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Hello everyone and welcome to another Happy Wednesday, the day of the week where you get a new Tinto Talks, the special posts we make to gather feedback about the very very secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

While we may have some skills and some experience in designing games, we are not perfect, and that is why we are doing these Tinto Talks, so we can get feedback on what may be less than stellar, and for us to think about things that we may not have thought about. Sometimes it's small easy things we can do immediately and will tell you in the thread directly, and sometimes it's larger things, which we talk about later.

Our Tinto Talks from a month ago, about Great Powers and Hegemons was one of the very few we have made that had a negative reaction, but what was great with it was that there was plenty of great, constructive and usable feedback from it. Pretty much everything in this thread today has been built on community ideas that have then been revised and discussed internally.
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Country Ranks

First of all, we reworked so that rank for a country is now more about the flavor and internal mechanics, moving away from the unlocking of powerful diplomatic actions, like intervene and threaten war, so that they are for Great Powers instead. There were also some modifiers that more fit being a great power than a Kingdom and Empire in name, like the power projection bonus that a rank gave.

Also a new icon for the rank..
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Great Powers

First of all, being a great power is not without its costs, and now being considered one increases the amount of gold your country needs to spend to keep up its legitimacy. Also, all Great Powers have a negative opinion of -25 of each other.

The bonuses you get now scale with the position you have among the great powers, where being the no.1 gives the highest one.

Yuan gets a bit more than France..

Another change we did, was that the amount of great powers is now fluid, and depends on how many countries are close to the number 1 power in the world. There is always a minimum of great powers though, and a maximum, which depends on the total number of countries in the world.
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We have done a lot of changes to both the system for Hegemons and how they actually work as well.

First of all, we changed the hegemony system to not be unlocked by advances, but instead they become available directly when the Age of Discovery starts. Why you may now ask, well, this is important for the new mechanics, as you no longer actively decide to become a hegemon, but the hegemon is proclaimed on you by being the strongest in a particular area.

Every month the strongest in the area the hegemony concerns will be proclaimed as that hegemon. If there is a hegemon already, you need to be at least 20% more powerful in that area. So, for the Military Hegemon, if France has 200k soldiers, then Sweden needs at least 240k soldiers to become the new Military Hegemon.. Or reduce the French army to be smaller in a way. You will not lose your hegemony if you lose a war though.

Another major change though is that you can hold multiple hegemonies, and there are now some drawbacks to being a Hegemon. Of course, all other countries distrust a hegemon so for every hegemony you hold, you get a -20 opinion from every country, and a +20% extra impact on aggressive expansion. There is also an increase to expected court costs, and a monthly prestige gain.

We also removed the system of Hegemonies becoming more powerful the longer you hold them, and removed most stacking modifiers, and having them merely gives one bonus each, however, instead, each hegemony gives you two unlocks. One unique cabinet action each, and a unique diplomatic action, that each can be used while you hold that hegemony.

The UI also shows you all the competing great powers… Not sure the word “competing” is relevant here though.
We also added two new hegemonies since last month, but what do the hegemonies give you then.

Economic Hegemon

This is the Great Power that has the highest income from Trade and Taxes.

As you can see in the screenshot above, their units consume less food, which can be useful over a campaign.

They can use the Diplomatic Action ‘Divert Trade’, which forces a non-greater-power country to give up part of their merchant capacity and power in all markets they are present in. This can not be done to anyone that has their own market though, but this forced divert of trade can not be broken for 10 years, unless a war breaks out between the hegemon and the target.

The Cabinet Action this hegemon gets is “Reduce Paperwork”, which increases the production efficiency in an entire area. So what is an area? An Area is a group of provinces, and a province is a group of locations. Production Efficiency is a powerful modifier which directly impacts the output of a building, without increasing its input requirements.

Naval Hegemon

This is the Great Power that has the most Heavy Ships of all Great Powers.

Their bonus is 10% less naval damage taken.

They can use the Diplomatic Action “Force Embargoes”, which makes the target non-greater-power embargo another country. An embargoed country can not trade in the market they are embargoed in, and their locations will not belong to that market, both which are rather non-ideal. This forced embargo can not be broken for 10 years, unless a war breaks out between the hegemon and the target.

This hegemon can use the Cabinet Action “Naval Focus”, which increases the maritime growth and harbour suitability of all ports in an area.
Military Hegemon
This is the Great Power with the biggest army of all Great Powers.

Their bonus is 10% cheaper warscore costs.

They have the “Violate Sovereignty" Diplomatic Action. This is probably the most requested feature ever by any warmongering player, and allows you to enforce a military and food access on any non-greater-power country for 6 months. This means that you can pretty much ignore neutrality, and make sure your army is well fed as you march it to another theatre. There is a slight drawback that the country who you march through will dislike you and get a casus belli on you.

The Cabinet Action this hegemon gets is “Soldiers as Workforce”, which gives you faster construction speed in an area. This impacts roads, buildings and rgos, so can be useful to get more barracks, forts and iron mines quickly for the war machine.

Cultural Hegemon
This is the first of the new ones, and this is granted to the Great Power with the highest Cultural Influence.

Their bonus is a 25% growth to cultural tradition growth.

They can use the Diplomatic Action “Force Change Court Language”. This forces a non-greater-power country to change their court language to yours, which further strengthens your stronghold on culture. This can not be changed for 10 years, unless a war breaks out between the hegemon and the target.

This hegemon can use the Cabinet Action “Assimilate Area”, which allows you to assimilate pops in an entire area at once, which is a few times more powerful than the Promote Culture cabinet action which can only target a province at a time.
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Diplomatic Hegemon

This is the second of our new hegemonies, and it is granted to the Great Power with the highest Diplomatic Reputation.

Their bonus is 30% higher impact from Improving Relations.

They can use the Diplomatic Action “Influence Country”, which increases trust and opinion in a target non-greater-power country.

Their Cabinet Action is “Diplomatic Corps”, which allows this Hegemon to dramatically increase their diplomatic capacity while also gaining more diplomats each month.

