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NePoLaBo thread, comfy edition.

A girl who came from another world in order to become an idol. She loves singing and dancing, and drawing. She is training hard every day to become someone loved by many.

A circus performer who joined hololive in hopes of becoming the ringmaster of the VTuber world. She enjoys wowing audiences with acrobatics, and she lives by the words, "When you've decided you're gonna do something, follow through!" Her natural charm glosses over her occasional mess-ups. Her sworn nemesis is 低気圧

"Konlamydesu!" Hololive 5th Generation's blue rep, Yukihama Lamy! The daughter of a noble family from a distant, snowy land. She decided to leave her home, along with her companion Daifuku, after hololive's streams full of fun and color touched her heart. Her serious personality belies her naive, sheltered nature.

Contrary to her sporty appearance, she's a white lion who prefers lazing around. Despite her typically hands-off attitude, once she has made up her mind she will always follow through to the end. Her favorite phrase is "Wealth isn't measured with money." Born in a rough neighborhood, she's a bit of a gaming addict. She's the type to set aside powerful heals even at the end game.

Last thread >>85603589
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Polka's losing it...
DONTA give the clown drugs
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being disciplined by this mean mugging officer
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Oh hey she made a compilation herself based
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fucking based, time for reps
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post wife
GTA RP was great, we need more excuses for FBK and Polka to roleplay together
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Looks like they are revealing one member at a time, so Polka is likely to be last
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SoraPol karaoke today
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What is she writing in her little book?
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>HoLos Santos. Clean shafts of concrete, and sun-drenched rooftops. The work of men who died generations ago. From here, it looks like an achievement. From here, you can't see the enemy.
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they really are
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she's alive
A-chan, please help this Sora girl...
they're both dead, polka brought a bomb
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She made it!
I just woke up what happened
Tech issues they are working out
polka was a bit late but then the setup was not compatible at all. polka had a different version of the karaoke/sync app so they are trying to set it up.
sora's setup was not even in sync to begin with when she did a solo song, but for some reason she was used to it being like that.
thanks for the recap! really seems like I woke up at the perfect time
Fubuki watching hologta clips and is currently watching Lamy
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polka is dead...
sora fucking killed polka...
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never gonna get tired of Polreporter and Doctor Fubuki
even though fbk/korone got the most attention, polka was by far the standout for me. even less clipworthy things, like when she was stealthing around the heist spot at the docks MGS-style was fun to watch.
holoGTA was a great platform for her to cook up some kino and i hope they can do something similar in the near future.
A pity gravity pretty much killed Botan. Although with how bad the cops were doing she couldn't hard carry
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did anyone catch what she was trying to set up at the end with Aki, between Lapu and Towa? I didn't really understand. It sort of didn't work because the timing was bad; when she called Towa over people started throwing grenades or there was some chaos on the pier. However it did sort of serendipitously work out eventually because Laplus did get to hang out and go on the rides with Towa at the very end. And then I think she even had a confession cut off by the server shutting down, which is くさ
During the final heist, the police (and maybe the gang?) setup Lap to take point on one entrance alone, so that she could get close enough to Towa to confess to her a second time, hoping to get her to accept it. Polka, being a part timer, was unware of that, so when Lap went in, Polka came up behind her a gunned her down. She found out later that she had accidently interfered with her plan while they were all laying dead within earshot, and was trying to setup some alone time for Lap and Twa near the end.
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I'm pretty sad that Nene wasn't around to be part of HoloGTA. It would've been fun to see not just her but also the full nepolabo participation in the event.
Yeah, that moment were Polka stumbled on Lamy and Koyo while they were waiting for Botan, and the four of them were just shooting the shit in the parking lot playing air hockey and ping pong really had me wishing Nene had been there as well. Just the four of them, likely all different factions, still coming together to fuck around.
Fuck Soratomos. I would kill them if I could.
literally why
ahhh, it all clicks now, thanks
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I wonder what faction/role Nene would’ve been in. I can honestly see her in any role. I would’ve liked to see her as a cop, a cabaret dancer, or criminal. She would’ve been hilarious in any of those.
I would imagine she'd want to be a criminal because nenenetowawa and just for the fun of it. Cop could also be a possibility, but I think she's a bit too silly for the cabaret club.
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Being a criminal for NeneneTowawa, but also for Suisei for a little Dasupi reunion, cabaret in order to be with her wife Wamy, and cop to be with Subaru and Botan. With Nene there's no shortage of possibilities.
I can even see her tagging along with reporter Polka just to chill and be funny with her.
I miss OHAPOL... Hologta really fucked her sleep schedule back up.
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Page 10 HATE
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Villainous reporting mastermind, or best wing woman. You decide
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they got angry sora's character smoked in GTA or something idk it's stupid but sora had to apologize
I imagine it was more her being a cabaret girl, but same thing, people not seperating RP from the person playing the character.
The polpol awakens
Also, looks like Botan will be in an among us collab today
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Wife love, page 10 hate
Probably some antis again looking for any reason to attack someone.
Wouldn't be the first time someone's forced to apologize to antis for doing NOTHING wrong
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Nene Lies of P.
Realforce collab being teased for TGS
Sus lion
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Don't remind me of marvelous things that we don't have anymore.
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We're getting closer to Halloween, and you know what Halloween means...

