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Two weeks before Byzantium delenda est.
Will the adventurer -> landed -> administrative -> adventurer pipeline be any good?
Last Dev Diary >>1841185
Release Date: September 24th
Modding Details
>Domiciles (Camps and Estates)
>Decision Groups
>Message Settings, filters, and groups,
>Custom Messages
>Dev Tool Improvements: Object Explorer, Debug Logs, Syntax Checker, debug menu
>AIWatch window for AI logic decisions
>Warfare Modding is now possible
>Flavorization character flags

The real scheme rework diary will be next week
one can hope it'll be good, or at least flexible enough for modders, I want to be a wandering mage in Anbennar CK3 and oops all skeletons the world
>>AIWatch window for AI logic decisions
I can't believe it wasn't in yet.
>>Warfare Modding is now possible
"Waaaaah, save our game modder."
LMAO what are those timings, no wonder paradox games are all laggy as fuck when their stupid scripting language takes 26ms to negate something, they really need to pull their head out of their own ass
so all time where do you think ck3 ranks among rpgs?
Modders are the only ones that can save the game.
What countries would be the most thematically appropriate to make into administrative empires via decision?

1. HRE
2. Rum (turks in anatolia) to larp as Ottomans
3. ???
>"Waaaaah, save our game modder."
probably more like they got embarrassed about the modder discord having that command detailing the limits of the engine
The Caliphate, Persia and India
Basically all empire tier titles will be more realistic and thematic as administrative rather than feudal or clan. They really need to do something with feudal because it's just commically nothing right now.
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>Warhammer mod fizzled out into nothing
Fantasy bros... it's over...
Eternal anglo administrative-vampiric kangdom
By the end of the ck timeline they only had marcher lords in wales rest was either administered by crown or church
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Would England even have enough counties to form an admin empire? You must have 75 counties according to the dev diaries.
Well, there is always Ireland and the Angevin possessions in France if you are short of counties.
Damn, really?
The last news I can see about it is from 2021. It's dead.
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You are looking at the wrong places. But the progress is slow for usual reasons (small team, ambitious mod) and unusual reasons (modders wait for CK3 to be more developed so they don't have to implement mechanic, only for it to be later superceded by DLC mechanics). I don't know what exactly they are working on right now, but they do have map of the "European" parts of the Old World, filled with religions, cultures and, presumably, characters.
Any news on the avatar mod?
Even before Normans the Ango-Anglos had an administrative system. Earls were appointed and earldoms could be revoked by the king. The rise of the Godwin and his family culminating in the election of Harold Godwinson is such a textbook example of what the devs were going for with the Byzantines I was sure that England would be starting as admin.
>You lose access the the Varangians and their court position if you reform the Roman empire
But why.
>You restored the Roman fucking Empire
>You still want to rely on some filthy barbarians
>Because apparently you didn't learn anything from own history
>Because apparently you didn't learn anything from own history
should have just paid the goths what they were owed lol
But you don't get the Legionaries from the Roman culture either.
>>>Warfare Modding is now possible

big if true, but how so? What does AIWatch do that makes it so special?
Did Byzantines have femboys like the Ancient Greeks?
the aiwatch window isn't the important part, that just gives modders more information to work with
the important part is that you can now do things like directly damage regiments, spawn regiments in an army, etc
Practicing Byzantium while waiting for Roads to Power. Winning that first war against the Turks isn't that hard. I got it on the 4th try. I just went hard on Cataphracts. At one point one of my relatives died in a battle so I inherited 500 archers and some extra gold to keep me out of high debt, but idk if that made a huge impact.
I'm also reading a book on Byzantine history right now so I know the lore.
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What's the reasoning behind this?
Are vegetarians not generally a bit more healthy?
Today with modern nutritional science and foods the answer is generally yes but it certainly wasn't the case back then.
not really. If they eat enough eggs and cheese (they dont) then they are as healthy as people who enjoy a varied diet meat included.
Eating eggs and fish counts as being vegetarian in medieval terms. Because those were allowed to be eaten even during the fast.
People back then didn't knew much about parasites that wild meat might contain
You can get some decease that doesn't show symptoms but affects your immune system
That's my cope anyway, devs probably schizos who think that going vegan is healthy
One of the main reasons the mongols had so much success was because their enemies armies were primarily grain fed.
Damn, I really hope adventurers will bring something exciting to the game, I've basically skipped through all the recent stuff with legends and whatnot and haven't played a proper campaign for a while, it's just all the same stuff over and over again.
>In the beginning of the 6th century. An unrecongized Longobard successor to the throne Hildigis decided to cooperate with the present slavic population.
>It were Slavs that lived in southern and south western Slovakia, but also under Bukovýmy horami (hills) and Matrou (a hill).
>In the year 548 nearly 6000 of such slavic warriors fought in army of Hildigis.
Doing some history refresher, and it reminded me how fucked the retinue numbers are in the game. And how hilariously tiny they are at the beginning.
If irl slavs in central europe could just casually send out 6000 men to support a longobard pretender.
That's a cope from vegetarians
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Stream tomorrow to see how it goes
Odds on how long until we hit repeated events?
I hate that im hype for this even if i know its going to be the same half baked shit as usual.
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Started as one of the canary islands tribes. I'm now the Berber pagan king of Maghreb. My goal is conquer the whole Maghreb region. Maybe even move into Spain.

One thing I'm especially hyped for in Roads to Power is Administrative Government. Once I've done my conquests that's all fine and dandy, but being able to reform into admin gives me an extra late game goal to work towards. That'll apply to every campaign I run as well, because it's essentially a 'state-ification' mechanic to represent the end of feudalism in western europe. Love it. I'm still not going to buy the dlc until at least a month after launch to see what people think of it. I learned my lesson with Victoria 3.
anyone who follows a predetermined diet is more healthy than the average person, because the average person eats like a fucking hog
Now that the dust has settled which starting year is better.
They both have their strengths. As a general rule I treat 1066 as the default start and 867 as the 'early medieval only' start. When I play a game in 867 I always stop playing at 1066. Firstly because it's more thematically appropriate in my view and because playing to 14xx is already tiresome when you start at 1066
Fuck the tribal era, a couple of those innovations are too annoying to play without
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>have 12 daughters and 1 (living) son.
>tribal pagan with equal inheritance
>"hey, maybe I'll just switch to male only inheritance to avoid being partition raped"
>my 1 childless son gets leprosy after I make the switch
Kill me.
should've gone for male preference dipshit
no navy
no mustering
no buy
meanwhile the superior Geheimnisnacht mod for ck2 is still in development. Ck2 boomers, we keep winning against the gay zoomers.
why must you remind me what the fucking Fr*nch took from us?
Augustus' Batavi bodyguards were loyal to the end, nigga. Same with the Varangians. Paracuck is just being retarded as usual.
no. Hunter-gatherers were much taller than the niggerly agriculturalists because they ate mostly meat. Hunter-gatherers were as tall as modern humans, in fact.
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Satanic cults were a cool idea, if implemented poorly.
How the fuck would societies even function on CK3?
You got stuff like Hermetics that act as if they're pan-european organizations where guys from all over the continent can gather together and create guns and shit.
Not to mention Lucifer's Own who are also a continent spanning organization, with members consisting of every abrahamic faith, plus Zoroastrians and Zunists for some reason?
At least the monastic orders and warrior lodges are more localized since it's about a single religion but it's still stretching it.
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you can eat cats now
It took 23 minutes for a friendship event between your followers to pop up twice
Ck3 - Haitian edition
should give -50 to prowess and -1 to martial
Simple, societies and cults have physical presence on the map and can expand their territories or relocate. Hermetics gain bonus from development so they try to congregate around Europeans and shit, and satanists are trying to get more sacrifices for ultimate power.
They're not doing any of that
Ck3 is supposed to be a more "realistic" game than ck2
CK2 has more realism than CK3 because its events are written more seriously, and all the silly supernatural stuff like demon babies or immortality requires effort and rare events to get to. If they add societies, they'll probably be worse and give you even better bonuses to trivialize the game.

In CK2, creating a gun would be the pinnacle of your scholar character's work, and in CK3, it'd be met with a "funny" event of you blasting a peasant into non-existence before you get back to working on other "marvels of engineering".
>AGOT team makes dragons work somehow
>CK3 dev team enables warfare modding after they release their update
>after they struggled with that for months
>small team, ambitious mod
means: ambitious team, cohesive team, a lot of work
I prefer to wait two years, three years for a mod project to release if that means there will be no discord bloat, no sycophants, no troons
vegetarians (if they eat eggs, buttermilk and other animal products as well as a lot of fruit) can be more healthy but only because they won't over eat meat (which nobles would have done) and generally being in a caloric negative sometimes is more healthy because your body if enough nutrients are nonetheless sustained may improve your immune system that way? I dunno I read that somewhere to be frank I just know that fasting can be good and that vegetarians are statistically stupid enough with their nutrition that they may accidentally fast though also not consume enough nutrients to make this "body cleanse" actually work

the main thing is a stricter diet and no meat overeating I guess in this context. gout was a big problem back then
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Will this war get me all of what the petty king of Wessex holds (the whole of southern England) or just the de jure duchy of Wessex?
Didn't this die from retarded discord drama with the other WF mod? Or did they restart it at some point?
Just the title and the de-jure land
The de jure duchy highlighted in the image
how do I take the clothes off
weak bait
she's 17 no bait here burger
I made a mod for this but it’s probably out of date now. Easiest thing to do is go to portraitsettings.txt and change line 20 to
torso = “female_body_entity”
and it will get rid of the underwear texture. There’s like two other things you have to change to let kids actually be naked in game but I’m guessing you already changed those.
Sweden, although they would be a Administrative Kingdom which isn't possible
do what actual real historical rulers did in that scenario and raise one of your daughters as a son and always refer to them as male so they legally can inherit because they are a man
man they couldn't have possibly picked two less charismatic people to showcase the DLC?
They need to fix the fucking AI. Either that or they have to reintroduce objectives during a war. I should be able to tell the AI allies "siege this province" by marking it and then having it do that. Because right now, having "allies" in this game is the same as not having allies. They don't do shit, they wander around and get destroyed piecemeal, it's just a waste of time.

Meanwhile, if HOSTILE AI is attacking, suddenly AI works great and the armies doomstack together no problem. So sick of this shit. The base game just sucks cock compared to TCs.
ah yes the mongols which love to roast horses, goats, cows...
They could have picked me, and I would have vtubed it. That'd be even worse
He's actually right though. Mongols lived off the land and/or ate meat and milk products exclusively. There was a historical piece written by a Chinese scribe that was bemoaning the fact grain-fed Chinese troops were basically bitches compared to the invading Mongol thunderchads due to their diet. Yes, it turns out barely fed peasant levies couldn't stand up to professional warriors muscled to a girl's wet dream, who knew?
CK3 is basically ran by the AGOT team at this point. Which is a good thing. Now if only the AGOT team can tell the devs to fix the shitty passive AI, we'd have a game better than CK2.
The unspoken truth at this point is that the AGOT mod crew is better at coding than Paradox.
>shitty passive AI
Didn't they add/planning to add conqueror type of ai(aggressive, bonus to control,levy etc)?
Been playing the game again after not touching it for 2 years or so. Is it still possible to make op knights that buzzsaw armies. I remember doing it long ago and it was fun to mess around with.
i played the new dlc early and it's pretty decent outside of the bugs
10 more days till roads to power comes out.
Yeah. In fact I think going all in on knights is even more no brainer than before because giga boosting men at arms was kinda removed so knights are the the only thing you can gigaboost now. Saying that, since the AI is still so retarded none of this really matters since unboosted but decent men at arms will still rape any ai army effortlessly.
they need to make regular AI less cowardly too. AGOT is constantly ruined by lords acting insanely out of character for the ASOIAF universe because the CK3 AI categorically refuses to execute prisoners and won't ever plot against their lord unless they have like -75 opinion
no idea but pretty much what>>1850332
says. if you go into AGOT and dont put some giga -150 malus for the emperor, the vassals will never rebel, never plot against the king, never try to install another claimant, never do much of anything. even if the claimants are dragon riders. in ck2 at the very minimum the dragon riders would have claimant wars a lot of the time and there would always be claimants fighting for the crowns, even if sometimes they were gimped because of retarded AI or not having enough troops for the giga kingdoms, but at least theyd try. that doesnt even happen in ck3.
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>me watching the 20k crusaders standing right next to me as my army is stack wiped by the muslims (we could've easily won and outnumbered them 5-to-1 if they reinforced me)
CK3 in general is too easy, the AI fails to meaningfully stop you and you can get a lot of wiggle room with RNG and create superhumans who will never fail. The only alternative is multiplayer, and it doesn't work because everyone uses pretty much the same strategies and the game ends up becoming stale once enough players blob.

