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how do i play spartans in aeo2?

are there any mods that somehow enable campaign special units in single player skirmish?
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>how do i play spartans in aeo2?
pump out as many hoplites as you can
that's it
Spartan infantry is stupid good but they're trash at literally everything else
also build forts, Spartans don't get walls but they do get murderholes and trebuchets, if nothing else forts can be a good deterrent
>are there any mods that somehow enable campaign special units in single player skirmish?
doubt it, dlc's been out for a week, but I'm pretty sure all those assets are available in the editor thingy so I'm sure someone will make something
good taste
love that dude's art
>neither gayreek civ got bonuses to skirmishers
>also no skirmisher cav

what the fuck is this?
Age of Amongus?
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L stands for Lakonia
Laconia, as in laconic, as in 'not many words'? Double kek.
everyone knows m8. the joke is that its simple (and laconic), not that people dont know why there would be an L
ди нгaхyй
>Athenians getting charge attacks on their skirmishers and Spartans getting 50% training time reduction on skirmishers doesn't count as skirmisher bonuses because.... it just le doesn't, ok???
whatever you say, bárbaros

didn't even notice the map kek
still, Athens best girl
>still, Athens best girl
I don't know...that Spartan is doing things to me
>fanky eyes making the joke
The joke is - sex.
i thought she had a gatling gun for an arm. That would've been much cooler
How do I stop my archer blob from targeting 1 unit at a time and wasting arrows?
Also, what's the deal with attack move vs patrol? Is there really a difference?
Spartans need a fast infantry unit imo
That's where the word comes from, yes.
>How do I stop my archer blob from targeting 1 unit at a time and wasting arrows?
Stop micro: using the stop command and let archers decide their targets
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Timed scenarios are annoying. Let me explore in peace.
>that Spartan is doing things to me
it's gonna be those two Theban girls doing things to her when Epaminondas gets his way...
>All Thebans are liars. -Epaminondas the Theban
The magyar voice lines are really lolw quality huh
Shouldn't she be chiseling a big booby muscle woman? I don't understand these artists who just can't do it right.
>play own country
>monk voice actor is good
>military voice actor is good
>male villager has some weird lines, but is clearly pronouncing things right or at least trying his best
>female villager can't even pronounce basic words correctly, can't even do basic consonant sounds
selecting villagers makes me irrationally angry 50% of the time I can't fucking handle it I hate women so goddamn much
Why would she do that? Athenians were obsessed with men.
greeks in general viewed women as kitchen maids and childbearers only, they viewed men as beautiful and had young men lovers instead of women. Greeks were extreme faggots but we tend to omit that from history lessons
Admiring male figure is not being homosexual, stop projecting.
>The most widespread and socially significant form of same-sex sexual relations in ancient Greece amongst elite circles was between adult men and pubescent or adolescent boys, known as pederasty
>The ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation as a social identity as modern Western societies have done. Greek society did not distinguish sexual desire or behavior by the gender of the participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the sex act, that of active penetrator or passive penetrated.[8] Within the traditions of pederasty, active/passive polarization corresponded with dominant and submissive social roles: the active (penetrative) role was associated with masculinity, higher social status, and adulthood, while the passive role was associated with femininity, lower social status, and youth.
>Admiring male figure is not being homosexual, stop projecting.
it's okay to be a faggot, anon. You admire naked male bodies just like ancient greeks did.
>Wikipedia anything
Persian, Armenian and Burgundian are really fucking shit.
>find me a source that supports my headcanon
no such source exists, m'faggot.
Faggots TO THIS DAY day still think of themselves as not gay by dicking down assholes.
ok dude, this is not your diary and nobody asked what you did today
age of empires 2?
Oh, the humanity...nice, spartan bullies me, who is in turn bullied by the thebans into submission
Anyone wanna play team games?
not for the next 2 weeks from me... :(
How the hell are you supposed to sack those cities in the Spartan level where you need to get gold for ships? The teal city has annoying priests, big army and keeps making more units.
what a great DLC
makes up for the last one
get trebuchets, the mercenary camp has them
Guess I'll ask on the next thread
If it's a world where women hold political and military power they would be chiseling big booby muscle women you stupid worthless faggot
Yeh but that camp is quite far down the road. Managed 83 ships anyway but still.
Any mods that play AoE1 music instead of AoE2 when you play as the new civs in skirmish?
>Play Spartans
>"Hail Napoleone!"
>Play Persians

