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Welcome to /news/, your only source for events in the chuuba world.

>Amelia Watson announces she will be ceasing streaming/social media activities, merch distribution, live event attendance, and other Hololive projects, effective 9/30. Ame and Hololive both clarify that she will not be graduating, but will be transitioning to an "affiliate" position. In a follow-up stream, Ame stated she was not transitioning to management, and is permitted to return to full-time streaming if she so wishes. She clarified in the comments section of a stream that she will still periodically participate in Hololive projects, but did not clarify in what capacity.
>ReGLOSS are added to Hololive Treasure Mountain.
>Kronii celebrates her 3rd Anniversary.
>HoloOCG releases the setlist for Booster Set 1.
>Fuwamoco announce a collaboration with the new Sword Art Online game.
>Calliope Mori and Hoshimachi Suisei appear on Times Square's billboards as part of promotions by the GachaPop playlist on Spotify.
>Takanashi Kiara's PC crashes mid-stream while playing Balatro, potnetially due to a GPU issue.
>Realforce announces a Hololive Gaming Keyboard at Tokyo Game Show.
>Hololive OCG confirms the members that will be featured in starter decks and booster packs for the next set.
>Takanashi Kiara recieves her 2.0 L2D update.
>The Outerhaven interviews Max Kim of Cover USA.
>HoloFantasy will collaborate with Monster Hunter to produce MonHun themed merch.

>Anime Impulse teases an event featuring the entire female roster of NijiEN.
>Uki Violeta of NijiEN apologizes in a comment for talking about McDonald's during a stream, and promises to make a donation of an undisclosed amount to the AFSC to support Gaza.

>Froot releases a 90-page Google Doc about her allegedly abusive ex.
>"Maple Tale", a mobile RPG published by Singaporean studio LUCKYYX GAME, is found to be stealing a notable video of Ironmouse for advertising purposes. At time of writing, Ironmouse has not made an official comment on the matter.
>Kson, having previously issued a tweet offering support to Froot, takes down the tweet and issues a statement indicating she "only read the first few pages of the document, rushed to show love and support" to Froot. She had also been advised by management to delete the original tweet.
>After the termination of her VODs channel, Ironmouse's primary YouTube channel was also terminated on 9/21. She stated that her legal team was working on the issue, and on 9/23 morning both channels have been reinstated.

Phase Connect
>Phase Kaliedo releases a cover of "MOON PRIDE".
>Himemiya Rie will debut a new outfit on 9/29.

Other Corpos
>Leobel Purson of NEXAS announces an immediate termination of contract, following an internal incident and Leobel's decision to not continue with the company.
>Vera Avantgarde of NEXAS announces her graduation effective 9/17, citing creative differences.
>Specialite EN announces "EVE.EXE", a 5-member group focused on FPS games. They will debut starting 9/28.
>Sugary Ribbon, a new JP Idol vtuber group, will debut on 9/28.
>VAllure seeks script writers for adult content.
>Showcase, a JP Corpo, announces it will be closing its doors. Showcase was only alive for about 5 months, originally debuting 4 talents. Of the two remaining talents, Neko Mao opts to graduate, while Aoi Haru will continue activities under ANNIN.
>Yuura Yozakura of LiviPro celebrates her birthday.
>SOL.4CE of AKA Virtual will attend Chibicon Surabaya on 12/21 & 12/22.
>Gema Gathika & AKA Boys of AKA Virtual release a cover of "Kamu".
>Liesl Sekimori of Yorukaze unveils her 2.0 model.
>Ghani Wysteria of Yorukaze unveils his 2.0 L2D model.
>Avallum of First Stage Production EN will appear at Anime Impulse, as part of a Meet & Greet.
>Re:AcT announces a Korean branch, to begin debuts in November 2024 with 4 talents.
>Re:Memories celebrates its 3rd anniversary.
>Oiruka Lovin of Snowdrop celebrates her birthday.
>New V4Mirai group "Voltail" debuted on 9/22 with Poma Pon, Lyko Lianna, Rara Rocora, and Terra 404.


