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/ag/ chuuba rentry:https://rentry.org/agfrens
/ag/ literature rentry:https://rentry.org/exq5m

>divegrass team

Previous Thread: >>85613197

(Not to be confused with /beeg/, the gigantism general.)
Anon your intentions may have been pure but this is a VIRTUAL youtuber board, no RM bullshit pls
Remember not to post 3D shit, even if it's from a stream it could easily kill the thread
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One step closer to the Rissaberry
She did bring that up with Bao after all...
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I want to feed Nerissa with Culver's everyday.
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She needs to be bred! She's already eating for two!
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I love my dog
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Fatten the cheebs
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we're never getting that skeb i dont think we ever were
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this one im not brave enough to use the #nyanart tag cause it's a little too unhinged but god itd be funny
Our Ope loop would be incredible...
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hi annie! these last two pink cats turned out really cute! here's a bao request from some months ago, baoberry version on twitter
WHERE'S THE SKEB PINK CATTTT is my favorite running gag so it even outs
I want to sprint at her and dive face first into her fat fucking gut while yelling "WHERE'S THE FUCKING SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB"
Does anyone have that mint x Mint image that an anon posted a while back?
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DoctorGoon is a sick handle
I just noticed the last comment is from Mouse, fucking kek
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Space exploration can't compete with the means of designing the fattest duwag
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great work fren
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This got me wondering what an /ag/-tan would look like
lol same, judging from that tummy the artist could be willing to cook up some ideas... I always thought it could be a "chimera" like girl, gathering traits/attributes from all the big chuubas (Bao, Ember/Kalin, etc)
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if you all get your ideas together i could draw ag-tan. from what i know she would be a hag, have big tits, an even bigger tummy. probably short hair, to be honest just make mint castella combined with other chuubas.
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She’s kind of a mascot character in personality already desu
Hot damn that's good.

forgot about this squishy Ollie
She'd definitely be a cook of some kind, probably a baker
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this artist has a very cute OC that always felt like the "ideal" fat girl character to me, she even got bigger as time went on. Another idea, though definitely not "realistic", would be /ag/-tan gaining weight according to the amount of supas she gets.

I was going to suggest /ag/-tan picks up baking as a hobby because all of her favorite chuubas have poor eating habits/are underweight but that's literally Yuuna
Technically you don’t have to make Cecelia fat by food, you just need to make bigger doll parts
>Cecilia powers down in her a nice slim pristine body
>Wakes up in a body made of literal logs
I will always be biased towards giving her a buttonup.
It's cooking time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNScBAfwieo

A STRAINED buttonup
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You get it. Any meal could be the one to pop the buttons.
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thought about Burger Shot from GTA, and how real life managed to be stranger than fiction with the actual burger restaurant called "Heart Attack Grill"
It's not only about the buttons being on the verge of popping, it's about getting peeks of their creamy skin through the gaps between the buttons.
>return of fat Shiina
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Shiina is the biggest architecture tease there is. Always on the brink of delivering pure kino. She seems happier lately though and ultimately that's all that matters.
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More 3D adventures (she's certified not demented)
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Has HoloGTA given y'all any ideas?
Tease sure is one way to put it when she debuts with a stuffing scene in her lore video and announces she has a DA account only to be the one to convince Phase to pay for girls gym memberships. (which is a good thing really but it's like she became the anti-architect for a bit there despite looking like the chosen one)
mainly this >>85939536
Who's the artist for this?
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this really is such a good fucking model
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I said I'd do it, so I did it.
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holy shit
this is fucking quality
It's round
Beyond based.
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So this is the power of spite. Amazing. Nailed the dialogue as well, especially Saya and Muyu's.
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figured you might like this artist >>85953740
i want to groom the femanon in that thread. an english speaker with that model artist would be kino.
seems easily groomable since theyre saying they work a 9-5 and work overtime. simply give them money so that they can quit work and become your wife.
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good night /ag/
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dizzy's dizzies...
We all do
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This art is really pretty. Source?
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So true
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Mint really lucked out here, even higher end Vtubers would kill for this kind of quality.
Private Twitter
Sick quads
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That's a shame, but the art style really is striking. I love the eyes especially.
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That's right, quads don't lie
>the one to convince Phase to pay for girls gym memberships
I think the funniest thing about this was that most of them didn't use that money for gym memberships at all
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Is siscon a valid form of architecture?
There's chubby girls involved so I don't see why not
The best part of their dynamic is no matter how big Fuwawa gets you know she makes sure Mococo is double her size.
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I wanna punt the Angeball
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I wanna fuck the Angeball
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Is the Angeball full of Red Bean Paste?
Which chubba would be happy to receive fan art on the style of Fernando Botero?

