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I had a weird dream about Kalterkrieg Redux where the entire world was split between Canada and Germany like in the Man In The High Castle
>All of Europe including UK is conquered by Germany and every nation has a Wilhelm 3 as a king. He also had a different name for each country like Viljami, Vilhelm, William, Vildaugas, Vilhelmos, etc
>All of New World is directly annexed by Canada. There is virtually no unrest and everyone is working tirelessly towards the homecoming. Entente never declared war on syndicalists and just spent their time preparing by conquering weaker nations. Edward constantly says that he will liberate UK in two weeks
>Russia is ruled by Savinkov who is living in a Truman Show where everyone he knows is replaced by a british agent. He thinks that he conquered Germany while in fact there was never any war and his country is being plundered by canadian corporations
I wish there was a board just for this retarded visual novel game.
Look mate I had a dream today about a gay porn actor falling head first on to a beach, but you don't see me going around telling people like it's news of Jesus Christ coming back
Some things are better off stuck in your head
I was thinking I could make a mod out of it if enough people are interested
I would play it if it was a parody mod that didn't take itself seriously. It would be even funnier if it ended up with more content than actual kalterkrieg
>>All of Europe including UK is conquered by Germany and every nation has a Wilhelm 3 as a king. He also had a different name for each country like Viljami, Vilhelm, William, Vildaugas, Vilhelmos, etc
This would be hilarious if each had a different portrait too
There is now an actual Cold War KR mod where things happening being developed
Looks ass
>>Russia is ruled by Savinkov who is living in a Truman Show where everyone he knows is replaced by a british agent. He thinks that he conquered Germany while in fact there was never any war and his country is being plundered by canadian corporations
Could be great as a joke mod but I don't think people would bother developing much content for it
can't wait for another version 0.0001 release and subsequent abandonment
do it
Is it really that hard to make a compelling story for a kaiserreich cold war mod?

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