What gives?
is there even a single reason to actually go for the swordsman line over hoplites
hoplites aren't affected by supplies
swordsmen with equal resources accounting for gold win out
resource efficiency vs. pop efficiency
I've finished most of the campaigns that I care about in the base game, which of the DLCs have the best campaigns?
>Return of Rome
>The Mountain Royals
>Battle for Greece
I mean these DLCs specifically
the campaign in the latest one is great
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gold efficiency basically
you're playing persians
assuming that future chronicles dlcs are forthcoming, it seems likely they will follow a similar pattern to battle for greece
>focused on a specific period in history with more granularity than regular aoe2 (ie: instead of greeks, spartans and athenians. instead of celts, scots and irish. instead of chinese, wei han and shu. etc.)
>focused on a period of history with many ups and downs for its various players (crusades, perhaps.)
>focused on a period with potential for unique mechanics from standard aoe2 (oystering, policies, etc.)
please theorycraft with me about what future chronicles dlcs could be about.
Philip II shows up in the final cutscene, so 'Chronicles: Rise of Macedon' is my bet
I think it'd be really cool if they just picked up where Battle for Greece left off with the Thebans fighting the Spartan hegemony and then overthrowing them as the first chapter, then switching to Philip II's perspective with him turning Macedon from a fractured backwater kingdom with barely an army into the hegemonic power of Greece and later we follow Alexander as he absolutely dumpsters the Persian Empire and conquers everything from Epirus to India
Macedon would be nice
>Companion cavalry at the castle
>Unique upgrade to hoplite to get them 1 range sarissas
I want Age of Chivalry: Hegemony polished and ported into AoE2 DE.
Why do people like this DE edition, it looks like shit compare to HD.
Actual dumbass
If they're going to make the new dlc campaigns this easy they should had a fourth difficulty setting for people who actually know how to use hotkeys
DE looks far better, it has far better animations and the units look like units instead of a couple of pixels on the screen. You are just a jaded contrarian faggot.
don't reply to obvious bait.
ok big guy we get it you're a pro SP gamer
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how do you play Athens?
buff Hoplites or buff archery range units? they seem decent at both.
I think the Athenian allies dont really work as intended in the last level. they barely harassed me, only send over a few ships and all their buildings can easily be take out by leviathans. I saw some had filled transports but they moved their units to the Athenian side or not at all.
Are generals allowed now? Should we make a pastebin and get some links in the OP from now on?
Are you still not tired of OPs being all the same boring repetitive gibberish in generals? Why do you even feel the need to make a pastebin
everything is allowed now, we have a football manager thread and mods refuse to take it down because /vst/ - Sports, Roguelikes and Fighting Games. There are no rules
What genre would footbal manager be if not vst? The Suzerain thread was completely out of place
i guess you could split them into two control groups
or press the split stance then let them target the closest targets
t. 600 elo
>What genre would footbal manager be if not vst?
sports. Sports games genre. If football manager is a strategy, then farming simulator is strategy too.
Aren't simulators their own genre?
aren't sports games their own genre?
Wish the dlc would've found a way to include Nicias and Alcibiades
Are there any good mods and custom campaigns that I should check out?
everything in victors and vanquished (except like two maps) is available on the workshop
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Now what?
now we wait for chronicles 2
I got that second achievement despite researching all of the infantry techs at the wonder.
go for the final achievement: have fun
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Buddy, I wish.
>play a different age campaign
>play another strategy game
>read a history book
>get a social life
>directly confront how devoid of purpose your life is until you go insane
choose one of the above
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I already made up my mind
Given the economic bonuses, they're adaptable which is the point. The default policy is kind of ridiculous by just being better Romans and Strategoi are usable as glass cannons for either, giving you more punch on any unit.

In a random map game, I'd imagine FC into Hoplites probably wouldn't be bad in pocket?
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>four lakes 1v1
>me magyars, him huns
>archers starts harrassing my eco in feudal, I defend with towers and skirms
>as we hit castle age he instaintly drops two castles + siege + monastery outside my base
>he pokes my castle, raises a few buildings
>his trebs and trash claim all my TC, castle and whole army
>meanwhile I have been booming into 2x his vil count
>sneak all my vils to the side of the map
>leave 10 farmers behind as decoy
>it works
>while he has a standing army of 40 in my old base trebbing houses waiting for me to resign I build a new base with castle
>check out his base with a knight
>dude has been on 1 TC no dock the whole time 1 hour in
>fuck up his economy
>his answer is to keep building castles in the middle
>I mass an army of horses + trebs and pick them off one by one

after the 2h mark victory has never felt so sweet
analysis: he bested me in agression and early strat, but failed on eco, microing and unit counters. also my eAPM was double his
What setting do you guys want the next Chronicles to be in?
I don't get the Spartan one. What fucking else lambda is supposed to represent if not L?
It's a joke about laconism
Imagine calling anybody a faggot while being this mad that women are attracted to men. Cope, seethe, dilate, tranny
Charlemagne campaign featuring some combination of Saxons, Lombards, Basque, Umayyads, Avars
Good one. And now I feel like a moron, too.
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Don't worry about it. I just love historical jokes with anime girls
viking conquests all the way until wilhelm the conqueror
The fuck, why are some DLC civs unlocked? Are the devs doing some kind of free weekend type deal to bait DLC sales?
>anime girls
They were supposed to look like anime girls? They just look like gaijinegroid cartoon characters.
they made it so the first 3 dlcs are bundled up with the base game now
they also made it so you can't buy the base game standalone anymore, which fucks me over because I've been waiting for it to go down to below 10 bucks on sale before buying it
Go to OP post, you inbreed
That's what I'm referring to, dumb ESL.
On four lakes you need to prioritize taking 2-3 lakes, the lakes allow you to spam cav in castle age. Also you should open scouts first, you are making a lot of food from your fish, you can make your own range a little later you will have like 10+ on wood.
The devs stated that they are giving away the 3 earliest DLC's.
It will go on sale
haha get freebie'd boy
Why didn't you buy the game for less than 10 bucks which has been pretty much every seasonal sale in the past few years?
Because I didn't feel like playing aoe 2 back then
Not sure if I should get v&v
play it on the workshop and decide if the other two maps are worth the $13
How good are the other two maps? How long does it take to complete them?
If there were a tournament that allowed Battle for Greece civs, do you think any of them would see play?
Athens is just Romans with better economy for archers or even knights.
Idk about the others, Persians might be op in some configs
Romans should get chronicles unit skins.
celts, goths, and huns as well
Why is Persia and Assyria and Babylon doing so good nowadays?
You morons do know the city-state was actually called Lacedaemon, right? And that Laconia is just the modern Greek region?
Agreed. Keep their architecture though.
Celts will never happen though because of the tutorial campaign.
We know we just don't care for such faggy pedantry
>we know
If you said Laconice, I could pretend to believe you.
>no sale on aoe2de due to them recently including the dlc into the basegame
>Turn on Antiquity Mode
>Celts now use Chronicles buildings and tech tree
Simple as
>water map
>everyone picks Athens 100% of the time
five of the missions are new
>battle at the kalka river
Fuck this mission jesus christ
They werent destroyed though
They look anime-ish to me

They were soundly beaten and their lands ravaged thoughever
Is anybody trying the public update preview? Anything cool?
So sicilians are bulgarians, but worse on land and slightly better on water?
Patch Notes where
Someone made an Alexander the great custom campaign. Its pretty good so far.
>Make medieval ships deal bonus damage vs antiquity ships
There is no patch notes because there isn't an update yet
uhh... purely socio-economic factors
Nobody is taking Bulgarians over Sicilians in any tournament except maybe BF and even then without a pond you're worse than Sicilians.
>Early unique unit gets surprisingly hardy for infantry; supplanting villagers for building towers is one advantage
>Donjons are an outright replacement than a supplementary building
>Farm upgrades are ridiculously wood efficient if they can be kept safe
>+100 stone upfront is far more flexible
>Net bonus damage reduction across soldiers actually works well in Feudal especially and makes generic Camels more questionable against Knights, but does nothing at all for Crossbows and/or Knights trading
>Knights are otherwise generic until Hauberk
>Fast building on TCs and castles are excellent for booming and forward or defensive play, respectively
>More conversion resistance after pulling mystery niggas out of your ass, which needs five (5) TCs to maximize
>Team bonus is only good on naval maps, but can help scout water early in and landings become more practical

