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Lost Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>85730659
Essie Scheddie is monkies
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Demonic sheep from down undah is playing the silly squirrel with a gun game
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Don't you die on me
black dress piwwow is so cute
black dress pillow is so hot
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Essie space
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>could have done a full before bed routine last night since her sister was away (but was at work)
>talked about current skincare
>seeing a dermatologist next week
>currently cheeks are red like baby at all times
>might be caused by hormones
>some girls have it even worse: PMDD
>people are flesh automatons
>sudden moth attack
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>Essie has never cracked her sternum
>recently learned family history on her dad's side
>grandpa was a himbo
>actually what happened in the 1300s
>i need to go back in time to like, the first ever sheep
>were sheep always domesticated?
>*Essie learns about mufflons, the proto sheep after some googling*
>i know cats domesticated themselves
>maybe squirrels will domesticates themselves next
>some squirrels are okay but they look a bit ratty
>Saturday night, essie_cat would not sleep with me and it made me so sad i bought her stuff so she would love me more
>talking about my cats makes me want be with them but they are in the living room right now
>i want to go bother them and eat them alive
>Mr Fatman used to be really scared of essie_cat then he really hated her and would always hiss at her
>but now they play together and it soooo cute
>it literally took 3 years from them to become friends
>i think they just respect each other, but they don't groom each other and they don't cuddle
>but at least they play with each other
Essie is thinking some deep thoughts tonight
wait what actually happened on the essie stream that made her delete the vod?
I was watching the debuts
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>my sweetest patient in the world the other day had her entire family in her room and talking about me, to her family she was like, she was like:
>>this is my baby
>and her daughter was like
>>i guess you are adopted into the family now
>and my awkward as was like "th- tha-thank you... " then there was a long pause " ...for taking me in"
>she imitated my laugh and then everybody laughed and she was like
>>she's so happy to see me~
>and every time i would come to her room she'd be like
>>oh it's the happy girl, always giggling
>she saved me, she really did
>i love really kind old ladies
>i hope she has the best life ever

>the one that called me an idiot was 31 tho
>and the other one who called me the R-word was an old lady
>sometimes they just take their anger out on people

>what was i talking about...? ancestry!
>would i be any different to you if i was a goat instead of a sheep?
>*proceeds to spell it GAOT*

>watched the hyena debut before stream
>will watch the other v4m as vods

>i hope Rhea is doing okay

>debuts keep raising the bar
>gen teasers with a fully animated video are a must now
>wonder when people will go back to basics, old trends always come back
>someone should do a really boring basic powerpoint for 15 minutes and then go wacko bananas

>playing MGS for sure tomorrow
>feeling much better
>will try to get some fresh air

>Essie likes her croissants light and very aerated
Ear rape for a prolonged period of time followed by brainworms
gotcha. I'd appreciate an archive if anybaachi's got it but if you don't wanna post out of respect for her I get it
>not a fan of dense pastries
>gonna give the vinegar muffins another try

>sorry stream was short and i wasnt entertaining
>just in a funk, i need to stop worrying about the future

