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Pizza Time Edition

>Her YouTube channel
>Her Membership
>Her Twitter

>Twitter Spaces, Event Streams, etc.
>Unarchived Karaokes (If files expired, request in thread)



>Our Divegrass team

Previous thread: >>85759635
pizza time minto my beloved
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Mint, my beloved.
Imagine giving Mint a good spanking for failing a tactical stealth mission.
Imagine putting legs on a tank
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V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
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I'll cook something for Friday.
As some other Wisp already stated in the last thread, we will play against /awat/ in the next round. If we win, we go against /ggg/. All those Myth teams...
I'll update the wiki and provide the VOD for everyone who missed the absolute KINO clash against /warkop/ tomorrow, but my alarm for work goes off in less than 4 hours and I'll go to sleep for now.
I still want to watch the Minto, though...
Some food for thought for anyone who might have doubted those extremely autistic tactics:
>And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
>t. Friedrich Nietzsche
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All the boss fights seem like such a slog. I really have to play MGS3 one day
She could be playing better, and I'm not even talking about the cheese strat
The End is neigh.
3's fights can drag on a little, though minto is pretty slow
ol' sticky fingers Mint
the sixth member of the Cobra unit, The Save
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Another Japan trip after this one. Im gunna kms.
Minto going to Winter Comiket
did she ever go this much as pomu? i've only been watching mint for like 5 months? and this has to be like her 3rd trip to japan since i've started watching
Kinda, although one of the Mint trips ended up being pointless because Mint & Matara got covid and couldn't do what they went there to do
Nope. All her trips while in niji were: 3 Japan trips (2 of which were corpo mandated for 3D stuff), a 2 days trip to Disney Florida, and like a 5 days trip to Canada.
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the ride never ends
And Antarctica, and TGS + Metal Gear Concert, and the few weekends she took off for local cons and shooting for the VtL Weather Balloon
I was busy being domestic, did she say what she's doing the next couple days? I caught that her short Japan trip is coming up, but she's streaming a little before that?
sex with me, of course
She's streaming Eternal Darkness tomorrow, and a stream on Tuesday.
Eternal Darkness tomorrow, and something on Tuesday
streaming monday tuesday, leaving wednesday, coming back on the first or second to go right into her birthday stream on october 2
Didn't she go to New York with Finana for something? I remember her complaining about how much of a spoiled little turd Finana was for wanting to uber everywhere
Also the trip she took in April 2023 where she contemplated about graduating
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Minto is gone... I miss Minto....
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I don't like Japan anymore.
It could always be worse, Wisps. At least you know when your oshi will come back
Woo Girls... Forgotten...
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I saw her graduate twice already and thought it was a final farewell both times. Made me stop watching vtubers altogether for a while.
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I am fine with it even with her traveling she still streams a lot of hours and it makes her happy
The reason she feels required to go is because Rui (her idol oshi who told her to go back to vtubing) has her graduation live on the 30th
I'm not watching the stream but I want you all to know that >>85826007 (I) did this
Yes, Finana acted like a little bitch going through puberty who just wanted to stay in the hotel room the entire time and not go anywhere EXCEPT her very specific interests (like some con for a gacha or something?) and wouldn't visit any landmarks or anything with Pomu.
bro I relate to this so fucking hard
I went on a japan trip with a friend last year and they NEVER wanted to do ANYTHING
I would suggest so much stuff and got stonewalled
But of course anytime I asked what they wanted to do it was always "eh idk I'm up for anything"
shit is infuriating
I hope Minto enjoys Delta
Computational Kindness
One of the most useful ideas I got out of Algorithms to Live By is that of computational kindness. I was quite surprised to only find a single mention of the term on lesswrong. So now there's two.

Computational kindness is the antidote to a common situation: imagine a friend from a different country is visiting and will stay with you for a while. You're exchanging some text messages beforehand in order to figure out how to spend your time together. You want to show your friend the city, and you want to be very accommodating and make sure all their preferences will be met. So you simply ask them: "What do you want to do"? And maybe you add "I'm completely fine with anything!" to ensure you're really introducing no constraints whatsoever and you two can do exactly what your friend desires.

