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You were speaking to a wall the entire time.

スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>85751236
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kek good one
I just went through Ina’s entire discography and man, I know I might be asking for too much… but I really want another song from her. Every mv she’s illustrated is so unique from the last, and her voice is amazing in every genre she attempts. I’m hoping for more music in the near future, especially for another original to be cooked up soon.
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Gonna miss the GTA streams a lot but I won't miss waking up at 5 for them. Hope there's another one next year.
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Divegrass podcast news, apparently /wah/ was using /vtwbg/ export so yeah the team really is that fucking cursed
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I don't know what that means but congratulations or sorry it happened.
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so do I have to behead you two or three times? I don't know...
I hope we get at least a little more of this before the end, it's been super cute.
my sleep has been awful for the past week but there is also something fun about getting up early for streams
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It's me saying the game really hates this team apparently as it should've atleast been a draw in theory
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Also none, step up, be the change you seem like you know something
they should abolish all rules tommorow and let Ina have a threesome with Banchou and IRyS
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Gonna be real with you I enjoy the flirting as much as the next guy but having pretend gay marriages every collab's gotten kind of old for me.

Mostly a (me) problem though.
It's fine because they're not pushing it to annoying degrees like takamori back in the day but I understand the sentiment. And also I like IRyS and Banchou is cute
this >>85864866 also most yuri interactions with Ina take at most 1 minute before going back to normal
The fun is in her hitting it off well with a girl and having an excuse to spend a little extra time hanging out and flirting with them.
The marriage is just another one of those cute interactions, it's not important on its own.
This but the exact opposite
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I hope there's something in the works too. I know VR world happened but it didn't quite scratch the itch for me. I'm hoping for another cover. Another original so soon seems unlikely. Honestly a duet cover might be nice. She's told like five people she would sing with them or something and the only ones we have are iya iya iya and summertime.
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Ina Dayo has become too powerful
One more hype round for the GTARP finale (I'm going to have to VOD gang this one). I'll put up the full size version of the loading screens I made earlier in case someone wants to play with them.

Just caught up on the last VOD. I hope she's feeling better, she was coughing quite a lot. Ina and Bancho should spend all day today kissing.
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I want there to be a takodachi Easter egg in gta 6
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I found this creature eating a burger, what do I do with it?
Feed it more
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kek. this shit was like a naruto substitution jutsu
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Coolposters your response
>Hope there's another one next year.
I'm sure there will be. Lots of girls are really enjoying it.
Dang, almost enough fanart for a third loading screen

I'll check back after the stream
Ina should buy an attack helicopter today, that would be REALLY Cool.
those are easily over 100mil unfortunately
Ina Wah's
I smile
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Ina going 'lol no' to Irys's attempted betrayal was far more satisfying than seeing her get shot and get revenge.

Now I really need to see what happens in a hour or so.
>Irys is still on her window cleaner jumpsuit
I missed the first 15min, did Ina mention anything about today's rules?
have no regrets
She was being cute and talking about food for most of it.
FBK was recommending people hang back when the shooting starts so they don't get blown away like IRyS was yesterday.
Luna coming in like fucking Tao Bai Bai
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d-did Pekora lose to the konbini npc...?
Slipped and fell in the convenience store.
There was a lot of blood on the floor to slip on after all.
I, like, tripped and fell on a bullet
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Hime being hime carried
Oh shit the Lunaito finally got his interaction
>priestess carrying a princess
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The Sora/Azki corruption storyline is kinda hot
Is the suppressor even useful with an AR
The medical clown car is so fucking funny
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This Ina looks like she needs a borgar.
Why is there a transformer in the carage?
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That's the cops' new ride. More importantly, Ina needs one of these burger cars
I guess they don't pay enough at Krusty Krab...
Ina's throwing hands to protect Luna, the lunaito in the thread must have died of happiness by now.
why does IRyS keep laughing at Ina's japanese
I love that Ina's always careful to position the Ao kun sticker so the chin is pointier.
Ina's stream is really loud
>Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!
bros... 4chinks won't be up during this kino...
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made in korea
I am a European Takodachi and I haven't seen Ina stream live since the 11th September and prior to that it was the 5th August. I only caught the tail end of yesterday since it was the weekend and today since I took the day off work.