The current 5 Great Powers at the start of the game

Stay tuned, as next week we’ll go through Government Reforms, how they work, and take a look at what types we have there.
Why is this even a thing? Why do people click the hegemony button?
"oh, you won the game, congratulations, have more winning"
For what, the game is already over
All of the other great powers should be able to form coalitions against the hegemon to prevent that
Nice reading comprehension, retard.
I kneel again...
You don't you get it Automatically
Pretty much
Was talking about eu4, should have stated that
>nooo I don't want to have more possibilities for larping in my alternate history simulator
>Every month the strongest in the area the hegemony concerns will be proclaimed as that hegemon. If there is a hegemon already, you need to be at least 20% more powerful in that area. So, for the Military Hegemon, if France has 200k soldiers, then Sweden needs at least 240k soldiers to become the new Military Hegemon.. Or reduce the French army to be smaller in a way. You will not lose your hegemony if you lose a war though.
So does this mean that there will be hegemons on day 1 and you only need to be 20% stronger to usurp? If so that's pretty dumb. You should have to be far and away the strongest in a category to be proclaimed hegemon, like stronger than the next 5 ranks combined, and if no country meets that requirement the hegemony should be left vacant.
Hegemons are enabled automatically in the age of discovery, which is the second age
was there anything that could even be considered a military hegemony before Great Britain in the victorian era? Why would France or England give a fuck about how many soldiers the ottomans have stuck in Anatolia during peace negotiations?
France obviously. There's a reason most military terms come from French.
>which is the second age
Right, I forgot that it's not the starting age anymore. Still, it should be an anomaly for there to be a hegemon in any category for most of the game, 20% more powerful feels way too low of a requirement
>France has rich military history
>France literally defined an entire era of warfare
>everyone only remembers ww2
a shame really
I dont like the numbers part, as tech advances they are meaningless, 1M chink peasants will be nothing to a modern small euro army, tech, quality etc should be part of it
>cucked by Britain from expanding outside the continent
>cucked by Germany from dominating the continent it got confined to
at least they have their beloved Africa
>cucked out of Africa by America
Atleast they managed to import the Africans to the Isle of France
>was there anything that could even be considered a military hegemony before Great Britain in the victorian era?
The Big Chin empires and Frogland disputed the title till the 30 years war, afterwards it was indisputably France till Trafalgar and Leipzig.
By the way did they ever mention Mercenaries ?
>Every month the strongest in the area the hegemony concerns will be proclaimed as that hegemon.
Every month is probably a bit too fast - institutional, perhaps even mental, so to speak, inertia is a thing
I think holding the position for a year, like you have to to become a GP, would be much better
How fast do you think anyone can outdo the hegemon by 20%?
>become super hegemony
>get -125 relations to all great powers
What the fuck is this Johan?
Yeah, they were first mentioned in Tinto Talks 11 and then here and there after that
yes, they've mentioned mercenary companies in passing and I think they even showed a merc-related tech
Habsburg moment
Why not?
>French victory without compromise in War of Spanish Succession would've made them triple or quad hegemon
Why do you think everyone hates Americans?
They hate us cuz they ain't us
Because the contact the average person has with an american is either tourists (on average the worst people around no matter where they come from) or hypernationalistic social media dumbfucks who make being an amerifat their entire personality. That, and all the constant foreign interventions.
That might be too annoying to deal with but how can the ottoman interregnum by implanted ?
This is fucking retarded, your empire will be unable to threaten war to a minor unprotected country because Timurids and Majapahit have more magic points than you on the other side of the world. Who asked for this change?
Clearly you need to git gud
Spain. It was the "Big Bad Wolf" in those times.
Artificial gameplay, believing johan was a huge mistake
Macedons, Rome, china, the caliphate, the mongols, byzantines, charlemagne, hre, ottochuds, Spanish, French, brits, americans
>France being the 5th place
Eurobros... this wasn't supposed to happen...
>Britain got India
>France got Africa
>Spain and Portugal got America
I don't even know who got the worst deal.
>before Great Britain in the victorian era
Not a military hegemon, just a normal hegemon they would still get btfo'd from time to time militarily
lmao, they never had an overwhelming military advantage at any point in time. They may of had strong military pre-Islam but not enough to dominate their rival of Persia or the Lombards.
Caliphate to the south of France instantly disproves any sort of hegemony as Charlemange wasn't able to completely dominate militarily
Never united, even if you meant Habsburg domain then its still wrong since France and Ottomans contested them
Lol, in their "peak" they struggled to defeat a bunch of swamp dwelling peasant and only really had uncontested military prowress against new world natives
literally who? Completely irrelevant in every aspect with a near non-existent army.
because they are fat and stupid
On land, Spain and the ottomans since the 1400s, France since the 1700s, then the prussians. At sea, the spanish till the 1700 then the british. Swedes for a very small period of time.
Since military hegemony is based on troop numbers I doubt Sweden could pull it off with their puny population.
I'm sure you can popmaxx between 1337 and 1821.
Yeah no you shouldn't be able to do it until the columbian exchange
Not reading that shit. How does AE work now? Is it still retarded global angry points that erode over time and just slow down expansion?
It seems like the main effect of hegemony is to increase AE received. so something like the Ottomans would fit. Their expansion threatened euro states that might otherwise be enemies into working together.
So even if England realistically doesn't give a damn about all those landlocked soldiers, the English nobility probably thinks it's dreadful what they're doing on the continent, and someone really needs to do something about that
Are anglos really this deluded?
>Lol, in their "peak" they struggled to defeat a bunch of swamp dwelling peasant
As opposed to the Brits, who struggled to win against the Maoris and the Zulus?
>some isolated companies lost battles against vastly superior numbers therefore the entire empire struggled to win wars against people they rolled over and annexed
what we expecting from North America maps tomorrow?
No real countries
SoPs all over the place
A bunch of OP natural harbours
Isolated individual farmland terrain in locations with modern cities
>No real countries
The Mississippian Cultures were at their peak in this timeline.
>native american states the size of european countries were totally real guys
Well I'm sure they'll put them in the culture map mode
How would you translate them into landed tags though? Do we have any idea at all what their intercity political structure actually looked like?
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Let´s address the elephant in the room. Forming Germany will be a total shitshow. Probably have to cheat lower ae.
>Forming Germany will be a total shitshow
Hey guys, just checking in to say I’m kicking back and enjoying a relaxing Thanksgiving evening. I'm having some nice pecan sweet potato casserole, and of course, smoking some weed. I’ve got everything from savory bites to sweet treats lined up, and I’m just taking my time to unwind. Hope you're all doing well and finding some time to relax too!
That's pretty realistic, historically it happened after the end date.
What's up with Balliol and Frisian Freedom? Weird names.
Tihuantinsuyu at its greater extent was larger than any European country at the time if you don't count the Asian part of the Ottoman Empire though.
Just say Incas nigga
Balliol is a civil war tag (John Balliol was a claimant to the crown of Scotland), if they win, it becomes Scotland. Frisian Freedom (Fryske frijheid) is apparently an actual term for it.
May we see this great Native American country with all its great architecture, literature and people then?
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Who are you fellas most excited to play in EU5? I hope Wales gets enough flavor/events/decisions this time around, especially as the last Welsh revolt has yet to happen in the start date.
I know there's some event in EU4 where Sweden can get people to support their independence, perhaps Wales can do the same as historically there were French, Spanish, Breton, and Scottish diplomats when Owain declared himself Prince of Wales.
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Are you seriously asking for proofs of the fucking Incan Empire?
Inca was the title of their ruler, not the name of the country.
>I hope Wales gets enough flavor/events/decisions this time around, especially as the last Welsh revolt has yet to happen in the start date.
Isn't the guy in charge of the british isles welsh?
You literally just said Incan Empire. I ain't calling them uppity mountain indios Tihuanawhater, just like how I'm not calling the valley indios Mexica instead of Aztec
no i didn't
>Who are you fellas most excited to play in EU5?
I'm going to play as Achaea. Try to restore the Frankokratia as I'm assuming there'll be a situation for it. It'll be a good campaign for the new pop mechanics too with a foreign mixed ruling class over the generally Orthodox Greek-Bulgarian and further in Muslin Turk populace.
Yeah all those campaigns with a ruling class of a different culture should be super comfy, stuff like Cilicia, Trebizond, any of the Latin statelets in Greece, and even the Ottomans, which may actually be a fun campaign this time around and not just a game of Goliath vs ants.
Basically the near East should be super fun.
A few city states around the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and a lot of society of pops. There will be the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (i.e. the Southern Death Cult) on the religion map too. Cahokia will be a market on the trade map. Oceaniafags will whine and pretend abbos are comparable to pic related
Majapahit will unite indonesia
Do they start with a Bohemian PU?
>Personal union with Bohemia (1313–1378 and 1383–1388).
So yes.
They'll probably start as the junior partner though, so to really do anything you'll have to beat the much larger Bohemia, unless Paradox reworked how PUs work and Bohemia really is under Luxembourg at game start.
>junior partner
I remember reading that won't be a thing in EU5. All members in a Personal Union will be equals.
thats a good thing though, why should germany be formable in like 1500
Another one ruined with horrendously ugly 3D character models
And for what fucking purpose
It's so over, fuck P*radox and FUCK Johan
Go back to /gsg/, kid.
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First game is going to be Eastern Rome. I want to restore Justinians Empire except for the western European parts. Instead I´ll expand into arabia and persia to eradicate islam if that´s possible.
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>First game is going to be Eastern Rome. I want to restore Justinians Empire except for the western European parts. Instead I´ll expand into arabia and persia to eradicate islam if that´s possible.
Eat shit
would say that it's great but there's no reason for byz to invade these shitholes
at most reconquer egypt, arabia is just a shithole
Khmer, Goryeo, and Melayu will probably be my first three campaigns in the game. Most likely in this very order.
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made by reddit based on the atlantic current map
I presume these are the same people that want state society abbos
>iroquois confederacy in 1337
>mikmaq settled states
>huge mississippian states
a lot of this map is wacky
I feel like there are too many states in Florida, should be more SOP.
I like the idea of having a dozen small states in the Caribean, they should all stay divided and be conquered and enslaved by the spainards though.
Sounds based to me
Oman uniting Arabia then dealing with the ottoman and the Timur where a conqueror East Africa and strengthen my ties with the south east Asia to cuck the European
>Oman uniting Arabia
shit taste
Oman campaigns must be tall and merchant focused, not conquering sand
My guy between all regional power in the Peninsula Oman are the ones to blob if not for the entire Peninsula then the Bahrain region and Yemen
No, Yemen is the blobbing one.
Oman is for expansion into East Africa and India.
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Hello everybody, and welcome one more Friday to Tinto Maps, the place to be for map lovers! Today we will be looking at North America, which is very handy, as we can deliver some Thanksgiving turkey maps to our friends from the USA (and Canada)!


For today’s Tinto Maps, we thought it would be a good idea to show both the land-owning countries and the SoPs. As I commented last week, we’re trying to follow consistent criteria to categorize countries and societies. This is our current proposal for North America, with Cahokia and some Pueblo people being the only regular countries in 1337, surrounded by numerous SoPs. I’m not bothering to share the Dynasty mapmode, as we don’t have any clue about them, and they’re auto-generated.
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However, we have been reading and considering the feedback we received last week, in the Tinto Maps for Oceania, so we want to let you know that this is our current design proposal and that we want to hear from you what are your expectations regarding the countries that you would consider landed in 1337*, and also which countries you’d like to play with in this region, either as landed, or as a SoP.

As you may already know, our commitment is to make Project Caesar a great, fun game with your help, and we greatly appreciate the feedback we receive from you in that regard.

