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>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 412: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched the remaining four hours of their holoGTA day 5 stream.
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
Not sure if Ankidrone is the ideal way to grind kanji/vocab but it is really working for me! I feel like I'm retaining way more than I ever did with core2k, and
mococo took the helicopter jokes too seriously...
16 hours without a like... they hate me
i miss the hounds....
i miss the barkers....
i miss the bau bauers....
i miss the pupperinos...
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I miss Mococo
I hope tomorrow's steam is canceled I need to catch up on sleep
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i miss Fuwawa
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More then half the posts in this thread are from me
This doesn't change how worthless I am
And what anon!?
But yeah ankidrone is a lot easier to take in because the sentence cards give context to the word rather than a random Kanji card that you can't get any context other than knowing Kanji radicals.
I love this ship.
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This is a post to defend the homework = chasing dreams point they made, especially in the context of it being answered with "I'm not against them chasing their dreams, but...", feel free to skippa if you have no interest.
I'm not saying anyone who disagrees with me just doesn't get the amount of time that goes into these things, but just in case someone actually is unaware, hopefully I can offer perspective.
The reason I'm using picrel as an example is mostly just because she's the one I spent most time with before FWMC, but there's also another relevant point I'll mention later. Ok.

So back in around early 2021, I believe, Marine would vaguely hint at her upcoming project. The most expensive thing she had ever worked on, the biggest project she's ever been a part of in her entire life. Something so massive that seeing the amount of zeroes she was being billed for was blowing her away. Possibly the biggest single talent-driven project in Hololive yet.
In August 2021, Unison came out. An original song composed by Yunomi with a fully animated MV to go with it, at a time where this wasn't nearly as widespread as it is today. It was groundbreaking at its time, and to this day it's my favorite Hololive original song. Brilliant lyrics that accurately represent her personality, trance-inducing composition, fantastic use of binaural audio for atmosphere, even though she's not really an "ASMR chuuba". An MV that may not be quite on the level of the crazier ones we see today, but still stands tall next to them by simply being very well made. Just all around excellent work.

The reason I bring it up, though, is the members "afterparty" (I don't remember if it was exactly an afterparty or simply the first members stream since it came out, or even the members stream that preceded it coming out, where she gave a pre-release teaser).
During it, people were naturally praising her, and saying things like "wow, no wonder it's the most expensive project yet, it really shows." She sort of laughed a little, and said something along the lines of:
>Well, it's true that if we're talking about the biggest things that are done and released, this is the most expensive one yet, but if we're talking about things already in the pipeline, being worked on, the next one is WAY more expensive. And it's been worked on for a little while now. And you know, we have to pay right away, we don't get to make money out of it first, I couldn't cover for the costs entirely myself, Cover paid for the rest and now I need to give them back the money. So thank you for all the superchats and if you're interested, please buy my merch too.
This next project, already in the works and paid for before Unison even came out, would only see the light of day 8 months later, in the next year.

The point I'm getting to here is, these things take time. They can't stop to smell the flowers, they can't take it easy after big events, they're always working on the next thing, because it takes a lot of time, and time is of the essence. FUWAMOCO are running against the clock, even, you could say. They're the same age as Marine, in fact she's a couple of months older, but Marine has a headstart of several years as part of Hololive that FUWAMOCO lack. Her first album and first sololive are coming out on her sixth year. Granted, her taking her time to get there made it so her first sololive is a behemoth of an event, unprecedented, absolutely amazing stuff, but can FUWAMOCO really afford to wait until they're 37 to have their very first live? They don't have the luxury to wait. They can't afford to fuck around for a couple of years like Marine did (and EVERYONE did back then, because the company's direction wasn't solidified, I'm not criticizing her here). Can they really start their concerts at 37 with the comparatively more demanding choreographies they do, is it sustainable to take that much time on their way there? The sentiment of "there's no rush, we'll get there eventually" is nice, but is it realistic? Or do they have to be acitvely working towards that goal every single day if they want to eventually get there?

If they want to be anywhere near the kind of public person Marine is (and if you watch them surely you've seen them saying that they do a number of times), they have to GO. There's no time to waste. Which is why they were saying yesterday that finding balance now is so important. They can't afford to stop and rest, they can't afford to wait until things naturally slow down, they need to find a way to rest on the way. Which leads into the Homework Day talk. After the first 100 days, they used to have more homework days, while having less homework to do. That's one of the sacrifices they're trying to make to find slightly better balance. But the thing is that in this case I think they're mistaken in thinking anyone else sees it as a sacrifice. I'm positive everyone is ok with that. Comment too long (5000/5000)
Yeah getting the words in the context of different sentences is really nice, and it's also helping me to understand sentence structure and conjugation.
The schizo king has arrived
skippa skippa
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You expect anyone to read any of that?
People like you make this thread worse and no I didn't read your post
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I just miss them when they're gone mane and want to spend a lot of time with them just playing silly games that they love. I just wish it were possible without getting in the way of the things they want to do...
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Hey guys, just wanted to recommend this game, Shogun Showdown.
Ever since I caught a stream of Kaela playing it, it looked fun so I went and tried it out myself, and after playing it for several days now, I can say that it really is fun to play.

It's kind of like a turn-based beat 'em up, with your attacks being a hand of cards and you travel from stage to stage and boss to boss until you reach the final boss. Each time you move, put an attack in your queue, or execute your attack queue, that takes up a turn and then all the opponents on the stage get to have a turn. If you kill at least 2 enemies in a turn, that counts as a combo. The goal is to kill them all to win the battle and proceed further.

As you proceed, you can get rewards like coins to spend, different kinds of potions, card upgrades, passive skills, and even new cards. These skills, cards, and card upgrades customizes a bit how your character plays during the current run. And there's 4 more characters to unlock and each one has at least one pretty nifty special ability, plus 2 unlockable initial 2-card combos you can start the game with. Oh, and each run only takes around an hour, but there's an optional goal to finish a run in 30 mins.

It's a pretty small game too, only being 110 MB or so. I think that's all I can safely say without spoiling too many surprises. Try it out if you're looking for a new game to play!.
All I have to say is 8 months is enough time for an animated short film let alone a 3 minute music video
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Marine was my oshi and I agree with what they're doing.
Nigga, shorten this to 20 words or less
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I really wish they joined Hololive in its early years. They would have the time to develop their skillsets before trying to take on bigger projects. People forget that Miko and Subaru had the time to grow into their roles. FWMC has more resources than early HoloJP did, but they don't have the time to sharpen their skills. They just have to go for it and hope for the best.
FUWAMOCO must work relentlessly toward their goals, balancing rest, because success in their fast-paced industry is time-sensitive.
I only wrote so much because it turned out to be an actually good game and I really like it. Plus the cutesy dark Japan pixel-style graphics doesn't make it feel oppressive and off-putting to play more after you lose a run.
Slightly longer charGPT summary

