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defcon bros...
we're going home
Holy fuck this looks fun
Buy an ad already, faggots. Your company is just tiresome with this shit
Did they unfuck the performance?
Also the terrorism and spec ops options look fun for MP, but is the AI actually capable of handling them?
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just started playing the first game
are upgrades just magically applied to all units?
and are your nuke stockpile also magically distributed among all your units, first come, first served?
No, only to units within your territory, so a carrier abroad can't resupply its nukes until you recall it.
>needless bloat
DEFCON is perfect as is. You can't improve on it.
Pirated it, war plan improvements are neat even if units are still far too stupid to rely on them.
However crashes are a massive issue, especially on load, no way I'm paying $30 for a game where I can't reliably save the game one day and resume it the next.
A lot of the UI looks like shit, especially the text. GOD the text is an eyesore. I wish they'd add Workshop so fans could patch it up, because otherwise it's pretty great
>pirate to try it out
>Korean War scenario
>game absolutely CHUGS once china and the soviets get involved
so the game is fucking unplayable, right
works on my machine
well it doesn't work on my machine. let that sink in.
maybe you should just have a better computer?
uh, no?!?!?!?!??
I got through the Korean War scenario pretty easily, hell I even got the second objectives and occupied a Chinese territory. But the Cuban Missile Crisis scenario is FFFFFUCKING me. I can't make landfall or anything.

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