* This is already quite tricky, as most of our information only comes from post-1500s accounts when the native societies were already looking very different from two centuries ago. Eg.: The first reports made by Hernando de Soto about the Coosa Chiefom around 1540 points it out to be organized in a way that we’d consider it a Tribal land-owning tag, as confirmed by archaeology. However, that polity was not organized at that level of complexity in 1337, as there isn’t any contemporary data comparable to that of Cahokia. And some decades after the encounter with de Soto and some other European explorers, the mix of diseases had made the Chiefdom collapse, being more akin to what a SoP would be. This type of complex historical dynamism is what makes it so difficult to make the right call for the situation in 1337, and also for us to develop with our current game systems the proper mechanics that would be needed for SoPs to be fully playable (and not just barely half-baked).
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Plenty of locations, at the end of the day, are a big sub-continent… You may notice that we’ve tried to use as many native names as possible, although sometimes, we’ve failed to achieve that. Any suggestions regarding equivalences of Native and Post-Colonial will be very much appreciated, as this is a huge task to do properly!
That is a GIANT Cahokia
these are a lot of SoPs. Many wastelands too, some a bit too big I'd say.
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Areas… And with them, an interesting question that we’d like you to answer: Which design and style do you prefer, that of the East Coast, more based on the Colonial and Post-Colonial borders? Or the one for the Midwest and the Pacific Coast, more based on geography, and less related to attached to modern states? Just let us know!
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What the hell is happening in Northern Canada lol. Guess these are lakes in the middle of wastelands
Bit sad there are no locations on the northern islands of Canada.
Also a lot of locations for Alaska
Glad they returned to the old borders for locations
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Some comments:

Most climates are portrayed in NA, from Arctic to Arid.

The Rocky Mountains are rocky!

Regarding vegetation, we wanted to portray the forest cover in 1337, which is tricky, and that’s why some areas may look too homogeneous. Any suggestions are welcome!
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Not a very well-developed region in 1337…
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Natural Harbors:
That map doesn't necessarily show the confederacy, just the separate tribes of the iroqouis, who some were landed since at least the 12th century.
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Lots of cultural diversity in NA!
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And the languages of those cultures!
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We have a mixed bag here: On the one hand, Eastern and Northern religions look more like the design we’re aiming to achieve, while on the other, to the south, you can find the splitter animist religions based on cultures that we now want to group into bigger religions, more aking to the northern areas.
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Raw Materials:

Wild Game, Fish, and Fur are king in this region! But we are also portraying the ‘three sisters’ (maize, beans, squash), the agricultural base for many of the native American societies, using Maize, Legumes (beans), and Fruit (squash). Cotton is also present in the south, as it was also native to the region (although the modern variant comes from a crossing with the ‘Old World’ one), and there are also mineral resources present here and there.
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Two markets are present in 1337, one in Cahokia, and another in the Pueblo land.

Broken map! But as this is an interesting topic to discuss, these are the current numbers we’ve got in the region:

20.487M in America (continent)
10.265M in North and Central America (we have a pending task to divide them into two different sub-continents)
10.222M in South America
Regions (roughly 1.5M):
162K in Canada
1.135M in the East Coast
142K in Louisiana
154K in the West Coast
43,260 in Alaska

And that’s all for today! Next week we will be taking a look at Central America. Cheers!
>Great Lakes canoe combat

It's never been this back indiabros.
texas btfo
It's clear that the current approach to markets doesn't work very well for parts of the world without many settled countries. You can't just tell me this big ass continent wasn't connected by trade.
The location size in Texas is pretty ridiculous
I hope that even anons here can recognize that there is a need to add many locations there.
there's already a Waco location what else is needed
hopefully we can start our own religions
>However, we have been reading and considering the feedback we received last week, in the Tinto Maps for Oceania, so we want to let you know that this is our current design proposal and that we want to hear from you what are your expectations regarding the countries that you would consider landed in 1337
Please don't add Abbo states, please don't fall for the Reddit retardation
South Jersey should be a wasteland.
realistically, the only way a Germany could possibly be formed in this time is through a Frederick Barbarossa-tier leader undoing the decentralization of the weak emperors before, not by conquest.
no it's not abbo states
It's probably adding Tonga, Samoa, Pohnpei and the Hawaiian states as countries, something much fairer.
>Next week we will be taking a look at Central America.
There's another holiday in Spain next Friday, so no Central America Tinto Maps. Though the Russia feedback maps will be out on the 9th
>raw eater
It seems that to these days some people still belong to that religion.
>ugly 3d character slop
fuck nu-dox
Were England and Hungary really that centralized?
Yes, Both England and Hungary had leaders who absolutely smashed dissidents and engaged in mass centralisation. England for example was engaging in censuses that rivalled what China was doing at the time and Hungry was not far behind.
They were absolutely the most centralised states in Europe in the 1300s.
Idk about Hungary, but England yes. To be honest the way I look at the map is that every european kingdom *is* somewhat centralised (small exceptions like scania or north poland notwithstanding), while france + the hre are not, nor are any areas they have touched like frankokratia or northern italy.
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>vril diet
>map of hyperborea is a sacred symbol on their shields
>their emblem prominently shows an eagle with a sun and moon behind it, obviously referencing Dyēus, which is the god that later became the father god of all indo-european religions.
southeast texas is one of many places the atlanisians has influence over
For Hungary, like a bit over two decades before the game starts, the foreign King Charles I of Hungary beat the shit out of every single noble, replaced everyone with loyalists and non-hereditary positions, and turned the shitshow that was early 1300s Hungary into a centralized state which he ruled with absolute power
A shame Hungary became a shitshow in the 16th Century.
Why do they have to put the word "People" after every SoP? It just makes the map look ugly and cluttered.
The hungarians put up a good fight. They were basicly the only power with any chance to stop the Turks aside from Timur in the Balkans until Vienna.
Only because they get a strong ruler's who's taxed the aristocracy but once they get there way the country crumbled and then the aristocrat become a pain in the ass for austria later down the line
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>they made up 50 cultures only for me to replace them with one neo-European culture
Appreciate the effort.
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This game is going to be so trash kek, they are forumites redesign random areas of the map to add more OPMs.
Any chance we get some gameplay footage this year?
Dev diaries do nothing for me. Might as well read Excel tutorial.
You don't UNDERSTAND, the Mbupu and Hahakweeekweiti people and their very sophisticated tribal societies (slightly more organized than gorilla society btw) MUST be playable, people who buy this game will definitely want to spend 2-3 hours on speed 5 waiting to civilize so they can actually play the systems the game is designed around
The fact that these people still delude themselves into thinking any sizeable amount of people is going to play as feather Indians or African tribes for anything but a curiosity playthrough at best is insane.
Inuit subhumans will be exterminated. The Dorset will reclaim their glorious snow palaces.
Every culture with the word "People" after it is an example of retarded savages who were too backwards to actually have a culture and thus were assigned one by European Academics post hock.
>spend 2-3 hours on speed 5 waiting to civilize
They could make the civilization process somehow interesting like in Vicky 2.
They won't, because they are pussies, but it could be done.
The difference is when you were civilizing in V2 you were usually playing an already large, historically relevant, and politically organized society like Japan or Iran or Thailand or something and the idea of international and had to balance things like international influence and pressure vs reactionary elements.
What the fuck is there do you when you're basically playing as a hunter-gatherer and your "country" is a bunch of isolated tiny villages? If you're actually being historically honest you shouldn't even be able to DO anything because you don't even have a "spirit of a nation" let alone an actual leader
This but with almost all non-Europeans.
>They could make the civilization process somehow interesting like in Vicky 2.
What version of Vic 2 were you playing, because it is definitely not the same as the one I did.
It's all becoming artificial button power slop, every week I get less and less excited for this game.
Economic Hegemon?
>Random extra money production button
Naval Hegemon?
>Port improve button
Military Hegemon?
>Construction speed modifier button
Cultural Hegemon?
>Magically assimilate pops button
It's just modifiers and features being arbitrarily locked behind x rank or score, making the whole thing feel gamey and artificial.
Unlock the ability to threaten war by crossing a score threshold is absolutely brain damaged. Logically it should be solely dependent on your projection of power in relation to who you're threatening in your AREA of the world.
I'm the biggest tribe in South America with a tiny isolated tribe next to me?
Why shouldn't I be able to threaten them into becoming a vassal instead of fighting a war?
The dumb design decisions are just piling up.
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Wouldn´t a good mod which adds pops to eu4 make eu5 completely obsolete? But nah modders are busy making fantasy troon mods.
>what is MEIOU
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Is this going to be just another bugged barebones release thatll cost 300 bucks to make interesting?
>Still no display of the core game play like Combat, Diplomacy or Trade other than some vague statements like "Culture affects opinions!" or "Uhh you can make your own market!"
Still waiting to see an actual game rather than "ideas" that anyone can come up with.
laugh at this retard
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anbennar sucks and ywnbaw
I see the /gsg/ trans folk didn't have their estrogen this month.
Unfortunately your efforts at trolling are even worse than your efforts in passing as women, so please just give up and don't humiliate yourselves further.
I agree that the relative bonuses are retarded and people should bitch the fuck out on the threads but the idea of locking certain actions behind being a global power above all global powers has some sense to it.
Been reading the forums and I hope they don't change the Iroquois to a settled state, they're perfect as SoPs. Too many people seem to want them since they're "Baby's First Indians" but they keep quoting crackpot earlier foundation dates that don't agree with the archeology. All we need is an event that lets them form their Confederacy latter on
Still a retard
>It's all becoming artificial button power slop
Always was going to be, that's the only kind of game Johan knows how to make.
>Central America
So we could have the whole World Map this year? I supposed after Central America the next region would be South America, and that would be everything. Or am I forgetting something?
England was already pretty centralized pre-1066, especially for European standards (outside of the ERE), but the Normans kicked it into overdrive, and it only continued as the centuries went on.
Yeah, the goal is to have the whole map before Christmas. Then they're starting Tinto Flavor after the New Year
we need dynamic border shapes

