather than the totally soulless elf-fests that rampart and dungeon turned into, for instance.
>devs of this abortion are Russians
Is there a way to report ubishit for omitting sanctions? I want to kick ubishit's nuts in for defiling my favourite franchise yet again.
Aren't they Serbian?
why does this game look like dogshit then - I thought those fuckers were obsessed with homm3
thats cause its probably written by chatgpt. it reads like that too. overly prosaic and redundant wording. dont you see it?
Limassol is Cyprus sorry no witch hunt for you today
Because the art is handled by Ubisoft, not by the devs
This question has been answered four fucking times in the thread. Read it tourist.
>he doesn't know
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they are international for all intents and purposes
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And another one. Looks like a Tyris clone. Interestingly enough, the specialty seems to be affecting the creature growth as well. But dear God that writing is just getting worse and worse. Should have listened to >>1831074
perhaps devs should push ubisoft to let them do the art, cause its lackluster... i cant think of the game being a success with that generic art direction...
>the Exalted
What's up with the nicknames? It would be much easier to just use the first name as homm3 did i.e. Aeos, Leon, Elias, Keandra.
>Cyprus, Uzbekistan and Serbia
Anon, that's the destinations studios went to keep working without sanctions bullshit. Atomic Heart studio, I believe, are also "Cypriots" now, but everybody knows that all of these people are Russians. And nobody gives a shit bar for several butthurt faggots like this >>1844401 cuck cunt. Money and market will always find a way, completely disregarding the impotent screeching about some "sanctions" of the politicucks.

Mobile phone graphics I agree.
sir, this is a Wendy's
Then why do you have a faggot squealing about "omitting sanctions" in a HoMM restaurant?
Erathian white knights can't live with the fact that Deyjan chads are running circles around their puny attempts to contain them
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LMAO, that pic
What pact is he signing?
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They are writing a mocking letter in answer to their enemies requesting Deyja's unconditional surrender (pic related is the original reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish sultan). Let's write a letter to Queen Catherine! I'll start:
>Oh Queen, you Erathian Queen, sister and whore to the damn archangels and secretary to Ancients themselves.
no paul anthony romero? lmfao
>unique connection to horses
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Look my butthurt vatnigger friend, funny as your crying is, "omitting sanctions" is how I hoped to be able to mess with ubishit not the why. If you don't want witch hunts make better games. 5 was made by Russians and it was great, because it was an actual next entry in the franchise, trying to improve it with new magic system, square grid, caravans from 4, or nexro rebalance. This abomination on the other hand is just trying to sell you 3, but low quality, for a second time.
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>eurofags are the ones to blame for the series going to shit
>but Russians, that are making great homm games and trying to save the series from oblivion, are actually responsible
I can never tell if it's autism or just inferiority complex
all you weird foreigners have fucked the series up to be honest
The town screens look really bad. I loathe that every building looks like poured concrete, where are the fucking blocks? So sterile and plastic, just really fucking bad. I'd kill for the painted style of homm 3 towns.
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yeah, just imagine, we could be playing Heroes of Blockchain and NFTs: Shadow of Crypto right now, if it just wasn't for those ebil foreigners
That wouldn't be much worse
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>judging a game before it's even out yet
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not wrong:
>jebus cross and hota obsession
>content with awful mobile game art
>content with awful writing just because there's a few slavic names tossed about
>still seething that Enroth is ruled by interstellar murder robots
>are probably on the Olden Age discord already screaming about how it needs to be like Jebus Cross or it "will kill the competitive scene" in Warsaw
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definition of delulu
I think it's both. There faggots legit seem to be unable to stomach the fact that Russians made the only good Heroes game after 3, and now seem to be set to repeat that after several ubishit failures.
Are you that retard from the other thread who thought Jebus was HotA-specific?
Foreigners to what, the Anglosphere? Because if it were for the Anglos the series would probably never have been buried after 3.
Look, I understand your fetal alcohol syndrome makes it hard, but try to read what you're replying to before anything else.
Did russians make V, or are you referring to something else?
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>after 20 years Ubisoft has figured out that creature detail and animations matter
>but only for marketing purposes
does that zoom in on the creatures only happen during the trailer
why is there zoom in the first place just design the game properly even browser/mobile games get this right on first try
this is the 4th attempt now
Well V surely is the best post-NWC homm and it's not even close. I don't like old era's aesthetic much so far, but maybe the gameplay will be worth a damn.
Don't know how much of this comes from ubishit but I wish they'd ditch the soulless plastic WoW-trash look they've been stuck in for so long. Like they keep trying it, and they keep failing, so maybe, JUUUUUUST maybe they should try something else.
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>I hoped to be able to mess with ubishit
It's really astonishing how the retarded zoomers are legit incapable of comprehending the fact that some people just never gave ubishit any money, ever, so they don't have any sins to atone by wishing them to fail at every single instance of time, since ubishit is absolutely no different from like 99.99% of the modern """gaming""" industry.
Like, faggot, how hard is it for you to comprehend that we just want a good Heroes game and we give absolutely not a single motherfucking flying fuck who publishes it, for as long as the devs are genuine and have enough freedom to express their love for the series?
Is it really that hard of a concept to grasp, шaкaл eбyчий?
Most of the units and items I saw so far were quite in line with the idea of some sort of a fusion of 3 and 5 styles, which I don't mind at all. There are a couple units though the feel like the most generic bland Diablo 3 shit, and I hope that they change it. But ultimately, from what they say it sounds like the gameplay might be fun. I like the adventure map, and I like most of the unit designs. I hope the sound is good and the combat is satisfying.
What I really wish is for them to either have a literal carbon copy of 5's skill wheel, or something that's a development of that.
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Also, 5 had wonderfully stylish, memorable and just generally extremely well made skill icons. I hope OE manages to retain this quality, unlike the 6, or god forbid the absolute clownery that 7 had for """icons""".
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agreed, Skill wheel for V was fucking awesome, so glad they included it in-game in 5.5
>this seethe
Please tell me you're a dev that has a stake in this and not total niggercattle.
>we just want a good Heroes game
Too bad you're getting a cardboard cutout of 3.
it looks like shit
Pre-ordering digital goods makes no sense. At all. And I'm not talking about morality of it or anything. Digital goods have NO SCARCITY.
I don't know what are you guys even debating here when we all know every single person will pirate this shit as soon as it's released, same as any other game
I know they're going to fuck up the dark elves, but will they fuck them up harder than 5 did?
>Jadame's dark elves were dark because they loved MONEY
the 6th faction will be Forge
I think the unit designs already reveal they are going with homm5/6/7 discount warhammer fantasy dark elves/dnd drow elves. I wish they made them more like Jadame elves because I really like them. The 6th faction was confirmed to be a snow town, but it won't be a tower equivalent, nor it will be vori elves or forge, but something entirely new altogether.
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Would be nice to have something less cliched for once.
Though looking at original cover art, I wonder if DE there was supposed to have classic D&D drow look. M&M like a lot of other games can't help but constantly borrow from D&D after all.
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For the cover art maybe, but it's very different in-game. MM definitely uses the most basic default D&D derivative stuff as it's starting point. I think this was done on purpose to create a kitchen sink fantasy setting where you can plug in almost anything, but that starting premise then becomes a launching point for creating weird and unique stories of their own. Basically how we got Dark Elves of Jadame and all that awesome science-fantasy stuff. But I doubt Ubisoft will have the balls to let them do something like that.
Could a dev employed by ubifaggots call you a zoomer nigger? Idk, but that's what you are, retarded zoomer nigger.
