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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>85535295
(Where we discussed sharp teeth, fucking the police, Fubuki and the beginnings of a new contest)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There was one story posted last thread:

A Lady's Needs. >>85689134
Tags: Ookami Mio, NSFW, Netorare, Blackmail, short
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Contest Anchor.
Have a story to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
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i have flour all over my clothes thanks to you bitchass
That's why you wear an apron.
kronii wears an apron after we have sex we werent supposed to have because we are both in relationships and it was a mistake
it will happen again
>azki slutting it up to liwer your guard before she starts stalking you and telling you to write fanfiction for her
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At last, inspiration, oh you fleeting whore of a muse!
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Alright, get in.
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*the public laughs and claps as a grem falls on the machine, jams it and comes out unscathed*
I dont get this cartoon, why is the cat criying?
Falling in love with cabaret girl Azki
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fast board tonight...
Halloween party where holos wear bunnysuits
Peko gets extremely offended as it is basically blackface for her
That's Nerissa, in wet cat form
No thanks
It's what will happen to Nerissa if she loses both of her horns.
Dont die
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So what is your plan to win the coveted Autumn Leaves Award?
>Woah, is that faqing rabbitface peko?
the last words Miko hears before her corpse is used as firewood
Nothing. I don't even know if my WIP counts as horror, so I'm just throwing caution to the wind
I'm gonna take a walk in the park with red and yellow maple leaves everywhere and autumnal sentimentality in the air. I'll do an internal monologue full of reminiscining about Ayame and our passionate teenage love while Pictures of You by The Cure is playing in the background.
It doesn't have to be horror, just seasonal.
A story set in the gay scene of the 80's where Miko, her partner Suisei and all her friends die from AIDS. When everyone she loves is dead and she herself is on her deathbed, a certain rabbit with a grudge visits her in the hospital to fully savor the sweetness of revenge.
This but Miko spontaneously grows a cock and immediately uses it to poz Pekora's neg-hole
She died as she lived, raping rabbits.
This but Miko's cock is sentient and uses Miko's breeding frenzy to devour Pekora's body from the inside of her pussy outwards. Miko, realizing what has happened after she comes to, is horrified, but her cock calmly explains that by feeding it, Miko will gain superhuman abilities through symbiosis - all she needs to do is insert it into the warm, inviting pussies of idols and allow it to devour them.
Given that she was previously dying of AIDS and now feels better than she ever has before, Miko decides to give it further thought, stepping over the pile of gore on the floor that used to be her best friend whilst the rest of her digests in her newfound (and now remarkably weighty) balls.

Unbeknownst to Miko, all the girls in Hololive find themselves sprouting new 'equipment' at a similar time, resulting in similar incidents. Korone accidentally absorbs Okayu, and Fubuki's cock eats Mio, too.

Thus begins Hololive Highlander. There can be only one.
No... not again peko...
It's better if Suisei doesn't actually have supernatural skills. She's just naturally extremely perceptive, she really likes Anon so she pays a lot of attention to him and those two things create a synergy which feels supernatural to Anon and leads Anon to develop an exaggerated view of Suisei's power level in his delusional paranoia. The final trigger is Suisei making a guess about Anon's past that hits deeper than she could've ever imagined.
When Anon disappears for a while Suisei decides that she's going to be nicer to him from now on, Anon seemed quite shaken the last time she teased him. She had gone too far. But the next time she meets Anon she gets stabbed by him before she can say anything.
>an exaggerated view of Suisei's power level
That just makes me imagine Anon being a retarded powerscaler who takes any simple/lucky feat of hers and assumes she's way stronger than she actually is
>Suisei dodges a rock thrown at her
>Anon: Oh my god Suisei has ultra instinct.
Anon definitely suffers from brainrot to some degree (he's spent too much time reading weird conspiracy shit on the internet), but it's more like a death by a thousand cuts finished with a massive KO punch as a cherry on top
she's gonna burn her feet pouring like that

as an aside is nerissa one of those mori situations where despite being the world's biggest dork all the japanese viewers think she's unironically cool because they don't speak english and can't understand the words she's saying
Truly the power of being the no-pan neesan makes her too powerful for the Japanese audience.
>she's gonna burn her feet pouring like that
and I can tend to the burns afterward, I hear her feet are sensitive like Mori's, wink wink nudge nudge
Marine met Raora an went "HOLY BOOBERS" and i dont remember which of the Regloss girls was intimidated by how imposing she looked.

And the Raora POV was "i was so happy of meeting them that i didnt want to say anything and i was basking in on the moment" or some shit.
'luv whitewoman
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Suisei has steeled herself to suck and fuck her way to the top of the idol world, but finds that her determination is wasted when every executive doesn't even proposition her before they give her big roles.
>"Neh, executive-san, how about we... have a little fun-"
>"No, Suisei, we'll just sign you with Universal."
>"Here's the contract. Just sign over here, aaand... here."
>"B-B-But I don't understand..."
>"Suisei, you're very talented and we've seen what you can do. We're very confident that you'll be an asset to UMJ's brand."
>"But didn't all the girls have to, you know... 'go through' you?"
>"Yes, but I'm no longer that man, Suisei. I've recently found God and converted to Christianity."
>"I'm also married."
>"Oh, come on!"
She'll end up getting a boyfriend and making him roleplay as a sleazy executive.
it was Ao
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Brats and pristine idols are made to clean the smegma off smelly cocks
This but instead of a bf it's Mori
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Police Academy/ Police squad but you are the commissioner and the only reason you havent blown your brains yet is due to a recurring gag where you
>Kanade hand me your gun
and it always has the wrong bullets
Noel prevented five molestations of little boys this week!
She says it's all in meditating and practicing self-control.
>"Here's the file. Thirteen streakers, detained by Matsuri and Iroha"
>"Fourteen Streakers, Detained by Iroha"
>"Fourteen voluntary streakers...and one hostage.."
>arrive at the scene with Watame. Some ladies robbing a store. Watame Combat rolls out of the vehicle
>"Police! Freeze!"
>They drop their guns
>"Hands in the air! NOW!
>Hands in the sky!
>they comply
>*fires a gunshot in the air*
>they comply
>"Watame i know this thing gets you going but we ARE the police. We have to Arrest them"
This but instead of a bf it's her brother
Uppy again
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If birdchuubas hatched from eggs shouldn't that mean they wouldn't have belly buttons?
i wanna write a sort of coffee shop au where this dork falls off and becomes a busker or something, trying to get by joining open mic nights with just a guitar and i'm the last guy who remembers her from her glory days and we hit it off
They receive belly buttons with cosmetic surgery
I come to you with a new and revolutionary conception! A coffee plantation AU!
>Same dynamics as a coffee shop AU but it's forbidden love between slave boy and slave owner
I'd read it
They have to sacrifice an intern-kun to her base lusts
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Requesting a long detailed strip tease of Sora and Azki >>85766782
Give me something painful. Give me something that hurts so much that I can forget about the frigid bitterness in my heart from Ame leaving. I want that icy cold shower that leaves me numb and unfeeling, dousing out the memories that once kept me warm.