FUWAMOCO must work relentlessly to achieve their goals, as success in their fast-paced industry is highly time-sensitive. Drawing from Marine's experience with massive projects like "Unison," it's clear that chasing dreams in Hololive requires constant effort, planning, and investment, not just financially but also in terms of energy and time. FUWAMOCO, being newer, can't afford to wait or take years to build up like Marine did—they need to stay driven and focused every day. Their "homework" days are essential for progress, and the community understands the necessity of balancing work and rest in their journey.
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Chat Gepetto, give me the quck reandown.
So back in around early 2021, I believe, Marine would vaguely hint at her upcoming project. The most expensive thing she had ever worked on, the biggest project she's ever been a part of in her entire life. Something so massive that seeing the amount of zeroes she was being billed for was blowing her away. Possibly the biggest single talent-driven project in Hololive yet.
In August 2021, Unison came out. An original song composed by Yunomi with a fully animated MV to go with it, at a time where this wasn't nearly as widespread as it is today. It was groundbreaking at its time, and to this day it's my favorite Hololive original
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I read the whole thing and I disagree with you but for reasons you stated yourself. It's BECAUSE these things take so much time that they should pace themselves. Comparing them to Marine is a fool's errand. Marine was perfectly placed, she was there at the beginning of the Hololive bubble and has been able to ride it all the way till now. She has insane amounts of money and clout that they never will. The one million wish wasn't even a thing when she debuted because there were no Holos at 1 million, and when EN blew up, the most successful JPs won as well, that's why she's closing in on 4 million. They are grinding their bodies to dust, yes age is a factor, but permanently hurting your body is a bigger factor. Marine did this by the way, she was recovering from vocal surgery and went too hard instead of resting and now it's a large part of why she can't stream as much anymore.

You can't rush these things. In piano, there are things called 3 year songs, 4 year songs etc. The idea being that you cannot really play some songs properly unless you have the x years of training behind your belt. Marine wasn't "slow". All of her originals are fucking bangers, there might have been 1 misstep with Fake Type but in reality that's better, like how Suisei's debut Album was songs she curated over years, most of them iconic, and her second one was kind of meh. More proof? Inochi was Azki's EIGHTH song and she had albums that flopped. Once she started streaming, she's now a 5view when before she was a 3view and her next album did much better. Or how IRyS has a ton of orisongs that nobody gives a fuck about.

The only thing FUWAMOCO are speedrunning are their bodies into a hospital. Marine and Pekora both had huge projects cancelled at the last stage so things don't always turn out well, even if you put a ton of time and effort into them. Also Marine supports her sister full time, so a lot of money goes to that. The whole point of Hololive is that older women can do it too. 37? There's Holos that age and older that are still at it. Korone is doing fucking aerials and she's the oldest Holo not named Luna or Botan.

They're constantly tired to the point of memory loss. They say they can't enjoy what they are doing even though they also say it's about the journey not the destination. Everyone, their parents, senpai, douki, kouhai, is telling them to slow the fuck down. They can do everything, but not all at once.
Ignore the complaining esl faggots who can’t read, or the adhd brain rotted cunts who refuse to read. Your post makes sense and I agree with what you say. I think those first 100 days really set a standard/expectation that they’ll never be able to reach again, through no fault of their own. They said the first 100 days were special and they went all out, even only planning a month initially but enjoying it so much that they extended it. People fell in love with that and want to go back, but we can’t. They have way way more homework now, and generally take less days off to do it.
>Ignore the complaining esl faggots who can’t read, or the adhd brain rotted cunts who refuse to read.
This applies only to one single reply asking for a summary
Bear in mind they mentioned this path is scary for them. They are throwing away a formula that worked financially to chase their dreams and they are actually expecting things to fail more often than not. But like they said, if given a choice between existing and living, they want to choose to live.
well sleeping 3 hours or less a day eating only chikuwa without sunlight is a great way to cut that life short
I read your post and appreciate the effort put into it. I mean, yeah, they’ve said numerous times that they want to get a lot done because nothing is guaranteed. Even if they tell us to take things one step at a time as it concerns things in our own lives, they’re always on the go. Even if they plan to be a part of hololive for many, many years like they say, they still feel like taking opportunity after opportunity to achieve some of their more bigger goals like producing more orisongs, having an album and sololive of their own. Time is of essence to them.

Personally, I pretty much anticipated this from the beginning. I’m thankful that they still stream at all for us instead of not giving us anything. 2 hours is okay with me because I never really cared for longer streams. I want all of their dreams to be realized if possible. I’m just really struggling with their health coming at an expense of it. I understand where they’re coming from, I know they’re really hungry, but my smile would also be protected if they rested when they could. I think back at that tweet they made some weeks back on their other account. They had finally got a decent amount of sleep and said it made them feel human again, or something to that. That’s rough. Not to mention their diet sounds like shit.
I count 6 actually. 5 replies (sure the schizo one might not be related to length, but it probably is) and one post after that wasn’t a reply. Get fucking rekt bt facts and logic.
>They can't stop, they can't take it easy
I'm aware of this, but it doesn't stop me from wanting the opposite. I wish they could both have their dream and be able to take it easy, but both can't coexist. They're almost terrified of slowing down whenever they talk about homework, and I get it, when they're working this far from behind. There's no telling what Hololive will even be in the next six years, so they can't afford to let chances slip through their fingers.

I just wish it was different. I wish they were here from the start, or close to it, but when I think about that I know they wouldn't be the same FWMC without their time in the cell. Their experiences shaped them into the people I want to support and see grow. Time is just cruel because their dream won't be achievable forever, which is the main reason why I understand all the GOGOGO.