An overhaul isn't enough, they need to rework AI and make it challenging again. And you don't need to make it super smart or rely on meta either, just make it actually do shit and use the game's mechanics to it's fullest advantage. AGOT will especially benefit from this once they add multi-dragon rider fights and let rulers be cruel as fuck.
Whats the general setup for boosted knights now? Or if i just did a search for it on youtube older vids will still be relevant. Also, another change from when i last played was more unique man at arms. Just nice to have more unique units to use sitting about.
Unless I've completely forgotten a massive change, then basically nothing's changed and the biggest problem you'll have with older videos isn't that they won't work but that they just miss out on newer ways to make your knights stronger.
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It is genuinely to the point that unless I absolutely know I can singlehandedly crush enemy armies by myself during a defensive war that I'm called in to, I won't even raise my armies. Fuck it. Let them lose, not my problem.
... they didn't took anything, they used the existing system and added bureaucracy to it for even better efficiency
>Whats the general setup for boosted knights now?
Accolades from tournaments and building the right duchy buidings (since only those matter now). Win a bunch of tourneys with your accolade champ and you will have knights that are just as strong as 4-7 regiments of heavy cavalry, while having 20+ of them with ease.
Unless the new update won't change anything, right now all you need is fuckload of knights (30+) and turning your MaA into siege engines. You will have absurdly powerful army that can siege anything within 14 days, the shortest time it is possible.
Is doomstacking light cavalry worth a shit early game? Armored footmen are trash now
Fuck it, I'm gonna do it. Austria in 940 with 1200 light cav, lets go
What prowess level should I be shooting for on my knights?
As high as possible? For some reason this game treats knights like DBZ characters so you want their power level to be over 9000, and somehow that means they can defeat armies easier.
Original anon, and as the rule of the thumb, anyone with starting prowess below 13 is desperation until you get someone better and anyone below 11 is only for like opening decade. Below 9 it's just trash.
Other than that? Sky is the limit. 50 years after the game start, your new "baseline" should be 15. And I'm talking actual baseline. If you have knights that have stuff like blademaster and the tournament traits and only then cut 15, they are trash. You want people that can reach AT LEAST 20 after some training with marshal and some tournament stuff.
One good thing to farm for knights is the "chick in disguise" tournament event. They usually have 20+ prowess (usually even 22+) and capacity to get good prowess traits (they rarely have blademaster and tournament traits). Also, recruiting via tournament is a decent thing to pull, especially when you are in an area with a bunch of dukes nearby - they will be throwing tournaments every time they can, and you can just recruit.
You reasonable want to have your AVERAGE knights as 25+ prowess, with blademaster and at least tier 2 foot of Hastiluder trait that come on warlike court and has any of the physical traits further increasing prowess. Sadistic and Brave are like the golden combo, too.

tl;dr as much as you can, and eventually anything below raw 15 is shit, also don't shy away from using tournaments as recruitment grounds
Is the Legend DLC worth it? I'm not asking in terms of money (buying, lmao), but the mechanics it introduces? From what I read, it's completely shit, with either gimmick legends that are underpowered and counter-productive, while the epidemics are even worse than the ones from Reaper's Due premiere.
How is it really?
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No, it is pretty universally hated.
So the whole legends mechanics is utterly useless? Because I read how they operate and it sounded retarded, but I wanted to make sure, doing backups before RtP is released to have a baseline to return to
Okay, since I can't find fucking shit about it: What benefit is there to getting a marriage alliance with a mercenary band? Do you get to call them up whenever?
It would be much better if they hadn't added a single detail which makes this DLC utterly useless: your legends fade after a certain amount of time (the greatest legends go in like 25 years). It's practically useless and has to be fixed by mods.
Most of the stuff Paradox has been adding as DLC is shit that can be added in with mods, that's the tragedy of it. They still demand $30 every time though. Like, there are better outfit models in the AGOT mod, and someone created those and put them into the game for free. Paradox would have broken those armors and outfits up into 5 different packages and sold them for $15 a pop. It's disgusting.
Every main mechanic of that DLC is either useless, broken or both. Legends are a fucking sinkhole of resources, as described by >>1850859
Unless you manually alter the length of each tier of legends, they fade too fucking fast, and even if you change that, you are still left with underwhelming effects for the effort put into this AND the legend is procedurally generated, so it's going to faff about some useless shit rather than your actual achievements.

None. Unless the incoming DLC changes things around, it's pretty much a placeholder from the fact you can make one of your courtiers a mercenary leader and courtiers can marry.
Oh, and I forgot to add. Right now, the final patch you want to give a fuck about is 1.11.5 - which is the final Persian one. Unlike the shitfest that was Iberian one, this actually does add some useful shit to the game and is playable, while also not breaking shit too much.
I have very low expectations for the incoming main patch, because it's descirbed in incredibly vague terms and looks like a recipe for a disaster when you make two steps back and take a big picture of it.
>more busywork for the early game (landless)
>more tardwrangling for the midgame (empire mechanics)
When are they going to make the lategame not a slog? Both performance-wise and fun-wise
it's just a win more mechanic
They’re called legends but they way they work in the game they’re more like propaganda. They are all short term stories about people still alive or in living memory. Also the generated stories don’t make any sense. I didn’t play long enough to understand how they actually work gameplay-wise.
>When are they going to make the blobbing not a slog?
Never? It's inherently boring because it's impossible ahistorical shit
Just drop your old empire and start anew
>giga boosting men at arms was kinda removed
Can you still do super elite Men at arms for some unique units? And of the unique units in the game do any of them really stand out anymore?
>adventurer bookmarks
This is such a simple but great idea. I hope mods pick this up.
Play Dark Ages with Fog of War. It makes CK3 actually challlening.
Never happening, sweden code monkeys will continue to worsen optimization.
If the AI was actually improved, the game could just introduce more assholes into your late-game empire so managing it becomes more difficult. They'll probably just use CK2 model though, and try to lean on some retarded end-game events or invasions.
AI works fine if you are the war leader, as they just follow you around. It sucks ass if you aren't though, then the AI will pretend the supply system doesn't exist and won't help their allies (you) one bit
Yes they do with the free update that comes with the DLC
>When are they going to make the lategame not a slog?
that's what choose your new destiny is for
Remember the fire emblem mod?
I hope with the new dlc that modders will create something akin to wiping out an overthrow or rebellious dynasties whole family. Not only because it would be fun to do so to the AI but it would also be a great challenge to overcome should you lose. Escaping with a few surviving family members with dreams of reclaiming lost ancestral lands or just starting anew. Something like that.
You can provide only a total bonus provided by a single single county to your MaA regiment, doesn't matter what it is. So at best you can stack like 3 buildings in a duchy capital and that's it. Also, you now absolutely MUST boon your siege engines for that extra punch, especially in the tribal era start.
Meanwhile with knights, anything goes, since it's a global bonus and they would have to redesign third of the game to change that. If you don't have 20+ knights with 25+ prowess and at least +200% bonus, you are playing the game wrong.
>Gimp yourself to give AI chance
CK2 thread is that way, faggot. And this line of thinking is also the very reason why CK3 is so piss easy
going back to ck2 agot and what a difference. AI actually joins factions and starts wars against their liege, claimants going for the throne. they massively nerfed the AI for ck3.
I've noticed someone mentioning Dark Ages and Fog of War mods. Any other essential mods for classical medieval gameplay? I'm guessing mods that add more clothing, but anything for better or interesting mechanics?
I gave it a try and all I met was a typical "hardcore" mod that takes away shit to give the AI a chance. Do you not see the problem here? I don't want MODS to fix the base game, I want the DEVELOPERS to fix the AI to stop bordergore, blobs, and absolute jackshit happening as you steamroll everyone.
>Do you not see the problem here?
No? Most people don't care so the developers have no reason to do what you say, there's no problem.
When a game isn't made to appeal to your specific demographic you fix it with mods, it's very simple.
>When a game isn't made to appeal to your specific demographic
It's made to appeal to GSG autists first and foremost, and the majority of these autists can recognize that the game stinks, even if they're a redditor trying too hard to be charitable.
People complain about this problem, and the best Paradox can offer is a failing company unable to code for shit and focus on implementing memes. And judging by how Victoria 3 went, betraying their core audience is only gonna cost them more.
>It's made to appeal to GSG autists first and foremost, and the majority of these autists
Anon...Ore...Ore Wa...
CK3 was never supposed to appeal to the grand strategy autists. From the beginning they were trying to appeal to more general audience and that is why so many mechanics were dumbed down.
Obfusckate because it makes no sense that you can just know who everyone is and their exact personality.
>When a game isn't made to appeal to your specific demographic you fix it with mods, it's very simple.
Nta, but you are beyond fucking retarded. And this brand of zoomer retardation is precisely why nu-PDX, which started with CK2, is so fucking shit.
There is "dumbed down mechanics" and then there is "the AI doesn't exist and offers the resistance of a wet tissue paper". Which your sub-human IQ brain treats as the same thing.
>I went back to play modded AI
>The non-modded game has shit AI
I'm pretty certain neither of those justifies the use of the term "nerf", for CK2's vanilla AI is just as bad (and with sufficient amount of DLCs, suffers a complete paralysis)
Those are literally the samething. Both result from the fact that PDX is desperatelly trying to appeal to general audience, and general audience is filled with retards, that is why they have to dumb the game down and make AI even dumber.
ck3 agot AI is shit too dumb dumb. and lol thinking modders can actually touch AI directly and change it. at best they can try to try and push it to do what they want but no game lets modders directly change the AI.
>landless characters can't hold head of faith titles
>landless characters can't be courtiers of landed characters, act as part of another characters council, special titles or knights
>they live as hobos camped outside can only perform busy work
It's basically a separate mini game until you can get enough coin/relations to become landed.
>landless characters live in seperate holdings where their estate/camp is located
>can't have numerous families living in a single urbanised province or capital of a realm
>estates based in rural provinces or population centers are effectively the same
>no rural and urban division between the nobility
Anyone excited for this is gonna be disappointed.
Yeah, giving councilors shit to do even without managing their realms should have been THE focus of a landless DLC.
>she's 17
>>landless characters can't be courtiers of landed characters, act as part of another characters council, special titles or knights
This one is especially mind-boggling considering the entire thing about courtiers irl was that they were moving between courts to where they got better job. It should absolutely be possible to become councillor.
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Previous Dev Diary >>1847014
Release Date: September 24th (next Tuesday)
Scheme Rework
>Agents reduced to 5 characters with more specific roles
>can focus on scheme focus (balanced, odds, speed, secrecy)
>auto-invite agents is still there
>new invitation options
>Success Chance starts low, then repeats a phase for an advantage point that can be used to recruit characters or execute the scheme -- the more advantages the better the odds
>Secrecy has a 6 month grace period, then low monthly choice; theirs a number of "breaches" that hint towards your scheme before finally being revealed and destroyed
>Execution: Execute schemes manually with advantages
>Intrigue Countermeasures are tied to religious tenets, cultural traditions, or traits
Story Characters
>El Cid - chain of his travails with King Sancho of Castille, either for loyalty or independence; Swords-for-Hire
>Wallada bint al-Mustakfi - the last of the Umayyads, a woman and a poet: secure an adopted child and level up her literary salon and poetry tome; Scholar
>Hasan Sabbah - the founder of the Assassins, his events lead him to Egypt to be converted, then return to Persia to lead a Nizari revolution against the Seljuks; Scholar
>Hereward the Wake - apparently a lot of detail went into simulating the Harrying of the North, and so William, Normans, Anglo-Saxons, and Hereward wage a war to pacify or revolt against the new rule; Freebooter
>Prince Suleyman Qutalmishoglu's exile to Cilicia
>Siward Barn's colony on the Black Sea

Patch notes and release next week
update to the barebones scheme system fucking hype
damn its so shit. so we have to pray modders can add some basic functionality to this slop?
Shame you can't be an agent
so its a glorified event chain where you save up enough mana to press the
>become a king
button? fuggg
Either that or be a mercenary forever. Which, I cant imagine would be that interesting Considering even landed gameplay gets boring after like 300 years.
In general, it is incredible how PDX is unable to do any actual research for their games. Like in the Middle Ages, free men were a class of their own. This DLC should have been all about that.
But apparently, you cant do anything that free men were able to do, and you can only be a shitty mercenary.
How would you have done it then?
for starters, allowing us to become council members, thatd be great.
I bet my left nut if they let you be a courtier as landless you'd still find something to bitch about.
There's no pleasing you autists.
Go back to semen slurping on your Slop of Thrones mod.
ironic considering you gladly slurp up whatever slop paradox is shoving down your gullet
I am legitimately excited for the update. I'm a simple man, so not playing as Courtiers (which would be based) isn't a draw back to me.

It's a mini-game, but it looks awesome all the same.

As always:
> Le Mods fix le game
> Le Mods make game what PDX could never do

That's good enough for me. As long as the game doesn't crap the bed on release, it looks awesome.
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Based take. The game is what you (and the Mods) make it.
But council members don't do anything, it's a stat buff
shut the fuck up paradrone, your shilling won't lead to anybody buying your shitty dlc
that's why the dlc should have been all about giving council members and honorary titles shit to do
marshalls leading armies
spymasters tasked with uncovering secrets
stewards being granted a budget they can use to develop the realm
they could also get their own estates to develop so they don't have to live in a hobo camp

> Whines about shilling for what may well be a great DLC
> Plays the game
> Will almost certainly buy the DLC
> Almost certainly does not pirate it

Every time.
lmao, I never bought ck3 or any of its DLC, why would I start now?
try harder paradrone
>paying for a PDX game when you can easily pirate it
ding ding ding
this guy gets it
>doesn't play the game
>still stays to shit up said game's thread
/v/ might be more of your thing, champ.
This. Council members could've been given all sorts of interesting dynamics around managing their sphere of the realm. It could've been like conclave 2.0 with council politicking, council authority, corruption, influencing the liege, and tons of events about your job. Maybe we'll get something approaching that in a half-baked $80 DLC in a few years that mods will have to fix.
Only 1 AI character can plot to kill the player at a time. There is a hard cap on how many wars AI characters can declare war on the player.
>Only 1 AI character can plot to kill the player at a time. There is a hard cap on how many wars AI characters can declare war on the player.
but why?
I should play a character starting in the empire but i cant think of a direction to go with them or a location to start in.
Well yes they said this feature was intended to be a temporary situation until players get their own land, then they realize this could be a game changer and added some more features for players who wants to play landless for hundreds of years.