>Unique unit competes with other cavalry options that are above average; Sitrrups is great either way
>Kreposts are tougher as lower commitment buildings, but you still need a Castle for key unique techs
>Cheap blacksmith upgrades allows for easy tech into different units alongside a useful team bonus
>TCs save on stone instead, decent but only 100 if you just build two more
>Discounted siege techs are nice, but still slow
>Also saves a fair amount of resources on infantry upgrades - good for a MAA rush, though Bagains somewhat offsets this later in
>Surprisingly decent cavalry archers too for a European civ not called Magyars, but one of two civs to have no crossbows whatsoever
>Arguably has better lategame trash of the two

Sicilians are also one of the more altered civs post-release; the bonus damage reduction was nerfed, both techs used to be single-use with no lingering benefits (Scutage also just sucked), Castle build speed used to be a lot faster, the team bonus changed two times, Donjons only trained Serjeants, and a lot of little tweaks.
>Sicilians are also one of the more altered civs post-release
Didn't they also have a bonus to transport speed for a while?
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What would probably help is if AoE II civs got some kind of scouting ship when making their first dock in Antiquity mode. Dock and Shipyard team bonuses aren't compatible either. These civs might be made for the campaigns but it's a bullshit not to balance them for even just skirmishes: it's easier to adjust scenarios and those are fundamentally made ridiculous with the hero auras going on anyway, and AoE II campaigns manage just fine despite Forgotten Empires's competitive-focused balancing.

Like, for fuck's sake:
>Athenians' default policy is better than the sole Romans' economic bonus, which is already a solid buff, and have a trickle of food via lumberjacks on top of that
>Strategoi give the player's everything military at least +1, maybe some interesting implications with ranged units
>Spartans are all over the place, a Polemarch can pull some unexpected wins and harass villagers, but his death is a huge setback for TC production, Hippeus are also a weird Huskarl/TK blend who are slow and hit like pool noodles compared to most infantry, even just missing Shock Cavalry and Siege Engineers probably makes them too one-note in Imperial
>Hoplites have UU armor for some reason despite being regional, so Spartans would especially have to try to end a game against Japanese quickly or else they're completely fucked, retard strength simply doesn't work against Nipponese steel folded 9001 times
>Achaemenids are probably the least 'problem civ' of the three, but Reed Arrows alone are better than the inherent Mongol, Saracen, and Ethiopian attack speed bonuses combined; why would you ever not want this over Sparabaras?

I'd actually like to see some mixed games be more practical, or at least a contained Chronicles metagame of sorts when more expansions drop for it. But there's a lot of work to do.

Used to be transport ship armor, then a free transport. Now it's a buff to their LOS and lowered cost.
Sicilians? More like Sissylians.
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just continue the story
>Chronicles: Rise of Macedon
>Chronicles: Punic Wars
>Chronicles: Mithradates
and keep going until you get to Augustus
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opinions on buffing the handcannoneer? i'm all for it. :)
Sure. Buff Handcannons by buffing infantry.
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Is this the worst campaign in AoE2?
The main difference is that the sicilians can allow for a lot of silly strats, like the youpudding strat, they build tc/castles fast af so they can castle/tc drop pretty well and the +100 stone is nice for walling people in too. Bulgarians are just a strong late game civ while sicillians are just a weak civ in general but with meme strat potential.
>buff to their LOS
complete nothingburger
brown and black people campaigns are pretty shit in general
just boom hard and go hussar + camel archers
it's pretty much the same process as mission 1 but easier since you aren't stuck in castle age
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Not terrible but highly situational. Better on a Migration-style map, but a 50w transport with boosted LOS is plenty usable for early water scouting before the warships get out. Would you take it over something like cheaper Docks? Probably not.

It's one of the most boring. Worst would be El Dorado
No. Yodit is.
Rajendra and Gajah Mada were amazing and Sundjata was pretty cool too.
Interesting. What civs would they have?
>Sparta pushed out of Laconia, never to take it back
>Sparta as a city reduced to a 3rd rate shithole
>Spartans as society so completely broken, they nearly died out on their own in next two generations
Yeah, I heard about that great Spartan comeback from the grave.
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This. I loved the Sundjata campaign. African King Arthur is dope.
>Rise of Macedon
Probably Thebes, Macedonia, and some random Indian civ.
>Punic Wars
I would wager Etruscans, Romans, and Carthaganians.
I don't want to play Pontus.
Fuck Cleon.
Cimon, man.
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I hate this mission so fucking much.
>Rise of Macedon
Macedon, Thebes and the Hindus Valley kingdoms
>Punic Wars
Rome, Carthage and the Iberians
Pontus, Armenia, Bythinia(if they don't want to just recycle the Romans for this one)
Are you playing on hard? It was quite easy on moderate when I just send ships on a raid and gave soldiers to my allies
>Are you playing on hard?
Yes like any respectable person.
>Hindus Valley kingdoms
I honestly have no idea what their campaign would be.
Same for them.
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>do literally anything
>get glowing golden achievment
nobody is playing this game anymore...
I was just trying to get to three civilizations under the assumption they can reuse assets from previous Chronicles
also as enemies, it'd be weird having elephant riding indian kindoms being just generic persians or not having Carthaginian allies represnted at all
>not that people dont know why there would be an L
I can guarantee you 99% of the troglodytes that often this site have no clue what Lacedaemonia is.
sounds like a flesh eating bacteria.
why is she black
>14.5k in-game
>Win a Game as the Celts - 51.4% completed a tutorial mission
>William Wallace - 17% completed the tutorial campaign
>2 Wild Boars in the Dark Age - 42.2%
Is it just the terminally autistic, MPnigs?