I can't bear to finish all my stories featuring Ame at this point.
>Polka cured of her depression and horrific mutations
and still cute and wife material
Not to be cheeky, but have you considered a literal cold shower?
Reading deal with the devil made me giddy and giggly for fucks sake
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frosted butts! i mean write
Have you considered suicide?
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>Your wordcount... gets bigger, right?
>Oh wait wait, let me guess, you have a really, REALLY nice prose.
And grow fat
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Thank you zoombie it means a lot.

Also is Ollie the only one with an actual wedding dress for her outfit? I just got back from a wedding and I'm in the mood to brainstorm some fics ideas
roboco has a kind of wedding dress type outfit
Mio has one, but she never got to wear it.
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Ollie is the only one with an official and explicitly stated wedding dress as an outfit yeah. Roboco also kinda has one. Otherwise you're gonna have to look outside the box for inspiration, like the key art for the June Bride voicepacks or the MariPeko song.
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>Your wip? ...Yeah it is okay I guess.
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>Anya says, stealthily taking pictures of each page to read again later
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Femanons take note, this will fill your man with happiness like you wouldn't believe.
>a story of whipping slave-chuubas raw and raping them outdoors while the other girls have to keep working the coffee fields and pretend nothing is going on
>in the evening, once the day ends, retire home to enjoy iced tea and blowjobs from house-chuubas
>on the weekends, host dinner parties with refined southern ladies that devolve into orgies of sexual violence against the slave-chuubas

I'd read the shit out of that. Hell I'd write that but it feels like the kind of story that would run out of steam quick if you couldn't find a background plot to keep it moving beyond the first couple of chapters.
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>I-I promise, I only read your WIPs! I haven't been beta reading for other Anons!
Does it really need more plot than being a sex slave fetish smut anthology fic?
I guess you could have a background plot of rising tensions leading to a (sexy) kemono revolt, but like other than that there isn't really anything else to do other than indulging in the fetish.
>Oh, you're not gonna ask me to beta read for you? I know you need it.
>Anon... you emailed her again, didn't you? You're showing her your wips again...
>Does it really need more plot than being a sex slave fetish smut anthology fic?
Not really, no. I personally have a hang-up with unfinished/non-linear fics because my personal 'career' with fanfics is haunted by the corpses of a million unfinished WIPs dating back to 2006.
>I guess you could have a background plot of rising tensions leading to a (sexy) kemono revolt
I was thinking of something like that. Obviously it ends with plapping and enslaving all the abolitionists.
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>Be a young politician with crazy liberal ideas like "These people that look 99% like people might be people" and "The tails and ears can be kind of cute actually"
>Keep your head down after being threatened by the power-players of the established order, still try to help the Kemo cause where you can
>Eventually the Brindle Revolution occurs, a brutal Kemo uprising that sees the positions switched
>(You) got swept in the wave of human persecution despite your efforts to aid the beastfolk
>Toil under a cruel and sexually depraved Kemo Mistress until by chance one of her fellow coffee plantation owners recognizes you
Hey, this one is defective. Flare, fetch me the whip.
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the problem with these kind of fics is that, since it takes inspiration from the race huuuuh happenings on the world, it needs to decant from one side or the other eventually.

Now i dont really care about anon's political compases and i dont think ill ever will but that's one can of worms that i sure dont want to open because its either "Kemono marthin luther king" or "Kemono Auswitch" and im fine without either

Its easier to write in on the post revolution front, where things are muddy and you can have a kemono wife and kiss her ears on the south while on the north that's disgusting except for that one brothel where girls choke me with fluff
Have the twist at the end be that it actually takes place in the post post apocalyptic future.
>Kemono marthin luther
Ah, the Kemono Reformation...
>Kemono Auswitch
I feel like you'd have to deliberately trying to get too real in order to hit that extreme. It's fiction, there's nothing to stop you from saying at the end 'actually most animal girls enjoy being collared' and leaving it at that. Yeah maybe some people would be upset with that conclusion, but that's their problem being upset at porn.

Likewise drawing from Civil War aesthetics with plantations and bolo ties and trains and such doesn't mean you have to parallel the Civil War's bizarre racial politics and complicated economics. Maybe Flare is on (you)r side as a slaver because full-blood elves treat half-elves worse than the most psychotic human, and hey it's fiction, you don't have to explain it in terms of real world 1800s chattel slavery.
You can also do colonial period and have kemonos be submissive servants to their human overlords without going to such radical extremes.
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I mean doesnt that kind of take away from the "relationship" of slave and master if its too soft? like those isekais that have the MC be a slave owner who is good because they want an easy justification for having a submissive girl follow MC.
If its full on smut then yeah i can get behind the moderated "if the eyes turn into hearts its not rape" approach but just a hint of plot cann
send it into a complicated spiral.
an anthology could work, with you being a guy with a kemono/subspecies fetish that keeps them into this weird slave/harem place until the end comes and you leave after dipping your dick in the gene pool so many times its coming out muddy.

Basically something that completely sidesteps plots and morals and goes "yeah this guy just wants to jork his peanits over fluff and wouldnt hit his pregnant slaves and they dont wanna leave because he's not a bad boss all things considered"
>like those isekais that have the MC be a slave owner who is good
You can always make 'good' relative. Even in real life some chicks stick with men who are rough with them, and that's without those men being rich plantation owners who are better than being put to work on an industrial farm or being handed over to a tribe of free elves that will probably kill them.

So MC could beat and rape his slaves but as long he doesn't maim or kill them they'll stick around because the alternative is worse, and if they try hard enough they might get on his good side and earn a room in the house with proper clothes and headpats instead of beatings.