People often act like this, and they tend to assume they're doing the other person a favor by being so open and flexible. After all, this way the other person will have to make no trade-offs and can spend their time exactly as they please. The problem with this however is that it's computationally unkind: it offloads all the effort of coming up with ideas and making decisions to the other person. So while it is kind on one level (respecting their object level preferences), it's unkind on another (effort, and respecting their possible meta level preferences about the planning process). And particularly if the friend's preferences about what exactly to do are not that strong, it now gives them a difficult and uncertain task for very little payoff.

So what's the computationally kind way of approaching this situation? You could name a (not too long) list of concrete proposals of how you could spend your time. If you know the person really well, you could suggest a full-fledged plan. If you don't know them that well, you could ask a few clarifying questions about their general preferences and then come up with a plan. And on top of this (rather than instead of it) you can make sure to point out that you're open to anything and are happy to change plans in any way. This way, the other person can decide themselves how much cognitive effort to invest. They can just say "yes" to your proposal, or can suggest some adjustments, or even come up with an entirely new plan if they really want to go that far.
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Minto does something Wispo supports.
I'd say
>Minto happy Wispo happy
but her oshi graduating isn't something to be happy about I guess all of us can relate.
trust the ghost.
It was her first outing as an adult without her parents, she basically was.
I mean I don't mind someone saying they're up for anything as long as they actually mean it and don't start shooting down ideas
She basically is a child if you look at how see acts and the people who can influence her so easy people dont just suddenly become an adult after finishing highschool. Mint basically was like her mom on that trip
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>an adult
a passport that says you're 18+ doesn't make you an adult. some are still kids at 25. she's a literal baby stuck in a woman's body and one trip without her parents obviously didn't change this. i'm glad that mint doesn't have to be around her anymore.
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Unless you're paying your own bills and living on your own you're still a kid. I know that because I am a kid like Finana with a bit more of common sense.
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I'm paying my bills and living on my own but only because my parents are dead
Wisp... are you alright?
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not really but for reasons unrelated to my previous comment
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I'm living with my parents and paying all the bills
Yeah but like theres still degrees. A 25 year old that still lives at home still will have some level of being self sufficient and no how to work and act with others. Its not that Finana seems like a womenchild its that she literally seems like a child. If she said something like her dad spanked her yesterday my mind would go something like well sometimes theres just no way to get kids to listen.
I fucking wish
Dead parents gang! It's just like my japanese animes
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I love living with my parents but I feel like living alone makes you way more self-suficient. I am sorry you don't have a choice anymore Wisp.

