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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Holobros, Nijibros, Phasebros...
How could we let this happen...?
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Can (You) retards say one (1) singular solitary thing about VShojo that isn't the most transparently retarded pagpag-fueled bait
If /vt/ stop bitching about retarted shit then most of the threads here would be dead Anon, just stop getting baited. Or better yet gtfo.
>winning anything
Asmongold deleted his Froot video too now that public opinion on Froot is turning in her favor after more people have actually read the doc.
Only Henya still needs to heal.
Holy fucking esl lmao
>If /vt/ stop bitching about retarted shit then most of the threads here would be dead
This goes for every board on 4chan.
Haha yeah, because Mouse having her channels terminated and it setting an example for using false copyright strikes as a way to permanently nuke the channels of vtubers if they don't hand over their personal info would be a win right? No it fucking wouldn't dumbass.
It's still going to continue to happen though, but if whoever scored a win on this it probably would become more commonplace.
nigga they don't removed even one video out of her channel. Keep up with the baits
>personal info
nigger she had a full team of lawyer and people from the agency dealing with it stop making shit up
That's the retarded part about how YouTube implemented the DMCA system.
The support page says you can provide your lawyer's details, the actual form tells you you are not allowed to provide your lawyer details, but instead must provide your personal details, which will then be sent to the person issuing the strike.

What's also dumb. The much laxer content-ID system (the one where the original creator can take part of the revenue) only becomes available to a claimant after filing multiple copyright strikes.
>Spams the board with ironlung retard rage bait
>Told to go fuck themselves
>Something completely unrelated to the retardation going on here happens to ironmouse
>Her corpo management handles it
>This retard celebrates an own goal in game played completely in his head

Tell me why should I be caring? All you've proved is that vtubing corporations aren't completely worthless.
>Go rope yourself ennakek
This anon literally has brain damage from the numbers thread
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lmfao the holoseethe is strong in this one
>anti holo post with a holo pic
imagine being such an irrelevant shitter that you have to falseflag with holo pics because your own team is worthless
Let this be a reminder. If you create content anyone that is big enough can steal it and profit from it and you can't do anything about it.
>holo pic
You're the one who spammed the board, praising Youtube and laughing at the situation while posting doxx.

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Holofags are mean spirited and deserve to lose
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Sister, I haven't said a god damn fucking thing about ironkek because I don't care enough. My beef is with the shitters on this board that spent months pretending ironlungs youtube numbers were irrelevant because she's not a youtuber, she's a twitch whore. And now that she's been let back in it means she "won" even though that race never mattered to anybody. It's one or the other with you idiots, it's SEETHE SEETHE SEETHE, it doesn't matter-it doesn't matter, you mad? you mad? I don't care about Ironmouse, I just want you dead or off this board.
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You are right, a win for Vshojo is a win for /vt/
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How is this bitch still alive? I thought she had some super serious illness. Or is she just a grifter?
Where is the KEKAROO faggot today? What happened buddy? Why are you not /here/ today you mf?

you lost lol
money truly can get you anything
It's a chronic disease that she manages with weekly plasma infusions.
Go and donate plasma.
i can't believe /vt/ is just a bed of impotent whiny incels who can't affect anything besides saying mean things to mentally ill women
Didn't read.
let it go
Congratulations to Ironmouse
>blocked for irl posting
thx for confirming it Janny kek
It's weird how that only happens with stuff said on vshojo streams.
Anon... The retards who copystruck her channel weren't even from here.
who was it? qrd
remember to watch dooby3D bro, i'm sure you'll support her.
I never cared, busy watching hologta
Now they just have to kick Froot out for a all out win for Vshojo
damn this vshojofag is having a melty
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So how does this picture make you feel?
Froot makes good covers so no thank you
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She is actively hurting the company image constantly with her pointless drama. The bitch needs to go
First off this is a terrible falseflag but second off sorry I like her covers more than Mouse's
>Not wanting drama and trolls from all over twitter to raid your shit and bring your oshi annoyance means you're falseflagging
You're not a fan
She looks like she shat herself
You die from this kind of chronic conditions only if youre poor
Holobro here, I don't care. Twitch is free to suck as little or much as it wants, it is literally no skin off my back.
i am more busy watching Ame, i not gonna waste my time in vtuber that i never see
Why should I, a fan of vtubers, consider a vtuber being unjustly banned "a win" and her unbanning "a loss"?

Even supposing I disliked her, I'm not shortsighted enough to think that an environment where vtubers channels can be easily banned is a good one. What can be used against ironmouse could easily be turned upon my own oshi, who lacks the same level of resources or clout with youtube.

The only people celebrating a ban like this would be vtuber antis, which begs the question: why are you even here?
holy necro bump
go apply for another credit card to gift more subs instead of shitting up /vt/
Here, you dropped this. L
Let's be honest here, not even Cover could keep a single video taken down (that Gura video by Brittany Venti), or when nijisanji struck the dramafag channels. The channels were gonna come back eventually.

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