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Why were warcraft 1 and 2 so impactful? Around the same time we got C&C which was a way more impressive game
They weren't
they weren't. Watch all these retards that never played the original go buy this AI remaster slop and then complain about why is the game so shit
they were only impactful enough to get people to buy in to Starcraft and Warcraft 3
c&c couldn't shake off its dune 2 elements - energy limitations, small bases, mimicking the concrete slabs of the original. it all made sense in the context of arrakis, but why copy it.
>buy W1 remastered
>play with pixel perfect old graphics
>normal UI text over the pixel art
>screen messed up on the extra space with an ultrawide monitor
>action sounds completely fucked up too (building sound effect when slecting a group, explosion sound effect when moving units)
will we ever have a good non-slop remaster of an old game or are all remasters inherently slop?
Mainly art design and presentation, honestly. And yeah, lack of serious competition. C&C and Warcraft, what else we had back then... KKND, Total Annihilation? They weren't as charismatic as the former. There were gorgeous Myth games that oozes charisma and atmosphere, but they are more of a small unit real time tactics, not a proper RTS.

Warcraft 2 was back when Warcraft franchise was cool and edgy and not cartoony shit it became after 3 and especially after WoW.
They weren't. Warcraft 3 was.
command and conquer is shit
same tier as halo
mid boring shitty game with a lame cringe aesthetic venerated by boomertards
brood war is an excellent remaster and then everyone shit the bed constantly with every other game. I wouldnt be surprised if they "remastered" WC1 and then said yeah, nobody's going to play with old graphics, just ship it ranjesh. Sound issues? What do you think somebody's going to play it for more than 5 minutes?
>venerated by boomer
Is the game made for aryans by aryans?
Game is good.
This is a sanjeepi subhuman negro DEI lefty troon redo to destroy the utterly kinographic divinity of VVhitekraft 1 and 2.

BroodWar is made by aryans and honorary aryans.
You’re retarded if you don’t think Warcraft 1/2 weren’t revolutionary. C&C was still niche - had hamfisted mechanics anchored to Dune 2. FMV gimmick bullshit.

Warcraft was one of the most polished games of its day with a unique dark fantasy aesthetic (this was before Orcs turned gay in Warcraft 3). Broke open the RTS genre and defined what it would be for the next 2 decades. Warcraft 2 came along and improved on it in every single way. While Warcraft 1 had multiplayer (and I played the shit out of it - orcs fucking dominated with their demon summons), War2 took MP to the next level. There was an actual MP community (using Kali), setting the stage for the MP explosion StarCraft would bring. Orcs were still OP due to Bloodlust being absolutely broken.

Warcraft 3 probably sold more copies, but it wasn’t the industry defining event that the almost back to back release of Warcraft and Warcraft 2 were… they were to RTS what Doom was to FPS and that’s not an exaggeration.

All that said I’m not going to touch these dogshit remasters or whatever the fuck.
holy fucking brainrot
Man, I love Warcraft 2 but the 9 units selection limit and no queue line is so annoying.
? Boomers love Halo they never shut up about it. Then the MCC came out and everyone learned that they are just retarded.
Working netcode and better polish.
As far as innovation goes, C&C blows WC2 out of the water on every conceivable level and BtDP was just outright pathetic compared to Red Alert, but Westwood was always a step, if not two behind on delivering quality multiplayer.
Furthermore, Westwood constantly made the mistake of working on more games that they could handle at once, which meant that they constantly suffered from lack of funds and focus. The studio would've gone under without ever releasing TS if it weren't for EA bailing them out.
Amusingly enough, Westwood learned notably little from the experience and tried to pull the same shit just a few years later only to get shut down for their trouble.
You can tell that it was written by a buckbroken ActiBlizz cocksucker
Actually later down the line game development was split between WW's branches, main studio in Vegas worked on C&C 3, newly acquired by EA studio was rebranded into WW Pacific and main Vegas branch handed them RA2 development to not be overwhelmed by work, some other offshoot helped with Emperor Battle for Dune, ect. What actually made EA kill WW is in line with every other crime EA committed, EA forced WW to release Earth & Beyond in the worst time possible and people literally couldn't run it due to the problems with system requirements, Renegade 2 was delayed because EA didn't wanted its sales to be overshadowed by other games like BF and Doom that were supposed to come out around that time (but then those also either got delayed or came out way after lol), and then Ren 2 got canceled after few sessions in Ren 2's mp, EA supervisors literally canceled it because they got owned in a game
E:BfD was more of a Westwood Vegas effort than RA2 was and it shows, given how mechanically outdated it was compared to the latter. Aside from C&C3 and Ren2 which was far too early in development to matter, they were also working on yet another MMO, Continuum, which was highly questionable given that Earth & Beyond was hardly a success.
Westwood kept overspending and underdelivering for three major releases in a row (Emperor, E&B, Ren1) and Petroglyph devs later mentioned that Castle and Sperry made no secret of being bored of C&C at the time. It's no surprise that EA just cut them loose and kept the one studio that proved it could still make RTS games that sell.
Emperor was their testing bed for 3D engine, where RA2 is an early version of TS engine
I want to get into Warcraft
Should I play the originals or the remasters? That goes for all 3 of them
originals. Nu-reforged 3 only has unit skins going for it
Don't give Shitzzard money for lazy AI flipped remakes. Go with the originals.
Thanks a lot.

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