>a cardboard cutout of 3
Sounds fine, zoomer fag.
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Yeah, but too bad 5.5 skillwheel is a castrated "balanced" version of the original skillwheel with all fun removed and all the extremely cool unique skill interactions sorted and stuffed into a boring direct followup upgrade system.
>Those tits
>Dark Elf Patriarch
Wtf is this rpgfaggotry?
>they are going with homm5/6/7 discount warhammer fantasy dark elves/dnd drow elves
It's all so tiresome. It's lowest common denominator game dev
>if they're not edgy subterreanean elves how will the consumer know they're DARK?
the Alvar Merchants Guild built underground vaults to store royal jelly? What about the dark dwarves? What was the wisdom behind allowing a militant necromancer colony to settle a few days from your chief (only?) port city? Is it moral and ethical to sell alcohol to poor lizardman islanders?
>Jadame has a lot of potential but what it really needs is a PAUL ANTHONY ROMERO OST
>I will settle for MM8 remixes esp Dagger Wound Island + Ravenshore
Wtf is this tbsfaggotry?
Do you know what the word "patriarch" means, retard?
Do you know what the word "knight" means, retard?
Yes, retard, I do. Now tell us, retard, why the fuck is there a female "patriarch" in your rpgshit?
Because, retard, same as how you can have female knights in heroes 3 since "knight" is just a name for a hero class in the context of the game not the literal meaning of the word, the same goes for the patriarch class in MM8 and they can be either male or female.
anything from the 3D0 bankruptcy era can be handwaved away now
It's literally in the name "patriarch", you absolute fucking rpgretard. Moreso, an equivalent term "matriarch" exists and is well known. While to get to the male origin of the word "knight" you have to go to the fucking Proto-Germanic. And that's only in English, since for example the word Ritter and all the vast variety of its variations across several languages is completely unrelated to it.
I'm asking again, retard, why is there a female "PATRIarch" in your rpgshit? Are you legit retarded?
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It doesn't matter, you absolute fucking inbred moron. There is an equivalent term "dame" for the word knight. "Knight" is used to denote only MEN and has a title of SIR that goes along with it. Not in Proto-Germanic but in MODERN COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE we're currently using. I'm explaining to you again that you're engaging in word-concept fallacy and that meaning of words is determined and informed by the context they are being used in. In this case, the word "Patriarch" is just a name for a class/occupation and can be acquired by both male and female characters, same how "Knight" is just a name for a class/occupation and can be acquired by both male and female characters. Are you legit inbred?
>It doesn't matter
Why is your rpgshit using the word "patriarch", retard? It's a simple question.
Because it's a cool word for a fantasy class? Do I need to explain it with crayons so you would understand?
So your rpgshit is retarded then, using the word "PATRIarch" for a female. Thanks for finally admitting your retardation, braindead fucking postmodernist zombie retard faggot.
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>literally room temperature IQ understanding of language
>has the gall to call others "braindead"
confirmed inbred, confirmed retard. Enjoy your female knights
>literally room temperature IQ understanding of language
Yeah, everyone could see that from your maniacal retarded attempts to defend your rpgshit being so retarded it used the fucking word "PATRIarch" for a fucking woman. Good that you've admitted your clinical retardation and terminal brain damage, subverted post-modernist zoomer zombie.
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>malding and sperging out of sheer fear of being utterly dominated by based futanari dark elf patriarchs
heh, many such cases
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>Noooo, pwetty pweeeease, jwust stowp lwaffin at owuwr dwegwenwewacy! Wominx cwan bwe pwatwiawrchs twoo!!
No, broken rpgretard. A patriarch is a patriarch, and there can literally be no female ones. Eat shit and squeal, subverted post-modernist zoomer zombie degenerate.
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Holy shit are you this fucking dense? It's just a name for a class/occupation/title in a FANTASY FUCKING GAME you absolute bufoon. It can mean whatever the fuck you want, because IT'S A FANTASY. In the context of the game it is equivalent to the word "leader" or more precisely "head of a merchant house/family". Do you really think the word "patriarch" can only pick out "the head of an autocephalous orthodox church" as it's meaning? You really think an imagined fantasy race and fantasy culture like DARK FUCKING ELVES would have anything to do with anything related to the real world, least of all Orthodox Christianity? I'm Orthodox Christian and I have zero problems with it. Words can carry different meaning or connotation as informed by the context of the lore of the game, they are not contingent on their status in the real world because FANTASY IS IMAGINATION AND IT'S NOT REAL YOU RETARD. Does the word "paladin" mean that your paladin characters can only be members of 8th century Charlemagne's court and nothing else? You had female KINGS in RL history (not queens, but women rulers that styled themselves as kings) and you can have male and female wizards, barbarians, whatever in fantasy, why is this so hard to understand? I bet you make a >:( face every time you see a woman or a nigger in video games. Kill yourself you absolute waste of biomass and raise our collective IQ.
stop feeding the troll
>It's just a name
LMAO, get a load of this absolutely braindead retard. Good that he already admitted his complete and utter retardation and incapability of understanding the language and the meaning of words.
Now the question is, why are you so retarded? Were you dropped on your head as a kid? How can such a retard like you who's so stuck on comprehending the meaning of the word "patriarch" be allowed to use internet? Are there responsible people near you that supervise you, retard? Or did you just break out of your room and got on the retard clinic local laptop to shitpost about "female patriarchs" online?
Tell us, retard, why are you so retarded? How did this happen to you, retard?
The troll? Bitch, this faggot doesn't even know the word matriarch. If anyone's trolling here, it's that retarded retard who thinks patriarchs can be female.
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More like one braindead retard who didn't know what the patriarch means or that the owrd matriarch existed, but had fortunately admitted his retardation already.
>words words words
Yeah that's a patreon scam alright.
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Another hero preview, a bit less geh backstory than the others but still geh. Looks like a Logistics specialist this time. So far we have:
>Aeos - Morale spec
>Leon - Scouting spec (Beatrice clone)
>Keandra - Cavalier/Champions spec (Tyris clone)
>Ister - Logistics spec
>Elias - Intelligence spec
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also a 5th level damage spell was revealed, apparently from..."daylight school"? The fuck? By the description it feels like Implosion. And by the looks it feels like Swords of Revealing Light x Garen's Ult lol
you're being intentionally obtuse here, not him
By the looks of it the magic will feel juicy as fuck again. Let's hope they won't fuck up the sound design.
If that's so, then why is that retarded retard still incapable of comprehending the meaning of the word patriarch and how it's incapable to be applied to a woman, literally by the word itself?
It's a rhetorical question, retarded imbecile, your retarded answer is not required.
Yeah, homm3 had some insanely good sound effects for spells, I can never get tired of casting Resurrection or Prayer.
you know that's not in question, but you keep insisting on being a thickheaded faggot about it
What kind of game you would've anticipated if it was outsourced to Japanese instead? With no creative shackles from Ubisoft?
The lightning, man. H3 had some sick effects too, but I really wanna see something to the level of H3 lightning in OE. It's probably futile, because ubifaggots won't allow such a stark sound, but still... like, at least to the level of H5.
>H5 had some sick effects too
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>homm5/6/7 discount warhammer fantasy dark elves/dnd drow elves
I fucking hate it. I hate it so fucking much. We'll never see interesting Dungeon town again because of this trash style.
What exactly qualifies this faggot to lead an army? Because he's a "decent warrior"? Man, these backgrounds are shite.

i loved the splooging sounds of bloodlust.
