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Age of Empire 2 campaignbros, we're eating good.
at this point just give us also the remaining AOE1 Campaign for ROR cause nobody will play AOE1 DE anymore with all of this antiquity in 2
I hope they make a version set in the early modern period because AoE3 campaigns fucking suck.
After adding AOE 1 in AOE 2, they are adding AOE 1.5 in AOE 2. I am fine with it but giff chink split already
>no ranked civ

lol dedge

>at this point just give us also the remaining AOE1 Campaign for ROR cause nobody will play AOE1 DE anymore with all of this antiquity in 2

the aoe1 campaigns on RoR are absolute garbage. I have played them and the AI is literally retarded beyond belief.
>the Sparta poster was right all along
its that bad, eh?
let a nigga enjoy things

the original AOE1 campaigns ported to RoR are unplayable trash, the AI is garbage, and you can win most of the maps in less than 10 minutes
the RoR exclusive campaigns actually feel like well done campaigns using the limitations of AOE1 but most of the time you wish you were playing with the AOE2 tech tree instead
>Reminder that spartan sissies had to crawl and beg so their persian masters would fund them otherwise they would get humiliated by superior athenian intelect
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>More DLC for a 25 years old game
Tie me to a missile and fire me at Micro$oft. I am ready.
This is what AoE 2 return of Rome should have been. Antiquity civs with AoE2 mechanics.
Is making DLCs for old games somewhat bad idea?
it's just a commie mad that LTV is nonsense

>how dare you produce content for a game that people are happy to pay for
Damn that looks good
when are they adding celts, germans, huns, and scythians to aoe1
>sparta graciously declines to raze athens to the ground despite having every opportunity and reason to
>you still get athens pissbabies crying that their favorite irrelevant city state should have won
>in current year
the absolute state of so called “civilized” people
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Georgians got nerfed, Elephants got buffed, Scorpions got ballistics. What more can you ask for?
Other than chinese split of course
"you liked dynasties of India, we take note"...

2 years after we are still waiting. All the last 4 dlc are pure crap.
I didn't like Dynasties of India.
Same. It didn't split Indians enough.
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>Battle for Greece as the subtitle
So, if this sells well we are getting more of these self-contained Chronicles dlcs with custom civs and campaigns, right?Start your wishlists
Same time period could definitely get Thracians, Gauls, Scythians, Carthage, Assyrians... the list is endless yet again.
>Start your wishlists
Anything after the AoE2 timeframe. Preferrably the Manchu conquest of China, the 30 Years' War or the Franco-Prussian War.
I just want something for the Crusades.
>athens wins 20 times in a row and protects all of greece from persia multiple times.
>sparta finally wins once and acts like they're so superior

good joke
>we heard you dweebs like infantry, well here's your infantry dlc
Age of Chivalry: Hegemony port, with graphically accurate 1 range pikemen.
>Start your wishlists
The forbidden one
Galactic Battlegrounds
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Too bad that faggot retired. I wanted to spam his stream with that reminder.
pre-Colombian America so they can add new American civs without the inherent goofiness of the Iroquois or Sioux or w/e having stock standard European soldiers
Thebes is better
Make something new. Make a new videogame.
>But AoE IV...
Make a GOOD new videogame.
>Make a new videogame.
They did. It's called Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
/vst/ community games when?
Is there anything wrong with continuing support of old games with content along with developing new games?
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The normal team is off making AoM more like AoE 2.
More expansions is cool but AoE2 is unfocused now
Is this AoE1 or 2? Why not just make a new game set in the classical era?
I saw this on Spirit of the Lawn!
So it's the Khmer-Polish meta now
But why do they refuse to nerf Georgians?
They literally nerfed Monaspas this very patch. Halbs at least kill them in one hit less now pretty sure which is pretty big.
>Why not just make a new game set in the classical era?
They're literally doing this in AoE2 engine instead of making a new engine from scratch.
Granted, they should sell this shit as standalone, same as RoR.
Glad he did, he had the most annoyingly condescending voice.
Its campaign only
Those ballista looking trebs look amazing
yeah the model is really cool
haven't watched redbull wollolo this fall because I had a life

was it kino?

also what is with these new announcements, we really are eatin' good
Yes and yes.
>was it kino?
They were only like 7-8' tall irl, not 20'. Not sure I'm a fan of them.
20/20 bait, The Athenians were already losing the war before Persia got involved and the Persians actively tried to fuck Sparta over and never really lent any assistance, be it in men or money.
That's what 4 should have been.
I fucking hate Nili. I hated listening to that faggot cast during Redbull.
>Make something new. Make a new videogame.
Why? So people can complain about endless spin offs?
t. Hera
Scaling has always been all sorts of fucked up in age of empires, I don't think having a trebuchet reskinned like that isn't that big of a deal.
>was it kino?
bigly, Daut owned all those losers
Oh god, who thought making a new mobileslop Age of Empires was a great idea?
Me. I designed it. Problem?
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Give me this same campaign but in Age of Mythology from the Persian side.
ew. it doesnt even have handcannoneers.
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Damn. So these things aren't real? Disappointed.
>implying they won't give it its own DE with a nuwars expansion
I already play Expanding Fronts
Was it that difficult to make different fort skins for the Athenians and the Spartans? You know, considering how every civ since LotW had a unique castle skin?
Does this stuff sells good? Is it going to be a flop?
Actual fucking niggers get the fuck out and go back to /v/
We sure are. 21 scenario campaign,hmmmm really good
Given that they have been pumping out 2 dlc every year, it seems they sell good.

I find it strange, because when i complete a campaign, very few players have completed it, but according to stats on steam, most peopel who play AoE DE play the single player mode
Campaign only DLC are new, any chance we can know how well the last one did? I want them to do well, there is plenty to do and sell on campaigns so they can make money without bloating the game even more; I don't buy them because I suck ass in campaigns
lots of campaigns means not everyone will complete them all
The single player chads are doing skirmishes against AI
I have been buying them all, i still have plenty of campaigns to play, but i buy them anyway

The eastern europe was amazing, i loved the lithuanian and polish campaigns, both the story and the scenarios.
The western europe one was also brilliant. The scicilians being in diferent eras of the same family was awesome, the britsh and burgundy campaigns were awesome to give back stories to the old AoE campaigns
I have have finished 2/3 of the india campaign. The Rajendra campaign is awesome, very fun to play.

I have been playing the campaign by year order, so now i will finally play two mountain royals campaigns in a row, the armenians and georgians.

I still have the Sforza, Vlad Dracula, the meso americans, Francisco de Almeida and the Burmese campaign to play

Then the historical battles and the victors and vanquished.

I will, it doesn't matter how long it takes me, i just don't play very often, because work, gf, gym, etc. But i will!
If the campaigns are good, and the game is perfect, why change?
If they wanted me to be interested in a new game, they they should have made AoE IV set in the 19th and 20th century, or even a sci-fimone

They made another.medieval game, so no thanks, i have DE for that
people play skirmishes instead of campaigns
people use cheats
people don’t buy every dlc
there’s multiple reasons
Not everyone who has the game plays it.

Many such cases.
Since we dont have an Age4 thread, today's season update confirmed that it'll get another expansion next year
>I had a life
No you dont
just make an aoe4 thread.
They don't get any responses kek
>just make a thread for a dead game in a dead board
>dead game
this is inaccurate because it implies aoe4 was ever alive
whats it like living in modern day iran persiaobsessed anon? im curious
>obsession with modern iran
No, absolutely not.
Their legacy though, is quite interesting. They took the best parts of mesopotamia and turned it into something grand. Their architecture was unmatched. A shame AoE2 gives them generic arabic architecture instead of the PERSIAN sets used by tatars and c*mans.
Georgian nerf will not do anything.
>that time during aoe4 release where all the pros where leaving aoe2 for 4
you mean got paid to play it, then the money dried up and they left.
>friend invites me to check out steam nextfest demos
>one is a action/citybuilding defense game
>farmhouses have a 3x3 grid placement while farms have a 2x2
everywhere i go, it always comes back
handcannoneerbros, infantrybros... bonus damage have put us at odds with each other but we have to stand together to deal with dev neglect...
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i stand with you, my brother.
We will prevail over the archerfag and the cavalryfag. Never give up
where do i make friends to compstomp with?

