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Remember to harass your livers into apologizing!
there is a already a thread, retard
Where's the apology for being racist against whitey, faggot?
imagine having to prostrate yourself to your "fans" because you merely thought about going to a fast food joint
dont tell the american taxpayers what they're supporting though
>hololive promotes mickey D and girls loved talking about their overpriced shit Starbucks coffee.

The mysterious mob some how sleep.

>niji vshojo phase talk about the same thing

The mob some how shows up out of nowhere to moralfag and try to cancel others via Twitter cancel culture you just know who is behind these harassment campaigns. Only hololive fans love hatewatching people they detest.
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Staying apolitical works wonder.
Like, does picrel look like a Hololive fan to you?
Hostage video energy, ironically.
Imagine "carelessly" wanting to try something from McDs. The horror!
As a /pol/tard the Jews are definitely in the right here.
Oh, so when other vtuber group have a fuckup, you're allowed as shitload of threads, but when it's Niji, suddenly it's not okay? Bait threads for three, but not for me, huh, sister? Get fucked. NIJISEETHE.
No you dont understand, this is just a really elaborate false flag. Please beleb.
It is a falseflag despite your obvious attempt at pretending it isn't.
>le heckin based support
Meanwhile people are still getting blown up.
Bravo. You did so much, Twatter.
Holy kek. Niji is a fucking shitshow
You have proof, right?
he don't support genocide? wtf
You have proof, right?
too much texto for a racistwannabewoman
Yes hololive girls with promoting McDonald's and the en girls who loves their slop from Starbucks but somehow no mob comes after them like the rest of other corp vtuber do.
Uki is literally saving palestine children right now, so wholesome!!!!!
You are so fucking dense. And not only that, because you are so dense, you are inventing insane scenarios in your head and overcomplicating what is happening here.
There is no false flagging here.
The reason is because the weird twitter freak mobs know they dont have any influence over Holo so they go for the easy targets like Niji EN.
Alternatively, Niji EN talents have allowed insane freaks to get into their fanbase, or even in Uki's case (remember this is the guy who hates white people) encourage these types of people to interact with him.
So inviting or encouraging these people, and being weak/small enough to be targeted by their virtual signalling.
Thats it.
You're on denial and your desperate attempt to deflect from the fact that this is happening explains this schizo wall of text of a response.
Anybody who isn't a complete hololive corp dick sucking retard knows where this mob is coming from.
kys and quit shitting up the catalog
>eating burgers is pro-Israel
states are beyond saving
3 phase girls ate mcslop on handcams the other day and nothing happened. Maybe it's just niji.
In my opinion, it wasn't a form of harassment.
In my opinion, it wasn't a form of genocide.
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>bullied for wanting to take the mcD
what the fuck
just mute these lunatics and vtweeters
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>The mob some how shows up out of nowhere to moralfag
Both nijiEN and Vshojo built their audience from that mob.
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Gee, I wonder why that mob goes after Vshojo.
It's not genocide if they're subhuman.
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>Remember to harass
You mean you and the voices in your head? Yes, we've already established this.
what a shitty and retarded fanbase
the absolute state of it
>70%+ female and """female"ʾ' fanbase
>Remember to harass your livers into apologizing!
Works every time that a Holo talk with a man.
it's not genocide either way lol
Gotta support the cause <3
Anycolor is an active collaborator of McDonald’s. Report to them in Jp about it, or McDonald’s themselves about how he’s tarnishing the brand
I'm going to assume this has something to do with israel and palestine as people seem very obsessed over a religious war in a desert very far away from their homes. Is he aware, being a gay man, that both sides are likely to despise him for who he is and may even stone him? Very weird. Twitter is truly full of the worst aspects of all humankind.
That is a term that brings to mind mankind as an entity, humankind refers more to the mass amount of individuals that comprise mankind.
For NijiEN specifically the problem is that post-Selenpocalypse the most toxic fans are by and large the only ones who stuck around, so they have to bend the knee to them to a greater degree than they may have had to before management torched their reputation and decent human beings still supported them.
I recognize this bitch, she tried to falseflag as a sincroknight and got caught
Seems like she's falseflagging as a Dragoon+Kindred now, as if anyone acting in good faith would be a fan of both of them post- black box stream.
What the hell is wrong with the Western vtuber community?????
Twitter and social media in general. Same with JP.
i'm too old for this shit
those faggots that do that garbage are subhuman and need to die painfully
> g3nocide
fuck me, the internet really has gone completely to shit in the last decade
>Hololive fans
On average a dude in their 30s who has so spare energy for signalling
>Nijisanji fans
On average girls in their 20s with a good helping of troons who have spare energy for signalling