Spooky. dokilabi reunion when
Silly me, wrong thread. Don't mind me.
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I hoped they'd do a concert or at least some stream together at least once a year on a special occasion like Christmas or something like that but it never happened.
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Wamy zatsudan! Almost an hour late!
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She has 5 Youtube accounts.
She may be stalking you without you knowing
She may be reading your comments on an alt.

She has 5 GMail Accounts
Just how many dummy accounts does she have?!
Anon 5 is like average tier you should be having more than that
LamAI coming soon??
Also Lamy/Marine Merch coming out.
Coincidental to the GTA thing
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sus sus amogus
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no bra today
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nice cute nene
>watching pekora going through the complete edition of the baker family arc
>polka dming everyone
Sasuga joker...
It's funny seeing everyone realize how much Polka was involved in. Fubuki had the same reactions yesterday
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Honestly what Polka did is beyond impressive. She took what was basically being assistant in ss13, which is essentially a non-job, and actually did something with it big time. Something I really liked was that people would read the news articles she wrote. It made her job feel much more real because its something thats very easy to ignore.
Can you explain what Polka went through during the GTA event? I have trouble keeping up with everyone and all that was going on.
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NTA, but off the top of my head
>Day 1: Journalism, before being arrested and interrogated by the cops twice for writing articles they didn't like
>Day 2: Laid low because of the police, befriended Fubuki at the casino, ended the day writing another article about the police
>Day 3: Got called in by the cops, then blackmailed Subaru in order to get them off her case. Started trying to help setup Fubuki with Mio, went through the whole first part of the Baker arc, comforted Fubuki at the end
>Day 4: Got involved with the gang to catch up with them, and got caught in a heist. Found the black market. Got involved in Subaru's relationship. Started moonlighting as a taxi driver, helped setup Fubuki with Lui
>Day 5: General journalism day, went with Fubuki to pick out gifts for Lui, tried to hit on Moona but her pocket talk bombed out.
>Day 6: Comforted Fubuki after Lui dumped him, helped setup the Mio kidnapping to test Papa, got involved in Koyori and Botan's fight for Lamy, spied on the gang and leaked heist information to Botan, died to an NPC that spawned in the heist and zenlossed, hung out with Sora at her cafe
>Day 7: Went to the blackmarket and bout a bunch of guns and the bomb. Tracked Fubuki down and offered to help her with her plan (Foobs refused). Joined the gang for the final heist. Went to the wedding and started arming the civilians, then bombed it after Fubuki failed to get his revenge. Participated in the heist after if finally got unbugged. Went to the fireworks and failed to confess to Fubuki.
There was other little stuff in there, but I'd have to go back and watch it again.
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>being assistant in ss13
Let's see
>bombs the biggest event and gathering of people
>fails to kill anyone of note
Textbook assistant work
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fox LOVE
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> a whole hour prior before the start
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I missed Ohapol already
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/vt/ is too fast these last few days, what the hell is happening out there
HoloGTA talk + Ame graduation + general bait, far as I can tell.
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Did I just have a stroke or wtf did I just hear about things being written the way they sound
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FUCK I had an alarm set to order Polka good today because I had the order deadline set as the 27th... but it was the 16th? How did I fuck up so badly...
Today was the first time in a while I sat through an entire jp zatsudan, my brain is fried
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botan zatsu
page 10 hate
dumping these unwanted animals in a river...
Cabaret girls clip watchalong later
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Upcoming Legend of Polka - THREE YEARS LATER EDITION

Polka watches a video she was supposed to watch 1136 days ago.

Botan keyboard design revealed. Preorders start early next year.
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i dont like 10keyless, but the ssrb graphic is really cool
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NGL I miss the old janky Polka1.0
Yea I hate the GAMER KEYBOARD ditching 10key for some reason when that's incredibly useful for many games
You can have a separate 10 key pad you know. There when you need it but out of the way when you need the space.
But I got the space for a full sized one and that just eats another USB slot
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Ah... the days when she was boolied by JP nikis and Kaiginikis had to save her when she cried in every month's member stream.
for me it's mostly any kind of basic accounting, i can't imagine having to input a bunch of numbers with the number row, that's terrible.
but sure if you are trying to be an CSGO pro with limited desk space, its good.
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Botan continuing her work in oozora keisatsu
She might not get bullied but she still cries every month
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Watame killed her...
if only they had a version with the numpad included... I need to play my roguelikes somehow, and fuck buying a USB one
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ahh damn i thought it was like coffee mugs, but its glass tankards. i need more hololive mugs i only have Mio's, and Subaru's it's like a metal beaker/cup thing
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no bra today
oh no, she stole my idea! >>84557136
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old polka...
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last bump before bed
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why are interviews such a hellscape, bros. I just want money for memberships and merch...
To try and filter out those who'd be watching Youtube on company time
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I'm starting to think there will be no gangbeats this year...
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Literally me. I live in Polka's tail now.
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This would fix me right now.
>fruity and floral
Sounds tame enough but the color of the polbath scares me
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The only slightly late Ohapol
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Oh yeah, this thing starts today. NenePol still over a week out, but I believe they can all hang out on the server anytime they want.
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Lamy is quite troublesome...
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with me
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1.26 MB JPG

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