But I don't care though. Ever since CK2 I've been dreaming of playing lowborn hobo influencing realms from outside of the system like Henry of Skalitz or typical Mount&Blade character, and this DLC is perfect. At least the base/foundation is perfect.
>influencing realms from outside
>cant even be on the council

its just clicking through the same 5 recycled events while you play some shitty clash of clans menu and then attack someone to become king
DLC isn't even out and you're already sperging about shit that isn't even confirmed you joyless faggot lmao.
Really hope RTP is good.
Paradox added one of their job roles into the intrigue system
I know they made it a lot easier to flip to Zoro and a few other lost religions but do you still need thousands of piety to revive Hellenic?
Acting as if all of the dlcs that came out weren't just VN events.
I'll pirate it once it becomes good. Until then I'll keep calling it out for being shit. If you don't like that, you can go cry about it on reddit, pathetic paradrone
You know what, they really are. I don't even bother doing tournies or pilgrimages since its the same shitty events ive seen before unless I want a specific bonus. But it's not fun even the second time around. All they have added so far are shitty VN events and a little doll house, for kings only, but nothing really substantial. They don't even fully commit to the person having to travel thing, commanders still instantly teleport. Like imagine how cool it would be if you had to travel to the armies or travel back and try to escape controlled enemy territory when your own army is defeated. That would be cool.
>Game written in spaghetti has caps on how many instances of something can happen at once
You new?
>If you don't buy, then you don't play
You can have dumb AI and complex mechanics
You can have good AI and dumb mechanics
But you decided to be retarded and claim this is identical, for you are a moron yourself.
In this case, it literally identically because both the AI and the mechanics are dumb. How illiterate can you be to not comprehend what I am saying after I said it twice? Will you make me say it a fourth time?
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>Retard goes full retard, while also being quite literally incapable of spotting the point
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my next creation is in the making
im having so much fun with eugenics in ck3 i wish it could be expanded
for example i would love to have other freaks in the world to interbreed with
this is a zoology experiment
A frequent thing for HRE Frederick II was the Pope claiming he was dead and it creating a free for all for his stuff. It would be cool if you had to take a scenic route home and people thought you died. Have an Odysseus thing maybe.
That'd be dope. Like paradox finally introduce a good mechanic and they do nothing with it aside it being attached to a shitty event chain that you stop bother doing after seeing it twice. The travel thing should apply for every single action in the game but its only for feasts and tournies.
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got tired of playing on the same map all the time
the most detailed non total conversion i've found is the chinese one
very impressive
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so kewl
the free patch includes
>historical characters
>vassal directives
>character of the week challenges
>message settings
>1178 start date
>choose a new destiny succession
>music player
>scheme rework
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>t. Bobocat
vassal directives and scheme rework are nice
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Tell me, how did she get those scars?
That really doesn't look good, that doesn't look like Ainu at all. It looks like some Viking larping as Ainu.
not sure what you mean
i think they look correct enough considering the mod is not about them at all
No, they don't. Those clothes look nothing like Ainu fashion. That is a very European fashion.
you are being obsessive, look at the size of the map >>1853509
Is there a mod like this for ck2
The map means nothing to me if the characters look like Europeans.
I guess shills are getting the DLC early.

I was right
It is just some shitty VN pack until you save up enough mana to become king.
they always do it's part of how they advertise the DLCs
Bros... I don't know what I was expecting but it looks so shit.
I mean there is nothing wrong with event pack DLC, the problem becomes when that event pack is the main focus for the mainline DLC without adding significant gameplay additions and mechanics.
seems like it was rather easy for him to become super powerful, once again there is zero difficulty in this game.
seethe, bitchfaggot.
We people who work don't got the time and patience for autistic difficulty. We come home tired and we just want to relax and paint the map.
Game isn't for you, bye bye.
Every sponsored video since the original release has been like this. For the audience Paradox is targeting on Youtube, the game being broken and easy is a selling point.
What did you expect?
They added gorillion ways to get holding through some sort of effort and then just slapped
>Conquer anything you want with prestige level
>clicking through 5 gorillion event pop ups
THIS is the lauded CK3 RP? lmao.
>got offered a county as a reward in like half the jobs
mmm Paradox you really meant it when you said you wouldn't be stuck for long as a wanderer
If you want to relax go play game made for that, instead of ruining otyer genres, dumb wagiecuck shill.
Considering how rare land was in europe already in 9th century, where nobles had to send their sons into monasteries because they couldn't secure inheritance for them, that is truly just laughable.
>lets strip down CK3 even further where the only thing you can do is click on our terribly written events
and at the end of it you just click the AWESOME BUTTON and become emperor. lmao. months of shilling for this.
The basic scripting mistakes in the events is concerning (e.g. no name displayed in event notifying you that your employer's died), but par for the course. I don't mind event spam since that's the entire CK3 engine and the script monkeys don't have any other way to do it in the framework the real programmers built. The whole thing feels very flippant, if I had to put it in a word. Land is easy to get, professional retinues are easy to get, money is easy to get. You, lowly landless scum, can force landed noble patrons to basically do your bidding just because you did a job for them one time.

I guess mods will fix it.
What were you all expecting from roads to power?
Looks great. Joyless faggots stay mad.
I'll be having fun next Tuesday while you cunts will be with your thumb up your fat asses lmao.
Liking or having fun with ck3 is illegal here.
I'll probably enjoy this DLC too but the way paradox implements shit is just so fucking blatantly lazy that it naturally invites criticism and mockery. Like tell me honestly that you believe this isn't the most slapdash implementation of a landless mechanic imaginable. Yeah it'll work, but it could be so much better.
>tell me honestly that you believe this isn't the most slapdash implementation of a landless mechanic imaginable.
Landless is nothing but an afterthought. Expecting anything more is your own fucking fault.
Same shit with Legends of the Dead. Paradox said it was our fault the DLC tanked and I agree with them 100%. They never promised anything that wasn't in the dev diaries. It was you fucking redditors who started going "oh boy I can't wait to seduce my 50 daughter-wives and start my legend of the daughter-fucker and have it spread for 500 years".
You retards never learn and are now doing the same shit with RtP, making up all these scenarios in your head that are impossible to implement on a strict timer and budget.
You're on here every single day talking about how much fun you're supposedly having, you're like those crack addicted single moms on facebook.
i dont think expecting the legends mechanic to revolve around shit your character actually (or at least plausibly) did is all that unrealistic
>running corporate defence
>low standards
>"landless is an afterthought (plz ignore the fact they're leaning on it heavily in the marketing)"
And here we have the reason why Paradox gets away with producing so much slop, neatly packaged into a single post. These kinds of creatures are almost entirely why quality in the games industry is in such steep decline.
Don't be a pedophile
Struck a nerve there, ledditor?
You can do it through re-forming the Roman Empire.
Speaking of being a pedo have they mentioned if you can start as a wandering kid? Sometimes its fun to start a campaign off as a child cause you get to kinda build the character as you go and decide what you want to do from there.
I will be playing it. Need a new way to play. Propping up rulers as a mercenary sounds cool.
Sorry anon. I've failed you.
Real strategy requires cunny
Oh lord. Lmao
It was included for Eastern religions. So fucking insecure.
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anon, you're in a crusader kings thread
Sorry anon I'm already playing a shota vampire impregnating hag and cunny alike
maybe they looked at a famous excerpt from 'Vita karoli magni' by the scholar Einhard, about the life of Charlemagne. it's not vegetarianism per se but it's hinted in the text that roasts and what we would call barbecue that were popular with nobles could make people overweight, leading to poor health
>[...] he was somewhat corpulent [...] Even then he followed his own opinion rather than the advice of his doctors, whom he almost hated, because they advised him to give up the roast meat to which he was accustomed, and eat boiled instead.
I imagine strongfat-builds were common among hunters
BloatmaxxGODS win again
Looks lame to me but it's probably a must buy because mods will put it to good use hopefully. Is there a forgotten realms mod like in ck2 yet? I think it would be pretty good in a mod like that.
Paradox CK3 channel currently streaming with a tranny
I don't think we're the target audience anymore bros
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Looks good but swedish scammer games are all piss easy and don't have any real decision making (most options are traps due to poor balance).
do you think they've... you know... compared notes, so to speak?
I'm afraid to download this.
I want the dlc already so i can use it in fantasy mods.
Well then, see you in six-nine months
>I accidentally went from THIEF to EMPEROR in the brand new CK3 Roads to Power DLC
It's hilarious that phrases descrbing how broken and retarded the game is are being used to advertise it.
That is because this advertisement is aimed at normalfags, and they don't care about history.
It's a very effective advertisement when you consider who it's advertising to. From what I can tell, Paradox is aiming at two primary demographics.

1) Funko-pop collecting millennials who'll relish the opportunity to do something "crazy" to post on Reddit to fill the missing validation they crave yet never get in real life. Bonus points for the ones who have fat girlfriends with brightly-coloured hair who'll play with them when they're not out cheating.
2) Teenagers who have very low standards by virtue of their limited life experience, and who'll find enjoyment in doing stupid random shit in-game. With their TikTok-ruined attention span they won't actually play the game all that much, but they'll reliably buy the game and its DLCs (with their parent's credit card).

There's also trannies but they're operating on a whole different plane of reason.
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>muh teenagers
That is just wrong. I was a teen when the CK2 came out, and comparing that game to the shitshow that is CK3 is just laughable. No teenager is dumb enough to think CK3 is cool.
You are seriously getting too old anon.
Any mods that make this game fun yet or is the game and its mods all trash still? Redpill me on the state of the warcraft and GOT ones
Koifish is the best ck3 youtuber.
Depends entirely on what you want to get out of it.
Do you want some epic bonus to your dynasty, like the pre-existing Sacred Blood of Dynasty of Many Crowns? Tough luck, can't do.
Do you want some useful mechanics that are balanced and make sense? Sorry, wrong dev studio, can't do.
Do you want ungodly broken bonuses that keep stacking with each generation and are absurdly abusable (like +1 regiment size per generation, plus massive bonuses to a specific county?) and stick for the whole game? Wait no further and get this DLC

The actual problem isn't legends. The real issue is that we've got shit-tier epidemics, similar to how they were after first rework in CK2. It also makes random cough drag with your character for a year or two due to the "scale" of healing events, since developing symptoms of a common cold in this DLC takes 3 months and curing it will stick another 3-9.
But legends themselves? Like >>1851027 said, it's win more mechanic. Very underwhelming for what they were advertised, SUPER abusable for what they have to offer. Done right, in Tribal start you can have by High Middle Ages bunch of perma bonuses stacked so high (each generation getting all the legends there are to get from those offering perma effects), we are back to max-stacking MAAs
>CK2 released in 2012
>CK3 released 2020
It's been eight years anon. Do you not think it's possible that another generation of kids has grown up who never played CK2 (let alone CK1) and went straight to CK3 based on "le funny YouTube videos"? You're also greatly overestimating people by using yourself as a standard. Take it from an "old anon", the average person has basically no standards or principles when it comes to their entertainment. They'll take whatever's shiny and new and/or seemingly popular over actual quality any day.
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Nta, but consider the following
>Zoomers in 2012
>Zoomers in 2020
CK2 fandom are the people you described: never prior had any exposure to PDX games, but saw bunch of memes about how le funny CK2 is, and now they are prostrating themselves as "old grogs" bitching about CK3. After all, 8 years have passed, and they are now (legally) adult.
There were no le epic ck2 memes in 2012. That wasn't the reason people started playing it. The franchise and largely the company itself was unknown to the masses. Anybody who knew about it back then was essentially part of the hardcore strategy audience coming from the likes of hoi3 and vicky2, who were the target audience at the time. The meme reputation was built up slowly over the years and by the time of ck3 the target audience completely shifted from hardcore strategy gamers to reddit normalfags.
all still massively undercooked. come back in another year.
>loud = funny
>muh Haesteinn
Yeah, if you're 12.
>There were no le epic ck2 memes in 2012
Yeah, except this was an incest simulator after first DLC
>ck2 niggas when ck3 incest memes >:(
>ck2 niggas when they want to fuck the meme horse :O !
Industrious (hard_working) applies development bonus. It is however ONCE per year per county. The files on traditions covers it as:
development_gain_on_building_complete = yes
Where (if) there is defined the value describing above so it won't be limited to once per year (or at least once per county)? It used to be just whenever finished on introduction, they nerfed this and now I have to super-carefully time my construction to get the most of it - which is annoying as fuck busywork for no real gain, especially in larger counties.
Solutions? Defines location? I've already checked for cultures, effects and modifiers and either it's named differently, or I was simply unable to find it at all
What a fucking load of bull. This game remained "obscure" for literally as long as it took memes to pick up. Which was what? 3 months? 4? And the meme spigot went on full swing by 2013, when the DLCs started rolling.
Which is all fun and games, but as >>1855423 pointed out, zoomers who came with CK2 are so fucking thin-skinned, even suggesting that they are playing meme games for memes sake is enough to trigger them over "muh le ebic strategy dynastic simulator".
Hey Anons, I'm thinking giving CK3 another go after few years of ignoring it and the series altogether. I have few questions:
>Which DLCs are worth pirating and which should just be ignored?
>What are some must have mods / mods collections? Mostly interested in improving/fixing the base game.
>Are there any mods that make the game more similar to CK2? I remember disliking multiple things, especially marriages creating alliances instead of NAPs, troops appearing in a single spot, the UI (especially hiding information inside single button)
and finally, coomer status?
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>. Which was what? 3 months? 4? And the meme spigot went on full swing by 2013,
Yeah no. Here are the stats for the subleddit. A lot more people came in between 2018-2020 than the in previous 6 years combined.
I have doubts about his ability to play the game, in the dlc video he played terribly. I guess that's why he always plays Haeisteinn, the most op start, it's the only way for the campaign to not end immediately. Sadly this reliance on Haeisteinn has prevented him from learning how to play the game.
Someone should make a submod for the Realms in Exile mod based on that Soviet fanfiction
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>muh subreddit
Why the fuck you think there was a subreddit, you dumb fucking secondary?
When maxing out knights do i want to take the shieldmaiden one? Im not sure if the -2 knights is offset by the 20% power.
Should I play this on release? Last time I played was before they added all that weird Iberia incident shit. I'm considering whether to get the current version + some interesting mods or experience the new update with everyone else whenever it comes out, idk how broken it's going to be
Are your retarded? Or just coping now that you've been proven wrong. We are quite literally discussing the number of reddit newcomers best measured by guess what? the number of redditors
Every knight counts as a full stack of heavy cavalry
You remove 2 "stacks" for slightly bigger punch of the rest. Not worth it

>Should I play this on release
Are you 5 yo?
>We are quite literally discussing the number of reddit newcomers
We are not. You (singular) are. We are discussing the meme shit in CK as a series
Will you be able to play as Rolo the viking? That the only thing I want out of unlanded play.

