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since the rules have changed

>M&B Wiki

>Custom Banner Maker
>Banner Code Sharing
>Asset Extractor
>Create Custom Companions

>Warband Pastebin
>Noob Guide (READ This) https://imgur.com/a/FMAqV
>Anon's Mods and Upstab Guide: https://pastebin.com/agwZu9Df
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I tried an ogre character in warsword conquest mod, it really is pincushion simulator, the ennemy archers are relentless
haven't tried the ogre yet
but it's pretty nice that someone is still developing wb mods
I think next proper release is due 'soon'
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
there is that Dynasty Warriors one
Any Bannerlord news/updates?
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>Any Bannerlord news?
There was the 2nd Anniversary giveaway just a few days ago. They've yet to announce the winners:

Ancient History magazine published an article on the game with an interview with the Tides of War and Eagle Rising dev:

>Any Bannerlord updates?
Absolutely fuckall. Just rumors and speculation based on non-commited posts and single sentence from irrelevant TW devs saying something about 'we''re working on it' shit.
is the game good yet?
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It was always good if you have crippling autism.
It will never be good.
I think they gave up
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1.3 will save bannerlord!!!
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I've never seen a ragdoll like this before.
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rare pic of Fierds making gains
What mod is this?
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some goofy chink shit, Wind of War New Era
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Just can't play bannerlord, I don't know its just missing something. Not even a nostalgia boomer fag, Played warband for the first time like 5/6 years ago.
Same, I really wanted to like it too since it was emulating my favourite time period
I still occaaisionally pop onto it to enjoy /steppe/ action, which I think it is a total upgrade from other M&Bs in every way, but the management layer and not being about to dick around without the clan system really ruined it for me
just use a bunch of mods like we all do.
Nemesis, change clan leader, immersive battlefields, lord of duels and primae noctis add tons of sovl.
ghe hunting mod will be made public in november so hopefully in a couple of days and he said that he delayed the feasting mod to couple it with the hunting mod.
lowering party sizes already makes holding fiefs somewhat viable but the economy still needs an overhaul mod and more politics and courting for bannerlord to outpace warband and all its mods.
although dramalord seems to do the trick but it doesn't run well on my toaster so i've never actually tried it.
luv farmin'
luv cattle
'ate taxes
'ate nolder (not racist just dont like em)
simple as
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Fierdsvain are weirdly dominating my current save as well, only on day 270 and they've ate half of d'shar and 1/3 sarleon
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>Cheyron brought back all of his mods to Nexus after his hissy fit.
What a fucking baby.
Any quality of life mods? For example, I wish I could press one button and grab everything after I win a battle.
>I wish I could press one button and grab everything after I win a battle.
bro, your two overlapping arrows above to the right of the loot items window?
It's the spawns and minor factions, the devs absolutely cucked Sarleon and the Empire by giving them the 3 factions that have the 4 strongest spawns. Meanwhile a 3 or 4 lords army of Ravenstern or Fierdsvain can easily kill their spawn and be free to attack other factions. Ravenstern are still shit for some reason though so the Fierdsvain end up dominating in most of my playthroughs too.
With Fire and Sword worth playing or should I just find another flavor of mod. I'm a newfag to warband. Great concept of a game. Some things could be improved on.
it's the recommended pike and shot mod as far as i know. never tried it myself because i don't like the period.
Sarleon is at least scripted so their lords recover troops quicker so losing army to another faction or unique spawn don't hurt them that and they can actually go on grand reconquista, meanwhile Baccus is dying like bitch to noldor patrols, serpent cult is straight brutal and sooner or later they have to fight with another factions, serpent cult should be either nerfed or spawn worldwide.
I think it's just because they have the lowest levels for the commoner troops tree, thus the fast training and spam
I think 90% of the time I've ever started up a run I ended up going Pendor troop culture and making my capital in Avendor. I remember liking Empire knights though, if I remember right they didn't have lances so their AI fucked up less.
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This is the best worst game I've ever played. Like really nigga? There's only one ladder? So much of this game feels massively unpolished it's part of the charm, at the same time it just makes no sense why there isn't more than one ladder in a siege. I can't stop playing this piece of shit it's consuming my life I wish I never installed it
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you can buy anything that you want from market as long it's fish
Based non min-mixer.
Hate how ethos and laria are absolutely busted, 5 villages AND noldor patrols? Really nigga
I don't think so otherwise freshly wiped out lords would run with nothing more but horde of level 1 peasants.
The game was developed slowly by a small team. When I randomly found it, it was still in beta. There weren't sieges, lords or reputation,. All you did was fight random bandits while parties of "Vaegir Army" fought parties of "Swadian Army", both infinitely respawning.
A mod called "Battle for Sicily" popped up around 2008 in which the modder implemented lords, the ability to besiege and capture castles, the renown system, inter-lord relationships, kings granting fiefs to his vassals, etc. It worked in the exact way as in the final game. The devs just put it in the base game, I assume with permission.
The reason they could never make sieges any more complex is because of bad AI pathfinding. They probably were never gonna put it in the game in the first place. But some random modder went and designed half the game for them.
Kek! Wonder why couldn't they save bannelord this time.
>Do they make continually more money from single player or is it a 1 time purchase? How about the opportunity of money they are missing out on by not focusing on what could be. The people that play single player have largely been playing since release on PC very small percentages of PC PC Players are purchasing the game for the first time. ESports is big right now, and M&B is made to be watched on the big screen by thousands of sceaming fans watch their teams hack the ever loving hell out of the opponents. Talk missed money on advertising, tournament fees at the local levels. That's literally hundreds of thousands of real world Denars Taleworlds is missing out on by focusing on single player. Imagine trying to bank roll on Butter instead of 2-handed Glavies. Imbecilles the lot of you!
the rantings of an upjumped MP player make for fun listening.
Interesting. A modder mogged the actual devs. It's a really neat game still. I know small indie dev pls undastand but you'd think they would have made an xpac or a sequel that actually fixes shit. From what I've read Bannerlord is a hot mess
crazy how I've waited so long for Bannerlord just to never buy it.
Once again the destiny of a franchise rests over a single or group of men.
>Ira gave my character a daughter (Isiballa) and a son
>make Isiballa succeed as soon as she hits 18
>eventually will let Ira's son succeed when be turns 18
>decide to build Isiballa properly before letting her little bro succeed
>he dies in battle soon after
>don't know who to make the next emperor
>remember Ira giving a daughter (Calatid) to Nemos before his death
>she has sons and daughters
>can make my character's grandson from Isiballa marry a granddaughter of Nemos and Ira from Calatid
bannerlord is alright sometimes
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good thing i only have to capture a half of Vlandia and several fiefs in Sturgia to be done with this save.
a mistake
Not the only one I remember.
There was another mod called Hegemony 268 BC about ancient Greece around the same time. The Native game used to take like 5 minutes to load on startup. You'd launch and go do something else while it loaded kek. Since mods increase this time by a lot, and his mod had tons of new assets, he somehow fixed the code so that it loaded within seconds, no more waiting. Over the years, newer gigamods included evne more assets to the point that they take a couple of minutes to load. But without his code, it would be 10-15 minutes.