Want the source for this news? Check the previous issue: >>85518637
Archive: https://vt.rita.moe/news.xml
>Ame Rose graduates as of 9/14, citing a complete lack of safety in the job. She claims that within one week before the announcement, she was swatted, doxxed, had a breakup, received death threats, almost got kicked out, and got into a car accident. "At least her tummy doesn't hurt," Anon mused in an interview.
>Lumin Tsukiboshi, indie vsinger, debuts her original song "Sweet Tooth", releasing it successfully after it was issued a copyright claim from "state51 conspiracy" before even being released.
>Lala Alberich teases her 2.0 model.
>Eiko Yukashi announces a costume reveal for 9/27.
>Nanobites will rebrand as "Kiba", with new name and accounts, on 9/23.
>Noemi Hestia of EVREN announces she will be taking a hiatus from all streaming activities until late October, starting 9/22.
>Gabriel Abyssia of EVREN announces that she will be taking a hiatus due to a family emergency.
>SunnySplosion announces that she intends to start streaming again in October.
>Koharu Yem, JP indie, announces she will be ceasing all activities, following a social media harassment campaign that sprung from her involvement with YAB Entertainment.

>Youtube announces a number of feature additions powered by AI and designed to help engage 2-views with new viewers.
>A pair of academic researchers publish a paper analyzing the business merits of vtubers in marketing.
>All categories for the Vtuber ID Awards have been revealed, except for one.

>CorpoCar 6's Rounds 1&2 take place on 9/20, with Yae heading up the West Series, and Ciccino heading up the East Series. Next CorpoCar will be 9/27.
>Kazama Iroha takes the HoloFightZ Badass Championship from Sakura Mikoler.
>Amelia Watson beats Tokino Sora to claim the HoloFightZ Queen of Jobbers belt.
>Poko Rakan of /jidf/ takes 1st place in both Round 4 and 5 of VGTC. Next VGTC stream will be 9/29.
>The group stage of /vt/ League 7 concludes. /rrat/ takes the wooden spoon, and loses to /wvt/ in the Sperm vs Spoon match. The VTL7 Knockout Stage will begin on 9/27.
>Following the /vt/ League 7's 9th match day, the inagural "Please Yap It Up" post-matchday podcast took place.
>/vt/ League Garbage FES: Garbage Dimensions, will take place starting 9/27, and will feature sped-up matches with the participants of VTL7 that did not make it to the Knockout Stage.

>Previous reporting failed to mention that Amelia Watson is permitted to return to full-time streaming if she so wishes.
>In a previous reporting, it was said that Rara Rocora of V4Mirai debuted on 9/23. It was on 9/22 with all her genmates.
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Post news regarding vtubers here. Please include at least a one line description, links to the source, and a screenshot if relevant.
Reply to this post with Editorial Comics, Cooking, Puzzles, Games, and Movie Reviews.
Post about Merch, Stocks, Sponsorships, Markets, Economics, and Business affairs pertaining to the Vtuber industry and community. Whether corporate or indie, it does not matter as long as it involves Vtubers.
We also report vtuber advertisements related issues on this tag, including corporate ads or indie ads.
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Divegrass, Formula, HFZ, Tournaments, birthday plans, cards, group projects, anything goes.

Any board activities you want to share go here.
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Post black corpo happenings here: bad business decisions, talent cliques, management mishaps, cryptic tweets, graduation letters, google docs, and other substantiated activity of dubious corporate legality and morality.
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Post only the freshest, most delectable rrats. Nothing else will do.
Discussion should be avoided, as this is not news, but at best potential news.
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Bump anchor, so you can easily hide any bumps that have to be made.
Please remember to delete any bumps that don't contribute, so that we can keep /news/ alive as long as possible.
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ANISAMA V神 2024 is a concert that will be held on 12/15. They just announced their second batch of singers taking part.