I'm starting to feel a little bit concerned.
I just woke up...
and they just split up...
This month hasn't been great, had to wake up at 5AM to watch the ENreco streams and I can barely catch these GTA streams. I WILL keep fucking up my sleep schedule and my sanity for my Ina though.
americans once again discovering what Europeans have been enduring for 4 years
I wonder what the deal is
what is she doing?
Takotime being at 11PM is perfect for me actually, the problem is when she streams on another timeslot.
bro 11pm is the best time, idk why but I can never really relax before 22:00 anyways
Unless Europe has suddenly moved to Japan, I don't think Ina normally starts streaming at 6AM for you
My Ina just impressed her boss with her sick piloting skills.
Ina and Hajime CUTE
what is that thing in the sky? It looks like a potato
I hope Ina gets into IRyS' JP friend group and we get more Flare and Luna interactions
Ina your asian is showing...
damn, police officer would def shoot your dog
These mountain lions are complete kittens compared to the RDR ones...
Luna got that shotgun she wanted
Whose wedding (Ina and me)?
>ina spoiling again
Korone and Mio are getting remarried after their exciting week of adultery
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I think people know
So what's the TLDR on the bakery story?
I still hate the Peanut...
The medic team is planning to murder the police sometime after the big heist is done. They seem to want to take revenge for what they did to Fubuki.
Reminder that when Fubuki was at their lowest, a mysterious staffer handed them a knife.
now im fucking happy
so what's going on with Ina? can't really follow along
Saved Inchou, now she's buying her penthouse.
I thought Suisei was calling to coordinate FBK's rescue but I guess it was about the house sale?
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Too bad.
Yeah, house sales have to go through micomet.
was there even a reason to her buying a room at this point? besides just "I want one"
There was never a reason to buy one at all, none of them sleep. May as well blow the cash now though.
I fell asleep during the wedding, did Ina ever use her gun?
Inaaa, lonely activities on the last 2 hours of the event, really?
So she can gamble and have her own helipad. Don't mention it.
Nobody's dying and the heist is in limbo.
Unless she happens to run into somebody she might as well enjoy this for now.
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My Ina's house
I think TVs are a literal waste of money specially when you have a PC with a monitor
Sometimes a bigger screen is better.
>hololive x MonHun collab
>it's just generic merch

if there is ever a collab with EN they should just release a new Yama Tsukami hunt but with a tako skin
why is air tako like this
this shitass game is so bugged...
They aren't here anymore wtf
having a big screen for the couch is nice, but thats it really
Ngl the big heists are kinda lame without medics being allowed to rez on the spot and support the police or the gang kek. If the gangs are remotely ready and prepared there's no way they lose this to bumbling retards who can't drive straight.
But above all of this, it must feel like shit to not be able to participate and only join in when everyone is either dead or gone.
The heists themselves don't seem to have been all that eventful.
The medics have been having plenty of fun without them.
The gang has spent like 3 hours sitting around by themselves planning this and waiting for it to unbug itself, the medics at least get to do shit
yep, plus it's twice as lame when you remember it's all scripted
its the first gta rp experience for most participants
no reason to take it so serious
that's it? it's owari da?
You guys must have missed Ina flying above saying "I want to go there..." "I want to watch..." over and over lol. Even she wished she could be there Even just as a bystander.

I'm not saying I want Ina to join the gang/police or that what the medics are doing isn't fun or whatever. Just that in the case of a big heist happening, it would be better for everyone if the medics were allowed to participate instead of being stuck far away from the action. That's all I'm saying.