there should in fact be a loading screen in 1650ish to switch to a new map with new province shapes in the americas
I am tired of the US getting its current state shapes but the rest of American countries getting spaghetti for borders.
God I can't wait to colonize all of this as both the British and the Cahokians.
Sure, but the actions have to make logical sense.
Great powers being able to intervene/enforce peace in wars makes sense. Being the only ones to threaten war? Total nonsense.
Hegemons are too clumped together and generically designed to make any sense by themselves.
>"for every hegemony you hold, you get a -20 opinion from every country, and a +20% extra impact on aggressive expansion"
This malus only really makes sense for the military hegemon, and is outright opposite-day for the diplomatic one. The cabinet/button powers are just dumb "win harder" buttons that seem useless at the point when you are a hegemon. These mechanics shouldn't be locked behind hegemon, and should rather be cultural/tech/government unlocks.
Take the “Soldiers as Workforce” as an example. If anything this action makes sense for a society/nation centered around soldiers, not the one nation who happens to have the most of them. Exact same thing can be said about the rest of the powers, they aren't really related to being a "Hegemon", and seem more like what an idea group should unlock in EU4.
idea groups in eu4 are shit tho, how does the choice between cultural, administrative or religious buffs simulate anything that happened historically? You should be able to do everything if you have the necessary funds and manpower and not be restrained to 8 focuses and when you want to switch you have to abandon one entirely
I'm not saying the idea groups from EU4 are good, I'm only pointing out that the hegemons powers would at least make some sense in that context.
If you view an idea group as "influencing" your society to idealize an "idea", it makes more sense that a "military/quantity" idea group would give you the ability to use solider for civic works.
Portugal was also supercentralized as well. That's why they achieved a lot despite being a very small country.
You could argue the same with Naples, but the problem with Naples is that it was always in a personal union with a king of a most powerful nation, and it was usually the cashcow of such king, so it could never develop into something meaningful.
>medieval borders are now natural barriers or cities
>rivers, mountains, etc
>it cost military garrison to have a defined border otherwise it's just a no man's land (if no country have a garrison/fort there) or a border just on paper
>1905237 (Me)
Also, borders should be at risk of raids, having a garrison, military control, a fort or a city makes it way harder to raid it, border areas have more autonomy or have low tax/manpower efficiency.
Is this too dumb? Just not fun or both?
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Here is another building that can be useful in some towns and cities..
heh, waste of money, just banish the poor sick people from the city
Fuck I thought the first icon was an onion at first.
are we going to get ridiculously large populations towards the late game like in vic2?
Almost 500 years of a timespan will make it hard to balance population numbers.
Hopefully it doesn't turns out as another paradox lategame that is played only a couple of times
>Anglo-Germanic-Latin discussions: "hey thanks for doing your best for representing this region, but there are some inaccuracies that could be corrected. Here are my suggestions and sources to back up my claims!"
>Third and Asiatic world-discussions: "Paradox fucking hates my people for not following the incredibly biased nationalistic propaganda, they should be publicly executed"
>Paradox fucking hates my people
Fat chance some of them are white people virtue signaling
i bet there isnt a single abbo interested in paradox games, they are too busy huffing gasoline fumes
im afraid that conquest will be frustrating like in vic 3. in vic 3 it at least makes some sense for the era, but in fucking early modern period...
ill do a colonizer run, a france tall run and the ottoman blob, that should check out all the boxes if the games shit
decisively winning the 30 years war should be the only way for one of the heretic electors to begin some sort of unification process, or just get a PU with Bohemia and Brandenburg.
>All we need is an event that lets them form their Confederacy latter on
That will be 20 dollars plus the tip, tack så mycket!
Nah that's would probably be a unique government system
>Life expectancy
How does that work in-game?
Probably make it so you got older population with time and your ruler's and advisor's live longer unless they get hit with accident or Dead in battle
Only affects characters in that location
Bizarre mechanic to spend time on
That's probably the only useful building I have seen of them all.
I hope so. I cannot wait for the max population records.
If the savages wanted to be put in a paradox game they would've left written records
Do we have a new meme tag?
Have they mentioned any Columbian plague mechanic?
It's a good thing that they went back to solid colors for the climate map. It's much more readable.
Yes but they haven't discussed the specific mechanics yet.
No, sadly. It's Ohkwee Ówîngeh abbreviated because of the size
It's so hard to read whether something is a sea or land tile.
Took me a minute to figure out this was North America (didn't read the filename).
That's a non issue because you can switch map nodes.
>i wish i was in the land of cotton
Must be fun trying to play in the Americas when first contact will kill 95% of your people and thus your economy.
Same shit for Europeans but with he Black Plague.
False equivalence, The black death was caused by unchecked capitalism bringing in plague ridden rats. While the Americas were devastated plagues brought by colonizers with blankets and trinkets purposely filled European diseases
>with blankets and trinkets purposely filled European diseases
lmao what? The fuck are you on about? The Aztecs got infected when they had the Conquistador in their temples as hosts before they started to antagonize them. With the Incas was the same.
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>unchecked capitalism
uh, no? The heckin' white man literally gave the natives AIDS blankets. i saw it in a tiktok video. get your facts right.
They're going to add landed abbos its so fucking over
shieet dey really be yte devils
We will just need to make a 4channel mod that gives realism modifiers to various races like greed or low iq, Johan can not do all the work himself
>whites gets +100% production modifier on non-accepted pops and 50% research bonus
>bantoids get 10% goods produced, +10 national unrest and 500% population growth
>Kyiv -> Kiev
>Literally impossible to play as any indigenous nation, landed or not.
nah, 4chuds mod will be just GrossGermanivm map painting sim like in vic2.
cultures getting research debuffs used to be in eu4 so i say bring it back
sounds perfect
Mixed signals here. Using the term chud but also using terms only a /pol/tard would. Lapsed /pol/yp?
Agreed, all 4chan mods suck ass. except maybe HPM.
Why wouldn't I want to be a chud? Chuds are winning
crimeamod blocks your pass, grandi
Thanks to chuds nothing ever happens
Just noticed a surprise Indian Ocean Tinto Maps came out
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Hi there! Last Friday I mentioned the dates for the next Tinto Maps and Tinto Maps Feedback, which will be posted next week... But nobody expects a Tinto Maps Extra to happen!

Today I want to share the map of the entire Indian Ocean, now that we've revealed the maps of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Let's take a look, without further ado:

Here you have the Ocean to its full extent. Although the sea lanes look more or less how we want them to be, in design terms, they're far from final, as we want to make some adjustments. So it's a good moment to let us know which would be the suggestions you'd have for them.
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Only two areas of interest. Close to the Maldives, the Seychelles, and the Chagos Atoll (which is itself an atoll wasteland, thus the shape), with two locations, Blenheim Atoll and Diego García Atoll. And close to Madagascar, Reunion, and Mauritius islands. All of them are uninhabited by 1337 (so there will be fewer maps than usual).
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Not much to say here, besides that we all hate the graphical bug for the sea topography!
Did they make the colours flatter? Looks much nicer.
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Maybe some natural harbors could be added here? Reposting our (Spanish-centric) standards for them:

# -25 - Cliffs - South of Chile
# 0 - Flat Coast - Barcelona
# 25 - Bay - Palma de Mallorca
# 50 - River Port - Sevilla
# 75 - Deep Bay - San Sebastián
#100 - Closed Very Defensible Estuary - Ferrol
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Raw Materials

Fish looks like the convenient raw material for uninhabited islands, doesn't it? The Maldives at least have some more variety, with Fruit and Lumber).