>that's fucked up and treating women like domestic animals that can be trained with force
that is my fetish
Nothing because my book is burning me out after every chapter.
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i dont think beating and rape is even needed unless you wanna offcourse to make it. Hentai logic can carry a lot of things

>New Arrival, picked off the road after a failed escape and in chains
>arrives to the secluded villa. First thing that weirds her out is how many kemono women are there.
>and...are those...children?!
>Its like a batallion of children that run around, help their mothers, tend the fields or the animals
>finally introduced to the big boss. He tells her that he bought her off since she was a fine woman. Options are either remain a slave here or face justice if caught again
>she accepts. Either scared shitless or with full intentions to escape.
>Attempts to rile up other slaves fail. Everyone here is pretty satisfied
>He's a good master that doesnt punish anyone not stepping out of line.
>His very apparent fetish means they are not mistreated, they are well fed and kemono strenght makes it so running the villa isnt so demanding
>his bedroom door is a revolving door, either because girls want favors or because they genuinely feel indebted
>He respects the Freedom of Womb law, so if he knocks you up your children are free and get educated/can earn a better future
>He has bought some of them their liberty, those are his wifes and thus help keep the peace because they have grown to love him
>our new arrival thinks this is all bogus and a cult, but aside from the guy being kind of a pervert there's no signals of abuse or violence unless something goes really wrong like two girls triying to kill each other and him intervening
>new arrival is conflicted ,specially on parties/mating season when she can smell and hear this guy go to town with his own harem of kemonos

could work for an oneshot/short anthology that gives 3 or so chapters before it closes and goes "the villa remained, the kids didnt kill each other over who inherits what and things got better. there's a statue or something"
Porn logic that just sprints to the finish line
Asking Mio to do a striptease for you in sexy lingerie after she becomes self-conscious of her post-partum body
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*seizes up, falling limp, their eyes lifeless.
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>I like small wordcounts... Why do WIPs have to grow bigger?
I don't want to write anymore...
Stop right there, my pregnancy fetish cannot be indulged this much without reaching critical mass.
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What are you talking about, Anon? You can write. You HAVE to write!
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Gigi, for sure.
Maybe Mori too.
Mori might call you a fag if you stare but there's no way she's not 100% conscious of her giant G cup tits. She definitely wouldn't have the balls to take off her shirt is what I'm saying.
Part of the reason I said maybe. What I'm thinking is that she's chilling in her flat, topless because she thinks she was alone, and you end up walking in on her. She's surprised, you're surprised, but she tries to play it off with "What the fuck, my guy? Quit staring. What are you, some kind of fag?"
And then sex happens, I guess
I feel like all of this is just the inverse of that saying of "missing the forest for the trees".
You're all over thinking the "forest" (the overall slave system) that you're missing the "trees" (ruthless slave breaking and turning chuubas into sex slaves (in a fictional setting)).
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>Laplus teasing you with her shota voice and calling you a fag
>Then taking your cock in her mouth no problem

i fucking hate how her "new" voice tingles my brain in a weird way
well as i said before, this all works in the timebubble of porn plot. Move the needle just a bit and it falls apart.

If you want a "better" example then take hololive subjection. Its clearly self indulgent and focused on breaking/humilliating one group, but it still needs a plot (in this case, the plot also makes it so the other side is bad no questions asked)
I hate when people mention that story, it aged like milk left out in the sun.

t. its writer
im gonna take a shot in the dark but...
bratanon...are you cheating on your wife...again?
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>hololive subjection
Wasn't that explicitly about being a part of the "bad guys who won" seeing as the winning side is a slave taking empire. I think part of the fantasy for that was explicitly about being a bad guy in an evil fantasy empire.
>Fantasy adventures with a disguised Laplus using their shota voice.
>Just two bros exploring ruins and learning about the demon of Laplace
>Sharing the same tent, patching up each other's wounds, and getting teased by sealed demon's elite four while getting ever closer to releasing her in full.
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Well man, at least you got five chapters in!i might really not like the contents of it one bit but hey its good prose
its not cheating, and if it were, its not my fault, and if it were, she'd understand that i miss her
So I take it prince of lust is unlikely to ever get another chapter then?
Cause I did find that smut harem concept intriguing.
>-300 words to bae wips
>+300 words to darkness ranger
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Another 50000 words taken from Lost and Found!
Thanks, anon. I do think it's important as a writer to keep in mind that whatever you vomit on the keyboard, even if it flops, is better than what stays stuck in your head.
I do regret that some anons ended up seeing it as some sort of tribalfag story which wasn't my intention, (You) were definitely one of the bad guys and it was definitely going to be a whole twist. Funny enough the unforeseen IRL twist was Enna being a psycho sociopath whore, God the thought of writing that woman turns my stomach.
I am 100% not the guy behind Prince of Lust, sorry.
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Huh... For some reason I mentally thought you and that little red riding Nene anon were the same guy.
I was gonna make a joke about mocochan hating lost and found anon but theres the funny coincidence of him writing that one where they beat (you) up for not finishing wips.
That's just making me imagine Moco-chan (forma de gambler) stalking Bratanon and asking for another chapter like they were Nerissa during that ENreco arc.
>implying paycho sociopathic whores aren't very enjoyable to write
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In hindsight, trying to make a fic mimicking visual novel writing style was a bad call from the start...
You can still salvage it anon.
Just make it into a pseudo-VN by porting your work over to something like twine.
You should imitate Ryukishi07's style and make 50 analogies to explain one thing
World's greatest hack piece of shit garbage author.

>it's been 14 years since Umineko ended
And I will be seething about its dogshit asspull low effort ending for another 14 years more.
Taking Bae/Biboo/Gigi to a Haunted House
Higurashi is one of my favorite experiences in Japanese media... even though that was pretty bullshit as a mystery too. But I didn't really try to solve it so much as I just enjoyed the ride, reading the whole thing in one month in a fugue state. Umineko however was such a slog that I couldn't enter that state, the neverending meandering in Umineko is so fucking tiresome. Like you could cut at least 1/3 of Umineko's text and you wouldn't miss anything essential to the story.
>Staring at CC's nonexistent nipples and doll joints remembering that she is in fact not human.
Out of everyone in that list she'd be the only one with a light horror twist.
Gigi might need a moment to catch up on why this would be lewd.
And everyone else would say
>Quit staring bro
If you wrote it in first person, then just read other authors who also write in first person. You should be able to salvage it.
>any attempts at physical intimacy leave you weirded out by the uncanny valley feeling your girlfriend Cecilia's naked body gives you
>she never breathes, there's no heartbeat, holding hands or anything with joints invariably leads to some pinching
>freaked out when she needs to be wound up but Ceci hasn't noticed that she's moving slower and jitterier than a person should be
>no sense of hot or cold, any attempts at cuddling get ruined because she's been sitting in a 13°C room for the past few hours
>doesn't sleep so you have awkward nights where she sits completely still wide awake next to you as you try to sleep
>will never age, will almost certainly outlive you
>left to wonder if Cecilia truly can be considered a person if all those key experiences of sentience just aren't there, and if you're nothing more than flawed fleshy meatbag whose bodly functions are nothing more than an annoyance
I feel exactly the same. In Higurashi, the slice of life moments were a good way to characterize the cast, add humorous moments as a relatable reprieve, and also show some of the comfy town culture. This made the darker moments contrast harder to great effect. How can a town so lovable and cozy be full of such monsters?
In Umineko, Ryuushiki tried to add downtime, but it was downright boring. Shannon and George, Maria and Rosa's backstory, fucking Ange? All boring, overly sentimental purple prose that dries out the initially cool characters.
He got a little too overconfident with VN readers willingness to tolerate long works of fiction.
Furthermore, the character developments that happen make the characters worse, not better. Battler and Beatrice are prime examples of this, and the only reason to read past Episode 3 is to meet Erika (before he defangs her as well).
It really is a shame. He struck gold with Higurashi, but failed to truly understand why people liked it so much.
I think your character is a little bitch who can't really understand how sufficiently advanced robots can be sentient and how we can't really tell anything about sentience right now other than "we must have it" including what in the fuck it means
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Surprised no one mention Kanata the (secret succubus)
I think because Kanata is kind of out of scope for that?
She's either going to care too much and wouldn't show her exposed chest off like that so casually or be actively seductive about it.
So you know, either too embarrassed or too actively seductive.
This greentext is either pointing to CC getting an onahole installed in her body for sex... Or her getting you to fuck Gigi so the two of you an have a kid to raise together.
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Ninja vs Samurai