>The game is designed by a pro player.
The art is mediocre, and now I know the gameplay will be rancid. No need to even play this.
>intrigued by schizo argument
>start homm3 8 player ffa against myself
>random xl map
>fortress gets an ore pit and shrine of power with an eagle eye witch hut while boxed in a corner by basilisks and medusa queens
>stronghold gets a free gem mine and logistics witch hut
oops wrong thread talk about ruining jadame lore where are the lizard homies
Please reconsider she was a respected member of the vibrant homm esports community
>he finished top 8 in hota ultimate jebus cross
not homm3
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Kek, what a retard.
What the fuck is this writing style? Where the writers use repetition for emphasis? Where they use short sentences to mask their awful writing skills?

Does it have a name? Perhaps I shall never know. One thing I know for sure though. It makes me want to vomit.
>Heroes of Might and Magic: HotA Era
>but with mobile graphics
RPGfags are still mad they're neither getting their shitty Forge, nor any MM games, LMAO.
I think the basis of my comment was more "dumbed down gameplay" and "shitty graphics" but okay
there's way better trolls in these threads little buddy
Units can just walk away from each-other freely?
And thank fucking god for that. Never had this and never needed it. If In wanted a fantasy TBS with AOO, I would've booted AoW.
>there's way better trolls in these threads little buddy
All the trolls in this thread are one guy(him)
You can tell by the vocabulary
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soulless flop incoming. Hopefully it kills ubisoft
>designed by muh professional homm3 players
Lmaoing at your sad lives shills, enjoy your 0 players and uniform unit sizes I guess kek
I know you worked hard on this bait. I'll give you a (you). The coomer image, standard kek with a bunch of buzzword combo deserves at least this.
He may be shitposting but is he wrong?
Multiple posters. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
the dev baited a bunch of retards such as yourself into vehemently defending a corporate brand product made by literally whos. Enjoy your bootleg age of smegmar slop anon, hope that diarrhea really tastes like vanilla
Maybe because those games have already been played to death so people have an interest in trying something new if it looks like a decent time
Release a game twice, twice the sales
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>specialty: +1 Gem
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compare that wall of bullshit to pic related. Concise, to the point, tickles the imagination just right. Also, not sure how to feel about abandoning the unwritten rule that resource specialists can't belong to the town dependent on that particular magical resource.
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The stories aren't great; but I do wonder a bit if heroes are gonna have some kind of personal quest that if completed gives them an extra bonus, of if it's all just flavor shit.
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what an incredibly retarded looking helmet design
There's zero indication of that, it's defo just flavor shit
its just title, title of power and status
there were female pharohs in real life that were wearing fake beards and stuff so I don't get why you are so triggered
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and another hero reveal. Probably the least cringe backstory so far. Learning specialist, I wonder what they'll do to fix the skill.
It's literally a male-specific title, as per the very word itself, and on top of that there exists a literal female version of the same title, which is female as per the very word itself too. Using the word "patriarch" for a female is approaching the levels of braindead imbecility that the humankind previously thought to be impossible to achieve.
Don't really want to be negative from the get go, but I dislike every single hero revealed yet
>I wonder what they'll do to fix the skill
It was already fixed 18 years ago
>It's literally a male-specific title, as per the very word itself, and on top of that there exists a literal female version of the same title, which is female as per the very word itself too. Using the word "knight" for a female is approaching the levels of braindead imbecility that the humankind previously thought to be impossible to achieve.
Jesus Christ, what a faggot retard are you. Are you some fucking brainwashed american post-modernist? I struggle to deduce who the fuck in his right mind would be thickskulled and retarded enough to defend this obvious retarded mistake.
The extra stat points are nice but the exp bonus is still abysmal same as in homm3, meaning it's irrelevant
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So,the Knight successor will be associated with Gryphons again? I know it will never happen, but I wish they could return to pure human army, without angels, magic casters like monks and inquisitors, or Gryphons stolen from Warlock, just like in H1 and H2 (and H4 if you choose Crusader and Champion)
It has nothing to do with post-modernism, communism or any other current day buzzwordism that lives rent free in your mind. The bigger point here is that it doesn't matter if the word is "patriarch", "knight" or whatever, the principle remains exactly the same - a gender specific title that is used for both genders equally in the context of the game, because it's a fantasy setting with it's own rules that don't map onto our reality 1:1 because it's...a fantasy. You have female CLERICS and male WITCHES in homm3 ffs, how is that not a problem? You're just inconsistent in applying your logic and chose a very strange hill to die on
>The extra stat points are nice
>it's irrelevant
Pick one. The extra stats are amazing, and the xp bonus is a fine addition.
I love watching you wiggle like an eel on a frying pan trying to come up with your retarded justifications and excuses for using a literally male specific word on a female. I'm sure all this post-modernist deconstructivist schizo retardation makes perfect sense in your interaural ganglion. Too bad that there doesn't exist any justification or excuse for using the word patriarch on a female, and you're just a triggered braindead retard.
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The fuck's wrong with gryphons of all creatures? That's like expecting a human army without horses and dogs.
All witches in homm3 are females, just like all beastmasters are males.
>and male WITCHES in homm3
Oh shit, I didn't even notice this faggot retard posting this. Name a male witch in HoMM3, post-modernist subverted retard. They're all female, you absolute fucking brainwashed shitface. Jesus Christ, the lengths these degenerate retarded faggots want to go to try to impose their deconstructivist subversion on normal people.
>and the xp bonus is a fine addition
It's the exact same as in homm3 and if you do the math it literally does nothing even if you go with the absolute ideal situation where you get expert Learning/Enlightenment by level 3. You would only overtake heroes with your extra exp "gain" at lvl. 25 where expert Learning hero would be lvl. 26 instead. The homm5 version at least gives you some +13 stat points, but again only in ideal conditions. It's a dead skill slot and gives you negative value because you could've used that slot for something more impactful.
Point being that it gives you BOTH the stats and the nice xp bonus, as well as the access to a number of extremely strong abilities. Thus the skill is fixed, because it's not a dead slot with just xp bonus as it was in H3, but a whole set of things, only one of which is an xp bonus.
>if you go with the absolute ideal situation where you get expert Learning/Enlightenment by level 3
Read the skill, lol, it literally says "(including previous levels)", meaning that it's irrelevant when you get it, you will always get all the stats you ever could get from it.
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My bad on the witches, for some reason I thought Andra was a male. Doesn't change the fact that we have multiple female clerics in homm3 and that the basic logic I'm trying to convey still holds. And again, it has nothing to do with whatever -isms, just with your inability to grasp that fantasy worlds are not required to operate on the same principles as the real world, and that includes naming conventions and restrictions for gender-specific occupations/titles. Plenty of examples of that in real world too, thousands of years before muh post-modernism even came to be.
I said the extra stat points are fine but nothing to write home about, essentially amounting to trading a skill slot for a minor/major artifact, depending on how early you get it (and you can't choose to unequip it lol). And that's mediocre to be honest. I was primarily focusing on the bonus exp both Learning/Enlightenment give and how this bonus is basically inconsequential to your level progression. It would be nice if it was higher.
No problem. When I was a child, I also thought that Andra was male, just like Kyrre (but I guess NWC forgot about Kyrre in H4 as well)
What artifact gives you +10 to stats? The closest to that that you can get in H5 is +2 to all stats armor, or that +6 knowledge hat and +6 spellpower cloak. And those are rare as fuck. While this one makes you get more xp, gives you a stable and substantial stat boost, and unlocks a set of cool abilities. That's not even talking about it being a requirement for some class-specific top notch abilities.