I don't think it's "scripted" per say, they just want to make sure both sides are ready and able to respond before starting the heist. Possibly because there's not enough people on the server and a heist with no police would just be boring.
She was already there, so of course she wanted to watch.
They should have skipped the heist and had the police defend the prison instead or something.
Any of you guys having problems seeing your own messages in YT chat?
I missed the entire stream up until now, was Ina cute? Maybe even cuter than usual?
Very cute.
She even picked out a cute new outfit.
The heists are just shit all around, everything fun that happened on the server has nothing to do with them
ina was cuter yesterday
I can see mine as usual
I reckon there must be some fuckery with my browser then, since I can see phone-sent messages just fine but it eats up pc ones
Ina told me to shadowban you specifically, sorry. You didn't do your reps enough apparently.
Could be HyperChat, once in a while I have to turn that off.
The heists are the best thing with these big servers usually, it's such a shame they weren't that good this time around.
I'm hoping they'll be able to make them better and more enjoyable for everyone next time they revive HoloSantos.
This was it apparently, thanks!
Never seen it happen before.
You can go watch that then, I'll take girls bullshitting for hours over 2 minutes of shooting each other
I hope they'll have time to fuck around with the police afterward like they planned.
why do they end every holo event with fireworks? is it a japanese thing?
Hard to believe it's been a week of this already, it felt like it started yesterday
one last Iname kill for the good old times
One final Iname shizzo scene...
There you go food for Iname for a decade
they're already censoring ame's voice lol
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That was extremly cool, Ina. I'll give you back your cool license....
HiRyS It's MelonRyS
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>the last Iname schizo scene
Goodbye, dear schizo ship. Time to move on.
Shit the op image tricked me
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>kills ame
>goes for the next blonde
Why is this marked as (me)?
Get out of my walls!
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it was fun while it lasted, best schizo fanarts I had ever seen
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Now you're trapped here, anon. You won't leave so easily.
>Ina finally gets to participate in some violence
>Is having the most fun she's had today
Amazing event overall, definitely one of the best they ever had. Even though I have some things I wish were different it really was worth waking up early for it.
8/10 Medic POV was the best.

I was agreeing with you, idiot. The heists were short and lame because medics couldn't rez anyone.
Ina this is stupid
You weren't, because as I said I'd rather watch girls fucking around than a shitty TPS collab
>mococo (still) can't drive after an entire week
damn, Ina's wife fucking died already...
What better ending for a medic than healing her new wife?
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I hope Ina collabs with Hajime again someday this year...
This, but IRyS.
And I'd rather watch Ina have fun and laugh her ass off, so I guess you were right, let's keep it at that.
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this event was shit but I don't want it to end...
I'm glad Ina ended up with the medics, they've been great.
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I really liked this event, lots of cute interactions, many wives and fun moments for my dope. InaRyS kino was on the menu for a lot of it.
I am kinda unsure if I liked this or the ENReco thing more, both had their upsides. Honestly I just really like to see Ina have fun, I am so glad she enjoyed her time.
>event was shit
I'm sorry to hear you're blind deaf and dumb
I'm glad Ina wasn't with the mechanics.
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W-What's up with the mechanics? Isn't Okayu part of them?
I don't think those poor fucks got to see sunlight all week.
I think I liked this a little more, we had more InaRyS in gta, surprise Banchou marriage, even less undesirables around
Because Okayu was part of them.

She'd have Ina shaking her ass at cars by the second day.
>Honestly I just really like to see Ina have fun, I am so glad she enjoyed her time.
This is what matters the most, after all.
The erotic catto is at it again (not that I mind though).
IRyS is so fucking retarded bros
so the mechanics were the whore team?
also this >>85902606
I like okayu a lot still but I'd rather Ina be in a cool medic coat hanging out with Fubuki any way. Besides she got to mess around with Ao Kun as a customer and that was easily better than as a coworker.
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I'll agree that it was pretty cool, but now I wanna see my Ina being a hitman.
>How many grenades do you have
Ina is cooler than usual today...
Same, honestly not the biggest fan of collabs but i can't help but smile when i see her having fun
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why drawing so hard
Ina became the official Luna carrier
Omedetou, Lunaito Tako.
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As much as I like watching her being a damn brat with her grenades and punches, she fits much better as the "white coat angel" like some other JPs called her. I'm glad she chose to be a medic.
It lokks really cool dude, you should post it on xitter when you feel you are done with it.
At least you can see Youtube chat. For the past few months Google's been at war with ad blockers and I can only watch live streams by switching to their embedded version