Tags: Kazama Iroha, NSFW, action

Here's some Iroha smut. Mostly inspired by these old discussions 53943265 53945551 54290428 with this post 83289409 rekindling the idea for me. I certainly didn't expect it to take me an entire month to write, but circumstances kept getting in the way.

As a side note, this was originally supposed to take place in feudal Japan but apparently some of my assumptions were a bit too Western-centric. After doing some minor research it turned out that they were quite a bit looser about virginity, premarital sex, public nudity and stuff like that in old Japan than I had previously thought. So for all intents and purposes this fic takes place in a fantasy world that is similar to Japan but with moral values being somewhat closer to Western ones when it comes to sexuality and stuff.
The correct words are sapient and sapience. A cat has sentience, a human has sapience.
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What if wet cat but no tits?
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There's always something with how people can bullshit themselves when all they want is more sex.
the teasing was good, the chase in the village could've been expanded a bit (a group of on-lookers hollering at Iroha, maybe some of the village boys and girls; Iroha's embarrassment could've been milked just a little bit more), and the sex scene was good, though I found it a bit short considering all the effort our dear ninja took to get there
Other than that, though, it was a pleasant read.
>This is what most whores are missing. True samurai spirit.
Best goddamn line in the fic. May Eroha clean more swords in the future.
i think the money shot is a bit lacking. The teasing parts were fun,but the actual sex was done so fast that i found myself going "this feels half done" which of course isnt the case.

Personally the degradation and the sex could use some more meat, but its perfectly serviceable as it is
dont wanna
her voice was sexy here
What if evil two-horn nerissa was flat, but breaking one of her horns caused her to gain boobs?
God flatrissa is so hot
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Gaki sex
I tried saying this just as the site imploded but I headcanon that she uses magic to shift some of her ass fat to her boobs every day, and if the spell got cancelled her ass would grow twice as large
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>Evil flat, tall woman with a fat ass.
Shiori needs to watch out because I'm getting Nerissa her power back.
Imagine, if you will, a fic where Laplus and Bijou are doing her hahaha loool kid shtick only for them to slowly (and very knowingly) turn up the flirting, turning you into an unrepentant lolicon that pops erections when they come near.
Imagine them being absolute semen demons and laughing at you as they milk you with expertise.

Im Todd McFarlane and im hard
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>Pochi will never enlist you to impregnate Reine
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So what fics have you been reading lately anon?
I re-read Hating You, Hating Me and smiled.
It wasn't the best but it was one of the reasons why I joined this general and started to write fics myself.
I know "I daresay" is the proper translation for degozaru especially since it's set in pseudo Japan where the implication should be that they're all speaking in Japanese but... I really can't take it seriously and it just makes me imagine Iroha as a Simple Country Lawyer.
>you manage to catch a glimpse of dark colored bush peeking out from behind her wrist.
>Iroha not being a natural blonde
God, it is so fucking weird to have chuubas hair color not be their natural hair color. It's one of those things where having it be brought up just feels weirder than accepting a natural blonde Japanese woman.
Other than that...
This is kind of way too unfocused to be a good smut fic.
It's split focus on humiliation and direct smut doesn't really let either shine.
I think you either needed to give this a longer time scale and use some of the corruption aspects given by the original prompt or focused this entirely on either pure humiliation or fucking Iroha everytime she 'lost'.
Plenty of natural blondes have dark pubic hair. Pubic hair is usually darker, that's the point the story is making.
It's hard to take a streamer saying de gozaru seriously in the first place
Yeah but it's kind of the difference between actual words and cute filler. "I daresay" and "de gozaru" both mean the same thing but in this case they're effectively just used as cutesy sentence enders. Which means I have more trouble with "I daresay" since those are actual words I read out in dialogue and parse as words rather than a cutesy noise at the end.
>"Well, I do declare! This here 'duel' is nothing more than an act of sexual chicanery, I daresay!" Iroha exclaimed, before adjusting the string bow tie of her starched white suit.
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huh, turns out I'm not burnt out at all, I just need another story to work on when I'm feeling a bit stale with the other one. New story soon I guess.
And this is making me imagine a comedy fic where Iroha is your defence attorney with the rest of HoloX doing Ace attorney shenanigans to not only prove that you were innocent but also find out who really did the murder.
>Iroha Kazama Ace Attorney
>All this time, those 'odd jobs' Iroha had been doing was just her attending night school
>The reason HoloX hasn't gone bankrupt is because she moonlights as a defense attorney
>She will defend anybody, *anybody* who has the cash
>"Uhhh, La+-sama, should we be really doing this...?"
>"Yeah! ALL successful lawyers have commercials! Lui, get the camera rolling! 3, 2, 1, action!"
>*Iroha looks at the camera.*
>"Did you know that you have rights? Article 32 of the Constitution says you do. And so do I, I daresay!"
>the sex scene was good, though I found it a bit short
>the actual sex was done so fast that i found myself going "this feels half done"
The worst part of writing smut is writing the smut. You've written one sex scene, you've written them all (unless you're doing BDSM or something), it becomes a chore quickly. It probably would've been better if I had written the sex scene first because by the time I got to it all horniness was gone from me so it turned out short and uninspired.