If that's not fixing what used to be just a dead +xp skill slot, then I'm afraid to ask what's your idea of fixing it even is.
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interestingly enough Kyrre was misgendered due to a spelling error as confirmed by the author of his bio, he should be male in homm3 too
Keep wiggling, subverted degenerate retarded filth, it's actually quite entertaining to watch you desperately trying to justify your obvious exposed retardation with unrelated made up bullshit. Thus is always you your degenerate deconstructivist cuck kind: first you come up with some retarded faggot plot like trying to pretend like the word "patriarch" isn't literally a male-specific term, and then you wiggle, and squeal, and cry, and bitch, and complain, and make shit up -- anything to make any excuse for your filthy deconstructivist brainrot.
Fucking faggot loser, LMAO.
Yeah, that makes sense. I haven't played homm5 in a long while but do you get to choose where the stat points go or are they randomly assigned? Again, I said it's a nice boost just the exp component of the skill is the same level of useless as in homm3, and that old part of the skill still needs fixing in both games. Might as well remove it in homm5 lol. The rest is ok.
I almost never bothered reading hero descriptions, so I always thought that he's a dude. I only learned about him being referred to as a female after like 15 or 20 years of playing, so it only makes sense to me.
Apparently, irl Kyrre is also a male name. So yeah, I was right all along, lol.
>buzzword buzzword seethe malding buzzword sperg buzzword no u
present an actual argument next time please, I already shown you how in-game you have other male-specific words that are assigned to females even when the female version of the word exists, but apparently you don't have a problem with that, just with "patriarch". Which makes your logic inconsistent and fallacious.
No, but afair your will mostly get the stats in accordance with your class, not just completely randomly.
The thing is, in H5 the level ups themselves are way more impactful due to the vast range of powerful and sometimes gameplay changing abilities that you can access, given some planning and luck. Idk, I get what you mean, but I think that just getting levels a little faster already is a nice bonus, and giving you levels containing all those cool abilities like 50% faster would be insanely OP.
Generally, I just like how they made it more than just a flat xp bonus, huge or not. Going from H3's skills to H5's skills + abilities feels kinda like going from EU3's national ideas to EU4's national idea sets + bonuses and policies.
>If I just call it buzzwords, all of the sudden it will become acceptable to use literally male-specific words for females
Keep wiggling, degenerate filth. Keep squealing. The pan is getting hotter.
So female knights and female clerics are fine in fantasy? Just not female characters with the title "patriarch"? Interesting.
he and you convinced me that you are actually decadent postmodernist scum trying to abuse language to the point of meaninglessness
Not my intention whatsoever, just wanted to show that words can have nuanced meaning and can be used in all sorts of ways, especially in fantasy. And that the circumstances of context inform the meaning of words as much the words themselves. Is it that hard to wrap one's head around that concept? I'm not saying it's not retarded they used the word "patriarch" when they could've just as easily used the word "matriarch", only that weird combinations like this can work and can be interesting, because
>a) we have real-life examples of it happening
>b) we have in-game examples of it already being the case
So I don't see what's so outrageous about it, the other guy is acting as if dark elves are coming to steal away his Orthodoxy or whatever. It's just a fantasy game. Make-believe shit. Female patriarchs are not coming to steal yo kids, they are not real.
same as for doctor, you know that there is Doctress which is female version of doctor?
but its now seen as misogynistic so nobody use it(if they knew about in first place)
words change meaning and titles especially are prone to it
woman with king title -King Jadwiga
again, I don't get why are you seething like a some retard, are you a burger?
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Is 5.5 mod the way to go? I remember being initially repulsed from homm5 years back due to the low readibility of the maps because of the 3d graphics they used, especially compared to how everything is crisp and instantly recognizable in homm3. Wanna give the game another chance
5.5 balances the fun out of the game, but comes with a substantial set of QoL features, and a lot of people like it.
Try at your own risk; I personally hate it with passion, especially what they did to the interconnected skills from the original. So I just use a couple mods like reshade, HD textures, old campaigns for ToE client, x64 .exe and Quantomas AI. And the Skillwheel on the second monitor.
And now this >>1852566 faggot cunt is using the literal faggot subverting yapping points. Jesus Christ...
...is this image basically asserting that the Taliban got back in power in Afghanistan, COVID happened, LGBT/drag queen hour shit is being pushed in schools and Russia invaded Ukraine, just because gay marriage was legalized somewhere...?
Jesus, this deconstructivist degenerate faggot is really grasping at straws at this point. I wonder if this squirming fucking worm does this just on autopilot because he was programmed by post-modernist brainrot, or is he actually aware that the word patriarch is literally, per the very fucking meaning of the word itself, is male-specific.
I bet it's the former. I bet the brainrotten deconstructivist insects like him would be prepared argue that patrimony could also mean female bloodline inheritance just because they really-really wish it could.
Loser fucking bitch, LOL.
>/pol/ tourist
You have to go back. Also,
>fuck niggers
Happy? Can you now address the actual counter-arguments to your innane claims instead of screeching about muh ebil cultural marxism or whatever
>Tries to literally subvert the literal meaning of words "cuz why not, it's a free world maaaaan, just lemme talk mah shit duuuuuuuude, they aren't coming for your kids, lulzies"
>Anyone else is a tourist
Fuck off back to /pol/ and /lgbt/ and never come back, filthy post-modernist worm.
Patriarch is literally a male-specific word.
This is either AI generated, troll/bait or below 90 IQ. No way someone can be this dense after all this explaining, it's either intentional dishonesty, sheer stupidity or a bot
Wiggle and squirm, faggot deconstructivist worm. Come on, squeal, cry, bitch and whine some more because your faggot subversive brainrot filth got exposed. Disgusting fucking loser faggot.
It's literally male-specific, filth. You aren't getting out of this.
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>no u
>deflects and moves the goalpost
>refuses to address the actual argument
>keeps screeching
ok retard
>Some desperate defensive faggot whining
Lol, squeal louder, can\t hear you over the word patriarch being literally male-specific.
Fuck off back to the board you crawled from and never come back. Fucking deconstructivist subversive faggot loser bitch, LOL.
You guys think town screens look good or no?
I am not even him. Tbh it used to be pretty common practice if women actually punched up in male dominated society to treat her like a man with all honorifics that come with it
it was especially visible not in europe or western countries but when female specialists were visiting 3rd world countries and locals didn't know what the fuck to do with women in position of power
I can tell that you are dumb burger with brain rotten from too much exposure of identity politics but not everything is burger degeneracy
he is probably fat, with too much soda in his blood and circumcised, his body degenerate and his mind judaized
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ehhh I'm kinda divided. I already made my peace with the fact that we'll have to suffer shitty mobile tier graphics to get a new homm game, so what the hell. They look okayish for what they are, Dungeon is the most passable one so far
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can't blame people for trying to have an actual conversation, but you're right, I am getting a bit rusty. Maybe it's time to finally leave this place
Because Knights used to be about humans and might. Not Warlock spawned shit.
key word: used to
And Dungeon is now about Dark Elves.
been like that for the last three games bro
>faggot deconstructivist worm
god i hate these guys too, they're really into HotA
nobody cares about them bro
the only homm games are 1 2 and 3, the rest are fanfiction donutsteels
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Fuck off faggot Homm IV was and is peak, everything went downhill from there
Post the HoMM4 elves at the mosque,
HommIV was the hero we needed but we never got. It had a ton of good ideas in it but was horribly-HORRIBLY unfinished.