Might be time to take the old uMatrix out behind the shed
I'm trying to emulate the RDR style (since it's easier than the GTAV one), shadows are hard but I'll finish it for sure.
Anime faces don't mesh well with stark shadows either.
Next thread name shall be White Angelic Healer.
Sasuga, it looks amazing already.
She's very rich kid sheltered
Hololive battle royale when?
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you know what to do Ina, start speaking korean now...
Kek, Ina walked in on FubuMio NTR inside the VIP room
Is the server open for longer today?
For shorter, it'll close in 15m
Until half past
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Takos really live in hotel rooms like this and think it's okay
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Oh yeah I did the flat colors too
It's just shadows, dark shadows, rim lighting and background left. Maybe a littlle texturing of the colors too.
It's in the casino and it has a bed big enough for a dope and a bancho.
What more could you want?
I'm so glad Ina had Air Tako, feeling useful surely did a lot for her enjoyement. Would have been interesting to see how she'd have done as the police chopper pilot.
A TV that works
what do you need cable for, they can have dope yurisex 24/7
kino ending
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the tako who wah'd the world...
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Absolute kino
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kino ending but I missed her already...
Ah god that second wah was so dopey and cute.
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AAAAAAAA That was so adorable. Banchou's surprise last second call was the missing piece for the Kino ending.
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A great ending to a great event.
I think I got everything I could've asked for out of that.
I love this woman so much.
She barely made it, I'm really glad they got to do a bit together during this
Wow Bancho just blew my heart out
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Another arc has come to an end. I wonder what will come next this week
I miss my cinematic oshi already
I can't believe Ina didn't say I love you back to her wife...
Fuck that was an incredibly good arc. I really hope it inspires the other holos to join next year. If they do revive the server.

I wonder if any of them will get "loss" from this and start playing GTA on their own.
IRyS started saying whatchamacallit more
Ina is a master flirt but also a known choke artist
We often laugh about this, but Ina 100% is the type to accidentally make people fall for her while remaining oblivious about it. She's such a wonderful person to be with.
I bet a lot of people understood why Flare of all people fell so hard for her
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Kukuku...all part of the plan.
I don't know anything about flare except that she likes big titty musclebrained knights and irys.
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>makes Flare fall for her
>directly goes for her best friend right after
>Irys loves her
>Flare loves her
>Anya loves her
Now that Luna also got properly introduced to Ina's cuteness, it's only a matter of time until she joins the usual group. At least I hope so It's either that or she joins Banchou and Regloss's clique
fuck no
I'll hope for both.
The more friends my Ina has, the better.
What happened with regloss? (I fell asleep halfway through all the streams since it started so early so I don’t know if I missed something or not)
male collabers
she mentioned buying a microphone for that sound impersonation game right?
i have been enjoying the look of her 2.0 this arc.
I really like the flaps
Biboo will
Not sure about Ina
I don't know if waking up so early has fucked with my brain or what but I really don't remember this at all. How long/short ago was it?
Ina has been really cool this week. Its time for her to be really dope again soon, gotta keep things balanced.
In Ina's GTA?
It was mostly Hajime and the marriage arc.
She ran into Ao and Ririka a little here and there, and punched out Kanade once, then gambled with her at the very end.
I don't think she ever saw Raden.
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rewatching from inchou's perspective, I didn't realise how on point their timing was
absolute kino
Couldn't have timed that any better if they'd planned it.
Right, just 10 days ago...
Well, can't wait!
>Ina took Hajime under her wing
>Shuba took Biboo under hers
a very pleasant surprise
Why does Cover allow its senior members to freely fondle and flirt with Kouhais? Ina literally seduced a mentally handicapped child...
Ina said she probably would.

How did that work, FBK was put in prison, then she decided to leave just as the medical team was touching down?
The popup on the right is saying that her sentence was over. They showed up expecting a prisonbreak the literal exact second she was already free again.
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She was pretty fearless in this event.
Even as recently as Peko's hardcore Minecraft thing she was still doing a lot of her usual "watching from a distance too worried about bothering someone to approach them", but here she just jumped right in with girls she'd barely interacted with before.
I wonder if the game made that much of a difference or if she's just growing.
Just speculating a bit here, but maybe roleplaying, like she did as "NinoIna" and "Doctor Ina" kinda allows her to get out of her shell a bit more?
Maybe its something like her being a bit more cautious and reserved in general, because she doesn't want people to have a negative impression of her, but when she is not herself she can go a bit more wild because people won't get mad at her, but her character.
Won't pretend I am in her head and can read her mind, but she certianly was quite outgoing in these events.
Add in a little wish fulfillment too, this was one possible future for Ina without art or Hololive. Ditto for IRyS, her sister is a doctor.
Nah, Ina tends to play harder among people she's more familiar with, and she mostly had a "white coat angel" >>85903357 reputation which tells me she wasn't really that far out of her shell with a lot of interactions.
I think she either got more comfortable over with certain holomem the course of the week, or she's been meeting some of them offline for lesbian orgies and that familiarity's slowly making its way into streams.
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The Minecraft event could technically be played full bocchi without a problem so she had no real reason to be more outgoing. GTA and ENreco on the other hand forced her to interact by design which is probably why she made the extra push to be more sociableHaving Irys as a partner early on helped too.