Also how do Administrative governments look? I haven't been paying attention.
>Will you be able to play as Rolo the viking?
Yes, they confirmed and showed him for a brief moment during the youtube livestream. They also hinted at being able to rush the duchy of neustria/normandy as him.
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Rollo's one of these guys, I believe
Administrative dev diaries over here
Rollo Caliente?
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screenshot from the stream
I don't like either as a CK2 fan. I think you are describing Redditors and YouTube slop eaters.
Sweet, thanks guys. I think I'll finally do a Norman play though. But I'll definitely be making a custom Norman culture because the one in the game sucks.
working at this company doing your job
Exactly where it is now, shitting out garbage and relying on modders to make the game not suck.
It's already been roughly 4 years and we still missing CK2 stuff. The Dev team for this game kinda sucks.
in hell
zoomzoom here I was attracted to the character focused sandbox not to the maymays. Pre-2018 zoomzooms are different also see >>1855709
Hahahaha why does he look like a fucking alien
>Also how do Administrative governments look?
CK2' imperial viceroys in CK3's HUD and with bigger focus on nepotism
As it looks right now, it's actually a downgrade over feudal contract, since you can't fine-tune it.
Being masturbated to by people who came around its premiere to PDX games and in the same time shitting on CK4.
Aka the same relationship CK2 fans have with CK3, missing the memo their game is also shite
Nobody is saying that CK2 is perfect, butthurt-kun. It has plenty of failings, especially in regards of how retinues work and differences between cultures. And how PDX cant research actual medieval bullshit.
However, it is way more fun to play overall.
Now if I knew how to add cunny to my game then I could do proper roleplaying
I’ve made a mod that decensors children, when the expansion is out I’ll update it and share it with the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms.
I'm waiting in anticipation
for the most part I have found mods there to not work
It will finally reach the same amount of content and features as CK2, at which point they will announce CK4 (which will have none of those features so they can sell them as DLC for a third time around)
There is such saying in my native, that roughly translates "Hit the tabletop (with your fist) and the culprit will squeal". Thanks for demonstrating it in action, you dumb twat
All the downsides of Feudal, without the advantages of Feudal Contract. So the same shit as with Clan/Islamic tax collectors - great on paper, abysmal execution.
On the actual plus side, it has bunch of gimmicks which allows to keep your realm more or less intact in the early game, so Byzboob's themes won't implode and any pre-High Partition empire won't turn into a mess, either. Looks like a half-decent way to strengthen any of the Caliphates and also a great tool to mod the shit out of how France works in CK3.
I just wish they've changed the tech system to be somewhere between CK2 and 3. Don't get me wrong, innovations have their massive advantages in making the game tick... but they also have the massive issue of being hard-locked by year gate and being linear, too - you can't have better inheritance laws than Partition until 1050, because you can't, ok? And in the 1066 start, you are effectively racing against the clock to get to High Medieval and get High Partition, which should be DEFAULT fucking inheritance system.
I think it was HIP that for me nailed inheritance laws
you want good laws? then you need to enact higher crown authority AND have vassals like you. it requires less time than CK3 system and also requires you to be better at handling vassals
>High Medieval and get High Partition, which should be DEFAULT fucking inheritance system.
Ive gotten so tired of losing an entire duchy to a 3 year old cause my wife decided to shit out a kid at 44 years old that ill just use console and rip the titles off them. I feel like they need to change the partition rule to only include kids that are a specific age or prestige.
>and also requires you to be better at handling vassals
I wish we had a system like that in ck3, mainly because I've always been good at handling vassal opinion.
from my experience in 3 it's actually easy as fuck, you get tons of stacking bonuses from items, court items, culture, religion, events etc. that after 100-150 years everyone loves you
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Im close to getting to high medieval and going to get the extra tradition soon. I was thinking of getting the warrior priest one but i dont know if another might be better that im missing. Im not anything special in terms of hybridization. Just an offshoot of Mashriqi since im still kinda new to this stuff.
What region? Because those traditions are kinda meh. Not bad, but nothing special, either. Also, Warriors by Merit is directly worse version of Only the Strong, so no point having both.
Friendly reminder that if you aren't picking Industrious in tribal era starts, you are playing the game wrong. And that even post-nerf Industrious.
As for Warrior Priests - it's half-decent with Islam, but only if you plan to do some massive conquest of infidel lands OR you are a small fry right next to the Holy Land. Otherwise, it's a complete waste.
Also, consider this, from purely mechanical standpoint:
You took Mashriqi. It has Avid Falconers (since the only game version where Warriors by Merit makes sense is the one where there are tournaments), which allows to have hunts twice as often. This in turn allows to have two separate effects:
- your knights go to hunts more often = higher level hunting trait = more prowess and also health bonus, both very useful for effective knights
- you have +15% Pursuit bonus, which is great for bleeding enemy armies out
On top of that, since you hunt twice as often, your ruler is of better health and sooner and can gain both hunting traits (especially since falconry is twice as fast for you), which is all very handy
Meanwhile Warriors by Merit just doesn't cut it as a mechanical replacement: you get an increase of Blademaster (which is a total non-issue, all it takes is a handful of good picks during tourneys) and... that's it. Your knights have +1 Prowess from existing, but good luck getting a non-ruler to Distinguish, to actually have higher Prowess than from just lvl 1 Venator. On top of that, you already have Only the Strong, which might go as far as exclude people your Warriors by Merit allows: they will have less than 12 Prowess and thus are done.

tl;dr Warriors by Merit is a bad tradition if you had to pick it, and only so-so clutch until you get something better; trading off Avid Falconers set you back more than WbM gave in return
>I feel like they need to change the partition rule to only include kids that are a specific age or prestige.
PDX will then insist on historical precedence (I mean one of the better rulers of my region was a duke that was sired by his 67 yo father, who got sick and died when the kid was a 7 month old fetus) and insist that all children should always inherit. In all cultures. In all times. Using the same unified inheritance system. Which is just a handy excuse to cover for either the enormous busy-work they would have to put up OR to simply implement different system that would then be "gamed" by human players and PDX has a hateboner for such solutions.
As >>1856393 pointed out, HIP has it figured out. It still has its own kinks and issues, but it's aged (ha ha!) ahead of the shitfest that's in the vanilla.
From the top of my head:
Local inheritance laws in my region had two phases: first, actual partitions, but the oldest son was always getting the "double share" (effectively, something akin to a High Partition from CK3): first one of the plots of land (doesn't matter if he was a free peasant or a fucking king, same way of handling inheritance), then the one with father's household on it. Which in case of the duchy meant the capital always stayed in the same hands, but the demesne was getting smaller and smaller each inheritance, unless a lucky pneumonia or battles culled the herd. Then, because such event happened for three generations in a row (1 of 5 kids survived till petty duke died, 1 of 3 boys survived the petty duke, 1 of 6 boys survived the petty duke), it was finally decided that it's better to simply write down the order of inheritance: a designated, appointed heir, and then a row of replacements, not always according to their age or merit, just the decision of the duke and his privy.
Neither CK2 nor 3 is capable of replicating such system, because by game logic, that's jump from (almost) full partition to some weird form of elective single heir inheritance, except the elector is the ruler himself. And if he wishes it to be his daughter, then no biggy, her husband is going to be a duke consort. Naturally, by game standards, that's completely "busted", even if this style of inheritance lasted for well over 500 years till 17th century, when the ducal dynasty died out.
But nah, we must have one-size-fits-nobody rules that are further made annoying (rather than actually challenging) to deal with, because you just can't have fucking high partitions before 1072 (I don't think it's possible to reach High Medieval and research that innovation faster) and if you have single heir inheritance, then it's just "the heir gets all, the rest fuck off" ahistorical bullshit, too. This system is so fucked up, it's beyond retarded.
Yeah im just normal Ash'ari. Honestly, i never even thought of changing up religion. What would be your standard tenets to pick for that? After i finish up this run im on ill probably wait till the DLC then start a new one taking what i learned this campaign. And thanks for the tips on the culture. As you can see i was just looking at "what gives potency" without thinking of the conflicts and such. I guess i underestimated the bonuses from all the hunts and such!

I was thinking next start i might start in Jerusalem again as its nice to have the unique building there and in Medina close by(And im always a mark for camel cav), but i might pick a catholic and crusade there. Undecided still! Ill for sure pick up Industrious though. I can see the benefit from it over time.
Well that sounds good to me. The biggest thing that holds me back is my realm fracturing upon succession, so I'm willing to sacrifice a lot for that.
I said REGION. Not reLIgion. Region is important with your traditions, since it would be virtually useless to have half of them if you were, say, a coastal duchy/kingdom with close to no drylands.
If you want to learn ropes with Islamic country and don't have to bother with either powerful neighbours or crusaders come knocking to your doors, I suggest Yemeni play. Decent culture, good location, effectively Ireland of the Islamic world, except also rich, rather than shite.

And seriously, disable/refund Legends of the Dead. That DLC is beyond bad and all it does is making the game unfun tedium for no real gain, with a side dish of utterly busted legacy buildings that turn the game into a joke in the same time where poorly written plague mechanics make it a chore to play. The only thing you are missing with the DLC is either money you paid for it or bandwidth spent on pirating it.
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Viewing girls in the debug character editor and maximizing the "Pregnant" mesh slider is fun, try it.
Oh derp. Sorry I read that all wrong. But i started in Jerusalem so it was all drylands and mostly hold drylands cause of Medina, Mecca and up the Levant coast. I did check all that when i was deciding to keep dryland dwellers and mubarizun.

And i didn't get that DLC. I know it was shit going in and didn't bother. And im definitely turning plagues off after this run going forward since all it does is spam my event log.
nah its a chore
ck3 is actually fun you can do much more and its more pleasant to use due to a good ui
>3 is actually fun you can do much more
like what? click through more shitty events?
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I still cant decide where to start wandering. I was kinda thinking of picking somewhere in India since its been forever since i played there. Maybe pick the nudist religion in that area and just be a wandering naked man.

hell yeah my dudes fuck those fart events we want more glitterhoof horsefucking memeshit oh my god I'm baseding in my pants right fucking now aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love horse cum!
there should be something in ck3 that increases the number of prisoners you capture significantly
I thought that was connected to pursuit?
You mean self-insert
If you plan to stick to that region in next play, I suggest sniping for the Persian Irrigation tradition (whatever it is called). It's Dryland Dwellers clone, but unlocks qanats instead of the shitty bonus to Desert Agriculture. Qanats are effectively windmills, except you can build them without era restrictions and, way more importantly, they can turn the shittiest desert land to act as if it was floodplain/oasis (so you can then build both farms AND orchard buildings) by High Medieval.
Nuff stuff, but only Persians and Tajiks start with that tradition. But it doesn't require massive gymnastics to get if you start within the confines of the Fertile Crescent.
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Landless wandering Indian nudist seducer who never takes "No" for an answer.
I will do something I always wanted to do but never could
I'll start as greek landless, after gaining money and troops move to bactria and conquer it. Then maybe build empire, turn landless again and go further east to india and build another empire there. That will also count for achievement
otherwise I can try as chinese and move to europe
or as assyrian and retake land from muslims.
What I love about it is that I don't have to start as a vassal that doesn't make sense historically, I can start as that opressed minority (like assyrians) and then try to get land so I can start retaking process
Or my other idea is to recreate myself in same province where I live and do whatever I want
Anyone? Anything?
Based rape impregnation enjoyer. May your seed spread as wide as Ghenghis Khan's.
on_building_completed = {
effect = {
root = {
# Hard working Tradition
if = {
limit = {
culture = { has_cultural_parameter = development_gain_on_building_complete }
NOT = { county = { has_variable = dev_gain_cooldown } }
county = {
change_development_progress_with_overflow = 25
set_variable = {
name = dev_gain_cooldown
value = yes
days = 365
Many, many thanks!