I looked up the Battle for Sicily guy, and what actually happened is they put him on the dev team once they saw how hard he mogged them. He was involved in developing the game until Warband's final release, and then in Bannerlord. Here's a dev blog from a long time ago where it mentions the mod I'm talking about. His name? "Negus" kek.

/v/ is my homeboard, I felt the second hand hurt from the gargantuan disappointment I witnessed,
shame isn't it
A real shame. What an asbolute great concept of a game and it's in the hand of turkroaches that can't do shit with it. Someone needs to make a better game
M&B suffers the same curse than Stalker. Great idea with a core gameplay that requires elaboration but it will never get it. Apparently nobody knows how to program competent AI.
>not even a coder by profession
>Apparently nobody knows how to program competent AI.
lead taleworlds turk devs move to work for ubisoft in europe.
i've stalked a few back in the employee blogs days.
the lead engine dude and the lead campaign designer girl left at the very least.
>In Bannerlord, there are about five types of morality that you can try to hue to - reciprocal loyalty to friends and kin, sticking to your word, courage and willingness to sacrifice for a cause, compassion toward those who suffer, and long-term utilitarian calculation - and they'll sometimes be in conflict
'member the trial by battle quest?
'member how making everyone happy wasn't supposed to be feasible and you had to take sides?
where did it all go so wrong, bros?
what bannerlord mods are good? I heard diplomacy and improved garrisons are considered necessary, anything else?
>primae noctis
>immersive battlefields
>marry anyone
>bannerlord expanded spouse, companions and children versions
>better fief trades
>realistic practical holsters
>character reload
>change clan leader
>surrender tweaks
>lord of duels
>better time
>super speed
>helmet hair continued plus
>skirts of calradia
>party ai controls
>vb armors
>Enclave armors redux
some people use banner kings. never tried it myself.
some people use RBM instead of warbandlord.
you'll need a body mod as well. i use vbody. some use amazon and there is at least one more called gt bodies or something.
you'll need asset mods like norman armoury, swadian armoury or whatever.
you can use open source armoury if you have a beastly pc. my toaster struggles to run it.
Women in Calradia, Dismemberment Plus
workshop or nexusmods for these?
The ones I'd consider essential or at least very useful are
>Better Time
>Useful Skips
>Another Achievement Module
>Fast Dialogue (UPDATED)
>Friendly Troop Banners (Updated)
>Show Companion Requirements for Issues
>I Dont Care - Campaign Log Filter
>Better Mini Map
>Settlement Map
>Family Tree

Not that Anon, but I'd use Nexus for everything regarding Bannerlord and Warband unless it's only hosted on ModdB or the Workshop.
I use Mod Organizer 2 to manage my Bannerlord mods, and it makes keeping track of everyhing and updating stuff much easier.
i recommend against using the workshop because it keeps updating on its own and you'd want an older version of bannerlord and its mods for campaigns because any bannerlord hotfix update (not versioned) will fuck up your mods.
or it will keep the mods updated on your older bannerlord version and they'll stop working.

>Dear Warsword fans,

>We are pleased to be able to announce the release of 'Warsword Conquest - Trials of Khorne Edition'. This is a full edition and not a patch so please delete your current warsword folder if you have one and install the new one fresh.

>In this version you can take the ultimate melee journey by choosing chaos, human, beastman or ogre at game start and trying to catch the gaze of Khorne by spilling the blood of your enemies. If he sees promise in you he may invite you to take his trials and begin a journey of unbridled power and ascension to daemonhood. The difficulty of the trials increases the more marks of Khorne you earn, try a trial before you are ready and the host of khorne will crush you into dust. Earn your way up the ranks and Khorne will help turn you into an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

>Faction overhauls

>Dicey june has done complete faction overhauls of Vampire Counts, Beastmen, all 3 kinds of goblin tribes. Each faction has a complete new set of armours, weapons, shields and mounts. Dicey has also done new models across other factions too where needed.

>Major magic change

>Now buffs and instant spells such as healing will now affect the caster. Completely changing the magic experience amongst multiple schools. There have also been changes to multiple spell schools to help improve the experience and uniqueness of each playthrough.

>New animations by Aro have made the casting playthrough more immersive than ever before.

>QOL changes

>Kraggrim has continued to made countless changes under the hood to help the overall mod experience as seamless, smooth and informative as possible. There has been work by Kraggrim, Morgul, Marshal and Dajimo to fix as many issues as possible within our siege scenes and dungeon scenes to bring the best battle experiences in warsword to date.
the 10 days are finally over?
its fine, castadi mod is kind of fan patch
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>Having various locations for productive enterprises in each town means that players and AI lords can establish multiple businesses, which actually has a wider implication than it may seem at first glance. By allowing both players and AI lords set up multiple businesses in a single town, they can act in direct competition with each other and have a negative impact on each other's profits. This can be quite useful if you already have a reliable source of income and you want to ensure that a rival lord doesn’t gain a financial upper hand, but it can be quite a nuisance if you are struggling to make ends meet and production is halted because your business can no longer turn a profit. Likewise, crafty players can monitor what businesses their rivals own and buy up any raw materials or flood the local market with crafted goods to influence market prices, effectively putting a choke hold on rival operations.
We had a family friend visiting us from Turkey. Funnily enough, the guy is a young Turkish guy who used to work for TaleWorlds. This was a few years ago at this point. He confirmed the space game thing to me, from what I can recall by memory about the game:

>You're going to be able to deploy from spaceships down to planets in gigantic robotic suits.
>It's going to be like Mount & Blade but in space.