If you have a good ear you can also tell how good her JP has gotten, she still makes mistakes here and there but she can easily handle most conversations fluidly without stumbling her words as much as she used to, so I think she got a lot of confidence from that.
Waiting for more fanart to cook
ina the trickster
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lack of depth perception is a hell of a thing
KEK it worked
I think having jobs helped a lot. She got specifically called to go to people and it gives you something to focus on doing rather than just getting nervous about talking. She had to seek out people for stuff as well like getting her car upgraded and repaired.
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If you could influence Ina's choices for the next GTA saga, which group would you choose?
She wants to try a different faction but she still wants to fly the heli, so I think being a cop is her only real option.
At least they're the only ones I saw making use of them outside of the medics.
News team
Having a court would also be a cool addition, she could actually be a courtroom sketch artist
if they could expand the reporter role and add a news heli that might be cool to see her run around with whoever the reporters are. That way she also has an excuse to hang around the action as well.
there should be a freelancer team for her to join
Police, because if Bijou of all people could make me go this feral for her character, then I can only imagine what Ina in the same outfit Flatter if possible could make me feel.
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Some kind of Hitman/Freelancer/PMC group could be nice, but I get the feeling that it would only get real action if roleplay is more encouraged next time AND there's more people around.
yeah reporter ina would be great. Dopey photographer who stumbles into a secret meeting
I feel like gangster could be fun because of the gap between hardened career criminal and Ina's usual self, but the role itself seemed like it was the least interconnected of the lot.
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so this week we have the AmiAmi collab confirmed and possibly a Myth collab to say goodbye to the quitter, right? anything else that I am missing?
I think that's all that's confirmed, but I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with two of those collabs.
news ladi
Robber and Police are both good because she has people around all day and a job that requires teamwork and communication, and i like it when she interacts with people.
Can't imagine a worse scenario than her sitting inside her shop waiting for customers all day
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Pick one of them to save you
The rest are going to try to save you first
I need this angel to check up on me...
I think collabs between Raden and Ina would be really cool, honestly.
I've missed a lot of the GTA stuff due to work, who was calling her that, because I love it
Reporter, she should be the eye in the sky camera operator for PolPol News.
I think it'd be cool if they also had long car chases for the cops/robbers so she could follow along
I don't know how well it would work, but it's an interesting idea.
Theory and history on one side, practical experience on the other.
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>punches you until you can't get up
>puts an ice pack on you
>ok, that'll be $100000
Raden introduces artstyles to Ina who does her best to emulate it while they talk about it.
Ina doing some monet shit while raden talks about the history of impresssionism would be the best, most absolute niche stream of all time.
Ina, I just have to make sure to need saving very far away.
Yes please.
I don't remember who it was, all I know is that someone said that she was "THE white coat angel amongst other white coat angels".
The term is a way to refer to cute nurses. Irys used it multiple times in her GTA titles

It sounds cool on paper, but the odds of her just going full bocchi are extremely high and that would be a waste in such a server.
We've seen a glimpse of corrupt / money-hungry Ina so I kinda want to see how she would turn out as a cop or gang member.
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That bit was so great, walking out and seeing two heli's landing for you
Holy based. The medic squad is pretty cool...
>4 gorillion bucks
for that money I could have gotten two new of whatever was wrong in my body
Yeah, but it would have been done by a bald ojisan instead of a cutie like Ina
The timing was incredible, Fubuki's acting and her habit of always using cool poses made that scene even better. This really makes me wish they could have assaulted the police station like they wanted initially.
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We Are Here for the next OP?
This one sounds cool >>85903586
How about, Wearing A Hat?
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With All Healers
>Ina is CC's favorite customer
>Biboo is Ina's best customer
I think Ina, CC, and Biboo should have sex
needs an image that fits the name
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Ina heals my soul
I love Ina
I love Ina anyways!
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Don't care. Already fell into a one-sided love for a cute dope, and I'd do it again
Ina has told us she loves us a few times already tho?
I love Ina more

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