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1.1 Edition
Post stuff about mods for Hoi4
Previous Thread: >>1881161
I recognize way too many people from edgy podcasts while playing as some of the TFR tags.
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>spend years make a mod with a potentially interesting setting: what if the squabbles between the XIX century monarchies dragged to the Cold War
>forget to write any sort of tensions between the Germs and the Brits, almost no proxy wars or sabotage between the powers, no jockeying for influence on neutral nations
Can't have anything happen, now can we? That'd be slop.
After 1.1, which countries are you hoping to see get content next? Personally, I want UK or Koreas content soon hopefully.
Ethiopia, Congo, South Africa.
They should let some nations go communist and thus make a third side.
>russia manages to retake the Caucasus and Dnepier
>this is still counted as a loss for them
They basically have all the Russian parts, which is what Savinkov wanted. He didn't care for getting the western Ukraine, Baltic or Poland. He in fact wanted to get them into an alliance against Germany.
"Loss" in the rework.
>Lost countless of men and were chased out of Britain in disgrace + nuked their own allies in the rework
>All territorial and other major treaty concessions removed
>More progressive than IRL
>No ahistorical social woes or disgruntled war veteran movements
>Still seen as the beacon of light and freedom in the world (but also very evil because conservatives don't want abortions)
>Worst thing that can happen is a slight delay to the inevitable march of progressive liberalism
I can't believe they fucked up so much. It'd be like Lord of the Rings except there's no ring or Sauron in it.
I'm retarded and accidentally deleted the first paragraph of my post. Meant to say that Russia's "loss" there was less baffling than the depiction of America's loss in the TNO rework. At least in a Savinkovist Russia you can make the argument that it's a ruthless regime so things aren't exactly "nice", even compared to the USSR at the time since at least they got their anti-Stalinist reforms. No I know it's not a 1:1 situation, no I'm not interested in arguing the pros of Savinkovism contra Stalinism.

That's a very good way of putting it, stealing that one.
Iran, Iraq, UK seem to be confirmed planned
The only thing I'd like them to "add" beyond that is some kind of interface/buff so you'll actually involve yourself in proxy wars.
Israel and Iran absolutely need to have content
You don't need to have diverging idelogies to have conflict, human greed and ambition is enough.... but KRG's leaders lack even that.
now that I think about, they are indeed teasing Israel couple years ago
North and South Korea
South Africa
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>Play as the patriot front
>Literally struggle with it for 4 years.
>Play as the nazis
>Volunteers volunteers volunteers
I'm amazed at how much nazis there is.
The fuck kind of volunteers you getting? I never see any country send units to the NSM.
Update anything post US civil war because it is very bad, maybe have that be the final patch for the USA with an reworked post-civil war.
>but also very evil because conservatives don't want abortions

The Koreas are at the top of my list.
Being able to play Mexico or Canada, collapse and then fuck with America (or help them!) could be fun.

TNO has completely destroyed the word "rework" for me to the point where I instinctively read it and go "no don't ruin what's already there". You're not wrong though, more things would be nice. But I'm happy they got the ACW right.
Hopefully some content for Arabian countries like Israel/Hamas, Syria and Iran too
I love that this mod's premise is that Germany will choose to basically do fuck all and still win
Seriously, the “does nothing, wins” strategy needs an actual name at this point.
A bit too straightforward for my tastes but I guess the meta is that the name picker won by putting zero effort into naming it.

SSSB of all things has one too that's a bit more creative. "Switzerland." Never attacked, never took damage (and by extension most likely won).
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>play as the rightful elected president
>holding the line gets your manpower whittled down
Ukraine, Mexico, Israel, Iran, and Burkina Faso
Start out by building static AA in the territory of the person you plan on playing as. You can do it before Covid and the lockdowns destroys all your civs. That should let you get rid of the enemy air force. If you're Biden, you should be able to push with ease against the AI once your bonuses kick in a bit into the focus tree and if you're Trump then you should be able to hold the line behind rivers in particular and in the worst case scenario subject Biden to attrition until the National Front inevitably invades him.
Texan Maoists, Florida UN, Iron Front, gangs, Libya, Iran, the Koreas, Britain
Also the Levant and the Congo
Playable Congo cw with all the Wagner tags would be so lit.
can you smoke weed in any of these games?
is it good weed?
You can produce narcotics as the splinter states in TFR. The weed smoking is implied and the boost in incomes indicate that it's probably good weed too. The gamers got you covered senpai.
UK, Israel and the Middle East, maybe South America and Africa
And for the ACW, Antifa and BLM.
North Korea, Army of God, Brighams Army, and the Hutaree Militia.
Spain, Turkey, Lybia, India, Korea, Iran should be fun.
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Are there any guides for manually installing mods?
Always nice to see the good guys win.
Are chinks/japs any fun? Which one is more fun?
China seems pretty fun.
>21st century breakdown starts playing
nuTNO wishes it could broach this level of kino
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>Mangooner & QPQ spent as much time reworking America from scratch to be fucking awful as TFR spent making America kino af
The realism clique coup has probably been the single worst thing to ever happen to a mod.
Why does AI spawn 80+ divisions out of their ass and gets insane buffs? I tried Japan and capped Pakistan and then they spawned 100 divisions in capital and I killed them but still lost because China had too much divisions spawned. And don't get me started on -9999% attack modifiers in every state. Who the fuck thought that this would be fun?
neutral jing in avatar: the last airbender
I have an honest question. Is there any possibility that a mod about Axis victory with a neutral perspective on national-socialism will be allowed to exist? Or something like that must always include a pledge of allegiance to the historical status quo, like infant-murdering SS in TNO?
I think the best thing we can realistically hope for is something funny. Burgundy, Dirlewanger, Tabby and others are good examples but I'd probably throw in Rodzaevsky too as he's an actual character with an arc. So maybe not neutral and presented matter-of-factly, but over-the-top and self-aware to the point where we're closer to Wolfenstein's mecha Hitler than TNO's masturbatory misery porn.
Hm. I can actually write something like that, I think. Doubling down on the commonly known esoteric aspiration of the Third Reich to the Wolfenstein levels or even beyond. It can both explain how they won the war that was impossible to win and act as a deterrent again our ever inquisitive autistic friends on the left.
Nobody wants to look at it neutrally. You will only get mods made by SS_ChudNiggerKiller1488_SS or Lillith/21/TransBIPOC/Chuds DNI.
Surely there must be a calm place among these two raging storms of idiocy, allowing a chance for the creation of a somewhat reasonable story.
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There are barely any actual neutral books written on the subject, do you genuinely expect modders (inherently insane) in a Barbarossa sim game to be more neutral than historians? The closest thing I can think of to neutrality was Speer's middle path, since it had both negatives and positives, but even that isn't about actual national socialism and more about reforming it.
Speer's Germany in TNO is sometimes even more preachy than Borman's variety, with writers fully expecting you to empathize with self-hating traitors or, even worse, Polish. It would not be very difficult to create something more neutral and historically plausible than that abomination of concentrated Reddit delusions.
Who do you think is the target demographics of this game?
People like myself, probably. I have nothing important to do and merely spend my free time on two things: historical strategies and pornography with my favorite anime girl.
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>even more preachy than Borman's variety
Wait, it can get even more in-your-face than that parody of a parody of a parody of propaganda than those events with a cartoon where Bormann is an off-brand superhero?
I only ever bothered to try Heydrich and Bormann paths
TNO Redux shall rise and you will write Mecha Bormann and it'll be funny. Just those words alone will make actual players of the game more excited than the horseshit the actual devniggers have in store for their hated community.
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>Mecha Bormann
Pencil pushers are undeserving of mechs. Herman Goering, however, certainly should get a chance to relive glory days of his youth by merging with the new miracle of German cybenetical engineering.
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Yeah I think you're on to something. Devniggers killed Goering world conquest, we'll revive it with Mecha Goering one day.
Death to trannies.
Death to jannies.
Death to devniggers (but I repeat myself).
Wow, she is literally me fr fr. I also don't read the mod's events.
There is a reason why I said it's the CLOSEST. Speer going insane and fucking around with a gun for a while and the GO4 ending where they magically get rid of all the swastikas are retarded events, naturally.
I spent 5 hours today playing HOI4 and abandoned my 3 playthroughs because I fucked up something in each.
>go to OWB mod forum
>ask if we'll get a confederate BoS chapter
>terminally online dev replies in 0.2 seconds that they will never include the confederates in any capacity
>point out that there were literally confederates in FO3
>they sperg out
I use save backups in all paradox games because I don't want to waste 5 hours because I didn't know how a focus worked
The only thing relating to the CSA in fallout 3 that I can remember are those hats and uniforms as DLC items. You were making quite a stretch.

No confederate tag in OWB is absolute bullshit though. Modders need to get on it, devnigger ststements be damned.
>You were making quite a stretch.
I said they existed. Everything in OWB is way more of a stretch, like the feminist BoS chapter.
>empathize with self-hating traitors
TNO was always intended even by the original creator, PinkPanzer, to be a deradicalization tool and even with the dev team being reshuffled over and over it still maintained that core principle. He literally had a political awakening from his ex-stormfront and his USMC application rejection days back then which drove him to make TNO. Sadly i couldn't search that original interview where he said that cause its from a defunct site.
This one?
Finally someone managed to back it up. thanks
TFR did a good job with their soundtrack
Am I the only one who always kills Libya regardless of who I'm playing as because I don't want to hear muslims screeching?
I also dislike the animal noises that pass for singing in Northern Africa, but they must remain in the mod. Because every time I hear this shit, I remember once more that our cause is just, and this barbaric filth must never be allowed to consume Europe.
This and arabian civil war. It's weird that there are so many shitslamist superevents. And people accused TFR of being a nazi mod...
I wish they'd taken a cue from TNO (back when they did things right every now and then) with their early super events. Things like the financial crash, SAW and GCW had super events that were a few seconds long and relatively non-intrusive. I think that's a good model for unavoidable early stuff you're going to have to listen to every freaking time. Not only is it hard on the ears, it's going to waste half a minute of your life every fucking time you start a new run.
>TNO was always intended to be a deradicalization tool
That's way more insane than it being a teen-aged political extremist's fantasy. "My WW2 game isn't good enough propaganda, I'll write my own psyop content!". It also sounds like a convenient pretext, but then modders are notoriously deranged.
The article disappeared before the site did.
Maybe Panzer realised being called to do an interview on a CCP shill site for opposing "fascism" (read: anything commies don't like, since the Berlin Wall was put up) was a bad look, lmao
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>Deradicalization tool
>OG devs were communists (that agreed with establishment views)
>Current leaders are radical liberals pretending to be communists while supporting nothing but establishment views
lel. It was always meant to be a tool for spreading pro-status quo propaganda.
Is there Anarchist Antifa route in TFR?
There are a handful Antifa (and related) tags such as the one in the New England area but they don't have content yet.
Of course, that's what deradicalization means: be content with the state of things and stop having ideas incompatible with it.
is there any Anarchist route in 1.0?
No, deradicalization means deradicalization. The leads are themselves extremists, just look at some of their unhinged reactions to the elections. Hence: radical establishment shilling.

There is anarchist content and generals in the California commie tag. Haven't played them yet though so I don't know how deep it goes.
>TNO was always intended even by the original creator, PinkPanzer, to be a deradicalization tool
But I want to be radicalized further!
How many people
>Are devs for hoi4 mods
>But pirated the game
Well, my mod is only in the works, but I indeed bought only the based game and pirated all DLCs. Is this a common occurrence?
APLA has an Anarchist path but it's extremely boilerplate.
No clue why the devs decided to base the American Left faction on a bunch of DSA nobodies and Twitter shitposters instead of Bolshie Bernie/DemSoc Warren paths.
Because if they did that they'd also have to make a rightoid faction led by Andrew Anglin instead of COMMANDER COLUCCI
I'm surprised that there are no EaW-crossover warlords, considering that TWR is pure fantasy land territory when it comes to realism. It would be fun to unite USA under leadership of [your favorite pony].
Is the right wing coalition overpowered or is that just me?
But Anglin is in the mod, he's a general and minister in the NSM tag. That tag really seems like a dumping ground for far-right podcasters and schizoposters that aren't AWD-tier schizos.
>Applejack Texas unification
>Rarity California unification
>Rainbow Dash New England unification
>Fluttershy Cascadia unification
>Twilight Sparkle Michigan unification
Let's GO!
>Let's GO!
This idea has potential. People would like to play nations led by cute mares instead of old farts (Trump, Biden) and cringy nobodies (leaders of every extremist faction).
>general and minister
The devs clearly haven't read his writing. He would never work for a bunch of, in his words "costumed, fat, tattooed neo-nazis"
Disagree on that last one. People love playing as nobody schizos. Most popular guy in TNO is a Jewish NSDAP member that accomplished just about nothing in life, a lot of KR's most popular characters are historical footnotes at best that offer a refreshing change from the major figures everyone knows about.