Finana's brother is autistic and had to be put in a hospice because he kept trying to beat Finana up. I wouldn't be surprise if she has a similar problem .
Wonder if she'll still do the watchalong in October or will she delay it to November to see what this thing is
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Every time I eat watermelon I remember that Mint used to eat watermelon seeds so they would grow inside her stomach
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>mint with a huge not-preggo watermelon belly
Pomu had multiple places they could go to and visit (many of which were influenced by locations in MGS2 but still).
rrat: Mint's butthole kind of stinks
like my mouth
mint streamed for 7 hours today, but I still miss her...
real legitimate serious rrat: Mint's butthole starts to smell oddly sweet after she hasn't showered for a day or two.
Ghosts don't have a smell
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I want to cummy all over Mint's tummy
I choose to believe this one
isn't that the sign of diabetes?
My butt has smelled sweet since I was like 14 years old I don't think I've been diabetic and not known it since I was 14... Does your butt not smell kind of bittersweet? My butt only smells like poo if there's poo on it, and there's never poo on it because I clean myself well...
i swear I show like 90% of the signs for diabetes but I've had my blood tested regularly and it's perfectly ok
Shut the fuck up Mint
Maybe you are a beaver
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My butt smells good
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Goodnight Wispspspsppspspsps
sleep tight!
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I'm only just managing to fully watch the unarchived VOD where she told the basketball ass story from the other month. I forgot how funny it was kek
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7 hours wasn't enough, I already miss seeing ghosty, spooky spooky party
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I fucking hate Japan now
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Minto doesn't stream right now.
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Why can't I see my posts?
you're a ghost
Bro, what happened? I was making posts and it would bump the thread but they wouldn't appear. Wtf???
Yeah the entire site was fucked
Only 4chan pass users could make posts
too human looking IMO
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Proof next thread?
[Citation needed[
I'm awake!
Minto get off 4chan
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Waiting room up!
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Ectoplasm is stored in the breasts
this would mean she has a medium amount of ectoplasm in her
minto sexo
Minto preorders open in 10 minutes
It's 6PM ET, so about 5 hours
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Footie Wisp, can you update the wiki when you're free? Thanks
I was waiting for the VOD... no VOD yet. But yeah, sure, I may get the necessary data by checking that statistics page etc.
Ah, ok then
I wish maids were real
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Updated the wiki with the information and resources I have at this point which means no VOD, but statistics and the next opponent.
I'm thinking about writing something about the group stage already.
>I'm thinking about writing something about the group stage already.
Like our history?
Yes, exactly. I have some (hundreds of...) ultra fanzines that people in the know get before every home match lying around and think about writing something in that style - which is surprisingly formal, but still from an organized fan scene perspective.
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Sounds intriguing, I'll let you cook
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No podcast...
Why is she looking at me like that?
She wants you to buy her some cheetos
I'll get her some spicy variety. I crave whimpers and moans of suffering.
What's the fetish called when you like women crying and sobbing and begging for mercy? Asking for a friend
Meant for >>85916092
dacryphilia but that begging angle is just a sadist thing
I guess I have to shorten this a bit... get ready for some condensed footie autism.
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Amazing stuff! I only have small nitpicks like
>We got to work and there was a lot of work to be done
Better say "there was much to be done" to avoid repeating the same word. As for the length, let's leave it as it is for now unless it draws more criticism
lol no need to shorten anything; if it ever gets too long on the main page, you can always just make a second page to keep it in; just spend some time look at how long and spread out the entries on other teams in VTL and other leagues can get; flexing a little for silly shit like write-ups is one of the perks of the job, enjoy it!
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God she's SUCH a DORK!
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Pargon Pargon Pargon
Did some formatting work in the background, including headers, a description on Solid Mint's goal screenshot and honestly that repetition is meant to be a stylistic thing to stress that we indeed had a lot of work to do. I may have to shorten this if it gets even longer. For now, I think it's good.
Also now Minto is live and that's more important.
>Also now Minto is live and that's more important
She was already stinky.
Doki got syphilis...
Might be a shorter stream today
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Does anyone have a tl;dr on wtf is going on in this game
I stopped understanding 3 streams ago
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An ancient evil awakens.
Buncha eldritch gods (red green blue) are all fuckin' around throughout human history to hold back the big blobby one (purple) and we're reading the secret history of how to stop the end of the world. The girlie in the mansion is reading through her dead grandpa's notes about all the people who got mindfucked trying to fend off the nasties from outside time and space, as commanded by the first guy who's the Roman skellyman.
pargon pargon pargon
Thanks for the recap, I somehow kept missing the story sections of each stream and never went back to watch them.
3 ancient eldritch gods are fighting since the primordial days for control
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I am home now. Did I miss anything?
pargon pargon
Why is it when I google about this game, the entry is on the fucking metal gear wiki