>fear of becoming old and not being fun and fresh anymore
she talks like she's 40 when she's about half of that
>baachis mouths cannot move
>you beam sentences into my brain by telepathy
>denies being chuuni
>maybe one day i will be able to astral project into your dreams and i will be an awkward person standing in the corner of your dream
>then i will start to interact with you in your dreams
>i will start to pinch you
>and eventually we will have a real conversation in your dreams, and you will be very scared
>and eventually you will have a dream where you wake up in the basement
>and that means we could interact while we are awake and while we are asleep
>so that means it's literally 24/7 Essie time
>*big sussy stretch*
not chuuni btw
Essie cannot pronounce tinnitus, says telepathy just fine but doubts herself
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>i need to go bedge
>tummy hurts really bad rn
>i wonder if it would be possible to make a weighted baachi plushie
>i will make one just for myself
>an Essie daki would be cute, but nothing crazy
>it's almost 2AM... should i go to sleep?
>here, im gonna go to sleep and you're gonna listen to me sleep
>*pretends to honk mimimi*
>you know i always tease this... but what if i actually fell alseep?
>i wish i could... it would be so comfortable i think
>i dont think i will do it until i have my own place or one day when no one is home
>wait wait wait
>im travelling alone in november....
>and staying at a hotel alone is kinda scary honestly
>so so SO technically i could do a honk mimi space in the hotel room...
>maybe i could bring a laptop and stream
>maybe maybe i could dwink a little bit too
>november is basically in two weeks (5 weeks actually)
Essie wants to do a sleeping stream sooooo bad
based moth giving us cute essie noises
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>essie doesn't sleep with a night light anymore
>but these little radioactive guys watch over her
>it's 2AM gonna go bedge for real now
>we will be able to honk mimi on space very soon okay just wait on it
>goodnight goodnight goodnaaaaight *gets spooked before a chu that turns sus*
>*whispers* i dont know what that noise was...
>anyways goodnight mwwah
>sleep well~
she's fine with people sharing VODs/spaces, but don't spread it too far/wide
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the space was a better note to end on
it wasnt a bad stream she just convinced herself it was
just her usual pregame yapping for an hour

off the top of my head:
>told a couple horror stories from work, made herself sad
>accidentally discovered military grade ear rape and played with that for abit
>spoiled the skeb she got back in 1 day pirel
>got another skeb, not halloween themed
>answered ONE maro on stream about using 1.0 after 2.0 debut, will mostly lay her to rest but also bring her out for special occasions
>maro website is in english now
>the kind maros really help a lot
>thought she wasnt getting maros and got sad but it was gmail stopping the notifications