What game?
I've no idea. I just want a Zoroastranist or similar pantheon in the game.
Do you like the AoE2:DE campaigns more than the AOM:RE campaigns? I thought I'd like the latter more, because that's the only campaign I actually played through normally when I played the original games as a little girl. The AoE2 campaigns I just "played" through with "i r winner", to read the before/after cutscenes with funny voice acting.
>as a little girl
You will never be a woman.
Just finished the 1st scenario of the Armenian campaign. Loving it already
Original AoM campaign with original voice acting is 10/10 one of the best campaigns of any RTS, tied with Warcraft 3.
Now each AoE2 campaign feels different, even though they're all samey. The quality change is huge between missions and specially between campaigns.
how 2 sargon 4?
>play a game vs AI yesterday
>close game
>close PC
>play another game vs AI today without changing any map settings
>generates the EXACT same map
Should this happen?
Happened multiple times to me as well lol
You have weak seed
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what's the appeal of nomad?
you get an auto win against people who don't know how to play it
Man the Karambolage cheevo was so hard to get vs Extreme AI. Piece of shit kept conceding when I broke through his walls and destroyed his castles on Arena.
I just love that feel of getting douched by douchebag persians
start with 3 people and build an empire
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Why so much hate on steam?

Yeah, i was hopping for a Chinese dynasties, or a chinese, korean and japanese campaigns, or reconquista campaign.
But as i jept playing the scenarios, they're so much fun, long and hard. Really great content
most of the scenarios were already available for free in the workshop and only had 1 or 2 new ones. they were also a little buggy while being more expensive than other DLCs.
We want multiplayer stuff. If you aren't into ancient greece(AoE1 territory) why would you be enthused?
so many scenarios were gimmicky piece of shit
I see, i wasn't aware of that. But perhaps they were revamped?

Who's we? Stats show most people play AoE on single player. I don't play on multiplayer at all, i only play with the mouse, multiplayer requirs too many hours of training, grinding, and using the keyboard hotkeys, which i just don't bother with.

I thought they were great, it's better than the, just destroy enemy base and it's over
The scenarios are overly scripted and excessively buggy. I'll excuse that in a scenario off the workshop, but not when it's the whole feature of the DLC.
did the market nerf kill phosphoru fast castle? was the build possible before without herding 3 deer?
Too overpriced and not very polished (at launch). Also some scenarios are just too bloated.
>I thought they were great, it's better than the, just destroy enemy base and it's over
Some of them were. You can see which in this official tier list:

>kino: gaiseric, vortigern, charlemagne, robert, otto, constantine xi, fetih, nobunaga, drake
>slop: ragnar, ironside, finehair, seljuk, karlsefni, komnenos, stephen, temujin, mstislav, shimazu

Average ratings attached. Quite depressing that I played all the "S" tiers other than The Hautevilles which I watched The Viper play
It delays it by like 30 seconds max and also makes 'normal' play slower so nothing really changed.
>whipped out my penis to Satania
>browse through gelbooru as I masturbate to her
>end up nutting to some sex animation
>look at artist name
Man gotta make money somehow, since he never beating Hera (#1) or Viper (#2, getting 4-1'd by Hera every time).
Man, I was prepared to be disappointed but this is something else. Who the fuck asked for that? Why did they even bother with remaking AoE1?
>Who the fuck asked for that?
My girlfriend. She loves Greek men.
>joan of arc in A
>barbarossa in S
>jadwiga in C
kek, possibly the worst opinion ever posted on this website. Who made this tierlist? Don't answer, they're retarded and their opinion holds 0 credibility
troon face. dropped.
>Who made this tierlist?
Can you not read?
>Average ratings attached.
It's the average of ALL tiermaker submissions.
>Dracula in A
Huge empty maps, unbalanced maps, this makes no sense, it's one of the worst.
>i only play with the mouse, multiplayer requirs too many hours of training, grinding, and using the keyboard hotkeys
Uuuhhh keyboard is way easier than mouse imo, maybe because I'm 30 yo, but hotkeys are great and I use them in every game I can. Otherwise you are right, fuck civpissers
Hard agree. It's difficult to go back to old RTS after getting so used with QWERT layouts. It's just way too intuitive if you have any spatial awareness.
while some scenario were enjoyable , some are overly too long or just too samy (otto and Charlemagne are bassicaly the same map)
sauce me up fampai
Ancient Greece is kino
>Can you not read?
I can also post a picture and claim it's some mythical "average" based on data I shat out this morning into the toilet bowl
Joan of Arc is a kino story but the campaign sucks, there's a reason there's never been another campaign that keeps you locked to feudal age for half of it
>zoomie needs spoonfeeding
1) click "community rank"
2) get
Wait so what units do I actually want to make when playing as bulgarians?
stirrup hussars horse archers
cav archers
>Hera already whining about ballistics scorpions
Pack it up guys it was fun while it lasted
hera fucked my wife
Uh huh, and what's this then? I don't see you complaining when Viper does it. Anti-Hera posters once again outed as bigots.
Hera will reign for at least 9 more years as the indisputable number one, the goat. He will only stop being the #1 when he decides to focus on family and retires, Allah willing.
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>daut does less than half the actions than hera does
>only 2 of the top 5 are elite players
>half of top ten are pros and only three of those are elite
>literally who is first
Konniks from your several Kreposts
Mix in some skirmishers and eventual monk.
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Is that Mesopotamia?
Yes but it's AoE2, not AoM.
Yeah it's Persia.
No, you just hate fun.
waiter! waiter! more
anons who hate the waiter! waiter! meme please!!
But then nowadays true Greeks side with the Persians/Iranians.
whats the V stand for
VSniper Monkey
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Would giving slight range to the base AoE2 spearline be a good idea and make them more useful?
Kamayuks exists and they are not metabreaking
And no, good infantry is still infantry at the end, easily countered, leanning towards not really
I believe all melee units should get some sort of partial range.
Yes even cavalry.
Yeah spear line should have two range.
Original greeks have all been replaced long ago, as did persians and every other "glorious" people from classical age, its all rape baby lineages who live there now, there's really no difference at all between a turk, a greek and a iranian nowadays, beside larping
X to doubt. Norman conquest barely changed the genetics of Britannia
>spear rushing my opponent
>vill tries to quickwall
>wall hack and poke his eyes out
Heh, nothing personell
trans folx have the best ideas:)
>Same happens to archers which often have more attack than infantry
>No one cares
>archers which often have more attack than infantry
What the fuck is an antiquity fishing ship and why are they a thing? since when?
It's from the upcoming DLC.
If you mean in AoE2, it's a bug.
It's identical to a regular fishing ship in all ways that matter, and it's a known bug. Ignore it.
Finished the Thoros the Great campaign. I loved it, i am going to add it to my top 10 campaigns.

I never once sided with Mlech
>Hand Cannoneer attack: 17

>Halberdier attack: 6+4
The Normans were knights and adventurers not literal hordes of nomadic people in search of Lebensraum.
If modern Greeks are the descendants of ancient Greeks then where are the Solons, the Platos and the Archimedeses? The only thing they inherited from the Hellenes of old is faggotry, and that's obviously not transmitted genetically.
>Hand cannons
>Made from the archery range
>Benefit from archer upgrades
>Not archers
Next you're going to tell me skirmishers aren't archers.