The first group's announcement below:

And a short teaser with Mio and a few others
4chan dot org was under server maintenance.
Hey, /news/, is Nyanners pregnant?
>Really don't consider them corpo myself until they don't own their IP
I think a better measure is who does the hiring. Vshojo hires you, and is therefor corpo, even if it's a particularly loose one. You hire Mythic, and one does not become corpo simply because one bought something.
cool model . looking forward to it
>Nanobites will rebrand as "Kiba", with new name and accounts, on 9/23
Why go to all the trouble? does anyone know?
I don’t think that VShojo’s so clear-cut by your metric. Indies can choose to join VShojo, and when they do, both sides can benefit (at least in an economic sense). VShojo has always felt like an insiders’ club to me, providing group benefits without the stays of corpohood.
What is your opinion of SVA?
Man, I miss Vtuber Fes.
>Why go to all the trouble? does anyone know?
She explains it in this clip here: https://x.com/BackSlash___/status/1833459728631976111
The short version is that the nano model was something she bought because she needed it on short notice to resume vtubing activities quickly, and she feels it doesn't fit the character she wants to be long-term.
Hololibe GTARP event has concluded. Many tears were shed, several stories wrapped up and a big kiss from one shrine maiden given to a lovely detective.
Really great clip, it's definitely understandable. I wonder how much she put in to the redesign in addition to the 5k she spent on the lore vid.
>VShojo hires you
No, it's the same deal as Mythic.
VShojo is more selective of who they offer contracts to, and are much more heavily involved in their talents' activities, but it's still the same deal.
VShojo works for the talent, not the other way around. They're an agency, and that's how agencies are.

What I think needs to happen is for the community writ large to reframe the concept of the "vtuber agency" exemplified by Hololive as a "production company" since that's significantly more accurate to how those companies operate.
>Uki Violeta of NijiEN apologizes in a comment for talking about McDonald's
this is so fucking pathetic. sad.
It's pretty embarrassing to read, especially given the fact that it's happened several times over in NijiEN.
>transitioning to an "affiliate" position
>is permitted to return to full-time streaming if she so wishes
Why did no one think of this before? irl I had a co-worker who resigned but came back to work after a few months, but in vtuber world once you graduate you can't come back, which is really stupid.
To be fair, "they can come back" is true for a number of people, we've just never had a case where a talent WANTS to come back, and still really haven't.
In vtubing, usually if somebody ceases activities, it's because of one of these reasons:
>They want to move on from vtubing, either due to the tolls of the job or because they want to pursue a non-vtubing career opportunity.
>They are physically/emotionally incapable of continuing activities regularly due to a sudden life event, and don't want to string peopel along.
>They have a reincarnation lined up.
In most cases, these are two-way roads that only get traveled in one direction.
While I think it's mean to call "she could come back" a cope, until Ame actually comes back I don't think it's much better than a cope.
Sana could come back, but she won't.
Coco could come back, but she won't.
Ame might come back, but we don't know if she will.
The option to return wasn't put forward for either Sana or Coco, so I don't think that's a fair comparison. Coco definitely doesn't want to come back, and I think Sana's ... personal failings means that she's unable to come back. I do think it's a cope that Ame will come back, though, aside from the "affiliate" category. Unless she's pregnant, which would be a good reason for the quick turnaround to graduate, the desire to do more work with Holo, and the ability to return. But I don't totally believe my own rrat.
>The option to return wasn't put forward for either Sana or Coco
wrong, Cover said they'd welcome back Coco whenever she wants to come back (never). Plus, Towa said Coco wouldn't like this hololive, it changed a lot since she left.
Aloe was also offered the opportunity to return. She never did, and that's her right, but she was openly given the chance to return, and potentially still has that if she wanted it.
Its "Rakun", not "Rakan"

T. VGTC organizer
Production kawaii's Namiji Freesia has reached 50K subscribers on youtube.
I share the same rrat for the reason she not-graduated, and it's not like the puppeteer of Ame owes us to say if she's preggers.
Women don't just stop existing after they have kids. It's also generally a no-go to drop a major source of income when you're starting a family. At best, she'd take a hiatus of a few months, which, given how often she streams lately, she wouldn't even have to announce. That rrat's a joke, not meant to be taken seriously.

