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Hello Anons, I’m still working on the game Hypercoven. https://filmstars.itch.io/hypercoven
I’m making a small campaign now, so far there are two missions (play in browser), this is your opportunity to give feedback. To recap the base game idea
>there are no resources, rather you directly capture factories that produce units
>instead of making workers, you create buildings that make your units stronger
>you can also collect items on the map to improve your units
>only loss condition is death of the King unit
>graphics are placeholders
The campaign is only in the browser version so far, if you download the game you get two other solo modes that are randomized challenges with leaderboards. There is also multiplayer.
...so it's like an arcade strategy kind of a thing? Interesting.
Yeah, arcade - and also very much strategic. As every base you can take on the map gives different units, there can be a trade-off of getting better units, but a weaker position. I’m also making a good amount of complex units to accompany the a-move cannon fodder, so that frontlines can be slow-moving and tactical.
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>graphics are placeholders
you lost me
>bwoink! gazoots! *anime lasers*
No thanks, faggot. Get some consistency into your art-style before shilling your game.
>t. no taste
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>all that effort spent on lasers only to have them called anime
this is neat, keep up the good work
Gave it a small try, and I can't say I'm convinced by the concept.
Maybe that's just me, maybe it's missing something to make the sauce work, dunno.

>>graphics are placeholders
Do you have some plans for that at least?
Good theming can do wonders for an RTS.
Keep getting out of memory errors
I have a shitty computer so maybe it's that.
Can you elaborate what you played / how it felt?
As you don’t have to click to make units, I think many people are feeling that the play is to just sit and wait. That is actually not really the play, but it’s maybe not well conveyed.
>Do you have some plans for that at least?
>Good theming can do wonders for an RTS.
I got a number of ideas, but they all cost a lot of time or money. I don’t feel it’s worth it as long as the concept alone can’t convince at least a few people.

Playing native or browser version? Native probably needs more than 4G VRAM. Shouldn’t need much ordinary RAM though.
Yeah, native.
>Can you elaborate
Played the browser version.
No clear objective so I just followed the walls.
Encountered a camp in the east corner, it got converted to me somehow after destroying a building.
But then it de-converted when I moved away?
Moved west corner, same deal, except a few mobs in the spawn circle stayed inactive and non-attack-able.
Started moving north and got bored.

Mostly my main problem with it is confusion.
The spawn camps need a clear flag/monument to capture (ala DoW1?), the units should spawn close to it instead of having 10km between each other which make it a pain to grab them all - probably with a visual indicator of when the next wave will spawn.
The bonus item defended by the rooftop goblins break the flow if only your king can move them, I didn't bother. Maybe make them invincible units who switch side to whatever the closest unit is to keep them as something people will fight over, but now they can just get in position by themselves if uncontested.

Once again, maybe the game just isn't for me, might be better to stick to your vision than bastardize it.
Okay nevermind: replayed it with coffee, to finish the mission this time.
The camps don't de-convert, it's just that losing all view source on it made me think so.
The ambushes from high ground are nice but how fog of war react with cliffs is weird, it should be at least one tile "deeper" because sometime you don't even see the wall when in range. Had that same problem with the building in the robot camp: couldn't click on it to see what it did until a unit made a complete circle around it - could see some tile of it but not the whole building despite being right next to it.

Not sure why you are limiting the number of units per group selection like in SC1, when the gameplay really favor a deathball approach.
Pathfinding is also weird on long-range orders. Sometime units just won't move at all even if there isn't much in the way. Work well on small/med range orders.
I get this is an early mission an you are supposed to roflstomp it, but could you make a mission that's actually challenging so we can get a better idea of what is expected to play the game "properly"?
'cause right now it's just "walk into each camps, throw free flow of units until stuff on the other side get grinded away". There isn't much tactic or even brain needed, bar the initial "how the fuck does this work" moments.
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Ty, good points. Yeah, the camps are like capture points, you need to stick around a bit with the king to fully take control. There is a progress bar on the king itself, when selecting it, but should probably be more prominent overall. Kinda good idea with the monument.
>No clear objective so I just followed the walls.
Working as intended, I guess.
Also helpful notes.
I think a bunch of things are just designed too try-hard, like the vision bounds, constraints on item collection, etc. I will tone it down.
>Not sure why you are limiting the number of units per group selection like in SC1, when the gameplay really favor a deathball approach.
This was also a try-hard thing, I already added F2 now to select all fighters and if you add units with shift-select you can also go over the limit. I hope I can rein in the deathball effectiveness though.

>could you make a mission that's actually challenging
If you download the native version, there is something called Invasion Mode, imho it plays very dynamic and challenging (on Normal/Hard).
Right now the game seems to be:
Move the units to the fighting or into the FoW if you can't see any enemies
Retreat if things go bad and move units from the covens to your army
Advance if things go well and move units from the covens to your army
Use your head guy to move items to your covens when you find them.

I like the items the most, but they're kind of annoying to have to pick up and move around.
I think you should remove the fog of war or something: wasting time looking for enemies while your covens are full seems unnecessary.
You played Conquest? The scouting and coordination aspect is kinda the only challenge in it, I feel without fog it would be stupider, idk. Also recommend making an envoy with the king. I hope with the campaign to create sth. more linear in where to go, and less braindead in how to get there.
>wasting time looking for enemies while your covens are full
You can also create buildings. The cost of a building is that it pauses unit production while it spawns–so on a full coven it’s basically free / makes it so the time is not wasted.
>>You can also create buildings
Didn't see that.
>the summoning circles are actually production buildings with rally points & alternative production, and not just doodles on the ground
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New version
>controlled spawners now give vision
>building on neutral terrain requires vision only on center of construction
>remove cap on unit selection in all cases
>improve cliff vision situation

>Pathfinding is also weird on long-range orders. Sometime units just won't move at all even if there isn't much in the way.

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