And that's all for today! Easy come, easy go! Remember that the next Tinto Maps will be the Feedback review for Russia on Monday 9th, and the regular one for Central America on Friday 13th. Cheers!
The NA map feedback thread is full of the dumbest Americans I've ever seen
do the different sea climates have a practical effect?
Looks like it, they also got rid of the shitty thick outlines everything had. The locations map especially looks so much better
I think Johan said it affects sea storms iirc
surely using shades of blue for that would make for a far more eye pleasing map.
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Don't worry, we have meme tags after all
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>Vicky II
>Map painting sim
uh, yeah? it is a game about map painting. Gross Germaniums is the aim of that game.
what having your worldview shaped by /gsg/ does to a nigga
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Dynamic naming for colonial locations now being considered?
Go back to Reddi.
I mean, EU4 has it, so why not EU5?
It would be extremely retarded if EU5 didn't have native support for dynamic names, but even if it doesn't it can be done like in victoria 2 mods, either with decisions (not good because they're performance intensive) or a pulse event that periodically checks all provinces and renames them when appropriate
I think what's being proposed is a random dynamic names system, so the same colony location could have a different name every playthrough
Man, the Maldives having all those locations when they were always fucking irrelevant is a travesty.
he's talking about a random naming system that would would for all cultures instead of manually creating alternative names
Fighting in them is going to be awful.
>acting in any way superior when you don't even fucking know where the apostrophe is on your keyboard

>unchecked capitalism
>in the 14th century

>plagues brought by colonizers with blankets and trinkets purposely filled European diseases
That happened way after a lot of epidemics occurred naturally, sometime during the 18th or 19th century.
I always love hearing people talk about plague blankets when germ theory wasn't even an inkling of an idea. The closest thing ever before was chucking cows over fort walls.
>That happened way after a lot of epidemics occurred naturally, sometime during the 18th or 19th century.
It didn't happen at all, there was a smallpox outbreak tied to a Mississippi steamer and some random professor made up a story about this outbreaking having been created intentionally. He was fired and lost tenure.

They didn't know about germs, but they certainly knew that some diseases were contagious. European bathhouse culture disappeared after 1500 because it was linked to syphilis outbreaks which came from the new world.
At the time of the aforementioned smallpox outbreak, vaccinations against smallpox existed, but many native americans weren't vaccinated, and the news of the outbreak led to efforts to vaccinate more native americans in the mid-west. Yes, vaccines were a thing before the germ theory existed.
To be fair the idea of the germ theory did exist as early 12 century but either seen as none sense or heretical similar to how newton laws were known but never linked or discovered together
This is like saying selective breeding didn't exist because people didn't know about genetics. People understood that being around a sick person or things they've touched was likely to get you sick, in fact they sometimes intuited this wrongly, the whole reason leper colonies were a thing was because leprosy was thought to be highly contagious.
I guess niggas using corpses as biological warfare since ancient times also didn't happen because muh lack of germ theory.
>or things they've touched
This is the part that's more hotly debated and why biological warfare was limited at the time. It wasn't widely known that sick people could leave behind their illness so to speak, As the other anon mentioned it was usually visibly infected patients used for combat.
it's actual blood libel
Will this game feature sexy female characters?
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Hello everyone and welcome to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday when we talk more about our upcoming top secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

This week we will go into details about the government reforms and look into some specific ones that you may use or not.

Representing everything from ancient traditions to progressive amendments, Government Reforms outline the shape of governance in a country. Each one is unique, but they often give powerful trade-offs or open up unique play styles.
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At the start of the game, countries are only allowed 2 government reforms, but in every Age there is at least one advance that unlocks another slot for reforms. Some specific reforms also add another slot, so they are essentially “free” for that country. On average in the final Age of the game, a country may have 7 or 8 reforms.

Common Government Reforms that are available to everyone are likely to have an Age requirement, spreading out their availability over the game.

Some reforms are major reforms, and a country may not have more than one major reform at the same time.

There will be a diverse selection of reforms in each age, with about 5 common new ones added each age, and another 2 per government type. The unique ones are far more plentiful, and diverse, with over 150 currently in the game.

In the User Interface, the government reforms exist in the Crown’s part of the Estates Screen, as the Crown does not really have any estate privileges…

France can have 3 reforms, but are the current ones actually beneficial?

Removing a Government Reform currently costs 20 stability, which is a bit cheap, but that may change. Some reforms can not be removed at will though, and are locked until specific circumstances allow them to be removed.

Adding a new reform does not have a cost, but it takes up to 2 years before the benefits are fully implemented.
Common Reforms
Here are some examples of early government reforms that many nations have access to from the start.

Religious Tolerance
For when your country is populated by people who practice different beliefs and confessions. Therefore, it would be prudent to govern in a tolerant manner with them, ensuring their support for the government.

It will make your country a bit more communal though..

Diplomatic Traditions
From time immemorial our people have favored the word above the sword, giving us the ability to forge lasting relationships with our allies and friends and a reputation as honest and loyal.

For certain types of countries, this is rather important..

Military Order
This is a major reform that catholic theocracies have access to. It is one of the types of reforms that truly defines a country.

The Military Orders were created in the Middle Ages as a militant body of the Catholic Church. Its members are both warriors and monks who take religious vows and are destined to defend and expand Christianity.

Military Sponsorships are vitally important to a Holy Order!
Unique Government Reforms
So let's take a look at some of the more unique government reforms that we have in the game right now.

Family Sagas
This is a unique reform that anyone with the primary culture of Icelandic can get, which both Iceland and Greenland starts with.

Our ancient sagas passed orally through the generations tell of adventurous expeditions to a distant and wild land over the western sea. Perhaps one day we may follow in the footsteps of our old compatriots.

If only they had the population to exploit it..

Three Departments
This is available to any country that has Chinese or Korean as their court language.

The Three Departments System originates from the ancient Chinese empires and is the primary administrative structure of the state. All departments focus on several aspects of the process of drafting, establishing and revisiting state policies.

If you want laws changed, this is the reform to have..

Magna Carta
This is a unique reform that England starts with, and is also possible for any country with the English primary culture, or if their overlord has this reform.

The 'Great Charter' is a constitutional law that distributes power away from the monarch and towards the barons. First signed in 1215, it is also one of the earliest documents to enshrine the idea of civil liberties, such as the right to a fair trial, and protection against illegal imprisonment.

It gives some power to the nobility, and shapes the country towards certain ideals.

Stay tuned, as next week we will look into all the different types of Parliaments, and how you interact with them...
>I believe in Johan.
i look like that and say that to random people i see on the street
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pic is cover art for TT#18
>least chad johan truster
forumites are seething at the norseman's ability to explore and colonize
>abbofags seething at a norse dev team for making the norse cultures cool
People are still in the EU4 mindset that having explorers means you can build a colonial empire starting day one
I would rather have devs to not release any dev diaries and/or disregard most of the forumtards, making a democracy out of any project is extremely retarded
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>Religious tolerance, wich atomizes your population into several religions, makes your country more communal
Medshits seething while the white man marches on.
Do we even have any historic example of "nations" that had multiple religions outside of big cities?
>Family Sagas
>start as Iceland
>conquer land, get bitches
>colonise a century before Columbus
>adopt Korean as court language
>enact so many laws, crime becomes illegal
>everybody wants to live in my frozen wasteland paradise
I'm honestly really excited for this in a way I haven't been excited for any video game in years.
"I wanna play EU5" is unironically delaying my suicide.
It's communal in a difference sense. It increases communalism, aka alliances to your own ethnic group instead of the country. Those minority religious pops are more likely to join rebel groups and fuck your shit
>A communalist country will have a lower satisfaction threshold for pops to join rebels, far cheaper to revoke privileges from the estates, a slightly higher estate satisfaction, but pops will migrate far slower.
Why would religious tolerance make minority religious pops more likely to join rebel groups?
how the fuck do Portuguese count as Meds?
>celebrating diversity leads to more rioting
Uh based paradox????
Because if you don't have a boot on the face of minorities they start getting uppity.
if you don't force a unified ideal of a country then everyone sticks to their own groups making the country more divided. simple as.
>what is rome
>what is any middle eastern empire
Don't be too hyped, huge hype will always end in disappointment
Go search the difference between and empire and a nation
Didn't exist until the 18th century retard. Countries themselves did exist until the 17th century, there is little examples historically because they are very recent. The best example however would be the Arab Nations like Syria which have several tribal religions outside of their big cities along with pockets of ancient ones.
Iranian empires? The Ottomans? Russia? Most Indian polities?