Vtuber "graduation" ceremonies are more funerals than anything else, a chance to celebrate the character as they are retired. What Ame is doing is usually called an "indefinite hiatus".
>she'd take a hiatus of a few months
I agree that the pregnancy rrat is nonsense but many countries offer around a year of paid maternity leave, not just a few months.
can you honestly expect someone at Holo stream with a baby around, ready to cry at any minute? nah, I think she'll be back when the kid is old enough, whenever that is.
>catalog level drivel
Cmon guys be better and don't spin rrats of your own
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Kanami Kaito of NEXAS has graduated.
And of course I forgot the link. https://x.com/Kanami_Kaito/status/1838222892472897729
Of all the vtubers out there with lots of drama, why are there so many people who're wrapped around Froot's finger?
2 out of Nebulink already gone...
And 3 of Genesis officially gone, plus 1 immortal undead who reaps the souls of the unworthy, and 1 who may or may not come back.
As the prophecy was foretold, the weak shall perish. Only those who believe in Harry's Grand Vision shall remain.
I just didn't expect Nebulink to start dropping like flies this early.
accurate image
Holostars get an srpg fangame
Emuuki, EN moth, claims that her and at least one other guest at a Twitchcon party were roofied. Notably, this was a vtuber party where there was security, but somehow the party was overcrowded.
do women really get randomly roofied every week?
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Roboco of Hololive's 0th Generation, is collaborating with Rakuspa for 3 day event where they will feature a purple-colored violet-scented bath from the 25th to the 28th.
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Tuesday Talk anon here, it's good to see you around still. Let's dive into the opening performance.

Anycolor stocks start off weak as they cross back to the 2400s to close out at 2482 yen (-88) for Tuesday. A pretty worrying start considering that through out the day it was a gradual trend, in addition to the fact that the NIKKEI was performing okay. Another thing of rather insignificance but interesting, is that the wanting to buy/sell rating on the Yahoo thread sunk HARD. Going from the mid 40s in wanting to buy to just 25%, with 70% wanting to sell at the time of writing.

Cover is also seeing a slump as they close out at 1854 yen (-55) for the opening performance. They saw a rather similar performance to Anycolor, but did manage to stabilized shortly after lunch instead to prevent a full slide. So it seems like once again this is another case of them being stuck to the hip with their competitor, much to the dismay of those that only hold Cover stock.

The NIKKEI is in the green at a 0.72% gain today.
Trading Volumes time:
Anycolor: 566k
Cover Corp: 1.37 Million
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Lastly here's our other under performer today.

That's gonna be a wrap for today's report. I'll see you tomorrow for the next report. Go read Kagurabachi btw, it's pretty good.
Thanks Shounen Peddler anon
Is the one Watame did where her exclusive bath looked like piss?
This game has been in development for almost 2 years before Holo Indie signed them.
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>Uki Violeta of NijiEN apologizes in a comment for talking about McDonald's during a stream
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vtubers should never ever go to cons in person as their persona, they're virtual for a reason
kind of a boring day.
Can't post link rn, but Vreverie is going through something, some say Furi Ferntail is already terminated and other girls are doomposting, if someone can check their twitters and post would be glad.
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Some new merch for Hololive made by fanartists.
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Souya Ichika of 774 Inc. just announced her third solo live, Tokoto no Mahou, for November 2nd of this year.
Pochi-sensei, artist mama of Hololive ID Gen 2's Pavolia Reine, has injured her right rib from sneezing.
is this officially endorsed by cover, if not they could get into some legal trouble
how can one receive permission to sell fan art stuff if they are not that popular
Dooby3D also known as Sachi formally Amelia Watson will be returning soon
they usually cant
>from sneezing
check your calcium and vitamin D intake, anons.
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The Kaela shirt looks good and great on English. I really want the shirt version of that sweater, but it's not available, so sad...
3AM releases a school-themed animatic, ending with a teaser for two new members
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Reposted to fix a typo
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Bumping with this OT image, for on particular reason.
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Lumin Tsukiboshi managed to get the false copyright strike against her own song, made by a shady organization calling themselves "State 51", removed after her publisher pulled some strings, and the MV, apparently four years in the making, is now in full release:
Youtube really needs to instil a penalty for making false copyright claims. I doubt it'll happen, so the only other hope is that these crooked corps start getting sued.
>Youtube really needs to instil a penalty for making false copyright claims.
anon, we've been screaming this in their ears for over 18 years. I hope it happens, but I really don't think it will.
It's actually sad too because her other persona (which she has made public her association to, jannies and mods) is signed on by Sony Music and is pretty famous in the anime industry. It's honestly sad that this can happen to someone like that.
? Also
Off Topic and general silliness. Sinking yacht thumbnail just brought /vt/ to mind.
Oh, I just didn't know the initialism. Certainly, a sinking yacht is an image relevant to current /vt/ news.
It's not legal, But corpo usually turn blind eyes to fan stuff, as long as they only sell it in small quantity and in limited time.
Charmander of VEE is releasing her first Orisong on 9/25, with the MV coming 9/27
Duh, what do they think would happen?
This is their 3rd time organizing this kind of thing and as far as I know they are coordinating with Cover.
ka-ching merch
Lilybelle indef hiatus as of 10/14
Good riddance
Haachama and Shiori will make an appearance at a panel in California later this year.
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Hololive x aniplus Cafe collaboration
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Hump Day anon here, we're on to Cincinnati. (I did not forget the chart, you did.)

