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What's your opinion on how early game Escann plays out, both for players and AIs?
How would you improve it and what kind of formeables or ideas would you like seeing implemented?
The next steam release will be on the 13 of December
It's a shame they don't have more people like Auirus who can actually develop stuff. The mod quality is gonna hit the rock bottom once troons will get him ousted because he hurt they/them feelings once by accident. If he had his own mod I would play that instead
Discuss Anbennar, not discord
Thank god I dont know how to use discord to see all that bullshit.

On a side note, there's a lot of progress on the Rahen side of things. The Bhauvari MT (which apparently god some pretty big adjustments) and Pasiragha are there and now they are making content for the republics on the western coast. I still don't quite like the colonialism dynamic they're having with the tags on the other side of the sea, but I guess it will improve over time as they get developed.
wtf are you even talking about
>Thank god I dont know how to use discord to see all that bullshit.
How do you know about BB trees and development?
I tried to work with these people, I really did. But they are so incredibly sanctimonious and joyless. One little joke "Varina did nothing wrong" and they freaking lost their mind.
anyone tried the new counts league MT? how is it?
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What is it about Busilar that makes them the only successful Cannorian nation by Vic 3 timeline?
Superior sarhali genes
Played my first Anbennar Campaigns last days...
Really nice. It feels like i am playing for the first time again. Really noce thoughtout stuff and everything.

1. Silentblade orcs(300k Manpower in 1489lol)
2. Asheniande (went better than my Coruvia Campaign...but what is this adventurer Ravenwatch? Sre they only formale through Ravenbanner?
Man.. i started ss them yesterday, show strength 4x times... then an orc settled right infront of me with the 10.0ducats Mana tradegood. But i cant fucking it right infront of me... i can take all other tho
3. GAWED. Good battle against the french

What else to play?
...he's been sitting on some of the most important content in the mod for almost years now. If you take a look at what he's actually developed, the list is fairly slim.
There are people who are development powerhouses (Elefante, Ditto, etc), but Auirus' greatest contributions by far have been review-related, despite him being an ass about it.
yes we know your ass is still sore bonbonny but aren't you tired of ranting already?
Adshaw, Azjakuma, Jaddari and the one light blue ogre tribe in the plains.
Don't you get tired of strawmanning and chasing ghosts after a while?
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i wanted to play inside the walls. why is there a goldmine outside
Not gonna hide it anymore. I would absolutely rape Bonbonny. She's made for my big hobgoblin cock.
Fuck this dumbass thread
Oops wrong reply
>Lorent rework
I can definitely appreciate it being a nerf but if they don't tweak Gawed in the same update things are going to get very messy. And there's no concrete work done on Gawed, is there?
I want to be a White Reachman noble prince and impregnate my orc wife over and over
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away with you vile beggar
>take 3 provinces
>90 AE with the entire EoA
Escann is fun!!!
but Varina really did nothing wrong. Esthil -> BD is not a canon path
it's 1466, no one outside of Escann has vision over there to be mad at it.
>close your eyes
>kill someone
>no one is mad at you because you don't se them
AE depends on who you are able to see not the opposite
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yeah noone cared... can i form another nation then Castellyr. like black castanoria or sth. i let the patricians stay and have now 3 megaprovinces
Isn't it canon that most Businori look like mediterranean people?
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Originally yes. The idea for the Businori was Sarhali tribes migrated over and mixed with the natives to varying degrees to create a hybrid race that's darker than their neighbours
I'm guessing the V3 screenshot is just a placeholder using the vanilla Vicky 3 african ethnicity then
Blackanor is only formable by Urviksten IIRC (and doesn't have any flavor)
and no not really, Count's League IS Castellyr
I don't think most of that background info is still accurate. Tefori have had a complete lore redo since that was published at any rate due to the CK3 dev team. Plus apparently the guy in charge of Busilar lore and dev for Vicky is a full on BBC warrior dude enthusiast.
This is not true anymore, Businori are Cannorians with Bulwari and minor Sarhali influence
>AE depends on who you are able to see not the opposite
god this game is dogshit
Early-game Escann is utterly boring and if the formables weren't so nice no one would tolerate it.

They need to add Orc and Goblin formables equivalent to Castanor and Black Demesne.

You are NOT permitted to write jokes or to use sarcasm in any shape or form (People may be offended or take sarcasm literally. If you ABSOLUTELY must, add an /s, or use the OH_GERD, OMEGAGERD, or Obrtroll emojis)

You are NOT permitted to argue with others nor to point out anyone who may have been troublesome to interact with (They may take it personally and their feelings may be hurt. ESPECIALLY NOT REVIEWERS, each of them is precious and you CANNOT dispute their 'suggestions' or 'views' even if it worsens or completely changes whatever you're working on.)
Got a halfling itch, was there any addition or change to halflings since Newshire's tree?
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looking clean
how is it that winds always only blow towards the island and not everywhere else from that stupid blue desert
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It's in, I repeat, another dwarf MT is in.
>Women rework
did they finally remove women?
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colonial lizardfolx empire, seems pretty cool at first glance
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i have no idea, but fuck them. maybe here is some hidden necromancer
Vic3 Anbennar looks like the most uninteresting shit ever
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Yeah, they should have went with my idea instead
why are you collecting in mteibhas and ameion and not transferring? Does it actually work out to more income because I don't think it would?
this font gave me cancer. Bonbonny and Auikys can suck my dragon cock. >>1856754
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oh fugg. yeah of course over 50% in Kheionai means, i have to steer trade. when i am under 50%, i collect i simply collect in the other nodes
The lizards finally have a MT? Is it any good?
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>Nation has national ideas
>Nation has mission tree
>Nation has established lore

"Let's just discard all of that and rework everything, lol lmao."

As always, the concept of 'you shouldn't do this, it's bad' (reworks) only applies to the lower classes. People higher-up can just do whatever the fuck they want.

(Yes, almost every idea has something about Bulwar. Yes, whatever they come up with probably won't have Ourdia crusading into Bulwar, because fuck you you can't invade my region.)
Good to see a major hold in the east get a MT.
We're closer to seeing all of the Serpentspine holds get MTs. Ovdal-az-An appears to be a candidate for the next dwarven MT, albeit after the update drops.
CK3 landless adventurers has to be perfect for Anbennar adventurers, doesnt it?

Whats wrong with the magehold with marines?
Nah Ovdal-az-An looks to be coming in this update as well, it got everything approved and is partly coded
Nah Gilly is chill it should be fine
sussy baka
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it breaks my heart to break the alliance my friend
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RIP bozo, you truly were the worse of us
This is hubris. You have a third of Gawed's soldiers and no defensive terrain.
The Eagle shall put you in your place, foolish Reachman.
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Good thing that transphobic chud is gone. Anbannar is a safe place for everyone.
blah blah another faggot got banned on trooncord for calling the kettle black

everyone who uses trooncord should just get shot
is this real
Give the humans an option to pull a Reconquista and kill all the orcs as punshment for the Greentide
Just started playing this mod, dwarves are cool. I'm playing the northern dwarves and got the anvil's fracture expedition. I keep hitting "webbed off entrance" despite savescumming thinking it was my choices. Is there something I need to bypass the wall that I don't yet have?

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