>she had a silly abduction scene planned to end the stream
just my 2c but i would really recommend against seeking the ear rape part, it's bad
about 40 minutes in the version i have on my end
i'd say download it if you think you want it but dont listen to the ear rape before bed when you just got all sorts of sweet clingy essie and a chu
Gonna go bedge too so Essie can come stand awkwardly in my dreams, good luck with the thread
If you guys want material to bump, look for schedules
Esi, Fuwa, Moisi have theirs out already
it's hard to bump the thread when it's so fluffy~~
Is the board really still this fast?
The ame graduation announcement really stirred shit up.
>i'm just really interested in stuff from the past, especially from before i was born I'M SORRY I DON'T MEAN TO DEAL PSYCHIC DAMAGE TO PEOPLE OLDER THAN ME I'M JUST FASCINATED IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYY
Seeing VHSs described as stuff from the past makes me feel so old...
vhs has been dead dead forever
flip phones and ipods came and went in that time
you wanna feel old?
>At over 20 years, the iPod brand is the longest-running to be discontinued by Apple.
This and people having woman moments
She's so skibidi
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>1.5h ago
>page 3
what the-
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Guessing regular anon is getting hit by maintenance here's the Esi anchor
Now https://youtu.be/hc2HAxvn5cg
2h20 (members) https://youtu.be/HADH6Y-XTvg
Esila is kind of an odd girl huh
Autistic Wife Experience
Thanks for this anon, was about to do an anchor post
Before Esila become lactose intolerant, her fav drink was caramel milk
>Regular milk is disgusting, caramel milk is good!
A chatter mentioned vanilla almond milk and milk tea
>Vanilla almond milk is good
>Milk tea is alright
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For those who care: Esila likes to put cinnamon in her regular drinking water. Our wife is so strange kekg00ywmk
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(me) fucking gay ass captcha making me type some stupid ass gibberish just to post my wife
Thanks anon
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Fuwamu singies but with a twist
She is weirdest /wool/ chuuba, when all the other girls can be summed up as different flavors of cute little sisters doing cute things. Meanwhile she is a super polite older lady , southern belle like something from gone with the wind.
Interesting, never tried that.
Whats the twist?
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>>85894915 >>85895230
>got a bunch of gifted memberships the other day
>which unlocked emotes so she commissioned new emotes
>publishing the new stuff one at a time, after singing a song
it's just a silly gimmick, stuff is already paid for, this is not a challenge to reach a big number or anything
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Noitan is latetan because she was nemutan
>time for singies
she is so baby rn...
>does not want to be sexualised
but also
>wants to be a sexy pirate captain who everyone falls for
goes on to talk about senchou's MVs and how fun they are
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>20 min in, first song
that's very unusual for her but Noitan brought out the acoustic guitar today
oh hell yeah
thanks for the anchor, and indeed, 4chan's database was down for a long while
It hasn't been long since I started watching Essie Channel but I really like her
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>smells like encense... wait it;s gone
>it was really strong but just for a momen
>>it's a sign of ghost activity or death
>is there gonna be a big earthquake or something?
chuuni sheep easily convinced by magical thinking
she does have that effect on people
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my kind of odd, that's for sure
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>Meanwhile she is a super polite older lady
memba's live!
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>done with food talk
>more singies
not planning on "leaking" anything, but this does feel just like a regular Esi stream
Were you expecting something different?
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>next stream probably wednesday
last song was romishin
not really we just were on page 9
i love noitan brtos
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this blue cat initially started with 18 half lives
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>OKAY so scratch that… i’m gonna try something different today! at 8pm BST (in just under three hours) we’re gonna try streaming… a link to the past! please look forward to it!!!
floomfies i have a class happening when this stream starts please make sure she does a nice, full 3 hour stream
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Krum looks a little different today
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>my hand doesnt hurt anymore
Would you lick Krum's pheromone ball?
Will she be able to stream that late? I imagine her grandparents go to bed before 11... Maybe she'll try and do some ASMR or something if she needs to be quiet before 3 hours.
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A glimpse into the bored mind of a raccoon witch
My banana btw
ASMR seems like a good idea
what could raki possibly mean by this??
between banana sucking and the spitting comment from the other day...
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And the world is dark once more
>Eira got asked what she wants for christmas
>started to panic about the time of the year
>not sure what to ask for, maybe a drawing tablet
our sun will rise again tomorrow
>embarrassed about the
>>i have never seen a VHS IRL statement >>85885862
>i can legally drink
>i can legally drive
isnt that last one like 16 in the UK?
>I can legally fuck
>im just afraid of men so im a volcel femcel
>i can't even watch 3d porn when the man comes in i turn it off
We need to get her a cute girl to cuddle or she's gonna be alone 4ever...
> im so fucking sorry let me just stop stream until i get this fixed. check twitter/discord
Stream cut short. Too much pee to pee.
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>gonna stop
>sorry for being quiet today (she was yelling in terror the whole time)
>>you're just a little coward
>and you're gonna live with it

>not planning on stopping the dual streaming anytime soon
>go watch the debut
>goobai ilubyu
Krum raided the artist formerly known as Nano who is debuting a chibi model or something i guess?
Nano is rebranding as a wolf girl Kiba
Because, quoting Para
>she is a dirty furfag
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I can't believe she's gone forever
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No hooves it's so over
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>staring contest, GO
Stream over
Model issues mostly fixed
Model slightly more expressive
Able to headbutt now
Tummy and hooves exposed
0 game play
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well that was a very normal stream
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both the shower stream and the lakeside stream are likely to be anilive only and thus restreamed on twitch. check /brg/ if no one posts the link here
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YT streams
what happened to her
I like the vibe of this thread, who of the girls posted here would you recommend me to check out if Kanna is my #1 favorite vtuber (watched her pre-Pixel too) with Lottie as close second, you may be less familiar with them but Isla and Tomoe are up there for me too.
who is kanna
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a raccoon an octopus and an entity walk into a bar
>Ayu and Raki on da VSMP fo today
What do you like most about Kanna and Lottie? Yapping? Anything more specific?
Pillow is also hanging out with Ayu and Raki but I don't think she will be streaming her POV
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We mostly have little sisters like Raki around here
If you like Isla for her singing we have a few great singers
I'm not sure anyone has the event wrangling powers Kanna has
If you like ASMR we have plenty of those