You're underselling it. He largely equates Neo Nazis with Satanic homosexuals. Doubt he'd see the Michigan LARPers any different from how he views Azov in Ukraine who he largely just regards as brainwashed Jewish stooges that deserve to be shoved feet-first into Uncle Sam's meat grinder. Still, it's fun to see him there but him and people like Mike Enoch could be used better than just being randoms in the Michigan LARP brigade. Have Anglin be a propaganda minister or something once a movement gets more serious, he often jokes (?) about he deserves to run the Washington Post or whatever.
Would he be a better fit in Patriot Front then?
I could see him be associated with the Nazi party in the Patriot Front content at least based on my understanding of them. They're more of a serious political movement than a bunch of retard LARPers unless I miss anything there. I could be barking up the wrong tree, but since he's a Nazi that constantly writes with a very pro-Christian perspective, it might not be a total stretch to associate him with the explicitly Christian side of Atomwaffen, but all the other issues with them make that a bit iffy and I honestly don't remember what his writings, if any, on AWD are, so that might be completely off. But the dude's so fucking weird man, I wouldn't be surprised if there's stuff from circa 2020 that vastly contradicts all of his more contemporary views either.
I managed to unify Florida easily as Atomwaffen it's just that you get fuckall army exp to make your divisions less shit ugh.
He disavowed Atomwaffen as a bunch of Satanists led by someone with an active CAGE code.
Yeah, I can only really see him being with PF as the best of a bad lot.
Maybe he could be PF's Kushner, steering things from behind the scenes. Lmao
Yeah makes sense that he'd say that about Atomwaffen and in that case he's definitely not wrong. Him as a kind of dark horse influencer in Patriot Front is a pretty funny idea at least.
Was PinkPanzer ex-military? Is he transitioning or just crossdressing?
Yea the AWD is pretty easy imo until you get to the part where you have to fight the rest of the National Front
How do I get Ebin 4th reich Germany?
After I lost the European war on purpose the game decided I'm gonna be a communist
Europe just goes the opposite of whatever Russia does.
>i want to be fashy NATO
Lose to commie Russia
>i want to be commie NATO
Lose to fash Russia
>i love the anti-christ, actually
Lose to normal Russia
UN Miami should get content and one of the paths should be full on anti-christ larp.
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>mfw Christ descends from heaven to lead the UN in battle against Atomwaffen
Entertainment truly is dead isn't it? Even Hoi4 modding of all things is plagued by Feds.
>tfw no autistic commie-hating sternberg mare to cuddle with
this is a life-changing election
amazed it's a mix up of prisencolinensinainciusol
Just lose to any kind of flavor of Russia that arises, and see your country collapse as your country gets couped or ousted by any political party that is the polar opposite Russia currently has. I dunno if that applies to France as well though
wait what the fuck they're reworking something already... on launch?
>spreading pro-status quo propaganda.
It's still the same. They just doubled down on since lmao "realism". They're not gonna stop until they make the player guilty and ashamed for going for the most genocidal and unhinged maniac that will is guaranteed to be a timewaster by ending the game for you after your country collapses. Alternatively, it'll force you to make you read a 4 parter event chain that emotionally charged and isnt even grounded on gameplay at all.

Seriously why the fuck even make the mod when its sole purpose is to just communicate to the player a message or any moral story of theirs. It might be better if they just made an indie game about it or write a novel focusing on a particular facet of the TNOTL world.
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Anon was talking about the US rework in TNO and how absurd it is but apparently fucked up his post in editing.

>Seriously why the fuck even make the mod when its sole purpose is to just communicate to the player a message or any moral story of theirs
Because the people doing it now hijacked the mod post-Panzer and gradually removed anyone that gave a shit about gameplay. At least Panzer knew that you had to include some reason for people to actually play it but the current crop just don't give a shit and just want to force feed you their ideology. Mango? A TCT thread meme that doesn't play the game and mostly just wants to write about how much he hates Republicans. Lamounier? Doesn't play the game and just wants to write about how bad fascism is. Frost? Communist that just wants to write about communism. Corn? Doesn't play the game and just wants to write about how much he hates Russia. And the list goes on.

>It might be better if they just made an indie game about it or write a novel focusing on a particular facet of the TNOTL world.
Then no one would care about or engage with the shit. The reason they hijacked and destroyed TNO by reworking it from scratch was that they'd have a captive audience that would be forced to sit through their lectures. Without piggybacking off of the works of better men they'd have nothing. They're essentially a parasitic infestation.
I want post-unification content for TFR America so bad. The Patriot Front especially will be really fun I bet
crazy how the only faction with unique post unification contents are the cursed one (dementia biden and atomwaffen)
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Makes sense since those are the funnest/most interesting ones. Obviously everyone else will get post unification content eventually and I hope Caligula and AWD get their post unification content extended/overhauled down the line.
>Hamiltonian Patriot Front with President Yarvin
Aw yeah, it's Dark Enlightenment time.
What are the best black market options in TFR? is there any that gives you motorized artillery and shit?
Patriot Front is financed by Peter Thiel
IIRC the Kalashnikov and NIRINCO options give you artillery but don't quote me on it because I could be mixing up one Type-something with another. The civilian technical conversion gets you motorized equipment which is what you need for motorized artillery. If you mean mechanized artillery then I don't think there are any black market shortcuts, iirc the one mechanized option you get gives you some Soviet surplus Gen 2 essentials like T-72s and BMPs.
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>Finally beat Biden as Trump
>APLA declares war on me so I have to rush my entire army west
>Manage to actually start pushing them back and begin to make great gains even if a bit overextended
>National Front declares war on me
I just wanna make america great again, why must everyone get in my way?

It wouldn't be a Trump experience if you didn't have to fight literally everyone to get anywhere.
>President Yarvin
He probably wouldn't go with that- title if anything, that's more of Rosseau's leadership role.
Fact check true.
You can get support equipment, motorized, artillery and helicopter but that's more expensive than firearms. I recommend you build your gdp so you can spend your money on the former since producting them are much longer than say few guns.
God idea of justice is flawed, I inoz better. Dont tell I cant judge. If a man and goe out and commit adultery, the anduterer and the alduterer shall be both put to death.
Hope the NSM get a big overhaul in the future, their focus tree is very lackluster compared to the other civil war factions
Needed a bit more time in the oven.
Most of the mod needed more time in the oven, most of France's EU-Defeat paths are not finished like White Nationalists, Pan-Europanists and Trotskytes, alongside a lot of the loc missing. The main reason for that is because they did not want to drop the mod post-election so people do not get any ideas.
Is TFR playable again yet
Nigga the dlc came out like 8 hours ago
KR updated but I understand. I'm just looking forward to it is all.
KR devs get it early
I fucking hate the hoi4 developers and I hope they're all executed
Spittin' facts.
>wanted to play hoi4 with a friend
>Considered tfr
>It's broken post update
Also I've heard people say first European war is easy and in my atw game Medvedev easily won ot (which also got broken by update), but I've turned it into a massive meatgrinder
>LDPR hawks
>Deep battle doctrine
>Civilian economy branch (probably a mistake)
>Default templates, mostly motostrelkovaya
>Broke the cypher for most of the countries
>Exchange rate is favourable, I have green air everywhere but western Ukraine
I definitely should have sent volunteers to everyone and got my doctrines done by the start of the war, but I doubt it would have made such a big difference
They had twice my division count and twice to thrice the manpower
I pushed from Belarus to Black sea along Romanian border, so I could put my army there and build up planning. Was that a mistake, should have I first encircled Donbass, finished off the Ukrainian army and only afterwards pushed south? If TFR works by tomorrow will USSR/China duo be fun?
>South Africa
>Post Russia loss Nazbols
>Mexico, especially if we get a HARD man making HARD decisions while HARD anti-cartel path
>will USSR/China duo be fun
Sure, I can see there being some neat synergy there. I'd say playing warlords in America and joining the same alliance could be fun, but you're kinda SOoL there since only Patriot Front has good content as far as the National Alliance goes and there are no other alliances to pick from. That's something I'd like to see them make on the new tag front.
I dunno, atommwaffen was fun
It's edgy and unashamed about it
I liked it too, it's so edgy that it loops back to being hilarious and I loved every moment of it. Showed it to a friend of mine and I swear half the focuses alone had us laughing at how over the top it was. It really helps make the tag memorable.
I don't care what anyone says, sacrificing government officials to Satan is based
Dislike tabby from tno but atomwaffen is pvre chud kino
Also any tips for European war as Russia?
No I've only played the acw so far sorry.
There should've been a secret FBI/CIA path for Patriot Front
you can revert the update in steam via branches
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TFR’s gotterdamerung update should be in a week or so.
>feminist BoS chapter
They have a what now?
I stopped playing after they released texas.
One of the mission forks for the Montana Brotherhood Chapter is to form the Sisterhood of Steel. I think they have two leadership options, the main one is this really obnoxious portrait with those pulsing glowy light effects that the devs like to use way too much.
Dunno what that mod is but I'll make sure I don't play it now.
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>Blue backgrounds instead of purple ones
These are probably scientist portraits for the new Experimental Research mechanic.
>RUSSIAN BIOLAB secret project
I think that it's interesting that the devs enjoy using a "NOBODY LIKED IT" excuse for rewooorking content.
>"Nobody liked Transamur. Nobody liked the Don, it didn't had content anyway, Nobody liked Genghis Khan II" said the Kaiserreich dev.
>"Nobody liked the German Civil War" said QPQ, repeatedly, "nobody liked burgundy, komi, etc"
why is hugh laurie a leader
>Nobody liked Genghis Khan II
Literally how can they think that? EAW just added a Sternberg reference path and it's insanely based and fun
EAW is gay ponyshit
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It's usually just a way to handwave away removing popular content in public the purpose of it isn't because anyone actually believes it's unpopular, it's to gaslight autists into not making a fuss about it. If you read the leaked USA rework proposal for instance (which QPQ wrote, just to be clear that he's knowingly lying) they state outright that they understand that removing things like Yockey, the NPP and other popular features would be wildly unpopular and try to figure out strategies to work around it. No doubt they had similar discussions and action plans for removing Burgundy and other anti-community actions. For older content like in the case of Sternberg Khan and avoiding ACW it's just outright historical revisionism; both were so beloved that it led to KX being created. This brand of nu-dev is openly antagonistic towards the communities they're meant to work with and frequently lying is just part of it, ain't no way around it.
EAW is gay nonpony shit.
So can I play as the Black Liberation Army Yet??
Content in the next proper update. They're working on compatibility with the expansion now.
Damn, your favorite mod gets mogged by gay ponyshit?

Holy shit
Oh my Science
>remove US civil war
>"America sucks, the gameplay is a clickfest full of gay minigames"
>make US civil war unavoidable
>"anti community action, ackchyually that was a very popular path"
You chuddies are never happy.
So apparently flying aircraft carriers are a thing now.

Will the modern day mods go wild with it?
Fauchi the mass murderer,animal torturer, serial liar and sociopath.
Is there an operation to remove the cunt from the game? Please say yes.
Historical revisionism.
Germany is the memefest with gay minigames.
>peer's Germany in TNO is sometimes even more preachy than Borman's variety, with writers fully expecting you to empathize with self-hating traitors or, even worse, Polish.
>even worse, Polish.
well, fuck you too
The nation needs mouse bites to live.
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>So apparently flying aircraft carriers are a thing now.
4chan literally started ponyshit you dumb zoomer ape.
How about keep the US civil war but add a neat optional option to prevent it from happening?
You mean the thing KX does (and old KR did) that everyone agrees is the best solution that makes everyone happy? Yes, sounds great, actually. It's almost like AYRT is a retarded shit-stirrer for pretending this option never existed in his blatant reference to what KR did back in the day.
>You mean the thing KX does (and old KR did)
What does it do exactly?
Will "Up With The Stars" be good or will it just be Huey Long wanking?
KX and old KR let you avoid the ACW by picking the right choices in some event chains. Managing to do that averted the CW. In the olden days this was also done by having the VP play an important role, it was all well-liked. In the US rework several years ago they changed it so that the CW was instead avoided by having a wholesome socdem heal the nation and assassinating le ebil right-winger (Huey Long, who they blackwash as a literal Nazi these days lmao). A few updates later, they made the war outright unavoidable, citing balance reasons. In their defense though they did also add some options to disable one faction and boost the remaining anti-federal tag which was pretty fun at least (so it wasn't just a blatant content cut only like TNO does). But the CW avoidance removal was a sore spot for many since it was one of those classic fun KR moments like say, Lawrence of Arabia couping the Union of Britain.