Like, holy shit.
I guess most players are just old fags playing MP forever but I only play campaigns, partly because I can't login to the microsoft account.
majority of players are REALLY bad at the game and play exclusively sim city random matches against easy AI
MP wins count towards achievements. With an older player base who has most likely played HD and other previous versions, seems unlikely the tutorial would have a high play rate. Boar one is weird.
Seems like there is just plenty of people that buys the game or got it for free and just never opened it
The other thing is whether how many people actually have played the game than having it sit in their library, this happens a lot on Steam. Also, this game has been around for 25 years, so people may not feel the need to do Wallace's in DE.
this sucks, hopefully it will go during the winter sale in 2 weeks
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No Parthia?
Always reminds me that TW3 achievement for finishing opening tutorial area, about 2 hours of playing iif you want to clear it out fully.
24.something %
3 out of 4 people didn't finish a fucking tutorial in a game that lasts for well over 120 hours in baseline
tutorials are for weak faggots
This is like the fifth time I bought/downloaded this game before I got it on steam so I can imagine its the same for more people that didnt bother replaying campaigns.
>Daut v Larry in WWCup 2 ROUND OF 16
Who are you rooting for
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daut, always and forever.
DLC achievements in particular are pretty rare for this game. Most people are fine just playing multiplayer, and many of them are just fine playing the base game civs.
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was a fun dlc , also that ending hinting a Alexander story next
we wuz greeks
>appear in one (1) scenario
>become one of the most likeable characters
how did they do it
Artaphernes and Aristides were the coolest characters. Datis was also nice starting as a quasi-rival to Artaphernes but ended up becoming bros.
>Alexander story next
Macedonians, Ptolemaians and Seleucids?
I know they do. Boars IS the indicator of MPfags. I play occasionally, and campaigns only, I DO NOT have that achievement. I don't think even the tutorial campaign gives you the opportunity for it. I would need to launch skirmish, or MP to get it. Most likely.
i maek knight
Sex with villager woman
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what the fuck was his problem?
agree i loved artaphernes bassicaly having always to chase aristagoras as the little fag always fled
very comedic
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>what the fuck was his problem?
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Why is this game so fucking stressful to me? Even just playing campaigns my eyes go bloodshot so quickly
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by doing literally nothing wrong
Athens died with him...
Spartans were all autistic assholes, but if it makes you feel any better he gets his comeuppance when the Athenians with the help of the Thebans kill him in battle
As much as I love the new campaign, it really is too easy even on hard. But maybe the last third is where the difficulty is.
the only difficult mission is the one with the election gimmick
Oh yeah well I bet all your men died at Thermopylae
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Wandering Warriors Cup 2
Round of 16 today/tomorrow
https://www.twitch.tv/t90official (co-host) (faggot)
https://www.twitch.tv/dave_aoe (co-host)
Schedule is post pic
Potential spoilers of results
we love t90 here
If I make a lobby and select civ set: AoE2 + Battle for Greece, can my friends that don't own the DLC select the B4G civs?
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This is 4chan. You can say FuckinAndy.
>This is 4chan.
No. This is Sparta.
epic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvYZRskNV3w
TGs are not working right?
the regent mission definitely pushes the time limit and tests how well you can quick-boom
Fuck Torone.
We can make an all-encompassing pastebin or rentry without shitting up the OP.
>I don't think even the tutorial
litterally the first art of war mission gives you two boars
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excited? hope memb casts
Nah, pushing deer is for mpfags, most single player gamers can hunt boars.
Is it being played now? Then yeah, really happy for another tourney being played in office hours.
Pushing deer is absolutely a waste of scouting time.
Send 4 villagers to deer with no mill, they get all the food and walked for ~10 seconds
Send 4 more to the other two deer, shift clicking them so they don't waste any food.

Very rarely you'll get harassed by doing this at 1400 elo at least.
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>Boars IS the indicator of MPfags

>pushing deer is for mpfags

>Pushing deer is absolutely a waste of scouting time.
>Send 4 villagers to deer with no mill, they get all the food and walked for ~10 seconds
>Send 4 more to the other two deer, shift clicking them so they don't waste any food.

I'm convinced this thread does not actually play the game.
They don't.
I need a list of all good custom campaigns.
The mod list on ageofempires.com is quite unusable and full of chink language campaigns.
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I'm not surprised
They don't but if someone can get away with milling deer then it's whatever
Its absolutely worth pushing deer in so that you get the food in faster. My rule of thumb is find the sheep and then go to deer
Have you done some tests in the scenario editor? Overall I notice pushing deer is worth just a tiny bit quicker food vs sending out hunters, if you have berries up it's negligible.
How can you stomach Armenian voice acting, Ghostmaster? It's almost as bad as the Persian voices.
Does not bother me at all, I kinda became fond of the deep Armenian soldier voice, male villager sounds kinda dumb but I can ignore it.

And believe, Persian voicelines are not the worst, Gurjara and Georgian voicelines are the fucking worst in this game.
Man do you even read your posts? How can deer under the TC could be possibly on the same level of berries
>if someone can get away with milling deer then it's whatever
The thing is that you cant get away with it.
Only Armenians and Georgians can get away with it, since ox cart can collect hunt and roam the map for food.
Caucasus civs are amazing in Land Nomad for that reason.
>How can deer under the TC could be possibly on the same level of berries
6 on berries can keep up villager production. Once the hunters arrive you'll have the same total amount of food as pushing deer.
No you fucking wont, luring in 3 or 4 deers with Scout will yield way more food way quickier than collecting berries, without the 100 wood investment nor the villager walking time

It's like you are spreading misinformation on purpose
You might get the food negligibly quicker yes, but it's the same total amount of food in the end.
What matters is to keep TC working fulltime until you advance and berries won't stop you from that.
You need 2 buildings for feudal, 1 lumber camp and 1 mill is enough. Build your barracks as you advance unless you want to do any fancy militia rush.
>You might get the food negligibly quicker
MUCH faster, and having a fast feudal time is key to not bloody die, luring deer will always be optimal compared to wasting 100 wood milling deers or having a lot of dead villager walking time hauling food from the deer patch to your TC.
Also if you want to do MAA rush you will need a barrack BEFORE clicking feudal so milling deer just to make another mill on berries is not an option, nor is walking to the deers.