Now the question remain (since I know jackshit about modding:
county = {
be replaced with
holding = {
or however a single barony is defined in game files?
To get the point across: I don't mind the cooldown itself. I mind the fact that it's for the whole county, rather than a single holding. Building stuff in the same holding and gaining dev is still spread over years and costs enough money to balance itself (somewhat), plus you eventually run out of shit to build anyway. I just don't want to do the busywork with a notepad and set of timers on my PC to properly utilise the tradition's bonus
Different anon, but it's
barony = {
This anon >>1857049 is wrong. I mean - barony is the right word, but the script won't work. Let me explain why and how to potentially fix this (would have to check first if it really works, and I don't even have the game installed)

Let's do this in more visible format
county = {
change_development_progress_with_overflow = 25
>set_variable = {
>name = dev_gain_cooldown
>value = yes
>days = 365

As written, the script does the following:
County-wide +25 dev progress
>Country-wide variable on dev cooldown (because it's inside a county bracket)

What you want to get is something like this
county = {
change_development_progress_with_overflow = 25
>set_variable = {
barony = {
>name = dev_gain_cooldown
>value = yes
>days = 365

This (in theory) would cause following effects:
County-wide +25 dev progress
And in the barony that build the building
>Barony-wide variable on dev cooldown (because it's inside a barony bracket)

So without greentext:
county = {
change_development_progress_with_overflow = 25
set_variable = {
barony = {
name = dev_gain_cooldown
value = yes
days = 365

I don't guarantee it will work, but you should try it anyway. Simply replacing county with barony will prevent getting any bonus at all.
>when the paradox check clears
this actually dlc looks fun. Can't wait to explore as a white explorer all the way to africa and make an ebony goddess harem
>/vst/ accused paradox of catering to coomer incest fags
>first thing /vst/ does is fantasize about all the coomer shit they'll do once the DLC drops
I'm only sad that all mods will be broken for god knows how long
Unless /vst/ has some list of approved mods, workshop is a fucking mess to find anything by myself
we're the coomer incest fags they're catering to
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Question to ponder on:
If dev is handled on county-level, how the fuck you plan to apply barony-level cooldown?
There is no workaround for this, because the mechanics are what they are. You can either apply a county-level debuff, or you have the original exploit with Industrious, applying bonus every time a construction is finished. For this to work on barony level, you would have to have dev accounted on barony level
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Should play Rum instead and build a Turkic Roman Empire early.
Since I can't play Venice, I'll be Baudouin and sack it instead, then see how Choose a New Destiny works out
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Did they fix the Seljuk invasion in the DLC? The ERE never seems to lose anatolia.
>OPB shitting on it
wtf you guys told me he was a mega shill
I wonder how landless will be in princes of darkness.
They genuinely could make it very good, it's the perfect mod for it
>four-eyed nerd got so butthurt at being called a shill for giving LoD a 9/10 in his last video that he did a complete 180 and shit on RTP
What a fucking weasel lmao. Didn't even give the DLC a number rating this time to save his ass.
That's surprising. He shills for bad stuff.
He said
>scheme rework is busywork
>adventurers only interact with the schemes unless you join a military route
>byzantines use schemes and tie it in with landed gameplay, but he doesn't like a government being DLC-locked and believes this means there'll be no modular governments
I get the last point, but, also, Paradox has been selling locked governments for years. This isn't EU where it gives new buttons and a mission tree, and then you're stuck withthe issue where you have to go into the code and insert 2500 [limit = {dlc06 = activated}] to seperate DLC owners from non-owners, which is the problem they were trying to avoid by making so much of the other DLC core mechanics part of the updates
I do believe they'll use the landed systems in future content, but I do agree that the expansion content (royal court [pending since May], Friends & Foes) doesn't get updated and its a shame
Pretty good. Though the mod uses godawful V5 for its systems, they might just let you be a real adventurer or member of a vampire court and do standard TTRPG goodness without getting involved with the rulership. I predict that this feature will heavily carry the modern times, as POD devs expressed a desire to add the 90's or 2010's like they did with CK2 mod.
What should the next dlcs be in chapter 4?
Advenutrers are way too strong when you build up all your MAA in the 867 start. You can easily build up enough power to take the Byzantine Empire
This looks pretty nice actually. The game rules look pretty useful
>When you die, you now get the opportunity to switch to another character of your Dynasty that is not necessarily your direct Heir. Our game is a dynastic simulator, and we want to unlock playing through more branches of your Dynasty!
This sounds incredibly broken and will make superhuman stacking even worse. You can't lose because you can just hop to anyone of your blood now.
>Did they fix *something related to warfare*
And they won't
I feel like that true for anything a human player does.
>Rulers of certain government types can no longer inherit from feudal, clan or tribal rulers. This prevents game over when your primary heir is mayor, and helps prevent administrative realms from losing titles to feudals via inheritance.
Does this mean we can cut certain children from the succession by giving them city baronies?
This DLC is a massive power boost to the body swapping spirit you play as in these games. It might even be more significant than when it stopped dying instantly from embracing islam.
>open game
>words words words words words words words words
>modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers
>bloat bloat bloat
>oh cool, a new event
>modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers modifiers
its all the game has, modifier bloat
>its all the game has, modifier bloat
always was
Welcome to Crusader Kings, newfaggot.
What does he mean by busywork? Because previously it was too easy to plot to kill. I'm hoping thisnnew system makes it more difficult. But knowing the CK3 Dev team they usually introduce alot mechanics that don't matter.
>this videogame is....a videogame!
A reminder to disregard anything OneProudShill says ever since he gave LoD a 9/10
I haven't kept up with the latest DLC, but from what I gather I can play as a landless European White Male with seduction focus and impregnate every other race?
Extremely based.
Diluting the swamp.
A mod about this would be based however.
I want a names rework.

>famous prestigious rulers can have their name appear more often in a realm or region adapted to the local culture
>titles held by famous rulers in the past give prestige bonuses to name children after famous ruler
>cultural naming practices have more sway for AI and suggested names
I'm going to create a CK3 character called one proud Bavarian and put him in the shill role for the new scheme system. Hopefully he has high stats
Religion overhaul
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Do you figure AI will be able to... not collapse the Byzantine Empire, if I just leave them alone?

This new Admin government sounds neat.
Supernatural/occult content.
>Major expansion called Wealth of Nations
>free update will offer playable merchant republics and India flavor
>actual DLC content will include unique silk road mechanics

>Sinners and Saints
>reworked religious tenets and doctrines
>overhauled crusades (especially AI)
>more meaningful interactions with Heads of Faith
>college of cardinals

>Tribes of the East
>new nomad government type
>unique fashion for steppe cultures
>Merchant Republics
I'll eat shit, real actual shit and stream it if that happens
#1 would be more government overhauls, particularly for feudal. Seeing what they've done with administrative really brought to light how boring and shit feudalism is right now. Idk how I'd change it specifically but feudalism should not be so boring and default.

#2 would be a religion overhaul. My basic hope is just some proper bespoke content for historical religions, particularly for catholicism. Proper church structure, proper crusades, etc. My unrealistic hope would be for them to expand the build your own religion system so it actually has enough options and customization that you can effectively create bespoke stuff within the bounds of the system, meaning both good historical religions and an amazing religion builder, but since paradox that wont happen.
everyone knows you would do it regardless
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Fart bros… is it over for us…?
The game is just pushing buttons and looking at pixels
wen update
Two weeks minus two weeks + 8 hours from now
>>scheme rework is busywork
But the scheme rework is like the only good thing in it. Thankfully it is part of the patch too.
they said they will do nomads someday I hope it will be soon, having huge and stable khazars exist forever is annoying as hell when I play nearby
Im ready to begin my coomer journey
Would be based, it should have been a thing already in LoD.
gonna wait for Princes of Darkness to integrate this dlc before getting ngl
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What do anons think are the odds they ever expand the map to China? Or even just have it off-map like in CK2. I liked claiming imperial princesses.
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There's an Asia-sized bunch of reserved space in the eastern edge of the provinces map.
>All that gay bullshit that would also have ro be made from scratch and majorily alter baseline game
Nobody cares, and especially not PDX
1 Republics - they just made the off-map holding system
2 Nomads - they just made landless adventuring and off-map holding systems
3 Bunch of regional filler dlcs
And the faggots like you, is why grandstrategy genre has declined. Because you keep excusing shortcuts instead of expecting something greater.
they reworked the non-fart events into fart ones
Just install ROA. Even if Paradox themselves add China and/or SEA, I doubt the same amount of effort would come into it.
ain't it a compability nightmare?
Not really, but it probably depends, as it always is with mods. My current modlist is pretty long, but I'm not on my home PC right now, so I can't post it.
please do when you'll come home, I'm always on a hunt for good mods
I'm ready to play as an anglo explorer are create african mormonism in guinea
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The royal court update is finally here!
>Reworked a significant amount of Hold Court Events and Court Events
>90 events had their effects or text changed
>35 events were replaced by new ones
>Friend bought me the season 3 pack to do some co-op fun later today
>Now stuck with LoD content in my game
Is it easy to ignore the legends stuff. Cause all ive heard is how much of a waste they are. We already plan to turn the plagues off cause of how lame they are.

Now its
>Fart harder
>Tell somebody else to fart
>Force somebody else to fart
>Think about farting later
So we know that we're getting reworked Byzantium, but are we getting reworked Orthodox Christianity? Always found it weird how they never get to interact with Crusades and shit. From a legendary history thread in /k/ I learned they were very important to the success of the First Crusade by supplying engineers, siege experts, their navy and of course tons of food so that the French and Normans don't eat each other (which happened when the Crusaders double crossed the Emperor). Even when the Kurds retook Jerusalem a century later they congratulated Saladin and had him convert the Churches their from Catholic to Greek, which he obliged.
>grand strategy
Nigger, this is a Princess Maker spin-off with a map. Always have been, all the way back to CK1.
Also, I would take PDX re-using mechanics they've already made, than the schizoid reinventing of wheel every single major update, like they did with CK2 and EU4, then further made ten times more retarded due to the itterative nature of their DLC policies.
FUCK. THAT. SHIT. If we can't have pre-CK2 expansions "one for all" style, then at least stick to mechanics you already have and/or do total overhauls.
So in the end, YOU are the reason why PDX games were so shit snce CK2 - in your endless allowance to "hey, new button to click" and the disjoined mechanical and itterative mess their DLC policy created, you actually consider this some sort of golden standard. Eat shit and die in a ditch.
Can you create faith as adventurer? Because that's a whole new ballpark if so
>advantage multiplier was changed from 2 to 10
holy fug, in Princes of Darkness powerful vampire commanders could already curb stomp armies 10x their size even with the gimped multiplier, now with 10x we're gonna get fucking lore-accurate methuselahs single handedly slaughtering thousands
Should I play as soon as its on the usual site or should I wait a few weeks for paradox to get rid of the bugs and terrible balance that always come with any content
The only thing they added that i saw them mentioned is the 4th crusade which can destroy the empire and make them into the Latin kingdom. Which isnt really orthodox but thats it.
I think it's just like they did it in CK2 but with extra flavor
this sloppa isnt any better

glorified event chain. hell the best thing to come out of this DLC is the scheme rework and admin govt. in fact, all the DLC have been shitty event chains that you get bored of immediately.

i dont understand how retards like you claim CK3 has superior RP when its RP consists of click button, go through another shitty even chain that youve seen a million times before. at least in CK2 the RP came from the AI interacting with you and trying to start shit. here in CK3, the AI is 10x more passive and the entire world waits for you to start a shitty event chain and thats "great" RP according to you retards.
Is it out yet?
damn i was gonna type that
What's the verdict so far? Is it fun?
its still ck3
> start as adventurer
> start a contract
> someone offers me a county
Playing as a merc with a bunch of overbuffed space marine is fun. I singlehandedly beat an empire entire army in the 867 start. Can't wait when the Crusade start or when Genghis spawn.
Can one of you groids hop into Byzantium and tell us how it is or is the melanin blocking your brain from doing something good for humanity?
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okay, its out, my adventurer
hope you can travel through the borders, my idea is to travel to europe and establish a dynasty there
>want to be a preacher travelling from place to place, eventually going to the Berbers are reconverting them to Christianity
>acquire followers, mostly sinners in some way or other
>think of Jesus, whose followers also were sinners
>look forward to changing them for the better through the grace of God
>tfw remember that traits in ck3 never change
i fucking hate this game
it could be so great with just a few tweaks
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Its on cs, time to try it out
Haven't looked into adventurers since they were announced. Is the gameplay "fill up mana bars and read the same five events" as expected, or has paradox learned how to code, again?

I'll download this slop from the ru, regardless, since it is a tradition of mine to inevitably become disappointed in every paradox dlc + patch.
>acquire resources and read the same few events to get gold to upgrade your buildings
not that far in tho, we'll see
You have adventurer mana. Contracts are just a list of 4 options, with the lowest chance of succeeding costing the least mana and the highest chance of succeeding costing the most mana.
anyone else's game crashes a minute or so after the campaign starts? It crashes so hard that even steam closes. Did they introduce some kind of dlc verification?
are there some preset adventurers? I couldn't find it in menu
works for me
I expected nothing more from paradox; I'm certain the redditors are absolutely thrilled with that slop, however.

Hopefully, at least the Eastern Roman rework is decent.
>I'm certain the redditors are absolutely thrilled with that slop
they're basedfacing over the byzantine empire name options
If you start landed, and you lose your titles, do you automatically become an adventurer? Or is it still game over for that character. I know they now have a choose another character from your dynasty option.
pretty sure you can choose to be adventurer
>a literal band of hobos beating up an empire with modifier spam
TOP KEK, EPIC gameplay sisters
What buffs are we talking, here?
>what’s the Catalan company
This but unironically
stop being so antisemitic
>Started from the Bottom now we're ERE
let me know when the AGOT team puts it into the mod. hopefully that means we finally get a good bookmark, either the Dance of Dragons of ACoK.

I can see the DLC working for either Dany or people like hugh hammer
do byzantines care about culture for adventurer to become a vassal, or only religion?
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Have you never played DnD?
>my medieval simulation game is actually just a dnd game set in medieval history
Glad we're finally just dropping all pretenses.
its worse than a DnD game because with DnD, you can literally do anything. here youre limited to whatever shitty event chain the devs decide to charge you 50 bucks.
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Gaining traits? In my medieval doll house simulator?
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They also added an event where the Byzantines can ask the western Catholics for military aid. Don’t know how it works tho. I’m assuming like irl
>please help agaisnt the seljuks for nothing in return
>no prop greekoid
>*steals everything they help “reclaim”
Good work parakek, the game becomes very slow quite quickly now.
>everyone’s just talking about contracts when the whole point of adventurers is to be a mercenary, which works perfectly

This is why game developers have to give less options sometimes. Retards get lost in the tertiary shit that isn’t the point
>entire DLC focused on an even more watered down version of combat from CK2.
brilliant, that will be 40 goy bucks please
Can I get a rundown on administrative realms? What makes them interesting?
Yeah, adventurers are unplayable; if I'm going to sit there and watch schemes tick up, I'd better be doing that without the game slowing to a crawl within a few decades.
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its certainly something different
my run so far as a preacher/theologian
suffered defeat in a crusade so im thinking im going to start packing my bags for North Africa to proselytize

also have to start finding a wife maybe
you are A double retard black gorilla nigger. The point of the dlc as a whole was the Byzantine and admin government. The point of the adventurers, which was already a tertiary addition in of itself, is the mercenary shit.

