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For the ケイソン組 and 桐生会
Previous: >>85390486
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oh boy
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will 演歌 ever be trending?
VSJ fag here
please tell me she has no idea that she opened the floodgates right?
She doesn't really know how dumb the EN vtuber community is.
oh boy indeed then
because she just shifted the hate to vshojo now
welp have a good one anons hope you don't get raided as well
Looks like tonight is gonna be a long one
Always the RGG advertiser. I'm still often reminded of her old Niconico video of Kiryu beating people up telling them to buy the next game.
Free bumps
It's over marriagebros...
I really do like her doing more structured content like this, I wonder if the schedule will be M-W-F.
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it's comfy
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I enjoy it
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These are neat but a noon show is not very easy for me as an EU anon.
Whenever I wake up early in the morning and still have extra time to sleep I like to put on the stream or VoD to show support even if I’m not conscious for it.
they're sonching with me... subliminally
I like the structure, but I'm a bit nervous about it being centered on twitter trends. Still, I'm enjoying it so far.
You ARE the raid now fuck off back to VSJ general and never come back
I think it’ll be fine, she obviously knows to avoid controversial stuff for the stream itself. Seeing her talk about Batman Day was neat.
I wish 2022 never happened
You're right, I'm probably just being paranoid. I love the time slot though. GMMF happened right in the middle of my workday, but I get to catch this right before I head to bed.
how long until 2 cats just aren't enough?
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sometime after RGG:10 Gaiden
Kiryu having an emotional outburst after winning the Tour de France will inspire her to get another cat
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GNMF! Watchalong tonight.
Board's pissing and shitting itself rn. GOOD NIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS
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>wake up, check phone
>naruhodo wakaran
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I just want Souchou to be happy.
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Same here, MF.
Same here.
Tough luck, she is quite retarded and has tendency of self sabotaging on regular basis.
dont worry about that shes already happier than most of us will ever be. she just tends to be too reckless and a huge trusting saviorfag at times
Sonch is getting publicity i don't think she gonna appreciate
Don't think she fully understands how insane social media has gotten outside of Japan.
Agreed. Nothing can really replace Twitter, but it is also a special kind of hell.
It's not really that different tbf
I predict another depression, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO!!!
nah but i feel like break(a week or more) is coming
so, no watchalong today?
why are they all phasefags
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Idk what this is but hope she picks this one lol
Idk why people try to find validation on fucking Twitter of all places
>Cady Lanigan described the concept as "like Mean Girls meets Happy Death Day with a touch of Gremlins".

You know, Night of the Lepus used to be seen as a particularly silly choice of creature for your animal attack horror flick but at this point it's probably not even near top twenty anymore.
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Oh shit, it's /druk/ time?
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I have never heard of this movie
I'm not sure I would've known of it if it wasn't an icon for /tv/'s drunk threads. The same director has another movie with Mikkelsen called Jagten which I thought was really good.
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Only drink at parties, not at work
MonHun tomorrow!
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Hot take her reply was the most real and the most sensible
>holy fuck im not reading all that
>cheating is wrong
>but froot is my friend and i stick by my friends
>i get to give her shit when its deserved, not you
Nothing she said was wrong or controversial, but it didnt go full dick sucking so i guess she's gonna be seen as evil by both sides now
It was but she worded it just poorly enough to confuse ESLs who make up the majority of the angry twitter mob
we should cut the cables to flipland and latin america
>kson might quit vshitshow because the managers made her delete her tweet
>all because of a British whore
First time it was a British colony. Now this. She can't get a break lmao.
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hong kong and taiwan are not the same place retardchama
British colony through Japanese proxy.
Happy now?
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Okite okite!
4chan is shitting the bed
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Headbanging is trending?
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I'm getting to bed. Will probably be late for the monhun stream. See you tonight!
okite kusasai
Glad she never stopped being based. The only ones that are gonna raid this thread are gonna be people thanking her.
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A little over half an hour now.
Vshojo here, Kson is underperforming, her contract renewal is in jeopardy
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Never played MH myself but these really have felt very different from what I've seen of both Rise and World.
gigginox is such a good monster I wonder why they never brought it back and just keeps giving us khezu
im so mad nintendo killed the mh3u servers already I wanna play this gen again and no mhgu isnt the same
So there's no hunting horn users in their team at all this time?
o shit gold crown
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A surprising amount of fan art depicted her with cats even before ChikaKoro. This one even got the color correct.
At some point recently, I noticed that as well. Looked at some art and thought "Wait, how do I have this art with Chika saved from before she had cats?"
So her, Ayu, and Ai are going to TGS.
Come to think of it she did say quite a few times that she wanted one but wasn't sure if she could take care of it.
Yeah I want to say I even remember chitchat about it when she was still living with Kanataso?
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Delicious Doragon Tummy...
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What the hell, give them back!
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It's nice and cool today
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This is super cute.
I somehow didn't have this one saved.
hows that rabbit pet of hers anyways i remember tenshi could barely clean up after it and coco would always be helping her clean but coco was a slob too lol
I don't remember seeing/hearing much in the last year-or-so. Makes me wonder as well.
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Bed time for me. See you tonight maybe?
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No strim tonight
Well, it's inevitable. We've been blessed with two-stream days for a while.