I think Noel has a picture in his style in the background of some streams. There's also this MV.
Raden because she's an art nerd.
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anon no
vore is wrong!!
B-b-but ami.... What's in that burger?!
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You might need some glasses... that's just food!
Does anyone have that elira 3d waddling clip?
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>captcha: KORNP
I wanna spanko Panko
Mio, you're supposed to eat those one at a time.
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She’s so fucking cute
Kronii and Bae on a bulk with Bae wondering if it's going correctly as Kronii says 'Of Course' while eating a doughnut
I want to give this cute OL all the snacks in the break room
>She needs to be bread
But she keeps removing the top bun.
>tummy bump on the skirt
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I think about that "I don't need any more calories" a lot
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didnt she say she was 180 pounds at 5'2" or something?
previously yeah probably
now she's probably <100lbs
160lbs at 5'1
>Liz was just singing Big Girl in karaoke
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She's still live, I can't
As soon as someone in global drops an archive I'll try to clip it
Thanks fren!
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the search for a Choco fattening up (You) story continues
>wanting to get fat
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I once had a crush on a girl who was that exact size
It's a thing called fantasy since I can't summon a demon nurse despite what those losers at /x/ might say
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Sounds like someone is asking for the wooden spoon to be brought out.
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Wew, zero smiles at Bittervile
Lui is sweeter
They joined forces to become unstoppable
I picture Lui being a lot more forceful but a gentler approach works too
>listening to the satisfying ping of buttons popping and a leather belt stretching across a tummy gradually expanding wider and outward into a belly.

H-how forceful?
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I am a man of my word
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Glad you like it. I'm pretty new to drawing in general and especially fatties, but I had a lot of fun with that pic so I might do some more stuff for the thread down the line if I feel like it (I've been considering pic related).
>Nailed the dialogue as well, especially Saya and Muyu's.
I'm kind of impressed that you could pinpoint exactly which of those girls I watch the most based only on single lines.
holy shit the pipes on that woman. this is our anthem.
Way too swamped to check on new chuubas nowadays but this was a pleasant surprise... ERB good!?
elizabeth herself isn't bad, her game choice is atrocious though, and she's a homo sympathizer
Anon and Choco's Chocolate Factory

Receive a golden ticket from Choco to tour her factory. The entire factory is full of Chocos, many, many of her siblings who look exactly like her. As you are led through the factory you sample with the Chocos more and more of the most delicious chocolate you have ever tasted. You notice how much more voluptuous the Chocos become with each and every bite. But you hardly notice your belly ballooning outward farther and farther. Choco delights in your transformation, the many blonde girls rubbing your belly as you inflate like a chocolate filled balloon. "I-i won't be able to walk!", you protest. Choco smiles at you, "Why walk when I can roll you?"
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Hmmmmm, this setting with multiple Chocos gave me an idea (another one to the endless pile of Whack In Progress), I never considered it before. RequestAnon's with all those different Chocos comes close, though, might be time for a revisit of that fic instead of tackling another prompt I most likely won't deliver
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what if everyone BECAME Choco
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I expected worse, then I noticed she just has 58 streams in 3 months of streaming.
wait... so it was all unarchived karaoke the entire time...!?
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no starving while i'm asleep okay?
i'll be here for another hour or two, rest well
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caught a bolt of lightning, cursed the day I let it goooooooooooooooooooooo
rabu yuu onyan ..........
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fatto catto raiding the fridge-o
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Wishing you well on your future endeavors, fatty or not. IRyS would be a great pick considering she got architect'd during divegrass. And I had a good hunch you watched Muyu heh, her voice came naturally in my head as I read that.
do it anon i believe. at this rate we're gonna have a record for most drawfrens
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>tag-team of tsun feeder Lui and motherly feeder Choco focusing their attention on one holomem to spoil without let or pause


>holomem ends up in a harem protagesque situation where tsun feeder Lui and motherly feeder Choco are impossing their cooking onto them, albeit independently and without the other's knowledge, leading the holomem to end up eating for two and a half people to keep the secret

Who'd be your target of choice? I'd vote for Matsuri or Marine. Both would be weak to this kind of pressure and are known gluttons
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good night /ag/

both scenarios are good, especially with that pic as basis. matsuri works well with the second one, i can totally see her thinking she hit the jackpot having two girls pampering her only for things to escalate past her control
Spherical, as all things should be
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Thinking about gothmiya. Probably still the chubbiest self drawn Ami.
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I need Chuubas who are baby crazy. The Megaproject of Architecture.
I think the tag team is more powerful because there are also multiple streams to use as inspiration.