You’re just a seething brown troll mad it won’t run on your shitbox
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>there's a bug that makes you travel to the edge of the world with no way to cancel
If Marco Polo wants to go to China, you will go to China
cope you stupid shill. gonna pirate this shit slop and laugh at you retards that bought this with your own money.
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You can be immortal now.
I can finally legally play is immortal loli
I thought they wanted to keep it heckin realistic and not add any magical/occultic stuff?
>Kara Khitai
>is actually black
Knight-Errant? Is that new as well?
You’re still playing it, retard.
>I eat shit and cum for free I’m superior to people who pay :))
Dumb ass shitskin. If you were better you wouldn’t post about it, talk about it, and especially not play it LMAO
It’s only available in character creator. No way to get it in game. Use google or ur brain for 1 second before you start shitting your pants and crying, third world swine
>cum for free
you pay to eat your own cum?
Don't waste your time arguing with that brown schizo.
He doesn't even support the game. Just comes here to froth at the mouth at anything Paradox does then calls everyone a shill when called out on his faggotry.
Just filter/ignore him and move on.
>It’s only available in character creator. No way to get it in game
Gay and lame, they should bring back the magical/occultic stuff.
>the 90's or 2010's
Isn't the content for this time period focused primarily in America?
I don't know how much stuff Europe has unless they make a new map
No, VTM initially focuses on the modern times of 90's and early 2000's, so there's a ton of content for everyone, including Europeans where the time period will focus unless some madman adds a map for US that can be used in conjunction.
CK3 could very easily distance itself from CK2's occultshit just by focusing on actual myths and shit. Simply copy everything CK2 has, and add Greek and Norse gods and their magical bullshit, the legend of King Arthur and adjacent stuff, mystical alchemy and other bullshit.
>Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! Let me extol the virtues of Paradox Interactive for crafting the Rome DLC, a marvel that resonates with the grandeur of our ancient empire. This remarkable work by Paradox, akin to the mighty Hercules, evokes reverence and admiration, its magnificence unparalleled in the annals of gaming history. With the grace of a laurel wreath adorning a victorious champion, it bestows upon us the gifts of wisdom and enlightenment. In its essence, it embodies the virtues of stoicism, fortitude, and virtus, urging us to surpass mortal limitations. Just as Hercules performed legendary feats, so too does Paradox's creation nourish our souls and quench our thirst for knowledge. Let us raise our glasses in honor of its glory, for in celebrating Paradox, we pay homage to the very spirit that laid the foundations of our mighty civilization. And so, with the confidence befitting Jupiter Optimus Maximus himself, I came, I saw, I purchased, for Paradox's creation enriches not only our lives but also the legacy we leave behind.
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Here's what I used for my last couple of campaigns on 1.12.5. Pretty enjoyable experience overall.
Having lots of fun so far
Started at 18 as an adventurer in the Byzantine empire
Did odd jobs until I could raise an army that eventually grew to 1200 men strong
Started doing mercenary work along with the odd jobs afterwards, fought Bulgaria for the Byzantines and did some mercenary work in southern Italy
Eventually at 39 I raised enough money and ingratiated myself with the emperor and bought an estate
Then secured a governorship in Athens
After 10 years there and spending more influence I became the emperor at 54.
I lasted 6 months before being deposed
Anyone play Fallen Eagle? How realistic is using the landless swords for hire feature for legions? Granting them a county always felt weird.
Slow down brah. Crusader kings is it at its least fun ever when you just speedrub to emperor
you run everything in historic invasions?
I remember it being too railroady with spawned empires being maybe too stable and when they target me it gets bit too annoying doing war after war against kingdom with spawned troops
I just wanted to see if I could, main goal was just getting an estate.
I was deposed super fast which is good
I didn't properly build up my family or connections or save up lots of influence which I'll have to take time to do so I last longer next time I aim for emperor
I think for first playthrough I'm gonna create palaiologos adventurer in 867 just to play bit around adventuring and then hop into becoming emperor
and then maybe when I get bored of running empire I'll fuck off to bactria and make another empire
Nice samefagging you bizarre freak, you could at least bother to change your writing style or something.
Yet another flop of a DLC. Of course all the cock sucking redditors love this trash.
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... way to fucking go, champ
>King Baldwin's sister is an interesting character instead of him
It's ok, and it's mildly entertaining. Family holding is completely busted, but now I'm 99% certain the next DLC (or at least the one after it) will add republics and mechanics similar to CK2 for household.
>zoomer goes full zoom
You are playing a meme game, son. If you can't appriciate Eva Green meme, you are either gay, or underage. Probably both.
I'm going to play an English priestly type adventurer that goes around spreading the good word and impregnating the natives with my seed
Is it just me or did Paradox make army numbers mean jack shit?
That's pretty much the case in current CK3. Due to how modifier-heavy the game is, it's far more favourable to stack MAA's and associated perks to have superhumans destroying entire death stacks. People had even pointed out before that it's silly that Knights with high prowess can murder so many people, and the excuse was "well, a knight has his own bodyguards too!"
Yeah, but now it feels like a 2000s Newgrounds flash parody of itself with the multiplier to advantage.
you get a cheevo and should be happy enough with that
Holy fucking based. Can't wait for my jan hus larp.
Warfare really needs to be the next thing overhauled. Making it so MaA regiments weren't permanently raised units (like retinues) was about the only good change from CK2's system.
Oh that’s really cool at least, and makes 100000% sense, if some random mercenary faggot became emperor, he would absolutely be deposed and mutilated within 6 months. You think rich people now don’t like new money? It was fifty million times as brutal in the days of nobility lol
Should I play a seljuk adventurer in 867 or should I be an ottoman ancestor in 1066 or the new start date

Playing a turkic adventurer only seems right, considering irl they were the most successful landless adventurers, with the ghaznavids, seljuks, ottomans, timurids, etc etc
Start out as an Ottoman adventurer in India, and genocide your way through until you build an empire. Make it so that the empire's borders stretch to Armenia so you can enact a genocide there.

Also, a turk in Scandinavia sounds fun as hell too. Those norse faggots get too annoying with their raids, so you should civilize them.
Norse were türkïč brôther.
In what way?
fuck off Kike
I rape them for a living, I'll have you know.
>Ash'ari became the State Religion of the Byzantine Empire at some point
>the emperor is Orthodox and no emperor has ever been muslim
The fuck? How did this happen?
I'm liking the dlc
Does this make the el cid achievement easier or nah?
Tvme to play a jvwish bvll and give “”””””””””””””””””””””Palestine”””” or pallyswine as I call it, a visit. The men will die in flames and the women and children will be our goy slaves
Kinda think it's underwhelming
I'm waiting for ANSF3 to update so I can go adventuring with my sister (lover)
Imagine playing a young beautiful landless Christian qt.
Imagine being captured by a rugged evil Viking adventurer.
Imagine recieving event after event about being raped by him
Imagine being forced to bear his children.
Imagine becoming his slave wife.
Imagine having to maintain his household while he's out raiding and pillaging.
Imagine raising dozens of the children he pumped into you.
Imagine the possibilities.
Landless is such a breakthrough in CK gameplay. Ludokino.
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and the best part, he bathes.
time to get started on your mod then, troon coomer
Wierdo cucks. All your ancestors for a thousand years have been Christian unless your a shitskin browncel
Anyone know how to remove the stupid fucking table top for Byzantium? I removed all the other ones before this crash, and by doing the exact same thing (just deleting all files and replacing the floor files with a black image) it’s causing the game to crash when I play Byzantium.

I seriously hate these stupid fucking paracucks niggers for making the game ugly and disgusting with the stupid table
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You can change the table style in the options.
The DLC is about what I expected. Now I'm just gonna wait a month or however long until the big mods get updated because at this point the realism and history really does just feel vestigal and like it's holding back an otherwise great light rpg-strategy game engine.
what big mods do you use to make the game's realism and history feel less "vestigial"?
Holy thank you my lord
>There are DBSpics posting in this thread right now
I miss the days when this was a white person website
Me too, the Byzantine stuff has a lot going on. I still wish the AI was more aggressive.
woke mob deleted the female prowess penalty mod, i should have had it achieved in advance
lmao sorry I mixed up which thread I was in
took me a min to figure out how to delete posts again since I don't usually need to
Anyone know how to save an ironman run I opened in the new version and now everyone has 40 trillion soldiers? When I change back to a previous version it says the file is in the wrong version and can't open.
Wait is default Western European? Wtf is default and plagued?

Asking because the game takes 20 minutes to load
you could convert your ironman to notironman, i dont remember how but google does
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I'd try editing the save's version number.
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I’ve been drunk and fiddling with the game since 3 pm. I just want to plvy bros. And I WONT ever use the table top map.
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default is this
plague is the skull
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the issue is I only have one save file thats been bombed with troops. I dont think it being ironman specifically is an issue.
if you saved over it its probably over. Always shut down your game through the task manager in these cases
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Looks like it's a new bug. It's not just you experiencing this.
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I guess its a lot more corrupt than I thought
Thank you, I genuinely appreciate the help
but oddly enough the new version of the game can read this mess
its because one save is compressed and the other isnt, google it
I’m gonna cry bro. It didn’t work. Playing as the Byzantine nigger emperor faggot crashes the game
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What that anon said, uncompressed save files are editable.
Start your game in debug mode, load the save, then save the game. The file is now uncompressed and is readable and editable.
Add -debug_mode to your launch options and try it. Although I'm afraid the save may be irreversibly fucked.
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You messed with the game files and now you're crashing right? Do a steam verify integrity check or just reinstall.
I did that 3 times and wvebrthing is normal now except western table TOP HAHAHAHAHAHA ASAAAAAAAAAA
Is it impossible to interact with people who are "wandering" as a landless character? We're in the same province, but I can't do anything because "our capitals are too far away"
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Try deleting these lines from this file.
I don't know if I'll play landed ever again.
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nice, one step closer
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Works on my machine.
YOU HAVE the tabletop nigger idiot retard
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>copy copy copy (2)
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Oh shit this whole time I thought you meant you disliked the new byzantine table the newest update added and just wanted the old one back. What you really wanted was the whole table deleted. Sorry anon, I was helping you solve the wrong problem this whole time.
Just kidding read ur post and ur nice and cool. Sorry I’m just really mad. I’ve been messing with this for 12 hours straight. My brain is literally throbbing. I grilled 2 burgers and ate them and I’m still mad.
how easy it is to be swayed by the way of crime. It took me half of an hour to become a criminal in this dlc
i should probably intermarry my followers
Didn’t work bro. Does no one selfie care about deleting the t*bletop. Am I the only autistic retard alive
It's my first time playing in a while and I hate it too for what it's worth, wasn't a thing last time I played. But I hate a lot of other things too and I don't want to bother fixing shit yet
seems to be very easy to get a title as an adventurer. Complete 1 or 2 contracts, hire mercenaries, locate a lord with <200 troops, defeat them, get a title
Within 15 minutes of starting the game I joined a random war, did absolutely nothing, and the guy offered me a free county to peace out, it's super easy
I’ll uploads a mod for u. I made Amos for myself after the first table top cause for some reason no one else did. I know others must feel how I do. When I figure this out, I’ll be a good Christian and pay a mod forward
i think this shit has some funny multiplayer potential since you can travel anywhere
They talked about that in the devlog, easy to get a shitty county harder to get kingdoms
>What we’ve tried to accomplish with becoming landed again, then, is giving you a sliding scale of options. You probably can find a weak or terrible county somewhere that you can conquer or buy for not that much effort, but you’re moving into a fixer-upper.
>as a general rule of thumb, the thing most have in common is that the size of the realm you’re trying to acquire is gated by your prestige level.
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I did it, Anons. To delete the table, go to:
Crusader Kings III Roads to Power\game\gfx\map\map_object_data
and open 'map_table_western.txt' and delete all text inside it.
Start the game and in the options menu set the 'Map Table Style' to Default >>1858188
Restart and enjoy no table.
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can you share ur dna code pls
Bro I’m regarded or there is no CK3 roasts to power. If u upload a YouTube video. I’ll upload a YouTube video praising. And dabbing for you
lol you can convert to a different faith just by visiting a foreign temple