Another KX W, basically.
There are plenty of countries whose content rely on the ACW happening, retard. Just think of all the american countries under the Monroe doctrine.
Avoiding the ACW would mean cucking a handful of countries out of their actual content and forcing the devs to code even more useless content for countries no one plays anyway. That's a thing I would be fine with them adding once the majors get a decent amount of up-to-date stuff.
>We boxed ourselves in on purpose whoops so now we have to delete all this other content sry guys
TNO devnigger tactics. Thank fuck KX is around to show is that yes, we can actually have both options around.
>removing some flavor events that lead up to nothing is the same as cutting years of content and paths like TNO did
Room temperature IQ
>TFR still hasn't been updated to be compatible with the Gotterdammerung
It will dickride Huey Long until the ass starts to bleed.
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We were discussing the removal of an entire path for America (avoiding the ACW), not just the removal of a few events. Although yes if you want to get technical about it nothing KR did was ever as fucking awful as how the nu-devs that hijacked TNO destroyed the mod. I just think the argument that making it unavoidable because some shithole countries rely on it reeks of TNO devnigger behavior.
>Oh we deleted the GCW so now we have to rework all Reich sphere tags
>Oh and since we deleted their lore now all other civil wars have to be deleted
>Oh and because we changed the tone for the mod we have to rework all other tags that leaned into the wacky side of TNO
That mod needs a Redux so fucking bad. At least TFR is still fun.

... If only we could play it right now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
How does avoiding the ACW classify as a standalone path? You just picked a choice in a event, get a few flavor events about the VP being wholesome 100 and that's it, you can go down the focus tree and build factories.
Such a trivial thing to get mad at.
Gotterdammerung has a secret project that is a flying aircraft carrier.
About to play some Kaiserredux what path should I play?
Anything in Russia or Nat France
They are really fun.
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I clicked on a Reddit link for TFR one time and there were multiple posts of redditors saying "I played le atomwaffen and I was literally shaking!"
Ive seriously rattled the hive
They couldn't ask for better marketing than having the most joyless cunts in the community endlessly seethe over how fun and cool it is.

That looks like a supply nightmare situation anon, how did this even come about?
Ive got a shitload of supply use buffs on my marines, theyre good to go

Gonna start lobbing nukes across the strait to soften up the bugmen
lmao that's clever actually, good on you. Hope your gambit succeeds.
Now fighting an absurdly bloody air battle over the strait, around ~150 planes being shot down daily
Dammit dude, you made me remember supply airships at Zebrica release and now I'm sort of seething again
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same vibes
>13000 lost planes
>They just keep sending more in

starting to think I cant outkill their industry
also the based ai dumping their entire coalition in this jungle with 0 supplies
Give your marines support AA if they don't already and camp there until they run out of manpower I guess? The fact that all their supplies are in the red should let you speed it up with pushes and encirclements every now and then. In fact they probably lose equipment faster just by having multiple tank divisions in a fucking jungle than what a successful offensive could inflict on them. Do you have options for second fronts? That could also be an option while your marines hold up their forces over there in the jungle.
This would have been considered satire 10 years ago.
Playing TFR thanks to this post and hoping it makes this nigger do what's dope and get the rope.
>played Kaiserreich
>aiming for natpop Germany
>Hugenberg failstate
Expectations subverted, well done troons you won this round. Why are hoi devs like this.
Just checked owb Caesar's Legion
>multiple focuses to liberate women and give them rights
This shit really is insidious, are the devs really incapable of writing paths that give them a tummyache.
remind me how I get dimentia biden again? last time I beat trump while blank and then my head popped and kamala was in charge
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Coming soon: redical feminist Saudi monarchy (or -5000% stability debuff from maintaining Shariah despite radlib student protests).
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>tfw gets updated for Götterdämmerung
>one of the special projects for the Chinese is to develop another Covid virus
Kill em all.
>anime mod
!!!You should kill yourself!!! They are not even interesting anime.
>Posts on an anime board
>Whines about anime
Now you know why they hate Bone Cohort mod.
its either that or ponies, I'll take the anime, thanks
I ended up invading with another army of marines to the north, and caused this big ass pocket which I slaughtered

Unfortunately, something went wrong with the mod it seems and it crashes any time I save and I accidentally saved after 4 years of progress in the war, cant be bothered to do it all over again
Man that's a bummer, I was really looking forward to see where it ended up. Thanks for sharing anyway. Hope your next campaign doesn't get wrecked by technical issues.
I was probably gonna just start carpet nuking the jungle since I just unlocked ICBMs and I'm churning out nukes regularly
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Honestly that's the kind of insanity I want from Special Projects in mods. I want jetpack Hitler, HATO biolabs, and anime mechs. It's stupid, it's not meta, but it's optional and fun.

But unfortunately TNO and its ilk will just make ICBMs instant game over.
The special projects so far in Equestria are pretty cool

Forcefields for tanks/planes/ships, planes capable of going underwater to hunt subs, resource transmutation facilities, hovercraft, magic naval batteries, ICBM launching subs, ICBM detection system, continental RADAR, air to air missiles, cruise missiles, anti ballistic missiles, MANPADS, SAMS, IFVs, composite armor, and some other crap

Lots of great potential but most of the big mods for HOI4 are nofunallowed like Kaiserreich and TNO so we'll probably not see anything outside of the base game.

Kinda unfortunate EAW is the only major mod I can think of that isnt just an althis mod
The problem with Kaiserreich and TNO is they don't want the fundamental premise of their scenario to be overly threatened. Sure, they can handle any outcome of a US Civil War, but that's only because that outcome doesn't actually matter to anyone else. Contrast that with vanilla HOI4, which despite being a Barbarossa Simulator that cannot handle a proper D-Day or Market Garden is still about WW2, which was a war that brought about massive amounts of global change both in technology and the global power structure. If TNO was honest about itself, it'd let you have ICBMs, nuke the northern hemisphere, and then the southern hemisphere factions would get nuclear winter content.
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I can at least understand treating the nuclear winter as a kind of game over but I get where you're coming from. I vehemently disagree on Kaiserreich, it's nowhere near as bad as TNO. It isn't even a contest.

ACW winners join the faction they're aligned to and tags like Ukraine, Poland, Spain and many others that can meaningfully change sides in ways that alter the Weltkrieg. You know, the big awesome conflict that's the whole point of the mod. And guess what? That conflict can lead to France, Germany or Russia reshaping all of Europe to fit their designs as they see fit. When the dust settles the map won't look anything like what it did at the start and you helped shape it.

TNO? No tag can ever change. They're reworking most of them to remove all civil wars and possibilities for alliances changing, even going so far as scrapping entire skeletons to make sure that nothing ever happens. Rebels win in Ukraine? Germany just nukes them and then automatically wins and restores the RK. Nothing ever happens. Russia changing Finland's government by winning the war? Removed, no player agency allowed. The big promised conflict in the future, 2WRW? Here's a post from the TNO thread where the lead tells you explicitly: even if Russia wins, they'll lose, because nothing ever happens. This war that we'll add in 5 years? Oof, sorry chuddie, you'll only be able to take back parts of it. Maybe when we add 80s content you'll get to take back more of it - after a few more reworks that remove icky unrealistic content like Tabby, of course.

Look man I'm a KX player and I don't like regular KR but nu-KR is practically TFR compared to nu-TNO.
Kinda satisfying when you line everything up to just press a button and watch your troops flood the enemy nation

Makes up for the micro hell that was the River Federation war
how many mods already have special projects put in?
Honestly i dig the idea of a successful WWI imperial russia taking a Colony in Africa. It's the kind of retardation that perfectly fits Nicky II
That and a Russian Africa just sounds funny. I'd play that.
>Russia gets African colony
>every path is Russia having no idea what to do with it, and occasionally forgetting it exists
>can go full Heart of Darkness
Russia had a colony in Africa before the Great War already. Look up what Saggalo was.
>it has meme concept, meme implementation, and another meme concept. Its what i want. :O
Tranny website doebeit.
hell yeah
go back to the /gsg/ discord
Fucking kill yourself gsgnigger
Are there any mods with a well-developed Southeast Asia? Or is it too much of a thirdie shithole for most modders to care about?
Related to that, I'm sort of surprised there aren't any mods where the whole world is more evenly developed and industrialized.
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I gave Tanzania more states.
Ok, but why? Who even plays in Africa, even mod like KX can't make it fun.
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I played Victoria 2 HPM and going back to HOI4 triggers my map autism. Especially around SA since they only got three states minus Namibia

pic rel is what South Africa should have gotten from the start
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Three Gorges Dam? In my TFR? It’s more likely than you think.
>Japan has a special project that allows you to destroy it
>Destroying it gives you a super event
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I can't believe TFR actually came out. Is it good?
You can make an argument for anglin supporting literally anyone to the right of the republican party.
Yea it's bretty gud, biggest issue is a lot of the factions/nations/paths/events lack LOC but they're working on it. Gameplay is pretty fun, a lot of paths already in, and the soundtrack is really fucking good. Would definitely recommend giving it a chance, all though they are dropping a new update soonish that's going to add content to more of the American civil war factions and give some of the preexisting ones a makeover so you may just want to wait for that to release before giving the mod a try
It's pretty good, I like it.
He posted another pro-nuclear apocalypse article today, Christian Atomwaffen Anglin lives on.
I enjoy that the one thing Anglin has been consistent about over the years is that Putin is the savior of the white race.
You know what'd be really funny and consistent with that? Anglin runs a pro-Russian version of TNO's Aryan Brotherhood that are huge Russiaboos.
You'll be waiting a bit longer for 1.1, don't wait to play it
Why no Nick Fuentes for TFR?
He's in an event, I think Atomwaffen kills him or something.
I wonder if Chris Cantwell is there too somewhere, come to think of it.
This, they saw him in half while live streaming it.
What are some reccomended EaW paths/countries?
Polar Bears, Zarantia, Tobuck and Sirens.
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TFR has been updated to 1.15
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Noice. No patch notes?
Is Equestria at War dead, despite getting updates for new versions of HoI? I reinstalled it and discovered that Equestria has the same focus tree as 5 years ago, when I played it the last time. The damned show had ended years ago, but the most important nation in the mod still has bare-bones content.
No they just add new content instead of reworking everything I guess.
A shame that most of that new content is shit. Yaks and Celestial state were trash.
>muh Sternberg memes in a setting where it makes no sense
>clan system, except it doesn't matter at all
>boring focus tree that is just Bears but shittier
>muh mormon solar worshipers
And don't even let me start again but dogshit that was Kiria.
A bigger question is why the most correct person in the NA right wing circle is reduced to a minister for a bunch of costume Nazis.
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Why does TFR use millenium dawn combat/units? It fucking sucks.
>the most correct person in the NA right wing circle
Nick is a perma pivoting ewhore like Anglin, only he's not brave enough to have schizo takes.
No, Nick is a fed and they have him by the balls, just look at what he did over J6. A fairer representation would see him as a Bidenist mole within either PF or the NSM.
does it add any content?
most people in TFR are larpers but they are actual movement leaders, nick is just a streamer. also he's a retard and i wouldnt like to see him in game
Kiria harmony is too bloated with non-war content if you don't go civil war. my first playthrough I just reloaded and went communist, the 'revolution betrayed' is much more interesting. (Starfather Colthage is bloated as well but the cryptoavian insanity keeps it fun.)

