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>Don't you find it laughable that such awful people are allowed to experience such joy?
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Friend was cooking there
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I don't get it
Damn you Kanata! You're just a child you shouldn't even have a gun!
Kanata really fucked up some more kino by shooting too fast. But I like it either way. It was still great.
Fubuki doing the Bondrewd pose for the entire RP really paid off here. Absolute FUCKING cinema.
watch streams
>takes too long to pre-amble and gets headshot
>downed by Korone's woman-beating fists
what a fucking jobber...
the other doctors should have joined the attack.
I think it was perfectly kino as it was desu
That's my friend!
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Fubuki should have planted those remote controlled explosives beforehand to blow everyone up in front of Mio and Korone, but I guess that could have pissed off some members.
I'm finding holo en laughable atm. This whole gta thing really is highlighting their creative bankruptcy.
Yeah the problem with that is how long it takes to revive everyone, just look at the Iroha's helicopter incident.
Ok. Didn't ask though.
Kino as that could have been, Fubuki's character is a doctor. She RP's seriously enough that even scorned and on the edge, her character wouldn't endanger innocents. She had one target, and that's all she wanted to kill.
Of course Polka, on the other hand, had no such qualms when trying to assist her friend...
You getting told, bitch nigga.
It would've been fine, it was the last day after all.
I'm frankly amazed they managed to get together to rescue the director. Of all the factions, they always seemed the least interested in the RP stuff and Fubuki's arc basically forgot they existed in many ways until the rescue.
the bonds of the medic team...
I thought the medics were going to whip out their guns and support Fubuki.
>translation: Didn't watch ENreco
Yea, you can suck my cock now faggot
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it was really tense watching mumei, mio and fubuki's pov at the same time.
>mod was supposed to be about cops vs gangs
>even the promo material focused on cops vs gangs
>main storyline ended up being about a baker's family and an adulterous doctor
unfiltered, pure kino
how did korone and fubuki pull this off?
Go on then, tell me what EN did
anon the room was full of cops, it would've ended shortly either way unless they purposely broke RP to allow it to continue
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Gamers are just built different
watch streams, faggot
So nothing, that's what I fucking thought
That guy owned your bitch ass, sister
There's some sort of commentary there about breaking the cliche of letting the bad guy deliver his entire monologue I'm sure
>Watching your beloved parents reunite after an emotional split
>Some dickbag adulterer barges in spouting nonsense about society before whipping out a knife, targeting said parents
Fubuki was asking for it.
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take this (you) no gtfo
First time watching OKFMAS?, they are amazing in every single collab, SMOK does collabs more frequently and it's just as this, pure raw fun injected right into your bloodstream.
>fbk takes a self in the empty bakery giving subtly hint that his "lovely lady" wasn't there today and posts it on their fake twitter
>polka sees that and tells to korone

The rest was korone, mio and fbk playing along
You would think she'd know better than to get in a fistfight with Inugami "I trained these hands on my wife" Korone
Fubuki was trying to use a knife but it didn't work for some reason.
>Abusive DV Dog Husband vs Gambling Addict Psychopath Doctor

Why does Mio has shitty luck with men?
Perma single hag curse. That wombs of her will soon crumble to dust.
is there a supercut video to watch all of this unfold from beginning to end yet?
this is my favourite
the exact same thing happened to enreco. the main content is dungeons and boss fights but the relationship RPs ended up becoming the most memorable.
the problem with EN is that their most creative members are also the laziest while in japan it's the opposite.
yeah, she kinda shot too early, should have let fubuki make a move first.
Ame has more creativity than the whole JP branch put together.
She so creative she created a way to milk cover of money even after resigning.
I wish management(and others) would've stopped fucking with her
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It's especially funny because I'm sure Korone's main reason for joining the bakery was simply to enjoy the game at her own pace, without too much stress, and to be able to drop in and out as she pleased depending on irl stuff
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Taso was fine. Fubuki wasn't even expecting to get anything done by showing up anyways.
that's based ngl
And Polka seeing some flames to stoke.
After Fubuki did the tackle punch she pulls the knife but then gets stunlocked by Korone.