im loving this dlc so far, very in line with how i play the game
and you can robe it too
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Bro you might be regarded, just go to where you installed the game. If you bought it on steam right-click on CK3 in your library and browse local files. If you pirated it and don't know where you installed it then that's your problem.
a Dasjbhkdajl;h hujop; qerw;HUIOP; [GRSADEFWFHO' JKPAEFioqaws'hafaposikhfhpi' aksl dodnmat aworkaaa raaradidjms d
didnt work. c an u do it and hekp me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
its agaionsdt the law to drink 50000000000000000000000000 billion beears ands disliike th4e table top anmd plat the game with no table top ev en thoiufjht its an evilk [paracui8cls djeawish oconcept
but i dont need to locate SimCity 4 Deluxe...
Dei liar retard
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got expelled for being a criminal
possibly because of racism too
Faggot liar. No law days that. Tell me how to delete parachute table nigger top now please. I know one other white man wants no table top
the neighbors kid is a cia agent, they are on to you anon, you have to defend yourself
Niggers, the game in the pic doesn't matter, the steps are the same. Right click on Crusader Kings 3 in your steam library, Manage, then click Browse local files. It's not difficult what the fuck.
Not mine, I got it from steam artwork. The original uploader did share the dna pastebin.com/fnV907A4
Can I just be a rich mercenary and go pick up a cute chinese wife and return home to my personal estate to retire and raise my children who will also be mercenaries? Just live on a personal estate
You forgot to save the .txt file after deleting all the text inside it.
wonder what happens with your talent tree after you settle down, does it refund the points
you can totally travel all across the world
have not seen estates yet
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/gsg/ isn't helping me, which of these dynasties do you think would be most fitting for a Latin Empire game? I intend on hybridizing a Greco-Norman culture.
I suspect it's because of traveling Islamic preachers. Landless NPC does actually do something.
the last one, absolutely
(im completely unfamiliar with any of them)
if i wanted a wife for the bonuses, but not for kids, i would want to have a matrilineal marriage with her right?
>Can I just be a rich mercenary
>pick up a cute chinese wife
Yes if you have mods to make women actually attractive and not the abominations they are vanilla.
>return home to my personal estate to retire and raise my children who will also be mercenaries? Just live on a personal estate
No. The estate is tied to your status as landed nobility within an administrative government. You must be one or the other. The closest thing to this would be setting up your estate within the ERE, then switching to a landless house member on death to go do mercenary stuff while your other house members continue running the estate.
nigga those are all nordic not latin
Yeah, how did you think I intended on becoming Norman?
A couple years into the game I got an event about some rando embracing Copticism and I (and apparently every other catholic in the world) had the option of converting too, a bunch of princes in Germany did so. Wtf is up with that, normal CK3 or bullshit from the new DLC?
by starting as a norman with a normal french dynasty name
pfff imagine being such a shitter you START Norman in a Norman campaign.
If you do want to start early as a norse my recommendation would be to pick whichever and then after you're norman create a cadet house with a less guttural germanic name
Reposting my explanation for each and why I was considering them:
Sounds awesome, looks vaguely Greek. Seems appropriate.
Decent name, Swastika variation
Bull seems appropriate for larping as Romans. Also I'm watching Columbo right now so it feels like what I'm meant to choose.
It's okay, looks acceptably Western European.
Likewise looks appropriately Western European
Same as above
Cool name, points for having a cross.
Included for the sake of completionism. My go-to choice when I want to form Norman or Norse hybrids in the far East because of the dragon CoA. Used them for my Sino-Norman campaign and I think for my Indo-Norse campaign as well.
Maybe just start as Rollo/Hrolfr? He exist somewhere in Norway.
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I wanted to see what happens when you get revoked of your last and only title, which is normally a game over. So I speedran getting my only title revoked as a duke and became landless. Interestingly, I didn't get a Game Over, I'm still playing, but landless. Is this a glitch or something? It feels wrong, I am not a wanderer or adventurer, I have no camp or any of the adventurer gameplay elements. I really am just playing a landless courtier now who can't do anything, I'm a fucking NPC. Right now I'm plotting to murder random courtiers in neighboring realms. I'm curious if I can murder with impunity because it's not like they can arrest me or anything.
Picrelated is what I mean by it feels wrong or glitched, like a player was never meant to play like this.
>None of
>Feudal concept_none
Absolutely not, I fucking hate the cadet system. Fucking forking off my dynasty without asking me and forcing me to play some made up dynasty and not the one I picked. I hate Paradox creating a system for me to do their job for them instead of doing the work themselves, even when most of it would have been porting over CoAs from CK2. CK2 non-dynastic CoAs in the Middle East all having crusader-esque CoAs
Do you mean as an adventurer? I haven't followed the update and have no idea how that system is supposed to work.
>landless characters can't be courtiers of landed characters
I just got hired as Senechal by the King who's court I am in.
my expectations were pretty low and i'm still disappointed
They convert over. The adventurer talent trees are a copy of the landed ones, some nodes just have different effects depending on whether you're landed or not.
You can start from landless to landed either from conquering them or being rewarded a country by a ruler. Rollo was historically gifted Rouen by the king of France and his descendants manage to consolidate Northern France into Normandy.
To me it feels supper unrealistic to play the same "dynasty" for 500 years, IRL they branched all the time. I do wish the CoA stuff was better and you could automatically have quartered CoAs from the parent dynasties
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>To me it feels supper unrealistic to play the same "dynasty" for 500 years
It's literally the objective of the game
>IRL they branched all the time
That can still happen, but to subjects. Why would I want that to happen to me if I want to have a continuous line.
I see. Simply being called "Normandie" feels nonsensical though, especially once I've left for Constantinople.
>playing a courtier is possible
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My liege tried arresting me, I declined and fled his court. I'm now not even in a court. This is rock bottom, I am now the absolute lowest nobody.
>It's literally the objective of the game
>I want to have a continuous line
Eh, as someone who likes the time period and is interested in the game because of history that just requires too much suspension of disbelief for me
ok nwm, in landless mode wife gives no bonuses
Is it possible to play as a landed merc company with this?
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you can adopt your wife as an adventurer
she's now technically my daughter
but shes of a wrong dynasty
hostile schemes seems to be A LOT quicker now if you max intrigue
landless allows for non-dynastic heirs and no game-over. you can also recruit historical characters when they spawn and make them your heir
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what are these recruits man
perhaps but this kinda goes against the point of the game imo which is to max your own dynasty
somewhere along the way crusader kings stopped being about crusades and kings
Anon, you should not recruit people from the circus.
im completing murder contracts in about a month
its a house of my dynasty, the one oversight is that all her children become this new house; even though those children are also mine and shouldve kept their original dynasty
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some nice visual bugs in this one, i dont have any mods enabled
man i think im only gonna play landless now
just need to marry my children to kings and emperors to gain dynasty points and choose a successor to the camp myself
there are much more opportunities here
I haven't played CK3 in ages, where are the best places to raid now when you're starting out?
spain after it balkanizes
they are quite developed and do not have enough troops individually to defend themselves from raiding
Do they typically balkanize now? I'm near 8 years in and there are a bunch of counties south of Asturias but everything else is pretty monolithic.
somewhere close to 900s afair
you can raid northern part at any time, they are in the constant state of war and unable to defend themselves
i also like to raid sardinia and corsica, dont remember exactly when they get separated from italy, also somewhere close to 1000s
oh, nwm, click spanish sultanate of al andalus, check out how many troops it has. In my game its 600, for most of the continent. Yea, they are a prime target
Constantinople and Rome are ofcouse the best targets but they require a big army to siege
Rome is actually pretty easy for middling sized raiders. I'm just a few years in after starting as a 2 province count though.
You're right, they are pretty ripe if I was just a little bit stronger or if they go to war.
>2 years after CK3 has come out
>there still isn't a mod to turn off colored wastelands (which was a game rule in ck2)
removing regions should be relatively easy, its just text file editing i imagine. Theres a chinese mod to remove all the regions except china, just copy its logic https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3298444435
I don't want to remove anything, I want wastelands to stop being colored over.
But this looks like shit? How autistic/neurotic are you guys that the default table bothers you? I’ve been playing the game for 3 hours and I didn’t even notice they changed the table, aren’t you zoomed in most of the time?
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You can actually be granted an estate by the Byzantine emperor while remaining landless, which makes you an unlanded administrative vassal of the Byzantines
any info of how to get an estate in other parts of the world?
What do you guys think is the best character tree upgrade? I do Chivalry early on because the knight bonuses will determine a war in the early game when all else is mostly equal. After that though I don't really have anything I like to do that much. I'll just finish whatever tree was in-progress when they inherited, go for Whole of Body if its a good character that I want to last longer. I also really like the Science one for cultural focus speed.
>the best character tree
Whole of body since it allows to play a character longer, but only later in life, i typically max scholar for development progress, or architect for building/avaricious for money or all of intrigue, depending on the stage of the game.
Travelled from india to prussia in 30 years without a rush, time to figure out how to settle without becoming a lord
Wow this runs like shit, turning all the graphics options down doesn’t even help. GPU is at like 90C, computer’s more wound up than when I play cyberpunk.
you can switch sides during a war as a mercenary, lol
I'm thinking about starting a campaign as a Spanish mercenary, going to Maghreb, finding a cute berber wife, converting to Islam, and reconquering Al-Andalus for myself while getting rid of all the infidels.
That happened to me when I tried using Vulkan, the DX11 renderer runs okay
How do you play for longer than five minutes without the game crashing?
idk i just play without the game crashing
Is putting administrative government in other realms a good idea?
mashallah brother
there's a setting to give it to anyone starting with the August trait plus various other empires, idk how it affects their behavior if you make npcs admin but the custom start works fine if you're sick of byzantium
>if you're sick of byzantium
Not at all. I'm only starting my game right now. I'm just wondering if the system is more interesting than the usual Feudal/Clan mechanics to the point where you can just apply it to every other big realm
It's nice recruiting men at arms from different cultures as adventurer. Got caballeros, horse archers and a muslim heavy infantry.
>Can't find any young pussy for my adventurer chad
Why are all the women in CK3 hags?
I don't know if it's a bug but I got to be an adventurer as a 5yo child and the events got really silly. I'm going around training knights and threatening peasants.
I took a contract at one point in my wanderer group to track down a woman who got lost in the woods and by the end of it I wound up stealing her from the person who hired me because she was 18 with the beautiful trait. Maybe try skimming contracts.
I can see three ways to do this atm
1. Get the private tent upgrade for your main tent, when you visit a tavern you will sometimes find a women with a good age for marriage
2. Theres a prowess contract to "rescue a fair maiden", as >>1858821 says you can just keep her after instead of returning her
3. Do a contract and get a marriage from inside the court of your patron
intrigue for schemer, twice-schemed, and kidnapper
Would this not automatically dissolve the mercenary company?
request a marriage from your patron. choose relatives of people who aren't famous yet but will be. my adventurer is brothers-in-law with richard the lionheart lol
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Playing as an unlanded courtier (not an adventurer) is exactly like being an unlanded courtier NPC. Your character wanders to different counties randomly. At one point I randomly started traveling with a King's caravan and I hoped I was going to join a court when we reached his destination, but no. I'm still courtless.
I must point out you sadly don't gain lifestyle experience when unlanded. I was hoping to level up and become a unlanded seducer-god but that is not possible.
I was able to travel to a grand tournament and interact with it as normal.
>I must point out you sadly don't gain lifestyle experience when unlanded
I knew PDX would fuck that up.
you get it fine as an adventurer. his char is bugged as neither landed nor aa adventurer
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It's official, after losing your last title you become a wanderer, which is NOT the same as an adventurer, who owns an Adventurer realm title and a camp and can do contracts and shit. Also I have no decision to become an adventurer or anything. Picrelated shows I have no interesting decisions which is another part of what makes me think the devs didn't really intend for you to play like this as a wanderer.
I'm about to die, but I'm going to join my liege's war just to see what happens.
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I'm helping.
So, any new good female starts? I briefly noticed Baldwin's sister in the new start date but haven't really started this patch.
How does adventuring as a child work anyway? Do you still have an adult watching over you?
I think its some funky bug with the camp/manor system. I was playing my adventurer character and settled land in Italy and joined the Byzantine Empire. But the Emperor hated me and forced me to hand over all my land to my brother. I was then stuck as just a landless governor character but i still had access to the manor and could move around through it. But i couldn't flip back to adventurer or anything like that. It might be a fun little thing if you were an intrigue character walking around doing stuff with no real repercussions but i was a martial guy so i didn't have much to do other then show up at the Emperors door and beat him up when the cooldown to fight your rival was up while trying to find stuff to do.