Nobody gives a fuck who you are, brainwashed post-modernist faggot retard. You're either aware that words have actual fucking meaning and accept this simple fact, or you're a subverted brainrotten deconstructivist filth who squeals in despair when actual human fucking people remind you that your subversive faggot stench is not welcome in any sane group.
The word patriarch is literally male-specific. And there's no amount of wiggling and squirming that will get you around it, dirty fucking subverted maggot worm.
Kek, right.
now this is seething
homm4 was a half assed prealpha build released as a full game and got what it deserved
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Are these 5 squiggly lines meant to prove some epic reddit point? No one is playing the new games, everyone is playing homm3. Kek? More like cope
3 and 5 are the only games that people care about. It took the fucking HotA release for H3 to surpass H5 in popularity over 4 whole years after H5's release.
Nobody gives a fuck about your obsession with hating dark elves. Cope and seethe.
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I care about H4, fuck you. The card game was also great, fuck you twice.
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another hero reveal, and another paralympics backstory but kinda comfy. Sounds like a Prayer-type spell specialist? Also, initiative fucking confirmed, fuck yes.
I claim her as my Homm8 waifu
>that fugly art
how can anyone get excited for this shit? It doesn't even try to reach the bar of homm3 portraits and these were really fucking awful sometimes
>She loves everyone and believes in their strength.
designed and written by professional players you say
>a fag redhead twink
these devs either lost their mind or dont understand what heroes of might and magic is about at all.
>It took the fucking HotA release for H3 to surpass H5 in popularity
in your headcanon maybe, H3 was ALWAYS king and H5 was at best a "decent attempt at going forward"
You clearly haven't been on many mighty manly adventures with Paul Anthony Romero.
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Nonsense, HoMM III is the most popular by far and it's not even close.
Lear not read graphs >>1853166
But google trends is just a top search interest over time? Doesn't tell you anything about the actual number of players or how active a certain playerbase is, it's a meaningless statistic in that regard
you are literary to retarded to understand what I was saying
how you even breath?
you're the stupidest zoomiest retard ITT for thinking google trends is the benchmark for reality, stop posting you clown. Every honk you take is more ridiculous than the last one
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>Cheerful, non-confrontational, and easy-going
what the fuck am I reading. This was designed and written by lifelong homm3 fans????????????????????????????????????????? Babel media pls
Search history literally represents people's interest. People search for things they're interested in, and don't search for things they have no interest for. This is especially true for things that are related to such relatively minor confined and stable communities like the Heroes playerbase, which are unaffected by some major bullshit zoomer media fluctuations, like some faggot zoomer streamer bringing in a crowd of zombie zoomer cuck drones.
Why the cope? 3 and 5 are objectively the best games in the whole series. Is it because you're a painfully obvious zoomer wannabe hipser faggot who has no clue how huge and how much of a breath of fresh air H5 was in 2006 and later years, when all people had except for H3 was the abomination that H4 was.
>Try to subvert the language like a faggot post-modernist deconstructivist insect loser bitch that you are
>Get called out, pointed fingers and laughed at
>Wiggle and squirm like an eel on a frying pan
Good. The subversive post-modernist filth like you must suffer.
It's incredible tho, that you legit thought trying this with such an obviously literally male-specific word like "patriarch" would just pass unnoticed.
Loser fucking bitch, LMAO.
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your brain rotting identity ideology is older than you but still younger than females appropriating male titles(by thousand of years) if they get put in power position
Aww, a subverted deconstructifist faggot bitch is babbling something incoherent. Too bad this faggot loser is still just a wiggling and squirming faggot eel. A squealing, and crying and bitching and whining and QQing brainrotten loser like you should just relocate back to the post-modernist shithole of the internet that you crawled from. Because you can't do shit to the language, for as long as people remember the meaning of words.
Faggot fucking bitch, LOL.
Squirming deconstructivist post-modernist subhuman insect.
Patriarch is literally a male-specific word. You're not getting out of this, filth.
you have eyes but you can't see mount tai
Squirm and wiggle while you're getting shat down your subversive deconstructifist faggot throat, filthy maggot.
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Squealing filthy post-modernist shitmaggot, LMAO. Why are you still squealing, fagbitch worm? Is it because you weren't allowed to subvert the language?
Loser fucking cuck, LOL
Yes, but interest =/= engagement. I can search for a movie because I was interested by the title, doesn't mean I watched it. Same goes for games. I might search for a game but decide it was shit after reading up whatever on the Steam page and end up never playing it. Statistics like this tell you zero about the actual number or people playing the games in question, it's two entirely different data points.
Squealing loser post-modernist bitch cuck is squealing because he wasn't allowed to subvert words, LMAOOO
get a room you two lovebirds
>t. fat loser without a tip
Faggot post-modernist cuck loser bitch worm wiggling and squealing, LMAOOO
>t. pajeet
not enough shitting streets for you? need to shit a random thread?
That's an interesting anecdote, but first like I've already noted, such trends are especially objective for such closed communities as Heroes playerbase, since the amount of people who "search for a Heroes game because they were interested by the title" is approaching zero. And besides, it's also especially true for games like Heroes, because if the game is played, there will always be a constant flow of searches for game-related info, like new cool maps, formulas, builds, etc. There were countless websites and forums with maps, mods and just general info. And Heroes players search for all of that in relation to the game that they play. And this search history shows that H5 absolutely dwarfs everything but H3, and was easily competing with H3 for YEARS after its release, up until HotA released.
There's nothing controversial about this. If you've been playing Heroes for over 20 years, you remember how giant and popular H5 was back then.
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>This is the ideal Dark Elf Patriarch body. You may not like it, but this is what peak Patriarch performance looks like.
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Lol, this faggot fucking post-modernist worm is at his last breatch, coming up with random fucking /pol/ insults because he just can't fucking cope with the fact that he wasn't allowed to subvert the language.
I bet it's also a projection and this faggot is actually a fucking jeet himself too. I heard they hate each other more than anybody else hates them.
Fucking LMAOOO
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Good points, didn't really think of it that way. It makes sense that the more niche and the more specific is the query that the more closely it reflects not just the interest but the engagement as well, thanks for spelling that out to a fellow retard.
>Heroes of Might and Magic
>Heroes of Might and Magic II
The best game ever
>Heroes of Might and Magic III
>Heroes Chronicles
>Heroes of Might and Magic (GBC)
>Heroes of Might and Magic II (GBC)
>Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the DragonBone Staff
>Heroes of Might and Magic IV
>Heroes of Might and Magic V
>Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes
>Might & Magic: Heroes VI
>Might & Magic: Heroes Online
>Might & Magic: Heroes VII
>Might & Magic: Heroes - Era of Chaos
nice list, where King's Bounty at though
This incredibly long argument has been a trip down autism lane. I do agree that using "patriarch" in a feminine way is retarded.
>faggot bitch is babbling something incoherent. Too bad this faggot loser is still just a wiggling and squirming faggot eel
I can tell just buy the cover artwork this game is going to suck. It's got that generic washed out CG design style you see on every low budget game these days
I appreciate your love for HOMM2 but the GBC game ran like fucking ass.
How's KB2? I heard that """critics""" disliked it, but how's it actually?
>t. retarded mongrel
So for the rampart-equivalent I see war dancers, WoW druids, and night elf archers. And for necropolis a bunch of over-designed undead with cheesy green glowing eyes. Off to a great start!
Haven't played it yet, Legend and Armored Princess are still goat for me
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That's all Ubisoft and the Unfrozen devs have next to zero say in it, regrettably. It is what it is.