>This is what most whores are missing. True samurai spirit.
>Best goddamn line in the fic.
The best part of writing smut is writing the comedy. I'm particularly proud of that line myself.
Hey now, at least nobody said the smut itself was terrible, just short. Personally, I was thinking it could've had at least 2 or 3 transitions. The village scene coulda had a bunch of guys leering at Iroha at first, followed by village kids, then the old lady. The sex, meanwhile, coulda gone from insertion, some doggy style, some kind of standing fucking where Anon lifts one of Iroha's legs into the air that gets her embarrassed, but then he says the spirit of a samurai should never give in to embarrassment or some bullshit, and then the cumming.
If you think writing the sex scene first will work better next time, then by all means. The meat was pretty good in my opinion; I just wanted more of it
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Reread Shameful Desire (Both parts)
It's still funny how that fics tone came about on accident to make that perfect drama/romance.
Like the smut is decent enough but the real star is that the interactions between Chloe and Anon.
You're excited to start your new job at Cover managing idols. In your excitement and haste while applying to the job however, you failed to read the fine print of your contract. You're actually managing I.D.O.Ls (Intensely Dominant Overbearing Ladies) that just so happen to also be idols. Too late to back out of it now!
Dramatic Mioposting but with Pochi instead of Yagoo?
I hate how SD made me feel giddy at the thought of a woman being so loyal to me she thinks of me while getting piped.
I think however that that's a testament to how well SD transmitted the feelings and emotions of the protagonist
You can get a similar kind of feeling without being a cuck if the woman isn't your gf but just wishes she was
Dangerous Gigi Smell

Ceci has an off collab with Gigi. The smell of Gigi's sweaty spats cannot be ignored.


[Cecilia, Gigi, NSFW, futanari, smell]

We were this close to being So Back....
Chloe deserves better
>I know "I daresay" is the proper translation for degozaru especially since it's set in pseudo Japan where the implication should be that they're all speaking in Japanese but... I really can't take it seriously and it just makes me imagine Iroha as a Simple Country Lawyer.
I try to stick to pure English in my writing and keep untranslated foreign stuff to a minimum.
Besides, Iroha is supposed to be a country bumpkin both lorewise and IRL so it would be fitting for her to speak in a southern dialect.

>Iroha not being a natural blonde
It's normal for pubic hair to be darker than head hair. In fact I was under the impression that it's rare for blondes to have blonde pubes, hence the quest. That bit is there to joke about Anon's made up 'adventurer' job and his self assigned 'quests'.

>This is kind of way too unfocused to be a good smut fic.
Yeah, I don't doubt that. For better or for worse, I tend to let stories write themselves in whatever direction they want to go, without focusing much on specific genres, aspects or fetishes. If I actually had the motivation to make sequels to my stories, then it's possible they would progress something like smut -> action adventure -> political drama.
>a southern dialect.
A southern US dialect, you mean. It's certainly not southern Polish.
Anon deserves better. Chloe weeps everyday that she can't turn him on by herself, and dreads the day he finds a girl that makes him happy in both ways I can't
>I can't
>I can't
Leave him Chloe, I can treat you better than he ever could. You deserve a man who values you.
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>I wonder what Anon's up to...
>Has to better than this
>He's probably at home, alone. I should be over there...He's still single right? I saw him talking to AZKi, but I think that was work related
>"Are you do-Ow! Hey, I said no spanking!"
>At least, not for YOU
>She's not his type, is she? I...I hope not
Ririka does give me rrat!Ayame vibes
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I wouldn't go that far, I view it as her being a bit more liberal in terms of sex while still not being a out and out slut where that's all she's there for.
No way, she's more like the gal who's kind to nerds
Not that extreme sure
But >>85916842 does really remind me of the sex scene in Our Cures where Ayame wants Anon rather than the dude currently fucking her
From a readibility perspective, what is the length you would consider breaking into chapters vs releasing all at once?
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Depends on your prose and pacing, but honestly once you reach a point where each chapter would be 10k+ there's really nothing wrong with splitting it up
Personally I think cutting chapters to be around 5k is a good length for a longer work with multiple chapters.
I hate it when people cut a 15k fic into 12 different chapters to make it seem longer.
20+ pages is a good chapter length for a chapter but ultimately it depends on your pacing and prose. There Are Days That Last Forever is long but I kept it a one-shot because I felt the pacing was important. I chopped Ars Amatoria up because I felt it had enough well spaced scenes that splitting it would benefit the reader. Also scope creep butnthata neither here nor there.
If you're over 60+ pages though, consider chopping it up even if you have to rewrite it.
>Cool, geki girl that teases you for being a nerd but still goes out of her way to invite you along with her all the time
>"Just so happens" she constantly runs into you on the rare occasions you end up going out
Inject this into my veins
After being hired Mori discovers she’s been tricked and she’s actually signed up to be the permanent 24/7 stress relief for Cover staff
> gal surprisingly good at videogames beats you at arcade/deathmatch/whatever and tries to mask a date with you with "helping her with shopping"
P l e a s e
> gal also has a hobby that should be embarrassing to indulge in publically but she does that with such sincerity that you reconsider your own stance on concealing you own hobbies and yourself from the world
Also need the Porcelain Doll in Love remake with a chuuba
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>Ririka invites you to karaoke with her normie orbiter friends
>Sings songs only the two of you actually know
>Shows up with a fancy new outfit to your Yu-gi-oh/DnD session
>Asks if you're reading the newest shonenshit
>Buys you shit like the Elden Ring DLC for your birthday
>Cries herself to sleep after you introduce her as your best friend/sister to your gf
Ririka is the kind of girl who would challenge you to a game of Yugioh where she has sex with you if you win, and if she wins she claims your virginity.
i think its well made and hot if a bit short. Very imaginative descriptions too without going too hard on smellfags describing everything as "rotten eggs" or some weird stuff.