Honestly can't remember much more at this point. Also I can confirm that this family friend was not a friend/family of Armagan.
do you have any news if they're abandoning bannerlord or are actually happy with where it is right now?
It's because they have been getting government funding as a local cultural institution since Warband got popular. I don't think they would have been able to make Bannerlord without it. How else could this tiny indie studio jerk off for 8 years while pretending to work on a sequel?
Every time government funding drops for any independently managed project, it becomes a welfare program. The beneficiary's friends and family beg for a slice and they're happy to hand them out because it lets them use up their budget and ask for more next year. It's not a uniquely Turkish problem, just how it works.
but warband sold millions and turkey is cheap compared to western countries.
they absolutely can jerk off for 8 years.
Does your dad also work at Nintendo?
but taleworlds literally had a job ad on their site wanting passionate space emoloyees or however it was phrased.
there was a massive backlash on the forum so they removed it.
they still went ahead and trademarked the title of the new game and there is a thread on the forum still up about it.
it was mechaneer or something.
i refuse to buy Bannerlord, I still get too much enjoyment from Warband, and that's after 500 hours.
I also have Viking Conquest that I haven't played, has anyone tried it?
I've been meaning to try VC for a while, but I haven't got around to it.
>50 hours in game
>lots of frustration and fun
>don't want to sink anymore time, too much vidya to play
>feel empty and want to play more
I wish I never installed this piece of crap
>Viking Conquest
it's a nice game when you turn the stamina system off.
has a cool weapon upgrading feature and ships.
mostly melee based.
the thing that i just couldn't cope with was the ships system; it only applies to the player.
AI lords will just spawn ships under them whenever they're faced with water
hell, AI lords can sail THROUGH a besieged settlement and go onto the land like it's nothing.
ships are expensive and only the player deals with that shit.
>i refuse to buy Bannerlord
not missing out
What actually happens in Warband if the player doesn't join any faction, but continues doing a side missions to the towns and buying factories from guilds?
Does one AI faction end up unifying conquering the entire map or is there an endless stalemate between 2 remaining ones?
the AI is retarded so it will take a massive amount of time to achieve it.
but yes, sometimes, a kingdom makes a lot of gains by the time the player joins the fray but not to the point of actually conquering a kingdom. but it comes decently close.
I just don't understand how AI operates.
Like I saw Khergits fighting Swadia, instead of besieging Dhirim (which is next to them) they decided to besiege Uxhal on the other side of the map.
It's about as bad CK3's AI, which doesn't actually care what is wargoal when choosing a war (whether it is a city that is only adjacent through a sea zone or land-connected province)
which one has more garrison?
also, warband AI prefers to target the player no matter how bullshit targeting him is.
does AI know garrisons without looking at them?
I guess that follows, they also get free troops, which really sucks
>does AI know garrisons without looking at them?
i believe they do. even in bannerlord.
>check out the "best" warband mods
>most of them are just "fill the entire map with instant death enemies immune to damage unless you use magical mcguffin" and the only viable way to do anything until midgame involve cheesing the game
Can I get a fantasy mod that isn't made by autists for autists?
I'm not sure if it's vanilla or pendor but I've read somewhere that while a faction could end up being very big without player intervention, the AI is coded to dog-pile it so I guess its probably impossible as a faction will end up fighting the rest of the world.
Why do claimants even exist? I foolishly decided to fight for one and no one joined us, Spent 2 fucking ingame years soloing Sarleon and in the end my only reward is high relations with the new king? Bullshit
Being playing the game exhaustively again. It really annoys me when the "chaos" sets in and your kingdom becomes dysfunctional. Nothing gets done, you start loosing territory, everybody is mad and the king start banishing nobles right and left. What's the point of so much murder.
That's a thing in vanilla, "To curb the other realm's power" is a reason for a kingdom to start a war, so a big kingdom will usually be in permanent war and regularly have 2 or more kingdoms fighting them, which makes keeping land very difficult, let alone expanding.
I installed Warsword at one point but just couldn't enjoy it. I rolled a Dark Elf and my first task from Morathi the evil hedonistic witch slut of a king's mom (who was bald for some reason) was to go find and apprehend an evildoer who stole some poor guy's flour. It could work if she and the other Dark Elves had some evil elf spin to their generic dialogue but no such luck. Warsword is not for unserious roleplayers like me who can't even headcanon all the flavorful talking and storytelling while the game takes an easy route of just having the same generic dialogue for everyone, be it a human, a vampire or a goblin.
at one point you could recite poetry to Orkish ladies. lol
but I think it's mostly the limit of what you can do with the WB, the devs seems autistic about the lore enough
like as of recent patch you're not allowed to give Gotrek a mount or a pistol because
>that would not be proper
>mostly the limit of what you can do with the WB
Makes sense if true, though still a great shame.
your fault for not feasting, having lords make up, taking the Marshall mantle and vanquishing enemies.
Eventually all the lords will hate their kings and leave, then hate the next king and leave. It will just be kings.
From game design perspective, I don't understand what is the point of the lords permanently leaving the continent, without ever being replaced by anyone.
Like you can build a relationship with Count Haringoths for bulk of your game, only to one day find, he had disagreement with King Harlaus and fucked out of the game.
They just couldn't figure out how to make new lords spawn in. It really is that simple. I've seen some Warband mods fix this and allow for executions by implementing randomly generated lords. That should have been in the base game but they didn't care enough todo it.
But why did they even have to get exiled?
Under what circumantaces do they even get exiled?
Like if their opinion shifts they might defect, right?
Are they supposed to go into exile only after they have defected to every side?

>That should have been in the base game but they didn't care enough todo it.
They could made them show up in taverns as companions.

Also, related. What happens to the claimants? If a faction eliminated does its claimant disapear? What happens if one faction conquers the map? Does its's claimant fuck off as well, because claimants hang around in courts?
Lord leaving vs liege kicking them out, basically.
In the former, the lord will move to another faction if he dislike his liege, lose his fief, or they're losing the war. (+ personality, dishonorable lords are more likely to leave)
In the latter, the liege will remove the lord from the game if he doesn't like the lord and said lord have high controversy (and I think having little or no fief as well). This action usually causes the liege to lose reputation with all lords in the faction.

Claimants from a lost faction disappear. Claimant from a faction that fully conquered the map simply can't spawn, because they can only spawn in a different faction's town.
Its me or non-stab polearms are busted in pendor? Polehammer let me knock most of units in 1-2 hits from safe distance with seems to be busted.
poop forced me to become a shieldcuck.
i used the doom mace.
Its the 2 handed swords. I believe some of them hit twice as fast and have a longer range lol
Can Swadia, Rhodoks, Nords, and Vaegirs appear in Bannerlord?

I'm aware Khergits and Sarranids are already clans under other factions can possibly take them voer.
>Can Swadia, Rhodoks, Nords, and Vaegirs appear in Bannerlord?
Vaegirs might be the Vagiroving clan.
What are clans exactly?
Seems like poorly named subfactions. Like when I heard clan, I'd imagine a kingroup of a thousand people. Not just 1 one leader and 6 characters.
people who share the same last name and maybe the same ancestor.
think of game of throned Houses.
but can't player join a clan? are their companions considered members of the clan?
>can't player join a clan?
no. think of it as someone changing his last name in medieval times. it's retarded and taleworlds fucking suck.
>are their companions considered members of the clan?
no. they are listed as companions as far as i'm aware in the clan tab
I've never found doom mace in shop or loot it from heretics but mine cko knights are equipped with them like they are so common war pick available in every shop
i can't remember where i found mine but i think i found it in a shop.
can't be sure though. it's been years since i last played poop.
Doomsguides are the only ones who drop it I think
That would imply the devs did more than the bare minimum, so no.
Which is insane, why are lore events, minor and major, not a thing in this goddamn fucking game?
No, there's no event system. It's extremely lazy.
>I'm aware Khergits and Sarranids are already clans under other factions can possibly take them voer.
Which even then isn't how it canonically happen, the game itself literally pushes the fact both clans are disgruntled and on the brink of rebellion, but the only way for them to get in power is by getting elected.
What is the khergit path?
>raid farmers
>raid villages
>run away from battles
>hunt for a weak lord, and capture him
>capture a castle
>show up in the thousands to besiege a castle
>fall at the end of 3 peasants and 2 crossbows
am i misremembering or did the /mbg/ OP years ago have a link to a mega with a bunch of osprey men at arms books?
nevermind i found the link (the mega was nuked so there isn't anything left), i was misremembering and it /twg/ before they turned into fantasyfags
ITT: we fix viking conquest
I'll start
>Need to somehow fix the AI to correctly launch naval invasions
>Rebellions need to be fixed to only allow a fief or two from the originals factions fiefs. Broke a save because some random faction that died long time ago decided to make a comeback when I had half the map and suddenly gained x10 of the fiefs they started with
>Merge the kingdoms of the same cultures into a single factions, No more alt cult nig nog faction of the king and a lord walking around on an island with a castle and a village
>>Need to somehow fix the AI to correctly launch naval invasions
Definitely. Maybe one day some modder will figure out how to buckbreak the game engine. A game heavy on seafaring and it's only you and bandits in the sea - lame.
>Merge the kingdoms of the same cultures into a single factions
Half the fun for me is bullying a small Gaelic or Briton kingdom without too much consequence. In fact, I want more factions on the mainland. At least add the Franks so that Danes and Frisians have something to do.
Fix the problem of:
>pay for a ferry to shuttle my army to a city across the river
>get offered and accept the position of marshal once I'm across
>try to head back across with the same ferry I just used because the enemy is in the direction I just came from
>the exact same army is suddenly too big to transport just because I'm a marshal
>I either have to walk around the entire river or have an entire separate fleet of ships whose only purpose is fording a single river
I just don't get why sieges have to be so shit.
>there is one ladder
>as 60 guys climb the ladder, 2 archers kill them all while 2 nords hold them off
It really takes castle bottleneck to another level