I think it's meant to represent something like the millet system
No anon dont do that, there is always another day or something unironically
They did colonize a bit...with one settlement with a few tens of people...that was bandoned...and forgotten for more than 300 years
The new hegemony/great power system is still as retarded as the last one. They should just give up on the idea entirely, it doesn't make any IRL sense anyway. "Great Power" or "Hegemon" is a historiographical construct, not an actual 'thing' in diplomacy.
Like, the closest thing I can think of is MAYBE the position of permanent member on the UN security council? In any case it's irrelevant and they should remove the entire thing (other than maybe like, extra flavor hidden in the Ledger or something).
Just drop the bonuses and give a minor prestige bonus but keep the relationship malus. So if you get into big blob mode everybody will hate your ass.
>Countries themselves did exist until the 17th century
I think you might be confusing something here. "The nation-state was created in the Treaty of Westphalia" is a common pop-history trope but even if it were actually true it's still retarded to say this. "Countries" (I guess you mean "sovereign state"?) DID exist before the 17th century. Rome? Persia? Byzantium? China? And by 1648 you can also have England and (maybe) France on that list.
yeah I am not convinced about that, the paths you choose when there is a new era and now this....there are lots of interesting mechanics, I dont understand why they want to stick with the dumbest part of EU4 after mana
Ouch, must physically hurt to be this retarded, do you have problem breathing by any chance?
same race
ah yes the Nueva Suecia colonial empire
The whole reason Imperator and Vicky 3 were disasters is because Paradox stubbornly refused to listen to any feedback.
>Sane People: "Why is Greenland able to colonize earlier despite being a shithole with 0 resources and capability to do so?"
>Retards: "Because Nordic-Aryans are ubermensch!"
"Saga" thing completely goes against what Project Caeser was suppposed to be about. Geographic and economic factors should be what determines who does or doesn't colonize, not race where Icelandic "culture" can magically colonize earlier than other cultures.
They can't colonise though? They can explore, which is accurate. Otherwise they wouldn't be in Greenland in the first place.
Unfortunately people really are posting like that on the tinto fourms.
I think it makes sense that a culture with a strong tradition of naval exploration would have some innate advantage at it compared to e.g. Germans or Turks or Vietnamese regardless of if they actually have the economy to support a colonial empire. But of course the economic issue should take primacy which is the issue here, in EU4 economics are a miniscule factor in comparison to the power of unique ideas/govenrment/mission tree flavour and it remains to be seen how well balanced these will be in PC.
You still have to send pops to colonize so it's unlikely that you can have enough of a working population in Iceland to sustain colonies with poor chances of settlement (far away from needed supplies)
Jagiellonian Poland and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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I don't subscribe to the whole "X group want us to die out" conspiracy theory complex, but on the off chance there's a group out there that wants you and others to kys, staying alive would stick it to them.
Forumtards are the worst. Johan shouldn't listen to them.
>the paths you choose when there is a new era
Wait, what? Did I miss a dev diary?
you pick between three (adm/dip/mil) sets of 10 technologies you can add to your tech tree at the start of each age
The Nords got completely BTFO by injuns (the Skrælings). Where the fuck was the supposed "White Men" superiority?
>seething eskimo
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Always two steps forward one step back with Paradox
They're making the most serious historic/economic simulation they ever tried, and yet they STILL insist on crowbarring these shit mechanics for mixmaxing spergs to play with on twitch streams.
I'm glad the forumoids are shitting on the "hegemony" stuff but I haven't seen people really scrutinize the "era" system. Maybe because it was laid out in one of the earliest Tinto Talks, before we had a clear picture of what this game is actually about.
>but I haven't seen people really scrutinize the "era" system
Not the "era system" per se, but some people have commented about how highly arbitrary is to tie techs and political reforms to ages when different countries achieved different things at different paces.
What the fuck are you doing playing GTGs then?
Stick to Total War you fucking mongoloid
I think the two systems will work well in their intended context i.e. colonization
Playing as some native american tribe or a literallywho SEA kingdom was always just a side activity for these games, something to do once you get bored of making yet another France blob. It was never part of the core experience.
The fact we got SoPs at all is amazing and is probably the smartest thing Paradox did since HoI4's tank/plane/naval designer thing
How many times did EU4 rework techspread?
>the smartest thing Paradox did since HoI4's tank/plane/naval designer
The designers are the worst thing they ever added and completely destroyed the game balance.
Countries existed in the form of Kingdoms but were totally different to the "Nation-State" concept that came later. Also Nation-States are a meme, almost no Nation-State exist in the world, not even in Europe.
The closest thing would be Austria or Germany, but even those had a lot of Germanized Slavs.
You're thinking of a nation-state, not a country or a nation.
Explain to me why the Portugal of the 14th century wasn't a nation state.
Did they say anything about a Revolution mechanic yet? The Estates thing is great and a perfect foundation for that. I just hope it's more than a shitty govtype switch a couple of pity buffs like it was in EU4.
I'm sure they won't actually do it justice because it'd be "unbalanced" but if they actually gave a shit about making a fun historical RP they should make revolutions as insanely OP as the French one was IRL. It's very very lategame so why the fuck not?

My dream is for them to have dedicated revolutionary politics mechanics. Something like a dumbed down version of the Vicky system. Like, you constantly have to balance between "Revolutionaries" and "Conservatives" in a new National Assembly. Giving the Revolutionaries more power will give you stronger buffs at the cost of lowering the opinion of all non-revolutionary countries around you and tanking your stability.

I bet if they do something like that it'd be a DLC, though.
>Countries existed in the form of Kingdoms but were totally different to the "Nation-State" concept that came later
Please explain the difference between capital K "Kingdom" and "Nation-State".
But it's FUN
Kill all balancefags
Medieval Portugal had a shitload of Galicians, Moors and Jews.

A Kingdom is a piece of land ruled by one King (or whatever you call that monarch) while a Nation-State is a sovereign piece of land conformed by peoples of just one ethnic composition.
oh ok so you're just an uneducated /pol/tard, no surprises there
Literally no historian on Earth uses your retarded definition of a nation-state. Ethnicity was always secondary and meaningless. Nations are formed by states.
Literally the same ethnicity as Portuguese in the 14th century.
>Moors and Jews
1% maybe 2% of the population. Do nations states need to be 100% the same ethnicity for you to accept them as "true" nation states?
>Ethnicity was always secondary and meaningless
So its just a coincidence that most borders throughout the entire history were drawn along or around ethnic lines?
Please share more of your trannoid academia wisdom.
>So its just a coincidence that most borders throughout the entire history were drawn along or around ethnic lines?
No, it's not a coincidence at all, because the definition of an "ethnicity" (in places that haven't gotten colonized) flows downstream from people being under one government
>most borders throughout the entire history were drawn along or around ethnic lines
Says who?
Plenty of borders that disregard ethnic lines, and plenty of ethnic group distributions that have moved to fit borders.
>I just hope it's more than a shitty govtype switch a couple of pity buffs like it was in EU4.
Its more than that in EU4 already, they updated revolutions awhile ago to add some new mechanics to make the revolution spread like the reformation does.
>about how highly arbitrary is to tie techs and political reforms to ages
This part is necessary, otherwise EU4 becomes like every 4x game where you do nothing but tech spam the entire game and the ai does the same so you have 0 choice in the matter. France unlocking Napoleonic tactics while neighboring countries are yet to adopt muskets is not "fun" or "realistic".
>Different from Portuguese
Holy shit you're literally retarded
Make your way to the nearest euthanasia booth
>Victoriatards seething that Europa Universalis 5 has Europa Universalis mechanics and is not pure simulatorslop for Discord transsexuals and subhuman chuds.
>that most borders throughout the entire history were drawn along or around ethnic lines
No? This is true literally only for post-WW1 Europe.
who else going to be Genoese Jew-maxxing?
>Khazarian trade cities
>spread the black plague by sending sick people on as many different ships as possible to as many major trade cities as possible
>suspiciously scant records of the plague spreading from anywhere else from the East before the Genoese
>first central bank, Bank of Saint George
>funded most major countries
>funded many wars from both sides
>funded the Habsburg systems, the ruling family that allowed Jews to settle their seed all over Europe (most notably, Amsterdam)
>funded Columbus and pretty much all Spanish colonization. Most precious metals from the new world ended up going straight to Genoa
>Geonese ships ferried the Ottoman army that was blockaded across the Bosphorus during the crusade of Varna, cementing the Ottoman's power in the Balkans for the next centuries
>Ethnicity was always secondary and meaningless
Yes, even if that makes you butthurt. What was important in those times was religion, not ethnicity.
probably my first playthrough too to check all the mechanics.
Iwill be enacting total gypsy death by starving any province they are in
Based, make sure that you sell every single Venetian nigger into slavery.
Merchants should be executed.
Do they exist in this game, to begin with? I don't even remember Johan talking about them in any of the former discussions.
I think they were confirmed to exist but can't remember anything beyond that.
I think the stated migrant/decentralized entities like that won't be playable.
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I think this is all we've heard about them, no idea what mechanic Pavia needs for them to work
Some sort of location based crime modifer. The longer they stay in a given location the more crimes they commit and the more the locals start to hate them. If the value gets to high the locals genocide them so the trick to playing as a Gypsy is to migrate before the value becomes critical. They could give this mechanic to other minority groups too.
more detailed crime simulation
crime DLC with italian mafia extra-territorial country mission trees
how will bike theft simulation and benefit fraud modifiers help with that
So it's the modifier stacking game all over again? How many manas are there?
>So it's the modifier stacking game all over again?
Yes, they wouldn't get rid of the core gameplay loop of EU4 since EU4fans wouldn't play the game if it wasn't a thing
>How many manas are there?
Quite a bit, there isn't any "generic" mana but there is a bunch of specific mana like for technology or reforms.
If you rip out modifiers from paradox games what is left? Id love to see your concept of a fun historical grand strategy game without modifiers
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hmmmmmmmmm... maybe instead of arbitrary modifiers they just make it an actual simulation? Maybe simulate the factors that make a nation a hegemony instead of just adding a modifier?
>Maybe simulate the factors
And how exactly do you simulate all of those factors without using any modifiers?
The ummmmm yeah the uhhhhhhh errrrrr the uhhhh ummmmmm yeah
simulate the population base. their entire lives, including production which fuels the economy, which gives power to the state.
if an actual simulation is created then no arbitrary modifers are needed. because if a country is big enough with enough industrial base and population then they will be a hegemony anyway without the need for "extra power projection +15"
I don't get his logic, gypsies are basically the same shit as Jews population wise. Just add the pops in the same regions where they historically have been and that's it.
gypipo needs proper implementation because the average yuro wants mechanics to permanently eliminate them while the average paradrone leftie wants them to be playable so they can make a (No Religion) Romani Papal States Roman Empire.
you could say the exact same thing for Jews though and they're already ingame
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Ocean color setting shown by Johan
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>I don't mind it, especially since it's optional. I'm just not a fan of the Crusader Kings 3 paper-map style. I'm more of an Imperator "I'm an evil god that can see everything my little puppets are doing on Planet Earth" person.