That's a long list. You can practically start at /hag/ and any Vtuber that talks about being a hag.
>That's a long list. You can practically start at /hag/ and any Vtuber that talks about being a hag.
Shorten it to women who have on stream or at least tweets said they wanted babies and have played more than 10 games outside of collabs.
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>Publicly has an architect bf.
Shes still good JO material tho.
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sleepy morning, just five more minutes pls
Where did this meme start? I saw it yesterday when a friend sent me ChiChi doing this with Goku
g'morning /ag/
Jowu talked about wanting kids... I miss that slug.
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Catch all term for buildings or structures that costs are in the billions, usually to either show off or boost the economy.
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And would you like to supersize your order?
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Yes. And make it a double.
She's so based
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Reminder she's into Hypnosis which is an amazing pipeline to weight gain
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And into ghost possession... (not as willingly mayhaps)
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>Fuwawa berating Mococo for getting too fat just so she can shove more food into her ever expanding figure.
Kronii getting put on an Italian diet
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She didn't seem to mind the idea of being chubby either (and probably is a bit)
I miss her too she was perfect....
Raora would overfeed Kronii even more than her aunt and uncle did
please do not make me post that one BWS sketch
Please post it, but catbox it.
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Moomochi does too much skin posting for my liking but her model is very good.
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I like the fat orca daviel and yuujin made too
Imagine Ember's appetite in Tenma's tiny body...
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>what one week following Ember's appetite does to Tenma
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That's gonna be a good vod when I have time
It was mostly eating noises so surprisingly on-topic for this thread
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She keeps her word!
And it would all be pasta too
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place your bets, who's gonna try to eat the other first
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needs the elfsan treatment
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snack break
Chammers shows up in her burger outfit and Shiori can't help herself
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You gotta admit, those buns look delicious
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I want more cooking streams, those are always fun
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Bau Baus in bass
Ember is a FAT BOAR
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>There's a sequel
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Stay puft, /ag/!
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SoftService is god tier
>Open collab
>They're talking about food
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>Make sure I'm well fed
Dangerous words to say around Raora, Kronii
Ami earlier tonight
Not beating the feedee allegations
/beeg/ refugee here, thank you for this meal anon
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Oh, I was checking that thread the other day. J4nn1es striking it down?
Saw the thread, and it was a natural
>Not bumping at page 10
archiving, so nothing mortal for them.
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midnight snack
ah, I see
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Watchin' Mint again tonight, how's the big cat and big clock collab going
back fat is criminally underrepresented
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This is true
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as much as I adore embarrased fat girls, I love how chill and unbothered she looks in this one
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It's mostly because she hasn't noticed yet she's still live

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Mint’s 3D has it and it’s adorable desu
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I grabbed a screenshot
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good night /ag/
straw hat EROTIC
She wore it with the bikini and heart sunglasses today, it was super cute
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It's always fat girl summer oomfie
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>Raora can't actually make Pizza
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She can learn
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So jealous of this guy
Wakey wakey
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No... must return to bed...
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Still coping and praying that the second one gets finished one day, even as a WIP it's so good
She did a good job in the offcollab with Mori, I still have hope for her
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step away from the sheep!!
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slow day eh
the duwag is messing with her boob size again!
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She really left us this
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Fuck, now I want a burger
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holy fucking kino
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Imagine the jiggling...
I wonder where Burger folder anon is now...
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I need to start organizing my fat chuuba folder just to honor that anon
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donut starve
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Absolutely delighted by the idea of a reluctant idol gaining weight
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I forgot who's the artist for this?
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I am down incredibly bad
tiny bikini, big dog
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Is she actually chubby or just a sweaty fujoshi?
>implying sweaty fujoshis aren't chubby by default
Eimi is probably gross irl just like all fujoshits
And not gross in a hot way, gross in a gross way
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Still hot
Nothing that can't be fixed with some good ol' feed & breed
>he doesn’t know
Anon… she’s beyond saving…
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How much trouble could she possibly be if she's immobile?
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No such thing. You're just not correcting hard enough.
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feed failgirls
Cute back fat..
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Eimi has been mistaken as being pregnant and she burps like this: https://files.catbox.moe/gguuki.mp3
Perfect slob material
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no starving this close to bump limit!
She could look like anything...
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Clara has already achieved perfection
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orla is chatting and it reminded me she got 2 fat art pieces in 4 days a while ago
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I never thought to check until now but for a while I thought this girl was a weird skeletal doll monster because of her dress and that weird chair.
im a tsunx regular now. but admittedly i used to just see /tsun/ and i was too afraid to join becuase orla looked like victorian horror. i love it now though
>His oshi doesn't belch loud af
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see you all tomorrow, folks

I was hooked by her unique model before but this girly one fits her well too
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I envy anons who have the balls to show their real power levels post-bump limit
Anyways have a good night /ag/frens! Looking forward to our next league match!
It ain't over until the (really) fat girls sing, after all! It's best we keep this a bump-limit-reached kind of deal though heh
hag for last
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Fat hags are real and do love you.
hell yeah brothers
I wanna be crushed between Marine and Calli's giant naked asses

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