i guess my only complain is how short its, because aside from my minor nitpick/preference where the futa cums hard and becomes a mouthbreather for a few seconds due to the potency of the nut i have no notes
more like strip yugioh but she gets into it because her gamer pride is on the line...and halfway through she's too busy oogling and triying to catch peeks at your cock that she starts losing too
>Friday night, at your local games shop, playing some arcade games while you drink and relax
>Basically empty besides yourself and a few regulars
>Door opens, you give it a sideways glance
>A beautiful, stylish girl with strawberry blonde hair walks in
>Nervously looks around for a minute before walking over to the arcades
>"Hey, are you playing this one?", she asks, pointing to the cabinet next to you
>"N-no....", you say after a moment, realizing you were definitely staring at her too long
>She doesn't seem bothered and starts to play the game
>You tear your gaze away from her, turning back to your game, but the constant movement of her hair in your peripheral vision along with the scent of her perfume has you too distracted and you lose all your lives
>Curious (only cause you want to know what character she plays of course!) you watch her screen
>She's doing crazy juggles and grabs in a fighting game you've never seen anyone do outside of tournaments.
>Within seconds she KOs the computer on EXTREME difficulty
>Noticing you watching her, she grabs the player 2 controller
>"Wanna play? You seem pretty interested in it?"
>You nod, and she hands you the controller
>You've never beaten the computer on Hard, let alone EXTREME, but you'll be dammed if you lose to a girl
>As you're selecting your character she leans into you, tickling your neck with her breath
>"If I win you have to come help me pick out some new clothes, okay?"
>"And if I win?"
>She just giggles
>Game starts
>You're actually somewhat evenly matched, doing better than you thought you would
>She starts messing around, using taunts to bait you in, bumping you on the shoulder at the same time
>You get lucky and land a good hit, knocking her down to 10% health
>Her demeanor instantly changes and before you can blink she pulls some crazy juggle combo knocking your character out in a split second
>"hehe, nice job, but I won!"
>"Meet me by the train station tomorrow at 10, okayyyy??"
>You turn to ask her her name, but she's already gone
>Notice she left a piece of paper on the arcade cabinet
>'Here's my number, see you tomorrow nerd - Ririka <3
This but Ririka doms you with her futacock in the changing room
Tags: Rape, Bae, Mio, Slavery, Coffee Plantation AU

I intended it to be longer and include a pregnant Flare segment but I ran out of steam and I wanted to publish something at least before the day was over. May or may not be the first chapter of a series, I dunno. Depends on if people like it.
I woke up with an ungodly horniness for Choco this morning so I'm wanting to write some smut about her. any scenarios you'd be interested in?
Making her cum by massaging and biting her tail
God, there was a Choco chikan prompt a while ago which drove me crazy. I know Choco is a fan of chikan but she's mentioned being disappointed by real molesters before because they can't get her to feel anything - they just cop a few squeezes and leave it at that.
This was a lot better than I expected from someone picking up an idea based on a pin. I wouldn't mind some more world building if you do decide to continue it, I like it.
>based on a pin
Pun, based on a pun.
>"Nee, Anon, why did you start another wip? I haven't forgotten about that idea you posted in the last thread...."
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choccy milk to keep the thread going
i think its pretty good even if it rushes to the "meat" a bit and i dont like the tattoes or the warhammer nod but that's just me

I do think that if you brush up the lore and scenes a bit (like making it so other kemono's start going into heat when the rape is happening or there's a girl halfway into the tipping point to properly show the process) it can be pretty good.

Aside from that its good for what it wants to do, altough a bit too "tropey" but hey its slave plantation porn, it doesnt have to revolutionize the world
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I need something to keep it fresh otherwise I don't want to write it anymore. I will venture back to my original, I want to see it conclude.
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forgot to add some tidbits that keep bouncing on my brain
i think Mio is too "soft" for an enforcer type of Wife. Someone like Korone who is firm so it looks "worse" when she's craving his attention

Bae could wait a bit before stabbing him, basically waiting until he's right next to her. As he goes down the line you can have girls that submit inmediatly or ones that show some resistance/reluctance. Would make that moment stand out more.

Maybe have them "form up" for discipline? so they can see what exactly happens if you get uppity? can even pull a "they start masturbating right there"
>the real star is that the interactions between Chloe and Anon.
This, for some reason, makes me wonder what the ratio is between men and women who enjoyed reading SD. Only because it is so drama focused with the smut being more of an escalation tool for the drama than it is about being sexy.
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How the fuck do you even begin to describe what a Coffee Plantation AU is?
>Uhhh yeah you know Coffee Shop AU? Well, a Coffee Plantation AU is kinda like one of those, but there's is slavery and it's used as a pretext to get the characters together-
The concept is so unintentionally hilarious to me.

It also reminded me I wrote this at some point.


Morally questionable yet wholesome writer anons... we are so fucking back.
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This is still /wg/ we don't have female readers here
Only female writers.
I'm female (male)
let me tell you a story buddy
>i learn how to read. mom goes "splendid" and gives me full access to her library of books.
>a fuckton of adventure, comedy,drama,history,etc
>her friend gifts her a book. Mom is busy with work so she goes "here sonny! i got a new book but you read it first while i catch up with my paperwork, dont you spoil it for me!"
>11 year's old me read halfway through this book that is about a female cave woman (homosapiens) that gets found by a tribe of neanderthals. how she's like a tarzan to them
>Tarzan is cool
>since she's so weak, ugly and weird (tall and with round features) no male wants her.
>She gets frustrated.
>Now i turn the page and it starts describing how the neanderthals start mating and she's mad no one is mating with her. As a result, she settles for the shitter of the tribe and doesnt even "get seeded"
>i dont get what im reading since its all flowery but from 15 year's old until she's 17 all the tribe young ones "practice their mating" with her since she "cant be seeded"
>genuinely what the fuck am i reading.png
>"hey mom your book is weird and i dont get it"
>Mom reads. has a hearty kek and tells me "its a book for grownups"
>Mom always has a laugh when she remembers she got gifted smut and gave it to her youngest kid
>years later. I find it while cleaning her shelves and go through it. apparently later on she leaves the tribe, goes to live with a saber tooth and a zebra. she masturbates a lot when she sees animals having sex
>finally finds another homo sapiens and his first instinct is to see her, turn to the forest and masturbate all over a tree because she's the hottest homosapiens in the world

What's the lesson? No matter how weird, alien and fetishistic a thing you concoct in your brain is...its still not as surprising as to what you can find in the published smut dimension
Hey this milk is warm...
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I showed this post to my therapist and he's letting me kill myself now.
Maybe I should go under the pseudonym Laura Clunge and make a living out of writing smut.
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This sound like a great idea for you to turn into a Kiara wip.
Choccy milk comes from chocolate cows...
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dont bother. most of these crusty lady coomers are landlords so they write and publish as a hobby and maybe make enough money to print another ugly painting to put on their ugly living room