Still, Arbalesters deal more damage than Halberdiers.
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speaking of hand cannoneers, can they get buffed please?
Seriously considering adding "hand cannoneers" to the filter. Get a new bit, dude.
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Celts should get bombards.
mmmmmmmm no
aoe4 is good you contrarian faggot
No it's not
AoE4 would be ok if AoE2 DE didn't exist.
>Made from the archery range
>Benefit from archer upgrades
>Does not use a bow to propel an arrow, relies on combustion and explosion to propel a much smaller and different projectile
very simple stuff anon, hand cannoneers are not archers. They are hand cannoneers
nta but it also takes anti-archer bonus damage thoughver
seems like a bug or design issue on the developer's side
Can I have a list of campaigns that are not cancer? Or at least a few that I can start trying now?
Lords of the West.
Dawn of the Dukes is the best for 3 sequential campaigns.
i didnt like roman campaign very much
never played aoe 1, have no nostalgia, this stuff was outdated and primitive
give me more hussites, or some of the indian missions, something interesting
i remember it being original
The RoR campaigns are among the best in AoE2. You are gay.
Havent played them all yet, but I can tell you for certain that so far the Berbers campaign has been the worst I've ever played so far.
>4 out of 5 scenarios are the same
>kill all enemies that have infinite resources and spam armies non stop
>scenario 4 is some go from point a to b mission you can cheese with your hero unit clearing the way
>historically they made all the way to France in the last scenario and were then btfo by Charles Martel like a year later in Tours
I'd play them in order, but my person favorite is Dawn of the dukes. Lords of the west being a runner up, and Kotyan Khan (Cumans) being a fun campaign, that you really are fucked if the Mongols catch you.
Also native iberians as Italians and Spanish instead of Romans.
>we wuz romans
wait til this guy learns that the roman empire had african citizens
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never gets old lol
Thebes was full of homos.
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It also looks like a stock photo, "Italian-American and Black man", traced over and with Roman costumes.
Made by complete hacks
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cool campaign, but kind of a downer that ending
My favorite campaigns i have played so far:

1. Kotyan Khan
2. Ivaylo
3. El Cid
4. Algirdas and Kestutis & Jadwiga
5. Thoros II
6. Barbarossa
7. The Hautevilles
8. Le Loi
9. Atila the Hun
10. The Grand Dukes of the West

Least favorite campaigns

1. Tariq ibn Ziyad
2. Bari
3. Gajah Mada
4. Sundjata
5. Alaric

Mid: Yodit, Devapala, Suryavarman I, Tamerlane, Joan of Arc, Rajendra, Edward Longshanks, Jan Zizka, Prithviraj, Saladin, Genghis Kahn

The rest i haven't played
What makes you put Le Loi above Tamerlane?
Le Loi is hard as fuck, i love ths story. Leading the rebels in and free Vietnam from China.

I loved most scenarios. The one where we have to defeat the chinese, while protecting the allies. The one where we have to hold on the city, while protecting the civilians and military away into safety.
The battle of Hanoi is also very fun
And then finishing the campaign with A Three pronged attack and Teh final fortress scenarios which are just epic af

Tamerlane, i only really remember the Dehli conquest and the one where we obliterate the cities in the Levant to get as much gold possible as memorable
Gajah Mada is one of the best. Fuck you.
>Tamerlane, i only really remember the Dehli conquest and the one where we obliterate the cities in the Levant to get as much gold possible as memorable
I remember the one against the Ottomans because Tamerlane's speech at the end was kinda epic.
worst campaign is Ismail
>man who reunited Persia after the Mongol and Timurid conquests reduced to bumbling idiot chud who ruined everything by not listening to women
true. original AoE was supposed to be set in early middle ages or migration period. Now it's all over the place. Sucks.
Kotyan Khan is great. The campaign has apocalypse survival feel to it where for the most of it you feel from unstoppable force. This said it's quite dumb how the intro to the forth mission has a spoiler to the mission itself. I don't know why they did that.
Can't say I agree with Algirdas and Kestutis. I found this campaign too easy and forgettable. Only the second mission gave me any troubles and I think that's partly because you have to manage two bases at once. I kid you not, I can't for the love of everything recall anything about the fourth mission and I have beaten the campaign not so long time ago.
On the other hand I don't know why you dislike Alaric so much. I found it to be a fine campaign, Mostly basic build&destroy missions with one scenario on special no-building rules for a change. The siege of Rome was quite fun although iirc it could have been a bit grindy.
The Conquerors already spread the time period between Atilla the Hun and Cortez.
>On the other hand I don't know why you dislike Alaric so much. I found it to be a fine campaign, Mostly basic build&destroy missions with one scenario on special no-building rules for a change. The siege of Rome was quite fun although iirc it could have been a bit grindy.
NTA but while I enjoyed the Alaric campaign it felt like every missions was just "boom and flood with huscarls" then it turned into "boom and flood with huscarls and some trebs"
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I think it's over for me. I genuinely tried hard to get into this game for a month for nostalgia’s sake and because while watching streamers the game actually look fun to play WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THINGS (even if you lose). But shit is just frustrating. I die at the first scout rush and my eco becomes completely shit once I am forced to move a good amount of villagers to different places due to attacks. Moderate difficult bots are too easy and hard ones are too hard for some reason. Tried Immortal AI because supposedly it behaves more like a human but shit literally stomps my ass even in standard difficulty. I think I'm just going to stick to watching pros play while I eat my breakfast in the morning and also to watch the tournaments
just leave 20 games until you're at comfy ELO. 1k start is way too high with the game's current playerbase.
Watching other people play a game can definitely be more fun than playing the game, don't feel bad for doing that. You also don't need to feel bad for losing matches against the AI for playing a month, that's not enough time to grasp all the basics of this game, I think you will have a better time playing against the AI only to make sure you can properly do a build order, you can even load a game with no opponents and have fun improving in the basis, is not like you will stop dying to scout rushes, there will always be a dude that can make good use of his units. Also, playing campaigns can be a good way to take a break, people here were just talking about which campaigns are actually good so you could try that as well.
This is the official rank. If you disagree you are gay.
Oh, Rajendra is absolutely peak. Nothing like seeing the protagonist going from an idealistic naive hero to a villainous scheming warmonger.
the game is literally just meta repetition forever, going through the motions. Good for you for realizing that before you sank 3000 hours into this retarded treadmill with no end or reward
Should've played AoE4, which is a lot more accessible, or AoM, which is unbalanced fun by design.
AoE2 is for sweatlords who have been playing the same game for literally 25 years (1999).
Just play the campaigns and have fun at your own pace
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A brutal beating
My pride, beaten and bleeding on the ground
Can someone with Victors and Vanquished tell me if you're able to build towers on Vortigern? I see it in playthroughs, but I can't build them ingame.
There has been no genetic shift in Greece since the age of antiquity, you will never be white mehmet.

You can Google this, it’s not a debate. We have the genetic info
They are wasting two guys to douche your ass, teamscore is ahead, just run away, collect a little stone, make a lumber camp and you will have enough for a new town center.
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We still brutally lost, teal first, then grey, then me, the only one that managed to survive without losing TC was blue, but then purple got to imp and flooded us all with sicilian cavaliers

