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follow yoroshiku

Previous: >>85670237
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i love her
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Don't want it to end yet...
According to MiComet, this server is only a trial run for something bigger. I'm not sure when that will be revealed, though.
GTA 6, Hololive got early access
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final day
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Someone stole the oven...
The classic twist
lol at that english reading
taso being forced to dance on stage
No, I thought Azki was a friend to the bakery family...
AZKi is being billed for damages
nice wordplay
They should forego the plane and buy a tank to destroy the city.
taso likes papa's colors too much
It's twix, not twitter, taso.
taso shoots without prompts now
Host age
This is what happened to Kanata-kun.
Don't go hera on us now.
spread the happiness
fuck youtube
Kana Taso is an angel so she can be a priest too.
taso shows no mercy to people who try to break the family up
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Taso might think she was too swift but Mio was indeed in the striking distance.
i want kanatasochan to shot me directly into my head too
The heli lives!
This family's lore is all over the place.
Papa was the real threat all along
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taso likes unchi too much
one more for the road
Mama got blown away...
The DV never ends
Papa is built fucking different
The last heart to heart...
So this is how the bakery family ends...
And cabaret too apparently
Taso's background being a wedding photo is a nice touch, especially now that it's already broken.
Youtube guruguru END
I miss her....
This last week flew by so fast.
I'm happy she joined bakery family, it ended up as easily the best storyline on this server
It was great, taso has set up a lot of good moments, the whole happy bread thing gave them so much to work with. Happy to see so much KanaMio and KanaKoron, and we even got HnK and rare KanaLui.
It was a pleasant surprise.
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It was a great run this time for taso. I'm satisfied. Hope this gives more opportunities to collab with Korone and Mio
I know it's stupid but seeing images like this makes me a little sad that Korone blew the happy ending by fucking around with grenades
sorry I made a mistake when copying the link
In the end did taso confess about being being one of the organizers of Mio's "abduction" by Lui?
I thought Korone already knew.
I'm so sad I was busy all of last week that I missed everything
I'm glad the bakery family storyline also had so much interaction with the cabaret, it made for some great moments
The cabaret outside of AZKi was pretty bad and produced nothing memorable.
I don't think he was ever explicitly told, but it's easy to piece together that it was planned by friends and family.

I don't consider anything after the fireworks canon anyways. That was just them having fun in the afterparty.
You've got a lot of catching up to do, there was some solo downtime but pretty much all interactions were fun.
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POV: you're a convenience shop owner
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I'm safe knowing that as soon as I pull out my gun she will miss three of her shots and run away.
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Why is she making that face?
She needs correction
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I hope she doesn't convince herself that shooting was a bad idea. This was kino
Timing wasn't the best, but you can't blame her. It feels like Kanata was the only one on the server consistently trying to keep the family together.
From her perspective it was a homewrecker pulling a weapon at close distance to papa and mama. Even without considering how much taso has went through as their daughter and how much she was invested in making this wedding work, it was in character for her to shoot without hesitation. She probably should've notified FBK that she's aiming at her to prolong the moment and give FBK some room to improvise, but honestly it was funnier this way. FBK was brooding the whole day and wanted to play a dramatic villain but instead got put down like a common criminal she was about to become.
The only way to think it was a bad idea would be to step out of RP and consider external factors like what certain people would have liked to see.
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It was kino and everyone knows, FBK got revived anyway for the fist fight.

She SHOULD reflect on if anything how fucking stupid it was to fly her heli into a hanger and blow it up where nobody could see. But staff gave her another so it doesn't matter.
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>people complain about things feeling scripted
>as soon as something goes against the expectations people complain about that too
RPers can never win
To be fair, any nonspecific huge hangar being the garage for flying vehicles is an understandable logic.
It's gotta be among the best screenshots of Holo GTA, which means it was the right choice and timing.
FBK being a part of many of the best moments is certainly no accident, FBK is truly FBKING.
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With her experience and so many characters and situations to bounce off it was easy for her to find her lane. The use of emotes was the icing on the cake, just nailed the character right from the get-go.
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Can't stop saving GTA fanart
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What does kanataso dream of?
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Sex with big breasted girls
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Sex with big breasted girls in >>85943588
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can someone make a webm or something of this glorious moment?