Essie looks up to Lottie and Kanna, does a lot of ASMR and is Raki's bigger sister while still being you little sister, also got a little more serious about singing lately, not much of a gamer

If you like older women, Esila does a lot of yapping and card gaming
Your people are calling you, essie, come join them
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no one really knows, it's a mystery really
>older women
My wife is decently young in body, even if old in soul
if you like dorky zoomers like tomoe essie and nino would be a good choice, nino only streams on twitch though
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>pillow tries to show ayu the recent changes
>mommy tako and daddy dear are fighting
>baby ragi tries to get them to stop
until daddy dear drops a dreadful
>We need to talk.
they join blue pippa and latina cow

>the president elect Baron Furi is dead
>Pillow is now president
polish cow innit
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presidential affirmations ASMR:
>you will make good decisions...
>you will not be assassinated...
>you are a good president
>people admire you...
>you are the best influence

>President: is it okay that this is making me kind of hungry? I want to eat... souls....
>*they teleport to the presidential feeding grounds*
Pillow is more like a despot craving grapes from cute girls than a formal president ...
the yapping sure is nice for both, also tend to prefer ones on the older side or at least old soul (Lottie)
Kanna: gets very invested in everything she does, highly excitable, cute hag gap, kind of hard to explain, I started watching her one day and within minutes I was in love, something I could feel from the way she talks and acts in general, >>85290564
Lottie: very silly, giggly, playful and whimsical, funny gimmick scenario streams sometimes, enhances streams with soulful drawings, her drawing streams in general are really good, a lot of useful images come out of it https://archive.palanq.win/vt/search/image/9k5YoxET48HXNlxNzY3IIg/ very good chat banter that leads to a lot of funny moments and jokes
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>Ayu is eating candy corn...
she's gonna be real high sugar in a minute
also da Lillie is in chat
and Ayu is already on a murder spree...
everyone is a yapper around here, our old souls have Esila and Essie, the one most likely to start doodling to explain a weird idea she is Essie, she also does very creative streams every now and then as an excuse to play with her model and be silly
>our old souls have
have to be
rephrasing gone wrong
>drawing and silly
that's a krumroll
Esila is a yapper but it's very chat driven, she reads almost every single message. If you can handle her reading and responding to messages you may not appreciate from others then she might be a good pick. She doesn't have the energy of Lottie or Kanna though, I've accidentally fallen asleep on her streams multiple times because they're so relaxing. She also produces 6 hrs of streams 6 days a week on average so there's never any shortage, though her stream times might suck if you're US based
Ayu teaching Raki maths and basic biology is definitely a stream I would watch
>I've accidentally fallen asleep on her streams multiple times because they're so relaxing.
she ain't called the eepy sheepy for nothin'
I think you would like Essie for high energy yapping and creatividad. She mainly plays retro too if you're into that. Krum is also a good pick for silly doodle streams, she draws her viewers a lot like Lottie does, but she's not as chatty
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>everyone is a group call now
>off to Furi's place for funeral purposes ...?
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about 1h in for the spider friend
>P: stop killing Raki okay?
>R: mmm....
>A: i made friends with a spider Pillow, and i was like, Raki come look at my friend and then she pushed the fucking spider off
>R: would I do that??? would *I* do that???
>P&A: yes
>A: she killed my spider friend...
>R: really~? you think i'd do something like that?
>P&A: YES!!
>A: and then she jumped after the spider and started to say i pushed her and then SHE DIED which i think is karma to be honest....
>*Raki and Ayu start to sing the karma song*
>R: karma's a bitch~
>R&A: i should have known better~~
the one time Ayu doesnt kill Raki...
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>let's all say something nice about Furi
>Raki: she was so green...
pillagers then interrupt the emotional funeral
Rowa joins, so does her cat somehow
The funeral resumes