Like a retard I decided to maa trush red that was to the north of me, directly douching grey (somehow he was losing the TC fight as byzantines), my rush did not do much, then yellow and orange both TC dropped me when my MAAs were away at red's base and did not had enough stone to counter the TCs.
Became a nomad for solid 5 to 7 minutes, and right when I was starting to come back, purple fucked us all
Lost 2 team ELO so that's that, I guess.
>back from aom
now we have a guy who posts actual screenshots.
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I'm still playing AoM, will just play AoE2 in the weekends
Infantry in AoM is good and viable, something I cannot say for AoE2
Truth be told I'm having more fun playing AoM than this game
Don’t know why people play multiplayer. Seems like the worst game ever for multiplayer with the worst meta slave min max player base ever who play in the least fun ways possible.
this but for eu4
I mean you're technically not wrong, archers flank scout pocket is literally unbeatable in terms being the best strat, and in nomad Spanish/Persian meta is aids.
Still I do derive some enjoyment going against the meta, most of the times I'm just banging my head against the wall but when it works out the dopamine hit is amazing.
I do MAA trush flank + Scout pocket and until high team ELO it kinda works
And also Every strategy game ever
this but for baseball
wow, more slop
cringe take
milking a game that doesn't need any dlc and was already good
Keeping the game active and alive, and more content is always welcome (if done correctly)
based take
cringe take
cringe take
i'm dying of cringe from your comments
Cringe take. Name 10 non-slip strategy game expansions from 2024 to prove you aren’t bait posting
yikes, just stop before you embarrass yourself more. I have never played this game past the conquerors expansion.
Yeah the mainline AoE series didn't have the best infantry. AoM and SWGB had infantry that would carry you throughout.
In AoM cavalry isn't that much faster than infantry, that's how the keep viability.
It's a mixbag of things, honestly
First, most cavalry has a speed of 6, most infantry has 4 or 4,5; infantry focused gods can have infantry with 5 speed or even 5,5. That's pretty decent. Enough to keep the cavalry speed advantage but still fast enough to keep the chase.
Second, buildings in AoM are made of paper mache, a house or a quickwall will stop a melee unit dead on it's tracks, melee units can just blow a breeze on a building and it will go down easily. Quickwalling is not a thing in AoM.
And third, and most import of all: Archer micro is VERY nerfed. Archers in AoM have a long attack animation, and if you constantly issue commands you will waste a lot of archers DPS. They still have a lot of DPS if they just stand still and fire, so you HAVE to respect an archer deathball, but they still need support because they cant micronerd everything.
If I had to make a comparsion with AoE2 units, think it like a british longbowmen, cant micro for shit but unless you jump them, they gonna murder your army with relative ease.
>buildings in AoM are made of paper mache
Maybe that's what makes me prefer AoE1 over AoE2.
Turtling should be more about high-damage towers and not high-hp buildings.
Did not play much AoE1 but I remenber towers being shit except ballista towers
the fuck are you niggers on about, Bari is kino
the goat campaign
Super new to the game and have two questions, is there an easy way to select/find all my military units and also how do I have my trebuchets and onargers and shit not kill my own doods
>is there an easy way to select/find all my military units
Yes, check the shortcuts configuration, don't know the default
>how do I have my trebuchets and onargers and shit not kill my own doods
Paying attention and micro, the only way
>how do I have my trebuchets and onargers and shit not kill my own doods
Attack ground, and I don't even know if it is possible to treb your own dudes
Unless they're Briton Warwolfs
I was using trebuchet loosely, whatever the regular catapults are called, they shred my own units
I think it'd be cool if some unique infantry (like karambits, for example) could have a SC2 zealot charge-like attack to close the gap on ranged and cavalry units
Anyone know of any strats that make games chaotic as soon as possible? I like to vill rush and tc drop but these don't work on closed maps.
I think it'd be cool if you didn't post any more.
Me again. Just beat the Kotyan campaign and it was incredibly fun and thematic, the only issue is that the ai did literally nothing except react to me. This is on “standard” difficulty, what’s the best difficulty to play on, so that the ai will mount some attacks against me, but not totally rape a noob like me
Monk siege push on arena
after a tower rush of course
Are scorpions now a decent anti-cavalry archer option for teutons?
always has been
Standard is euphemism for Baby Easy.
Moderate is Barely Normal.
This, people sent two or three scorpions to deal with a ball of archers/CA only to be surprised that 300 resources don't counter 1000 resources
You have never played as Teutons against Huns, you never have enough scorpions in the right spot and when you do finally have enough scorpions that is when they bring knights
Got it, makes sense, I was playing terribly, marched into the Latin empire’s big city, broke a bunch of shit, lost my entire army, spent like 20 minutes rebuilding another huge army and came back, they recruited 0 more soldiers… repaired 0 damaged buildings and built 0 new defenses. I was pretty disappointed

I liked that campaign so much I think I’ll replay it on whatever the middle difficulty is, instead of the deceptively named “standard”
What is preventing anyone from making archers or cavalry vs any of the new infantry units to outrange or outrun them? what even IS the point of infantry when archers and cavalry exist?
Infantry deal high damage to buildings so if you can get them close to your opponents base they have to engage with them. Also they have a lower gold cost so usually they win out in situations where your opponent has to fight you.
In an archers behind buildings vs infantry scenario the infantry always loses because they can't engage with the archers
It doesn't matter if the infantry destroys the building, let's say it's a barracks, that's just 175 wood as opposed to the 60 food + 20 gold each militia-line infantry unit is. All the defending player has to do is kill 3 units to break even in terms of resources spent
Obviously, the solution to this is to not just use infantry, mix in skirmishers or cavalry to chase down the archers but at the end of the day that's using units that are NOT infantry to solve an infantry problem

I really wish infantry would get a huge buff once and for all
>In a perfect situation a really strong unit counters a really weak unit!

wow thanks bud, great talk!
>makes a stupid question
>receives a properly dumbed down answer
>gets mad
Why are you doing this to yourself
no need to act like an idiot
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>watch Sparta video
>optimal strategy is Hoplite spam buffed by a Polemarch
>watch Athens video
>optimal strategy is Hoplite spam buffed by a Strategoi
fucking greekoids dumb spear autists I swear to god
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Athenians have a good archery range too
I'm not that guy, turns out at least 2 people think you are stupid.
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true and a very strong naval game as well, but the Strategos tech only buffing melee units combined with a strong hoplite gold discount tech I got the impression Athenian hoplites will be the way to go

I wonder if they'll do another Chronicles DLC if this one does well, they can always add Macedon(best strat is to spam Hoplites(gay)) and Thebes(best strat is to spam Hoplites(gay))
forgot to add
*Macedon gets Hoplites(Kamayuk but gay)
First answer also wasn't me, turns out you niggas are dumb
Macedon: Pezhetairot foot soldier at the barracks (upgrade to regular hoplite), Companion cavalry at the castle.

But we just know we're getting a Roman expansion with Gauls, Thracians and whatnot.
Thing is, though, that if infantry became strong then they'd pretty much remove micro as a feature of the game. Infantry don't micro, they chase whatever runs from them because there's nothing else they can do and they fight whatever chases them because they're too slow to flee.

It's also something that would affect low elo more than high elo. Just look at Goths. Who knew all you needed was a spammable (cheap, fast to build) barracks unit with a big shield to tip battles so hard. Don't even need to watch your guys, just send them straight into the enemy base and make so much of a mess that the enemy can't hope to micro everywhere at once.

But maybe it wouldn't be a problem if the no-micro unit was strong at low elo. I mean, would it be any worse than knights being not just strong but cost effective?
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Yeah archers and walls are the answer for everything
It's hard to be an infantryfag
>post-imp and nobody's even scouted the forest yet
sending raids into their pockets through there works every time
I love this map
Thats what I like to do as deep pocket in that map, foward 2 barracks and MAA rush the enemy deep pocket
But purple decided to be a dick, tried to lame us, so we agreed as a team to rush together and dogpile the autist
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When thinking about this, I remenber a statement I always tend to forget:
In very team focused maps, such as Coastal Forest, Lombardia, Mountain Ridge(?), arguably Hill Fort too, what matters the most is not necessarily the quality of players in your team, but that all 4 players share and execute the same plan.
Many times me and my mate fowarded and hard rushed in feudal in Lombardia, but the other 2 randos insisted on walling up and boom to castle. The enemy team simply rushed as a team, won a feudal 2vs4 and we got fucked. Other time we simply hard walled while 2 players on the enemy team rushed and overwhelmed them in Castle Age.
In Coastal Forest when the second pocket does not show up for rushing, but the enemy second pocket does, making it a 2vs3, shit snowballs REALLY fast.
This is not like Arabia or Arena, in which if one side is strong enough they MAYBE can win the game, you NEED the whole team to participate in these maps.