Despite the economy being (mostly) in the green for today, Anycolor continues to slip downward as they now rest at 2450 yen (-32) for the day. Clocking in at a even 120 yen loss for the week so far. Overall today was met with hills and valleys as they stumble between 2440-2470, just a boring bad day for them overall.

Despite Cover's upward trajectory to get out of the red before lunch, they slowly slide down to 1832 yen (-22) to close out Wednesday. They now see a 77 yen loss for this short week so far.

Interestingly though, is it seems that Cover may also start to see Anycolor level's of trading volume as the trading volume for I believe the first time since reporting has gone below 1 Million for Cover. We'll have to see if this is just a fluke/result of a rather dry period for Cover, but considering we'll be 2 months away from another report from either them or Anycolor it wouldn't be a surprise to see this happen barring major events that could change the tide.

Despite the NIKKEI's best efforts, they plummeted shortly before closing to see a small 0.19% loss.
Trading Volumes, wow!
Anycolor: 368k
Cover Corp: 782 Million.
And here's our other loser for the day.

That's gonna be it for today's report, it seems this week may be our first normal week since the Q1 report from earlier. But I can't be confident about that considering Anycolor's pattern from last week.

Regardless, stay safe out there. Go watch your oshi or something.
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Realforce x Hololive collaborative stuff will be showcased on the tokyo game show.
>Trading Volumes, wow!
HoloID are reacting with surprise towards...something.
New gen perhaps?
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Dozens of Vtubers, among others, had their Twitch accounts suspended due to false reports of having used stolen payment information to purchase Bits, many of which had never purchased Bits at all:
This has since been resolved, after the CEO was made aware of the situation via Twitter, but the automatically canceled subscriptions will not be auto renewed, nor will the affected customers be alerted that they had their subscriptions canceled, so every streamer affected is losing tons of revenue from this fiasco, regardless.
Should clarify, this is the result of Twitch's automated security system falsely flagging people as having used stolen payment information, rather than the results of false reports from other malicious actors.

Might be worth noting that several people appealed the decision, only to have their appeal denied within minutes, before the situation was resolved, insomuch as it has been.
VSpo! JP announces the 3D debut of Hinemosu (Yano Kuromu, Tsumugi Kokage, Sendo Yuuhi) which will happen on October 1, 2024 at 19:00 JST!