>Not a single one before the late 80s
You realise that you're proving him right, right?
Here's another example:
A literal heretic, feminist, pro-fag activist for a baptist """bishop""" in an Orthodox country.
what about female pharaohs, some even with fake beards?
the point is that patriarch in this case is just a title, like a bishop, or pope, khan or king, pharaoh or president, professor or doctor
same for military ranks
>the point is that patriarch in this case is just a title
The point is that the word patriarch literally means a male. Literally.
no it does not mean "male" it's a compound of words "to rule" and "family":
>The word is derived from Greek πατριάρχης (patriarchēs), meaning "CHIEF or father of a family", a compound of πατριά (patria), meaning "family", and ἄρχειν (archein), meaning "to rule".
>Originally, a patriarch was a man who exercised autocratic authority as a pater familias over an extended family
so yes, due to us living in a male-centric societies for almost the entirety of human history, "Patriarch" is instinctively assumed to refer to a male ruler of a family, since the father is the head of the household. It only later became associated with (male) rulers of Orthodox church(es) as well as a title. But I don't see a reason why it can't be used for a female CHIEF of family or anything if it so happens that a female acquires the title for herself, same how it was already mentioned there are examples of female Kings, Pharaohs, Knights, whatever. The gender of the title is irrelevant to the gender of the person that holds it, exceptions to the rules exist. As for Might and Magic, it's fantasy so anything goes, it's even easier to conceive of exception like this in cultures that exist only in our imagination.
>no it does not mean "male"
>Originally, a patriarch was a man
You really didn't think this through, did you?
>From Middle English patriark, patriarche, from Late Latin patriarcha; later reinforced by Old French patriarche, from Byzantine Greek πατριάρχης (patriárkhēs, “the founder of the tribe/family”), from Ancient Greek πατριά (patriá, “generation, ancestry, descent, tribe, family”) + -ᾰ́ρχης (-árkhēs, “-arch”), with some senses likely influenced directly by Latin pāter (“father”) or Ancient Greek πᾰτήρ (patḗr, “father”). Compare matriarch. By surface analysis, patri- + -arch.
It literally means a man. A female in the same position is called a matriarch:
>Of Latin origin, via or reinforced by Old French matriarche, from Latin māter (“mother”) + -archa, -arches, from Ancient Greek -άρχης (-árkhēs), from ἀρχός (arkhós, “chief”), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h2ergʰ- (“to begin, rule, command”). By surface analysis, matri- + -arch.
The devs fucked up. Move on.
whats this? a spinoff of the autobattler 1vs100 battle royale?
The combined meaning is "ruler/chief of a family" and because since ancient times a father, which is always a MAN, was a ruler of a family of course the word "patriarch" would primarily reference MALE heads of the family. Doesn't mean that the word "PATRIA" means "man", you quoted it yourself. It also doesn't mean that the title has to be exclusively and absolutely applied to male-only characters in all instances. Especially in fantasy. Exceptions to the rules exist. Titles carry significance and weight in society, which is why we have examples of females in power adopting male titles. The devs might have fucked up but it is irrelevant. Stop being so deliberately obtuse, dense and anally retentive about something so trivial, nobody cares about your culture war bullshit or whatever, least of all importing that shit retroactively in every single conceivable topic or discussion. Dark Elves in Jadame have a title of Patriarch that just means "ruler" and it can be applied to both males and females. Deal with it.
>In the Catholic Church, the bishop who is head of a particular autonomous church, known in canon law as a church sui iuris, is ordinarily a patriarch, though this responsibility can be entrusted to a major archbishop, metropolitan, or other prelate for a number of reasons.
Matruarch sounds cooler than patriarch (unisex). That's reason enough.
Holy shit, this absolute faggot post-modernist loser bitch is still squealing because he just wasn't allowed to subvert the language. And get a load of his lexicon:
>due to us living in a male-centric societies
>"Patriarch" is instinctively assumed to refer to a male
>I don't see a reason why it can't be used for a female
>The gender of the title is irrelevant to the gender of the person that holds it
>exceptions to the rules exist
>it's fantasy so anything goes
LMAOOO, it's a literal fucking faggot. Fuck off back to discord, reddit, or whatever hellhole that you've crawled from.
Listen here, you absolute fucking post-modernist faggot insect: people have already told you that the word patriarch is male-specific, but since you've chosen to just act blind on the part where it says
>influenced directly by Latin pāter (“father”) or Ancient Greek πᾰτήρ (patḗr, “father”)
then too bad your you, subhuman fucking maggot, because you can squirm, and wiggle, and squeal, and bitch, and cry, and whine, but you are not getting out of this.
>Derived terms
>πᾰτρῐᾰ́ρχης (patriárkhēs)
>πατριά < αρχαία ελληνική πατριά < πατήρ
>patron < ancient Greek stepfather < father
Eat shit and dial 8, you absolute fucking subhuman post-modernist subversive worm. Go try to deconstruct the language elsewhere, bitch.
There will also 100% be some cringe cavalry mounted on glowing stags, and there's some kind fairy in the image, and we know they'll have dragons. So we can safely guess at most of the terribly generic and predictable roster. Personally I'm guessing the last unit will be a treeman of some sort.
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I think corporate suits and shills someday will finally realize that trying to subvert a strategy game enjoyer (an autistic person) in any way is completely futile.
You can't just apply basic goebbels/bernays methods and expect the autists to fall in line. It's like asking a pattern recognition deity to ignore the irregularities and anomalies, just completely retarded thing to do. /vst/ is hell for shills and rightfully so, fuck off space niggers we're full.
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>That's an interesting anecdote, but first like I've already noted, such trends are especially objective for such closed communities as Heroes playerbase
umm ackshually sweaty I have already objectively determined that you're incorrect, and google trends are not a reflection of reality. You completely omit and disregard the fact that 85-95% of the playerbase resides in eastern europe, where some countries don't use google by default.
At best you've showcased that a bunch of mouthbreathing retards from france and usa googled what heroes of might and magic is after their favorite eceleb made a video about one of them.
Your entire worldview is based on your objectively, factually wrong headcanon that ignores everything but cherrypicked "data" supporting your retarded "thesis". That is all. Please enjoy your continued life of delusion where (you)
>nuh uh
your way out of hurting your narcissistic ego here.
Too bad for your coping mechanism of choice, Heroes is also by far the most popular in the Eastern European region, meaning any data is automatically validated, as coming mostly from that exact region regardless of the search engine market share.
Which, btw, can only be questioned in Russia, where the share of Google 15 years ago was about 23%, according to this source:
So let's see Yandex statistics for H3 and H5. Unfortunately Yandex Wordstat is only going back to 2018, but the trend is pretty bloody clear here.
Any other cope hot takes?
>6 factions
Homm III released with 8 factions back in 1999, why is it always less now? I guess they're just hoping to charge for DLC?
Why do I think it’s lame and gay to call a female Dark Elf ‘Patriarch,’ but my peeper gets hard when a female Dark Elf Daedra calls herself a ‘Prince?’
because you're a faggot who doesn't know his lore
>dark elf daedra
>female daedra
off to uespwiki with you
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will you shut the fuck up already you stupid seething nigger? Here's some actual fucking data you dumb retard.
People will play the inferior version of homm3 with less content over full version homm5. Do you know why?
Because it's always been the more popular and better title. Homm3 > Homm5, always has been, always will be.