All that said, they're heading towards a brick wall with how much they're pushing themselves, and that's going to set them back even further. They need to make better decisions at what's realistically possible instead of speedrunning their already poor health into the ground. They need to sleep, they need to eat, and they need to listen to their senpai around them that have gone down the same road that are trying to warn them
Wow that's a lot of words but I don't see any boobs or lack of boobs attached to the posts!
Why are zoomers like this?
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The Wuffians sure have a lot of desires huh
I completely agree with you on the song selection, in fact, Marine's music quality took a nosedive as she started releasing them more frequently starting with Maribako. Thankfully Paipai to me was a return to form and is now comfortalby my second favorite of her originals. But I don't believe that's against my point, quite the opposite. It's precisely so they don't need to shit out an album to be able to hold a sololive later that they must be always working on the next song, and taking their time doing it. Just yesterday Fuwawa talked about this, and she worded it as "we only have one 'officially' released song", meaning, more in the pipeline already. By the time it comes out it'll be several months since BAUDOL, but in order to have a good song with lots of time and thought put into it coming out several months after BAUDOL, they can't take time to slack just because they just released BAUDOL. It's the parallel with Unison -> Shukkou. Yes, it was a huge gap between songs, and both were made better for it, but the pre-production started right away. There was no "wow, Unison was great, gonna bask in the praise while lazing around for a bit", no, she was going.
Isn't this why they are so anxious to start vocal and dance practices? They know they are super far behind and aren't exactly the most talented in Hololive. It is going to be a lot of tears. Koyori has been crying over the poor performance of her orisongs.
>Essayposting is one of the last bastions of coherent dialogue on this board, nay this site even. I've been here since 08, so longer than most but not as long as some. Essayposting takes a long time to do and few people can be bothered to read the whole thing, thus it filters faggots looking for quick and easy (You)s. Essayposting requires a native level grasp of the English language, thus it filters SEAniggers and other ESLs. It requires more than surface level knowledge of whatever topic you are talking about, thus it filters clipwatchers and threadreaders, along with newfags. Anyone new to the board culture can pick up a few things quickly and repeat them to look like they fit in, like ritual posting, but you can't bullshit an indepth look at a Holo built from months or years of actually watching streams. You can still put the odd term like "SEAnigger" in it, thus it filters easily offended Redditors who are just here as tourists or who think this is "the anti place". Lastly, I Essaypost because I genuinely fucking care about Hololive and the Holos, it matters to me, I actually like these girls and care about what happens to them because it's one of the few things that still makes me happy. Thus it filters normalfags and all the people who are afraid to ironically enjoy something because they are afraid they will be labeled cringe, a loser, a nerd, a geek, an incel, whatever term they fear that will label them as an undesirable. An Essaypost will die quickly, will be lost in the spam of call and response bullshit that speeds threads along, (WAH, Yeah me, etc.) It offers no quick and easy dopamine hit, most people will answer TLDR, mucho texto, ogey, etc. Essayposting is only done by people who actually give a fuck about what they consume, to the bewilderment of all the tourists and people who are just here to enjoy anime girls ironically. Even if I'm in the minority now, I was here first and I won't go quietly. I am here to actually enjoy these fucking girls and talk about them.
I know and I wish them a lot of luck and success, but I unironically wish they weren't so directionlessly ambitious sometimes, and were willing to take it slower. It isn't a race but they're treating it that way for some reason and I'm not a fan imo. They say they arent just streamers, and that's VERY true... but I wish they would be eh i dont know fuck i dont have anything else to say.
I just feel like im really gonna miss them a lot the more and more busy they get, and it just feels like theyll be a greater distance when that's the exact opposite of why i became a fan in the first place
I think Specter is a better album than Still Still Stellar
Moco farts
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More words will be posted, and you WILL read them
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I would rather prefer you make your points without using another Holo as some kind of example, they are on a league of their own, they proved it. We all made it happen with immeasurable support, enough to attract the current cockroaches infestation we have now. Fuck homework, they will keep coming and pilling up, I hate it but I love it. I am happy they have something to do with the job they got into, is much preferable to be missing them knowing is for their future success than missing them because they don't have the love and drive it requires to stay in the industry. They are not mascots, they themselves will never allow it. Expect FUWAMOCO to end in the highest of their career, they have been warning us since day one. Until it is time to cry and smile, cherish what we have. Idols are fleeting, the fools journey has it sacrifices, hang in there man. TODAY motherfluffer.
They need to prioritize. Sleep. Streams. Idol practice. New songs. Fine. Do all of those. Every voice pack that comes out? You can skip it. 50 hours of GTA? You don't have to do the full thing, especially when you're already far behind. Plenty of Holos did 2-3 hour streams. Every event in Australia, Taiwan? There weren't even Taiwanese Ruffians and they shredded their throats. I agree they don't have time, except you're saying time as if they or Hololive are going to die in a few years. You can't think like that, I'm talking time as in hours in a day they have to do stuff. Absolutely Hololive could collapse tomorrow. Japan's yen could go to 0 and everything could disappear. But you can't plan for that. So instead they need to focus on being there for a long time, which will not happen if they end up hospitalized because they weren't taking their bodies seriously. And them being out of commission because of overexertion will just put them even further behind in everything else.
Hololive popularity is NO WAY tied to singing or dance skill. In fact the idol experience is starting off bad and getting better. Before you get to a "good on your own merits level" people will show up because they CARE about you personally, and streams and constant content is the way to do that. It's like how people put their children's drawings on the fridge even when they are objectively bad.
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Imagine having a heart attack because you were being a fat fuck, and as you come to after passing out this is what you see.
too big
>directionlessly ambitious
They do have directions though. You can't just pull off a wrestling match on 3D debut day without having a strong vision of what you want to accomplish.
>They say they arent just streamers, and that's VERY true... but I wish they would be
They just don't have the endurance of koyori and biboo. They might not match those maniacs, but don't discount the fact that they are putting hours ahead of shiori and nerissa.
>I just feel like im really gonna miss them a lot the more and more busy they get
Out of curiosity, what is the bare minimum number of streams/hours/content you want?
Specter is a more cohesive album but Still Still Stellar has Stellar Stellar, Blue Rose (FWMC's favorite, Tenkyuu, Ghost, NCP, and Comet. Most people can't name 3 songs off Specter.
I agree that they need to keep working towards their dreams and that they don’t have as much time as other would but you need to understand that they’re taking the worst possible trajectory to make those goals feasible. They’re constantly making light of their health and haven’t been willing to sacrifice anything constantly causing themselves to stretch themselves too thin. They’re still barely eating and when they do eat it’s unhealthy. They probably get about 2 hours of sleep everyday because of how much homework and streams they keep taking. They’re still living off nothing because they can’t even be bothered to buy anything as simple as bowls still despite them being there for how many months already. Even weirder I felt like the members stream was just used as an excuse for their actions and to guilt trip us for believing they aren’t doing alright. It doesn’t seem like they understood some of our worries at all either.
>We’re worried that they’re taking too much homework that it’s cutting into their time to sleep and eat
>We’re going to take 10x as much homework than we already have been stacking on top of for the past year.

>They should stop streaming every day to keep up with the homework then.
>But we want to stream and be with you. You should be happy that we even stream.
Like what is the disconnect? If age doesn’t stop them from reaching their goals then their health definitely will a lot sooner.
Breasts are a bit too big.
is mococo shedding?
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Hello nurse!
Would you say that Unison is the appropriate bgm to read your post, or would you so kindly recommend a fitting one?
>>85926562 (me)
Another important point that I couldn't make because of character length and ended up forgetting to talk about later, is related to "even the most outspoken streams > projects ruffian is surely ok with homework days."
I think people let their passion take over during discussions, and we miss each other on the halfway while aiming for extremes. When someone says they stream too much and should find balance shaving off of that, the side that would be completely ok with two homework days is so used to shitposting and anti shit that they immediately think of someone like Suisei. I don't want that either. I don't even want a Marine. Why do you think I ended up having FWMC as my number one when I already had Senchou?

She became too distant, I couldn't touch her back to push her forward anymore. And this is something people still feel with FUWAMOCO, but in my perspective is way better, even the stuff she was shilling was too out of my reach. The gacha slop she would have as her only stream for the whole week? Region locked. The radio show that was supposed to make up for the lack of streams? Yep, region locked.

With FUWAMOCO I can at least try the stuff they're shilling more often than not, I get to even talk to them about it, though this is mostly my fault, I was the only one preventing myself from being more active with Senchou's community instead of being more of a passive watcher. I get to play Sword Art Online and talk about it with ruffians here for a bit, I get to connect with both FWMC and their fans over their sponsored slop. I didn't get that chance with Marine at all.
And make no mistake, I'm not from NA, if the bad english wasn't a dead giveaway already. The NA cons, the M&Gs and all that? All outside of my reach too. I'm not someone who finally got access to more stuff because EN is NA oriented, it's just merely the fact that their sponsors are thinking of a western market that gives me more possibilities to enjoy things.