Not just that but all those random passerbys near the Bakery. Korone never left street fighting behind her
>Of all the factions, they always seemed the least interested in the RP stuff
Did you even watch any of the medic team?
Gang viewers
She basically confirmed as much in her latest stream. She said she wasn't sure how often she'd be playing and didn't want to cause problems for people if she had to duck out.
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>play to get out of irl problems
>the in-game problems get serious somehow
Well if we use the ENreco event as an example, its unfortunately due to missing the big members.
>Kronii only there for 1 day due to sickness
>Nerissa comes in way later due to being sick so only has 2-3 hours
>Gura and ERB didn't join
>Gigi shackled herself by the character she picked as well as not having a pov
That line had an awesome delivery.
I find it funny how the main story was about the police fighting the gangsters, but the best moments were about the Baker Family and the medic staff.
That scene of Fubuki finishing her jail time, leaving with her hands behind her back as two helicopters comes down to pick her up at that exact moment was also amazing.
Their one-block minecraft was also great. Anything they do is amazing.
the medic and the cop's POV are absolute cinema, they run into weird situations all the time.
shame the gang's POV managed to become so boring that suisei decided to become a cop instead. they are too serious about becoming a gang they manage to isolate themself from the rest of the server, i rarely see the gang member interact with other non-gang members. most of them don't even come to the wedding.
Was that why Suisei changed sides? thought it was just a team balance thing, but that makes more sense if the gangs were more disconnected from everything
no, that anon is theorizing.
Korone had been practicing fist fight with npc since day 1. The gambler fox had no match to her.
Team balancing. Miko also got stressed from losing all the heists, which made Suisei feel bad for all the griefing.
It's a shame because her criminal activities are the most interesting. I like how she called the police every time she outsmarts them, until she eventually got caught.
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What you retards arent understanding is that its more dramatic for fbk to be shot after getting 1 stab in. It would be better if the knife was 1hk so at least 1 dies but still, even getting a stab off would be better. You fucking dont know shit about what makes for good drama.

This is why the art made of Korone punching fbk is far better than just fbk being shot without even doing anything besides pulling out the knife.
Nah Kanata foiling Fox's attempts to spoil her happy family was kino, you just have shit taste, sorry.
That or one of the cops doesn't realize Fubuki pulled a knife and shoots Kanata
Name 5 medic moments that involved RP which were good then.
The fact that the entire police force was sitting there and none of them shot even though they all had a clear view of fbk pulling out a knife tells you that they all know proper storytelling. Im sorry you suffer from autism.
Nah. Maybe if Kanata wasn't around, but her having agency in the plot was better. It also brilliantly paid off something she set up from the VERY START OF THE SHOW in that she went and got a gun. Mr. Koro and Fubuki just getting into another fight wouldn't even be that interesting at all.
Anon you do know how guns work right? Basic gun safety shit? You know, don't shoot if there's something behind the target you don't want to hit? Stop being retarded on purpose you clown.
Cops irl dont even follow that rule, how big of a retard do you have to be to think that these people playing a video game will? fucking moron lmao
>This improv situation didn't go EXACTLY the way I imagined it would in my head! Anyone who doesn't think that this is a problem is clearly autistic!

Anon, the autism is coming from inside the house.
>gun safety
lol that is for retards that larp
>The cops didn't start randomly shooting up the place even though they'd have hit other people in this GTA RP, this is a problem because cops IRL are even more retarded
Anon you really shouldn't be calling anyone but your reflection retarded.
stop being so insecure, we are not blaming kanata, that moment could have been more than kino if fubuki was allowed to stab korone, literally everyone in that room anticipating something, she was the big villain having this grand entrance, but kanata reacted too early and just one shotted the final boss.
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>See a situation
>Can easily tell how it wouldve been much better due to how it played out
Do you not understand how to review a subject?
If people cared that much about others dying then the bomb never wouldve gone off after korone dropped fbk, that proves you immediately wrong. You can stop posting at any time and save yourself further embarrassment because holy shit you are fucking retarded lmao
What we got was better than what you wanted. No amount of calling people who disagree with you autistic and retarded will change that. Sorry.
>People dying means the cops randomly shooting in a crowded room would be okay!
Anon. Please. We don't need further evidence that you're a complete retard, the fact that you seem to genuinely think the two things you brought up are remotely similar is laughable.
Except your opinion on what would have been "much better" is entirely subjective and clearly plenty of people disagree. Usually people don't "review a subject" by getting on their high horse and insulting everyone who has a different opinion to them.
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>spoil her happy family
I agree that it would have been dramatically better for FBK to get an attack in before getting shot, but the gambling director gambling and losing is also really good.
It's more silly that the medics got FBK back up to let her try again, instead of being arrested/kidnapped.
It would have also been amazing if everyone just left and the director was dead on the chapel floor.
FBK herself was surprised she was shot so immediately, but accepted what happened as "right" since it's what happened
FBK should have ended as a tragic villain
she winning kinda makes the entire journey pointless
even tragic stuff like >>85978434 lost the appeal
> Of all the factions, they always seemed the least interested in the RP stuff and Fubuki's arc basically forgot they existed in many ways until the rescue.
Retard. Absolute retard. Watch streams sometime.
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But why Mio tho? Director should went with Okanyan car service or azki instead, they're more sexy and sex
because FubuMio tete
glad she went to mio, this all happened because of korone reacting to her stuff
This played out better from Kanata's POV, because after she downed Fubuki she immediately started shouting for the ceremony to continue as if Fubuki didn't just try to shank the groom which would've been funny in its own right.
But for some reason from every other POV, you can't hear Kanata so everyone was confused about what to do
It wasn't even obvious that Kanata was the shooter because of how quickly it happened. I was watching Korone's PoV and thought there must have been a sniper or something. Would definitely have been more dramatic if Kanata had said something before shooting, maybe point the gun and threaten to shoot before actually doing it.
Brilliantly exposed
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Based on what happened, she probably should have gone after the reporter, consider she helped set up Fubuki for both dates, and let her vent after each backfired. Kind of the girl who was always there for him the whole time.
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she did not.
what the fuck are those graphics
>Of all the factions, they always seemed the least interested in the RP stuff and Fubuki's arc basically forgot they existed in many ways until the rescue.