Like if every castle had multiple ladders, it would at least force the defenders to spread their forces and give the attacker some strategic choices.
It's easily the least fun part of the entire game.

Is there a mod that rework sieges?
diplomacy has another ladder iirc. poop too.
gekokujo has gates instead of walls and ladders.
viking conquest has several ladders and a naval assault option that bypasses walls and ladders for an all out melee.
i think most overhaul mods add another ladder.
didn't you find out how to cheese sieges yet?
you get a mostly ranged army and park them before the ladder then retreat when they run out of ammo.
>a mostly ranged army and park them before the ladder then retreat when they run out of ammo
I actually did try that at some point, but didn't actually find effective, then again think I only tried against Nords and their shield were too much.
Should that work khergit veteran horse archers? Are they good enought
Is there any benefit to raiding a village with horse archers rather with swadian knights?
I'd imagine khergits move faster on the map than Swadian knights, but from what I can tell the game only cares if they are mounted or not?
>Should that work khergit veteran horse archers?
it should
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Also, I still don't skirmishing in native.
I order them follow me and ride around the enemy, but AI still rarely shoots while riding.

The addition of Khergits to Warband (they weren't in the original game) is really weird to begin with.
Like these are supposed to be Turkic nomads. But they don't have any nomads mechanics and they start with cities, castles and villages they supposedly took from the Vaegirs few years ago.
Yet, people in these villages are khergits?
How come there are khergits peasants, were they nomads? How did they learn to farm?

I feel like it would make more sense if the Khergit faction functioned more like the bandits, as landless; it would fit their nomadic nature more.
Something like:
>they travel around the map followed by a ton of cows
>occasionally they declare war on other factions
>when at war, they just raid villages, steal cattle, and defeat armies
>but they don't never attack castles or cities
>they only peace when faction agrees to pay them shit ton of money

Maybe there is a mod that does it?
Maybe Bannerlord did something cool like that?
>Also, I still don't skirmishing in native.
>I order them follow me and ride around the enemy, but AI still rarely shoots while riding.
dickplomacy gives them cantabrian circle on charge like it was before people complained about how OP they were and the devs nerfed them.
>Maybe there is a mod that does it?
>Maybe Bannerlord did something cool?
>how OP they were
They were extremely annoying mostly
>fight last 30 minutes because 3 retards on horseback are running circles around your men and neither can hit each others
They should have just made archers more accurate against moving targets/cavalry, that would have solved the problem.
>fight last 30 minutes because 3 retards on horseback
they could have fixed easily with the morale system.
i hate battles being to the last man and they cause some of the retardation of the game with lords losing everything and needing to rebuild from scratch instead of just fleeing when they lose the engagement.
>the devs nerfed them.
the mods devs?

Oh yes the Crassus simulation.

Here is how to counter:

Yes, so much of the medieval warfare developed around shock to cause people to retreat.
If every army fought to the last man, every battle would have been pyrrhic victory.
>Oh yes the Crassus simulation.
They'll run out of ammo eventually
Honestly a shame the game didn't have options to make your men refill ammo in a fight beside retreating.
>the mods devs?
no. taleworlds nerfed horse archers into charging then doing a circle iirc.
dickanon restored the original behaviour.
massed archery also takes care of them. in m&b at least.
True, but at the same time it can be pretty fucking annoying when the enemy army breaks at 10% casualties, runs off the map, and then immediately reforms to keep raiding your villages or w/e. If the routed troops disappeared or turned into Deserters (or at least had a chance to do so - I'd be fine with each routed troop having a dice roll post-combat to see if they disappear, desert, or regroup), it'd be fine.
>time it can be pretty fucking annoying when the enemy army breaks at 10% casualties, runs off the map, and then immediately reforms to keep raiding your villages or w/e.
it can be tweaked here and there. maybe the enemy breaks at 30% casualties so they can't fight back instantly.
village raiding can be reduced if taleworlds restores the garrison functionality to villages. idk if this ever was a thing or just a bug or i'm hallucinating.
you could leave some troops in allied fiefs and pick them up later as was shown in 2016 pcgamer showcase.
is bannerlord fun yet?
I don't remember, sorry.
Our guest did say that TaleWorlds made use of a lot of students doing internships as part of their education. This sounds in-line with the fact that they were basically government-funded.
>I don't remember
how do you forget something like this?
just say you can't speak about it to protect your friend.
with many mods and editing, it becomes better. not warband level of sovl but definitely many times more enjoyable than no mods.
First time in Warband trying not to become a vassal to any faction.
It has been like 150 and haven't accomplished anything.
I have an army of 80, 20 of which Swadian knights.
I keep raiding Rhodok villages and defeating medium armies, hoping that I will eventually find poorly defended castle and force them surrender.
Though Rhodoks are getting really strong... They have taken Suno and Praven, while Sadia has been reduced to a single castle.

At this point, I feel I should try assaulting a castle from Khergits, because they might not be able to take it back.
>Sanala at 12961 prosperity now
It bothers me that they're so rich on the other end of the world. I want all that for myself.
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What are those island on the middle fo the sea?
Can you actually access them? Is there something special about them?
what's stopping you from taking it?
we don't know. try reading villages and cultures lore.
i cannot guarantee that you'll find something about them.
Are there even ships in Bannerlord?
Seems like the entire idea of adding islands there would be to make ship warfare a thing.

Also off-topic, I dislike the Bannerlord map, Warband map has its own flaws, but Bannerlord map just seem messy and not something I want to conquer
>Are there even ships in Bannerlord?
no. devs said it might be a dlc ages ago but never a vanilla thing.
>I dislike the Bannerlord map, Warband map has its own flaws, but Bannerlord map just seem messy and not something I want to conquer
one geoanon said that mountains don't make sense at all but taleworlds did heat maps 'n shiet for many things like trade goods, bandit activity and caravans.
Can I beat 20 Rhodok sergeants and 40 Rhodok Sharpshooters with 20 Swadian knights and 20 men-at arms?
It's crucial, if I lose this I will lose my only castle.
How many Rhodok sergeants is one Swadian knight worth?
just believe in yourself!
target the sharpshooters first.
>How many Rhodok sergeants is one Swadian knight worth?
1 Swadian knight is the equal of 3 sharpshooters
sergeants are worth even less.
>/vg/ league starts at the end of the month
>no /mbg/ team
/vst/ league when?
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>Rhodok army of 500 arrives to besiege my castle
>I charge at them with 92 on field, hoping knights would be more effective on field
>retreat after losing 20 and they lose 20
>they assault my castle 1:5
>lose after killing 300 of them
>get imprisoned and lose everything

Now I only have 6000 gold left...
I guess it was fool's errand, should have tried to defeat them in detail. Thought there so many Rhodok lords (when they assaulted by castle I had imprisoned 4 of them).