thank you, im good
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I wish an old loaded coomer lady would comission me for her weird smut fantasies.
this reminds me of some anon a year or so ago suggesting the same concept, but it's mumei, and she keeps persistently going after the same cave anon to seduce him
Incidentally women liking gentle NTR/S play is unfathomably rare. I've heard a soft audio or two but generally speaking when they get into this kind of thing, it's from a position of domination and sadism. In a position of pure fantasy at least they often push the limits of humiliation and control and don't pay much mind to the dude's feelings.
i see your point. i suppose that's just the nature of that kind of fetish where, funny enough, being soft, a hotwife is the hardmode version
Choccy milk...
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Mio wants you to indulge in her collaring fetish, but the setup for the sexy time makes you realize you've married a freak, and that she's in dire need of a correction.
i thought this was some human/kemono society thing and got confused
I ruined my brain with fics about tribal furry girls
getting hunted by fluffy cavewoman that want to ride me...
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fuck the cop until exploded
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>Getting dragged away to Grug Koro's mating cave
Imagine this: You work in a lab with Koyori, and she wants you to test out a time machine. The test goes awry, and you find yourself stuck 100,000 years in the past, in a prehistoric land filled with feral kemono tribes. Human males are rare to come by, so you're now a very hot commodity for all these fluffy eared cavewomen.....
And maybe add something about Koyori coming to save you but losing herself to her kemono instincts
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Speaking of feral stuff, we haven't really had a fic with chuubas acting pretty much entirely as just animals, did we? My first go
-to thought is Okayu climbing onto your lap, stretching, then cuddling up to you, making you pop a boner, you put some catnip cream(?) on it and...stuff ensues
This is just making me think of pokemon scarlet and the 'feral' kemono girls actually being past paradox forms of the kemono girls you actually know.
With the final boss of course being the past paradox form of Koyori, Fluff Tail.
I have this saved because its hot as fuck
there's "Deranged Hololive Kemono fantasies" on the archive, altough that's more of a bunch of scenarios rather than a proper fic
I've been cooking up a scene with watersports, collaring and Mio. The gist of it is that Mio is extremely territorial and a terribly jealous woman, so she often leaves bite marks on your teeth to 'signal' you have someone. You ask Fubuki what could Mio possibly want for her birthday that only she would know about, and Fubuki lets you in on a little secret: Mio wants to be owned
She quite literally, wants you to own her and to own you, because that's just how wolf-girls are. After some collaring and leash-bondage shenanigans, Mio begs you to stop because she's about to piss herself, but that isn't your safeword
My major stump is trying to write sexy time dialogue. 'Oh yeah!!!" doesn't do it for me, and hentai's "Oh no! The pleasure levels of my pussy are being increased exponentially by this old man's big perverted brat-fucking cock!" is too silly.

I actually want some feedback on this, if this could pass as good smut dialogue, or if I'm barking up the wrong tree
>Mio begs to stop, she's about to piss herself
>Do it, do it... You want to do it, right?
>She groans in what sounds like denial, but she looks ecstastic
>You wanna mark me?
>She nods
>You want all these stinking whore to know I'm yours?
>A faint 'Yeah!' babbles out her mouth
>Do it, mark me fucking nasty fucking bitch!
>Mio cums, and as she slowly squats over you, she pisses on your body
>Cue the next scene where she's treating your love-wounds from her making a mess of you with her nails and teeth while the sheets and cover go into the washing machine, and you hear it turning in the distance

Any recs about good dirty talk -fic or not- would also be very much welcome.
Hot, and hits my fetishes exactly.
I want more.
Only real wish for more chapters would be going into more detail about the fucked up slave world shit.
Because from this chapter alone. From Mio's tattoos and the mention of only female slaves, it's heavily implying a fucked up gender ratio world (or at least that kemonos are an all female species).
Please make more chapters, I fucking love horny world building.
You should avoid writing dirty talk the same way real dirty talk would occur, unless you're writing for fujos. It sounds OOC for the chuuba and takes you out of it hearing such strong words from the MC
>Oh no! The pleasure levels of my pussy are being increased exponentially by this old man's big perverted brat-fucking cock!" is too silly.
That sounds like a comedy fic where you're finally fucking your oshi but find yourself turned off by their dirty talk sounding straight outta hentai.
Well, what fic has done dirty talk correctly for the chuuba?
Hot concepts but short, feels like you ran out of steam once you got to the main action. I like Gigi and Ceci's voices in this and I think you do a good job at capturing them. I like how you use Ceci as an automaton to justify her strength and stamina.
The biggest thing you need to work on is sensation and description. You have the idea with the smell stuff but again, drop the ball when it comes to the futa. Smut benefits the most from indulgent, almost purple prose

I do hope you stick around though. Futa is criminally underserved here.
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I agree with the shortness being an issue. Though this was one of those situations where I either wrap it up at a low word count, or banish it into the pile of eternal WIPs.