They should make something for ice dragons and inner Zebrica. That half the continent is relegated to the standard focus tree and staged wars is a farce, not that I care overmuch about the war for the next storm king but it should have SOME effects on the rest of the continent when the next one is crowned.
Not enough catboys in the mod
They're currently doing a rework of Equestria. Though it looks like all they're doing is touching up and remaking what Equestria currently is rather than actually reworking it. So basically polishing a turd.
Is it me or are tanks complete shit doctrine wise for NATO in TFR?
they are better in NATO doctrine than eastern doctrine
That doesn't sound great.
>'revolution betrayed' is much more interesting
Revolution betrayed is especially shit because the actual betrayal is but a footnote with minimal, almost zero, set up and you have no content afterwards. Despite Rising Fire becoming basically a living God.
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I'm amazed, really. They found time and energy to create that not-Africa abomination to the south, but proper rework for Equestria, the only place people care about, has been in development hell for years.
How do you get this path? Also
>Openly gay
Yeah, and the guy who had done most of the work on it got banned for criticizing the work of other devs, including the one who's now taken over Equestria development.
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>Update gave some events LOC
>Yeah, and the guy who had done most of the work on it got banned
Let me guess: wanting more pony content in pony mod is somehow considered racist these days.
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they should rather be focusing on the mechanics that truly matter
Why are mod devs for Paradox games are always giant perverts and degenerates?
1.1 is not dropping until atleast Summer, they just began work on it, the most you can hope for is the French Update the eurodevs have been teasing which will finally give more content to them.
It's a path that destroys your country and leaves it in rubble all for the ambition of godhood. Should you be supposed to go further? not everything needs to be pushed into world domination by 1024. I'm still of the opinion that it's better than the mind-numbing politicking of the harmonist path.
>not everything needs to be pushed into world domination by 1024.
Then what is the point of it. If there is no pay off both in terms of ambitions and storywise then the path is just a space waster. And I can just go play Endless Wastes or Kingdom of Winter or Hyperbearia again.
They tend to be transgender
>Eurasia party symbol on ideology but a Chud NATO'id
I have to agree on Rising Fire and Revolution Betrayed, I thought it that on her own she was the most interesting only to have literally fuckall in terms of ambition or content after her ascension. Kiria itself is a nothingburger. In comparison at least all paths in the USA for TFR at least have more to do.
Russia is really shit in TFR. I tried to go super easy on them as germoney and they still couldn't conquer ukraine and got snaked to minsk from leningrad. Is the natsoc germany path worth hunting through the files for the soviet win event?
Yeah it's fine. Just do the "purge extremists in the army" to get natsocs or strasserites
>Is the natsoc germany path worth hunting through the files for the soviet win event?
Not really. It's nothing but a predictable, laughable, boring larp path created by people whose entire knowledge of national-socialism comes from Marvel movies and post-war Soviet propaganda. With almost zero localization, by the way.
Did another game. The great european war is too shit with AI russia even with its unrealistic economy. imo they should radically rework pre-war NATO so it's just a common idea + tech sharing group, then script the belligerents to the war. Put the balts, poles, ukraine, the current NATO leader and maybe romania+moldava in a new european alliance faction after the war breaks out. Other NATO members could send volunteers, which would be more realistic anyway than the entire greek or spanish etc army being deployed to eastern europe. If europe loses the war, then you can get your super integrated NATO.
Thought so.
No, we don't need another GAW with it's minus 999999% attack modifiers in every state.
Bro Russia literally can't win without rules railroading when their victory is the intended narrative of the mod.
>Bro Russia literally can't win
Yea because they're fighting entire NATO, why tf would they win?
>their victory is the intended narrative of the mod.
No it's not
If anything Russia should be debuffed because it's retarded that AI gets to spawn 180 40w divisions out of their ass.
>they're fighting entire NATO,
They shouldn't be. Have you ever actually read article 9?
>each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary
>No it's not
Yeah it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have to spend six years jacking off while they build up and then fail to hold Minsk or Petersburg.
Quit lying. They have 120-140 shitty euro tier brigades now.
>They shouldn't be. Have you ever actually read article 9?
Have you read article 5?
>Yeah it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have to spend six years jacking off while they build up and then fail to hold Minsk or Petersburg.
You can always use custom country paths to get the desired outcome.
>Quit lying. They have 120-140 shitty euro tier brigades now
When I played Dugin I literally got 180 motorized divisions in Moscow, I guess they were trying to get AI to cheat but forgot how to code. Also when I played as Japan I capped Pakistan and then they spawned 100 divisions in their capital for no reason
>Have you read article 5?
That IS article 5.
>You can always use custom country paths to get the desired outcome.
Or I can just stop playing another mediocre, terribly balanced mod made by trannies, that has one or two gamer meme paths that'll be rewoorked out in a couple years. It's not like ACW2 (infinite PF legions) or the east asian war (AI China literally cannot take Taiwan) is in a better spot.
>When I played Dugin I literally got 180 motorized divisions in Moscow
Didn't happen in the two games I did on the latest version.
>Didn't happen
*Didn't happen for AI Russia even with the rule to make them win the war (which they lost horribly)
>That IS article 5.
>The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently
Idk what's the problem with this. It's a military alliance and it works as intended in TFR, there's no need to create a bloated system that will create more problems than it fixes.
>Or I can just stop playing another mediocre, terribly balanced mod made by trannies,
It's terribly balanced but not in a way that you're describing. They "balance" it by giving AI infinite divisions and insane buffs that make the gameplay feel unsatisfactory because your opponent isn't playing fair.
>Didn't happen in the two games I did on the latest version
You can literally look at the code and see how much free divisions AI gets
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>it's a military alliance
Article 5 is as solid as the British guarantee of Poland's independence.
>it works as intended in TFR
Yeah and most of TFR is terrible because it's made by autistic troons like most hoi4 overhaul mods.
>oooh 50 million focus tree
>oooh 3 pages of ideas
>oooh minigames
I'm just going to go back to EaW.
>Article 5 is as solid as the British guarantee of Poland's independence.
And how is Poland's guarantee treated in vanilla hoi4?
>I'm just going to go back to EaW.
Funnily enough EaW is more vanilla and has less janky mechanics than TFR which is what you advocate for
>how is Poland's guarantee treated in vanilla hoi4?
By the UK and France being at war with Germany on paper only, AI air retardation aside.
>has less janky mechanics than TFR which is what you advocate for
Yes, a lot of mod (and vanilla) mechanics are pointless time wasting that amount to building up mana and remembering to clickspend it every couple of months. The parliament mechanics, for example.
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With Sonic 3 coming out, i am very sad the Sonic mod was never released, we missed pure autismkino i'm afraid
vgh mein gott
What happened to that mod? Is it dead? I thought it looked really cool and hoped it'd be a bit of an EaW.
It just never released and kept making excuses. It is a shame.
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Yeah I was disappointed Rising Fire didn't go full Dagoth Ur mode and try to conquer all of Zebrica first time I played it.
Ah, shame. Many such cases, honestly how most mod projects end. It's a shame since I really liked some of their early teasers. I liked SATAM as a kid and they seemed to follow up on some of that really well so I really had hopes that it'd be EAW-tier.

Ponies just can't stop winning!
what happened to the mario mod where you can commit koopa genocide?
>I thought it looked really cool
>obligatory big not-USSR in the northeast of the map
Nah, I'm glad it didn't release with that thing in the mod, would've dragged the rest of it into the shitter with how boring that idea was
I didn't even know that was a thing.

>Map paint fictional scenario has a tag that mechanically and culturally works something like one of the most important tags in all Paradox games
Of all the things to get mad over.
>Of all the things to get mad over.
Yeah, I know I shouldn't get mad, but when I see complete copypastes of IRL ideologies in fictional universes I just can't stop myself
I seethe even harder about it in regards to EAW, where they had a decent enough "left egalitarian" counterpart served on a silver platter by the show itself, but they went ahead with IRL commies, complete with R63 of Marx
Just a personal autism thing, I suppose
>complete with R63 of Marx
Is she attractive?
The great european war is just bad at a conceptual level imo.
>5-6 years of european players having no gameplay
>halfway through, russia changes radically for no real reason
>russia ignores the frozen conflict in the donbass until an arbitrary deadline
>russia is supposed to march to warsaw (or NATO to petersburg) to end a war that spirals out of control from a border conflict
Would have been way simpler if they just modeled the irl SMO and a (likely) ukrainian collapse because of the lack of NATO aid. Then you put zelensky or some military dude in a western sponsored government in Lvov while Russia has an unstable puppet in Kiev. Easy tinderbox for escalation from some stupid incident (independence bombing in Kiev?) and it gives Russia an actual reason to march to the Vistula, to secure all of Ukraine, and for the balkan NATO countries to get involved.
caramel marks is incredibly fuckable, yes.
and obviously, you'd have your smaller, faster war over the east flank of NATO in 2024 maybe and your big factional war in 27 or 28. The first war would influence euro ideologies like how it currently works, and putin could die or be killed (terrorism?) before or shortly after the first war depending on who wins.
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I normally prefer equestria girls but I would absolutely smash that ass.
>tail wrap with a damn bell
How is she even more of a slut than the literal queen succubus?
I see the russian ai win the European war every time, tf are you talking about
Maybe he just hit an outlier twice in a row, these things happen when you roll the dice enough times.
That's the most horrible thing I've ever read.
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I wanna try Equestria at War. What are some fun but a bit smaller countries?
Tobuck, Adelart, Bears, Skynavia
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>PF 99% is a power house that is one of the final competitors in the 2nd ACW
>Whenever I play AWD and have to depend on them to carry me they suddenly are ran by incompetent retards who can't do anything
I love playing the AWD!
Had a similar experience as the NSM where PF just blundered into Biden's forces and got fucking rolled in a month. Conversely my last PF run had AI NSM be ultra competent and able to turn Detroit into an impenetrable citadel. I guess it livens up each playthrough.
Does anyone know if CreamAPI still works for Gotterdammerrung and onwards?
Even with the main menu warning about not being able to verify DLC ownership?
Is it possible to mod in new types of frontlines and or battleplans? I have this idea for a frontline that's like defense in depth. It keeps a certain portion of the army in the first tile, then another 1 tile behind, and so on. I find that the game doesn't simulate Soviet defense in depth properly. I've never modded before so I'm kind of out of my depth here.
>Is it possible to mod in new types of frontlines and or battleplans?
paradox game modding is severely overrated by narrative troons. the only game you can add mechanics to is eu4 through incredibly autistic variable manipulation. maybe ck3 but I've never played it.
Yeah just play MEIOU and you can see that they're working with a lot of arbitrary limitations. Still impressive how much shit they stitched onto that shitpile.
Who the heck is Sirdis
One of the commie paths?
Anyone here played The Prince path in Flowena?
How are you meant to survive Aquilea?
Maybe it used to be possible with a lvl 10 fort.
Prywhen, Longsword, Hellquill, Polar Bears, Tobuck,, Talonsia (but only the fashy path), and Abysinnia but only with the april fools content.

Also, what the fuck is this schizo map kek
It's not automatic but drawing a defensive line might help just assign another army to it, though I have no idea how efficient it is.
I'm getting tons of dogs, can anyone lend me their textures files? (vanilla 1.15)
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Yeah, that's what I was trying, but it's horribly annoying. You have to redraw the line anytime your frontline moves. My idea would be either:
1. a frontline that attaches to another frontline, putting the second army a tile behind the frontline.
2. a frontline that spreads the army out over several tiles going back into your territory.
See pic related.

There just isn't a good way to simulate defense in depth right now in hoi4.
You really need to be agressive at gobble the land before them. And hope they also are slow doing their focus tree
I think it's simulated in the battle mechanic with stats and tactics to counter breakthroughs, since I doubt the soviet had defense in depth spanning multiple regions like this. So it's not visible on the map.

Both the most appropriate but also lame solution to represent it I guess.
i remember that Indonesian mod, but i forgot whether it was updated or not
How hard is HoI 4 modding? I have some ideas and a lot of free time, but I never created mods before.
if your idea amounts to vanilla+ (only adding some stuffs for the vanilla game), it's easy to do
master it first before you change anything else (gui, mapmaking, mechanic change)
i meant for >>1904693, not that gayass schizoid country
Trying out TFR, what division designs should I use as Trump? I'm having an issue with keeping the Army mechanized and contesting the air, I'm going for multirole jets and drones but Biden has the edge and I am lacking rubber. Is there anyway to get the Patriot Front/League of the South on my side? It would be a shame not to have them in my America. Also what is RFK doing in this timeline? Can I get him as President?
Early on you can do pretty well by having your northern forces be footsloggers on the defensive around rivers and cities while making your southern forces in the plains be mechanized-heavy. Another alternative is an even split that relies heavily on footslogger grunts until the Bidenist forces expend the bulk of their tanks and planes. If you're going for the latter, I recommend that you build static AA in the areas west of Chicogo before Covid kills your civs. That should give you some breathing room if you're playing defensively early on.