Thats why we have these options of when to use the "flatmap"/"papermap".

For some players they just want to play on an always "2d papermap" and moving "counters" about.. Others want to always see mountains etc..
>we are approaching the bloat phase before the game release
I don't think feature of choosing water colour can be named bloat. Bloat is billion mechanics of eu4 which connect only through giving modifiers.
They need to show the 3d map already.
>Fog of War
So that would give you the 3d map on everything you have vision on but show the 2d map everywhere else? Might be cool if the 3d map isn't eye cancer
Believe all Johans.
like Total War i guess?
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No Tinto Maps today

It's a holiday for Constitution day in Spain

constitutions are gay
Britain was never a mililtary hegemon. In a 1v1 at pretty much every time the French, the Russians, and since the unification the Germans would have absolutely obliterated the British Army. They were lucky to be on an island and the naval hegemon
>They were lucky to be on an island and the naval hegemon
Yeah, Spain losing the naval hegemony wasn't really Britains doing.
New map style looks so much better.
Perhaps I worded it wrongly, I'm not against modifiers as a concept but rather against lazily abstracting everything into some magical multiplier. Like take Production Efficiency for example, it just magically increases output and all the ways to increase/decrease it are esoteric at best
Now that they finally have population again, it allows for many previously abstract multipliers to be tangible and their changes can depend on other features of the game, not just a mana click here and there
The 3d map better be at least as good as in imperator
We haven't seen anything of the 3d map in EU5 yet
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the peace deal notification is semitransparent
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What are these guys doing?
Don't worry about it
Too scared to get hyped for this one becaues I know nuparadox will fuck up in a way that you didn't even know was possible
>He hasn't pre-ordered yet to get the Purple Phoenix and 100 years war DLC
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Oh, I thought it was for St. Nicholas Day
>borders should be at risk of raids
No thanks. They did this in eu4 as pirate raiding and it is gigaretarded and the game is better off without it
It's such fucking horseshit that pirate raids don't give a retaliation CB and you need to use a building slot to stop them. There's not even an option to pay tribute to avoid raids like they did historically. I will genocide the entire Tunisian and Morroccan coasts
The British destroyed the Spanish Armada. Twice.
So what? Other countries btfo'd the Spanish Navy aswell.
How many countries established a naval base on the Spanish mainland?
The Portuguese
Inca, Aztec, Mayan bros will we sunset them on release? I hope it isn't some dlc
>that pirate raids don't give a retaliation CB
True, that's the entire casus belli of the Barbary Wars.
This actually looks so good
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Pirate raiding is based and so is sending your superior fleet to shell the pirates' homes and kill them all.
Another final boss horde to crush
Real CK3 is getting closer and closer.
In other news, imperator getting a new patch, Johan believers, we cant stop winning
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An Age of Renaissance Building that is rather beneficial for your towns and cities.
>Renaissance building
surely the English and Italian universities opened long before the start date will already be there.
Clergy look so weird without any religious symbols

Johan: All the ancient European universities that were already operating exist at the start of the game. If you want to build more you have to work towards the renaissance advance.
>83 years with this bad boy will make your pops 100% literate
Will they count all the third-world religious schools as universities again?
Tens of universities were established in the earliest decades of the game's timeline.
Johan went full retard with this one.
Actually neat.
the age of renaissance starts a few months into the game
You mean the muslim ones? Probably, depending on how much virtue signaling they want to include.
You're misreading it. "Lower satisfaction threshold" is good.

Lets say by default the threshold is 20%. This means that once pops reach <20% satisfaction, they will start to join rebel factions. Communalism makes the threshold lower, so if they had say 19% satisfaction, communalism might lower the threshold down to 15%, meaning that they would not rebel.
Essentially you want the rebel satisfaction threshold to be as low as possible, since it means your pops can be unhappier and still not rebel.
Just tell me this one thing: will it possible to play tall and stay competitive or are you expected to paint no matter what country you're playing and not doing so is intentionally handicapping yourself
Of all the gamey artificial """""mechanic""""" bullshit dogshit4 has this must be the most annoying
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Isn't this retarded though? Your nation is smart enough to build universities and also not smart enough to build universities at the same time? They should merely discourage building universities before renaissance (via opportunity cost for example) instead of outright blocking it
The "Age System" has to be one of the most retarded things in Europa Universalis. They basically tie advancements and discoveries to arbitrary years for absolutely no reason.
>third-world religious schools
...But enough about Oxford and Cambridge.
The only way to make building tall better than going wide is to make unrest, autonomy and rebel mechanics very punishing. You can already play tall in EU4 but it wont be the strongest strategy if you care about minmaxing to get achievements.
In stellaris you can play tall without feeling that you're deliberately shooting yourself in the leg, why cant they do that in eu
Because gov cap failed to do what empire size succeeded in.
Have you people ever thought about game design? Every pdx game is made following risk board game model, there's no point at all in doing tall gamellay
Only a part and also you meant the storms did it, also Spain rebuilt each time and destroyed the english again. It was the dutch burning the entire armada in its harbor that started the downfall.
Anyone have that image of the Orthodox patriarchates? I remember Johan or Pavia posting it, but I don't remember where
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Tinto Talks 12
Of course, but it’s the most detail and buggy thing that in 10 years will be the gold standard.
Well with fixed naval infrastructure, actual trading of resources, and pops it should be possible.
And pops actually have to eat.
>laughs in Austria-Hungary

That makes zero sense. If you want to simulate an increase in efficiency without using modifiers, then in your example, you'd instead need a population increase. Unlocking new tech to make your population more productive and reflecting that with a modifier makes perfect sense and doesn't make this "not a simulation".

Also just casually throwing in
>just simulate their entire lives
as if that means anything. I can tell you're an experienced game dev.
>laughs in Austria-Hungary
You mean the country notorious for having issues with managing a multi ethnic empire?
while viable playing tall should never be as competitive as playing wide tbqh, sure you might hold the advantage for the first few centuries of campaign but then there should be no way a nation with five times your pops and technological parity isn't going to overpower you in the long run.
No reason why a wide country should have better tech, and simply adding pops should come with drawbacks if you are blobbing into different cultures and religions.
Sweden became irrelevant in the 18th century and France and Spain did as they pleased in the Italian peninsula for centuries.
Was Sweden a country with high population?
that's the point
You can keep up in tech as a smaller rich nation but no way your army and navy can keep up with a neighbouring nation 10x your size.
The reason Sweden even had an empire was their highly aggressive fighting style that sustained them as long as they didn't lose battles. That and heavily drafting the population.
Well, in EU5, you could literally play as banking institutions, so technically you could play tall as making as much money as possible jewing everyone around you.
You don't play as a nation, you play as a country.
Are you americans?
Looks shite desu, how come paradox games get worse and worse?
Which paradox game looked better?
The map, the art or the game features themselves? If it's the third what was classed as good to you?
what's the point of it not starting immediately then?

Hello, and welcome to another Tinto Maps feedback review! This week, we will be taking a look at Russia, a very anticipated review (which Johan already advanced in some maps last week).

A note before we start on the area that we've covered in this update. We've focused it on the core Russian lands, plus the Kola Peninsula. This means we've not yet updated the lands of Vyatka and Perm, nor those ruled by the Golden Horde. These will be covered in the future Tinto Maps feedback post, probably the one for the Steppes and Western Siberia. With that said, let's take a look at the list of changes, and then start with maps!

In the first screenshot you can see the wider picture of the region, while in the second, we have the Russian Principalities more in detail. The main change here, besides the additions, is that most of them are now under the Tatar Yoke. Speaking of that, two more screenshots, the first with the IO itself, the second with the lands ruled by Ivan I 'Kalita', Prince of Muscovy:
Tatar Yoke:
The second screenshot is taken playing as Novgorod, which has an elective system to pick its ruler, the current one being Ivan I 'Kalita'; you may see that Pskov and Orshek are subjects of Novgorod, while the other Principalities share with Novgorod a Personal Union under the aforementioned Prince of Muscovy.

The map of Russia is much clear when you just take into account the ruling dynasties... :p
Societies of Pops:

A map mode that we hadn't revealed yet when we first presented Russia, as a few more below.
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Russia is in general terms a cold, flat, and forested region. Please let us know any further terrain suggestions for us!
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Another new map, the development one. There's a big difference between the core lands, and the outer ones.
Natural Harbors:

A few interesting harbors here.