Maybe I should have just let them take the castle, recapturing might have been cheaper than trying to defend it.
It's past 1.0 and it's not even remotely finished.
>recapturing might have been cheaper than trying to defend it
but you did win your 40 to 60 fight, right?
>Now I only have 6000 gold left...
you don't have a productive enterprise in every town in the game?
get to to work on them.
>Maybe I should have just let them take the castle
5:1 is tough. get tons of denars, and garrison half of your troops in the castle then go on a recruiting spree next time.
recruit mercenaries mainly and pick up soldiers from the 1 or 2 villages that you have high relations with.
you do have high relations with 1-3 villages, right?
I mean, I nitially captured a castle because it had 40 garrison I just assaulted it with 20 knights.
>but you did win your 40 to 60 fight, right?
I actually didn't do it, I pussied out and let them go, later that deathstack was among the 500 that showed up to assault my castle.

I feel like I would have lost against either way.

>you don't have a productive enterprise in every town in the game?
I feel like that's unstable way, because if faction declares war on you, you lose all income from them. Not mention no guild sells me any enterprises because relationship with their lord.

>5:1 is tough. get tons of denars, and garrison half of your troops in the castle then go on a recruiting spree next time.
I did, and I hire any mercs I could reach, within three weeks I was able to hold the castle.

I feel like it was doomed to fail, even if I had been able to hold off the Rhodoks, Nords declared war on me.
And nobody wants to make peace... I only now hear that, you apparently need 30 Right to Rule to make peace, and I had 0.

I do have landless factions now, but I'm till at war with the Nords and Rhodoks that combined own half the map.
I can cope with the Rhodoks, being at war with Nords sucks.
I guess I should just pledge fealty to Vaegirs or something so I can out of the war. Or just start raiding Nord villages
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I hate that Bannerlord has just enough promise in foundations and small improvements to make me miss them(mostly not having to go through screen to screen when changing something and battle size) when I play Warband but less than half of the modded content that makes Warband good. It just makes me end up not wanting to play either
Someone tell me settlements in Bannerlords are dynamic.
Like I want to:
>wipe cities out of the map
>turn villages into cities
>build new villages in any location
They're not.
>It just makes me end up not wanting to play either
this is the correct position.
you can add many mods to bannerlord and it'll be tolerable.
there is a mod that allows building new settlements but i *think* it's only for the player.
I don't get why devs are so uninterested in non-military stuff.
Bannerlord is a generational game, but from what I hear it's very static.
It'd be cool if cities got destroyed, new cities sprawled out, roads would emerge, etc.
Maybe you cut forests, and plant new fields, maybe you capture bandits and make them serfs.

The point being, the map should evolve.
>I don't get why devs are so uninterested in non-military stuff.
Because they're still trying to salvage multiplayer. Just take a look at the updates and you'll notice most of the work is done on multiplayer.
>I don't want free workshop money because I don't always get all of it
I can't get it either way.
I keep getting told the local lord doesn't like me, so nobody sells "land" to me.
Does opinion with a town override it?
Depending on the mod you need different relations with the town (native is 0 iirc,) and the lord has to not feel negatively about you.
I can't imagine what kind of scuffed shit you would have done to make every lord on the map hate you.
I pillaged some Rhodok villages and suddently every Khergit guy hates me, despite never doing anything to them.
I guess that is cost of -50 honor
Steppe people attacked cities and castles
Also they were in the OG m&b, you're thinking of Sarranids
>Steppe people attacked cities and castles
They rarely kept them, usually, they just sacked them and left a puppet ruler in charge.
Yeah, though that heavily depends on which steppe people and where they conquered, particularly the later ones occupied vast swathes of inhibited, civilised lands
>Yet, people in these villages are khergits?
>How come there are khergits peasants, were they nomads? How did they learn to farm?
>I feel like it would make more sense if the Khergit faction functioned more like the bandits, as landless; it would fit their nomadic nature more.
In 1257 AD, they depict Mongol occupation by having only "native" cultures recruitable in Golden Horde and Ilkhanate cities. You have to be part of the faction to get real Mongol troops, and you can only get them in limited quantities. So you still have to rely on the native troops as half your army, which makes sense as conquered vassals were indeed forced to pay tribute of fighting men. It's a good system that allows the Mongol factions to function like any other faction (doesn't break the game) while also not suggesting that every Mongol-held city was full of nothing but Mongols.
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and a heritage webm of a certain butter lord scoring a neat goal during one of the past /vg/ leagues since i just found this again
Harlaus hitting that shot smoothly like a dick into a well buttered asshole.
Why are companions in Warband so lame?
>Hello, I'm Jeremus here is a info dump of my backstory. Can you give me 300 gold to join you
>I don't like that other companion
>Let me info dump about this castle

They are so generic they might as well be generated.
I'd imagine that just a little bit of work, they could have been interesting.
Like what if every companion had an ongoing story, that you could complete with quest e.g
>by following quests of Artimenner you could acquire convert a castle ruin to a proper castle
>by completing Jeremus quests, you could open a hospital in Praven
>Why are companions in Warband so lame?
people loved them and shit on bannerlord for having generic companions with generic back stories and no in-fighting. no lore as well.
A cool thing I like about the companions is that they have a specific dialogue if you somehow end up fighting them.
is it just my game or do movement keys sometimes get stuck?
how do you end up fighting them?
Would you have to make them a lord and they would have to defect?
Just you.
i found a steam thread from 2020 and 2 people bumped it in 2022 then a fucker closed it. he had a valve sign.
>Would you have to make them a lord and they would have to defect?
If bluetooth then the answer is obvious. If wired, then you have to keep searching.
yeah i use wired.
>If bluetooth then the answer is obvious
low battery?
What used to happen to me is my USB ports would fuck up and freeze for a few seconds at a time if there's too much CPU load. Do you have "force single threading" enabled?
>my USB ports would fuck up and freeze for a few seconds at a time if there's too much CPU load
this happens on the map too and my map CPU usage doesn't hit 30%
>Do you have "force single threading" enabled?
is this an option in bannerlord?
it could be a broken USB port though. my toaster is 10 years old.
is there ever a reason to order heavy cavalry to dismount?