Godspeed, trust the play qatriot!
I've won in under 2 years as Trump although a decent bit of that was Patriot Front and the APLA being kind of retarded.
Basic strategy is
Set 700 fighters on Interception duty over the Midwest
Make one army with all of your Tank and non-Militia units, put them on the two tiles south of Chicago
Leave a full army of militia to deal with Chicago proper, then split your remaining Special Forces and Militia across the rest of Illinois and Missouri
You're going to want to blitz the encirclement of Chicago and push to take Indianapolis ASAP, absolutely do not fuck this up.
Take only the VP of Chicago, don't bother actually destroying the pocket it's a waste of time
From there it's a bit of a push and pull, the UoA should be deorged and you can connect your railway with Indianapolis.
After that it's a basic micro war, you should wind up trading better because they'll split their air force in half and eventually you'll get superiority
So focus on constructing anti air pre war then play defensive except the initial blitz and then play the micro game. Seems actually fun. Should I edit the templates at all? America will be retaken with micro.
Anyone got any good tank templates?
The templates you start with are a fucking mess. 239874298 identically named templates with different equipment is the least of your problems. There are some good ones there, but I'd focus my early efforts on just putting my armored forces in the south along the flat terrain and everything else on the defensive for the future. Go over your mech templates early and find one you like for general purposes and one that you like for "fuck you" stats, and build your army around developing both of these. Picking a standard defensive infantry one is a decent idea too, but you can hold strongpoints with your militia early on assuming that you have some reserves to get you out of rough spots.

Lastly, while your flanks are almost certainly safe, you may face pushes from the NSM via northern Michigan. These can be held off with a few militias though, as they'll usually fight with Biden to their south below Detroit. A common strategy is to wait for Patriot Front & Friends to start pushing as the general green light to make your own pushes as Biden will relocate forces to deal with these new fronts. But on the flipside, Biden will build up tons of buff over time, so it's also viable to just push from the south along the Great Plains.

In short: keep an early save, have fun, and try out the many varied and fun strategies available to you, whether it's turtling or aggressive pushing early on! The 2ACW is fun like that!
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>Invading Ukraine brings NATO into the war
How the fuck am I supposed to cover all these fronts, I don't have enough divisions to finish mopping up Ukraine and take on NATO.
Simple. Just fulfill deluded Russian fantasies and actually capitulate Ukraine in 2 weeks. It will shorten the front just enough.
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That's the thing, I steamroll them instantly but the rest of NATO intervenes before I can finish them off. Even NATO I manage to rape when I actually fight them but my lines are just to stretched out and disorganized. Probably gonna have to restart and focus on shitting out as many divisions as possible to cover my ass while I finish slaughtering Ukraine. Or just roll with the loss and play a post NATO war fail Russia.
Maybe you indeed need to restart and pump out more basic brigades. And don't forget to build as many planes as you can. European NATO has barely any air force without the US. This is your greatest advantage, because unlike in real life, planes are actually produced in decent numbers in Russia.
This isn't mod related but the other goy4 threads are dead, what doctrine would you guys use to buff paratroopers as much as possible?
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All the enemies of France lay defeated and La Rocque's vision of a beautiful social catholic state has prevailed.
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A total Entente victory
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Meanwhile in England
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Meanwhile in America
opinion on hearts of victoria mod. Is the economic system good. Does adding vic 2 + 3 economics in hoi4 work?
Holy shit how have I never heard of this autism.
They split off from the main team due to creative differences.
So theres two end of the new beginning mods.
One with the no vic 2 economic system and 2050 time length. The other with the vic 2 economic system and 2050 time length (redux)
Also there was going to be a put vic 2 economics during hoi 4 ww2 timeframe mod. But that got canceled.
lel at your tension meter. Like how America ended up in your timeline, happy endings all around.

Dunno about that one. Whenever they try to force HOI4 to become like other Paradox games in scope and content it usually goes poorly. I'd rather play Viccy for that fix just like I'd rather boot up KX for action-packed wars than Vicky 2, y'know?
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There really needs to be a new Man in the High Castle / Wolfenstein type mod where the world is split up between the Axis.
TNO is a gay VN rAdicAlism bAd VN muh realism no fun allowed GUI minigame mod and thousand week reich is also too realistic.

I want something completely off the rails and unhinged like TFR or KX but for a total Axis victory scenario.

Yes I'm talking future predicting videotapes.
I'm talking nazis with plasma rifles, cyborgs and UFOs that bioengineer vampire troops. Basically Fallout tier shit.

Sadly reddit moddevs are too faggoty for this to ever happen.
Wouldn't want a map like that or even general scenario because it's going to lead to either
A) Two overpowered blocs and nothing in between matters or
B) Both blocs are superpowered but oh noooo a civil war happens and now you have to rebuild things and the scrappy underdog has a chance!

Everything else is cool. Like if TNO had gone further in embracing its more light-hearted aspects post-Panzer instead of purging everyone that didn't want things to be a moralizing Wikipedia copy-paste job that'd be cool. I'd just want something more evenly split than a straight up MitHC/Wolfenstein setup on the map. Wolfenstein tech and shit though with Nazi moon bases and mechs but in a TNO-like setting where you also get Soviet and American counterparts to that? That'd be the coolest shit. But instead, we end up with nothing ever happening instead.
There literally were Man in the High Castle mods, newfriend-kun. Both died, because it was always a boring scenario for a game like this. It only worked in a book format, even the TV show was shit.
Are there any mods that extend the tech tree beyond the 1940ies? Last game I played as the Reich it only ended in 1955 or some shit because the last holdouts of the allies were stuck in a jungle in the middle of africa and were a bitch to root out from there. For the last 5 or so hours of gameplay I barely even researched anything because I had already gone trough the tech tree.
Road to 56 is your only option.
Is it any good?
It can very reductively be described as KX for vanilla. It isn't, but that should at least give you an idea of what you're in for. It's alright I guess, haven't played it in several years but it was a fun albeit bumpy ride when I did.
Ultimate tech tree
EaW has technically tech content for 20 years, but most of the content runs outby that point.
There was an alternate history scenario that was kind of like what you described where the Axis and the Allies (including the Soviets) are locked in a Cold War with all sides using supernatural weapons, advanced technology and moon bases along with fighting occult forces. It hasn't been updated in years but I think it could make for a great HOI4 setting.
That world looks rad.
Looks interesting.
Did MD discord post any teasers of the Israeli tree dropping with the next update in early December?

That should be spicy..

Literally reworking almost the entire continent of Equus, go join the discord. Very frequent teasers and updates there, in fact just yesterday revealing that the countries of southwest Equus are also being reworked.
At the same time the teams are still developing the other two continents.

Still waiting one day for a "Pax Griffonia" where the Changelings get trees to invade the continent from Equus and get the awesome "Pax Chrysalia" update treatment.

Its a total rework.
Check the discord.
>almost the entire continent of Equus
Is that the third one, with Kiria?
When are they going to do a full/alpha release?
>go join the discord
It is being worked on, alpha version was shown on some russian pony convent along with STG and one other tag.
Also, Equus is Equestria and Friends continent. The one with Kiria is Zebrica.
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oh my god what are these fucking peace deals
why don't I get the points that they won't spend
I have checked the discord. That's how I know that what they're doing isn't actually changing anything of substance with Equestria.
So what is the most Schizo TFR tag? Attomwaffen?
end of a new beginning redux tree goes up to 2050
Atomwaffen is the low hanging fruit one. A more esoteric choice would be Bidenist Calligula.
>Its a total rework.
>Check the discord.
Fine, fine. I believe you without checking and spoiling myself. Magic of Friendship provides. Keep up the good work.
It is not really esoteric, it is just a dumb meme. It is not even how dementia works. That path should just result in him becoming a bumbling wreck and being a puppet leader for the other factions.
two things I want for the eaw mod.
1. Why the fuck isnt there trees for a god empress day breaker and god emperor grover 2nd scenario.
I want my cold war between these two leaders. It would be interesting.
2. Why the fuck doesnt celestia and nightmare moon have a truce when the changelings invade? Shouldnt that lead to a second sino japanese war scenario where a armstice is signed? I mean the fucking changelings are invading from the border
France OTL:
>Devastated in WWI
>Devastated in WWII
>Still fought tooth and nail to stick with their Indochina, called America to defend Vietnam for free
>Later STILL fought tooth and nail to stick with Algeria, army did a coup because they were afraid they state was going to pull out of Algeria
Germany in KRG
>"oh shit the Africans are rebelling, oh well everyone i guess we gtg"
>the army and settlers: "understandable have a nice day"
Anon, I love our Sun Horse of Eternity just as much as you do. But you must be realistic in your expectations. There are limits on how hardcore devs can make reworked Solar Empire.
I just want a cold war between god empress sunbutt and god emperor grover second.
is that really impossible to do?
No, it's not impossible. But that would be EaW: The New Order, basically. A lot of effort would be needed to properly realize it, from both the lore and gameplay perspective. Maybe you should instead just write fanfiction with such a scenario and fulfill your need for a magical Cold War scenario that way.
>Maybe you should instead just write fanfiction with such a scenario and fulfill your need for a magical Cold War scenario that way.
:( fine
GoT if grrm wasn't fucking around.
Spotted the TNO dev.
Actually, the TNO devs (Mango/QPQ/etc) made a Campaign Trail mod where Biden Mod where you play as Biden in 1992 trying to get reelected except oh it's not 1992 it's 2024 he has dementia and thinks Trump is GHWB and Putin is Saddam nd the text;.... bcmss laik dis nd the "further reading" at the end are links to donate to palestine under the guise of pro-biden links
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It's funny that all of them shilled for Kamala only for her to go all-in on backing Israel and then lost to Trump kek. Only reason I cared about the US election was watching them seethe as their dreams died.
Why are all successful (kinda) Hoi 4 mod devs are lib faggots? You would think that a game about WW2 would attract far more right-leaning individuals.
>You would think that a game about WW2 would attract far more right-leaning individuals.
it does but they get couped/banned, the majority of the userbase is right leaning
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Because they hijacked it. The original devs like Panzer and Pacifica were schizophrenic communists and their immediate replacements were more mixed but were generally more apolitical. Mango, Lamounier, Frost and the other radlibs (that occasionally pretend to be leftists) largely voted for themselves in elections, promoted their friends and proceeded to exclusively purge anyone that wasn't onboard with their agenda. They aren't successful devs since they never made anything that people actually cares about. They just took over a project and started to rework everything from scratch. Nothing new either, the TCT thread has documented a long track record for Mango to bully people he doesn't like out of the community and then drive projects into the ground.
So, purely hypothetically, if a staunch national-socialist like me would create and upload a mod, a great deal of caution must be exercised to not invoke the wrath of Paradox/Steam/leftist cohorts?
Just don't talk about politics and hide your power level in public and you should be fine as far as any actual bans go. TNO is probably the only team that actively chases out apolitical people and assuming you don't make your mod openly pro-fascist/genocide you'll be fine. Just make good content that's fun that isn't agenda pushing and you'll be leagues ahead of most politicized teams.
Already exists, that is just UMC
as long as you don't make fun of genocide or make realistic holocaust/concentration camp mechanics
they won't do anything
Fair enough. Actually making something decent (after all, for now I only have grandiose ideas) is harder than escaping unwanted scrutiny. I need to focus. And the first step, it seems, is prohibiting myself from surfing 4chan for a while. This addictive shit is anathema to any honest work.
TNO has the excuse of "it's a deradicalization tool bro" so it might be possible to fly under the radar with that. Even though TNO... I wouldn't say radicalized a lot of people but it popularized quite a few right wing symbols and figures
Not really worth it, harass anyone that isn't a vocal radlib out of any position of power. What you're saying stopped working years ago since the mod's largely just a Wikipedia copy-paste gig for OTL liberalism these days.
Whatever happened to African Dawn?
If you want to understand how the EaW devs handle Equestria, just ask yourself "Would this make Equestria weaker?" about any given thing. If the answer is yes then that is what the devs will do.
And if you want good Solar Empire content then you'll just have to wait for Pax Solaris.
For those who care TNO have announced that they will ruin your Christmas by updating on the 20th with an Antarctica demo and Fiji skeleton.
Damn, even through I like the low-fantasy GoT has it's a very cool map. Got source?
>whines about TNO being a railroaded VN
>also equestria should win at everything always because in the show blah blah blah blah
That is not what he said at all.
Released a demo and got taken down for being overt third worldist propaganda.
Did you even read the post you replied to? The point is just that they weaken the strongest tag a whole lot at any given opportunity ahead of the big battle. It's not that different from how KR treats Germany or America. Not 1 for 1 but you get what I mean. ayrt never even says that this is bad, just that it is what it is. If TNO handled Germany the way EAW handled Equestria, they'd be extremely likely to lose all their RKs and buffest states, but would still be able to fight and recover all of it and more by the 2WRW, while also allowing for the possibility that they might lose.
Damn, I thought the EaW devs only went to /mlp/.
Are there any "democratic conquerors" in the horse mod? A Small nation that allows to conquer big tracts of land while being on the wholesome ideology
So I look at this mod and in one of the screenshots the gulfcoast of florida is owned by some "atomwaffen divison"? Seems lame. Can you do a custom start as that region without the clowns?
Is there any way to get actual National Socialism as Germany rather then just the Authoritarians/Military? Is there any news on the update and what it might contain? Will it be out before Christmas?
It's just one of the factions that spawn in Florida during the ACW.
Can you do a custom start as that region without the clowns?
Is this mod worth getting HOI 4 for if I liked previous HOI games but haven't touched in awhile?
This mod is not worth it by itself though the whole modding scene is pretty diverse so I'd say the game is worth it for its utility.
Valid. Does it "require" dlc to function? do a lot of mods require dlc?
Just pirate HoI4.
you can play the mod without DLC iirc.
>Are there any "democratic conquerors" in the horse mod?
From lore perspective - yes. Reformed Equestria, be it monarchy or republic, is bound to intervene into clusterfucks of constant wars on other continents. The Purple Traitor (aka Twilight Sparkle) would do it right away, with her well-known Unicorn Mare Burden complex.