And it's a reason why playing with randos fucking suck and AoE2 team ranked is more enjoyable with a 4-man premade team.
>100 army zero trebuchets
This will be a long game, 4 trebs and the game is over
So will we get more chronicle DLCs after this or normal DLCs? Or both?
They said somewhere that they will still release DLCs for competitive
Mbl is in a clan now? Is it just group of friends or something like wes/gl?
It's a Taiwanese clan that his girlfriend is in, sort of.
Its the taiwanese team which his girlfriend is in, I don't think he is officially in the team and won't play in nations cup type events with them. MBL sometimes played with WeSports but he wasn't in WeSports
isnt mbl a raging short-tempered nordic faggot? How did he get a chink gf
Because MBL is white
that's all it takes???
>How to defend a castle drop
Its out
Is this a good game too sooth my depression for the next 4 years?
Depressed about what?
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Kill Spanish pickers. Throw Spanish pickers off a cliff. Slice Spanish pickers in twain with a katana. Throw Spanish pickers inside a rusty iron maiden. Decapitate Spanish pickers with a rusty zheihander. Feed Spanish pickers to a pack of pitbulls.

I got castle dropped and conqs harassed one too many times.
Civ pickers in general are faggots.
No, just the metafags.
Which just happens to be majority of 'em, so you're not entirely wrong either.
The S missions are my picks as well. I was not confident with DE in their story writing and narrating but Jadwiga was pleasant and different.
its a good game to speed up your 41% decision
>saar pls play dravidians saar youre a faggot if you pick fun civs
no thanks
I will not apologize for not wanting to play mudhut 'civs'.
I am really looking forward to future tournaments with all these new changes like ballistic scorpions and such
The new civs are unranked only, think they'll be banned in tournaments
the new civs and units won't enter aoe2 MP, they will be restricted to the DLC MP mode
ballistic scorpions are in the main game, learn to read.
Ballistics scorpions was such a cool civ bonus for the Romans, so sad they gave it to everyone and gave nothing in return to make up for it
I think they won't be around for long. I think it would be okay if they had a seperate upgrade to give ballistics to scoprs or if it was heavy scorps only.
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>watch Persian civ overview
>make town centres with permanent resource collection bonus(farms go brrrr)
>make town centres turned into mini castles, extra arrows better armour +50%hp, the whole shebang, even makes units attack faster just by being close
>or make town centres that make military buildings around it work faster, you could just being a second barracks for the same "bonus" lol
who thought that last one was a good idea?
it's so fucking trash compared to the other bonuses it's not even close

immortals look really cool though, so do the chariots
It's a panic reaction to the CA meta, they couldn't think of anything else to do without hard nerfing CA. The only gross part is they gave nothing to rome in compensation.
Some dev who has no understanding of macro and thinks that 50% train speed is somehow even worth considering over building a second barracks.
Immortals are cool in concept but in practice I'm guessing they'll see as much play as Rathas
It's such an unnecessary kick in the balls for them to take damage as if they were archers or infantry in either mode
as if they were archers AND* infantry in either mode
pardon my english
why not build a second barracks AND boost it with a tc
they needed 3 bonuses but could only think of 2 good ones.
why not build 3 barracks? That's 300% train speed!
the radius is pretty limited around the TC
unless you have several castles bunched up and really want to spam immortals, I don't see the point just spend the wood on an extra building
>All barracks within 8 tiles radius gets boosted
Needs a bigger radius to be worth it, you can't fit any buildings in there
Anti-civ pickers are faggots, you just want an excuse when you lose because they picked and you didn't. Plus not everyone has rewatched every spirit of the law civ overview a dozen times like you.
You are so cool picking spanish on arena/nomad
That's the thing in the campaigns, space is crumped because you're on hills and mountains as persians, not playing arabia
Only an hour left my nibbas
>Starting today, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition offers an even greater experience for new players!All future purchases of the base game now include:
>Lords of the West
>Dawn of the Dukes
>Dynasties of India
>Players who already own the game will automatically receive these DLCs if unowned.
So now only Romans, Armenians, and Georgians are add-ons
Neat. AoE5 soon, it just need to be literally aoe2 but with better UI, good pathing and good infantry
Cool. Friend of mine will rage though, he bought all of those just last month, the poor bastard.
Nah, he's good >>1895047
>misread the post and Something Went Wrong when I try to delete it
He bought the DLCs, but if he had waited a few weeks he'd have gotten them for free.
never buying another AoE2 DLC, bravo microsoft
Trust the plan
and modern middle mouse drag scrolling, for heaven's sake!
I wonder if this mean they're moving away from "2 civs for sp and mp + 3 campaigns" kind of dlcs. Like not total removing them but they'll show up less often.
So you can use the new civs in AoE 2 skirmish modes just for funsies?
oh cool, I got jewed
you can't skirmish with normal aoe2 civs, no
Do you guys actually go skirms against wagons?
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campaigncels, we eating good tonight!
oh cool I got rise of do not reedem for free, pretty nice.
yes but onagers are much more effective
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>Actually meaningful campaign with choices lasting between missions
>Missions are meaty but not 6 hour phillysoulja shitfests (I love his stuff but good lord don't ask me to do 15 back to back)
>Chronicles tab doesn't take 500000 years to load into like Return of Rome
>You can take the chronicles civs into lobby multiplayer and either mix and match with AOE2, do only chronicles, or only AOE2
>An absolute metric fuckload of new assets
Holy shit they addressed literally every complaint I've seen about RoR and VaV
its nice to see it's not cheap cash grab like vav
>only bought 1dlc
only a partial jewing for me.
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>mission 1
>go with the cavalry command
>mission 2
>upgrade cav
>mission 3
>upgrade cav again
holy moley, it's Artaphernes' rape train
Man these missions are fucking great so far.
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thought about those old comfy pics and wanted to make a high res animated version. maybe ill make a smaller cut (that also loops decently well) at a later time for webm purposes.
Is it simply impossible to use mangonel against the AI? They dodge every boulder perfectly
That's not true.
You can mix and match the base civs with the new civs. All you have to do is set the Civilization Set in the skirmish map option to "All".
When will they make a DLC that adds unique cultural skins for every civ?
Ur a crybaby, spanish is mid on those maps, learn to properly defend on arena noob.
If you engage them with other units first they're a lot more likely to stay in place and get flattened, like using some skirms to keep an archer mass in place. Alternatively have many catapults at once and one of them will hit, or just make ballistics scorps.
It's funny how people will get angry at a company for giving away content FOR FREE, an objective positive for anyone wanting to buy the game, just because they personally didn't benefit
>CA meta
This is news to me, I still mostly see crossbows and knights. Also, there will always be one option that is better than the rest. If you nerf it, something else will just take its place. Balance patches are a futile exercise
Nope. Ban arena, play real maps.
Yeah, getting kinda tired of this revisionist shit, ffs why do I have white villagers when I'm playing with the franks or the english, both know for being black nowadays
>Immortals are cool in concept but in practice I'm guessing they'll see as much play as Rathas
Rathas are central to Bengali play right now. The Phosphoru nerf didn't change that.
War, or Hussite?
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Am I just bad at this game or is the 2nd level of the Inca campaign fucking impossible?
I think this is the most stressful game I've ever played
It's one of the more difficult campaign missions
this mission it's aids on steroids, also it's super fun once you get good enough
Some campaigns I can easily beat on hard first time and others I struggle even on standard. Some missions are much harder than others.
>New “speed charge” attack task added, as task 133. For this to work, the unit’s “Special Ability” field must be set to 3. This task uses the following parameters:
>Work Value 1: Minimum distance from the target for the speed up to start
>Work Value 2: Maximum distance from the target for the speed to start
>Work Range: Multiplier on the unit speed while charging
>Work Flag 2: This must be set to 2001 for the task to work
What? What unit uses this?
Steppe chargers are ready
I ended up building two castles around the wonder and putting everything up to defend them from rams and the oncoming waves
you'd be surprised how good inca villagers are at taking down rams
but if that fails
just play this on loop until you get into the groove
It just werks
so new players get free dlc
what do old players get?
Free DLC if they didn't have it.
I haven't played the new campaigns but I'm surprised the voice acting for greeks and persians is so good. Compared to Armenian and Georgian voices this is 10/10
But why in the actual world of fuck does the DLC play AoE2 soundtrack rather than AoE1?
the upcoming Jurchen UU
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Now that's a good fucking campaign.
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just got my ass beat in mission 7
I really shouldn't have taken my time in rolling out those royal emissaries, huh?
Greek together strong
This game has gotten boring. I can't play team games with randoms anymore, just not worth the effort. And playing 1v1s isn't fun unless you try-hard. Even then it kinda sucks cause you just keep losing.