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the missing lamy...
> This has since been resolved, after the CEO was made aware of the situation via Twitter, but the automatically canceled subscriptions will not be auto renewed, nor will the affected customers be alerted that they had their subscriptions canceled, so every streamer affected is losing tons of revenue from this fiasco, regardless.
is this just individual subs that were incorrectly flagged as fraudulent, or is it every sub an affected streamer has? if it’s the latter that makes relying on twitch subs for reliably income incredibly risky
>one of the Ame's livestreams has a suicide hotline prompt under it
The fuck is going on anons? I'm out of the loop since I don't visit vt and barely watch any chubas, but it shook me since Ame was the first vtuber I liked for how funny she acted. I hope she and her teamates will be fine.
The Twitch VTubers had their accounts suspended because they were accused of buying bits. Because the streamers' accounts were suspended, all subscriptions to those channels were stopped (and were not resumed). There were, in fact, no actual fraudulent accounts or purchases.
oh shit I didn't expect their 3d debuts to be this week
Hey, I know Suisei once got her stream copyright claimed for singing her own song so ain't exactly outside of YouTube bullshitery.
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>now we have an archive for the news
>>Following the /vt/ League 7's 9th match day, the inagural "Please Yap It Up" post-matchday podcast took place.
where can i find this
she never got a copyright claim for singing one of her own songs.
I can't remember the details, but she never got one.
it's something that got repeated everywhere on /vt/, but it's not true.
The first of 3AM's new members is revealed to be Lyra Calyptra
it's been over 2 months lmao
nta but thanks, I didn't have time to look it up and forgot to add it to the archive
It's odd that months before the announcement, people on /lig/ were claiming that Lyra was "so /in/ in 3AM" due to constant interactions and collabs with those members, most notably with Coqui and Meat. It's unsure if any of those people were 3AM members since we're on an anonymous image board.
Would HoloEn5 bring a new lamy?
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>UKI: I'll be making a personal donation to AFSC to support Gaza's emergency response.
Depending on how things go around here, he could very well end up being charged with supporting a terrorist organization eventually. ...Or maybe he's Canadian, can't recall.
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Next VTRP stream is scheduled for this Friday night, 8 PM ET, as CorpoCar East and West Series both have their 3rd and 4th rounds of action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu9BI8Ac6Mk

I'm also open to anyone who wants to volunteer in balance of performance testing for the VGTC, with the cars being used this season, and cars that may see use in future seasons. Feel free to contact me via Discord DM or on the VTRP server. Speaking of, next VGTC stream is on Sunday morning, 10 AM ET, with rounds 6 and 7 at Willow Springs and Laguna Seca
News from /warkop/
And this is for the Economics Anchor
wait, the AI already did this one with Aqua.
Well, there were a few odd alternatives I skipped over.
Well for what it's worth about a week before Anime Expo Lyra flew out to Olivia Monroe's place for business reasons and that really fueled the fire to the rumors when it happened
Forgot Anchor anon here, it's Thursday but if you missed the Wednesday report since my dumbass forgot to anchor, here you go: >>86032995

Anycolor is mimicking their movements from last week, as after 2 initial days of losses Anycolor shoots back up to a new peak post Q1 as they close out at 2594 yen (144) for the day. Going by the minute, they did climb up to peak in the low 2600s before lunch, slowly declining to miss that barrier. They now see a small 22 yen gain for the week as they seal the 120 yen deficit.

Cover seems to be riding their coat tails, seeing around half of Anycolor's gains as they close out at 1905 yen (73) for the day. Their performance by the minute was rather more stable, as they stayed relatively near their peak of 1910. Despite this, Cover is still in the red at a -4 loss for the day.

The NIKKEI soars with a rallying cry of a 2.79% gain.
Trading Volumes to deflect from the recent (insert corpo/indie drama)
Anycolor: 1.19 Million
Cover Corp: 1.55 Million
And here's Cover on Anycolor's six.

That's all for this report, let's see if Anycolor can finally climb that 2600 hill tomorrow to close out this week. I'll see you soon.
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Holo ID Announce part 2 of their JiwaKarya events.
This one looks like themed around school extra curricular activities
Hololive announces autumn festival merch.
Most of the reactions from global seem to lean towards perms for games.
I don't think so.
No simple game perms would warrant this much reaction from ID girls.
Beside, their game taste vary wildly from MOBA to FPS to visual novels.
I mean, Disney perms would be wild though.
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Get yourself a Foob or Mion plush that will suck your dick and then call you gay on October 4th! Brought to you by Furyu.
The only Disney game I know of is Disney Infinity and that shit closed back in 2015
Dude, Kingdom Hearts?
I always associate KH with Square.
Also, I'm pretty sure they have KH perms already.

Botan laplus realforce keyboard sponsorship
Anshinin Misa will have her 3D debut. https://x.com/AnshininMisa/status/1839312207974379943
The Second new member of 3am is Fanguu, which funny enough means that both cavewoman vtubers we know about are in that group (the other being meat)

care to test deez nuts?
It also means that the clip of Coqui and Fang shown at the Vtuber Awards to represent 3AM is now prophetic, instead of a staffer mistaking one cavewoman for another
SmugAlana merch through UwuMarket:

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