>Raki: should we all say something?
>Pillow: when i first met Furi she was very mean to me, she was calling me stuff like and the antichrist
>Rowa: I'm starting to think Pillow killed Furi
>Pillow: no no no! so Furi was very mean to be but then we bonded over a lot of shared interests, she showed me her pokemon collection, we talked about out past... and Furi and I started to spend a lot of time together and she really warmed my heart and I knew when the elections came up there was no one else I would want to support than my Furi
>P: she was a very amazing and dedicated president... she was so dedicated to the server and the server will not be the same without her and I owe her my smile I love you Furi, I love you forver, rest in peace ... I will always cherish our memories
>awww... Furi....

>Ayu: uhh.. uh... when I first met Furi she was fangirling over Lisa and I was very confused ... i was my first day on the VSMP and she was screaming I was very scared but then I got to meet Furi and we talked about our special interests together and and and I committed many murders for her and her campaign as president and I would have never thought that she could have died because she had me by her side so I'm sorry that I couldn't protect her from this and I miss her very much... I think Pillow will do an amazing job as president but Furi will always have something special CAN THE MOBS SHUT THE FUCK UP??

>*dealing with the noise makers*
>Raki: you know.. Furi was never mean to me or anything like that... so I kinda feel left out in that regard.... but there was that one time I ended up at her place and I was like I wanna make a RaKstaurant and she was like, come here! and she gave me this whole thing of land next to her Sandfrancisco and I never did anything with that land and I regret that very much to this day... so I will build a great Rakstaurant in honor of Furi Ferntail and it's gonna be great, I promise... the guilt is eating me alive guys.... UUUU

>Ayu: she gave me TNT when it mattered the most, that's all
>Raki: what did you do with that TNT?
>Ayu: uh...
>Alicja: you don't need to speak!!
>Ayu: thank you

>Alicja: my time with Furi was short but intense
>A: I didn't have the pleasure to go with her around in Minecraft but I did have the pleasure to meet her at VEXPO, I will always remember just going around and making trouble with her... I MISS YOU FURIII

>Pillow: you know, she might be watching us right now...
>Ayu: o Furi give us your wisdom from the sky!

>Pillow: wait wait I hear her voice!! I'm receiving a message...
>Raki: she's channeling her!
>Pillow: she says "my wisdom is uhh hold on"
>holding, holding...
>Raki: i can't hold it
>Pillow: she says "My wisdom is 'World Cold and Cruel, Yaoi Boy Soft and Warm' my wisdom"
>Ayu: does she accept yuri???
>Raki: she always had such a way with words...
>Ayu: does she accept yuri? cause we could do that for her
>*awkward silence*
>Ayu: we couldn't do the yaoi part but we could do ...
>Raki: anything is possible if you try HARD enough
>R&A: do you wanna be the uke or the semadlkasndjkasbjkf
that was followed by much laughter giggling and kissing but very gay
>Raki: i don't make love, i freak
>Ayu: me and Raki freak hard
>Raki: we freak hard, yeah
>Pillow: she said "wow, it's like I never left...."
>Rowa: I feel like I shouldn't be watching, I feel like I'm intruding...

>Pillow: I miss Furi... I miss you so much...I miss you every day... the world hasn't been the same without you... I don't know how to be a president, I'm gonna try for you... your song that you made was beautiful, I loved it so much... i loved being a part of your campaign... I loved being a part of your world, I miss you, you're so amazing and cool and my life will never be the same again... I'm spiralling and everything hurts and I feel like clawing my heart out of my chest and I want to die...
>Raki: I don't know what to say
>Alicja: this is so sad...
>Ayu: no one deserve the illness that took her so quickly...
and then everyone pretended it was still September 21st and did some Warrior Cat roleplay and brainrot content, just like Furi would have wanted
also Essie in Rake's chat
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Essie clears MGS, disk 1 or dies trying
>Ayu is not texan and is very confused by the need for spit cups
>Raki once more declares that she is bad at spitting... >>85912025
>Ayu knows all about it already
and then everyone BUT AYU admitting to kissing their cute reflection in the mirror
>got accused of having developed a Yuuna accent
>might be developing a new ear infection, can barely hear herself at the moment
>admits to developing Pixel Girlie Syndrome and barely ever playing video games
>declares she has developed an interest in Dark Souls
>developed a new joker ass laugh
lots of new Essie developments
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>Ragi left
>Ayu hang out with Pillow
>Pillow hates pickles but Ayu loves loves them