VA cast
is that why mint is playing it?
I must have not heard that if so
>is that why mint is playing it?
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What's his endgame bros?
Imagine being an eldritch demon and you job to a retard in a dress being piloted by another retard
To summon his ancient into the world and bring about eternal darkness
She's a vtuber, you're missing a retard
that's who I meant
So I guess it's a retard piloting a retard piloting a retard
Mommy took away his xbox and he's bored
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Mint's not a retard - she's just special!
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Give me ONE reason to not pargon pargon pargon right now
>men being devoured by worm-like creatures
>"In my artwork they call it hentai"
yeah she's horny today
She's still on her period
Also the purple one is on humanity's side kinda sorta. Things were fine when it was the only god around and he even made the land fertile but the other gods fuck with everything.
Because Pargon doesn't do anything on its own, it's just used to enhance the spells with more power.
The happi has gone up for pre-order
That is one very enhanced minto!
US Wisps, what price do you have? I wonder how much shipping costs for me
It was 80 bucks for me, almost 100 with taxes and shipping
Made-to-order, so no stock limit.
Preorders will be open for 3 weeks.
>almost 100 with taxes and shipping
It's like $111 for me. Could be worse all in all
I missed a lot of the plot of this game (including the start of Roberto's story), but you know for people with magical powers all these protagonists seem kinda retarded and pushovers (heh).
I always had problems understanding that scene. Is it implying Pious started WW1 in order to have endless sacrifices?
No, WW1 had already started by that point. What Pious does is have the church which irl was close to the front line, be converted into a field hospital. Then he can just grab dying and injured people taken from the front and feed them to the Black Guardian.
Is Pious Augustus the only competent servant?
Fun fact, mustard gas actually killed very few people in the war all things considered, it was just horrific in how it killed you and a gas mask couldn't save you because it could get in through the skin.
Fun fact I wish mint would gas me.
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$7 shipping minimum, $43 maximum for one day shipping
I'm being thrown off by the fact that the bombs keep making the trademark whistle on their way down. That wasn't a thing until WW2 when the germans put a little piece of metal in the tail fin of the bomb so it would make that noise. It was purely to fuck with the enemy's psyche.
Akiba's Electric Fairy is DEAD
Akiba's Ghost Maid has RETURNED
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>Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.

Like the second most famous WW1 poem there is references the sound.
87$ After shipping.
Just for your convenience. Did a few details about the Wiki page and figured that this will be needed.
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low sanity minto
>dumb fucks in chat saying that is not how fusebox work
It literally fucking is, retards.
The fuse itself is just a conductive piece of metal made to BREAK when the current (and thus temperature) gets too high.
You could literally shove a metal nail in there and it will work as a "fuse", but it won't protect for faults obviously.
But if you are in a fucked situation without a proper fuse to replace it, you can just shove anything conductive between the contacts and it will work.
This gives the same vibe as when Doki's chat talking about how if you dont hit with the metal of the brass knuckles it wont make your punch stronger. Would this be like dunning kruger effect or something else
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There's literally nothing wrong with leaving all your clothes on the floor
Chat calling out Mint on her $20 Amazon dresser
Minto got big fluffy new PJs
I just got off work, how's the pargon been wisps?
I thought it was gonna be a pretty short stream but I guess she forgot.
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She's having fun
Minto is pretty good at this game. It's kinda funny
Roberto chapter was pretty short. She'll probably end after this boss fight
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I don't want Minto to end...
She undersells her gaming skills because she was playing through OBS for the past 3 years and half and thinks that's actually her skill level. She beat SM64 with fuckton of input, audio and video lag, that's an achievement.
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piss mention...
Minto Gaming!
Sorry Mint, but you can't stop me from coming inside
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Pray to Minto NOW
So what percentage of the happi is she getting? Is she even making a profit on them?
Minto VRChat tomorrow!
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uuu I miss MINTO already
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3D MInto tomorrow
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Minto is gone... I miss Minto.......
what now my wispggas
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Wait for tomorrow
10 minutes without MINTO stream is lethargic syndrome...
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I'm gonna work OUT, jack OFF, eat DINNER, all while watching minto VODS
>watching minto VODS
still waiting for the /mint/ divegrass VOD
I'm listening to a grimmi vod while I do work in the background
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Good night, Wisps
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Sleep... forever!
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Chance of Mint deciding to let Wisps join for vrc?
Doubt it. Too much of a risk of people joining and dropping the N word, playing DMCA music, or using inappropriate models.
You mean too much of a risk of Wisps getting jealous of other Wisps.
Minto is a black company, the person behind the gif avatar gets maybe 2%
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Sweet dreams, Wisp
sleep tight!
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I like chibi Minto and I'm going to fuck it.
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I am more of a chibi Pomu kind of guy
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Minto birthday billboards in Akiba on the 1st
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Also based
That's pretty cool! Is this a project from the discord or something?
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Always welcome more Minto Milkers.
No I think she organized it all herself
Oh dang, I'm impressed! I bet Mint will love it
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New Minto schedule
The little Wisp hands are so cute
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FUCK Mint Fantôme!!
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well don't mind if I do!
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Ignore twitter drama, watch Minto
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I love this dork
Haha she hates you!
She does, in fact, hate me specifically!
Who's betting Mint will connect with Dooby for a Mint 3d concert?
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Do you think she was unable to Triforce?
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She looks like she's scheming something
kinda reminds me of the anya face kek
has she ever done the diaper chief bit on stream
VRChat waiting room up!