I'm saying goodbye to this game.
>never buying another AoE2 DLC, bravo microsoft
You realize the new price for the game is $35 instead of $19 like before?
What ethnicity is this guy supposed to be?
Probably a Spanish/Aztec mutt.
You need a friend to play with, anon
you can play teamgames with me :) (ive only done compstomps and campaigns)
i paid for the DLC that are now free. I am never paying for aoe2 DLC again. I dont give a fucking shit that the base game costs more now, I already own it
french colony civ where the male villagers are white and the female villagers are coal black
Lmao what a salty faggot because other people got free shit
That wouldn't be accurate, gotta represent modern france, so all male villagers are coal black and the females are pale gothic white
nonono, it would be really accurate of olden day France
in fact, all male villagers should be blonde blue-eyed angels while all the females are coal-black unearthly baboons with huge tits and butts
yeah, this is why socialism is a system for leeches such as yourself. Hard workers hate you.
Maybe you should stop being a NEET so a few bucks here and there don't bankrupt your sorry ass?
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with a little perseverance and a lot of catapult ships anything is possible
I think this was the toughest mission so far, onwards to Marathon!
Good luck, there are some tricky missions later too! Lots of fun.
Unless you paid for all three dlc full price in last 3 months I don't see point of you being salty.
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holy fucking kino
why is nearly every fucking mission on a timer of some kind
Because think fast chucklefuck
DAMN, that's some caribean colony shit, that's how haiti came to be
thanks :)
This. I have purchased all dlc's when released, but i don't mind this at all.
Nothign puts me off from a game, when i look at the page, and i see that if i purchase the base game, i'm only getting 35% of the game, like paradox stuff.
Stop playing the game boring then, instead of going for boring meta builds like 1 stable scouts or 1 range archers have you tried villager rushing? All in militia? Tc dropping? 3/4 range archers all in? Tc dropping? Tc dropping on arena? Walling your opponent in? Tower rushing? It's far more fun to mix in meme strats and meme strats can get your pretty far on ranked.
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The price of the base game also went up, albeit still a net discount than buying it and the three DLCs before. People who owned the game but never the DLCs obviously gain out monetary-wise, but also are the sorts who probably have it in their backlog or don't touch the game a lot anyway. It's been a decent amount of time since Lords of the West dropped, and stacking tons of paid DLC like a Paradox game would probably bite newbies in the ass at some later stage.
you also got dozens of free patches and support over the years
oh wowieee, free patches! Three for free!
kys retard
I don't see how you can just roll over and get taken advantage of, and at the end say "thank you". Must be an american thing
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hey, I get that reference!
the movie wasn't that bad, but Zack Snyder is still a hack
I hope you're aware it's a real Leonidas quote and it didn't originated in the 300 movie.
it's your opinion.
Taken advantage of because people got things for free?
You must be a bit touched.
I thought zack snyder invented greece and sparta
>pay money for thing
>thing gets given away for free
>money stolen
it's extremely simple, I don't get why you guys have such a hard time wrapping your heads around this, I thought you were master strategists
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why was most of the northern part of babylon inaccessible in the first level?
He actually invented Persia, it was an inside job
Is the elephant trying to fuck that tower?
La creatividad...
At the same time the price increased, its cheaper than buying the dlcs but not free. Turns out things decrease in value over time
also the fact that infantry has much better melee armor than cavalry so they actually soft-counter cavalry (or hard counter in the case of specialized units)

meanwhile in aoe2 infantry is not only slow as fuck, they also have worse armor. If knights had 1/2 armor and longswords had 2/1 (pikes 1/0) then you'd see infantry more often
ram ships in the new dlc have this mechanic. pretty neat
>it's extremely simple, I don't get why you guys have such a hard time wrapping your heads around this,
But you've used the DLCs for years already. The people just getting them now have not been able to play them for all this time.

It's like saying you're mad that some UFC fights are shown for free on youtube two years after they happened, and then people who paid to watch the live stream get pissed.

What a loser faggot mentality.
Pretty much, I bought two dlcs but I don't feel robbed just because they are free now, can't say it would be the same have I bought them last week or something
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Love handling teutonfags as Armenians
We lost that game, grey came from the other side with 20 archers and red did literally nothing
No one complained that HD edition included the Conquerors Expansion.
No one complained DE included the forgotten, african kingdoms and rise of the rajas right away either.
Game price also increased. I'd probably not have bought it on release if it was the price that it is today so it's kind of like a weird discount.
I don't get why they tower rush in team games, Teutons is a good boom civ.
Its not factorio so it is going to go on sale
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what the fuck is happening here
Blue tried quickwall my vills an spears, I had to tear down my own walls so my vills could jump his towers
5 minutes later grey came throught the same hole
>it's a real Leonidas quote
it's a real spartan quote, at least
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I'm so bad at this game, I'll just stick to campaigns
>I'll stick to having fun
Great choice
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>I'm bad at the campaigns, too
That's okay, you do you.
Their towers shoot more arrows and they can build cheaper farms for their teammates to sling them.
Its not like Teutons have a trash late game, you don't need to be the team dog, Turks is a better all in flank civ
Turks are the late game civ, you need to play em as a pocket unless you are meming with janissaries or going scouts or something. Teutons are also strong in the late game so I guess your teammates could sling you back into the game.
Campaigns and Skirmish are fun. Don't let it get you down.
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campaign is the most fun game mode though
Its hard to call turks a late game civ when they don't have halberdier and onager, what you want is their cannons and they don't need to boom for that. Turks can go up to imp really fast and kill the enemy flank civ, they aren't forever feudal like the teutons player, and once they are finished with the flanks base the pocket has to deal with their jannies and bombard cannons
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so do they just get free boats even if you destroy their docks
fast imp on flank doesn't work unless you are sub 1k elo. You are just going to get castle dropped or get hit with siege + monks and the plan of going imp goes out the window and you are stuck with a civ with little bonuses against castle pressure. And bombard cannons mop up on closed maps, they can easily kill players with a fast imp power spike on pocket. They have great hussar and its your teammates job to go halb not you and even if the enemy team is going heavy into cav hussar + hand cannon + monk are all great against cav.
I have seen high level arena team games, every time Turks or Portuguese are used as flanks. Hussar is not a power unit, paladin are preferable in most cases because you will have the trade up and paladin have twice the attack and hp per unit. Turks can also castle drop and go fast imp and then they have trebs + cannons. Siege + monks is easily cleared up by light cav, Turks are one of the worst civs to try that strategy against. I think I have seen Liereyy or someone once wall in their opponent alongside a castle drop + fast imp strategy
i am getting filtered by the athenian mission where you have to remain in office for 3 election cycles lads
Ramming ships and hoplites in the greece dlc
>guy who voices like a dozen different characters across all of DE's campaigns also does the Athenian military lines

Do we have this nigga's name and is he an actual Greek?
What the fuck is the 1st spartan mission
bros i'm so upset, i am an RTS noob and i was looking forward to getting this classic for 5 dollars on the next sale, now i see they upped the game price for 15 DOLLARS!! WHAT THE FUCK
will it still go on sale at an affordable price, under 10 dollars? i really didn't need the expansions lumped in with the base game as a total beginner, fuck this shit honestly.
I laughed.
Yeh, I hope they backpedal this. It is a completely retarded choice. They could've just made a separate bundle with those dlc and a reduced price. Now a lot of new people who might have wanted to try out the game just because it was cheap and had a decent and loyal playerbase will just skip because it's too expensive. No new player gives a fuck about dlcs if they still don't know if they will even like the base game in the first place.
Just wait for black friday. It will probably go at least 50% discount, which is basically the previous base price
yeah thats pretty unfortunate, hopefully it will go on sale at a reasonable price in a few weeks. Seems to be cheap enough on steam key resellers tho.
less chinese/brazilian players in my lobby is fine by me.
it tends to go on -75% sale which would still be well under 10 bucks
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I could have stop the teuton if he was my side
I could havve stopped it, but lady luck decided to be a bitch