I can only think of using ordering dismounting if I'm defending a hill and want to add some obstacles, but even charing down hill is essentially better
I think it can be used in situation where your cavalry can't do their job and end up stuck, like fighting tightly packed spearmen on top of a steep hill or between buildings in a village, as getting swarmed and unhorsed will kill them.
That being said, if you're focusing on cavalry, you would not let them charge into a position where they're at a disadvantage to begin with.
does honor even matter?
is it bad if I have -100 honor?
>is this an option in bannerlord?
Ah I was thinking warband. BL should run fine on new CPUs.
Another thing that has caused my USB ports to stutter is when the game is saved to the same SSD as my OS or if there's a big download going on. Could that be it?
>when the game is saved to the same SSD as my OS
maybe it's this.
i do have bannerlord in the main steam folder alongside the operating system.
I don't like it either. The Aserai and the Sturgians are too solated. The Khuzaits and, to a lesser extend the Vlandians are tucked away at the peripheries and you have to go out of your way to get there.
So the factions you're gonna see the most of in a normal playthrough are the empire and Battania (but mostly imps).
>excited to play some bannerlord
>remember i finished my unification campaign a couple of days ago
1.3 when?
It affects your relation with lords, honorable lords with like you if you're honorable and hate you if you aren't, and vice versa with dishonorable lords.
It also affects your chance of becoming a marshall.
The layout also makes war an absolute chore, for instance have fun waging war against the Aserai since the few entry points to their territory are all fucking chokepoints.
>capture Uxkhal form the Sarranids
>refuse peace
>they recapture Uxkhal in 1 day
Wtf, firstly how can they refuse peace when I have 28 Right to Rule?
Secondly, how can all lords just come back to Uxkhal after they had just ended their campaign? I thought that once campaign ends lords fuck off and require some time until returning.
>have fun waging war against the Aserai since the few entry points to their territory are all fucking chokepoints.
they're the easiest to fuck over imo.
>call a massive army at the war start
>sit in the choke point and fuck their shit up
>then start sieging
post map, please.
>I thought that once campaign ends lords fuck off and require some time until returning.
i'm not aware of such cool down.
lords follow the marshall depending on relations and controversy if they don't have stuff to attend to i think.
i remember lords following me whenever i called a campaign even back to back unless i took them on a long campaign.
/mbg/ bannerlord clone when?
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After Sarranids retook it from me, Swadia took it back, and then Rhodoks took.
Most surprising in 300 days is that Swadia is doing okay, while Nords have lost all their cities.
I genuinely hate that they focused on MP so much. 99% of the draw for the game was the single player aspect and the replayability, as well as the single player modding scene. Instead they tried to jump on the medieval slasher bandwagon with Mordhau, Chivalry 2, Dark&Darker and other games and sank their flagship title. It genuinely pisses me off to no end.
An MP game that keeps people coming back with updates and "seasons" and shit was a more feasible business model in my view. Warband was unique, highly charming, massively memed, organically grown, and heavily community supported. By the time Bannerlord came out, everyone already copied Warband, and Warband was already legendary. So Bannerlord was never gonna be original, they were never going to recapture the same magic. The best they could have hoped for is making a modernized Warband, which I think they achieved. But that's not very impressive since Warband already exists, so they opted to focus on MP. They failed, of course, and so we are left with underdeveloped single player and lackluster multiplayer. But they could have succeeded if they weren't so slow and dumb to adapt after Bannerlord's release.
They also made it fucking terrible and still worse than Warband.
>Sarranids demand 100K money to make peace
>Swadia demands 20K (later they demand 30K)
Where is the peace demand based on? Just the opinion?
You'd defeat the entire Sarranid army in one battle they would lower the price, but instead, they just increase it.
why would you sue for peace?
just fuck their shit up until they ask for peace.
because I can't do anything when I'm war with 3 different factions at the same time
I can defeat Sarranid castle on the field and take a castle from them, but I can't leave my castle before army of 1000 Rhodoks/Swadians shows up to take my castle
>everyone already copied Warband
Who? And what? My biggest annoyance is that Mount and Blade scratches an itch that very few other games come close to imitating, including Bannerlord.
Those gay MP games copied and innovated the combat mechanics. Campaign wise, you're right. The imitators I've seen are utter shit. But Warband already existed with a strong fanbase, Bannerlord needed to offer a huge improvement on a beloved formula to succeed there. That was never gonna happen because it's impossible.
>But Warband already existed with a strong fanbase, Bannerlord needed to offer a huge improvement on a beloved formula to succeed there.
>That was never gonna happen because it's impossible.
it is very possible.
everyone just wanted warband+. the load order modding system is a huge improvement. battles being smooth at 1k size (if you have a good pc), the qol features, the dynasty system and sieges not being utter shit are fucking amazing.
but they had to to do away with the roleplaying features from warband and shoot bannerlord in the foot.
they also made the economy centered around battles instead of taxes.
Bannerlord had way more RPG features than Warband. The skill system, the story quest, the clan system, etc. Yet, this game is boring. It's just a warband "recreated" in a new engine that is less satisfying and with a ton of soulless garbage piled on top. It's a shit game. Warband was good because it was novel and fun. It offered something no game came close to. 10 years later, Warband was a classic and had a lot of imitators. A sequel can't compete with that.
MP? Because that describes bannerlord in general
Dynasty system is fucking gay, I'm not here to play god damn crusader kings I want to play mount and blade, John Hawkwood or William Marshal simulator
>a lot of imitators
I wish
>Dynasty system is fucking gay
no. YOU are gay.
>I'm not here to play god damn crusader kings
we're here to play the CK2 and total war but from one character's perspective; mount and blade.
>Bannerlord had way more RPG features than Warband
>The skill system
warband had one too.
>the story quest
i'll give you this.
>the clan system
warband had families and separate relations with each member. you gained or lost relations with the family if you did something for one member like busting them out of prison.
bannerlord went back compared to warband with a single relation for the whole clan.
list them.
bannerlord doesn't have roleplaying features as in actually engaging with the game not RPG as in game type.
warband had:
>renown decay
>kingdom court and minister
>all lords competing for the new fief instead of 3 at a time
>ability to convince lords to support (you) or someone else for fiefs
>suggestion to lords to attack a party or start a siege
>ability to fight your way out of towns after failure to sneak in
>denounce or support a lord
>actual courtship instead of RNG
>dueling lords
>have lords make up
>economy based on taxes instead of battle loot so you don't have to battle all the time to stay afloat
>raiding villages gives a huge amount of denars
>right to rule instead of being magically gated by clan level
>earning renown increases your party size incrementally instead of big magical jumps at clan level
>>the story quest
>i'll give you this.
Well I won't. It sucks so bad it's a net negative!
No were fucking not, I liked my mount and blade as mount and blade not some shitty CK wannabe crap that doesn't even work properly and isn't fleshed out
>John Hawkwood and William Marshal not much Angevin and Plantagenet ok
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>The addition of Khergits to Warband (they weren't in the original game) is really weird to begin with.
Khergits were in Mount & Blade. Sarranids were added for Warband.
>Like these are supposed to be Turkic nomads. But they don't have any nomads mechanics and they start with cities, castles and villages they supposedly took from the Vaegirs few years ago
They took terrain from the Vaegirs and Swadians. But also Batheshur's whole story is that every generation or so some hinterland barabarians come into civilized lands and conquer it, then get settled and soft, and get invaded by the next batch of cold hard barbarians. Khergits are not a sudden new faction in the Warband Calradia era.
There is nothing about them and you can't access them in Native Bannerlord.
I've found warring with Aserai to be easy because of that, the front is always narrow so once you win a major engagement the momentum stays up. Main problem is distance to their core areas before another war or front opens up.
I mean why couldn't these fags just look at the top used mods and pick up whatever cool shit they have, Modernise the graphics, the AI/path finding etc and call it a new game? Imagine the AI, kingdom management, noble families and economy changes of diplomacy combined with knighthood orders, Noble only troops trees and minor faction invasions and spawns of pendor? Throw in some new features for businesses for example like buying lands, Or expand on banditry and pet the player do whatever they want and you will have pure sovl that even nostalgia fags wouldn't be able to complain about
>There is nothing about them and you can't access them in Native Bannerlord.
Then why are they there?
They are so large they make the entire inland sea look weird.
Then again, I heard that in Bannerlord AI actually has to recruit troops from villages instead of having them auto-spawn.
>i.e. I'm chasing Sultan Hakam for multiple days, the fucker gains 1 Mamluk every day
tell me Bannerlord has a morale/disciplie system, where shock tactics can cause a rout
>look up Bannerlord gameplay
>it still uses some sound effects from Warband
It's got the same morale system as Warband mods like Viking Conquest. If you kill enough enemies quickly enough and/or their commander, they will eventually start running. But it takes a while in any case, you would have to kill the majority of their side before it happens. There are no RTW style routes where you can suddenly break the enemy by hitting them in the back.
>I heard that in Bannerlord AI actually has to recruit troops from villages instead of having them auto-spawn.
They do, and it's fucking infuriating when some lord take the same path as you and take every single fucking recruits just before you arrive.
Can't you solve that problem with just having more villages?
Think that in bannerlord there are 5 villages for every town, which is still too few, there should be at least 10 villages for every town
>Swadians and Rhodoks
The split remnants of Vlandia years later.
>Nords and Vaegirs
The split remnants of Sturgia years later.