I don't want them to EVER reach Suisei or even Marine's tier of low frequency of streams. But I think they can find a healthier balance than they have now, without sacrificing their dreams any more than they surely already have.
>They do have directions though. You can't just pull off a wrestling match on 3D debut day without having a strong vision of what you want to accomplish.
I just say "directionlessly ambitious" cause it feels like they're going in one million different directions with what they want for their content/output. don't mistake my post, I'm not saying they aren't putting effort in, cause they sure as fuck are putting everything in. I agreee they're putting in a ton of time into everything, much moreso then the other girls, but at some point they'll choose to prioritize big events over "solo" streams, which I'm still mixed on
I'm mostly just posting about the future cause I really enjoy the slower cozier streams, as opposed to nonstop events and "buff" streams.
I'm pretty sure people can name and recognize Soware, Michizure and wii-wii-woo immediately. (also i think blue rose is boring but somehow i appear to be in the minority there)
Suisei succeeded with very little streams though. I will say Mori's success is also based on her music and less of her streams. Outside of Hololive, you have HIMEHINA who barely streams.
I jacked off to the mococo licking animation loop from the hologra 3 times today already. That is all.
This one fits a debate more, a rainy day, thinking men making decisions that will change the course of history:
If people are going to a Suisei concert, they are want to hear the songs I mentioned and those songs are Still Still Stellar.
Suisei did but most Holos cannot. Azki couldn't and she's arguably a better singer. Nerissa is finding out the hard way that she's not going to be able to either and she's an incredible singer.
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Personally I wanna hear Debutante Ball
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I'm not an essay writer but I think that they are going too hard at it. There is only so much you can do in a limited time. if you start rushing projects then that's what you'll end up with, rushed projects that might not even end up good. people talk about their age as if they are dying but they are not even that old there are plenty of healthy people over the age of 40. Hell this is just a personal experience of mine but when I ran a marathon there was some 40+ year old lady keeping up pace with me in my lower 20s, best of all she finished before I did. whats really going to accelerate their body deterioration is how badly they are eating and sleeping right now. They really need to start taking care of their health more because it's only going to hurt them in the future. the human body doesn't have a warning sign for overworking yourself, by the time that signs are showing up it's already too late and effects are long lasting and permanent. anyway look at the pretty picture instead of my writing
I agree they are getting pulled in many different directions and that is hindering their growth potential. They are better off if they focus on 2-3 major goals.
what do hags smell like
You have to take into consideration that the entertainment industry is very fast-paced. People come and go, and some fade into obscurity. It is very different from an individual's health goals.
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why you fuckers keep bringing up other Holos? They do things differently and reached their current place differently too. You are tired of things changing? It doesn't stay the same forever and if you don't like how it is you shouldn't be trying to force them back into a mold they left, love is letting go is not about giving up, it is about letting it grow and they are growing. Stop trying groom them to what you like or miss, that is not going to work in fact they will just cut off the channel you have for it. For but a second ask yourself if you would like someone like you being your fan should you be in their position, they are better than you so they love your ass, accept the love and shut the fuck up asking "are we there yet?" just enjoy the ride.
Why is this guy allergic to drawing small breasts? Like why? It's not like he draws them looking like lolis. Why do some artists think that a woman cannot have small breats and a mature body without looking like a loli?
The whole point of Hololive and Vtubing is that you're in it for the long haul. YAGOO even said in one of the financial reports that Cover keeps enough cash in reserve to pay their employees for 2 years with no new income. Health goals will be the real limiting factor here. There are plenty of NBA players now that are playing into their early to mid 30s. Lebron is almost 40 but he's a freak of nature. Barring freaks of nature though, a torn ACL, blown out knees, or a back injury will end your career. Permanently. Guys in their early 20s suffer one of those and they are done.
sweat and pee
This is probably an ESL bait post but FUWAMOCO are the ones asking "Are we there yet" and not enjoying the ride, by their own words.
point at the bait
That is reality. Not everyone can succeed. You just have to chart your path forward.
Cheap perfume, and sadness
And for 99% of Holos, that path is going to be consistent streams to build up a fanbase who will buy merch, support and promote relentlessly, and go to concerts even if their talent isn't the best singer or dancer.
too big but still hot, is the full thing out?
I just want them to enjoy themselves, and yeah I'm a bit selfish in my desires when it comes to them streaming... cause I really dont want streaming or solo streaming to become truly tertiary to them because I started watching them for THEM first and foremost. If it does become a tertiary thing behind events and recordings, I'll 100% understand it but definitely wont be too excited.
>The whole point of Hololive and Vtubing is that you're in it for the long haul.
Who knows what the future will bring though? The 4 heavenly kings have faded into obscurity. NijiEN imploded. Kson is now irrelevant. Salome was enormous for 6 months and then just fizzled out.
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I still think SOS is Suisei's best song and I'm positive I'm the only person in the entire world who thinks that. Not sure why.
To put it into a different perspective, homework is non-negotiable. If you keep pushing them to stream despite that sooner or later they’re going to crash. Hard. They’ll have to take multiple months off against their will and they’ll miss everything including your little streams you keep asking about. Do you really want that?
>that path is going to be consistent streams
Isn't that what they are doing? They are still streaming. The question is whether they should stream more and longer hours like Miko/Pekora or just do 3 streams a week.
>Absolutely Hololive could collapse tomorrow. Japan's yen could go to 0 and everything could disappear. But you can't plan for that. So instead they need to focus on being there for a long time, which will not happen if they end up hospitalized because they weren't taking their bodies seriously. And them being out of commission because of overexertion will just put them even further behind in everything else.
I can tell you that a collapse is in their future if they don't heed their own physical limits. And I know that a future of hospitalization or even just a health bring brings tears and even more delays. It could also possibly bring the end of opportunities as staff could see they can't be trusted to manage themselves, and they've already had that once with what was definitely a stealth suspension for failing to meet a goal because they overexerted themselves.
I recall a random Ichimi came into the Suisei thread one day a few months after MGO formed and was gushing the fuck out at the song saying it was one of the most groundbreaking things he had ever listened to. At the very least, there are TWO of you.
Voicepacks, pop up cafes, con appearances, and 50 hour weeks of GTA collabs are all negotiable.
It was literally me, kek.
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Oh my god
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I mean it's a nice song but I wouldn't even call it her best MGO song.
Not even a song from Starpeggio? That album is genuinely one of the best albums I've heard in years, in general.
They’ve made it clear they aren’t going to ever take less homework both with what they’ve said and their actions. So either they die because they keep giving up their health, or they give up streaming. It doesn’t even need to be completely either. Cut it in half and they would still be fine.
you are aware of the conflict of your feelings with their path, so let us talk about feelings. Did you gave them your word you would be here, be it high or low tide? They are fine if you take a resting time to reset and come back later, in fact you would have even more of those streams you miss to watch. You act like things are really bad, I sincerely can't see it that way, things aren't ideal right now with hologta spam or ENreco for people that feel the way you do but if you guys would only stop being so in the moment you could all understand this is but 3-4 weeks tops. They do everything in their power to stream for ruffians when they can. They will go as far as to talk about us and to us during it.
First two I agree with. Last 2 I disagree. con appearances are good for their mental health, and heavy involvement in holobox event keeps them in the memories of hololisteners.
They could have easily done 2-4 hour streams like Mumei, Nerissa, Suisei, and many other Holos did. 6 hours every day is nuts.
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haha that meme I linked is now fwmc related
homestyle ranch > regular ranch