all the weight is going to her ass and thighs
As it should be
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Back to tasodenring grind
she's probably gonna rest today
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taso should put her phone down instead of having it on her bed
Fubuki is happy about getting shot in the face.
I would be happy if Kanata shoots me as well.
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It may have worked on levels nobody expected.
why tho
she wasnt yesterday
It wasn't in Fubuki's plans but it was meant to be. At the point where they meet at the different sides of the altar they are in direct opposition morally as well. For FBK this has been just a fling that took a bad turn and ruined her heart, but for Kanata every day was spent struggling for family's happiness, and that's both completely out of sight of one another. For FBK at that point happiness didn't matter while for Kanata it was what mattered the most. Couple this with the fact that Kanata wanted to believe Fox is a good guy after all, and that Kanata was the person least likely to pull the trigger with such conviction and prejudice under any other circumstances, I dare say there was nobody else who should've taken that shot.
It's a pretty good arc for their characters all things considered. I understand that some people wanted it to play it out differently, but the result was still in line with the narrative of the whole bakery family.
It seemed not as satisfying in terms of telling a story, but it was perfect in terms of RP, Kanata (who has also been gunned down for her family affairs before) not being a helpless bystander anymore and taking family protection into her own hands. If they coordinated it more it might've been more dramatic for sure but that would've been scripting.
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Personally if I were writing the coordination script Kanata's secret real father would have been revealed to be FBK as he pulls the knife...
The perfect unexpected epilogue. Got a source on this?
Would also make sense why Fox immediately turned her down. Aside from being surprised.
Taso just reposted it today https://x.com/kumarang_/status/1838502103419097156
Thanks. I'm dumb, I scrolled both her and Fubuki's art tags all the way back to before the event but I didn't consider just checking their retweets for some reason. And neither of their personal tags are on it so I just totally missed it
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this is canon
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I know Korone said it as banter when she said to Kanata that she plays too much Elden Ring and that's why they can't hang out much but I do wonder if there's a hint of truth in that, if Kanata gets too into the long playthroughs she's been doing and just letting collabs slip by or something similar.
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I thought it was more of a jab at taso becoming a fromfag in general. ER is a long-ass game but her schedule for it doesn't seem that different from her usual long game schedule, mostly long weekend streams like everyone else does it with occasional week day interludes. They've stopped hanging out long before ER was in the picture...
I know they haven't been hanging out much in recent years, I meant that in general I wonder if she got too into the long game schedules, not just ER.
Doesn't seem like long playthrough are an issue for anyone else so I'd just write this off as a tasautism thing. Same with mostly collabing with the same familiar people. I can only hope that this can bring unusual member collabs to the table. People seemed to really like panya family at the very least.
Koro-Kanata seems like it should be a natural fit, a strong boke with a strong tsukkomi. Hoping for more collabs in the near future.
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My face was made for that hole.
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They do have stuff to bond over, it's just both are notoriously slow to invite other parties to collabs.
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I remember the offcollab back in the day...
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She did an offcollab with korone?
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A 6 and a half hour long sleepover collab. Probably one of my favorite streams from the early days.
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Kirby collab from those days was also great, back when Kanata was so bad at vidya Korone was impressed by it.
Also need more fashion collabs
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>Also need more fashion collabs
You mean the one Marine used to do years ago?
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too big
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Stop making me horny, I'm at work
taso has awoken
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last episode, don't forget!
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nursetaso next time onegai
Yes please.
I'm glad that she's more causal about shooting when RPing
I like her elaborating on the difference of thought process between herself and her character
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It was the only right thing to do.
I'm bothered by how she feels the need to constantly apologize for shooting fubuki. I know she just worries too much but still.
Certainly the only right thing to do next time would be to RP a chaotic evil psycho whose reasons are enigmatic and methods extreme.
I'm a little less bothered than by her usual worry streaks because this time it doesn't feel totally externally motivated? Like there's obviously still the aspect that she's worried about having annoyed fans / other holos by shooting so quickly, but she also just sort of normally on a personal level wishes she waited a bit too. Her apologizing to Fubuki is particularly funny to me, like how's that supposed to go? "Sorry I shot you"?
What she's saying here is pretty healthy though. Basically she has worries and reflections about what she did, like she should have announced herself before shooting, but ultimately doesn't necessarily regret it and had fun
I was worried that it might cause her to think that she shouldn't stand out as much in these types of collabs, but this that a good resolution
I'm glad taso had fun, I had my doubts at first too but it turned out so well I really hope taso is gonna participate next time.
She sounded pretty enthusiastic about joining more things like that so you can probably be optimistic about this one.
Really appreciate korone and mio (and I guess also sorta fubuki) for letting her fit in somewhere when it would be so much easier for gamers group to end up shutting her out since they're way more familiar with each other
I feel like Kanata always being in the background made her shot a statement even if it wasn't supposed to be. An expression of feelings that went unnoticed by everyone but the family. Fubuki screaming WHO SHOT ME as she was carried away from the scene made it even better. Even if she did know, it was also entirely in character for Fox to never expect that shot coming from her.
asettetaso is defeating herataso
character development
>Talks about hologta for an hour
>"Ok I think I said everything, that's the end of this stream!"
>Plays ending to cut to superchat reading
>Just continues talking about hologta
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I miss taso...
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I hate TASOchan
I fear kanatasochan
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suppressor musume
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>4 years ago already
Fuck, I remember watching that stream live and hoping for more collabs in the future
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Time waits for no one
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Burn the taso
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Amane Katana...
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Doing my best to catch up on taso vods!

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