How didn't you figure this out on your own?
>i.e. I'm chasing Sultan Hakam for multiple days, the fucker gains 1 Mamluk every day
lords in warband are supposed to get troops while in walled settlements, they pay for them and they never outright spawn the highest tier.
if you're playing vanilla, the Sultan is upgrading his troops.
it seems you saw gamescom and older stuff.
watch something new.
>I heard that in Bannerlord AI actually has to recruit troops from villages
kind of.
>instead of having them auto-spawn.
they still auto spawn a bunch of troops when defeated.
idk the exact amount because i didn't see a solid source about it in a couple of years.
>Can't you solve that problem with just having more villages?
it is better solved by having high relations with notables (the people you recruit from in villages and towns).
do they they only get 1 level of recruits?

Also, in Warband, there is 75% chance for a lord to escape and teleport to another city.
Is the same thing Bannerlord?
I hate it, people say if chance was 0%, faction would collapse immediately, but I don't see considering lords will eventually escape, and you barely have enought time to capture holding.

Afer defeating 15 lords, I only 3 lords as prisoners, so I feel like I'm just wating my time bashing their armies
>do they they only get 1 level of recruits?
no. they get a template in bannerlord of around 25 troops. or they used to. idk what happens now.
in warband, they pay for troops and also recruit from a "pool" or some shit. they get a soldier a day or so depending on settings (?)
>Is the same thing Bannerlord?
i think defeated lords get captured 100% of the time unless they physically escape the battle.
>I hate it
me too.
>people say if chance was 0%, faction would collapse immediately
lies and slander.
i modded my playthroughs to get 100% capture rate with tweakMB and the play time didn't vary from unmodded playthroughs.
no factions were getting rekt.
>but I don't see considering lords will eventually escape, and you barely have enought time to capture holding.
>Afer defeating 15 lords, I only 3 lords as prisoners, so I feel like I'm just wating my time bashing their armies
the best way to play long campaigns is to be honorable so you can befriend honorable lords and secure future vasslas so i always let lords escape after battle.
now, i can't be sure but i think poop has 100% capture rate as well.
one caveat for bannerlord is when a lord gets captured, a clan member forms a party and takes the field. so capturing a lord in bannerlord has less value than capturing a lord in warband. not to mention their ransom being less as well in bannerlord.
unrelated but i think this is why people complain about women on the battle field although i've never really combed through clans and listed their party leading members and sitting members.
Is there any point in bothering to get specific factions troops in Bannerlord or is empire + whatever's closest good enough/better than everything else? I had fun with druz champ + khan guard army but it just seems unnecessary.
some troops are outright superior in every way.
Khan guards are the best at everything.
power gap
Fian champions are the second best.
if you had a decent number of Khan guards, those might have made battles easy for you.
Vanilla has not so good armor so melee units die fast and ranged is meta.
disclaimer: i haven't played without warbandlord for years now
modded, Sturgia top tiers are heavily armored and i've been defeated several times by them in opening battles when they slightly outnumbered me. i had mainly cataphracts with token imperial ranged and infantry. something like 70% cataphracts.
Vlandia defeated me a couple of times too in opening battles when they slightly outnumbered me with their combination of crossbows and knights.
opening battles: battles at the start of war where the AI has a lot of top and high tiers.
later on, the AI elites get whittled down.
No matter where you start, most of your troops will be composed of Imperials, and the rest will be a spattering of local non-Imperial faction troops that you're fighting. There is no time to run across the map to recruit Fians and Khan's Guards when you are at war with the world. Things would be a lot harder if you couldn't peacefully recruit men from enemy villages without an issue.
maybe in vanilla and for non-ranged units.
any mod that changes dmg calculation increases top tier units survivability and running around with specific troops becomes viable.
Yes, I'm speaking from a vanilla standpoint. But it doesn't change the fact that your Fians and Guards will inevitably die during sieges in faraway lands and you won't be able to replenish them in sufficient numbers - which is my point about the irrelevance in stacking a particular non-imperial faction's troop.
>But it doesn't change the fact that your Fians and Guards will inevitably die during sieges in faraway lands
i don't attack in a siege unless i have superior numbers and have breached the 2 walls.
you can also simply order the archers to stand outside the walls and not join the melee.
idk about Khan guards because i didn't use them yet.
>assault a castle
>there is 20 guys left
>I have 60 guys left
>get knocked unconscious
>gets reduced to 5 guys
And that's rage quit for me.
How can an attacker even get captured? Like I was knocked unconscious outside of the castle, how did they get me?
Had I been not captured, the garrison would have surrendered.
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>lookup Dicklomacy
>expect it to be cringe sex mod
It seems to actually add a lot of stuff, though I worry it changes the tone of the game.
Also, from the screenshot it seems like you can pimp your female companions and visit brothels, but what purpose do brothel visits actually serve?
Brothels add some monthly ioncome bonus for ever female prisoner you leave in them. With a mugh bigger incom bonus per month for leaving noble Ladies on it.