NTA but for me this moment has been lasting since March and everything they say or do indicates it's only going to get worse. I did not agree to watch them hurt themselves and their dreams by being stupid, especially when it can be prevented. That last member stream was a huge red flag. They said "that's like telling us to not go after our dreams Ruffians". They've always believed in the best of us, even when we didn't deserve it. For them to say something like that means they either believe it, which is insane because no Ruffian would ever say that, at most Ruffians are saying "Slow down and prioritize one at a time so you CAN do all of them" or they were just throwing that out there to try and guilt the audience with an obviously horrible thought.
They probably swung the other way because they realize they didn't accomplish much in ARK and ENReco due to lack of time. It will probably take them awhile to calibrate how much is enough.
I believe SOS would have a just slightly worse reception than Unison if it had been released under Suisei instead of MGO. Something not insanely popular compared to their other stuff but that may develop a cult following.
>They said "that's like telling us to not go after our dreams Ruffians".
Isn't it because there are spam comments telling them so?
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I know. It isnt that bad cause theyre streaming a lot and are really trying. I just dont enjoy the thought that one day they'll truly be distant. Some things they said in mengen were worrying, while other things they said left me hopeful(wanting to do cozy watchalongs and VN streams in mengen). I just dont want the path they walk to be one where theyre never ever around anymore...
So FUWAMOCO believe the best in purityschizo, doomer faggot, a dozen menheras who have talked openly about stalking them, killing themselves without FUWAMOCO, but they believe spammed comments from obvious anti accounts are actual Ruffians on the level?
>one where theyre never ever around anymore...
I highly doubt they will ever be at marine and suisei level of distance.
If they hurt themselves like Marine and Suisei did, they won't have a say in it.
Their messages aren't aimed at everyone, they are aimed at people who don't want them to go too hard on their goals. In this very thread, there are people who wish they focus more on streaming instead. If they egosurf here, they know there definitely is a group of people opposed to their goals and they probably feel the need to address it.
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This was the perfect length. Thank you.
As for the points you raised on both posts, I'm mostly of the same mind. I've been on the hobby since a bit before HoloEN debuted, Hololive back then was a different beast, there was less of everything, from fans to opportunities, and especially direction.
This plays into the reason I'm quite comfortable with the way FWMC are carrying themselves. They got into the game already knowing how it would be played. As much as we shit on EN management, Advent debuted with basically the best support we've seen, and on an already well-established corpo. At the same time, FWMC are against the clock here, and it's up to them to learn how to navigate the path. This is what I believe.
When I decided to support them it was because I saw two people brimming with passion and more importantly with a vision. My satisfaction as their fan comes watching as they reach for the stuff they want to do, and being there to push them when things get a bit cloudy. Will they crash and burn or will they get what they want? That I don't nor want to know.
The path where they won’t be around anymore is the one where they keep doing what they’ve been doing and crash and burn. Hololive always had those walls up. Find an indie if you really want that over all else.
why are they collabing with ame instead of working on homework?
>Will they crash and burn or will they get what they want? That I don't nor want to know.
They said they have an upcoming project and predict it will fail? I am super anxious about that.
I am fine with every single one of their goals. I am not fine with them trying to accomplish all of them at the same time. They'll fail at all of them that way when their bodies give out. They should focus on songs first. Not voicepacks, not random collabs, they should build a repertoire of songs, then once they have enough they should release an album. Once they have enough songs, then maybe they can start thinking about a Sololive. Right now they are trying to release all the songs and get a Sololive when they don't even have enough songs for one.
Baritone Mocotyan, my beloved.
From their list of things they call homework they’ve actually declined a lot. They’ve declined sleeping. Are you proud of them Ruffians?
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Shiori is gonna be mad...
Every single time, gabesan...
They are not thinking of getting a sololive now though. Hell, I don't even think they are keen on dropping an album now. They sounded super self-conscious about their current level and want to take on more singing lessons instead.
The "thats like telling us not to chase our dreams" was directed at the menheras who keep saying they hate homework and want streams only. It was to the people /here/ who still don't understand their priorities and complain about it every day
That is what, one pink supa?
they just needed to wait 1 week...
can you guys word it better than? I have seen some shit in places I know they go to read what we saying and some of them are just as defeated as what they said.
They aren't the type to guilt trip anyone, you know that, it is not even a discussion. That would mean this is either a script or phrase they heard from management or senpai. We are entering rrats now, I need some autist to track eye movements and talking patterns to deny or confirm this.
See how this is ridiculous to say? The fact is they are sensitive and people you, I and definitely them know to support they hard say the meanest things without being called out for it, like calling FUWAMOCO stupid, dumb and reckless. Either ends in some I LOVE FUWAMOCO spam or completely grossed over, they are being rude and in the know of being to your oshi. Stop eating up that shit and either tell them to fuck off or change that shit up. This is not bullying anyone or starting fights is showing what is appropriate behavior towards someone, you will see even animals teach their kids and other of their kind how to refer to who they follow, why can't we do the same with words what they do with teeth?
>When I decided to support them it was because I saw two people brimming with passion and more importantly with a vision.
That feeling of "they're the real deal, they know what they want, and they're in the best place to get that" was so positively overwhelming and refreshing. It was clear that an incredible idol journey was ahead, and I wanted to see it through from debut. Didn't expect them to become my number one in this way, didn't expect to just completely fall in love with them, but I knew from the start I would see their journey through.
They completely revitalized Hololive to me, they brought back the feeling I had during my "golden age", they made what I thought was a long gone "honeymoon period" feel like not as good as the now now.
They're incredible.
They are absolutely trying to lay the groundwork for it now (They've said so) and are putting the cart before the horse. If you have 2 songs (1 and a half really) and you ask to go on tour from any recording company and say I only have 2 songs, you'll get laughed the fuck out. And singing level is irrelevant. Suisei on Comet was worse than they were on debut. People don't go to sololives to hear great singers, if they do that's a bonus. They go to hear their oshi. Fucking Noel has an album out right now.
You have people openly tagging them "streams > projects". They are trying to speak to these people.
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Anxiety is a bitch, wuffian... Hope you find your balance too
Anon please take your meds, you're not being coherent right now
>absolutely trying to lay the groundwork for it now
Yeah, by going for singing lessons. They have been constantly emphasizing they want to do more singing lessons so they can be as good as their senpais or at the very least, not look way worse. I really don't think they expect a sololive this year or even next. They kept emphasizing that most of their senpais haven't gotten one.
Schizokino is back on the menu, boys.
FUWAMOCO will never reach the level of this singing prodigy. She's got an album out right now by the way. They need to take more lessons because clearly people love great singers like this sensation and if their songs don't do well, it's because their singing level is lacking. That's also why all of Nerissa's songs are at 1 million and above.
its like every time holos play a game this happens
This. It's funny to see the menheras who have spent the last 6 months whining that con appearances like Taiwan and projects like EN reco take up too much of their time and they only want "comfy streams" trying to pretend that wasn't aimed directly at them
They have been true to their word so far
>l(wanting to do cozy watchalongs and VN streams in mengen)
trust they will, they are buying favors from management for it, they even said as much "surely we can do this and that in memba and they won't complain right ruffians?" or something along those lines while talking about it. I know trusting another human being is hard and all that but you can trust I'm trying to meet you half way here and talk like adults, trust them to do what they said they will do content wise, they promised us 3D fights and we got it, can you say "but they said September would be great and they would sleep more" seriously while knowing they always deliver when talking about streams?
Gonna watch the supa reading now, still too many archives to reach the final one, but I want to know what they talked about the experience.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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>The path where they won’t be around anymore is the one where they keep doing what they’ve been doing and crash and burn