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No stream, thread has high probability of dying
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It's simple but it's one of my favorites of these.
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I wish I could re-do the last two years
There is no proof of froot actually cheating
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Meeting of the greats.
>woke up sleeping on the wrong side
>now my back is gonna be out for days
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sonch on guutara's twitcast
kaere kaere
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Had a dream about nudes sonch then there was a zombie invasion
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member post!
cute stairson
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A year ago today there was another member post about TGS
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I'd play that platformer.
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It's almost the end of Summer...
Well, astrologically it is already over, but not meteorologically where I am.
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Gonna try to sleep early in case there's a stream! GNMF!
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I also sleep GNMF!
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Peanut butter
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She's gonna be at the RGG booth at TGS
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What are those, mini burgers?
Looks like she ate all the burgers
who dat
Kei san

Watch out for the edge. Don't cut your mouth eating them.
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>Disgusting black burgers, get out of my sight.
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It's cool enough today that I'm gonna put on pants
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>right click
>translate to english
>90% of the page is still untranslated
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be on the lookout for cutemichous on twitter
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whos this 2 views?
Since Kson.Ai, etc are going to be in a photo booth, I'm guessing that RGG asked them to do it?
I wonder if they've become so popular that they were asked to be here even though there are hostesses in the upcoming game.
The new girls are going to be there but it seems like not all 5 of them can make it. So I guess they brought back the 7 Gaiden hostesses because it would be weird if there was just like 3 ladies there.
That makes sense.
I want to see her in that dress again.
RGG membership stream soon if you still have that
Too bad I don't.
They apparently ended early due to a bad connection. Gonna retry later:
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Cutemichous on twatter and highgai's stream
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So Kei is there in the game but just not voiced.
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Don't think we know that for sure yet. She's definitely there though.

And now it's bed time. GNMF!
>Don't think we know that for sure yet.
I mean she herself confirmed that she's not starring in this game so...
Atleast good to know Kei will still be in the game which kinda cements her place in the Yakuza franchise.
Ok upon thinking about it a bit more, I did not take into account they could re-use her voice from 8, so she could technically still be voiced.
Kei is legend.

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Pirate-son, my beloved...
That's good, I like it.
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Threesome with Kei and Son
please okite
I have oki'd
>>86118501 (me)
Is that her voice during the karaoke? Sounds like her
Sounds like her!
at 3:40
Sounds like they recorded new lines with her.
Also 7:48
>actual new dialogue
So when she said she 's not going to be in this game this time, what was that about?
6:15 too
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Maybe they asked her at the last minute
She said this just a day or two ago though.
I think she most likely recorded this while also recording for Yakuza 8.
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Yeah, voice acting is like that. You read a bunch of lines without necessarily having all of the context. Not hard to imagine that she would not have a mental catalog of the applicability of all of them.
Jolly mornin' me mates
Sailing with pirateson
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Goodbye thread!
If there's a stream tonight, see you MFs then!
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