Birthday waiting room up too!

Looks like she'll be inviting some chuubas to play Wheel of Fortune
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Why did BGM anon stop posting regularly? He hasn't posted the last several threads.
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Bros I'm so excited for her birthday stream
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So what's the big announcement on her birthday
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Marriage to yeah, me
yeah it's her marriage (to me btw)
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She's getting married to, you guessed it
Probably her 2.5 model update
Why are we calling it a 2.5? Isn't it properly a 3.0?
Because she herself called it 2.5
if it is, I hope it's the actual debut, and not just a teaser/preview/announcement of an announcement, because that'd be a waste of a "big announcement" otherwise
dont die
unless you want to be just like your oshi
I find it interesting that this wisp decised to fly to Japan this week and mentioned going to an idol show on the same weekend that Mint is.
she flew to her home in the US you schizo
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I'm already a Wisp
Why do I not find any idol lives when I search for them in baltimore?
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looks like people have started getting their month 3 postcards
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It might actually be the Doki hardcore MC run they're doing together. She hasn't mentioned it yet on her end right? And it's gonna be pretty long.
Art style is really good
I wish Mint would hurry up and announce that she's joining vshojo.
I wish Mint would hurry up and announce that she's joining the avengers.
I wish Mint would hurry up and announce that she's joining the Justice League.
I wish Mint would hurry up and announce that she's joining me in marriage
Hardcore MC is one day of streaming, not something to hype up. I also doubt she would make her birthday announcement about someone else.
mischievous ghost...
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That's... an interesting pose for sure
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>Wheel of Fortune
>She hasn't mentioned it yet on her end right?
Yes she did. She talked about it last week I think, said it got moved to after she comes back from Japan.
Waiting room is up
I haven't even thought this day would come so soon
Anon she's definitely using the scuff model for this. Though she does have a proper 3d ready for her bday.
[citation needed]
Damn she's gonna be performing with the malay branch of akb
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Why they changed her outfit.
Also hey, that's me!
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*snatches your bump limit*
>V1 bump limit
I enjoy this turn of events.
I'll bake, I want to add the Happi to the OP merch
Hope we didn't just get spoiled on what v3 will look like
Can an anon post a full of this picture?
I fucked up the crosspost... OG Wisps is this true or just bait shitposting? I just wanted more idol talk. This is not a thing right?
It really looks like she has wings at first glance
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I asked because I don't have Twitter... can you post it in the thread please
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Just this once
It should be a bannable offense to post X links without the image attached to it.
Bless you anon
It's not, it's just art V-MUSE had commissioned. Ironmouse and Bao have similar outfits in their artwork
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where are you
What was this?
next thread

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