What are some strategy games focused on singleplayer or at least ones with good campaign modes?Both real-time and turn-based are fine.
>>1938988No campaign but there's a mod for Supreme Commander called The LOUD project that is mostly singleplayer skirmish and possibly co-op vs ai.
>>1938988Singleplayer isn't just about the campaign. There's also stuff like skirmish, survival, sandbox, runs, challenges, random scenarios, conquest maps, etc.I'd rather not make a super long list so I'll only mention some less obvious ones: Solar Settlers, Space Rangers 2, Infested Planet, Bad North, Slipways, Achikaps, Phantom Renaissance, Mini Metro.
>>1938988Galciv 2
Check out Project Celeste revival of Age of Empires Online. It is free and has loads of single player content.
>>1938988TroubleshooterGround Control 1 and 2Most C&C gamesCompany of HeroesX Universe games technically qualify, though they're the sort of games where (You) are a direct participant and it takes a while to open up macro play.
>>1938988Warzone 2100
>>1938988Panzer Corps (2 especially) has fun single player campaigns from an Axis perspective. I like them both, would happily recommend.
SC 2 has one of the best campaigns in RTS genre.
>>1938988Starcraft 2Got some nice meta progression and customisation between missions.Also they do the thing where you basically have to build from nothing/almost nothing at the start of every mission, which I prefer. Never liked AoE2 scenarios where they keep starting you off with a large walled base.
>>1938988mental omega
not one single mention of Homeworld...
>>1938988AoE 2
>>1938988Creeper World series.AI War 1&2.
>>1943018>Try AI War 1>re-do the tutorial to remember things>start campaign>grab about 6 planets, put the game down>months pass>don't remember a thing, have to re-do the tutorial again>repeat cycleI think it's the coice paralysis that makes me put the game down. So much shit you can do, every ship has a wall-of-text description and there are several dozen of them, it's too much at once>>1941584While I love Eador, the campaign is super grindy and repetitive. Meeting the berserker dude was as far as I got
>>1938988Age of Empires 2 has good campaigns
>>1938988Sudden Strike has campaigns for western allies, r*ssians and germans that are hard as balls, plus hundreds of single missions from that mission pack alone. Community maps and numerous mods make that even more.
unfortunately nothing has come close to world in conflict since its release.
>>1938988X-ComMajesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
>>1945577>world in conflictabsolute shame it came out right in the middle of GWOT and the rice of COD4
>>1945577WiC has an incredibly boring mission design. The campaign is only enjoyable because it's so over-the-top-Michael-Bay-and-Roland-Emmerich-fuck-a-bald-eagle and you can chuckle at the silliness.
>>1941572HW3 tainted the series forever.
>>1938988Rule the Waves doesn't even have a multiplayer mode and probably never will