Luring deer will ALWAYS be the correct call.
>What matters is to keep TC working fulltime until you advance
and you get to advance much faster when you've pushed deer, which in turn makes your rush better
deer pushing is too much micro for the average player and just leads to idle time, this is known
berries are the safer bet if you're bad at micro, deer are better if you can micro well. it's that simple.
>a lot of dead villager walking time
It's not a lot
You need 1 mill for farms either way, you're putting that on your berries.
>advance much faster
How much faster? Collecting berries isn't that slower and the total food from 4 deer is exactly the same if you pushed or not. Using 4 villagers guarantees you won't let anything to rot as they walk and the time they take to TC is often barely nothing. They couldve collected what, a total of 10 food if you pushed deer? That's nothing.

It's not even about micro it's about using your scout to explore the map, keep tabs on your opponent, steal their sheep, bother a villager or two, find out their early build. If you just use your scout to slowly push deer to the tc for 3% faster food collection you're just wasting time.
9/10 times I see pro pick vikings in 1v1 in a tournament, he loses. It always gives me the feeling vikings suck ass but they have a 52% win rate overall. Are they just super noob friendly skewing results in low elos?
Noobs can't micro galleys so they make fires and Longboats destroy fires so yes.
it’s literally about the micro of taking time from everything else to babysit the scout pushing the deer, this is literally too much work for the average low elo player to reliably handle and leads to idle vils/tc while they push
4 villagers walking to a deer off to the side and then walking back is like at least 30 seconds of total villager time wasted PER DEER, that's minutes they could have spent farming or helping with sheep for even faster food income for faster uptime
a difference of 1-2 minutes is huge if you're racing against your opponent's rush
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>viper spoke to a dev about melee units not working properly
>dev wasn't sure what was he talking about
Lol how can you NOT play the game you are doing?
Old school naval civ, now faces a fair deal more competition in other civs that can match them there.

An infantry civ that lost Thumb Ring to incentivize using them. You can guess how that goes. Free Wheelbarrow/Hand Cart is good, but you're later split between two unit lines that both kind of want a unique tech each to stand out.
Coding and playing are two completely separate actions anon.
You have no idea just how many devs simply do not play their games. Many do not play any games AT ALL. Most only play gachashit on their phones or switch gmaes and consider sitting down on a keyboard/controller as 'work'.
Pros overemphasize the free weelbarrow because 'oh wow i just gained 3 villagers' but what is the point of free villagers if your civ sucks
>Coding and playing are two completely separate actions anon.
Didn't realize
>You have no idea just how many devs simply do not play their games.
It was clear from the beginning that devs don't even test this mess so playing it was always off the table
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there's a dev team led by Nili (who's a pro player himself and has bitched plenty about shitty pathing) that has started working on pathfinding issues recently, so there might be hope of something actually getting fixed for once
Sure Nilli
isnt he working in a mirror factory now?
>Push in deer
>Have almost all of the food gathered by the time you click 19 pop feudal age.
>Long distance
>Still collecting deer while aging up, its hard to get a fast uptime because your villagers are delayed by 20 seconds of walk time
Its more common to do 19 pop and lower nowadays so yes I would rather have the food quicker and get my archers/scouts out quicker maybe even men at arms
wait how is he losing
Its rather map dependent, new water civs have powercrept the Vikings, Armenian galleys have extra range, Dravidians have a lot going on water
Because when it comes to pro 1v1 matches the results are always closer than whatever the ladder or the crowd says about who is better
Hera wants to speedrun first 3k player out of a S-tier tourney
It might come down to Houseboat last map, what has Hera got for that, Mayans?

I think I have seen Mayans on houseboat but I don't remember seeing them win.
fucking egaloos
How do Mayans deal with cheap hussar into eco?
Its looking completely ogre
>Hera eliminated from the tournament
and just like that, suddenly I'm excited to watch this game again
when i make my millions, i'll make tournaments that aren't during 9am-5pm USA.
Tourney with Chronicles civs when?
Just finished the Chronicles campaign
It wasn't the most difficult campaign, but I think this might be the best campaign they have ever done and S-tier at the very least. The characters are memorable, the scenarios are varied, and we got a whole bunch of new things introduced including a changed up naval game
>The characters are memorable
More importantly, the dialogue is memorable. From all Ensemble campaigns there is at least one line I can quote by heart and it evokes something within me. As for the FE campaigns, only a handful (even if the campaign itself is good that doesn't mean the narrative is memorable). In Chronicles practically every mission had a quote that left an impression on me, be it because it was well-written, well-performed or just because it was meaningful to the story.
By Zeus, his head came clean off!
Anyone know what that custom song t90 plays sometimes is called? It uses 'all hail, king of the losers' soundbyte. Couldn't find it myself.
AoE2 DE now officially has something like ~290 scenarios, not counting Return of Rome pushing it over 300
this really is the greatest SP RTS of all time, and arguably the best MP
Guys. Strange request.
I am doing an awards show for my friends, we used to play AOE 2 over covid. It was 3v3, river in the middle and then one person on evenly matched up top middle bottom. Can someone tell me what the name of this map is as I need a picture of it. Thank you.
Is Google broken
Man I really don't like viper videos when he needs to speak in low volume, can't the baby sleep on the parent's bedroom?
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How do we stop this Allah's chosen warrior?

He said he's already on the way to 4k.
>meanwhile, Viper joining Daut in the has been meme player list
he lost 3-1 yesterday
hera is FINISHED and will become another washed up has been like viper before 2026
the mossad has guaranteed it
just launch the game lol
I played through almost all the campaigns in AoE2:DE (many of them I already played in HD), but even though I bought Dawn of Dookies on release date, I am keeping that for last. Because /vst/ told me it is the most touching story in AoE2 history and the bestest campaigns ever.