Also, please don't call it "horse mod" anywhere near devs. They will call you racist and ban you.
Valid. Is any of the DLC worth a fuck though?
Anything worthwhile though? I've not touched 4.
>Is any of the DLC worth a fuck though?
Buy the main game; it is cheap and under sale right now. All DLCs can be pirated with barely any effort. That way, you will receive everything with quick and convenient access to mods. Downloading them manually from Skymods is pure pain.
If its anything like a lot of paradox titles though a ton of the dlc isn't worth it. Like in CK2 I don't need african family portraits and soundtracks kek
Thanks for the reply though.
They added quite a lot for free, especially recently. So game is probably quite playable even in vanilla form, without contemporary mechanics and focus trees.
>Can you do a custom start as that region without the clowns?
No, all factions always spawn in during the CW. IDK why you'd want to disable them. They just start out with a swamp outside of Miami too. It's the weakest faction out of all the ones with content in the ACW too.
>Is this mod worth getting HOI 4 for if I liked previous HOI games but haven't touched in awhile?
Not by itself but if you like it there are tons of good ones and the base game itself is decent too.
Almost no mods require DLC to function and it's standard practice to only use features that are free to all users.
>IDK why you'd want to disable cringe nazi satanists
Yeah I can't figure it out anon
They die a lot of the time and have virtually 0% chance of winning, I just don't see the issue.
Well, I want to start in that area, and didn't want to be them. The fact that this is so hard for you to get this many wasted posts in is kind of concerning. You're going to upset /vst/ regulars who don't like more than 5 posts a day in these threads.
I think it's just the fact that wanting a toggable option to remove tags is an absolutely bizarre request that no one's ever thought of until now. Like bruh just play one of the other tags in that area, I don't know what else to tell you. Why would you need to remove that tag in order to play as the other ones that spawn in there when the CW starts? Yeah they have no focus trees at the moment but whatever you do you, just tag switch over to the AnCaps, DeSantis, the UN or any of the other weirdos out there, go nuts. No one's forcing you to play as the LARPers in the swamp.
...I just asked if I could do a custom start in that area as I was curious about this mod and you have now blogposted about it over and over. I get it, you love satanist nazis. No one cares.
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not him but I do love satanist nazis. you should grow a thicker skin.
>thicker skin
I'm not the one upset at the idea of removing some larp faction kek
Though if this is the userbase of this mod I don't have much hopes for the developer being worth a fuck.
I think TFR is massively overrated desu.
>I'm not the one upset at the idea of removing some larp faction kek
Bro you're here crying for a rule toggle to make the mean people go away. The mod files are all there in plain text. You can write an AI decision to have Zion Ron annex Atomwaffen or something.
No one's upset dude, people are just bewildered by your nonsensical request to have some kind of special game rule that removes minor tags. There's half a dozen factions in the Florida area when the American Civil War starts. Just have one of them annex AWD if you don't like seeing them on the map.
>Can you do a custom start as that region without the clowns?
This is what was asked. Thats all I asked. Can I start in that region. Instead of going "yes" or "no" you cried and cried about
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learn to mod lmao
>doesn't even understand what is being asked despite clarifying it more than once
Ho-lee fuck why are you even on /vst/ you should be somewhere more your speed like fuck I don't know, notepad or something.
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What part of "make your own custom start" do you not understand? This isn't reddit, most people here have probably made their own submods before.
kek you missed a discord ping
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Anyone got any tips for beating the PF and NSM as AWD, I always lose when it's time to fight them.
Your best bet is joining their alliance and then spamming legitimacy to overtake them or doing gamey shit where you snipe VPs while letting the others take all the casualties in wars. I'm sorry man, just no easy way to do it.
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I wish Hitler was still alive so he could gas the ATW clowns
Black ice vs world ablaze vs ultra historic??
Doesn't work for me
>Can I start in that region.
yeah but there's only one tag with content (awd)
>mod is totally up to date with the latest version of hoi you guys!
>crashes constantly if you dare to play more than 5 years into the game
Fuckin amateur hour out here, fix your bullshit
are you autistic by any chance?
obviously, if they are recommending you to make your own mod to remove the faction then that means that there's no option to remove them by default lmao
The fact that he kept asking things in such an ass-backwards way and got mad at the answers proves that he's autistic as fuck even by the standards of this board which is saying a lot.
>Can you do a custom start as that region without the clowns?
Motherfucker is literally asking for a custom start without them and gets mad when people take that at face value as asked because he has no idea how the game works.
World Ablaze if you want maximum realism and are okay with dealing with copious cock and ball torture to get it.
Black Ice if you want some realism in your autism.
Ultra Historic if you want regular HoI4 with a focus on realism.
Is it even possible to win as atomwaffen on normal difficulty? I just don't have the manpower to hold off californian hordes and that's even without having to hold off the national front later on
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>Your best bet is joining their alliance and then spamming legitimacy to overtake them
Yeah I do that but they just say "Lol nah" and fight me anyway, I try to hunker down in the south and just whittle them down but they also manage to steamroll me. Really hope they buff the nukes in a future update since the event where they declare war on you acts like that is the game changer that'll lead you to victory when really they're a giant wet fart.
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Did you actually update the mod? Try uninstalling and reinstalling it to get updated version.
Does russia have any content if they win the war? Can you like rearrange europe or anything like that
Not really.
Are the leaders hot at least or are they as feminist usually are
>Motherfucker is literally asking for a custom start
No retard I was asking for a default option in every map painter paradox makes. You know that are being a retard.
Way too based to be true, it has to be a false flag marketing post by tfr devs
How is the anime portraits mod for TFR now? Last I checked the world was split in half between anime girls and Bin Laden looking fuckers.
Check out Age of Imperialism
>le heckin based devs
they are preddit trannies kek
All special forces now have their own separate doctrines and the buffs they get from that are so immense, you really shouldn't even worry about having your normal doctrine be beneficial for paratroopers too
I literally quoted you, you retarded nigger. Kill yourself.

Mod generally has a huge balance issue for sure that needs to be ironed out. I can at least "get" why AWD are the weakest, but it's an issue across the board in the mod sadly. Here's hoping they fix it with time.

Current ones still have 95% of the map uncovered. The people doing the anime mods for KX and TNO has started making one that'll cover the whole world like their other ones but they said they won't have time to work on it until the holidays. You're going to be stuck with 3D portraits for a while it seems.

No these people actually believe this and say these things unironically on Discord.
Gonna need a peer reviewed source on that chuddy
I don't believe it since trannies are incapable of making fun stuff
>they are preddit trannies kek
shut up robbie, 2016 was 8 years ago
I just finished a LDPR Hawk game and the post first European war focus tree is very tiny, I ended up finishing it and waiting a while for the Europe to declare war on me. Not sure about the other paths focus trees but that one definitely needs additional content.
What happens then? What if you win, what if you lose? I just wonder how far does the content stretch
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Depending on what path you're on as Russia when you win the first war the rest of Europe will become the opposite. Go UR Europe will turn into Klaus Schwabs end of history NWO, go LDPR Europe becomes communist, and if you go communist Europe will turn fascist. If you lose the first European war as Russia you can go full Eurasianist or Navalny will take charge and basically turn into Makarov from the MW series.
No anon I meant after the second war, you said you had to wait for defeated europe to declare on you, what happens after that?
Also your advice on winning the first euro war? I just shat out as many planes as humanly possible and held the line for like a year until they ran out of manpower, I bet there are smarter ways to do this though
>No anon I meant after the second war, you said you had to wait for defeated europe to declare on you, what happens after that?
Ah, well at the moment nothing that's the end of the playthrough. The devs have said they plan on extending the content and even adding WW3 but at the moment that's all she wrote.
>Also your advice on winning the first euro war?
I'd say focus on taking out the Baltics and Ukraine, if NATO manages to reinforce Ukraine you're probably fucked.
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You see the thing is, I discovered that they had changed this adviser at some point to be so insanely powerful that I wanted to base whole campaigns around it. Unfortunately, only Germany, Romania, and New Zealand has one.
what the actual fuck lmao holy shit are they real
this is the one thing that absolutely did not need any buffs in the first place
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I can make the jump with zero org and land with full org. I also can just cycle jump to keep them fighting.
Soviets also have the same adviser but it's not an expert. Unfortunately its not one of the traits you could apply to a general with a trait, so even though Kurt is a general you can't elevate it to Genius-tier by leveling him up.
What's a good template?
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so hows Ultra different from World ablaze?
Is there anything that makes Millennium Dawn not ass?
Playing as Boko Haram is OK.
*ahhh you mean my fellow zoomer
What political paths does United Russia have if you win the NATO war and how to get them?
Novum Vexillum
The Fire Rises - v1.0.4a "Release"

- Added Patriot Front icons for the post-civil war shared tree
- Added New Characters to the UoA
- Added New Building Icons
- Added Trump Offensive Mechanic
- Added various events
- Added PRC City Modifiers
- Added various GFX Icons
- Added various event pics

Bug Fixes
- Fixed Descriptor file not being updated for 1.15.*
- Fixed Biden Speech Mechanic, you can now cancel focuses that gave speeches that were previously non-cancelable
- Fixed UoA elections
- Fixed various localization bugs
- Various other bug fixes
How the fuck are you meant to play the Yale Rectorate?
I've tried at least a dozen times by now and I just can't survive Aquilea + Griffonian Republic no matter how hard I min-max
I have 200 cas in the sky by the time the Empire attacks me and that's still not enough
Haven't played the mod myself but perhaps you're trying to play a memetag that's not meant to be played? Something that only exists to be annexed by a tag that actually matters, like Albania for example
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Weather update
For reformist, there's moderate and radical UR paths, Radical And Moderate JR paths and a liberal path, all of these are done via an election via a BOP, Idk about non reformist UR,
Ran out of time, as per usual. Time to mount defenses and probably get rolled
Game over.
How do I become Nazi Germany as Germany in TFR?
>Lose to CPRF Russia
>Purge Radicals from the Military
>Choose between Spartanists and Strasserists
At last someone that knows how to minimise the production queue. The amount of people that leave it at full size and end up scrolling needlessly looking for equipment is ridiculous.
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13th time's the charm?
I can have German autarky done by 1940 but I can't pull this shit off for the life of me
There's just not enough time to consolidate the heartlands
Fuck it, time to try again from scratch
Can you post the source? That sounds like a good setting for the Special Projects system to really get some use.
How do you get the radicals in power?
What do you mean? Rectorate is easy. You get plenty of ahead-of-time tech and defensive bonuses, and GBP doctrine. Republicans stand no chance.
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I managed to earn a bit of time by hiring a chief of army as a first pick
30w Knights with artillery to push
10w Infantry to hold and outmaneuver
Still got my ass beat when Aquilea pulled up though
I"ll figure out what I'm doing wrong tomorrow, I'm off to bed
Knights are incredibly shit, they were nerfed to the hell. Personally, I use 15/17w infantry and then go all in on the planes, because as a rectorate you can get the late-game planes incredibly soon.
Tried going without knights this time but Angriver gave up their independence and the empire stomped me with their extra troops in a month or two
I just wanted some science but I guess I'll play something else for a while
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Is there a mod that allows me to automatically assign aces? I don't wanna keep bothering with that all the time.
Apla has a anarcho commun route which is basically what Antifa is all about right?
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I seen legit nazis having fun with Atomwaffen and Californian socdem types (yes trannies and poc) having fun with the APLA in the discord server.