PS: I think all of Dickplomacy's 18+ features can be disabled from the Camp menu, or at least the sex scenes.
I got that part, but I meant, what do you gain from fucking women yourself?
Is there sex stats? Do you get more renown for it?
>Yellow Nords
I will never not be put off by this.
this is why battle continuation is a must even if you just edit it in with tweakMB.
>what do you gain from fucking women yourself?
you gain the satisfaction of humiliating the lord who raided your village by fucking his wife in front of him.
iirc, you gain morale for fucking your wife in camp and relations with her too.
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Someone post the old "he's turning all of our wives and daughters into prostitutes" webm
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Ahhh, a classic.
>relations with her too.
kinda unrealistic, considering women dislike sex
I've been replaying Bannerlord, and every single fucking time I end up hating it.
All the arbitrary limitations tied to clan level
The shitty leveling and perk system
The fucking timer on quests so the most interesting ones takes a whole in-game week to show up again
The absolutely retarded AI
All the fucking nerfs to everything to force you into constantly fighting
All the half-baked or unfinished features
God I hate it so fucking much, even with mods it goes from absolute dogshit to barely passable.
Imagine playing a game you hate
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we should do a m&b-like game jam over a month. people have a month to work on a m&b-like in any time period or setting then we test them all at the end and rate them
Mount & Blade II: Bonerlard
That sounds fun.
The weirdest thing for me is that I find the battles the least fun of Mount and Blade, which seems to be the reason why most people like it.
For me, the appeal of M&B has always been the limited presence of the player, compare warfare to games like Crusader Kings or Total War, where you can lead armies all over the world.
But M&B you only exist in one place, there is no teleportation. And if you are on the other side of the map when your castle is besieged, there is little you can do.
It's great because it puts the player in an unwinnable situation, even if you have the best army and could defeat your enemy on the field, it's meaningless if your enemy runs away from you and takes castles from you when you are away.

So, I think the series captures the spirit of medieval warfare much better than any other game.
Thereby, I'd like to make a game that captures that aspect of it.
Of course, I would need to find a way to replace battles with something that is more automatic, but that provides more choices than CK3's battles.
1866 and Star Wars Conquest for OG Mount & Blade took many hours of my life.
Welp, I made the mistake of working for the Khuzait
>join army for a siege
>1500 khuzaits (and my party) vs 500 aserais
>we "win"
>only 200 troops left after the siege
>over half of those are mine
I learned my lesson, I'm not letting horse fuckers handle sieges again
the AI starts the attack without destroying the enemy mangonels.
it's not horsefuckers issue.
never join sieges unless you're the king or a high lord who can take over the "siege preparation phase" on the overworld map.
So many kino mods in the late beta era. I remember there was a mod where you were a pirate, had a ship, and could swing from a rope to board the enemy.
Any fun perk builds?

I had Axe breaking specialization for companion and gave him command of Sturgian 2h and all shields were gone even before engagements thanks to throwing axes.
Is there any load order fuckery I need to be aware of for the "true" series of mods? I'm rebuilding my mod list and just having any single one activated crashes my game after battle. Right now I'm only running diplomacy, RBM, and DRM.
LOTR one is good
families essentially, households
its poorly done
its essentially Hungary and the kharegits are sarmatians/scytians/huns/awars/hungarians/cumans/mongols whatever
you can disable all that cringy sex/slavery shit
check King Order
I have watched some gameplay of it, and I don't think it's quite what I want.
>Is there any load order fuckery I need to be aware of for the "true" series of mods?
idk but why not?
>crashes my game after battle
check if they're compatible first.
we use warbandlord here. you just need to disable the speed changes in the mod settings.
The Tsaritsa's benevolence will save Euler.
The Tsaritsa will be cryo Furina/raiden and increase physical dmg on the side through res shred or whatever.
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>thank you for helping us in that ambush
>here's literal garbage as a reward
i'm talking out of my ass but the only trash items i got were the result of removing armor mods.
maybe a mod is referencing an unavailable item so it's giving you trash instead?
It's vanilla.
Dunno about perks per se, but I made a polearm character a while back and it was great fun. One thing that I'll admit they managed to greatly improve is mounted spear combat.
>see town rebelling
>swoop in and take it for myself
>I now own a town without being a kingdom either
Is that supposed to happen?
the turks lost their minds.
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Nah it will occur in Native occassionally. I think it's the only way you can acquire Pepper and Spices too, I think the reward was to be a random high-value semi-rare trade good.
Yeah, also if you are in a kingdom then leave it, while they will declare war on you as a rebel, if you gain peace with your fiefs still, other realms won't declare war on you until you join a rival realm or found a new realm of your own, but you can be an independent clan with multiple towns and castles and be relatively untouchable. The downside to it is you can't marshall an Army of your clan parties, and you can't set up realm policies (and certain realm policies can be really useful).
Why? You're probably the same type of whiner who always bitched about "but I have RTR!" in Warband.
Revolting cities in Bannerlord? Seems neat.
Can you also design what degree of autonomy they have?
why would the kingdoms tolerate a nobody or a mercenary holding a fief of the realm. and a town too.
>You're probably the same type of whiner who always bitched about "but I have RTR!" in Warband.
>lords hate him
>find out how this man win with this simple head rolling trick
Apparently Derthert hates me for removing some rebel's heads off their shoulders and is constantly waging war against me.
What's the most effective way to shut him down? Jail all his lords or execute all of them?
Derthert hates everyone because vlandia is a pre butter and feasts kingdom.
I don't get the design philosophy of making auto-resolve so shit. People speculate the devs wanted to punish player for being lazy/knocked out, by making it shit.
I just don't want to fight 10 bandits for 20 times, because every battle takes 2 minutes. So, I'd rather auto-resolve, except I can't because it would mean by best unit get taken out by bandits.

Personally, I think they couldn't bother to make any type of simulation, so it's just dice rolls.
It's there to make you think about putting points into tactics.
has someone made a test run how much tactics impacts auto-resolve?
Strat gaming did one 3 years ago so I don't know how much it's changed since then but back then having maxed tactics cut casualties in half.
idk if relations have anything to do with wars.
bannerlord is made to be 24/7 warring.
>What's the most effective way to shut him down?
you can't. unless you hace massive amounts of influence and can just keep the war going by vetoing your lords and keeping all Vlandians imprisoned.
maybe just take all of Vlandia.
>I just don't want to fight 10 bandits for 20 times, because every battle takes 2 minutes. So, I'd rather auto-resolve, except I can't because it would mean by best unit get taken out by bandits.
super speed mod is essential. it permits the functionality of speeding up battles while you're still alive.
>drink yourself out in a tavern
>king ask you to enter his service
>5 minutes later he explains you've done so much for him, he's now making a lord and giving you a fief
What's the downside of promoting companions to lordship in Bannerlord? 20k, 500 i and a fief for a 100 relationship clan and freeing up a companion space isn't that bad.
>idk if relations have anything to do with wars.
Seems like it does affects the odds of a faction waging war on you if the faction isn't neighboring you.
The Vlandians and the Western Empire kept waging war on me for owning Sargot, but the Northern Empire waged war on me multiple times despite being far away because Lucon hates me. Meanwhile the Sturgians, Khurzaits and Aserai, who are also far away, ignores me because they're either friendly or neutral to me.
The desire hit me
Give me your best Bannerlord mods, looking to do a mostly vanilla run for the first one after a while, I'll be back for the heavy mod list drastically changing it up in like a week
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Best Bannerlord mod list.

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