Already finished Mountain Royals, Persian last, so now gonna do Babur and the other two Indians. /vst/ also said that those are amazing, but I just cannot imagine how Indian campaigns can be any good.

Wish me luck!!!
The indian campaigns are all megashit except for the Hindustani one which is ok
I tried and I cant find it
Rajendra is pretty good though.
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Isn't that the classical Highlands map?
I also couldn't find it lol
unironically kino
Honestly I found the Babur campaign to be the weakest. Rajendra is easily among the best in the entire game despite being of one of the worst civs.
Rajendra, Jadwiga and Gajah Mada are easily the best campaigns.

Other campaigns of the same expansion are decent.
>Gajah Mada are easily the best campaigns.
t. pinoy
All hail Nicov! The rightful defender of the healthy meta!
So I'm that as well as a poojeet and a poolack?
watched Hera's stream POV of that final game and he was seething so fucking hard about the demo ships, it was hilarious
Your origins are varied and mysterious
you are whatever race we project you to be
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Love this guy.
I hope next Chronicles game will be Rome based, utilizing both campaign only early Rome all the way up to AoE2:DE multiplayer playable late era Rome. I want to see Septimius Severus, the greatest Roman emperor who conquered Britain and basically built London, who was Black. London really was built by Black people.
Are you going to post about Septimus Severus in every AoE2 thread?
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voice acting was absolutely stellar
for me it was pic related just being a menace to polite society
I hope by the next Chronicles dlc you will have already committed suicide.
if you type !song in his chat you will get the playlist
thanks anon
crap it's not on the list.
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I hope next Chronicles is about the 30 Years' War. Realistically, it's going to be about Alexander.
Really? Someone already did this? Wow
30 years war is wayyyy outside aoe2's scope
It's about 50x closer than the Peloponnesian War.
>1 range pikemen
>archers replaced by gunners
>dragoons (conquistador reskin)
>lance knight
>no skirmisher
>hand cannoneer replaced by riflemen
I mean yes, but they already remade aoe1 in aoe2 so there's at least a link. Imagine how many new handcannon-like units and pistol cavalry they would have to make to fit 30 years war in. handcannon anon would orgasm to death at least.
The next chronicles game is 100% going to be Alexander the great
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But I WANT a campaign about the 30 Years' War.
Plus scenarios like Lepanto, Noryang and Nobunaga are 50x closer in theme to the TYW than Chronicles is to whatever was in AoE2 before.
>want to try out spartans in a ffa against my friends
>byzantines, turks and byzantines again
with friends like these lol
Is full infantry with Spartans even useable?
what else are you gonna use
the power of friendship
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>none of them have the player's color as grey
well yeah why not
That's uncanny as fuck dude
Byz is only good vs infantry after castle. If you let them spam cataphract it's on you. They're expensive as fuck.
Now Turks don't get dmg bonus vs infantry on castle age even. Only imp turks are scary so either way attack early.
Another civ.
Well, it's not a very exciting color, blends in a bit, is just a shade darker than uncontrolled Gaia units, and often represents a secondary or tertiary party. But it would lend itself well to a scenario around that kind of idea.

That's literally the only lategame plan they have. And that is fucked against Japanese if you can't win a game early. Hoplites are tagged as UUs despite being regional (Chariots too), so your flagship anti-melee gets devoured by Samurai, same goes with Polemarchs. No amount of unique techs and auras yield a cost-effective matchup before their HCs are considered.

The tech tree might be spartan on purpose but it does feel like they could use either Siege Engineers or Shock Cavalry to be less pigeonholed.
good news for you

Looks gay and cringe
yes, but you asked for gay and cringe so...
From all the new civs the most well-rounded out is Achaemenids, no? fully-upgraded paladin, strong archer unit, anti-infantry cavalry, almost complete university
Oh boy I hope all those ladder points translate into tournament wins. At least he has oilers for his road to 3k1, because that will take a while.
Its fine, they were never intended for ranked play
>Hera loses
>People laugh at him losing another A-tier tournament
>Gets tilted and cries on twitter about bullies
Kek this fragile fuck
>Well since my sleep schedule is messed up i decided to make a mistake i often do and open reddit
>Man people despise me on that platform and there's 0 moderation whatsoever, people can attack my character, assume my intentions and straight up make up narratives about me like its no biggie
Imagine if he went to 4chan
>Gets tilted and cries on twitter about bullies
He STILL does that? Absolutely embarrassing. Pic related proved to be always relevant, was looking for it as a meme and I was delighted to discover the tweet is still up
Absolutely true
>turn based
Go fuck yourself
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excited for THE BIPER?
the bitcher
Yet another strategy game that wants to be 'realistic' no matter the cost and ends up being straight up boring to play.
These are GAMES not war documentaries.
This is why AoE is fun. It doesn't try to be an actual war.
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Sebastian will dominate the scene in the future and reddit and 4reddit will also talk shit about him
Can't be a bigger faggot than Hera, right?
Ok but how can aoe2 make infantry viable
He is very chill and cool in his streams, wonder what retards will come up as a reason to hate him
Can't wait for aoe5 so we can leave monks behind
Pike square.