This mod unironically bringing people together
>love a mods setting
>it's dead and hasn't been updated in a year and already was showing signs of TNO type revisionism
Red Flood bros...i can't go on...
It's shown signs of TNO revisionism arguably before TNO really began reworking everything. The devs make sure to read everything (even books written by in-game characters) for the sake of accuracy, and the France rework has been in the air for years now. It also just suffers from old age like TWR, there isn't really an influx of new people who are enthusiastic about the mod.
>I seen legit nazis having fun with Atomwaffen
Actual national socialists are disgusted by this nonsense far more than any marxist or liberal. Believe it or not, The Movement was never all about killing anything slightly darker than Wednesday Adams and dreaming about a nuclear apocalypse.
>It also just suffers from old age like TWR
How does Kaiserreich managed to avoid this problem? That mod is truly ancient, with its first iterations created for HoI 2. But somehow its popularity remains quite constant.
Is TWR "decent"? Or it has fallen to Rewoorking too?
>how does Kaiserreich manage to avoid this problem
It hasn't, for years. I'm still of the opinion that it died with the first big rework on China.
For something KX is displacing it.
Fair point but most Neo Nats today especially the online ones just want to larp the aesthetic and be on the other side of the counterculture. 90% of People who type 1488 and have celtic crosses or black sun pfps (your typical hoi 4 larper) couldn't recite Hitlers 25 points. They just think the entire movement is being a white supremacist (it's not and never was and the handful of legit ones left who aren't filled with dementia will tell you that Blood and soil was never literal but an allegory for the soul of the nation and volksgemeinshcaft) and hating Jews. Both of which don't even come close to qualifying for a party badge. American NSM post Rockwell sure as fuck wouldn't.

So while those types aren't "legit" they might as well be because majority of nazis today are just prison skinheads who prioritize making ill gotten gains from gun running or dope slinging, edgy internet kids/Grifters, Americans who wanna be racist but think the KKK is too ridiculous looking or have no love for the south, and atomwaffen mass shooter types.
Which is why "The Movement" will never ever be a thing again as long as those types become the majority and the old HIAG types die off. The 1% that actually do grasp what those types tried to pass down know well enough that the ideology has to re-invent itself and ditch the swastika so they wouldn't even be wanting to call themselves legit nazis.
You are correct, sadly. My righteous condemnation is meaningless. There is no point in imitating communists and shouting "This is not real national socialism!". Bastards who profane this once noble name don't care. Rabid leftists don't care. Average citizens with zero historical knowledge don't care. Maybe Führer, watching us from higher planes, does care. But this is not enough to change anything. I will just return to the creation of my mod about these stupidly sexy colorful horses.
This is stupid. I reinstalled the mod, I've verified the steam files, I have reinstalled it making sure the mod installs all the way through.

You know what TFR says? "FUCK YOU!" and kills itself by crashing, I swear to god I have been dealing with this crashing at an certain goddam date for over an month now, i just think this mod is an lost cause.

Seriously, I thought this wasn't an me problem because nothing I do worked, If I redid an playthrough it's just playing Russian roulette whenever the game constant crashes at an certain date or not!

I thought this should have been fixed when the Devs released the recent patch to 1.15 this is ridiculous. I never had this issue on any mod before ever. But only on TFR for some dumb reason, again my post from last thread explaining this issue jumped out of nowhere. My first few playthroughs were swift and clean, if there was crashing I'd simply load the save, and it would continue like it was fine. But this issue came up during my Dmitry Medvedev run.

I honestly don't care if I sound so mad right now, I just want to play and enjoy the mod while having fun.
>But this issue came up during my Dmitry Medvedev run.
To clear some things this issue spring-up during or any playthroughs past Medvedev.
Always crashes at April 16 17:00
Yale Rectorate update:
This run is looking promising, it's mid 1012 and they haven"t invaded yet
Feels cheap though
I don"t like RNG holding my hand like that
>Yale Rectorate
I know you probably don't ponder this important question while playing, but I must ask nevertheless: How does eagle-cat (aka griffon) pussy feel like?
Look man, I can think that Atomwaffen is fun despite it not being a good representation of actual National Socialism. Sometimes you just need to loosen up and have a chuckle at the spectacle. Nothing wrong with that.

The China update wasn't bad to the point where things couldn't be salvaged if they'd gone down a different path afterwards. For me at least it was turning Huey Long into a NatPop and deleting the Silver Legion that was the final straw. By that point they reached the point of no return and there was absolutely no saving it.
I don"t know, don"t care for it myself
Lost again though
I"m starting to think Anon lied when he said it was easy
If not, I wonder what he thinks is hard
Then again I just noticed his screenshot is in 1019 and he didn"t conquer anything else
>Sometimes you just need to loosen up
I have Hellsing manga (and OVA) for that. As over-the-top action goes, barely anything beats long-due revenge against British race-traitors enacted by actual warriors of Schutzstaffel. If only we had mods for similar experiences in HoI!
What do you have in mind? A sub mod?
Nah, doing sub-mods is unappreciated work. But a mod for vanilla HOI 4 with more bizarre special projects would be quite good. I wonder if it is possible to create a battle mechs (with a proper designer) to serve as a super-late alternative to land cruiser.
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>TNO but Burgundy works like Millennium and Himmler often operates out of a funny airship and plots to spread radical ultranazism with super science
If you just remove some of the supernatural stuff I could see it work pretty well. Old TNO before the nu-devs hijacked it and started to demolish it from within had lots of soft sci-fi elements like that. You could probably get something like that to work with other mods as well, but TNO's black state of Burgundy vibes pretty well with those themes.
I wonder if it is possible to gather enough talented people to create a completely new alternative cold-war total conversion, avoiding the unfortunate mistakes of TNO and other mods. As for super-natural elements, there is no harm in embracing them. To this day, a lot of people are fascinated by the esoteric side of national socialism. Horsepussy mod must not have monopoly on magical tech.
>The Huey Long dickriding WILL stop.
t. Jeanpilled
I already have u-boat transport ships, light tank parachutes and Jin Roh Wolf Bridages on my list. Care to add anything else?
I have experience making a 1933 total conversion mod
Went nowhere cause I was on my own, but now I can do pretty much anything expect map modifications
It's too small for you to fuck, so you don't have to worry about that.
Good to hear. And where there is one capable individual, others can always be found as well. For now, I will personally create a small mod for vanilla, introducing and refining required lore elements. I do have a lot of free time. And after it is done, a bigger work can begin.
I still hold out hope for a proper TNO Redux at some point. Since the mod is imploding under the weight of its own reworks and non-updates it's bound to happen eventually. Either that or a spiritual successor from its ashes.
I'm ready to get started
Someone make a thread / discord / whatever because my schizoid ass shouldn't be team lead
In the meantime I'll DL TNO and start taking notes
Good luck.
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German cores at game start
What year should it start in anyway? (TNO starts in 1962)
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Huh, I remember TNO having a protectorate in bohmen mahren but seems they've done away with it and cored it
Fuck it, might as well
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Anon we tried this 3 years ago with a more motivated team and it didn't work. Unless you guys can gather devs with a lot of experience who are willing to mod for at least 1-2 years it's going to be the 4th failed tno redux.
Think we can still find the files somewhere?
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The first was aborted, the second one (Axis of Evil) had some map work but definitely nothing substantial, and Minutes to Midnight is still alive but they have nothing to show for it at all.
>It's been almost 4 years christ
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Then let's ditch TNO completely and make something that'll stand on it's own
Wonder if the AWD post civil war content will get extended when the other factions get post civil war content or if they'll always immediatly accelerate into the Aryan Liberation War.
That is the opposite of what Himmler wanted. Himmler was an ultra reactionary and wanted an agrarian utopia. Just look at his proposals about the land for the baltic germans.
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Germany has been tweaked and is ready to accept a new focus tree
Turns out this new DLC has a bunch of fake national spirits
It's a ton of spaghetti so I just threw it out for now
This is never coming out nigger
Not with that attitude
I'm having fun making it regardless
the kino ending we'll never get (because the devs are all obviously either nihilists or nationalists loyal to their own destructive causes) is jesus descending from the heavens and smiting their entire faction out of reality with no comment and then going back to the kingdom of heaven
>is jesus descending from the heavens and smiting their entire faction out of reality
Due to mod's nature, it instead must be Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar.
What is the premise of the mod, i mean how different is it from others WW2 german victory scenarios?
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You use super science first to destroy your enemies then you achieve utopia as you retvrn to your true form Aryan man. Something like Archeofuturism (possibly as a stepping stone) if that makes sense. You could make it work.

He's already made more progress in an afternoon than the entire TNO team has done all year, let him cook.
I'm just slapping the basics together for now
If nobody else pitches in it'll end up a small mod where you're only meant to play as Heydrich

I've played a bit of TNO today and it's way worse than I remember
You can"t even play Goering anymore
Seems they've mostly been cutting content instead of making it
Yes, they've deleted or are deleting most of the iconic content. Goering was skeletonized and disabled form winning the GCW two years ago pending a rework that they've slaved away at for four years with almost no signs of progress. In the rework he's just going to be a worse TWR Goering ("comically corrupt evil Nazi with a bad economy"). If you look at the TNO thread's OP you can get a good idea for the current trajectory of the mod: a US rework that removes the NPP, huge efforts going into static Central American nations, erasing all of Japan's WW2 gains, and reworking most of Russia including Komi. Their only updates this year were demos for Ukraine and Mexico (the latter of which has no gameplay). The Brazil update that was meant to drop this spring is practically dead as they've focused on a map rework that'll break every single submod and integrating the Antarctica demo. It's fucking grim man.
>rework that they've slaved away at for four years with almost no signs of progress
I don't understand. How can you spend 4 freaking years and achieve absolutely nothing? HoI 4 is an incredibly easy game to mod. Midsize projects can be easily finished in just a few months. Do they just each other cocks instead of actually coding and writing?
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Starting the game in 1963 got it acting really quirky
It's a ton of work to fix it
Not only do I have to fix every single history/countries file, there's also the state files so it doesn't spawn extra factories
>State files
>Mapping rework supposedly drops on the 20th
You may want to make a contingency plan on the off-chance that they actually keep a promise for fucking once.
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The current reigning theory is that the mod was hijacked and over time a group that tends to be referred to as the Realism Clique took over leading to a constant stream of reworks. Over time they've also pushed out anyone that wanted to make the old style of content which has lead to a cycle of new reworks causing yet more reworks. Most infamously, Moskowien is on its tenth rework by now. Another example is that the German Civil War was planned to be cut in 2021, but it was only in this year that they'd pushed out enough people to get to remove all wars (including WIP ones) leading to - you guessed it - everything in the Reich area being scrapped and reworked again by new people. All of Japan's war gains weren't originally planned to be erased either but that's another thing that has been rolled back too, again notably with Fiji being an OFN colony because Japan just didn't care about conquering anything in WW2.