Feels bad man
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there's no feeling quite like slaughtering massive expensive Imperial age armies with nothing but three-player skirm spam
let this be a lesson not to build your entire team army around a single unit type
It will likely be 75% off in the next sale
Honestly its not worth doing team games unless you can 1v4 or bring your own teammates or else stuff like this will happen and its gg. I remember when I first played team games getting like a 7 or 8 game loss streak because someone on my team would resign before 15 minutes.
idk what rating you're at but at least down in around 1100-1200 land it's always hilarious when someone loses one vill or gets three archers near his base and resigns as if anyone at this level really knows how to leverage tiny advantages like that or has perfect enough macro for a few vills here or there to matter, not to mention in team games you can always bounce back as long as even one teammate gets decent momentum
playing with friends has made the experience so much better, we've won a whole bunch of games just because the enemy has overestimated our capabilities really hard
alright, thanks
>open the game
>load a 1v1 against the AI
>do melee units
>they refuse to melee like I told them
>close the game
>keep watching aoe2 on yt/twitch
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>this issue doesn't concern me so it doesn't exist
>reddit spacing accuses others of being a loser faggot
>But you've used the DLCs for years already. The people just getting them now have not been able to play them for all this time.
I bet you think the solution to homelessness is just giving people free houses and food for as long as they need because "they haven't been able to live in a house for all this time and you're privileged"
Works for Finland.
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>was planning on getting Dawn of the Dukes and Lords of the West when at a discount
>heard Jadwiga's campaign was particularly kino
>got it for free along with the JeetDLC
What issue? You can't shell out 15 extra bucks? Nigga go work for an hour wtf. If you live in bumfuck Georgia or Wyoming go work for 2 hours. Not to mention this fucking game has regularly gone on sale since release for under $10.
AoE 2 DE is still massive value with the price increase, it also goes on sale often
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>Too fucking stupid to buy from key sites that don't have updated pricing because why the fuck would they?
>playing with friends has made the experience so much better
This, playing with randos is too much of liability
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it really wasn't that difficult, the start is quite hard because you're losing popularity fast and your fleet is tiny but later on you get plenty of ways to increase popularity and can put that bitch Cleon on trial lowering popularity decay, honestly in the later elections making it back to 100 isn't that difficult
trade with salamis for wood and gold, fish for food, and use the resources to build some lancers/hoplites to gift to allied cities and to keep Salamis' fort safe from Spartan landings
make sure to keep a good fleet and protect your fishing/merchant ships, there is plenty of shit you can buy at the acropolis to boost popularity so as long as the resources keep pouring into your ports you're golden
>What issue? You can't shell out 15 extra bucks?
it's not about the money. It's about the message.
He's a random intern.
then we should have no trouble doing the same in US and everywhere else, right? Surely it isn't about population density and average citizen's wealth, right???? You're absolutely certain this is feasible when the homeless base is not 5000 people total in a wealthy country, but a 100,000 in an impoverished one like US california/seattle?????????????? China doesn't have that problem (they imprison and kill the homeless in work camps)
peak assburgers
Lmao shut up mutt
Shut up american, nobody cares
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That's correct, but Dawn of the Dukes is also best enjoyed played chronologically in its entirety.
Anyone else having random bugs like these after the latest patch? I am not using any mods at all.

In fact, it keeps giving me the same error, about ballista elephants...

...while playing Sicilian campaign.
Game is a disaster, I ban a map on TGs and I am still forced to play on it
>it works for finland ;)
>ok, but it doesnt work for anyone else
disingenous is putting it lightly
Nobody cares for your problems, American. Be quiet.
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I hate every map that isn't arabia or arena. I hate them with every fiber of my being.
Damn, guess he's spent the last 5-6 years an intern. At least the reverb on his lines aren't as fucked as the one who did the female Khmer ones.
>This is likely caused by a mod.
The hubris of these devs
Even Mega-random?
Mega random fucking sucks.
so....do we have to wait 8 months for the next dlc now or are both captureage and the normal team working on different dlcs?
Wut. They just work on a game review system
why are there romans and greeks in the medieval age?
The capture age team worked in the last dlc, don't know to what extent or if the did it all but themselves
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Romans are contemporaries of the Celts and Huns, if those get to be in the game so should the Romans
they were a major power in the Middle Ages and Cataphracts are fun
the greeks had an empire that lasted until the 15th century, why wouldn't they be in the game
You are boring
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just finished “Within the Long Walls”

I don't think I've ever felt so sad after “winning” a campaign scenario
a man his sons and the good fortunes of Athens all dead in one go, the Fates truly are cruel and fickle anons
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>Dead Greeks
Nothing of value was lost.
So why do you love this DLC but you hated the Warlords & Vanquished DLC?
FAKE NEWS. This is Alan Rick entering ROME, not Athnes.
because i can just download warlords & vanquished for free from the workshop
Greeks are technically byzantines
Depends. AoM is yet to get two expansions insofar and AoE III is getting another. They got the framework down already for Chronicles, if they intend on making more in this style then I must imagine it would still take a good while given the campaigns being much of the focus. Would be interesting to see if Chronicles develops its own competitive format if enough civs come about, but I doubt it.

They supposedly worked on Chronicles directly as well. A little surprising, but not without precedent given the hiring of modders since HD.

Similar reasons we have Goths and gunpowder Turks in the original AoK. Over time, expansions have the game depicting events spanning over a millennia of history. AoC has Atilla ravaging Roman lands, the Spanish battling the Aztecs, and even a scenario set in 1592. Christian Rome isn't too out of the scope.
Byzantines? Should be pretty obvious.
Athenians and Spartans? Designed for a spin-off on the same engine.
Are you guys having fun with the new campaigns?
Kinda. The scenarios are fun but the narration is the stuff of nightmares and sometimes it seeps into the scenarios. Also the characters are fun.
V&V had many unpolished scenarios.
Yes. Altough sometimes its a bit unclear what you are supposed to do.
No, I am catching up on the other DLCs I bought first. I finished Lords of the West, still have to do DoD and MR
I'm almost done, just two Spartan scenarios left for me
>1 month ago
is this the most dead board
Hate water
Hate arabia 50% of the time
Hate arena 30% of the time (When opp is portuguese)
Luv me megarandom
Luv me nomad
Correct, please keep giving me endless (you)s with your endless false statements on reality while I keep being right and Correct.
Absolutely, finished them all on hard and they're the best campaign scenarios in the game.
>he bought the DLCs
Lmao should have know they would be free by now
Yeah I guess for Mountain Royals I should've waited, I barely played Armenians or Georgians.
Dialogue is kino
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>expect the last athenian mission to kick my ass
>get the achievement easy
>expect the first spartan mission to be a cakewalk
by zeus i'm tweaking
Sent you a friend request!
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holy fucking kino
more Chronicles pls
Wish I had the free time of the girls ITT who already finished the new DLC
>mad about nothing
Wew lad
Damn the Battle of Scandinavia finals between Viper and Ganji was epic. Maybe the most exciting finals I've ever seen.
plausible future chronicles:
>three kingdoms
>punic wars
>sengoku jidai
less plausible:
>hundred years war
>fall of rome
>saxon conquest of britain
>norman conquest of england
>bronze age collapse
No you didn't
Personally I want 30 Years' War so I can go Austrians against the Palatinate.
Also Roman expansion instead of just Punic Wars because we already had a bit of that in AoE1.
Do you rebind the camera keys to WASD?
>bronze age collapse
very much so
>three kingdoms
could be fun
we already had a bit of the peloponnesian war in aoe1 as well, but here we are
No, no reason to do that.
it's called a "weekend" mr slave
>look away from a single gate for two seconds
>my army immediately gets deleted and the gate is almost dead
whose idea was this shit
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the ending cutscene teases the macedonians
I just hope Phillip II gets a good quantity of missions, he's a pretty cool guy but always gets overshadowed by that fuckboy son of his Alexander
True but I think roman expansion has more potential.
>played Return of Rome
>have fun

>play Battle for Greece
>remember why I stopped playing AoE2

It's the weak melee infantry. Castles being so strong sucks as well.