But thats exactly what I dont want to happen, and I also dont want them to grow distant and not be around anymore at all, where streaming once in a while becomes a rarity...
Tell me how shredding your throat in Taiwan and then getting scolded and suspended by management helps them achieve any of their goals.
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Thanks for not posting 10 pages of crap
I am confused. Are you all afraid they will rarely stream like Marine or Suisei? The answer is they won't. Or are you unhappy that longer playthrough like MGS is out? I think at the minimum, they will put out 3-4 streams each week though they might not be content you like.
So now that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that fuwamoco are more than just cute, they're also silly, would you consider posting a cute and silly picture of mococo?
I can only speak for myself. I am afraid that they will rarely stream like Marine and Suisei due to work. I am also afraid they will hurt themselves permanently like Marine and Suisei and this will become another reason they don't stream as much.
ill choose to trust them on this stuff. Honestly i feel like id be okay if they made a few more posts in mengen when theyre super busy. i know they said they want to do more.
thanks for actually replying without shitposting, anon
Taiwan was important because it gets them exposure to a new audience. Even if they don't watch streams they might buy merch, like they do with Gura. Not rocket science
The fear is mostly that they'll stream way less and prioritize events/collabs/HW, if im reading this thread correctly
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I'll get a vacation if I do that
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Begone foul temptress I already bought your dakimakura.
They at least frequently visit the throat dogtor to get updates, Marine only went when it was too late. They're taking better care than she did, because they learned from her.
Do they take GOOD care of themselves? No. Could they improve? Massively. But they are learning from past experiences, even if not as much as we'd hope. Give them credit too.
>FWMC debuts
>/baubau/ praises them for consistent streams
>fast forward a year later, stream output will decrease to the level of Marine
kek couldn't have happened to a more deserving fanbase
Taiwan could have been a breakout moment for them if they performed well. Unfortunately, kobo stole the show. I feel when they talked about sharpening your skills so you can be ready when the chance finally arrives, they were referring to that.
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only fluffy blue and fuzzy pink
Ruffians are one of the most passionate and supportive fanbases of their own oshi
Wrong. Marine went a throat doctor constantly. Eventually she developed nodules. Thanks to her going to the doctor regularly they were able to catch it and have surgery to remove them. She would have been fine except she rested 1 week less than she was told because she was "feeling fine" and did permanent damage to her vocal folds. You might be thinking of earlier in her career when she lost an octave due to speaking too much and had to change her voice very slightly. It was that incident that started her going to the throat doctor regularly.
>>fast forward a year later, stream output will decrease to the level of Marine
Holy threadreader batman! They still stream more than your oshi and always will
they stream almost everyday anon what are you reaching at here?
In the past week, they streamed more than Marine did in a month.
Threadreaders gonna threadread, anon.
But that's the thing, she started going regularly after feeling damage from her stressing it. FWMC started going back in the NWP just to make sure their job using their voices a lot was a bearable load for them. They've been going preemptively, not as a response to any trauma. They didn't start going to the dogtor after Moco-chan had the froggy incident.
Skippa skippa
is the game decent?
FWMC are very clearly not following any Dogtor advice right now, assuming they're even going to one regularly. We know they went in the NWP and once in Japan but we don't know if they've gone since then. No Doctor is going to say that a pair of 30 year old hags are okay on meals of beans and chikuwa with 3 hours of sleep.
I have no idea, but it should be cute
>once in Japan
Isn't it twice already? First time they didnt get the photos for Shiori, the second time they did. And I vaguely recall a third time.
They mentioned going more than once in Japan, I'm pretty sure.
FUWAMOCO health status?
change the name it is too Ame centered
I'm thinking three too. The third one not mentioned by you was probably the possible suspension week. That one was to make sure they didn't do permanent damage, not quite the same as the two routine visits.
What would you suggest?
I will check FUWAMOCO's vaginal and anal temperature using my cock to determine their health levels. I do this out of love.
thanks doc
>Possible suspension
Is it really possible when they basically confirmed it. They said something like "It was not up to us Ruffians."
Instead of glooming, talk about what they did well for holoGTA.
sniffers or whatever dog cops who smell shit up are called
I wouldn't know since they all started at 3 AM and I have an actual job.
I am still mad their home3D got delayed.
I keep it as possible because a suspension is quite serious. I don't equal "Mane-chan saying no to streams for a week" as a suspension, I mean locked out of all accounts, including Discord, and not even being allowed to do homework, a proper work suspension. I'm not fully convinced this was that, even if it's likely.
Just like they won't be suspended on tuesday if Mane-chan says no to the Voice Mimicry stream.
Whatever you do, don't name the unit YJK
I don't think that is the one. I think it was them crying about how they feel their singing skills have gone down and they went to a dogtor to check their barkers but found nothing wrong.
I'm completely ok with it because they want to do home 3D RnR Parties. This shit will be the ultimate kino to end all kinos. I'm used to Home 3D being mostly "look how cute she's leaning over"
I know other Holos do way more, I'm not saying they invented home 3D karaoke, just that the ones I watched didn't do much with it.
Anon, they were literally radio silent on twitter/YT for an entire week, which has NEVER happened before. It was a health suspension of sorts. Probably not a written thing, but they were absolutely locked out of their account
There’s no other way since they refuse to take less homework. Either have a little of them or none at all. Even going with half the streams they output on average a week would be like 6 streams a week still. It’s ridiculous they keep trying to do more.
why? does it means something NG?
They get enough praise everywhere else by people who don’t want to get on their bad side.
I wish I could comment on this but I was either a sleep, getting ready for work or at work when those were going on.
Yeah, I think it's likely, as I said, but I can also see them just getting their heads down and focusing 100% on homework because they were just embarrassed and had nothing to say.
I just can't imagine them not doing any homework for a week, and still asking them to do homework but not any fan interaction isn't a proper suspension, it's just an asshole move. What the fuck is the point of a health suspension that still makes you work?
i tuought their silly antics were cute, like with the ducky
It's just a shitpost meme
Fuck, the BRs are coming back...
Fake news(hopefully)
Despite my JP criticism, they did well in interacting with senpai and spreading their brand to the JP audience. Their viewer count steadily increased as the week went on by, showing that their shilling worked.
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can't wait
I watched them every day, and it was cute, and I liked a lot of the interactions with other holomembers. It was really cute how they picked out a room in the hospital and made it their room and decorated it.
If I were to level criticisms, sometimes they kept at a silly antic long enough that it wore out its welcome (i.e. day 2 duck boat), and I would have liked them to get more involved in other groups story lines. But that second thing is asking a lot from RP newbies. They did better getting involved and interacting than they did in ENReco, and even in enreco they improved over the week
I don't like how they told us not to compare ourselves to other ruffians in the same stream where they show more love than usual to every single person that sent an SC. What the hell do they expect me to do when they do that.
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didn't mean to reply sorry...
They want you to oshihen obviously
Just accept that you won't get as much attention without making a financial impact on their channel. It is what it is.
I send superchats regularly but the character count means that my messages are severely limited, them reading my bullshit on twitter means a lot more. I send superchats mostly to just support them and to hopefully get them to randomly go on some tangent for reasons I never expected when I said whatever I said.
Second thing is hard because they are ultimately still too shy. I think the only solution is for them to collab more with their JP senpais. I am very happy with their interactions though. They are very funny.
They ignored gorilla though.
If it makes you feel any better, I SC a lot and they seem more appreciative of basically every other SCing Ruffian.
I made this post
I agree. It would be nice if FBK roped them into a TTRPG session, since that might help them in roleplaying too.
This time last year people would have been spamming "THE WALL"
Call of Cthulhu please
1% of what they got