In short: a group of fags that don't even play HOI4 took over the mod, decided they didn't like any of the old content, and have been pushing to redo everything from scratch. And when I say everything, I mean everything. That's why they haven't gotten anything done. The answer is far sadder than the leads just sucking dick 24/7.
So... If Japan is losing everything, and Germany is being reworked (probably losing almost everything in the process considering current tidings), and Gibraltar dam is gone, then what remains from the original mod? Wars are gone, Esoteric Hitlerism is gone (Lady Savitri, you are proven right day after day), mega-projects are gone, and cool aesthetics are gone.
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Savitri Devi atomwaffen OG confirmed
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>Germany losing almost everything in the process
That's the weird part: they've been given plot armor which is dogshit just in a different way. They'll be untouchable until 2WRW (which is never releasing) and can't even lose colonies (except for the African ones which they want to delete or at least scale down).
See the screenshot, courtesy of the lead. They can't do what others can because the narrative has to be Perfect™.
>Ukraine? UK?
Rebels can't win. If the RK is toast and they hold off Germany long enough, Germany nukes them and then they auto-win. Britain? If Germany invades, they auto-win because of ye olde nat spirits that make it literally impossible for the defender to win.
>Moskowien? Ostland?
Civil wars removed. No threats to Germany allowed. Muh narrative.
>Surely that's all of them?
French civil war is being cut and several tags and even skeletons that were in production had to be scrapped to accommodate this. Even its sphere is benefitting from this as Finland is being reworked so that Russia won't be able to gain more than parts of Karelia in the war. Nothing ever happens.
>Surely 2WRW will be epic when it releases in 2077?
The devs have confirmed that Russia will not be able to win it because they're "too weak" and will "never be a world power again" according to the Germany lead. They can only get Moskowien and parts of Kaukasien before a peace is forced because Russia is just too tired.
>Does that mean that the TNO devs are /ourguys/?
No, they just hate gameplay. When Russia gives up because they're too tired a ton of liberal uprisings will start across the Pakt that Russia can sponsor. So you'll have Tukhachevsky falling asleep because wars are boring, but he's happy to support the independence of Baltic states that hate Russia. I wish I made this shit up.

Everything else? Yeah, all gone. They destroyed the mod from within.
BurgSys India bros, will we ever be back?
>worse TWR
Holy fuck I don't even know any words that could convey the sheer grimness of this
TNO Classic/Redux fucking when? Just take the latest uncucked version and port it to goterdamerung, don't even have to add or change anything it still would have more (and better) content than the latest version
Finland war changes exist because of butthurt Finish nationalists
>Russia is too weak
But Germany is too weak as well. Their plans for TNO content is basically a gay orgy but everyone involved has erectile dysfunction.
>Proxy wars
Genuis moves. Two states, balls to the wall nationalist bordering each other, will just play pretend fighting.
>Tee hee I am not actually involved it's volunteers
Like why. It's not realistic, unfun from gameplay perspective and unsatisfying from narrative one. Like, imagine getting cucked out of your territories not because you lost the war but because you didn't click the right decision for 15pp
>Conditionally friendly
What fucking conditions? They are bordering very angry Germany. And don't tell me about OFN or CPS, that might as well end in a joint Russo-German invasion
Which actually might be funny. Imagine Polish uprising succeding, telling Russia to go fuck itself and saying it will invite US only to get partioned yet again.
>Finland war changes exist because of butthurt Finish nationalists
No, it exists because the nu-devs have an artistic vision where nothing ever happens but maybe in the 1980s, something might happen. You can read some of the meandering justification here: >>1899711
Reworking everything in Finland is just a part of it. It has nothing to do with Finnish nationalists, the tranny that they put in charge of Finland just happens to agree with everything that xir friends believe. Ie, everyone is too weak to actually win wars even when they win wars.

>But Germany is too weak as well.
I agree, the railroading is terrible for both of them. It makes no sense for Tukhachevsky to jerk off and support Lithuanian separatists, it makes no sense for Bormann not to steam roll them. It's all awful.

>Like why. It's not realistic, unfun from gameplay perspective and unsatisfying from narrative one.
But anon! They're too weak! Neither can do anything! Because I predetermined that they're too weak! Even if they take each others capitals, they're too weak!
It's fucking maddening.

>What fucking conditions?
They've never elaborated lmao. Not like it matters, they'll never release it anyway and the 2WRW submod already said that they'd never integrate these changes because of how terrible they are.
Aright going away from my rant here, I reinstalled Hoi4 and tried my save again. Once again, it crashed. Clean install and it still crashes... at this point I'm convinced it's the problem with the mod and not an "Me Problem" at all.
I'm not gonna bother trying to report this to the Devs on discord. I straight up get an seizure seeing Trannieville.

Welp, I give up on this mod. I'll have truly tried everything, It's an bug at this point.
Maybe your save is from an older version?
from what I'm seeing the mod is trying to avoid becoming a power fantasy by nerfing all sides so that their wins aren't decisive but more nuanced
on the one hand I like it because it's more true to how the real world works, on the other it's a bit lame because most hoi4 players want to larp, not have realistic geopolitical gameplay. I guess tno is catering to the latter crowd
all in all, I don't think it's a bad thing per se as long as the content they release (if they ever do, that's another problem) is high quality and up to modern standards
it's fun because tfr is the opposite: a gameplay focused mod that is loved by the larp crowd while disliked by the loreheads which can't help but notice the flaws in their design and lack of polish
>avoid becoming a power fantasy by nerfing all sides so that their wins aren't decisive but more nuanced
Problem is, that simply doesn't fit hoi4. Perhaps it would work in vicky but hoi4 is not even close enough deep and nuanced for such approach to succeed. Remember that in vanilla they didn't even bother implementing any form of conditional surrender, it's always a full on totalen krieg to the very end, no matter the circumstances. It's a game about war and nothing else, and the less war there is, the less fun it is to play
Sorry anon but it is most likely a >you issue because my TFR works perfectly fine
Perhaps your save is outdated, corrupt or in some other way invalid?
It happens when Russia declares war on Ukraine and is about to Capitulate them. That's what I noticed, my game crashes when Ukraine Capitulates.
The problem is that decisive wins do happen. In nuTno you are railroaded into one outcome.
>Realistic geopolitics
>Liberal suicide bombers
>Communist elected on a technicality
>Nixon the cartoon villain of the week
>Germany being fine with Ukranian Civil War and Antarctica invasion despite no GCW
>Stalin doing retarded coup mid war
>Germany being fine with losing land to rebels but not Russia
>Said rebels being "conditionally friendly"
It's not about realism and never was. TNO team actually started to say the goal isn't realism, but narrative based because it makes it harder to call them out on their bullshit
Great... now the game crashes when I try to load the map. Mind you these are the enabled mods:

- Toolpack

- The Fire Rises

- The Fire Rises: Music Addon

Yea, I'm just going to Kaiserreich.
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Countries in TFR that I’d like to see.
>India in ASAP
I'd put Israel in 100% deserve a focus tree, move South Korea and North Korea to need focus ASAP, and bump India down to generally needs a focus tree
I knew I’d get shit for putting India in ASAP, but unfortunately, they’re one of the largest countries in the world. You can’t really ignore that.
Yeah I know I'm just fucking with you, they are a big player in the Asia wars and can even be broken up if they lose the second one to China. So they definitely should get content down the line, just not ASAP in my opinion.
I'd rather they rework Germany and Framce desu.
That pic is so retarded. Why would ukraine and taiwan need a focus tree? Their only purpose is to be the cause of a war between major tags, how do envision gameplay as them? Like yeah sure you defeated russia/china, and then what?
Why would there be a civil war in any of those countries listed (except syria obviously), it wouldn't even be fun to play since there is too little land provinces with too little terrain variance
>Liberal suicide bombers
I buy the rest but how is that not realistic?
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Hope they add new tracks to the mod with each major update, fucking love the soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-Lq4dpl9nI&ab_channel=TheFireRisesDevelopmentTeam
It gets worse. The context is that in the Amur rework (Nazi warlord in Russia) a rebellion kicks off by having hecking wholesome anti-fash resistance fighters use a truck bomb to blow up a dam in Siberia, triggering a broader uprising against the fascists. I can suspend my disbelief over physically impossible nonsense like that in theory but the problem with TNO is that it tries to pass as realistic and the devs act really smug about it. Then they add shit like that.
>deliberately start playing as a nazi tag
>troon-in-charge seizes the opportunity to lecture and preach instead of letting you play what you want to play
Yeah I'm sure this will absolutely not have any negative consequences for the popularity of their mod, none at all
how is it physically impossible?
assuming the rebellion doesn't spawn from nowhere and it starts after months of discontentment and resistance against the regime and the failure of the latter to repress it, it's not that unreasonable that such a flashy act would embolden them and spark an uprising
maybe I'm lacking context but it doesn't sound that ridiculous to me
also, is that the only ending? are the russian nazis doomed to fail now?
TFR is meme slop. There, I said it.
You play a minigame where you spend pp and decide of you wanna veil your nazism in religion, torch your cities or get a failstate. Later is basically a feedback loop where the more you crush the rebellion with arms the more they rebel, you fracture and the rump state is ruled by a thug. I believe there is a balance of powera minigame involved. Oh, and even the dev diary is dripping with moralizing
Memory is rusty, so I might get parts wrong
doesn't sound too bad if it's just a punishment for losing the game
Yea, Prove it. Once the "battle of kiev" event pops up, it crashes.
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We defitnitely going try and change it so they have some variation instead of it always be ALW. There's some adjustment/flavor we haven't got around. People were asking why there's no superevent for Christian Identity path for example, in handsight we should've added them before launch desu.
UK and Australia are definitely going to have contents. Taiwan and Ukraine are still being debating since >>1910986 point out that would mean player need to win their respective regional conflict at all cost or otherwise they wouldn't have content. We recently hired bunch of korean devs to help with development so expect some stuffs.
Except it's a punishment for *playing* the game
I don't think you're a real dev but in case a real dev reads this, please don't have the entirety of the world just devolve into civil wars, if you want a war in a region then make it actual countries fight each other instead of themselves
how? you just said it's a failstate for losing the minigame
I meant the entire experience of playing that tag, it's soulcrushingly boring and anemic and troons did it on purpose to punish you for choosing to play the bad guys
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TFR is kino. There, I said it.
Your standards must be very low. My condolences.
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>Stars and Stripes starts playing when Biden loses his mind and becomes a dictator
Sorry, but it's kino. Really my only major complaint for the mod so far is the lack of LOC, but they've acknowledged the problem and are working on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOkvVVaJ2Ks&ab_channel=dalemierdaaaaa
It's like a greasy burger or a schlocky action flick. It may not be the most elaborately crafted thing out there, but sometimes that just hits the spot and there's nothing wrong with that. Especially when the alternative is nu-TNO putting out a 10 year Fiji skeleton.
>10 year Fiji skeleton
ackshually it's just the starting situation
The failstate? Maybe
But the minigame sounds retarded
Still getting more content than several major tags have had in years.
Don't bother explaining anything to a troon, just be glad that it won't experience the joy that you experience
Fair point.
>hating slop means I'm a troon
No the fact that you traded your dick for a skin ditch does. The fact that you hate fun and think that anything other than a masturbatory political fanfic like nu-TNO is "slop" however just reveals your nature to the rest of the world. Suffice it to say: you don't pass socially.
Why are you assuming I'm a TNO troon? Where do you get that idea from?
There is a segment of the Ukrainian far right that wants to annex European Russia and then launch a "reconquista" of Europe. Having a chance of for the Second European War to feature a beast NATO made would be interesting.
>Hates fun
>Wars are "slop"
>Shits on people that like "wacky" mods
Boggles the mind why people would think you're cut from the nu-TNO cloth.
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Australia needs to have Bluey on one of their focus tree icons.
"Supporting Jihadists that hate us can never lead to blowback." - CIA
"Supporting Neo Nazis that hate us can never lead to blowback." - CIA
What does Total ZOG NWO Victory look like in TFR?
Think Goering in TNO but except for RKs you set up gay Europakommissions run by deranged ultraliberals (actual in-game term) that make sure everyone beneath Satan's high heel eat ze bugs. Pure antichrist material.
Today I learned you can parachute flame light tanks
Doesn't even need the airborne armor perk from the paratroopers tree
>Hates fun
I don't hate fun, I hate badly and lazily designed paths and ESL writing.
>Wars are "slop"
By slop I don't mean wars, I mean meme paths and overdone tropes in design.
>Shits on people that like "wacky" mods
Yeah, have some standards ffs.
>I don't hate fun!!
>You plebs aren't sophisticated like me!!
>I'm going to inject a ten year Fiji skeleton right into my veins!!
Stop projecting, I already said I don't care about TNO. Stop using it as an excuse to not put effort in designing your mod.
>No I'm not a TrooNO dev you are!
>Anyway, here's why people should put effort into their island skeletons instead of having fun wars with cool payoffs...
Again, stop putting words in my mouth, I've never mention skeletons either.
damn now I want to play it to see just how terrible it gets
finally some real misery porn
I'll put something else in your mouth troony
>no argument
TFR aren't sending their best lmao.
It was implied rather clearly when you said that wars are slop and that everything should be like nu-TNO (without mentioning TNO).

It's actually pretty funny and you get shit like the gay Pope blessing your tranny tanks waging war for the WEF and globalism.
Remind me again how do I go full schwab? Start as Germany and lose to Russia, then what? Is it a secret path?

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