Do you think it's worse for homm3 on GOG? You dumb fuck? I know you're just bumping the thread but I'm still going to spit on you and your retarded headcanon-based worldview. Please post some more silver price over the years and words words words words words
GTFO, retard zoomer bitch. You can read neither data nor the discussion that you're responding to, braindead faggot.
>global PC game monopoly for over 20 years
I accept your reddit concession.
>Game released in 2008 with no alterations for modern day hardware
>Other game released in 2015 released with full modern day hardware support
NTA but you may truly be retarded.
4 is goated for single player campaigns (base game of course the expansions are dogwater)
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Temple T1 and alt upgrades. Disliking the upgrade names to be honest but the graphics look crisp
Noice. I really-really hope they won't fuck up the sound design.
>stack of 368 guard captains
really stupid name, but the animations look nice, and it's good to see troglodytes
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>is presented with data evidence that renders his argument null
>crumbles and resorts to ad hominems immediately
Sun's Aegis also sounds like shit, I hope they rename these to something else *cough* crusadersandpaladins *cough*. Also, it's kinda weird to see Swordsmen as T1 instead of T4. Bigly demotion
The fuck will the plural of that unit even be, "Sun's Aegises"? The fuck were they thinking.
The Heroes series moved past the old tier system long ago. Now there are only three tiers: Core, Elite and Champion.

>Clash of Heroes had regular Swordsmen as Core units and Swordmasters as Champion units.
>Heroes 6 had Sentinels as Core units.
>Heroes 7 had Guardians as Elite units and Landsknechte as Champion units.
Looks like they are Core units again which makes sense.
inb4 h3 zoomers complaining about a good change
>Now there are only three tiers: Core, Elite and Champion.
what the fuck does this even mean? Three units per town lol? They already revealed that T1 to T7 will exist same as in H3 and H5 and I don't see why anyone would want to use the worst games in the series as a reference for anything.
Towns had three different core units. All core units have similiar costs and power levels but different abilities a bit like how H4 had two different units per tier too except you can hire all of them in the same city if you have build the dwellings.
Same for elite and champion units.
I accept your concession redditor.
Eh, no Stronghold I guess. But fuck, that's probably for the best as we'd be stuck with faggot "noble savage" WoWshit orcs rather than badass Conan flavor.
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Amen. I really liked the twist homm3 had for a barbarian culture with Krewlod, how they fought to gain their freedom from the wizards that were enslaving and eradicating them, the oral traditions and history kept by bards and the whole Festival of Life. Top notch.
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Amen. I really liked the twist WC3 had for a barbarian culture with New Horde, how they fought to gain their freedom from the humans that were enslaving and eradicating them, the oral traditions and history kept by shamans and the whole Flight to Kalimdor. Top notch.
what the fuck is a "New Horde"? Is this some WoW bullshit
NTA, but this anon literally speedread / speedplayed (?) the WC3 campaigns, huh? LMAO
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are all zoomers are posing faggots
WC3 aped homm3? Well that's a new one for me
are english are school learning
>Stack of 666 Naga Queens
Nobody ever cared or will ever care.
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Precedent already exists though, but I agree it sounds a bit dumb in context for humans
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Seeing how the devs are framing homm8 as some eSports shit centric game, how long do you think we got before they start introducing hero/creature or even town skins, chromas and similar bullshit. For some in-game currency of course
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New hero reveal. This one seems like the Sun Priestess specialist, they are called "Lightweavers" apparently. Absolutely abhorrent bland bullshit of backstory, as big as her rack, I just can't understand who can approve writing like this. How can you fuck up this hard when you have a whore-priestess for inspiration ffs? Her cleavage is the only redeeming quality
Huh, I guess I never noticed, kek. I suppose you get used to it, good point, anons. That other name is still way too much though.
Temple sounds like some scientology shit or something.
Nigger, this isn't an RPG, nobody gives a fuck about your screeching for every hero story that doesn't fit your assburger criteria.
Heroes will be picked and liked by their gameplay, not whatever flavour text they have next to them. Fuck off.
I genuinely don't remember half the games stories at this point. I just played skirmish and used heroes whose abilities I liked.
it's overbloated, convoluted, soulless bullshit. I wouldn't have as nearly as much problem with it if it was kept to two sentences like heroes 3 did it. But these assholes think they have some God-given talent for writing and they couldn't be more wrong.
No, nigger, that's just you and your assburgers.
I think it's good that there's a cool little story for every character if one gives a fuck about it at all, as an upgrade from some completely soulless random excuse for a hero background like the one I posted.
But for the most part, nobody actually gives a fuck what it says and people will pick hero abilities, not backstories.
>guard captain
he looks straight from wow
all nagas(and black women) are queens anon
>temple priest
desu you both have some point
his screeching may be annoying but as he mention it just bloat, why it even exist? who waste time to create that?
it would be better to have 2 sentence or none at all
as opposed to a friar priest
Festival of Life is a hardcore barbaric-as-fuck contest that either ends in the death of the loser, or said loser taking his own life. It has nothing to do with whatever faggot WoWshit.
Looks gay and bad, are they planning on having a mobile port with those shitty blocky graphics?
Eh, his pauldrons would have to be like five times as big
i mean warcraft 3
You can only wish you were smart enough to qualify as a midwit. A cool knight can have whatever backstory the players thinks of. A knight with the starting lore dump of taking it up the ass will always be a knight that takes it up the ass even if you only glance through the words. Stay on fanfiction.net.
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You're missing the point, it's not about the backstories not fitting, but about the writing being overly excessive and of shit quality. One or two sentences is more than enough to tickle the imagination and give you just enough details to make a character interesting, give them flavor in line with their spec/starting skills, without being overbearing. Four paragraphs special snowflake sob story for every single hero is gratuitous bullshit. Deemer's five lines of backstory you posted, even though they are as simple and as basic as you can get, easily take the cake over any TEXT TEXT TEXT crap we've seen so far for the new heroes. Ironically, it's as if they are doing the RPG loredumping stuff nobody cares for or asked about.
Keep your medieval faggot fantasies out, nigger zoomer faggot.
>but about the writing being overly excessive and of shit quality
Says fucking who, an assburger retard who really misses 2.5 sentence backstories from 3?
>One or two sentences is more than enough to tickle the imagination and give you just enough details to make a character interesting
Yeah, right, that Deemer backstory really tickled my imagination.
Backstories is something that nobody ever gave a fuck about, and nobody ever will give a fuck about, bar for one triggered assburger who's really upset that instead of two soulless sentences thrown in just to be there and fill the textbox, around the mere existence of which he had built an entire head canon library worth of excuses and explanations, there's now an actual little backstory.
What's really ironic is that unlike the rest majority of the playerbase who really genuinely give 0 fucks about the backstories, you on the contrary only pretend that you don't care, while in reality you're just butthurt that there's a text that you dislike for whatever assburger reason nobody genuinely gives a fuck about.
I dislike it because it's soulless shit, how fucking dense can you be? That's the only reason. If it was well written, I wouldn't care if it was 20 pages of text. But it's not well written, and that's the problem. It reads like a reddit fanfic. If they can't write for shit at least reduce the quantity of shit you're shoveling towards players for no fucking reason except to attention whore and astroturf your non-existant writing skills. And this
>the rest majority of the playerbase who really genuinely give 0 fucks about the backstories
is baseless bullshit. Homm/MM fans have always greatly cared and autistically obssessed over the game's lore and that includes hero backstories. They do the same over gameplay, the two are not mutually exclusive. You've outed yourself as a dumb rando, secondary and tourist, proceed with necking yourself for your crimes
It's written leagues better than the soulless shit 3 had for "backstories".