Or go full realistic and make it dirt cheap so you can just swarm your enemies.
we already have pike square
>grab some pikes
>put them in square formation
They literally do the same that they did in real life as well
I meant pike and shot.
>just add some HCs!!!!
Buff HCs
Play a civ with good HCs.
They still lose to paladin lol
>Oh boy I hope all those ladder points translate into tournament wins
You must be retarded if you think there's anyone who can stop Hera. He will take EVERY SINGLE #1 spot in 2025. Screencap this.
>Sebastian just spamming endless karambits into plumes
Skirmishers might be a good idea
we're team Yo around here
>aryan zoomer vs chink kino
Let's go Yo
We all believe in the Snek right?
Why is he such an inconsistent faggot? Viper dominated for a decade, Hera can't even dominate a few tournaments in a row.
Because viper was the absolute best with nobody to be able to come close to him, being first in the ladder doesn't mean much today, specially when it comes to pro matches, it will always be a close match
>naked boom into loss
classic viper
this map is such a piece of shit
snake bros...
Viper should stop picking clown maps, micro doesn't matter on this map.
>Leave the center meta
0-4 i'm calling it now
How did viper not see his villager die to a rhino, maybe he needs outposts or new glasses
>tatoh out
>hera out
>yo out
>accm 2 ahead of viper
get loom noob
Viper bros...are we back?
Please vipi win this last one
I bet 10k channel points on viper, he can't lose.
praying for the vietcong warrior to kick that washed up boomer out of the tournament
better player wins
>be viper, master of quick walls
>fail to make one (1) straight palasaide wall
interesting that 6 of the top 10 seeds are out
Hera literally lost this on purpose so that he doesn't get as much hate. This is your "christmas present", Hera haters (heraters)
didn't work since people still hated on him
as long as they dont make the game gay like aoe3, i welcome more gunpowder units :)
Now I hate him and think he sucks
Vinch bros, is this our time?
went all in on hera yesterday :/
I'm fucking loving these upsets.
fuck off im staying right here faggot
What kind of brainrot is this
>Hijacking this thread since it's about AoE2
I started playing RTS again, doing at least the campaigns of the ones who have been in my backlog for decades.
Just finished RA2/YR and AoE2 is next on the list.
Which version do I buy, Steam's Definitive Edition or there is a "better" one?
Are there any "mandatory" DLC or the 3 free ones are enough?
Definitive Edition is the one everyone is playing these days. You can buy the 2013 HD edition if you desperately need to nostalgize with the original 90s graphics, but there's no point besides that. No DLC is mandatory, just buy whatever you want. Mountain Royals gives 2 new civs so if you're into the multiplayer it's probably the most worthwhile, the new Greece one is supposedly excellent single player content but haven't played it.
DE is what you want
DLC aren't necessary unless you want more campaigns
Ignore victors and vanquished
It's more that everyone had to play catchup with Viper. Which to be fair, was inevitable.
Basically what >>1908814 said
what are these clowns doing
How do you guys do it to quickly put down farms? what I usually do is box-select a few villagers, build one farm, ctrl-click one villager to deselect it and then repeat until I have no more villagers selected
This works for me but it's slow
I just autoplace them by hovering over a mill/tc and shift click
We have autofarm now sir
How do you make it so the villagers auto-sort to the farms though? right click on the windmill/tc after placing all the farms?
who cares
this is the equivalent of micromanaging every single lumberjack for an extra 5 wood a minute
if you're in the position to drop tons of farm your attention is better spent elsewhere
>Tournament format requires adapation and not just playing meta builds
> Hera instantly bombs out
The palestinian zoomer as never been anything else than a meta slave
how do you choose "your" civ? aesthetics? tech?
I think it'd be cool if Romans had access to hussars or a regional equivalent
That'd be cool I think
>it would be cool for the civ notorious not for their cav would get ANOTHER unique cav
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equites were fairly fucking notorious anon. Pick up a book once in a while. I'm sorry cavalry was just too powerful historically.
You could turn Centurions into regular infantry and nobody would complain
>equites were fairly fucking notorious
yes, notorious for being exceedingly mediocre
as opposed to excellent celt, gallic and germanic horse riders? lmao
UU usually. If the UU is ugly or unusable, why bother?
thematically perfect for the scout cav line
yeah which is why they FU light cav
it has to meet 2 requirements. yuropeen and good handcannoneers.
is there a way to set myself as an spectator in a lobby?
Should I buy the new Chronicles DLC for Christmas if I haven't finished the Age of Mythology Retold campaign?
he said european
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checkmate atheists
How many hours would it take me to play and finish all of the campaigns that are in the game right now (including DLCs)? I have like 300 hours and so far have only played with friends and a couple ranked matches. I haven't got into the campaigns because it seems like it would take forever.
more or less five to seven 30 minutes missions for each campaign you haven't played
constantinople was roman for 1000 years longer than it was turkish. Byzantines therefore control europe so turks are not european.
Raise your hands for Vinchester!
sergeant should need a castle age upgrade like eagles
this is just cringe
Could be the last competitive set in the tourno if Liereyy is feeling sharp (besides the bronze match I guess)

Vin Chester
>if Liereyy is feeling sharp
Depends how much cocaine he did with Colombian hookers again.
good fucking shit
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>This game
pick georgian
it's that simple
I don't see anybody spending a single food in an infantry unit upgrade, you need eco for that and we sesrgants are being used because they are good without upgrades
>socortra TG
>flank player decides to wall and boom
>gets surprised when the opponents show up in their base with scouts and archers
This is why I resign early and I don't care
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>be me
>dont want to get killed early so i build walls and archers
>30 crossbowmen cant hit a fucking villager out for a walk
>takes like 10 of them to kill 1 skirmisher
Frankish CA
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meme strat for a meme civ
I castle age they are fine, if you can get your opponent to invest in elite skirms then better, uma delicia even
>collect 3k stone
>do nothing with it
what's the next step of his masterplan
Average series by Vinch
praying for lierey's downfall
Why is this subreddit so toxic. Misery truly loves company. Have you tried just enjoying the whole show?
>Lierrey loses all his rattans
Hoping for a third-world championship at least once.
(Is Uruguay still considered third-world?)
these concepts are meaningless nowadays
the US is first world and its a shithole
Portugal is first world and its a shithole
England is first world and its a shithole
Costa Rica is third world and its comfy
El salvador is third world and its comfy
Argentina is third world and its comfy...some of it
everytime I watch sebastian he loses
I think I may be some kind of jinx for him
Why does Dave talk like that
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0-4 this fucking clown so I can go do something else
yeah i'm calling civ win
I hate when the wild animals attack and your soldier doesn't defend himself.
me gusta
gaia wins
>hmm, I don't think it is worth investing in loom this early
Because pikeman is following monk and wont fight back
t. Hera
We're so fucking back Lierrey bros. It's going to be total brutal domination tomorrow.
How far on the ladder do you guys think I could get with something like scout rush into light cav/hussar + generic infantry or unique unit? I bring this up because I noticed Georgians have a super complete generic militia line (gambesons, supplies, all blacksmith upgrades) so I thought I could do cav to raid + infantry to bust trash with or cav + monaspa to outdo stuff like archers
better off doing that with armenians
The most consistent opponent and the hardest one to defeat will always be yourself, if you could perfectly execute your strat then reaching even 2k Elo is not impossible
Isn't hussar kind of a big deal though? or is light cav enough?