The main issue I ran into during the futa section was Ceci being an automaton. I didn’t anticipate how different the scene would have to be written when you don’t have flesh and blood to work with. I initially thought it would be an interesting change of pace, but describing a cold, inflexible, sweatless doll body wasn’t that appealing, so that section ended up pretty brief
I really liked this, hope Anon becomes more sympathetic relatively though.
uhhhh sex with a child TT_TT
My only real gripe with this is that Anon's physical description is too defined. He's supposed to be a self-insert, yet he has a defined hair and eye color, hair length, etc. The scars and muscularity are fine, since it's a power fantasy, but the rest I'd take out.
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I write 6800 words today
I can't believe this gets picked by an author out of all things I've posted on /wg/ the last two years. And I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would (gave me a boner, twice). I hope you continue it, this has the seeds of greatness.
>heavily implying a fucked up gender ratio world (or at least that kemonos are an all female species)
Not really. It just implies that Anon likes to employ female slaves and that there's a big enough of supply of kemono bitches to run a female kemono only plantation. And majority of coffee workers are women in real life too: https://www.arvidnordquist.com/coffee/sustainability/grown-by-women/
This coffee in my local supermarket probably planted the seeds of this joke in my brain. I'm sure they would appreciate that their coffee had a role in the birth of a chuuba literature masterpiece.
I mean the "kemonos are an all female species" thing more comes from me extrapolating the fact that Mio has 10 tattoos with a woman symbol, which implies she has 10 kids all girls.
Unless this is a "kemonos have litters the size of their animal counterpart" world this heavily implies that every kid she had with Anon is a girl.
ganbate anon!
Homewrecker AZKi sneaks her used panties into your bag, and then exposes you in front of your wife.
I hope he gets worse and Bae starts fearing being sent to the dairy farm when she discovers she's pregnant.
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But Anon that's already the plot of a WIP I'm working on
Ah yes, /wg/, the place that has pioneered yet another form of fanfiction: The Coffee Plantation AU.
I hope this starts /wg/'s slavery arc
Plot twist: Pekora is the tribal leader of rabbit kemonos and they raid the lands of other kemonos to kidnap slaves which they then sell to humans.
There was an old slavery prompt way back then
Dunno if I'll be able to do it since I'm up to my eyeballs with WIPs as it is, but hopefully another Anon draws some kind of idea from it
Chuuba kidnaps (You) and won't let you go until you learn to speak her mother tongue and forget all about speaking English.
That's just making me imagine a Mori and or Gura fic where they try to teach you to speak American and not English.
Okay, so like, don't get offended when I say this but isn't American like, English but with a texan/yankee accent?
that's the joke, you got it
good job anon
But joking aside, that's not what I'm looking for (even though a scenario where you being forced to speak American would be hilarious) at all. The mother tongue I'm wanting is Japanese (which I should have mentioned earlier which I apologise for).
No there'd be no sex at all because its not what I want to see (although whoever picks it up is free to do so). Just the poor soul in the scenario being forced to learn Japanese against his will and failure to do so would result in punishment. ie: getting punched/slapped/kicked/whipped until you obey and obeying and doing good would give you a reward.
Its a dumb idea I know. There's like, no chuuba out there who'd willingly kidnap someone just to make them speak their language.
>turns out Ririka is too much of an otaku even for your tastes
>you're forced to stand over her for 10 minutes trying to position a flashlight and her phone because she insists on taking one of those 'cock shadow over face' pictures
>"ah!~ the smell of your cock is so strong! I'm getting addicted!~"
>she finally gets to blowing you, keeps mumbling something about mouthpussy with your dick still in her mouth
>"ah!~ you shot your love juice all over my face! this smell is so intoxicating!~"
>"which hole do you want to violate next? Do you want my titpussy? Or maybe my armpitpussy? Or the vanilla pussypussy?"
>you go for the pussypussy
>your thrusting is nice and chill but Ririka still keeps moaning and saying that you're mindbreaking her
>drools over the bedsheets while making clearly forced ahegao faces
>"ah! ah! does your niece's underage pussy feel good? you're so much better than my husband!~ this will get me that promotion, right?"
>you want to join in on the roleplay but she's not making enough sense for you to keep up
>"don't pull out!~ finish inside of me!~ overflow my needy baby chamber with your virile man-seed!~ oh no I will definitely get pregnant with your triplets! you have to take responsibility!"
>she says all that despite you wearing a condom
>once you cum you want to rest for a bit but Ririka notices that you're still hard despite it being 3 entire seconds
>"oh no! you're still raring to go! I guess that means you'll keep raping my bitch holes until I become your property. I can't think staright anymore, master's cock is making me dependent~"
>that pity handjob one of the normal gyarus offered you doesn't seem so bad anymore
Second this
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Seeing this picture made me want a sex slave Laplus fic
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Relatively is the keyword here. If Anon becomes more loving toward kemonos it should still be the tough love of a strict father (figure). Kemonos are savage beasts after all, mentally children basically.
There was that fic about buying Shiraken as rower slaves. But that was antiquity style slavery, with less racism and more "you got captured, deal with it".
It's kind of funny how that was the one fic where it wasn't a slavery fetish thing since it came from an Anon asking for a random prompt.
Over the top dirty talk would make for a great gag...
>fucking an ASMRtist
>she constantly commentates in vivid detail all your actions and her sensations
Autumn truly is the season of slavery.
ririka works so well for a fic like "fistfull of love" where you reveal your powerlevel to try and scare her off and she goes
>but that's wrong isnt it? Automatical Rapist Hakendaiser is a standalone work
>revealing your powerlevel to Ririka then finding out she's even more into the niche then you.
>Humbly kowtowing before her for it was you who had eyes but could not see Mt. Tai.
It wasn't a slavery fetish thing from the author, but the prompt poster contributed it for a reason
Just tie her and gag her at that point, then you're free to steer the roleplay.
>Wow... it's getting bigger and bigger!
>You sob
>Stop fucking lying, it hurts me.
Which chuubas are made for the hotbox?
*whips you*
Chloe after her 3rd attempt to bust Koyori out(she doesn't know Koyori snitches cause she doesn't want to leave)
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>Botan lets out a shrill screach through her ball gag.
>the drool slipping out of the small gap between her lips and the gag perfectly reflects the drool sliding down her thighs.
>Each crack of the whip is followed by another screach that tapers off into a satisfied moan.
>Her eyes widen, gazing up at you pleadingly.
>"Please give me more! I'm such a dirty little animal! I need punishment!" she would be shouting to tell heavens if not for the solid plastic ball plugged into her maw
Buck breaker Watame....
> last one
No, she deserves a happy ending and an even more mind-numbingly sweet afterstory.
> lots of con-going and pair cosplaying
> cosplay sex, including at public places
> 2 children who desperately need a third normal-ish sort of parental figure in their life because the parents are still fucking dorks and normalcy is not a word that describes them
Watame sitting back and masturbating furiously as she watches her husband and wife breed over and over again...
Wait a second... That's just the Sheep's Need for Breed!
God, what about the sheep makes her so fun to imagine as the biggest freak?
What does Watame have to do with this im-
...Oh. I didn't realise she was in the back of the image you're quoting. I just thought you were going off that one story where Watame goads anon into mindbreaking Botan and giving Botan children.
Because she is a kind, soft, fluffy sheep that has a dirty fetish for wakipai
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Wait a second, those aren't clothes! The Empress has no clothes!
What Happens in New York

It's finally done. I've been cooking this ever since the hotel offcollab Mori did the night before Breaking Dimensions, but frankly I've seen her as prime for footplay material for a long while.

Tags: Mori, Kronii, foot play/licking/worship, cunnilingus, yuri, NSFW, fluff
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>I can't self insert into this as a 9ft tall 300lb 0% bodyfat gigachad with a foot-long dick
Hiring ERB to hypnotize your new unruly kemono slaves into meek, compliant workers. She's so racist she does it for free, pure love of the game.
be the change you want to see in the world, anon...
Just a bit longer
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I didn't expect the blood in "Bloodfame" to refer to her racist ideology.
They don't call her Elizabeth (pure)Blood Flame for nothin'
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>Do crime
>Get warned that doing crime will anger the gods
>The gods take your voice
>"Oh no how could this have happened to me"
Suisei T-spins your head with her thighs.
The bit where oni are mentioned made me feel like oni are so independent, free-spirited and rebellious that humans have given up on trying to enslave them. Of course this angers humans and so in human propaganda oni are portrayed as lazy drunks but you shouldn't believe their lies.
Based, desu. Quadrupling down and refusing to admit you did anything wrong makes for a more entertaining character arc than the usual redemption/atonement cycle.
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If it was up to me, I'd change the age of consent so that guys could only consent from 14 onwards, but only with women who are 10 years or older.
How about women that are 1500 years or older?
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>praise kink Mori
bratty women dressing lioke high school students to lure in young boys…
>Fubuki about to sneak into an elementary school
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Baked. Migrate when ready.

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