Some tweaks here, as we now have Bjarmian, Polatskian, and Smolenskian spreading over the Russian map.
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This is our current proposal for Russia, following the feedback received, although take it as non-final. First, there are two Languages, Russian and Ruthenian, both belonging to the Slavic language family. Each of them is divided into two different 'Dialects' (remember, this is a gameplay term, as they're closer to real-life languages), Novgorodian and Russian for Russian, and Belarusian and Ukrainian for Ruthenian. The later terms are a bit modern for 1337, but we wanted to show here clearly what linguistical spheres we wanted to portray; we will gladly receive suggestions to potentially change these names for more flavorish ones if you think so. Finally, the third map is the Court Language, as you may notice because of having Latin over the Livonian and Prussian lands.

Not many changes in the religious map mode. The main one is the portrayal of 'Finnish ancient religion' ('Suomalainen muinaisusko'), which we've called in-game 'Muinaisusko'; please let us know if you like this name, as well.
Raw Materials:

I suggest you to make an exercise, and find the differences with the original Tinto Maps...

Not many differences, but I thought that a bigger picture wouldn't hurt, as taking a look at another endonym possible with our new flavor system, 'Moskva'.

And that's all for today! We'll be reading your feedback to our feedback review (feedback loop!), and replying to your questions, as usual. The next Tinto Maps will be this Friday, the 13th, about Central America. Aaand, we will be able to have one more Tinto Maps Feedback post before the Christmas break, the one devoted to Levant and Egypt, next Monday, the 16th! Cheers!
Yes, after centuries of being the most powerful country on the planet with nigh inexhaustible Spanish resources. Anyway, the claim was that most countries have been drawn along ethnic lines, and it's just patently untrue. Ethnicity has hardly ever been a consideration. For most of the "entire history" the process of drawing borders was "might makes right". From antiquity until the Congress of Vienna, maybe the Peace of Westphalia.

No, I've just picked up a history book before.
You are probably memeing but I know that many redditors actually think like this, it's crazy.
Where did the Austrians of fhe empire lived? Where did the Hungarians? Spaniards? The Dutch? Etc... They all had their own boundaries even if they were under the rule of another ethnic group (Austrians in this case) as you said it yourself
Austria (proper) was multiethnic
Hungary was multiethnic
Spain was multiethnic
The Netherlands was multiethnic
you tell these chuds, sister
Ok dude, just ackshually around and maybe someone would actually lower themselves to talk to you, reminds me of jews that say they weren't expelled from 109 countries because actually countries weren't a thing back then
You don't have to reply to me if you have no arguments
Shouldn't it be Old Church Slavonic (or whatever they chose to call it if they ended up naming it something else, I haven't been keeping up with the dev diaries at all) for the court language where they have Russian and Ruthenian? Also, as far as dialects on the map go I don't see why they can't make every principality have its own dialect by extrapolating the few bits of evidence we have for the Novgorodian dialect. There's mention of pre-Soviet Russia having many dialects before the USSR enforced the Muscovite dialect nation-wide, it's just not documented at all because linguists of the time considered it to basically be the local version of ebonics and not worth studying.
How ignorant are you? Germans lived all over the empire, not just in Austria proper. Hungarians also settled into Romania and to a lesser extent Slovankia and Serbia, and unlike with the Germans a lot of those minorities still exist today. In the reverse there were also plenty of minority populations living in Vienna and Budapest.
Will the natural superiority of HungAryans in all matters of intellect be modeled in this game?
i came
they're not actually doing all dialects, its more like dialect groups and the dialect destroying by standardized schooling happened in all civilized countries.
It will probably be one of the strongest countries in Europe at the start. Can't wait to see it blob all over the balkans in every single game.
t. replies with no arguments
There was no statement to argue with, just a weak ad hominem. If you really want to, I can call you a gay retard or whatever floats your boat. If you want to have a real discussion then come up with an actual counterpoint to my original argument.
Because in Stellaris tall is just vertical wide where you shit out artificial "planets" all over your territory
>vertical wide
never read something that retarded, what game mechanic wouldn't be "vertical wide"? If you develop your city by building buildings you would just add vertical width to your province by that logic
I mean, I don't know how to put it in words in a better way, but you don't really punch above your weight with limited, more efficient pops or whatever, you just have, say, 4 planets and 6 habitats (that are almost entirely identical to planets) in 8 systems instead of 10 normal planets the wide empire has in its' 25% of the map, and you both have similar pop numbers and pops are equally efficient
Like, imagine if playing tall in Civ meant plopping a city on every other tile
the tall vs wide dichotomy was always a retarded gamey term
britain was both the widest and the tallest by the end of the game irl, so you should be able to do both in the game
That's actually based, not a single pdx game provides that kind of gameplay in a functional and enjoyable way
It comes from Civ where there was an actual distinction between having a few high pop cities versus having lots of low pop ones. It makes very little sense in Paradox games where people will call something like Sweden "tall" despite it being a geographically large country with a low population.
land outside europe does not count
Modern turkey is taller than Switzerland then
Did you forget about Venice?
What ethnic borders did Russia follow? Or Brandenburg/Prussia? Finland was owned first by Sweden, then Russia for centuries. What ethnic causes made up the Holy Roman Empire's many different constituent fiefdoms? Charlemagne's empire and its subsequent split? All ethnically motivated, surely, nothing to do with succession law or military differences.

How come the Romans only conquered small parts of Germania? Surely it had nothing to do with the resistance they faced. It must be that Germanic tribes in Trier were so fundamentally ethnically different to Germanic tribes elsewhere.
>empires conquering other people means ethnic borders dont exist
Wow I wonder what happened to every empire in history after it fell apart.
They got divided into a bunch of tiny territories that kept warring between themselves regardless of any kind of ethnic considerations or got conquered by foreign powers?
I don't know why "might makes right" seems to be such an unbelievable concept for you /pol/cucks when it's the basis of the map painting genre.
okay now you have to be trolling, you can have these kind of pointless discussions on reddit or /v/ but no one bites here mate
I'm not even him, I'm just tired of your bullshit. You call reasonable arguments bait, but you keep replying to them with inane shit.
What people had the purest hyperborean genes there?
lol, you have to be joking. There is a reason those lands became massive shitshows after WW1 and the ground of several massive ethnic deportations after it.
>britain was both the widest and the tallest by the end of the game irl
Only London was playing tall, because the rest of England was a shithole.
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How does might makes right contradicts the point anyways? The might of your stupidity doesn't make you right
Seems like everyone still lived among their peers, in the bigger picture it was an ungovernable shit show indeed (except by force of course)
It seems like Johan was to make this game his "magnum opus" or even his "swan song" before retirement.
I hope Johan actually delivers this time and Project Caesar is a success instead of crashing hard like Imperator did.
I hope you didn't say the Soviet Union broke into ethnic territories, because Lenin and Stalin literally divided the Russian Empire into whatever they wanted.
Wait, so Muscovy is in personal union with Novgorod, a republic? How does that work?
The same way it does in EU4, the elected ruler of is the ruler of the PU. Novgorod's republics iirc pretty much only elects the nobility
the elected ruler in Novgorod is the ruler in
Muscovy, Novgorod only really ever elected royalty and kept reelecting the Muscovite prince
the russian empire still exists though?

>How does Novgorod function as a country in-game? Like a PU in EU4? More independently? For what I've seen, it was very independent by these times and should not be represented as too subject to the Muscovites.

Pavia: PUs work differently in Project Caesar, we'll talk more about in a future Tinto Talks.
Yeah Moscow and Novgorod are in a PU but from what I could gather PUs work differently in eu5, there are no senior and junior partners and you have equal control over both
I doubt there will no way to have a dominating senior-junior-partner PU, as in EU4 for states that had unified leadership and diplomatic decsions but distince adminstrative structures e.g. the Habsburg lands, many smaller PUs in germany. I bet there will be some sort of gradient or different sub-types, with loose PUs (we only share the same ruler, as in Novgrod-Muskovy) on one end and Habsburg-style PUs on the other end.
>and Habsburg-style PUs on the other end
The Habsburgs domains were not even the worst case of a strict personal union. I think a better example would be Denmark-Norway, which basically was the same country in all but name.
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The Oceaniafags in the forums now want each island to have a more detailed minimap view that you have to conquer
Based bloatenjoyers.
Is it "equal control over both" or "only control over one", and it basically just treats it as a military alliance only? I'd love for it to be where when you form a PU you basically control both countries for real but I suspect that won't be the case.
Good, more land for Europeans to colonise
I'm starting to agree with the deniers, this game will be trash with this amount of bloat
Maori Iwo Jima
>many internal politics actions
Like what? What fucking internal politics can hunter-gatherer tribes have? Did they even have a written language in that year?
I doubt they'll actually do it but it is retarded that everyone wants their pet region to get a bunch of shit 99% of players won't even touch
I'm this close to creating an account there and then entering every single "give my shithole more attention" thread telling them that they can just mod it instead
With enough spam perhaps others will join and together we will defeat this retardation
Nah, Johan is in his CHUD phase. He will ignore all those retards, I am sure.
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have they shown anything for best faction yet?

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