That being said before i landed my first character was an Intrigue focused camp and it was fun, you just gotta remember to not just do the missions but while your stationed in a place and doing the jobs also doing your own classic intrigue stuff like fabricating hooks and stealing artifacts. Always had lots to do and i like the new scheme system. Even if only a little it felt just a tiny bit more interactive.
> Get into a little spat with a rival noble in the Byzantine empire
> Was getting pissed that he wouldn't give up some land to me, raided his estate to knock him off but killed his son instead
> He ended up murdering my wife (I'm pretty sure) and then tried to murder me
> Raid his estate again, nab his niece and daughter
> Marry both of them off to my sons
Reckon I should invite him to a grand wedding with his daughter and my son?
emperor manuel is in poor health and his heirs suck, so it's easy usurping the empire after he dies. you can also easily reconquer anatolia in 1-2 wars where you click the 'press all claims' button.
also in my game the mongols are ignoring persia and instead took a chunk of india, most of russia and are now invading poland
a problem for me is that the game starts becoming really slow, and I have a good cpu. dunno if its the late startdate or the admin dlc but it has only been 50-60 ingame years
Doesn't look like it's possible to be an unlanded head of faith. When I lost my county the title got automatically destroyed and the decision to become an adventurer explicitly disallows HoFs. Booo
could plausibly be modded, requires further investigation
>start as palaiologos in the new start date
>adopt random commoner retards I see around the map
>use influence to get the retards some governer positions
>all of a sudden my family is the most powerful in the empire
>catholic niggers blow up the empire
>select the option to create my own
>all of my adopted retards join my new empire
>rape the catholics and reform the empire
are estates only allowed for the landed bureaucratic lords?
what do you mean by landed?
You can own an estate without having a governorship, but you can't hold an estate without having a noble family title within an administrative government.
can you have one as an adventurer?
No, you have a camp instead. Camps function pretty much the same but they look different and have different bonuses.
Lots of discussion ITT about adventuring, but how is the gameplay as the ERE now? New government type is enjoyable to play in?
They added notification panel but not included the option for the rent from the castles that you build as an adventurer
if you decide to build a castle as an adventurer but in the process of its construction you take over the realm, after its finished you have an option to declare a war on... yourself. If i wasnt playing iron mode i would totally click it
It's okay, a little tedious. Also, I lost my whole estate when my character died and his son inherited. I had to start with a fresh one, not sure if that's intended or a bug. Maybe it's because he wasn't head of the house? But then the guy who is head doesn't seem to have any estate income and is my courtier.
holding court actually gives you something like legitimacy now instead of just being a source of new problems
>Byzzies narrowly white peace the Seljuks
>Seljuks collapse into rebellions and warring tribes never to threaten Constantinople again
The good timeline we had stolen from us
the new conqueror trait works pretty well
I'm playing ERE starting from 876, seljuks haven't arrived yet but I've got a Hungarian empire to my north that's too strong for me to fight (12k) and an even stronger growing abysinnian empire (19k) that conquered most of arabia coming closer to my eastern border
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if you stop being house head you can form a new house.
sounds like he's conflating the original aryans of the pontic steppe with turks
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Alphabet version that I intended to post (why do I have two of these?)
Again, wouldn't it make more sense if they had a collective origin in the aryans of the Pontic Steppe?
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Just heisted a Count's entire treasury. It was easy actually, when you get above 20+ Intrigue you can pass all the checks with 95% confidence, this also applies to the intrigue checks for the other criminal contracts, such as arson and the one where you search 3 baronies. But you can see I still got one 5% breach, one more and I would have been done for. If my math is correct, I had a 40% chance of breaching once for the 10 consecutive skill checks I did.
i got thrown in to jail 2 times doing this
I feel like 70 years and 2 generations into the landless game I've seen everything it actually has to offer. I haven't tried out all the camp types, but don't feel like they will be all that different.
Also explorer camp is pretty underwhelming, I only got one treasure map type of quest which involved going from Alexandria to Tangeirs which is barely even an exploration.
I don't think they knew about the Indo-Europeans yet
While reveling at camp to celebrate the successful heist a peddler came by and offered two artifacts. I bought one and noticed when the trader's event ended he didn't 'vanish without a trace.' When your camp purpose is Freebooting, the Supply Tent has a Subdued Gear internal upgrade which unlocks the Master Thief camp officer position, which unlocks the Steal Artifact interaction, so I was able to start and succeed a steal artifact scheme on the trader and steal his other item. Since the trader is just a defenseless wanderer you get a very large boost to scheme success chance, I think it was like +40.
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The patchnotes mention 'Rulers who lose all their land may become adventurers.' Is this only for the AI? I was a count when I became unlanded and I had no option to become an adventurer. Maybe you need a high prestige level or gold or something.
It also mentions 'various ways for unlanded characters to spontaneously become adventurers during gameplay.' This never happened to me either. This should be tested by making an immortal character, becoming an unlanded wanderer, and just leaving the game on maximum speed and seeing if anything happens.
intrigue is the best learning tree
the only problem is when you specialize your house in it everyone starts assassinating each other
Lagerqvist based his theory on the Ynglinga-saga, written down by Snorre Sturlasson ~early 1200's, you can find it online
Odin came from Asia (Snorri makes a connection between asia and aesir, and the capital of Asa-land being Asgård). Asia is east of the land to the north of the Black sea, (Rus) but what he confusingly calls the great/cold Svithjod (Sweden). Rus was ofc. ruled by the descendants of swedish vikings like rurik.
Snorri writes that Odin did own alot of land in 'Tyrkland' (land of the turks), south of a great mountain area.
Roman chieftains were by then expanding and subjecting peoples in all directions, Odin traveled to- and eventually became a ruler in Sweden.
Second other mention of Tyrkland is when another king goes on a 5-year travel 'out to the land of the turks and Svithjod the great' (Rus) and finds relatives.
a discredited later historiography follows that Odin etc. were originally kings from asia which later became worshipped as gods
Probably broken. I've had lords I displaced form a camp or whatever and swear to reclaim their land from me.
When will every total conversion mod have landless play?
Only Princes of Darkness seems like it has a competent dev team not infested with bickering troons, so I'd say they get it done in 2 weeks or so, while the rest are at least a month away.
You can become an adventurer at any time with the Vows of Poverty tenet as long as you arent higher than a duke and your land is not bigger than 3 counties.
I dont really see the point. Playing that small is really limiting and it takes less than 30 years of one's life to become a king, the only situation i see it coming in to play is if you loose your land and decide to say fuck it all ill be a hobo, but wasting a tenet for that...
Asceticism too
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Let's see
Will obviously put out something great
>Elder Kings 2
Will probably have a bunch of corny memes and jokes from the games, but they'll be able to implement something good
>LOTR: Realms in Exile
Will have very expansive mechanics because this shit is practically built to simulate Fellowship.
They'll add some flavours. It'll be obnoxious.
You'll be able to play as a poor native rapefugee trying to survive le bad imperials that are all dead anyway and the writing will do it's best to paint you as a sympathetic figure. The mod will remain unfinished.
Do adventurers still slow the game to a crawl or have they fixed it already
>Guys did they fix the game without releasing a new patch yet?
You should fucking pray they won't touch anything else than performance, because both adventurers and estates are retardedly powerful now and 99% of fun of adventuring comes from how broken it is
>and an even stronger growing abysinnian empire
Marry them, you retard. Any game where Ethiopia and/or Nubia get their shit together are the games where you can take out the caliphates
.... for what fucking purpose?
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I'm genuinely surprised. LoD was fucking trash, and dev diaries for RoP were so-so... but the actual end result is fucking great. Once they patch the shit out of adventurers and memory leaks (to say fucking nothing about CPU drag), this is going to be easily the best DLC, outdoing TaT by a fuck-huge margin
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Now that they've tested off-map characters and buildings, along with adventuring and having movement mechanics since TaT, I expect nothing short but republics and nomads soon. Not to mention there are tools to mod both into the game right now. Nuff stuff
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Feels good to be a part of a 0%
Why would you adopt it, when you can just play with Byzboob to see how it works and then stay for next 2-5 days there?
because im not a romaboo
can continue as an adventurer after my death, and as a favorite child too which is lucky
this is great, could do so much more during a playthrough, not just tied to one place forever
Why is battle result prediction so fucking delusional now? It used to be quite reliable.
a lot of new countries i havent seen much before
geopolitics is completely fucked up
Paradox decided to make advantage 5 times more impactful for some reason so now battles are absurd
there should be something in the game to establish/discover new holy places for your religion
especially now when you have a lot more mobility and would like to remain faithful to your original religion but is very limited in what you can do without them
>I am retarded
>This is game's fault
>I want to stick to my religion and customs and get their benefits
>But I want to move somewhere else
Are you by chance a Paki living in Glasgow?
go away retard
i was only pretending
the Caliphate is already pretty much neutralized they have like 2k troops
Guardians of Azeroth made a dev post and said it would likely be around late October.
You have it half right.

Odin would predate Scandinavian rus obviously, and the asia-land and turk-land he was from, would be the aryan Pontic steppe and he would’ve been an ancient aryan horse nomad from what was now (in snorris time) turkland, but during the time of the legendary odin, was aryan land
Because I like the way it looks.
stupid mf made a typo and thinks he's a scholar
Why the fuck is my war contribution stuck at 0 despite winning multiple fights and sieges?
What about non fantasy mods?
There's only a few non-fantasy full conversions, and I already listed ATE. Fallen Eagle comes to mind, and I think they'll be able to adapt the DLC in a matter of days there. It's really just a matter of using the framework to make something acceptable, or somehow nerf non-landed characters because they're crazy powerful and are almost immune to a game over.
Whenever AGoT expands East the system should be good for Dany as well.
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Me trying to play an Intrigue based adventurer with a irl luck stat of 2.
serious doubt based on their pace on everything else
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Being a landed ruler is a specific requirement for the decision to become an adventurer. Well, for this specific decision at least. I'm ignorant if there are other different decisions to become an adventurer, but it seems they do exist according to this anon >>1859274
I'm about to do the immortal unlanded wanderer test, let's see if anything happens.
How am I supposed to do landless early game? All the fucking scheme contracts take like 6 years and I still only get a 30% chance
Get more and better goons
>seduce 16 year old Muslim in Andalusia
>can't elope because different religion
>kidnap her and marry her that way
>Kidnap and eat the pope later
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Are there any historical precedents for mercenary captains being granted feudal titles during Middle Ages?
The Catalan Company seized land from the ERE and ruled for like 10 years after they backstabbed the company commander Roger de Flor and murdered him.
In the Middle East it was an every day occurrence. Like 5000 bazillion turkic landless mercenaries and brigands got awarded land from Persia to Egypt just by doing good in battle
Also dont forget to spec your camp for it and mostly take those contracts.
How do you get new goyim for cheap? Hiring at a castle is always around 100 coin mana which sucks.
>Shogunate mod
>Play as a Ronin or a Strategist looking for a lord to serve
I bet that Ashikaga Yoshiaki will be a landless adventurer.
Try the camp revelry feast. While I was partying 3 yokels approached and wanted me to hire them for free or I could have made them even pay me 50G to join me, and then another event where a peasant wanted me to take him with us.
Might actually play that mod now. I love the landless play in odanobunagas ambition
The struggle of decentralized kingdoms and empires to control roving military forces is one of the most defining aspects of the game period. I know people are complaining how easy it is to get land, but if you were capable of commanding a few thousand soldiers then yes even large empires were very willing to listen to you. Believe it or not people with thousands of soldiers under their command are intimidating. The most unrealistic thing about landless isn't how easy it is to get land, it's how easy it is to get and maintain soldiers.
Agreed, men at arms need to cost a monthly amount of gold, or at least cost a ton when raised. People would bitch though, cause you’d be sent into the negative a lot.
>go to rome
>do a random 1 star contract
>hook on the pope
Now I can get a free claim on literally any title in the Catholic world. I could claim the whole HRE if I got some more piety (the rescue fair subject contract is broken and always gives you 500 piety so it's pretty easy to do that too)
Thats something they should add an option for in the game setup. If you want MAA to cost passive wages when not raised as an adventurer.
>starting as Messalianism (incestuous christianity) landless
>go around doing odd jobs
>start converting duchies/counties I visit
>see the Byz emp got converted to Iconoclasm
>go convert him to MY religion
>he starts a holy war against bulgaria
>I join with only 200 troops
>bulgaria king gives me a duchy if I leave the war
yeah no thanks, I'm schmoozing up the emperor
Is there any way to conquer shit for family members as an adventurer other than crusades? I could conquer it myself then become an adventurer again but that resets my camp buildings to zero
When I was 16 and got Hoi4, I had 500 hours with no mods or dlc. I would play something like fascist Siam, completely generic focus tree, and just mess around. The mechanics were novel to me then so I didn't know that how I was playing was objectively garbage. I did the same thing in CK3 but figured out it was awful in only half the time.
When I was 16 I was playing HoI3. My mom came in and asked what I was doing, I told her it's 1936 and I'm Japan. 6 hours later she came in and asked again and I said it's 1940 and I'm Japan.
When I was 16 I was getting pussy, lmaoing at you incel chud loser democrats
102 years old, 69 years of being an unlanded wanderer. Not a single event happened in those 69 years. 69 years of almost zero interaction from me the player. 69 years of zero gameplay. I spontaneously gained a few new traits, but they just appeared out of thin air for seemingly no reason, no flavorful event popped up or anything when I gained them. Clearly players are not meant to be unlanded wanderers, there is zero gameplay whatsoever. It's strange how this DLC is about being a landless Adventurer, and you can now keep playing if you become landless, yet if you're landless you can't become an adventurer, the fuck?? Doesn't it make sense to be able to become an adventurer after losing your titles so you can create a great riches-to-rags-to-riches comeback story?
Out of pure random chance and zero choice or input from me my character joined an Adventurer, changing the decisions available to me. When I saw that big Organize your conspiracy button I thought I was about to do something interesting for the first time in hours and maybe even become an Adventuerer. Nope. Teased and blueballed so hard, the tooltips don't even tell you why all the decisions are invalid.
I will clarify that the traits I gained randomly over the decades were Berserker, Flagellant, Journaller, Contrite, Poet, and Scarred. All other traits I added in the character creator so I would have all the health boosters so wouldn't get sick and die and end the test prematurely.
I am now going to marry and see if I can have kids and if that will make anything happen.
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I'm first in line to inherit my Adventurer liege's camp title, so I murdered him and successfully inherited it. I even got to keep his leveled up Camp buildings. So it is technically possible for an unlanded wanderer player to become an Adventurer. You simply need impossibly lucky RNG to have your character randomly wander around and join an Adventurer, then inherit his title.
This murder was just to see what happens and is non-canon so I'm reverting to a save made beforehand. But I'm willing to bet my adventurer liege will soon die of his own accord and I'll inherit his camp anyway.
they're pretty quick at updating for DLC, it's adding their own stuff that takes forever.
doing mercenary work is painful, in fact, the most painful gaming experience ive ever had. i guess its good when you have like 2000 troops, but i just waited like 11 years in an incredibly easily winnable war but the ai are such fucking pussies and wont fight the enemy who have like 400 more troops, even when we could be defending in mountains. just restarded the game because i wasted like a 6th of my life for like 30 gold.
Just leave bro, as long as you get your 100 contribution it's enough
Btw you can switch sides in the war if your AI is being stupid. I don't know if it works with contracts or only the regular merc "offer assistance"
Just curious, how does culture/religion work with adventurers? Can you travel somewhere to pick up another religion/culture? Can you travel to France with a Norseman and just convert to Norman?
You can adopt the local culture pretty easily (there's frequent events and a decision) and it's trivial to convert to another religion as it usually is in CK3, just marry a rando and adopt faith or pay the piety cost.
You can't diverge or hybridize new cultures since they're technically not present in your realm, but you can make new religions.
What that anon said. You can convert to the culture of the land your Camp is in for 250 prestige at any time.

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