Am I the only one who really enjoys the order of battle mechanics in hoi3? To be completely honest, it just scratches an autistic itch I have. Are there any other strategy games or hoi4 mods that try to implement proper Order of Battle?
I mean I cant be the only one...Back in the day, they even made third party programs so you could visualize it
>>1905464Yeah, I remember starting each war with a nicely ordered OOB where I had a general gist of what each corps was supposed to do and, after my lackluster micro, ending the war with an utter clusterfuck of divisions all over the place, some of the corps being spread across half a continent.Gives me "Marine infantry fighting in the mountains adhoc" vibes
>>1905486Its really satisfyingHoi3 just kinda sucks because there is no way to automate without completely surrendering to the AI
>>1905464War in the East.
>>1905464>1st AC Divisionshameful i always renamed my divisions to language appropriate namesi like the oob too you really do get to know your star generals and rely on themi just wish the game had a button to general crappy max 3/4 star generals because late game you see a lot of ? divisions as underloved nations>>1905486this kinda represents administrative spiral and how difficult it actually is to be organised but hoi3 did reward it with some pretty significant bonusesif you distribute your generals effectively and keep everyone in range then it makes a huge difference
>>1905464What mod/dlc do you have to get slider thing in picrel?? I have vanilla and I can't even define theatres using the map, I can just set "stance" to "defensive", "attacking", "prepare" & "blitzkrieg"
>>1905884idk what dlc it is but you need the dlc even if it's not a dlc feature
>>1905464I remember looking up the actual OOBs on Wikipedia and trying to recreate those in game.