That's completely in your head because you're menhera
That's the go-to for Japanese TTRPG's anyway
I miss her...
They should do another TTRPG with EN first
hey thats me except I dont SC a lot
That would be cool too.
They react to what they're given, anon. They appreciate everything that ruffians do, the problem with SCs is that it's one of the only things where you get to see the reaction in real time, firsthand, so it sticks out. They aren't giving these ruffians more love than others, it's just unfortunately one of the only times you can see/hear them expressing appreciation to someone personally
What happeend in precat? KEK
Someone got shot?
They were a hell of a lot more personal
Weird raid of anti-parasocial people in FWMC's chat of all places for some reason lmao
oh I saw it now KEK
saw what
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Someone getting shot in real time, that QQ guy. It's just a message delete, though, he's not getting banned.
what was even the message?
>Nobody in HoloJP or ID can make me happy, Ame leaving means I have no reason to smile anymore
Something like that.
Fuck, there goes my hopes that bluesky slowly chips away at Twitter's remains...
this but he also was naming every other EN member before that with FWMC being the first one he named.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at there, you just kind of sound menhera about it. Every talent gives personal attention to super chats, that's arguably the point for a lot of people that send them. If someone getting attention for a SC makes you compare yourself to them and bothers you, you probably shouldn't stick around for SC readings
Do you think they actually have mods or is it them/mane-chan. PeroTL doesn’t count since he’s just a translator.
The way they reacted to the member SCs were very different from the usual stream.
Probably them in all honesty. Though im pretty sure manechan must also do it sometimes cause she timed me out once lol
What'd you do?
They are supposed to have, but since this is prechat it's probably them kek
Bluesky is full of troons
Said the word "Nukige" once heh
I liked how in HoloGTA, Fuwawa was occasionally the devil on Mococo's shoulder
"blow up the car. do it"
I didn't really get that impression, about the SC's at least. They do behave differently in member streams though, probably because they have less anxiety about someone randomly popping in and getting a bad first impression of them. Given that this was a milestone member stream though, would it really be that strange if they sound more appreciative than normal?
I just noticed the background of the thumbnail has a FuwaMoco + Ame logo design
sex with wuffians!!
Its always funny when Fuwawa takes on that role lol. She did it for Amogus as well and it was hilarious
You can actually filter them out properly by having a dedicated feed, instead of getting them forcefed to you by some shitty algorithm that also loves to spam USA culture war and election bullshit. Also virtually no bots nor grifting accounts doing blatant ragebait to pay their fucking rent.
>That's completely in your head because you're menhera
Yeah probably lol...
I expected them to be more appreciative than normal but literally asking someone to please stay with them because they didn't SC for a couple streams really rubbed me the wrong way. I don't see this topic getting any better so I'll just drop it
That was definitely a mane-chan timeout, I can't see them caring. At most deleting the post like they're doing with the schizo now. A little slap on the wrist, saying "not here"
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doesn't even look like her
Nonits not cause he didnt SC for a while, its cause he was literally radio silent for a week and FWMC peobably thought he oshihenned. A few other Ruffians also oshihenned away from them(otm) so theyre worried
Fair enough, I'm not being hostile towards you about it or anything. It probably is better to drop it though before a sister takes the topic and runs with it
Cute Mumei
New frames are up, koemaneking delayed again.
It's asking for a lot but I hope they replace it with something else
I've held this in for too long ruffians. So please allow me to say that the collab's thumbnail is way too cute.
i just had some nasty diarrhea
I hope not so I can watch more GTA archive...
A break day would let me adjust sleep without missing anything.
Lmao is pregnancy really a filtered word?
it only needs to be postponed once more to beat Portal for the most times postponed
Someone make this into a GTA cover
I farded
Can someone please super chat them asking for their to be a replacement stream to make up for one moved back?
Every Wednesday should be a homework day
Everyday should be a FWMC appreciation day. Starting today
make it thursday and im ok with it
It got moved for vocal rest, so adding another stream there wouldn't make sense
Gosh, I love FWMC.
In agreement. Sunday would be good for me personally too because it would mean I get to start my week with good rest.
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This one.
no this one
Samurai Flamenco
StartEnd because it's their first and last collab.
Samurai FuwaMoco
>making a unit name for a combination that will never happen again
Jesus, no wonder it was delayed. Thank you, Mane-chan.
Jesus christ
Voice Mimicry is not happening
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Ame in the middle.
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It's necessary juice, fuck off.
Already delayed, check the frame.
my wives are so happy
last digit is the number of hours of the stream
Well the stream tomorrow is definitely cancelled.
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Yeah, voice mimicry is 100% get canceled lol.
>Mococo's voice sounds like shit
Okay, tomorrow's stream is cancelled.
Ahh didn't see that. Thanks for the update!
the stream is dying...
>he doesnt know
Check the frame, it was already moved to next month
It's already set for October 1st
You say next month as if that doesn't mean next week lol
Not them, good to know, though hopefully 1 week is enough rest for their barkers...
>october is next week
Buy the future FuwaMoco Rubik's Cube!!!
Next month is next week...
after October comes Mbembe
Is your oshis voice normally this raspy? They haven't been crying have they?
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>Is your oshis voice normally this raspy?
No, but they've been streaming a lot and feeling pretty sad about Ame
Yeah Mococo's voice is giving me hard flashbacks to the dark days. I hope they'll be ok.
No, they just like pushing themselves and their health and not sleeping to the point of almost breaking.
Tick tock, anon.
Ame and Fuwawa rubbing their floofies all over mogotyans face
They basically don't sleep anymore. This isn't the first time it's happened. When they push themselves too hard they get like this.
Don't expect a RnR party this week.
They'll stream daily and have a million homework recordings off-stream. Their voice won't be ready for a karaoke.
It happens more often than it should because they're idiots that destroy their hag bodies (voices included) due to ambition
This game is cute
They sleep 3 hours on a good day. Today wasn't a good day.
Wuffians... your wives are a little....
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they are so dumb
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Ame is very stupid so I hope your dog twins can help her!
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I solver my shadowban on youtube, fuwawa will read my retarded comments and laugh again
she's supposed to be the detective of the team...
Gatorbro, it's already over...
More than a little.
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t-they're pretending to be this dumb right...?
Fuwawa tried to learn to edit videos and it drove her to tears
>finally get hard working holos outside of takamori+bae
>they have really sensitive voices and need to go on breaks
it's bauver...
Depending on the software that could be reasonable.
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Mococo will carry once her autism activates
I have really bad news for you
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this is dangerously cozy and jm about to fall asleep