Simple as
Fucking hell I knew it sounded familiar. God, I hate those people. I am so, so fucking glad the only two people I cared about in there are gone and don't have to kowtow to them anymore.
I think Israel is pure fucking evil but also that scolding random people for eating McDonald's is a complete waste of time. If you live in America, the harm caused by your tax dollars going to the IDF is far more direct than you eating a cheeseburger from a global chain which happens to have restaurants in Israel (as well as almost every other country)
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>McDonalds is a business we're boycotting
Who is this we?
go back retard
>huge disclaimer: I think Israel is evil
damn anon, you might just be the most courageous person to ever post on 4chan with those hot takes
So will these people boycott McDonald's forever or what?
can we also make him apologize for supporting a terrorist group?
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You guys look a little hungry. Here, have a hashbrown! :D
what the fuck is that image
I am legit in shock that these people are real right now. it is confusing and upsetting me a lot to be honest.
Literal racist faggot apologizing for the wrong thing to the wrong people, that is nijisanji for you.
Uki has more morality than holokeks whores who are actively supporting the kikes genocide against innocents, who would have thought.
Reminder that as the sole government of Gaza, Hamas can and DOES tax all "charities" that work in their little square next to the sea.

Stay in Malaysia, faggot.
Haha, bald.
There's never been a spergout against Phase girls eating McDonald's, Dizzy even joked with Rosemi about Rose being a Starbucks barista back in December 2023 and nobody gave a shit.
someone please save this girl from kurosanji and their fans
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If it was a genocide, they'd all be dead by now. Apparently McDonald's is funding the least effective genocide in human history considering their population is rising, not falling
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NTA but I call this out whenever I notice it no matter what it's about.
>Trying to group other agencies into the disgusting antics of Niji's fanbase
Nice try
>10 cents of israeli shekels have been deposited into your bank account.
vshoujo and nijien fanbase is mainly from twitter and guess how western twitterdonkey acts these days
you think nothing will happen if zen or froot posts that mcd hashbrown hand?
i remember Sophia using the same asset on a morning stream not to long after Rosemi was harassed by the boycotters.
make more
thats a bad lesson to learn
Why would my liver need to apologize? It had never give me any health issues.
This has to be some time of ironic karma for shut posting Phase as the /pol/ vtubing agency when they have eventually become like this
They were Educating him, you genocide supporting fucks.
The "mob" you're talking about is just their fanbases. They don't spawn out of thin air, they're made out of the people that form their primary audiences, so the real question is why holomems have an audience that isn't actively out to unperson their streamers for wrongthink and why nijilivers and vshojomems do.
I wanna rape this dumb fag and torture him
You just know the people holding these "boycotts" still go out of their way to buy products from those companies anyways, whether or not they even know what McDonald's or Starbucks's subsidiaries are.
actual unironic humiliation ritual, but at least it's someone who deserves it
this is kinda based
always knew uki was one of the good ones
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That's not how it works, goyim. Hitler killed over 6 million of them, and they still had enough baby batter to take over a chunk of the Levant in the short space of a few years. By your logic, that means the holocaust never happened, or that it was never a genocide.
>im sorry i ate mcdonalds. i am a consoooomer and was entranced by marketing. i swear i will never do it again. i dont eat mcdonalds, that isnt me. thank you for reminding me that eating at mcdonalds funds history's slowest g3nocide. im too cucked to type that word without the 3, im scared. i promise to DO BETTER and EDUCATE MYSELF. im sorry im such a fucking loser who sucks at everything and cant do anything right. i really just fucking suck. im so pathetic and disappointed in myself for eating one burger. fuck me god damnit. im going to give money to terrorists so please dont cancel me okay? long live the global intifada! from the river to the sea baby! thank you for the struggle session.
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>Volunteer at a local homeless shelter or charity?
Nuh uh. Waste of my time and there might be white people needing help too.
>Whine impotently on twitter like a deranged psychopath think he makes the world a better place
Aw yeah that's where it's at slay qween uki!
>the holocaust never happened
1 like = 1 saved child
Yes, after decades of reconstruction and healing outside of the affected areas.
A better comparison would be if the population of Jews in Germany rose while the holocaust was going on, which absolutely did not happen.
Also, using irys for this is quite ironic.
JP has its own shares of retards too
Isn't this the same idiot that literally mocked white straight men and got laughed at in return by half the internet?
Well, if you cultivate a woke audience, you can't expect then to not be scrutinized 24/7 and canceled at the first thing you say that someone disagrees with for the stupidest reason, writing from their iphones that they bought supporting child labor and a country that has reeducation camps.
He was probably writing his apology while eating a Big Mac, anyway.
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The definition does not say anything about the need to consider whether the affected population is actually decreasing in number.
Anon, the point is that it's absurd to imagine a company with nuclear bombs and missiles out the ass to be incapable of completely eviscerating a population if they wanted to.
If they wanted palestine dead, they'd be dead. They just want them to stop using every fucking dollar they get on missiles instead of actually helping their people.
Nijisanji stomachs
Where's his apology for being racist against whites?
I wonder these apology essays are run through chatgpt first.
Probably. Millie made her chat thanking tweets with AI, then bitched on twitter because she was /here/ reading anons calling her out on it.
i feel vshojo are more closer to normies then nijifags, phasecucks would cancel their oshi if they have basic lib takes like abortion should be legal or drink a bud light.

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