>that's the problem
That's YOUR problem, assburger. I think they're fine so far, a couple are even cool.
LMAO, it's the RPGfaggot. The RPGfaggot has exposed himself again. You're not getting your shitty Forge from your dead eclectic RPG franchise in our high fantasy strategy franchise. Never ever, RPGnigger.
Fuck off back to your board and never come back here, tourist.
Nobody cared about backstories is objectively wrong. They were just small and logical enough to not cause any retarded controversies with the tumblr crowd and their shipping wars while treating the player with some basic level of respect. Now any discussion of this game outside of this site is doomed because Sclara the Virgin Slut and Asgaroth the Vampire Skinwalker totes belonging together and Hrishna the Humongous Futa Penis Wielder being a total bitch for messing up their vibe is more important than which toy soldiers win more games.
Don't forget Deemer Sue who was too kool for skool. Little is known about him, but that's ok because it was in 3.
Fuck off, brainrotten clown.
^Now compare this succint and insightful post with
^this wall of gibberish text and don't forget to include that the reason I wrote it is because my father didn't beat me hard enough and this world does not look kindly upon closeted furries. Which game would you prefer playing ^__^?
Scratch that scratch it scratch it! It wasn't me it was actually my OC! And he also never got hired as a web dev because his professor gave him a failing grade(he hated furries) but he will one day return with a vengeance!!
I have never played a single MM game in my life, but I've seen your posts in this and in the previous thread and you have some serious mental problems man. You're making a distinction and separation when there exists none, Heroes of MIGHT AND MAGIC and Might and Magic are one and the same franchise and one and the same universe. Events from one are mentioned in the other and vice versa. Characters from one are showing up in the other and vice versa. Their timelines are intertwined. You have some sick obsession for hating anything and everything that doesn't conform to your idea of basic bitch fantasy, pursuing some autistic crusade against science-fiction for whatever reason, and your subjective headcanon simply doesn't mesh with the reality of these games. I would say "get some help before it's too late" but I think you're already gone.
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new globohomo hero just dropped. Seems like some sort of a Cuthbert clone? Definitely some Weakness/Disruption Ray equivalent spec going on here
He's got such an obsession with Forge too.
Next time try to make yourself less obvious.
Now fuck off back to your board, RPGfaggot. Not your franchise.
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I believe in you anon! You will someday get those meds you need to ensure a nice healthy lifestyle where you don't obsess over things to an unhealthy degree
Forge is fine, only brainlet faggots fear the cyberchads
You are quoting two different people moron
you have schizophrenia. with it untreated you are a heavy burden on the people around you. talk to a doctor.
Just look at these exposed RPGfaggot cyberniggers crying because they're never ever getting their shitty fucking Forge, lol.
Imagine being one of these sad fucktards sitting here all day and shitting on a mix of 3 and 5 because it ignores your dead eclectic RPG franchise.
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Anihillators would make for such a cool creature in heroes
What's happening in this thread that is about the specific video game Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era?
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>School of Magic got renamed into "Four Scholars Observatory"
>Knowledge is now Intelligence
also a new summoning spell was revealed. It looks nice but "nightshade magic" sounds so geh
>Knowledge is now Intelligence
It literally says "knowledge" right there
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>starchildren are sexy
>starchildren look like space succubi
What did they mean by this?
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Thought I was going crazy there for a moment. It was labeled intelligence first and they updated it to knowledge later, it seems it was a "mistake" on their part initially
This sounds like some Lovecraft shit
Bet it's linked to some sort of "astral rift" or whatever.
So not to be autistic, but from the little I've seen it seems like although this is nominally set in the OG setting, it appears as though everything else from general vibe to unit comp is going to mirror the fucking godawful generic shitty soulless toddler-tier low-IQ garbage shit feeling of that trash Ashan setting. Do you think I'm wrong? This is all flavor and theming btw, nothing to do with mechanics.
Pretty much, yes. From what the devs have told us so far, Ubisoft is the one who *give* them the assets for the game, and the devs have *no* say in what they get, whatsoever.
That sucks, man. Fuck ubishit. If at least the mechanics seem solid I guess there's a small chance I might give the game a chance. Fuck, at least maybe I'll pirate it and on the extremely off-chance it's decent I might try to swallow my vomit at giving the french faggots any money in order to support the actual devs, I dunno.
There's a chance that Ubisoft goes under or has to start cutting apart/selling parts of itself, before the game even enters Early Access. However, if that happens, I don't think the actual devs would be able to keep anything, and/or find/get funds to continue or restart development, not to mention keep any rights to the game in the first place.
>There's a chance that Ubisoft goes under
not gonna happen
>Do you think I'm wrong?
Not only you're wrong, you're also an intentionally blind faggot who's chosen to consistently ignore everything the game evidently has in common with H3.
>There's a chance that Ubisoft goes under
This triggered nigger watched too many youtube essays, LMAO
>corpodrone still shilling for his sloplords even while he's going under
get fired lmao
Those are perfectly normal humans, anon
Such as what? I'm not even saying you're wrong, I'm just curious about your perspective, recalling that I'm not talking about mechanics.
If blackassin's sneed fails to make enough money (it's going to make plenty, but it needs to make a fuckload for ubi to be satisfied at all) then I think the most that'll happen are a potential round of layoffs and the ceo getting shitcanned, with maybe some internal reorganizing. I'd love to see that faggot frog company die, but it seems like they'd have to have multiple years of abysmal failures fov that to happen, and they're probably propped up by the frog government as well. Who really knows though.
new dev blog
>Now, let us be clear: we do NOT think that all games of Heroes need to be this fast.
Yes they do because how else do you force stupid esports money laundering into the scheme
Stop samefagging dirty nigger
>The way Heroes are played today isn’t quite what was intended from the start — the developers of the classic games likely didn’t plan for hero chaining or one-unit stack abuse.
Doesn't Impossible difficulty contradict that statement?
Yeah I doubt the devs weren't doing some one-stack stuff, and hero chaining is just obvious even if you've not being autistic about it.
let the thread die you piece of shit
I just hope it is not a everyone against the one bad guy faction again.
Eh they'll probably keep it that way. Feels almost like tradition at this point.
>specialization: transsexualism
>this game is incredibly good if you forget every game that came before it! This game is great if there's no benchmark of comparison :) So please keep it that way! It's in OUR best interest as the devs
>This game is great if there's no benchmark of comparison
frankly it would be pretty embarassing if it turned out songs of conquest were a better heroes game than heroes.
kek, is he wearing lipstick?
I'm all for removing Settlers 2 gameplay from HoMM.
I just got that
not playing
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First Necropolis hero revealed, a Galthran clone apparently. Cool backstory to be honest, even though the writing is still fumbled somewhat. Theater of skeletons sounds rad af
this shit sucks
the invasion of kalimdor
>settler colonialism
>boarman genocide
>centaur total war
>fight two different human armies for good measure
>slash and burn conquest of the elven forests
>stealing ancient treasures from an ancient tomb
>drinking demon blood and killing the demon it came from
>nuking a god
as a priest he's also required to wear a skirt
lmao who did they get to write this shit

i doubt impossible was even tested without cheats
fuck this ubisoft dei shit with transsexual propaganda left and right. No amount of skeletonfag pandering is going to change the fact all designs are ripped off from age of sigmar. Take your tranny narrative director and your lanky serb faggot and fuck off to tajikistan where you belong
lanky serb faggot?
I still like Dominions better

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