Medic team were ready to bail her out
Bro GTA5 is more then a decade old.
how the fuck korone survived that
I figured that he must have been barely out of the blast radius.
Nah, she was in Invincible mode.
You can literally see her health gauge went from almost empty to full after downing FBK.
I really like Fuwamoco on this, never watched them, but they are really funny
ENReco dabbed on all of gta my dude
she was already immortal at this point? not at the hanabi event?
why the staff-san even gave her the invincible mode to begin with?
It's the Happy Bread from Lui-nee.
ERB was very good during enreco, she had (small) custom intro videos, liked to monologue, had that witch arc with Nerissa.
He was talking about HoloGTA, not ENReco.
From any other pov, no one saw intro videos and she just seemed standoffish and weird, I guess because she was monologuing. Didn't create a fun experience for anyone else or their audiences though.
No, it couldn't be more perfectly timed, there was absolutely no hesitation from Kanata pulling the trigger as soon as Fubuki pulled the gun.
Kitchen knife.
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For me, it's Fuwamoco crawling into view the moment Fubuki gets her heart broken to ask if she's in love
them not recalling the word for spying was cute
She may have been, but was still outside the blast radius. Kanata was right next to Korone and didn't get taken out either.
/vt/ said this would be like rush and be a crap, /vt/ are only a group of faggots that are incapable of enjoy anytingh besides such dicks, this was kino
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It's so funny to see this from Polka's POV because she
>setup the bomb and runs to the entrance
>the bomb takes long to explode and she mistook
>she thought she just set it up wrong and came back to take a look
>the bomb explodes right in her face

/k/anata is based. Fubuki proved that even if she had gotten a stab off Korone would have rocked her shit anyway.
Irys instigating by reviving FBK though to start shit part 2.
The problem with the arc is like a lot of the RP, in the end it was just them being their Hololive characters. Since most people watching were Korone fans, to them it was a twist from the usual Okayu...but in the end she got sidelined for it to be the inevitable FubuMio it was always going to be.
If you went by the tags.
Me every time I see a unicorn posting about GFE
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She may not be the best at these kinds of games, but she's got her spirit.
Yeah the only heavy hitter of ENreco that stayed strong in GTA was Biboo and she had to content to the language barrier debuff
Korone is just too good at RP and bouncing off other people, even when she doesn't end up main charactering over an event, she's almost always involved in setting up some moment that becomes a powerful meme.

Fubuki is the same, one of the most powerful mems, the moment they got involved in each other's affairs, it was fated to become the main plot
Korone's actual personality is more powerful than most members' RP.
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Me, every time I see a homobeggar trying to spread their mental illness.
What were the biggest storylines of the server? I only know of the Bakery and Azki's corruption arc.
>Kanata is a unicorn
>FBK is famous for mixed collabs
The kino never ends, even on the board
Kanata literally has a unicorn stick on her back in pic
Right, of course she does!
Literal fucking Looney Tunes character
Art imitates reality.
Pekora spent more time doing nothing than actually doing crimes, the cops themselves were bumbling idiots who would arrest people for doing nothing and fail to catch gang members like Ayame or Mumei when they were actually robbing things. And Bae was literally too nice to commit crimes and got told to fuck off by NPCs when she tried to rob them.
>auto shop
>whatever kronii was
>t. seething "21-foot rule" knife nerd

get clapped by the superior weapon system chud

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