Damn... I wasn't expecting such an answer...
It is what it is, a 1000 Elo player doing maa into archers will always lose against a 1200 player doing the same
For raiding yes, light cav is great. https://youtu.be/WzGTCLSJzSM?si=PobeNg2CGHoYSrz9
Also, I like survivalist take of prioritizing last attack upgrade before hussar if you find yourself in a march having to chose
Georgians is an elo inflater
guys wanna hear a joke?

ACCM is gonna get rid of the zoomer menace once and for all
after that griefing with the fishing ship I hope so
Maybe he can finally enjoy the game
Dunno, I like their archers/crossbow rush
Alexander DLC would be cool and all, but what do you think we will be getting next? Personally I like this direction they're taking with bringing more ancient civs to AoE2's system, so a Sargon the Great or Kadesh DLC would be dope.
For Chronicles it's 100% Alexander.
haha larry getting btfo
6 vil into barrack new meta
larry in dire need of a wellness check
50 vil lead lel
He did it bros
There was never beating the Asians in nomad.
>"that's awesome dude"
i normally like sotl, but i dislike most of his ideas in this video.
He's shilling his ideas since he was involved in making of dlc so now he's expecting applause on every step.
Te gusta?
That's hilarious actually, can't imagine what exactly he would be doing there
Battle Drills might be clever but the Militia line has more problems than five different models that's unrealistic to get phased out for legacy reasons at this point

Reminds me, did T90 originally suggest a dock split or was it only reorganizing its button panel?
You are very wrong because all his ideas in this video are great.
THswordsman >>>>> champion, visually
What civs would they add? Macedons for sure. Maybe Egyptians? Babylonians?
>keeps misusing greek letters in the same comic where it says that the lambda is an L
fucking dumb
ending teases Philip II though
Ptolemeyans and Celeucids? I know they come after he died but maybe you could start with a Macedonian campaign with him and his father then the others are about his generals.
Who ruled for a total of two seconds (just enough to pick up what was left of the greeks) before he died.
>he was involved in making of dlc
no he wasn't, what the fuck are you talking about lol
DLC was made by the creators of (and uses mechanical ideas from) the Rome at War mod, which SotL has made videos about before, but that's literally the only connection
All good ideas (except the Samurai change, which I don't care for).

But best idea is the wonder. Maybe a wonder could generate something like 300 gold per minute (equivalent to 10 relics) + increase villager collection rate by something like 30%. And then maybe an additional military bonus as well (unique one for each civ).

It'd be fun if we could see wonders built in 10-20% of the games that go post-Imp.
if his 23 years of rule are 2 seconds then Alexander's 13 years are a single second, silly historylet
They're itching to push this into ranked.
Okay, then how many scenarios should each of them get?
History is not defined by how long things took to happen but how many things happened right after the other followed by decades of nothing.
What a nothingburger of a reply
What an insightful post.
Nothing ever happens
Think we'll get something like a less shitty Xenophon's March?
I accept your concession.
Would love it. Never played the aoe version though
They should just introduce another gamemode which is random map + functional wonders, but then you wont win by having it stabd for years.
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It's depicted in AoE 1 as a Post-Iron Age scenario like Barbarossa's March, where you go from start to finish with a finite number of units. Except you have villagers and so you can eventually shit out more Sanic-fast Centurions, which are very deadly as-is and so it kind of makes it a lot less like a epic survival story. Of course, it's Age 1 and so it's very fundamentally basic, but some extra military in place of the villagers would've made it cooler.

As these campaigns took assorted hamburger chunks of history for scenarios, the epilogue foreshadowed Alexander the Great for the next one, depicting him going to Persia. The one before was the Siege of Athens, of which we played from Lysander's perspective in Chronicles.
>as opposed to excellent celt, gallic and germanic horse riders? lmao
The Gauls had excellent cavalry compared to the Romans, so much so they became auxilia. The other two definitely not.
Germanic cav was one of the best in Caesar's armies. They somewhat scared Gallic cavalry too iirc. But you're right about the generic Celts
anyone running AoE2:DE on a low end machine? do you think i can play this on Ryzen 5 7535HS with Radeon 660M integrated graphics?
Yes you can play AoE 2 DE on a laptop, you are going to have to turn down some of the graphics settings. The minimum specs are on steam, I hope you don't have 4 gb ram though
Yeah sorry I forgot to add that info, single stick of 16 GB DDR5 RAM
Who on earth came up with the idea of monks with armor, bet it was a clown
I finished the Persian campaign and I really don't understand why you guys liked the Mountain Royals DLC so much, they all sucked, except a few of the Tamar missions but that campaign was too piss easy because Monaspa stack beats everything. Thoros and Ismail felt like "let's pick some insignificant nobodies" the campaign(s). I understand that for Armenians maybe, since they probably got no other personalities, but did they really have to pick some 1000 years past late stage Persian empire guy? He's there just to make Babur look better.
>insignificant nobodies
True, should have been Íñigo Arista instead.
Look how long his wikipedia article is:
and weep
ismail is a pretty significant persian, it's just that persia ingame represents ??? period of persian history and he's relevant to the gunpowder period of iranian history so nobody gives a fuck
I shill for Dawn of the Dukes than Mountain Royals though. The Ismail one is just weird from the getgo since the guy died pretty early in his life IRL and the campaign portrays him as an old man about to get assassinated by some woman after a fall from grace and however many years. Crunch-wise it's a fairly ordinary campaign, yeah.
>persia ingame represents ??? period of persian history
they're represent all of it
civs in-game are supposed to represent cultures or ethnic groups in the time period of the game rather than specific political entities, so because the Persian civ tries to stand for every Iranian culture of those 1000 years or so, results can be a bit schizo (Turks have a similar issue) but I think it's still the better approach than every kingdom and empire getting their own "civ" like we get with Romans and fucking Burgundians

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