They should use their real voice
but then Mococo would sound exactly like Fuwawa
3 minutes left and still stuck in the first room..
KILL YOURSELF, sister. They are using their real voice.
bros, this game is dumb...
this is the only room. I think its the easiest level too...
I know your baiting, but the voice isn't what causes the voice strain, its all the screaming, which sadly I don't think they can control.
Na fuck this stream, even though I love the dogs I'm not going to give Ame a view, fuck that bitch
Is Fuwawa braindead???
one second one second
They have trained their voices to the point that this is how they naturally speak
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Himmel the ruffian would allow himself to be lulled by cute hags.
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she's perfect
It's a themed puzzle game. not every puzzle game can be jonathan blow's award winning The Witness
>trashcan just right there
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I have no idea how they solved the pendulum thing it's like Mococo didn't do anything
I concur.
they failed the IQ test...
I sent it to her psychically
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it only has 3 possibilities, takes no time to even brute force
this in the mega?
There are 0 thoughts in this brain
How does it make you feel that your oshis are the most retarded holomems?
They figured out that you needed one in the center, one pulled back partway, and one pulled back all the way. They got the order by accident, since there wern't that many combinations.
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It's great, I know
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dont need brains to make me smile
Mococo is pushing the veins back inside the brain
Thanks for making the rest of us look bad
>wrinkly brain
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This is Fuwawa's brain when I'm with her.
Aren't they great? I love them so much
I see...
one second
thats not a ruffian
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>he doesn't know
>FWMC shaking their heads in unison while Ame reads a description of the brain
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There are actually a lot of thoughts in that brain, but they are only about ONE thing, and it's not useful for solving puzzles.
vobal ehehehe
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thanks ame for the carry
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Hey Ruffians, day 32 of fumbling my way through 日本語
Did upkeep of my n5 decks and a few cards of core2.3k
I wanted to do way more of the core deck but it's not sticking at all...
That's all for now BAU BAU
This would go faster if Ame was alone.
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>oh thats earth
>picks up the blue and green planet
>no it's jupiter
is mococo... you know...
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Jupiter sure is blue these days
So that's all the gameplay? Escaping rooms? Is there a time limit for you to fail?
>escape room simulator
>is it about escaping rooms?
you should be a vtuber
Yes anon, the gameplay of the game ESCAPE SIMULATOR consists of escaping rooms
There is no fail state, but there is a time limit for an achievement
It would be pretty retarded to put a time limit considering you can redo it infinite times
>White women
>Grinding up herbs
shit I'm dozing off...
this isn't so much solving puzzles with Ame as it is Ame solves puzzles with handicaps
C'mon now, let us not grab any ducks
>is actually the right hand
Mococo is proving to be the debuff
I kinda wished they played another game. But I guess it's like appropriate to Ame being a detective and all that. Unless you are just tired.
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been a while, she's been holding back I bet
my wife fuwawa is a genius and my wife mococo is dumb
Mococo got the motor skills and Fuwawa got the all the other brain stuff that actually matters
they should play frog detective 2
It was on their big list of goals to play puzzle games with Ame
Ame has stopped trying to figure things out to allow them to do stuff.
They should play that Famicom Detective Game on the Switch
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It was for their goals list
it all comes back to the bingo...
why chat is spamming final fantasy? I'm pretty tired
Fuwawa math...
>11-8 = 2
Mococo is a fucking retard.
They used final fantasy to help them remember roman numerals.
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uploading this photo I just saw "touch Noel's floofies" is one of them
It's just one off, don't be too hard on her
Because Fuwawa mentioned it, when trying to figure out roman numerals.
how do they function
kek I love them
Fuwawa can figure out the puzzle just by smelling it
oh this one wasnt as easy I think
I sometimes forget this important piece of FUWAMOCO history. Thank you.
I want them to try one of the super hard ones.
Is anyone taking account of how many goals they have reached?
is just the food chain anon this is not rocket science
did you see what Mococo just did? I don't think it would be possible
Just try one
they don't need to actually solve it
>putting fuwawa in charge of counting to 5
jesus christ...
not a specific puzzle but the room
there is a checklist on the discord
They've told her she was their ideal girlfriend too
Maybe they'll accomplish what Kanata was too weak to do
deal with it fag
>Fuwawa makes joke
>Moccoo makes same joke but louder
Always gets me
Typical sibling behavior kek
when was that?
Mococo seemed a little too exited for the word ratt.
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>a little too exited
I really appreciate Ame instructing FWMC on how to solve some of the puzzles instead of just solving them all herself.
what is one of the paypigs doing inside the game?
Who do you think is smarter, FWMC or Mel?
I used ff to remember zodiac signs
fuwamoco's benefit is there are two of them
Yeah, sometimes she has huge big sister vibes
>cute collab with their beloved senpai
Unironically kill yourself
Already an hour in
you mindbroken anon that was just a joke calm the fuck down
>that little noeh
Wtf when did FUWAMOCO get so smart
They're on BAUtime, they already practiced this game for 80 hours since the stream started.
where can I play it?
Ame has a head hole where intelligence and information leak to empower other members during collabs.
Same. I also like how she's kinda figuring things out on her own, but clearly just letting FWMC solve them themselves
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>i'm not a pumpkin...
she didn't say she was fuwawa...
she is not your waifu
both she and her sister are my wives
they will be on this level for the remaining 50 minutes
Will they read Ame a letter like they did for Aqua?
I think they said yesterday they want to say goodbye with a smile, so I dunno
Yes, of course.
ame's joining management they can literally talk to her whenever they want
I don't like Ame I would feel vindicated if they didn't but they love her for all the help she gave them
Nah, they don't have the same feelings for Ame as they do for Aqua.
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>one second
I'd argue they feel stronger for Ame, actually
>ame's joining management
>they love her for all the help she gave them
>they don't have the same feelings for Ame as they do for Aqua.
>ame's joining management
They're so dumb I want to cum on their dumb faces
cute fuwawa sneeze on my dick
Ok ruffians, 1 more hour of collab. Have you had a good time so far?
it's pretty comfy but i'm also pretty tired cause of how comfy it is
this is unrealistic, the rain would clear the fog
cute fuwawer
I don't know why but them rotating the little toy zebra so it faced towards the camera paired with Fuwawa going "zebwa" has aggressively embedded itself in my brain.
>Hand the wand to Fuwawa
>She immediately draws a penis.
Fuwawa's tsk is underrated
It's been super cute. Kinda wish they had collabed more now...
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kek give me the wand, I will be powerful
>ohhh we go bohhhhns

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