Should I keep going for the Spartans and Athenians? Are the Hoplites strong?
am i supposed to
>Should I keep going for the Spartans and Athenians? Are the Hoplites strong?
Only played the persian part so far but they're probably the strongest greek unit.
>he tried to build his Persians around infantry
Persian infantry is so fucking trash I can't be the only one who spent their scenarios building nothing but lancers/chariots/horse cav
>Are the Hoplites strong?
very and they can be further buffed up
fully upgraded Spartan hoplites buffed by Polemarchs and your character are downright unstoppable killing machines who can and will mulch through AI armies several times their size while regenerating HP
>Should I keep going for the Spartans and Athenians?
if you're not going to pussy out over the Naval battles
not sure why anons had so much trouble with those, naval felt better with the new ship types and Athens has so many campaign specific ship buffs by the second Themistocles mission you'll have regenerating ships zipping about at 130% speed firing scorpions like they're full auto HMGs
>entirely new naval balance
>massing galleons still beats everything else
it’s like pottery
Does the Athenian Shipyard team bonus carry over to Docks in a mixed game?
I spent my last weekend finishing the Hautevilles campaign (took me most of my Saturday, from mission 2 to the last one), and watching anime.
How does the Ancient Greeks campaign compare to the AoM:Retold Greek camping though?
Yes, definitely
No, sadly
Fuck no, AoE2 is better.
Yes go for AoM
>purchased AoM:Retold day 1 after release
>played the first two campaign missions, and a couple of skirmishes for cheevos
>finished 3 AoE2:DE campaigns since then
I wonder, can you kill all of Astragora's army before they arrive in ephesos?
Does it change the bonuses?
Delete lombardia please, is just a dumber Arabia
We already have two campaigns set during the hundred years war
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>go in blind
>look up achievments after finishing the campaign
>missed both the achievments for breaking every tomb and breaking no tombs because I broke one for the resources then felt kinda bad about it
>0 achievments for me
>missed both the achievments to give both relics to sparta or give no relics to sparta because I gave the first relic to sparta and then the regent was being kind of a dick so I gave the second relic to the other guy
>0 achievments for me
turns out I'm kinda retarded
Retard take, Lombardia is great
And nowhere close to Arabia
hence the less plausible rating
justification is that it would be easy to have a bunch of scenarios from different perspectives, but it also wouldn’t be all that different from standard aoe2 gameplay, so how would they make it different enough to justify an alt gamemode?
i don’t think every chronicles dlc is gonna be antiquity mode but i think they’re all gonna involve modified tech trees and such
God please.
I kept making triremes because I chose the infantry bonus but at some point all the Athenian ships in the campaign become OP anyway
Finally forumtrannies will stop bitching about Saracens spleet and Crusader States.
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Turn blue civ into any indian civ and you will get a kek from me
>indian civ
I don't get it
what bridge has India bombed recently?
Vessel with pajeet crew rammed into a bridge, a paper bridge it seems because it completely collapsed.
I don't understand
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Even as the biggest ancient greece fan I couldn't finish the campaign. First you HAVE to play idk how many missions as the persians. And then it's boat after boat missions. I know greeks were good in that area but holy fuck do boat fights suck in aoe2
B-but the new DLC improved water fights bigly.
slavs used a demolition ship(suicide drone ship) to blow up the other slavs' bridge, it's why the mp4 has slavs doing slav things
other anon wants to make it about the Indians who accidentally crashed their boat into an American bridge which promptly collapsed because American >engineering
you literally just have to attack move to win with the Athenian navy, easiest fucking thing in the world
I don't know how to do that, I am a girl
Yea by making Galley span the best strategy again.
i don't see what making a chronicle during the medieval ages would be any different than just playing the regular game
it definitely works better for something earlier or later so that they're actually different.
I can't play non european civs because it's just silly having 90% of all my units being white ethiopians
Stupid NPC. You're supposed to think of your units as chess pieces, metaphorically. When you make a Long Swordsman, you aren't actually training a single unit with an arming sword (not a Long Sword by the way) and a shield. You are training an actual unit (a bunch of guys) equipped with lower quality armor, hopefully a shield, and a similar cutting weapon. The complete ahistorical naming convention of the Militia line was kept that way to make you think.

Like the fact that Men-at-Arms isn't the first stage of heavy cavalry, and is instead some low tier foot soldier with shit equipment, that alone is far more offensive.
Nope, until they make cultural skins DLC I won't touch those civs.
They should make "cultural skins" but not as DLCs but as hats in Dota 2, to milk stupid retards like you who cannot think metaphorically.
Like god intended.
Is that supposed to make me want to play boat missions?
I have never played a single multiplayer match of Age of Empires 2. All I do is play skirmishes vs bots (most of the time) and play campaigns (only started doing that in the last 2~3 years, before that I only played them with "i r winner").
Best bodyguard for Spartan levels?
you start with an infantry aura already so you might as well go all in
I hate defend levels desu but I can boom with a bunch of town centers I guess
I love defense levels myself, it's really fun to hold out.
>opponent says "gl hf! :)" at the start of match
>ragequits and force desyncs when he loses
character development
>force desyncs when he loses
How? This happened to me a couple of times when I was winning but I thought that was because of the game's spaghetti code or some bug in the latest patch.
Don't know. Survivalist just showed a way to do it with relics and command queuing, so I'm sure there's other easier methods. Or then just plain cheats. Salty bastards either way.
>Survivalist just showed a way
his youtube channel (the video is called "pathing" and is 40 minutes long)
>opponent says "gl hf! :)" at the start of match
>ragequits and force desyncs when he loses
As soon as someone says "glhf" at the start of the game, you know for a fact he's gonna do something shitty like try to lame your sheep and boars.

I've stopped responding to anyone who says glhf.
The ":)" emoji is already passive aggressive, especially when preceded by the "!" sign.
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how do i play spartans?

are there any mods that somehow enable campaign special units in single player skirmish?
>Surprisingly very open tech tree until Imperial Age, where you are pushed into infantry even more; Knight/Archer analogues are like one upgrade off from being practical in lategame
>Even in Classical you're incentivized to get Elite Hoplite at some stage (or at least on advancing up)
>Your Polemarchs are instrumental in giving EVERY kind of military unit you have an extra edge to win engagements with
>Your choice of either a regen or speed aura also effects virtually all military
>He is also a liability as him dying makes you lose your only passive military buff(s) outside of unique techs
>Hippeus are a very rough analogue to Huskarls
>Paragons are mostly overshadowed
>Pushed towards using Lembos and Monoreme lines on naval maps
>queue for ranked
>opponent resigns after 5 minutes
>queue for ranked
>opponent resigns after 5 minutes
>queue for ranked
>opponent resigns after 5 minutes
>queue for ranked
>get wrecked from 1700 elo player who resigned against other people after 5 minutes to drop to 1200
Ranked in this game is a miserable experience, I just wanna vs people my skill level.
Select a monk + any other unit
Right click on a relic then shift click the unit and the monk onto your monastery
game desyncs
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>Sorry! Fandom isn't allowing BreezeWiki to show pages right now.

I hope ranked lobbies come back one day. In team games there's just some players you don't want in the game because they'll just resign the second something goes wrong.
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Armenians are very good in Land Nomad, can hunt several deer patches with ox cart and WPs are absolutely cracked in Castle Age, can even take on Knights cost efficiently and then heal afterwards
Was tryharding with the main objective of at least understand what I was doing wrong and just learn the game, stopped after 1350 Elo, can't bother to keep besides being a casual on TGs
That's why you get an aoe2 buddy to play TGs with
Easier to say

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