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>be me
>choose X faction
>open diplomacy panel
>leaders make references to Classical Gods
>'Willingly accept your offer Jupiter be praised let him bless your wise words and our agreement today' - Catholic king of England
>armies are named in honor to the Gods
>Pope's personal army: Sons of Jupiter
I feel like Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, Graeco-Roman-Christianity is an underrated niche.
If the dev of the mod is reading this, DON'T "FIX" IT.
I cant tell if you are retarded, based, or both
According to you, why am I retarded?
Why am I based?
What is supposed to mean?
it is that because first millennium had only like 330 years, so 1100 year was in reality like 430
Can you elaborate that? It's interesting but I don't get how you did that calculus.

Also, what about all the historical characters, treaties, battles, etc. that happened during those times?
One of several (mostly Russian) conspiracy theories is that everything from before the advent of the Slavic culture was actually very compressed and lengthened by making up historical records.
It puts them on par with other European cultures which go back historically to the Bronze or early Iron Age.
>advent of the Slavic culture
But the Slavic "culture" wasn't singular, there were and are many slavic cultures and progressed and had their own Golden Ages in different times.

Also, if the past history is "fake" or "compressed", how they do the calculus?
What is their year 0?
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there is russian(soviet actually) Fomenko new chronology made or invented by mathematicians going crazy, wild shit but also interesting
but I mean Gunnar Heinsohn one(he was german academic and NATO think tank, born in Danzing and died in Gdansk recently)
he based his new shortened chronology mainly on archeological layers and dendrochronology + cultural artefacts
its somewhat much less crazy but honestly quite wild, I can elaborate more if you interested
>load up Rome TW
>want to play Medieval
>close Rome TW
>open Medieval TW
There, no mods needed.
Please elaborate it, sounds very interesting.
But it's funny how just some dudes can or want trash out entire centuries of history because don't fight their calculus, despite the rest of their colleagues in History, Maths, Archeology, etc. still respect the current "Human Lore".

Also, how can Fomenko/Gunnar wipe out entire centuries of European History without affecting the history of other non-european peoples that affected or had exchanges with Europe?
I don't have Medieval, sadly.
Should I buy Med 1 or Med 2?
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Fomenko is quite schizo and I am not really versed in it so don't cite me, but obviously its conspiracy and history was made up and fake(also gay), its on level of Tartaria and mud flood(still can be at last partially true, we live in crazy time and its not like we didn't have ''rewrite history'' events even in official history)
Gunnar is quite different, its not that these events didn't happen but that there is repetition of events and history was divided by regions(geographically) aka you have events in B. but dark age(nothing happen in A., then dark age in B. but events in A. when in reality(heh) they happen at the same time and dark age was just historians hundred years later filling holes
pic related
desu some of his thesis just make too much sense and sound too much plausible but honestly I was digging in in various rabbit holes so take that with grain of salt
and yeah, its quite fascinating because it make for great alt history scenario
Shogun 1(best TW wargame)
Med 1 have sprites and risk style global map, Med 2 is more like sidegrade to Rome 1
if you want try Medieval 1 or Shogun 1 I can drop links
>if you want try Medieval 1 or Shogun 1 I can drop links
Yes, please.
My personal opinion, removing Risk-like map for the 3d one was a big mistake, it consume many resources and in the end, doesn't matter to much, you play Total War for the battles, not for the city-management (which with every nu-TW is becoming worse).

I will checks Gunnar's theory. I don't consider myself a genius (geniuses think alike) but I always have a theory similar to Gunnar's, if you check our current chronology, 2025 AD, wasn't created until the Middle Ages and apparently is wrong. So I can totally see that this error has been replicated for many centuries.

You also see this with the Roman Empire, you have years with constant events that visualised you the changes that the Empire went through and then entire centuries where "nothing ever happens", it's even more palpable with the religious changes:
>you have an entire pagan structure
>and the next day it's all christian
>and the religious persecutions (like one the christians suffered) are presented as it happened in 30s Germany, without considering the extension of the Empire and the lack of modern surveillance technology

Other example is how the fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon is a total made-up, and despite modern historians know it, is still being teached in schools:
>"barbarian invaders" like Alaric, Gaiseric, Odoacer, Clovis, etc. were already Roman nobles fully integrated in the Roman bureaucracy
>(Flavius Alaricus, Flavius Gaisericus, Flavius Odoacer, Flavius Chlodovechus)
>after the "fall of the West", all "barbarian kings" (Roman duxes) swore loyalty to the Eastern emperor
>there was never 2 Roman empires, was always the same empire just with 2 administrations (it's like saying that during the Tetrarchy there were 4 Roman empires)
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shogun 1 and med 1 plus some manuals
some gunnar stuff
ah and if you want to read something of modern take on official history try this
>collapse of complex societies
>Empires and Barbarians
>Raiders, Rulers, and Traders- The Horse and the Rise of Empires
Thanks, anon.
you are welcome, enjoy
Gunnar theory is my fav fringe theory mostly because when you dig deep enough it actually start fitting and connecting some other fringe theories and even answer some questions that official narrative never could
also you can also check this
Thanks, I will check picrel, also what means
>Imperio loro
But I'm skeptic about Mavro Orbini, he said that Alexander the Great was unironically a slav, which makes no sense because:
>slavs weren't a thing back then
>and even if Alexander had "illyrian ancestry", by his times Macedonia was a greek people

Also, why do you think Gunnar's theory is not take it serious by prestigious historians, even if they don't believe in it, why they don't try, at least, to check it?
its worth checking for sole reason that its completely ignored by western academia and he cite his sources, plausible or not(it get more possible if you consider phantom time) and skepticism is always welcome
Macedonia elites were Hellenized but they were not Greek and barely seen as Hellen by Greeks proper
>why do you think Gunnar's theory is not take it serious by prestigious historians
>why they don't try, at least, to check it
Too much at stake? What they can gain from trying to disprove it? What they can lose if they fail?
Essentially for them its not worth the bother, so its better to ignore and/or ridicule
>everyone talks about christian persecution by pagans (which was mostly political)
>no one talks about pagan persecution by christians
>Macedonia elites were Hellenized but they were not Greek and barely seen as Hellen by Greeks proper
To be fair, being called 'barbaroi' (non-greek) was an insult that greeks throw to each other, so macedonians being called "barbarians" make sense.
Also, by the time of Alexander even the common folk of Macedonia was hellenized, the common language was Greek and the religion was Olympian, therefore they were greeks by assimilation.

And, again if the common folk still preserved their illyrian heritage, that didn't make them slavs, but proto-albanians. Since even the south-slavs (the honest ones) admit their ancestors came to the Balkans in the early Middle Ages, not in Antiquity.

And, if we accept Gunnar's theory, the slavic peoples still not being natives of the Balkans by Alexander's reign.
>>no one talks about pagan persecution by christians
I know about it, the thing is was mostly intellectual, and the real fight was:
>aristotelians (pagans and christians) vs neo-platonists (pagans and christians)

Also, remember that the pagans that suffered violent persecution were the same that were persecuted in times of greco-roman emperors, the christian emperors still being Pontifex Maximus of the Greco-Roman Religion.

For them, Christ was following the tradition of overthrowing the previous King of Gods, like his father Zeus Hypsistos did with Cronus before.
post this speech, if youre so great
Why has a mod thread been overtaken by some Slav schizo babbling about a chunk of history not being real when everyone else has records of that time?
its german schizo babble - that is the first thing
the other is - not that history isn't real but that chronology is messed up
hope that help

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