>they contemplate a creepy Raki poster
>Ayu offers to watch Twilight with Pillow, she instantly logs off
>Ayu logs off too, would not have ended stream so early if it wasnt for Twilight

>had fun hanging out with the girlies, missed them
>gonna watch Twilight now
>the concept of Twilight allegedly does not appeal to Ayu

>we ate a lot today
>let's eat a lot next time
>will try to gorilla, but family friends at home
>send the tako maros
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>Essie is embracing her flat fweak chest
>If baachis want an R18 tag they can make one
Essie is too embarrassed to do it herself
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She might be just a little flustered
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in the space of 15 minutes Essie
>discussed not every doing a spicy tag tier list stream
>own her flat nature, because it's cute
>used her own flat chest as whiteboard to teach you anatomy
>put in your mind the image of a very bored nurse sneaking into an empty hospital room to partially undress and stick electrodes all over her torso
>told baachi to go make their own NSFW tag if they want it so much
>got so horny she had to leave for a bit
and to me, she did not sound weird or freaky even once somehow
Both Essie and baachis seem a little fweaky today
Essie wishes poverty upon the nation of Japan for her own benefit
>Essie unmuted just to sneeze on (you)
what should her NSFW tag be?
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>*is sad she missed the meme box*
>*manifests and finds the box*
>yes yes YES this is all i ever wanted from this game!!
>i thought she became evil so i killed her!!
>just in case!!!
Essie is very normal and not evil btw
>I'm not used to letting them live
>Usually I just kill them
Yea, very normal and not evil
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>im only used to killing
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>Do you think I can curbstomp her?
I didn't know Essie was like that...
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why did essie instantly think about moving the controller off her lap in this scene??
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Lisa is on da VSMP, Eva POV
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>Eva tweets about being lonely on the sever
>Lisa hops on
>Eva asks about a new release
>Lisa is into it but her internet drops
>they get autistic about horses for a bit
>Lisa is babysitting IRL and had to leave and feed the sittee baby
>Lisa announces that she now lives at Eva's place now, as a sheep, in a pen
there's a reason these two love each other so much
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>got a snack, kettle cooked jalapeno chips
>almost 5h in
>my schedule this week is gorillas >>85865352
>but today was a planned stream
>tomorrow is also a planned stream
>im thinking dark souls on thursday
>maybe a little variety stream on sunday
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>guys...you know...can i say a joke and you'll think it's really funny?
>cause I've been stopping myself from saying it for so long
>can i say a joke and you'll think it's really really really funny cause im like super super funny?
>>go ahead
>uh... socom!
>and then you will say socom what?
>every single time i saw the socom i would think about it
>but i meeeeaaaan it's kinda good right?
>*tries to confuse baachis into thinking it was good by singing*
Essie changed...
kek I annoy Esi with a new deez nuts joke almost every day, too
>really wanna record another cover
>prolly gonna be either a mikitoP song or a holo original
>also wanna try recording asmr videos
>i was watching Raki earlier, they were holding a funeral for Furi >>85933829
>and they were like, what does Furi like? and someone said "enstars!"
>so i typed in chat: come on baby america~
>but i dont think it was understood
>if i knew every single lyric to that song i would have logged on to sing it
>i should learn, for Furi
>i only had like a very short EnStars phase
Furi would have loved that
I wonder if the MGS stream is part of why Essie didn't log on

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